Test of the retail store of computer equipment of the f-center company on Babushkinskaya. Test of a retail store of computer equipment of the f-center company on Babushkinskaya Public transport

Test of a retail store of computer equipment of the F-Center company on Babushkinskaya

Who depends on whom more: the seller from the buyer or the buyer from the seller? Not such a difficult question, but it is difficult to give a monosyllabic answer to it. Especially in relation to the computer market.

On the one hand, the buyer forms the market. It is he who decides which of the selling firms he will give his honestly earned money to. Profit making, as follows from the charter of almost any company, is the main goal of its activities. It turns out that the buyer forms the market.

On the other hand, firms with retail stores are often involved in distribution. And it is she who brings them the main income according to their statements, and the retail market is the minimum necessary addition to their business. It turns out that the seller is not so much interested in the buyer, and if there are unique positions in his assortment, the buyer is more likely to be interested in this seller. So the seller is shaping the market?

How it really is, everyone decides for himself. We assume the following: each company has its own principles, and no matter how they assure us otherwise, these principles are universal. Just as a person cannot be dishonest in one thing, and honest in everything else, so a company cannot treat its customers differently, whether they are partner firms or ordinary customers. After all, the same people are responsible for management, management, corporate style of doing business, and building the sales system.

It turns out that the buyer forms the market after all. And a company interested in each of its buyers, both retail and wholesale, will have an advantage over those who declare neglect of any sales sector, be it the buyer of one mouse or a pair of monitors. At the same time, it is the buyer who can say what he expects from the company before the purchase, and how much his expectations were met afterwards.

The choice of the fifth store for testing was due to the fact that we became interested in what the company ranked first in.

A bit of lyrics

Those of us who have been fond of computers since childhood, who once began to assemble and configure them himself, probably faced requests for help in buying and setting up a computer. As a rule, such a request meant that people are ready to provide a certain amount for which you will make the choice of components, buy them yourself, assemble the system unit, install windows and other extremely necessary programs on it, and then you will also save this computer, which suffers from as a result of incorrect actions of its owner.

In the beginning, many people enjoy the very process of choosing components, companies for buying them, assembling a computer. Something in between the Lego constructor for adults and the assembly of a puzzle. Many of us, not related to the sale of computers and components, have collected dozens of system units. However, starting from a certain level of professionalism, the majority is not as interested as in the beginning.

We begin to choose configurations easier, firms are closer, programs are installed in automatic mode and their standard set. We become the very "professionals" of the computer market, which are so disliked by the sellers of computer shops.

And now let's imagine that there is a certain company where you, who came for the components, are seated in comfortable chairs. Cute models serve beer and juices while you, with courteous and experienced consultants, choose the positions that interest you. Then, within a short time, they are taken out to you, while you pay for the purchase in any form convenient for you from a polite and helpful cashier. Other consultants carefully pack your components in branded bags and leave the coordinates of one of them for communication in case something goes wrong.

Say, fantastic? Doesn't this happen? True. Although many of us will be ready to overpay for such a service, and a lot, especially if this is the money of another acquaintance who turned to you for help. On the other hand, the ideal is good because you can strive for it. Surprisingly, in many firms, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the buyer wants is not the same as what he really wants. And the result is dissonance.

Knowledge is always an advantage!

The site of the company

The site of the F-Center company is located at http://www.fcenter.ru. It is designed in white and green colors with bright icons on top. The first page contains:

  • news
  • links to articles
  • list of recent arrivals
  • links to the internet and three regular stores
  • f-Center news
  • entrance for visitors
  • basket

The site makes an extremely pleasant impression, it is easy to use and, moreover, is quite information-rich. Looking into the future, let's say that the website and online store of the F-Center company turned out to be almost perfect, which cannot be said about the rest. In general, the site is quite user-friendly, it opens correctly in Internet Explorer 6, Mozilla Firefox and Opera, the price list is available immediately.

If you register on the site (a simple operation), then the visitor can choose one of the five color schemes of the site and customize the appearance of the main page and pages of the second level.

Price list and online store

Passing through the link "price list", we find ourselves, oddly enough, on the page with the price list, it is a catalog, it is also an online store. In addition to the "online price list", there are the following download options: a full price list in html format (1130 KB), zip (160 KB), as well as a separate price list of each of the three stores in MS Excel format, archived in zip (about 300 KB).

