Station "Krasnoselskaya. About the project Krasnoselskaya station

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis line has existed for more than a decade and, looking at the Soviet master plan for the development of a city with an integrated transport scheme, any Petersburger will immediately notice the strategic need for this radial line.

Purpose of the line:

  • Removal of the load from the overloaded Kirovsko-Vyborgskaya line (1) due to the "duplicate" routing of the KKL in the central part;
  • Providing communication between "problem" outskirts of the subway network (Baltiyskaya Zhemchuzhina, Strelna, Polyustrovo, Ruchi).

In our opinion, it makes no sense to talk about the long-term prospects of the line, since by the example of plans for the construction of the Okhta-Center UDC, the alluvial territories of VO, the Baltic Pearl, the stadium on Krestovsky Island, etc. it is clearly visible to what extent the plans of those involved in the development of the metro depend not so much on the really important city priorities, but on the existing commercial conjuncture.

The general idea of \u200b\u200bthe Krasnoselsko-Kalininskaya line is to connect the Strelna and Ruchyov districts by the metro line. The routing of the central part has been approved and remains unchanged, but the areas south of the Brestskaya station and north of the Znamenskaya station wander around the city map from year to year.

So, the first stage of construction. It includes 2 launch sites.

  • 1st launch site: station "" and station "" (transition to station "" HF lines), Completion date - March 2022
  • 2nd launch site: station "" (transition to station "" of the MP line) and station "" (transition to station of the FP line), station "" and station "(in transit)". Completion date - 2024-2026.

Second stage:

  • stations "Ligovsky prospect-2" and "Znamenskaya".

Types of station complexes:

The first stage will not please us with a variety of types of stations - there are 2 types in total with minor differences:

  • A pylon station made of reinforced concrete tubing with a diameter of the side station tunnels of 8.5 meters and a diameter of the central hall - 9.8 m (!). It finally happened: the designers realized that central loops with a diameter of 8.5 m ("", "", "", "") are too tight for our passenger traffic. The number of openings at the new pylon stations will be at least six.
  • Column station made of reinforced concrete tubing with a side tunnel diameter of 9.8 meters (analogous to "" and "").

The stations of the first stage are envisaged for construction in the following form:

  • "", "", "" - column stations.
  • "", "", "" - pylon stations.

Transfer hubs:

  • « - »
  • Station "":

It was planned to build two transverse chambers, as at the station "" (a reserve would be built for the second exit and for a transfer to). This plan was abandoned, transferring the transfer of Koltseva, first to the neighboring "", and then to "Bronevaya".

For the construction of the station lobby, the parking lot of the O "Kay" hypermarket [there is a road for her] at the corner of Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Marshal Kazakov Street will be used.

The service connecting line, which will be built during the construction of the first launch site, will connect the KV line station and the KKL station.

The terms of reference for the design also indicate to plan the extension of the two outermost of the four dead-end tunnels behind the station "" to the future Krasnoselskoye depot.


The design of the site began in the summer of 2010, the completion of stage P production work took place in May 2011. Then a state examination, which takes at least 3 months. At the moment, there are problems with approvals for the development of at least construction sites for future working mine shafts. Otherwise, the builders will have to start construction through the preserved mining complex of mine No. 852 (616), through which the "" was built at one time (and this is the third launch site!). 4 years are allocated for the construction of each launch site in the terms of reference. In total, it is 12 years for the 1st stage, so we recommend that interested people do not particularly dream of an early commissioning.

Krasnoselsko-Kalininskaya line

The project of the Krasnoselsko-Kalininskaya metro line (from the Yugo-Zapadnaya station (Kazakovskaya to the Obvodny Canal station) includes the construction of six stations:

Station "Obvodny Canal-2"

Station "Borovaya"

Station "Zastavskaya" ("Chernigovskaya")

Station "Armor"

Station "Putilovskaya"

Station "Yugo-Zapadnaya" ("Kazakovskaya")

All stations of the future line are deep. "Putilovskaya", "Bronevaya", "Obvodny Canal-2" are designed as column-type stations - when the central and two side halls intersect, and the lining rings rest on a structural element common to each pair of halls - a column. "Yugo-Zapadnaya" and "Borovaya" refer to pylon-type stations in which the central hall and the station tunnels do not cross each other. This is the oldest type of deep station. The central and side halls are formed by independent tunnels, between which passages are arranged. In the side (track) halls, landing platforms are arranged, the central hall is the distribution hall. All three halls form a common island platform.

