The script is a game of travel about the heroes. Game program "heroic power". The event is held in the gym.

Pavlova Faina Ivanovna


MBOU "Chikhachev Secondary School"

Bezhanitsky district

Pskov region

The participants:   boarding children, teacher, class teachers.


1) to cultivate love and respect for the traditions of the Russian people;

2) to develop the strong-willed qualities of a person, to help concentrate their forces in an extreme situation, the ability to honestly win and to lose worthily;

3) contribute to the manifestation of the individuality of each student.

Preparatory work:

1. The educator, together with the girls, is developing the competitive program “Tournament of Athletes”.

2. At the request of children, the composition of two teams is determined

3. Prizes are prepared, greeting cards.

4. Cards with tasks, puzzles, questions for the quiz are prepared.

5. Make a presentation “History of the holiday”

6. Make an announcement and post it at school when the competition will be held.

Design, equipment and inventory.

a) the sports hall is decorated with balloons, wall newspapers, greeting cards.

b) a table is made for the jury.

c) balloon 2 pcs., 2 ropes, 2 bags, 6 nails, 2 hammers, a wooden block, pens, leaves, 2 bananas, 2 bulbs, 2 candles, fabric, buttons and needles with a thread, newspapers, chalk, knives, potatoes, wooden boards, waste bowls, watches, hoop.

Event progress

Before the start of the event in a computer class show the presentation "History of the holiday"

The event is held in the gym.


Hello dear guys! Today is a special day - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And we have the opportunity to check how our youths are preparing themselves for military service. In the proposed contests, they must show their ingenuity, resourcefulness, endurance, discipline, strength - all those qualities without which a man cannot be a real soldier, ready at any moment to defend his Fatherland.

Girl:Much can Russia - land! She can feed you delicious bread, drink spring water, but she cannot protect herself. Therefore, the defense of the Fatherland, the Native Land is the duty of those who eat her bread and drink her water.

Educator:We dedicate our holiday to the defenders of our country,

which in the difficult years of trials defended her from enemies.

In specific competitions, we will identify the participants,

claiming the title of "Future Defender of the Fatherland".

And we will determine which of you is the MOST:

"The strongest"

"The cleverest"

“The Most Savvy”

"The most economic"

"The most courageous"

“The most fearless and wise”

"The most talkative"


We will give you a test

And hold a competition

Where power, dexterity and success

The heroes will show everyone.

Educator: And so we begin our competition program and all wish good luck!

Competition: "Warm up»

Teams line up at the start line “in a column”. At the signal of the host, the first participants of all teams, holding a balloon in their hands, run the distance and pass the balloon to the next member of the team. The team that crosses the finish line before the rivals wins.

Competition: "Running on three legs"

Teams line up in pairs. Just below the knee, the right leg of one participant is tied to the left leg of the other. At the signal of the leader, the participants run the distance on three legs, return to the start line, remove the rope and tie their legs, the next pair. The winner is the team that previously completed the task.

Competition: "Shot Put"

In this contest, the core is replaced by a balloon. The first team enters the start line, each participant is given a balloon. At the signal of the leader, all team members push the ball away from themselves. Chalk on the floor recorded the best result. The next team does the same, whose mark will be the farthest. That team won.

Competition: "The Most Savvy"

Well, well done, who are the most savvy people in our country? All participants get one riddle. Read us a riddle and tell us a riddle.

Ball Relay Competition

The team members get on all fours, and at the signal alternately go the distance, pushing the ball with their head in front of themselves. The ball is passed as a baton.

Bagged Running Competition

This is an old Russian game. Players are given bags, they climb into them with their feet and run forward to the finish line. The whole team is involved.

Newspaper Riding Competition

Each team is given a newspaper. The first member of the team sits down on the newspaper and, at the signal of the presenter, fingering and kicking the floor, rolls on the newspaper at a distance, reaching a certain mark, picks up the newspaper in his hands and runs to the start line, where he passes it to the next player.

Competition "The Strongest"

And you and I have to choose the strongest, bypassing the brawl. We define it very simply: who will hold his young lady in her arms longer.

The Most Agile Competition

(nails, hammer, wooden block). Each boy is given a chance to test his sleight of hand. With a hammer, you need to hammer a nail into a wooden block.

Competition "The Most Economic"

(knives, potatoes, wooden boards, waste bowls). The competition is simultaneously attended by 3-4 boys at will. They must peel the potatoes and cut into strips.

Competition "The most courageous"

(2 bananas, 1 onion). This competition is attended by 2 people. They are invited to eat sweet and bitter at the same time (for example, a banana and half a head of onions).

Competition "The most fearless and wise"

(cards with tasks). 4 people are invited to participate in the competition. Each boy is given a card with a description of the situation that he is playing, answering the question.
  Card 1. Not noticing that the bench is painted, you sat on it. Your actions?
  Card 2. On the control you need to use a cheat sheet, but you can not find the right one. What will you do?
  Card 3. You came to the store to buy a chocolate bar. The seller handed it to you, and you suddenly discover that you do not have money to pay (although remember exactly that you received pocket money in the morning). How to proceed?
  Card 4. You are in a madhouse; you know that they are absolutely normal, but they don’t believe you. Prove it!

The smartest contest

2 envelopes, 20 cards. The whole team is in the competition.