The MS Excel price list contains information about the product, its code, four ruble prices and four in USD, for different volumes of purchases, as well as a warranty period. The type of packaging and the amount in the balance are also indicated. True, this column is not signed, and one can only guess about its meaning. Due to the large number of columns, the price list turned out to be very wide and does not fit on the monitor screen. Of course, this is not a problem for the Excel format, but it could have been done conveniently and by default.

As for the price list on the site, it is divided into fairly detailed categories. There are filters for various categories, perhaps any that you might need. There are very good photographs of almost all types of goods, excellent descriptions, links to the manufacturer's website. However, we also found a fly in the ointment. So in this case, we were interested in a TV tuner for PCMCIA connector, and were very surprised that there was not a single such tuner available in the tuners section. They were later found in the section "devices for laptops and pda", where it is not so easy to find them without filters.

The description here turned out to be excellent, there are all the necessary photos and technical specifications. The F-Center catalog turned out to be one of the most convenient ones that we tested at this moment.

The online store is made conveniently, this time the basket was easy to find, since it is placed as a separate icon and is always on top. In the event that we do not want to fill out the form with the name and address, we are invited to call. We thought and did just that. What came of this - read on.

If the order was placed before 20.00 of the current day, delivery of the goods is carried out the next business day. For a private person, the cost of delivery services within the Moscow Ring Road is 200 rubles. regardless of the purchase price. Delivery of goods outside the Moscow Ring Road, to the nearest Moscow region, is possible with an order amount of more than 20,000 rubles. Delivery cost in this case will be from 200 to 300 rubles. For a legal entity, the delivery service within the Moscow Ring Road is free.

In the online store, new items, bestsellers and special offers are also highlighted with ads with photos.

Location map

From this place we consider only the F-Center store on Babushkinskaya, on Sukhonskaya street. Later we will test other stores of the company, now we are talking only about one.

When choosing a store, we get to a page with its description. There are many photos, both from the outside and from the inside, coordinates, working hours. The driving directions here are not very convenient, but there are detailed descriptions of how to get to the store from various starting points. True, in these descriptions there are no maps or photographs anymore (for those who travel by public transport). For motorists - everything is there. What is the reason for this property stratification is not clear to us.

Store location

The store is located near the Babushkinskaya metro station, the road to it runs through the park (extremely safe at any time of the day, according to F-Center employees), or on foot along Dezhnev Passage, then along Sukhonskaya Street, and then turn onto Molodtsova Street. The journey takes about 17 minutes on foot.

Also from the metro there is a minibus taxi number 9, it stops at Dezhnev Passage. You need to leave the metro from the first carriage from the center. For this and all subsequent surveys, we have chosen Okhotny Ryad station as the relative center of Moscow. Travel time by metro to Babushkinskaya station is 29 minutes on average. The first advertising poster of the F-Center was discovered by us right at the metro station.

As usual, we decided to call in advance and book the goods by phone, and at the same time, to consult. The first time the phone was busy, the second time a pensive girl answered the phone. We outlined the situation to her and said that we would like to consult in advance on which tuner we should take. The girl said that she would switch us to a specialist who would advise us. The consultation turned out to be extremely short: - I'm collecting a system engineer and I'm busy. Call this girl again - he advised us. Since this did not expand our knowledge of PCMCIA tuners in any way, we called back again, and the same girl answered the phone.

We described the situation to her, she said - wait, and for three minutes we listened to music. Then she picked up the phone again and asked, what exactly interests us? We need a tuner with the best reception quality, we said. I'll clarify the moment - she answered, and we listened to music for another three minutes. Then she picked up the phone again, said that all PCMCIA tuners are about the same. If so, we reserved one of them, indicated the last name, and asked how best to get there. The girl confused the exits from the metro, but told us about the 9th minibus, about which there is not a word on the site.

Therefore, we got off the metro not where expected, but quickly found our bearings and found a minibus stop. After 10 minutes she drove up and took us to the store in five minutes. At every turn of the minibus, we noticed a billboard advertisement in the window, similar to those seen in the metro.