All the main structures of the line are located in dense Proterozoic clays with a large overlap in the roof, which makes it possible to use conventional mining equipment during their construction - mechanized shields, tubing layers, etc. The exceptions are structures that connect underground objects with the surface - escalator tunnels, vertical shafts, entrance pits, a branch to the depot. Their upper part is located in unstable soils (from water-saturated silty sands to fluid loams and clays). In this regard, special technologies will be used for their construction - freezing or chemical consolidation of soils, a enclosing wall in the ground or a metal sheet pile, special tunneling equipment will be used.

The project involves the construction of 14 shafts of mines (No. 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 845 bis, 846, 847, 848, 849, 850, 851, 852 (616), 853). During their construction, three different driving technologies are used:

  1. The brine freezing method (using cold and concentrated brine of calcium or sodium chloride, which remains in a liquid state at low temperatures) with cast iron lining;
  2. Brine freezing method with monolithic lining;
  3. Sinking of shafts using a boundary wall in the ground.

Also, as part of the construction of the line, running tunnels and tunnel chambers will be completed, an electric depot "Krasnoselsky" will be built, exit chambers and dead ends will be equipped.

The construction of the line is divided into stages . First includes design and construction of two stations - "Yugo-Zapadnaya" and "Putilovskaya" and excavation of the section between them. The first phase began at the end of 2014 and will be completed in 2022.

Within the second stage the Krasnoselskoye depot and a section of the line at the depot will be built. The third stage involves the construction of a line from st. "Putilovskaya" to the station "Obvodny Canal 2", stations "Bronevaya" and "Borovaya", as well as construction of station complexes "Obvodny Canal" and "Chernigovskaya". On fourth stage the lobbies of the Borovaya and Bronevaya stations will be equipped. At the end, fifth stage, the second vestibules of Kazakovskaya, Bronevaya and Borovaya stations will be built.

In the future, it is planned to build an extension of the Kranoselsko-Kalininskaya line to the south and north of the city. So, the section from the station "Yugo-Zapadnaya" to the station "Sosnovaya Polyana" of JSC "Metrogiprotrans".

In addition, at the beginning of January 2019, the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia was the amount of funds required to create a promising section of the "brown" metro line from the station "Obvodny Kanal-2" to the station "Polyustrovsky Prospekt-1". This section will become the northeastern continuation of the promising southwestern section of the Krasnoselsko-Kalininskaya metro line.

Currently, commissioned by the Committee for the Development of Transport Infrastructure St. Petersburg the first section of the Krasnoselsko-Kalininskaya metro line is under construction - from the Yugo-Zapadnaya station to the Putilovskaya station , which will solve the issue of transport support for Krasnoselsky and Kirovsky regions St. Petersburg high speed public transport. The total length of the section will be 5.15 km... Bandwidth - 40 pairs of trains per hour... The daily volume of passenger traffic for the first period of operation will be about 221 thousand passengers.

The site includes two deep-level stations, one of which is a transfer to the Kirovsko-Vyborgskaya line.

As part of the execution of the state contract for the adjustment of design documentation for the section of the Krasnoselsko-Kalininskaya metro line from the Yugo-Zapadnaya station to the Putilovskaya station, the technical and architectural planning solutions of these two stations were revised.

Both stations are deep-laid and will be located in the Krasnoselsky district. Station "Putilovskaya" - on Vasi Alekseev street, and station "Yugo-Zapadnaya" - at the intersection of st. Marshal Zhukov and Marshal Kazakov.

Architectural solutions of the Yugo-Zapadnaya station

The platform section of the station is divided into three cylindrical naves: the central hall, connected by an escalator with the vestibule, and two side naves, traditionally intended for boarding train carriages. The architectural composition of the station is based on metal stepped arches framing the passageways between the central and side halls.

Military-historical themes are reflected in the design of the station. Thus, the three-part division of the arches is associated with a ribbon of the most famous state military awards of the Order of St. George and the Cross of St. George, and the color resembles gun steel. The arches have integrated LED lights that start from the floor and run along their entire length. In contrast to the arches, the walls and pylons are in snow-white marble.

At the station "Yugo-Zapadnaya" ground lobby, which is a hexagonal shape with an internal atrium covered with a translucent dome. The station lobby is lined with light-colored marble inside, the lamps built into the ceiling radiate from the center to the corners. Above the escalator descent there is an artistic stained-glass window on a military-historical theme with illumination.