The team receives an envelope with 10 cards inside it. The first five are the beginning of proverbs, the rest are the end. Need to "collect" proverbs. Who will do it fast and right?

First envelope
  1. For beaten two unbeaten give,
  2. at least give up!
  3. The root of the doctrine is bitter,
  4. no comrade.
  5. Prepare a sled in the summer,
  6. Yes, they do not.
  7. Perhaps and probably -
  8. but its fruit is sweet.
  9. Taste, color
  10. a cart in the winter.

Second envelope
  1. Careless drinks water,
  2. Do not go field.
  3. Without knowing the bitter,
  4. but attention.
  5. Spring is red with flowers,
  6. and caring - honey.
  7. Century to live -
  8. You do not recognize the sweet.
  9. Roads are not a gift,
  10. and autumn - in sheaves.

Competition "Fencing"
  (sheets of paper, pens, watches)
  Inflict blows, injections to the enemy guys will be words. It is necessary to compose as many words as possible from the letters available in the word "state". After all, every knight lived in a state of medieval England, France, Spain.
  Attention! The time has gone. How many words did anyone get? 2 people with the most words composed go out and read them in turn.

Result - (State - mustache, hell, ar, year, wasp, garden, court, gift, mastiff, genus, mouth, horn, tour, thief, moat; hail, soda, variety, fat, blow, fume, boa constrictor, morning , auto, growth, ore, company, enemy, water, city, ravine, vessel, charter, firewood, leisure, road, kinship).

Competition - "Young Defender of the Fatherland" guess the items related to the army (who knows the answer step forward)

1. What is the wooden part of the rifle called? (Butt).

2. Who gets information about the enemy? (Scout).

3. What do officers carry their weapons in? (Holstered).

4. What is the name of the sailor's summer hat? (Capless).

5.Winter outer clothing of soldiers. (Overcoat).

6.With the help of which the tank moves on the ground? (With the help of tracks)

Relay race "Swamp"

Children previously remove one sneaker and put in a hoop.

At the signal, the participant runs to the hoop, takes his sneaker, puts it on and goes back, passing the baton to another participant.


(if the team knows the answer, then raises the ball)

1. In commemoration of what events the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland Day, which used to be called SA Day and

The navy?(February 23rd, 1918 the victory of the Red Army near Pskov and Narva over the German troops was won).

2 . What are the 4 most important battles of the Second World War?   (-Oborona Moscow,

Battle of Stalingrad, Kursk Bulge, Battle of the Dnieper, capture of Berlin)

3 . When and by whom was the Banner hoisted over the Reichstag in Berlin

Egorov, Cantaria).

4. Who during the years of World War II was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union three times?

(G.K. Zhukov, I.N. Kozhedub, A.I. Pokryshkin)

Competition: “Sew a button”

(Each participant of the teams is given a fabric, a button and a needle with a thread. It is necessary to sew a button for a while, who is faster.)

Competition: "Dexterity"

(the leader gives the team three nails and a hammer and offers for a while, that is, whoever hammer the nails into the bar faster)

Relay race .

Running with a candle in his hands. Distance 10 m. The candle can be covered by hand.

So the tournament came to an end. The jury has already managed to take stock. It remains to give prizes and gifts together with a diploma:

Certificate - "The Strongest"

"The cleverest"

“The Most Savvy”

"The most economic"

"The most courageous"

"The most fearless and wise"

"The most talkative"

  Our dear boys! Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! We hope that the beautiful half of humanity will always find valiant knights and defenders in your face!

Well, as I look,

There is room for a hero!

There is strength and health

In our generation -

So we are with the heroes

We enter our millennium

So there is someone to Russia

Protect and guard.

Well, we want

Health to you

And wish you happiness



Not a winged bird, but a feathered bird,

As it flies, it whistles

And sits, so silent.


Raven flies, all bound

Whoever bites, that death.


Three old women are standing:

They will sigh, let them gasp

Nearby, all people stall.


Flies - barks, falls - crumbles.


There is a turtle - a steel shirt,

Enemy to the ravine - and even where the enemy.


It doesn’t look like a gun, but God forbid.

(Guard mortar)

You colored pencil

Color all the pictures.

To fix them later

Very useful.

I'm ready to dazzle the whole world -

House, car, two cats.

Today I am the lord

I have...


I'm big, I'm a student!

In my satchel.

(a diary)

I'm ready for training starts

Soon I’ll sit at .. (desk)

I draw corners and squares

I'm in the lesson ... (math)

And every student understands

What I really need ... (square)

Glue the ship, soldier,

Steam engine, car, sword.

And help you guys

Multi-colored ... (paper)

Yellow, fluffy

Scented balls.

They will be protected from frost

In their twigs ...

He is a flower prince poet

He is wearing a yellow hat.

About spring encore sonnet

Reads to us ... (daffodil)

On a forest glade

A small flower has grown.

Hiding in the deadwood

Belenky ...


You will find them in Holland,

Everywhere they are held in high esteem.

Like bright glasses

In the squares there are blooming ...


  Grow up, and after brother
  I will also be a soldier
  I will help him
  Protect your ... (country)

The brother said: "Take your time!
  Better at school you study!
  Will you be an excellent student -
  You will become ... (border guard)

You can become a sailor
  To guard the border
  And to serve not on earth,
  And on the military ... (ship)

A plane soars like a bird
  There is an air border.
  At the post both day and night
  Our soldier is a military man ... (pilot)

5. Again the car rushes into battle,
  Cut the ground caterpillars
  That car in a clean field
  Managed ... (by the tankman)

Can you become a soldier
  Swim, ride and fly
  And hunting is in the ranks -
  Waiting for you, soldier ... (infantry)

Any military profession
  You must learn,

Sounds music.

Presenters on the background of music open the holiday.

1st lead.   Everything can Russian land!

It can feed you delicious and warm bread, drink spring water, delight you with its beauty. But he cannot protect himself. Therefore, the defense of the Fatherland and native land is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink water, admire its beauty.

2nd lead.

Homeland! Holy Fatherland1

Copses, groves, shores.

Homeland of fathers and grandfathers.

We fell in love with these clovers

Having tasted spring freshness

From the edge of a ringing bucket.

It will hardly be forgotten

And forever remain holy.

The land that was called the Motherland,

If it is necessary, we protect it with our hearts!

3rd lead.

Russian warrior protects his native

Countries of peace and glory.

He is on the post, and our people

Proud of the army by right.

Calm let the children grow

In the Russian solar homeland.

He preserves peace and labor,

Great work for life.

Sounds music.

A boy comes out on stage, dressed in the clothes of a Russian hero.


How powerful are the mighty heroes in glorious Russia!

Do not ride enemies on our land!

Do not overshadow them with our red sun!

The century is Russia - not staggering!

And the centuries will stand still - it will not move!

1st lead. In the most difficult moments, the soldiers did not lose their sense of humor, and the song helped to survive. And now we will begin the contest “Heroic strength”. But first, the greeting of the teams.

The teams present the name, motto and perform a song, a poem on a military theme.

2nd lead. We begin the second competition - "What would it mean?" Which team will answer first?

Each team is given a sheet with questions in which they enter the answers. Then the jury checks the task.


1. A necessary affiliation of any military person. This iron clothing made of metal rings does not interfere in battle and reliably protects the wearer from enemy attacks. (Chain mail)

2. It serves to protect the owner’s head from wounds in battle. (Helmet)

3. The warrior closes them, and, retreating, throws him behind his back. It happens in a variety of shapes (usually round), made of iron, steel, wood. It is held on hand by cords or braid. (Shield)

4. Designed for chopping, less often stabbing. It consists of a blade and a handle. One must possess great strength and dexterity in order to use it in battle. (Sword)

5. The weapon is lighter than the sword, so it is more often used by horsemen. (Saber)

6. Hand weapons for throwing arrows. It consisted of a wooden arc pulled together by a bowstring made of tendons or horsehair. (Bow)

7. A common weapon in the Old Russian army. Blades struck with a blade, and stunned the enemy with a butt. (Ax)

8. Type of piercing weapons made of damask steel, steel or iron. Has a tip; the poles reached a length of 180-200 cm. (Spear)

9. The high-speed sea vessel of the Varangians. Raised nose and stern, ribbed bottom. A dragon head carved from wood was attached to the nose. Sailing on oars. (Rook)

The host announces the third competition - “Athlete -“ Iron Tooth ”.

Bagels are suspended on a rope by the number of teams. Task: bite as much as possible from the steering wheel without the help of hands.

4th competition - “The marksman”. The participant needs to throw the ball in the basket. Each is given 3 attempts.

5th contest - “The most hardy". The boys jump rope. Who is longer?

Summarized, awarded.

  Kapshurova Tatyana

goal: consolidate children's knowledge of the history of Russia, russian heroes   through games and puzzles; to form a figurative idea of \u200b\u200bthe Slavic wars and heroes; show courage, military skills of the Slavs; introduce the armament of the Slavs.

Corrective-developing tasks: enrich vocabularyto develop creative abilities, attention, memory, thinking, visual and auditory perception, speech.

Educational tasks: cultivate love for one’s the earth   and a sense of patriotism.

Form: game competitive program

Composition of pupils: pupils of the center "Source"

Time spending: 40 minutes

Equipment: Matches;

"Chain mail"-shirts, helmets, belts, swords, shields, spears (gymnastic sticks, clubs (sticks with bags fixed at the end);

images of the Gorynych Snake on whatman paper (two sets);

Event progress

Sounds russian folk tune. Leaves the lead.

Leading. From time immemorial russians   power was held in high esteem of people. Foreigners were literally struck by their power. About the most powerful heroes stacked epics, fairy tales, artists painted, people composed songs. Guys, and which heroes you know?

Children answers: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Mikula Selyaninovich, Nikita Kozhemyak, Svyatogor.

Leading. Heroes   not only defeated an enormous force by the enemy, but simply amused themselves with their strength, as they would say now - they trained, constantly kept themselves in shape. They swam, lifted weights, were good fighters.

Every child knows about the Olympic Games in Ancient Hellas. Have you ever russians their competitions? Were! Like the Greeks, our ancestors measured their strength, arranged their lists. And how many of you guys know what the word lists mean?

Leading. That's right, this is a tournament, competition, competition.

In today's venue, two teams will participate. The team to my right "Nikita Kozhemyak"on the left - "Nikitich". In the first competition, ours heroes   show their speed and agility.


Participants put the name of their team out of matches on speed. Whoever cope with the task faster will win.