Architectural solutions of the Putilovskaya station

The station will be a three-hall columnar type with a landing platform 16.3 meters wide. For the safety of passengers, automatic platform doors are provided between the train and the platform. The main compositional emphasis is placed on the central hall of the platform. The arches are spaced 7.6 meters apart and are made of stainless steel. The dynamic forms of arches and columns "work" in contrast to the white ceiling and light floor of the platform, visually expanding the space, giving a feeling of lightness and airiness.

The volumes of the passenger transfer halls and the lobby were minimized and executed in accordance with the urban planning situation and the scheme of the main metro structures.

Ground lobby of Putilovskaya stationis located in the existing historical buildings of the city near the station "Kirovsky Zavod" in the spot of the existing square. The lobby building consists of two rectangular objects at an angle to each other. Part of the building facing the street. Vasi Alekseeva, is a gallery with double pillar columns, which includes retail premises. The lobby has three floors - one underground and two above ground.

The project of the station complex provides for the following solutions for a comfortable and safe stay of passengers at the station:

Installation of the necessary equipment to prevent emergencies and unauthorized entry, as well as technical means and systems for ensuring transport security;

All necessary measures to ensure safety in the event of a fire;

Full accessibility for disabled people and people with limited mobility is ensured. The station is equipped with lifts, lifts and ramps, the necessary tactile information.

Projects of other stations of the Krasnoselsko-Kalininskaya line section - "Obvodny Canal-2", "Borovaya", Zastavskaya "(" Chernigovskaya ")," Bronevaya " at the moment are being negotiated.

Friends, today Provodnik publishes a report on the construction of the Krasnoselsko-Kalininskaya line of the St. Petersburg metro.
This report includes consolidated information on the construction of the first stage of the KKL, as of the end of January 2018, including exclusive photographs from all involved construction sites.
Happy viewing!

Let me remind you that the construction of the first stage of the KKL is divided into two stages.
The first is the construction of Kazakovskaya (Yugo-Zapadnaya) and Putilovskaya stations - transition to line 1 (Kirovsky Zavod station), for which the necessary permits and design solutions have been obtained.
The second is the construction of the remaining four stations (Bronevaya, Zastavskaya - transition to Line 2, Borovaya and Obvodny Canal-2 (Karetnaya) - transition to Line 5), the design of which has not yet been completed.

Scheme of the first stage of the KKL.

1. We begin our review from the construction site of mine No. 841.
The mine is located in the Krasnoselsky district, inside the courtyard on Leninsky Prospekt, west of house 100.

At the time of preparation of the report, the shaft of the mine was driven through the design 63 rings. Waterproofing is carried out by means of chasing grooves between the tubings.

Driving was stopped over the proposed upper vault of the future ventilation tunnel, which, according to the project, should be completed after driving a dead end behind the Kazakovskaya (Yugo-Zapadnaya) station. Ideas are being discussed for the construction of a mine yard and an assembly-panel chamber at mine 841 in order to start driving the distillation tunnel, but I suppose that this will not be realized.

2. We move to mine No. 842, which is located at the intersection of Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Marshal Kazakov Avenue in the Krasnoselsky District of St. Petersburg.

Through the 842 mine, the construction of the station unit st. "Kazakovskaya" ("Yugo-Zapadnaya"), the start of tunneling along the second track, and (most likely) the start of tunneling along the first track from st. "Kazakovskaya" to the station "Putilovskaya".

Let's take a look into the dungeon?

The shaft depth is 46 meters.The barrel is made in a monolith with 2-meter ends. A total of 23 calls.

Mine yard.

At the time of preparation of the report, 35 rings out of the planned 48 were completed.

Slaughter forehead. Sinking is carried out in manual mode, using jackhammers and shovels.

Blocks are installed using a block stacker.

After the excavation of the mine yard, 14 more rings of the same diameter will be passed for the assembly and shield chamber.

The KT-1 shield with a diameter of 5.6 meters will be assembled in the assembly chamber, which will begin the tunneling of the KKL tunnels.

By May, the shaft of the mine should be re-equipped and a cage lift installed in it.

By the way, the historical footage is the first meters of the new, sixth line of the Petersburg metro!

After the shield is launched, the construction of the approach tunnel will begin before the intersection with the tracing of the first track, where another assembly and shield chamber will be built, which in the aftereffect will become the exit chamber behind the Kazakovskaya (Yugo-Zapadnaya) station.

3. We move to the construction site of the lobby of the Kazakovskaya station (South-West).

Jet grouting works are carried out here. We must proceed with the execution of the jig plate.