Leading. I appeal to the participants and to everything visual hall: what were you wearing heroes? What weapons did they have? (Chain mail, helmet, sword with a shield, bow, spear, club).

Leading: As you know, the most skilled swimmer among russian heroes was Dobrynya Nikitich.

And he came to the father of the Dnieper River,

And he thought to buy,

And he thought, to remove the good fellow, to make fun of himself.

And he became a gray drake, swim,

And he became an ardent gogol, diving.

And in another epic about Dobrynya it is said that he was much quick to swim rivers: "Yes, he dived from shore to another". Let's check how our swimmers can heroes.


The task: Having reached the table, the participant puts on a helmet, takes a hoop and returns to the team. Taking the second member to the hoop, he “Forwarding”   him to the other side, etc.

Leading. Ilya Muromets was famous for skillfully juggling with a heavy club


Three people from each team participate. Participants knock down "Club"   eight pins placed. Each participant has his own arrangement pins: wedge, circle, in a straight line.

Leading. Often heroes   had to fight with evil spirits. The greatest number of battles fell to the share of Ilya Muromets. He had to use not only his boldness, but also a trick to defeat the well-known Nightingale the Robber. Let's see what much our heroes.

COMPETITION“The Nightingale the Robber and Ilya Muromets”

The role of the Nightingale the Robber is played by the teams Their task is to overdo the enemy.

Leading. Among all "Nightingales-robbers"   turned out to be the most voiced (name, surname, and in the other team (First Name Last Name). We invite them and ask them to take places on these "Trees"-chairs.

We defeated the nightingale-robber, but there remained a three-headed monster with whom heroes face off silushka.


Eight people from each team participate. The serpent Gorynych is drawn on a sheet of whatman paper. The figure is divided into eight parts. Participants in the relay order disassemble the monster into parts and bring trophies to the squad. IN competition   team speed and coherence are evaluated.

Leading. Hero   Mikula Selyaninovich was famous for throwing a bipod for a rakit bush, and in the possession of a spear was not equal to him.


One person from each team is participating. Participants are invited to throw "a spear"   as far as possible. Each participant is given three attempts.

Leading. Dobrynya Nikitich was an incomparable fighter, defeated even stronger Ilya Muromets, took not so much by force as by his wit, dexterity, ability to use a special technique. Come on heroesshow your wit.


One person from each team is participating. Participants at the waist tie wide belts. At the signal of the leader, it is necessary to untie the belt of the enemy.

Leading. About hero   Svyatora in Russia was said that he could lift incredible weights not only with two, but with one hand. I invite our heroes face off silushka.


Ten people from each team participate. The task: holding each other’s belt, drag the enemy squad to your side.

Competition"The cleverest"

(2 envelopes, 20 cards).

Each team receives an envelope with 10 cards inside it. In the first five, the beginning of the proverbs, in the rest the end. Need to "collect" proverbs. Who will do it fast and right?

First envelope

1. For beaten two unbeaten give,

2. at least give up!

3. The root of the doctrine is bitter,

4. no comrade.

5. Prepare a sled in the summer,

6. yes they don’t take

7. Perhaps and probably

8. but its fruit is sweet.

9. Taste, color

10. a cart in the winter.

Second envelope

1. Careless drinks water,

2. Do not go field.

3. Without knowing the bitter,

4. but attention.

5. Spring is red with flowers,

6. A caring honey.

7. Century to live

8. You do not recognize the sweet.

9. Roads are not a gift,

10. and autumn - a sheaf.


Final competition“Field kitchen”

Often in military campaigns, soldiers themselves have to cook their own food. Now we will check whether our people will die of hunger heroesif they have to rely on food only for themselves.

(Recipe: “Cook the fruit salad:

Cut an apple, a banana, peel, break and cut a tangerine, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, mix everything and feed your fans ”)

Competition endsas soon as the fans eat the whole salad.


Congratulations to the girls addressed to the boys.

Awarding of participants, presentation of diplomas and prizes.

Scenario "Knights of the Russian land"

The topic of defending the Fatherland is a concern for many generations. I want to believe that you will grow indifferent to your history, you will know your heroes.
Each nation has its own cherished names that are never forgotten. The farther - the brighter and brighter in the memory of descendants becomes the lighter image of folk heroes. They, like stars in the sky, illuminate the historical path of our people, representing an example of sacrificial service to their Fatherland.

- Guys, what is the name of our homeland? (Russia, Russian Federation)

In ancient times, our state was called Kievan Rus or simply Rus. And Russ lived in it - people about whom legends made.

In order to find out on what topic we will talk with you today, you need to solve a riddle:

Strong as a free windMighty like a hurricaneHe protects the earthFrom the evil Basurman!

He is rich in good power,He protects the capital city.   Saves the poor and children

Both old people and mothers!

Who is it?
Children: this is a hero.

Today we’ll talk about the Russian Knights. The theme of our class hour is “Knights of the Russian Land”

What is the purpose of our classroom?

To expand knowledge of the defenders of the Russian land

What tasks do you set for yourself today? (Learn about the heroes and their exploits) What is the hero famous for? (His feat)

What associations do you have with the word "hero"? (strong, courageous, fearless, defender, defender, fair warrior strong man ...)

And how does the meaning of this word interpret the dictionary?

Let us turn to the dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov.   (Slide 4)

Hero 1) a hero of Russian epics, performing military feats in the name of the motherland.

2) a man of immense strength, stamina, courage.

Russian artist - Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov,   (Slide 12)   depicted in his famous painting portraits of the most famous heroes.(Slide 13)

What do you think the name of this picture is? The picture is called "Heroes".

(a reproduction of V.M. Vasnetsov's painting "The Heroes" is demonstrated)

What helped you guess what the name of the painting is "Heroes"?

Vasnetsov worked on the picture "Heroes" for about 20 years.

Against the background of the boundless steppe, the artist portrayed three heroes standing guard over the borders.

What heroes are depicted on it? (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich)

Where is the oldest hero? (Ilya Muromets)

And where is the youngest hero? (Alyosha Popovich)

What are the heroes doing? (All three are vigilantly peering into the distance; is there no danger to Russian land.)

They are ready to defend the homeland. Behind them all the Russian land - its fields, forests, rivers.

And how did the heroes defend our Motherland?Ilya Muromets - defeated the nightingale the robber, Alyosha Popovich defeated Tugarin snake. Who can tell about the Tugarin snake? this is polovtsian Khan Tugorkan from the dynasty Shurakanidov. Sharukan u polovtsian meant just " snake ". Dobrynya Nikitich defended against the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

    Where did the hero Ilya come from?

(From Murom, from the village of Karacharova)

    Where Alesha Popovich was from (from Rostov)

3. What is the name of a hero who did not learn to read and write, didn’t sit down at books, but learned from an early age to use a spear, to shoot from a bow, to tame heroic horses.He often defeats enemies not by force, but by military trick: he pretends to be deaf and makes the enemy come closer, on some pretext forces the enemy to turn around, etc. (Alyosha Popovich)

4. Name the hero who defeated the Fiery Serpent in a difficult battle, freed many people from among them, and among them the niece of Prince Vladimir Zabava Putyatichna. (Nikitich)

5. What kind of hero is we talking about? He is a man of confident strength, experience and worldly wisdom. The memory of him, the people's love for him has survived to this day. Monuments were erected to him. Military equipment is named after him (Ilya Muromets)

What are the names of folk songs in which the heroic deeds are glorified?   (epics)

They have long been loved in Russia on long winter evenings or bad weather to get together. Weaved nets, repaired fishing tackle, made various household utensils, and the narrator (performer of folk epics) said in a chantbylina.

- And what is "epic"?

Let's turn to the dictionary .   (Slide 7)

Bylina   - Russian folk epic song about the heroes.

(Russian folk song legend)

The word "bylina" - comes from the word "byl", that is, what you really were. They were created for performance at holidays, at feasts. They were performed by special people - storytellers, who recalled bylinas from the memory and sang along with themselves on the harp.

Let's hear the harp game.

Who can tell the epic about Ilya Muromets, which says that Ilya, 33 years old, could not get up?

His legs were paralyzed. But one day wanderers came to the house. They so asked the patient to bring them water that Ilya could not stand it and tried to get up. He succeeded, he brought water, but the wanderers ordered him to drink himself. He drank water, was healed, and gained tremendous strength. The wanderers told Ilya where to find the heroic horse and armor and sent Ilya to Prince Vladimir. On the way, the Russian hero accomplished a feat, protecting the city of Chernigov from nomads.

- Everyone can become a hero. What does that require . (Students respond with courage, strength, intelligence, and resourcefulness.)

When the heroes gathered together, they became so strong that it was impossible to defeat them. This is what the proverbs say.I now offer you to measure your strength in knowledge of military proverbs. I will name the beginning of the proverb, and you must continue it.

It’s not the origin that the hero is glorious, ... but a feat.

It’s better than that, …………. how to protect the native land from enemies.

The courageous peas slurp, ........... and the timid and cabbage can not be seen.

1.Our army is not alone, but with it the whole (country).

2. Fight not loaf - mouth (do not open).

3. In battle you need ingenuity, courage and (training).

4. A great merit is to help out in battle (of a friend).

5. Die yourself, and comrade (help out).

6. The stronger the friendship, the easier (service).

7. An alarmist and a coward - as if on an extra raft (cargo).

8. Go to reconnaissance - it’s better (look).

- In the life of everyone there is a place for a feat. In our time on the Russian land are there heroes?

(Guys answer) YES.Describe the people who nowadays are heroes -   are these people of different professions who protect our land, make it richer, and also give their lives to save others, protect it from the enemy?Who can you call the heroes of our land?   (tank crews sailors, submariners, foot soldiers, border guards, paratroopers, pilots, rocket men) (a five-year-old girl from the Voronezh region who saved her brothers and sisters in a fire was awarded the medal “For Courage in a Fire”

Pilot Oleg Peshkov, who died in Syria during a combat mission. The dead pilot Oleg Peshkov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Alexandra Pozynich, who was killed during a rescue operation. He was awarded the Order of Courage.

The surviving navigator bomber Konstantin Murakhtin was awarded the same award.)