Hope this lobby building will show off in 2022:

However, these promising types were developed by the Lenmetrogiprotrans Institute, and the Moscow Metrogiprotrans is designing KKL.

4. Follow to Kirovsky district to mine No. 843, which is located at the intersection of Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Kronstadtskaya Street.

Work continues on the construction of the mining complex.

Through 843 mines, the construction of station structures at st. "Putilovskaya", tunnel structures located on the tracks between the station. "Kazakovskaya" and "Putilovskaya", NVU sh. 843.

The shaft of the mine has been passed. Depth 60 meters. At the time of the preparation of the report, 50% of the coupling had been completed; in March, excavation of the mine yard should begin.

- ABOUTreport from 843 mines for April 2017 (link)

5. We move to the construction site of mine No. 844, which is located in the depths of the quarter behind the Palace of Culture named after I.I. Gas, in the immediate vicinity of the Kirovsky Zavod station of the Kirovsko-Vyborgskaya line.

Here, too, the shaft of the mine was driven to a depth of 60 meters, but the pairing has not yet begun.


6. Moving to the construction site of the Putilovskaya station lobby.

The lobby will be located on Vasi Alekseev Street.

Estimated view of the lobby.

No work is being carried out on the construction site, as the construction contractor changes fromZAO Seventeenth Management of Metrostroy at ZAO Management-15 Metrostroy. The buried wall is incomplete.

7. At the end of our today's review, mine number 845 bis.
The mine is located in the depths of the quarter bounded by Vasi Alekseev, Marshal Govorov, Vozrozhdenie and Stachek Avenue.
It's amazing how such a neighborhood near the metro station remains so underdeveloped.

At the time of the preparation of the report, there were only 3 rings of the shaft to go through.

The section of mine No. 845bis includes the construction of a connecting tunnel between Putilovskaya stations and st. "Narvskaya" of the first metro line, tunnel structures located on the tracks between NVU sh. No. 845 and "Putilovskaya", NVU sh. No. 845, tunnel structures on the connecting line and groups of congress cameras behind st. "Putilovskaya", NVU sh. 844


Krasnoselsko-Kalininskaya ("brown") line of the St. Petersburg metro will be new, 6 lines and will include 6 stations:

"Kazakovskaya" ("South-West"), "Putilovskaya", "Bronevaya", "Chernigovskaya" ("Zastavskaya"), "Borovaya", "Obvodny Canal-2".

The construction is divided into several stages. At the first stage, work is planned for the construction of the Putilovskaya and Kazakovskaya (Yugo-Zapadnaya) stations. This stage should be completed by 2023.

Further, a new Krasnoselskoye depot will be built, a section of the line from Putilovskaya to Obvodny Canal-2 will be laid, station complexes of Obvodny Canal-2 and Chernigovskaya stations will be equipped. The fourth stage is the opening of the Borovaya and Bronevaya stations. And the testament will be the opening of the second vestibules of the Kazakovskaya, Bronevaya and Borovaya stations.

Architectural solutions

The Committee for the Development of Transport Infrastructure has published designs for stations and ground lobbies prepared by Lenmetrogiprotrans.

"Bypass channel-2" ("Karetnaya")

There are no official sketches for the station yet, but the design will be something like this


At this station, only the appearance of the ground lobby has been agreed so far. The decoration uses red stone and glass.

The lobby is planned to be located between Chernigovskaya and Kievskaya streets. Another exit from the Borovaya station will later be opened at the intersection of Ligovsky Prospekt and Tosina Street.

The style solution of the interior design can be studied from earlier sketches of the project.

"Chernigovskaya" ("Zastavskaya")

The only station of the sixth line to be built of monolithic reinforced concrete.

The design will be dominated by dark gray and red colors.

The lobby is planned to be located under the underground extensions of Varshavskaya Street and Ligovsky Prospect.


In the design, the military theme is played up - the decor elements resemble elements of armor. However, for the residents of St. Petersburg the station will surely become "chocolate", as the brown tiles look quite appetizing.


Column-type three-hall station with design in the style of the Putilov factory (geometry of columns, shape of chandeliers, lamps with a reference to factory forges).

The decoration will be faced with white marble, the bottom of the walls and the basement of the columns will be faced with black marble.

The main exit of the station lobby will be located on Vasi Alekseev Street. The façade will be made using twin columns faced with light gray and yellow granite.

"Kazakovskaya" ("South-West")

The station is dedicated to Marshal V.I. Kazakov and the history of artillery in general.