And today at the classroom hour, we will remember what heroes - defenders of the Russian land you know, and about someone we will tell you something new. The guys in our class prepared reports on some of the defending heroes. You should carefully listen to the speakers, as there will be work in groups ahead and this information may be useful to you

II. The story of Alexander Nevsky. _______
“God is not in power, but in truth.” These words of the Holy Prince Alexander, said before the battle on the Neva, became a symbol of all the feats of arms of our people. After this victory over the Swedes, the noble prince was nicknamed Nevsky. Fearless warrior, skilled diplomat, visionary statesman - all these talents the Lord combined in the person of Prince Alexander Nevsky. "The sun of the Russian land ..." - so called the prince his contemporary, Metropolitan Cyril. He remained such in the people's memory from the years of ancient to the present day. You, of course, heard that at the end of last year in the television project "Name of Russia" by popular vote, Prince Alexander Nevsky was named that name.
Listen to the story of him.

The story of Alexander Suvorov. ______
  - Grateful descendants for several centuries remember the name
Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov . Brilliant commander, fearlessly fought with the Turks and the French. His pupils were no less famous commanders - defenders of our Fatherland: Kutuzov, Bagration, Raevsky.
Listen to a short story about
Alexandra Vasilievich Suvorov .

* Performance of a student in grade 6.

VI. The story of M.I. Kutuzov. ________________________________________
“I want to check, you are listening carefully.” What no less famous and great commander - the student of A. V. Suvorov, have I already mentioned? (About Kutuzov)
This is a Russian commander and diplomat. From the war years he was distinguished by military and diplomatic merits.

Listen to the story of Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov.

VII. The story of K. G. Zhukov. ______________
  - And now the question is backfill. Until 1991, our country was awarded the high rank of Hero of the Soviet Union for outstanding services. What is the only person in our country who has been awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union four times?

  (Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.

And for what merit?

He received his first title for encircling and defeating a large group of Japanese troops in the Khalkhin-Gol River region in 1939; the second - for the strategic operation Bagration, which was successfully carried out in the summer of 1944, during which Belarus was liberated from the fascist occupation; the third - for the Berlin offensive in April - May 1945, at the end of which the largest group of Hitler troops was defeated and Berlin was taken. In 1956, G.K. Zhukov was awarded the fourth Golden Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union for the great organizational work in the Armed Forces of the USSR as the Minister of Defense of the country.)

Listen to the story of the childhood of Georgy Konstantinovich.

* Performance of a student in grade 6.

Thanks to our speakers. They shared with us very interesting and useful information. And now I’ll ask you to split into 2 groups. Each group will receive its own card with questions.You must complete this task together, after which we, together with everyone, will listen to your answers.


Let’s take stock of our class hour. The names of what great people - the defenders of our Russian land, we remembered today?
  (Children's answers: Alexander Nevsky, A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, G.K. Zhukov; generals Bagration, Raevsky; Russian heroes; defenders of Moscow)

- Have we talked about all the hero heroes today?   Of course not. There are thousands of them. And each of you can become a hero, a hero.As they say, heroes are not born, they become heroes. And it happens differently for everyone)
What needs to be done to become a hero, a hero.
  (protect and protect ordinary people, protect their own land)

The students conclude that the hero, the hero will never betray the homeland.

What did you learn new TODAY? About the history of our homeland and about its first defenders, about the heroes of our country, about the epic about Ilya Muromets

What do you remember more?

(The heroic exploits of the heroes, and the exploits of the heroes of the fatherland)

Are you ready to defend our country, if necessary? (raise your hands)

We serve the Fatherland faithfully

- You are one of the sons.

So grow to be needed

Roads to their homeland.

Nothing is better, more beautiful

Your sweet homeland!

Look back at our ancestors

On the heroes of past days.

Remember them with a kind word-

Glory to them severe fighters,

Glory to our side!

Glory to our antiquity!

Thanks for the work. The lesson is over.

Valentin Ivanovich Dikul (born 1947) - an outstanding athlete of our time. He performed two unique power numbers in the circus arena: he kept a metal “pyramid” weighing one ton on his body, and a Volga car on his back (the load was 1570 kilograms). The uniqueness of these numbers also lies in the fact that their athlete performed after a spinal injury. For almost seven years he could not move. With the help of simulators of his own design, he managed to restore his previous shape. Now V.I. Dikul heads the Center for the Rehabilitation of Patients with Spinal Injury and the Effects of Cerebral Palsy.

thu, 09/11/2017 - 20:03 | administrator

Education Department of the Administration of the Emanzhelinsky Municipal District

MKU DO "DDT" Scarlet Sail " Emanzhelinsky municipal district of the Chelyabinsk region

The scenario of the holiday: "Russian heroes"

Teacher of continuing education

Lamtyugova O.D.


  • To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroic past of the people of Ancient Russia, the great Russian heroes - the defenders of the Russian land;
  • To instill a sense of pride in Russia's heroic strength, respect for Russian soldiers, a desire to imitate them;
  • Develop speed, agility, strength, endurance;
  • Create a positive emotional mood, cheerful, cheerful mood.


To the song “Heroic Power” ”by A.N. Pakhmutova. girls enter the room, and the boys stop in the center of the room.

Child:   Dear Dad, Grandfathers

We are glad to see you from the bottom of our hearts.

Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day

We are in a hurry to congratulate everyone.

We wish you good health

Strong for many years,

And with all my heart today

We send you a festive helmet ... ..

All children:   Hello! (children sit down to the music)

The host is the princess.(Pronounces words to the background music)   In ancient, ancient times, the first Russian defenders, the glorious heroes, protected their native land from enemies. Many feats of arms on account of the heroic! There is something to learn and envy. That is why today, after many years and centuries, on the eve of the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday, we decided to recall with you about military affairs, about a heroic honor, about a daring young man. So that good people listen, that our fellows are thoughtful and show themselves, and most importantly, that Russian glory does not fade for centuries.

And now I suggest you make a short trip to history and turn into epic heroes!

The host is the princess.   Peace of all cities and villages of old

Stereg watch the epic heroes.

Let those days go by, but glory to you

The heroes who did not give Russia to the enemy!

Sounds “Athletic music”. Ilya Muromets with a spear and a sword enters the hall. He walks around the hall, stands in the center.

Ilya Muromets:   Hello, good people! I bow to you from us, the Russian heroes and from me personally, Ilya Muromets! Oh how we tried in due time, glorified the Russian army! And they fought with Wonder-Jude, and with the Nightingale the Robber! They were not afraid of anything!

The host is the princess.   And where is Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich?

Ilya Muromets:   At the outpost, they remained to defend the Russian land. Yes, there are few us heroes, so we decided to call other good fellows for help. Show your heroic heroic yes dare!

Are you ready for heroic competitions? (children answer)

And before the start of the test I command you to swear an oath!
Boys "heroes", take an oath, repeating the words for the hero. (To the music)

The host is the princess.   And you, beautiful girls, please the young heroes, help me with a good word, but if you need to - help out!

Ilya Muromets:Here is the quiver (shows). There are arrows in it. To the winners of the competition I will hand the arrows. The detachment with more arrows, I will take in my squad. To begin, greet each other glorious squads.

Greeting teams.

"Knights":   Knights in uniform

All friendly and brave.

And for a fair fight

We call the heroes!

"Heroes":   Everyone wants to win

And the team is not weak!

From the heroes of the brave

Hello “Knights” - hello!

Ilya Muromets:   First, the fellows need to stretch themselves.

The host is the princess.   The day before you met epics. Let's check now if you remember them well.
Warm-up "Quiz"

  1. What Russian heroes do you know? (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Svyatogor)
  2. Where did Ilya Muromets come from? (from Murom, village Karachaevo)
  3. Who gave Ilya Muromets a sword-treasure? (Svyatogor)
  4. What is famous for Dobrynya Nikitich? (defeated the Fiery Serpent)
  5. What family is Alyosha Popovich from? (priest, priest)
  6. What does the name Dobrynia Nikitich mean? (Dobrynya is good, great)
  7. This is a defensive weapon. During the battle, the warrior covers his body with them. (Shield)
  8. This weapon is not just raised, not just raised and held in the hand. It was easy to take their head off their shoulders ... (Sword)
  9. Which prince did these heroes serve? (To Vladimir)
  10. Which of the heroes bore the nickname "quiet"? (Nikitich)
  11. Who did Alesha Popovich fight with? (Tugarin Snake)
  12. What did he call the horse of Ilya Muromets? (Burushka)
  13. What is the name of the hero’s headdress? (Helmet)
  14. What is the name of the heavy shell, woven from metal rings, which protected the body of the hero? (Chain mail)
  15. The main weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (Whistling)
  16. Not a winged bird, but a feathered bird, as it flies, it whistles. (Arrow)
  17. Which of all the heroes was the hero-plowman? (Mikula Selyaninovich).
  18. And what was our country called before? (Russia)

Arrow awarded to the winner.

Ilya Muromets:   Now you can proceed to the competition.

The host is the princess.
  Here are the obstacles on the way!
  They are not easy to get around!
  Gotta dashing through
  But do not push down the barriers!
1 match. “Ride on a horse” ( to the music)

Obstacles: for each team, medium-sized modules are placed - mountains; skittles in the distance. It is necessary to overcome the "mountain", ride between the "trees". Each participant is given a "horse" (a stick with a horse's head).

Ilya Muromets:   What a hero without a horse? It is necessary to go through the obstacles on the horse and come back. Transfer the baton to another participant.
Arrow awarded to the winner.
2 match. “Name the weapon”

Ilya Muromets:   I want to test your mind and ingenuity. This fun is difficult, so young girls of intelligence can come to the aid of young heroes.

(Children from the two teams take turns calling the weapons depicted in the pictures held by Ilya Muromets and Princess). Arrow awarded to the winner.

3 match. "Make a shield"(to the music)

Leading - Princess:   From the cut parts you need to make a shield.   A team of 6 people. Arrow awarded to the winner.

Ilya Muromets:   And now I’ll test you on your dexterity, on the strength done.

4 match: Mace Fight(to the music)

Leading - Princess:   Participants from the two teams get into the hoop and try to push the opponent out of the hoop with a mace made of cloth and cotton. Arrow awarded to the winner.

5 contest "Who is stronger" (arm wrestling for dads or push out - who is more).

The winner gets an arrow.

Leading - Princess:   I think that our good fellows need a little rest. And so that they do not get bored, our red girls will amuse them with a perky dance.

Russian dance performed by girls.

Ilya Muromets: Since ancient times, the warriors fought with evil spirits. Well, guys, whose is this hut? (children's answers)   Hut - hut turn back to the forest, and to me in front.

To the music comes out of the house Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga.   Something smells like a Russian spirit! You see how many fellows wandered into my forest! Well, answer, where are you from and where are you going?