Lamps at the station will be made in the form of stars, along the platform there will be a massive metal cornice, reminiscent of the St. George's ribbon.

The engineering building above the stations will be a 6-storey building, which, among other things, will house the metro administration.

The entrance to the Kazakovskaya station is supposed to be from Marshal Zhukov Avenue.

Opened May 15, 1935.
The authors of the project are B.S. Vilensky, V.A. Ershov, with the participation of L. A. Shagurina (volumetric-spatial solution). Artist J. D. Romas.

Project name - "Gavrikova Street"

The text of the description is taken from the site of Vlad Sviridenkov and Wikipedia.

20 photos, total weight 3.9 MB

Plan of the station "Krasnoselskaya" 1935.

1. The station was opened on May 15, 1935 as part of the first launch section of the Moscow metro - Sokolniki - Park Kultury with a branch Okhotny Ryad - Smolenskaya. It was named after the former Krasnoe Selo area.

2. A feature of the Krasnoselskaya design scheme is the arrangement of columns in one row along the axis of the station, and not in two, as at other similar stations of the first stage. No large passenger traffic was forecasted at Krasnoselskaya, so the platform was made narrower. It was assumed that the station will have two exits to the city, but for the opening only one ground entrance hall was built at the intersection of Krasnoprudnaya and Verkhnyaya Krasnoselskaya streets.

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3. Construction of the station began in the spring of 1933. According to the initial project, it was supposed to lay a line under Krasnoprudnaya Street. The beginning of the street before the construction of the metro was hampered by low-value buildings that belonged to the Northern Railway (now - the Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow Railway). With an open method of work, street traffic would be disrupted. In the process of clarification, the project was changed, it was decided to demolish the low-value buildings, and move the line route to the west. This made it possible to leave the entire eastern part of the street, along with tram lines, free to allow city traffic. In the photo you see a huge ventilation grille - this is VSh-170. At the first stage, some VS go out like this to the station. In my opinion, a strange decision.

4. Over the 75 years since its opening, the station has undergone minor alterations. Time touched the platform cover and lighting. At the opening of the station, semicircular lamps were installed in caissons above the side halls, which were subsequently replaced by ball chandeliers. A later change in lighting occurred with the advent of fluorescent lamps. New lighting fixtures are installed in the spaces between the columns along the axis of the station. Due to the nature of the architecture, this replacement is not as painful to the eye as in other stations.

5. Great difficulty in opening the pit was created by the removal of the excavated soil. Trucks could not cope, mountains of unexploited rock towered along the entire route, interfering with work and cluttering up the already cramped sites. It was impossible to take out such a volume of land by cars alone, although by the decision of the government, the entire truck fleet of Moscow worked on the removal of soil two days a month. An unusual method was used: a temporary tram track was laid along the edge of the station pit, and the developed rock was taken out by tram trains.

6. Almost all stations of the first stage have rather peculiar planning solutions for lobbies and approach corridors. This station is no exception.

7. The last changes at the station happened quite recently. On the eve of the 70th anniversary, the ceramic tiles that remained on the floor in passages and on bridges were finally replaced by granite. This is how this place looked in January 2004.

8. Cashier hall.

9. On May 15, 2006, a memorial plaque was unveiled in the station lobby in honor of one of the first builders of the Moscow Metro - Hero of Socialist Labor, Honored Builder of the RSFSR Tatyana Viktorovna Fedorova.

10. I don’t remember if this yellow color was always there?

11. Panel in the lobby.

12. Night placement at the station.

13. Due to the absence of a large influx of passengers, the second exit (from the eastern end of the platform), which was supposed to go to Gavrikova Street, was never completed. Perhaps because of this, the station was renamed shortly before its launch into Krasnoselskaya. Let's see what's in there?

14. Apparently, the bottom of the exit in the structures is ready. But there is no access corridor and lobby.

15. Stairs are made inside.

16. And it is almost an exact copy of the current exit. But if you go upstairs, then you can find only service premises.

17. The columns, located on the longitudinal axis of the station hall, are decorated with dark yellow, white and gray marble, the walls of the station are lined with ceramic tiles. The station platform, first covered with asphalt, was later paved with tiles, which were recently replaced by granite slabs.

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18. A team of NDT inspectors found a subway train.

19. A bird can be found on one of the columns.

20. Entrance to the chipboard cabin. Again, all stations of the first stage are characterized by a shortage of official places.

Many thanks to the press service of the Moscow Metro and the service of tunnel structures for organizing the shooting.

Krasnoselskaya was the first metro station where I had an official filming.


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