Leading - Princess:   Hello Baba Yaga! You’d better feed us, give us a drink, repair your clothes. Our path is not easy, and then I would have asked it.

Baba Yaga.   Oh, sorry old, killer whale. But how can I feed everyone, give me a drink? There are so many of you, and I am alone.

Leading - Princess:   Baba Yaga, look how many helpers are sitting (pointing at the girls) they will help.

Baba Yaga.   And you, what you can do, beauties?

Leading - Princess:   Yes, all that a girl should be able to do: weave, darn, cook cabbage soup. Their mothers taught everything. Girls, show Baba Yaga what you are good for, but help her.

6 contest for girls "Collect the fish."Arrow awarded to the winner.

Baba Yaga.   And really they know how to do everything. Thank you, beauties, helped the old woman. But I also want to experience good fellows. Well, tell me, what kind of transport do I use? ( answers)

7 “Running in bags” contest.Arrow awarded to the winner.

Baba Yaga.   0, you are my falcons, but evil is in the chest, and the chest in a dense forest hangs on a tree on a wide oak tree. Two roads lead to this oak. One is long but safe, and the second is short, but with barriers and trials.

Ilya Muromets:   We are not afraid of difficulties; show where the short road is; we need to hurry.

8 contest “Cross the swamp”.

Baba Yaga.   Here is a swamp on the way
  Do not drive, do not pass. Cross the swamp, and there you are within reach of the treasured oak. Good luck, but I have to go.   (Leaves)
  Children are divided into 3 people and stand on bricks. They take the second brick and move onto it, thus moving to the other end of the room. Arrow awarded to the winner.

Leading - Princess:   And one more test. We want to see how friendly you are. It is not in vain that they say: one is not a warrior in the field. 9 match. "Tug of war"(Without music)

Arrow awarded to the winner.
Ilya Muromets:   Well, I was convinced that you are not only smart, but also strong. So it's time to go to the next test. Defeat Koshchei. To defeat Koschey, the first thing to do is find his death. Where is she? Right! In the egg. Where's the egg? (in the chest)And the chest, where?   (on oak)

Here is a mighty, treasured oak. And on it the chest hangs high. Just so we can’t get it. Let's try to shoot him down with balls.

"Who will knock down the chest."   One member from each team. ("Hit the target." Participants need to hit a target with a dart from a certain distance (darts game). Each participant has three attempts.) The winner is awarded an arrow.

In the chest - 2 children's eggs for the game and 1 large - a ball, knitting needle, surprise, candy and medals.

10 match. “Move the Egg” (to the music)

(Children must carry the tennis ball in the spoon to the rack and back.) An arrow is awarded to the winner.

Leading - Princess:   So the suffering ended
  And great trials!
  And with a coveted victory
  Knights go home.
  Praise their people honest!
  A beautiful girls
  Singing great craftswomen
  They are met at the gate
  And start a round dance.
Children perform Russian. the song "Soldiers - brave children"

Leading - Princess:   It's time Ilya Muromets to take stock of the competition, to count the arrows received. ( Counting arrows with children).

Ilya Muromets:   That's what, well done, I decided that I would take both of your detachments to my squad.

The host is the princess.
  Congratulations to you guys!
  You have earned awards!

  They distribute sweets and medals to the music to the children.

Ilya Muromets:Thank you again, well done, for your faithful service, and you girls, for not forgetting your heroes, helped them in difficult times! Goodbye, good people, it's time for me to go. (Goes to music).

The host is the princess.

Defenders of our beautiful country

We are dear to us and madly in need.

May there be wealth on your table

May the world be strengthened in our land!

The guys prepared gifts for our dads. (Giving gifts to the music)

All the best to everyone!

General photo as a keepsake.

Hall design:   In the middle of the central wall is an oak (organza crown).

Chains made of paper, cat toy. In front of the oak, a cardboard chest is attached at the very top. There are sweets in the chest. On one side is Baba Yaga’s house.

Equipment:   maces, a quiver with arrows, a sword, a shield or spear for a hero, modules, skittles, 2 horses, pictures with armor, puzzles "Shield", 2 children's tables, 2 chairs, 2 plates, 2 maces, hoops, 2 buckets with fish and fishing rods, rope, bricks for moving through the swamp, 2 bags, 2 tennis balls and spoons. Chest, fishing line, chains, cat (drawn), organza fabric (oak crown). A house on chicken legs. Emblems for teams. Candies and medals.

Preliminary work:   learning musical material, watching cartoons about the warriors, talking on V.M. looking at the horse and other incomprehensible and unfamiliar to children words and concepts ...


The wordsthe song "Soldiers - Brave Kids"

Soldiers, brave kids,
  Where are your grandfathers?
  - Our grandfathers are glorious victories,
  That's where our grandfathers are!

Soldiers, brave kids,
  Where are your sisters?
  - Our sisters are peaks, sabers are sharp,
  That's where our sisters are!

Soldiers, brave kids,
  Where are your wives?
  - Our wives - the guns are loaded,
That's where our wives are!

Soldiers, brave kids,
  Where are your kids?
  - Our kids are bullets are our tags,
  That's where our kids are!

Soldiers, brave kids,
  Where is your fame?
  - Our glory is the Russian power,
  That's where our glory is! ..


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