As a result, from the exit from the metro to the entrance to the store, the road took us about 25 minutes, of which 10 were to search for a minibus stop when leaving the wrong carriage, 10 were waiting for it, and 5 were the trip itself. The minibus driver was aware of the store's location and dropped us right in front of the entrance.

It is almost impossible not to notice the store, including because of the joyful semblance of a balloon. We cross the square and find ourselves at the entrance. Thus, if you use the girl's recommendations from the phone, but get out of the right exit, the journey from the metro will take on average 15 minutes by minibus. And it’s not easy to get back to the metro. You need to walk either through the park (the same 15 minutes), or about five minutes to the Dezhnev Passage. The store has an equipped parking lot for about 30 cars.

Store structure

The store is located on one floor. We enter, and immediately in front of us is a large trading floor.

On the shelves are monitors, printers and cases, in the lockers there are switched off laptops and other peripherals for computers. The hall is large, with us there were about twenty people in it, but there was enough space, and the crowd did not form. In the hall there are three consultants equidistantly at their workplaces, reminiscent of a tribune for speaking at meetings.

There are two additional rooms: literature and software, and computer accessories. The halls are located immediately to the right of the entrance, one before the consultant, the other after. There are also a couple of TouchScreen terminals, so far you cannot write anything on them yourself, they only allow you to view the catalog. In the center of the hall are the managers who check out the goods; the checkout is located further along the direction of travel to the left.

After payment, the buyer waits until his number lights up on a small screen, and then goes to the issuing area. You can also wait on the sofa for 7-8 people in front of the TV. Then the storekeeper gives out the goods, sign the guarantee and that's it, the process is over.

There is also a pleasant, albeit not entirely simple, opportunity to look at the product before payment, and it is the copy that you will buy later. To do this, we go to the manager, ask him to write out the goods "see, without payment" - the manager prints the invoice (which may be needed later) and we go to the waiting sofa. When the product appears on the issue, you will be prompted to go to the checkpoint (to the right of the issue). The issuing officer will unpack (of course, if the packaging of the goods provides for the possibility of a reverse operation) the goods and, if necessary, demonstrate it in action. Of course, there are limitations - for example, you will not be shown the printer in action. If you liked the demonstrated product, then you simply go to the cashier with the previously received invoice. After payment, you will be given exactly the product that you just checked. If you are not interested in the product, then you will happily leave the invoice to the issuing officer as a keepsake.

Payment is accepted in rubles, bank cards (no interest), and there is also an exchange office near the cashier, which allows you to exchange your cu. for rubles. When comparing prices in USD from the price list, keep in mind that the rate is CB rate + 3.83%.

Purchase process

We entered the store and found one of the consultants in front of us. Unfortunately, he was busy and we followed the consulting person. The man demanded that the consultant explain to him why the video input is in the tuner? How can this be recorded from video to the tuner? It is impossible to use a tuner - the consultant answered - you can use a tuner on a laptop. Why then does it have a video input? - the buyer continued to bend his line. To record. To the tuner? - he persisted. Realizing that this conversation for at least another five minutes, we went to wander around the store.

Another consultant was also busy, and the third one was absent at the moment. In the end, the first one was free and we approached him with our favorite question about the reception quality of PCMCIA tuners (apparently, there was such a day that everyone bought tuners, which is not strange, considering the World Cup combined with the summer cottage period). We will assess the quality of the consultation as good, however, the consultant did not recommend any site to read on this issue, which is definitely an omission. We know one such for sure. We want to note the politeness with which he repeatedly explained his question to the previous buyer.

Then we told him that we made a reservation, but forgot the number. By the last name, our reserve was quickly found, drawn up and printed. Then we went to the cashier, where we paid for the purchase. The waiting time for our number to appear on the scoreboard was four minutes. We went to the issuing area, where the worker, somehow arrogantly, without getting up from his chair, handed us a box. Sign - he said. Let's check - we disagreed. Also, a haughty worker, without getting up from his chair, opened the box and handed it to us. All is well - we agreed. As a result, the purchase time took 14 minutes, of which 5 we waited for the consultant to be released.

The store is designed for about 40 people per hour, while there are only 8 waiting places. With an increase in the number of customers, there will be queues at the checkout and check-out, and there will be nowhere to sit while waiting for an order. Also, the store does not have a single mobile payment device, coffee machines, toilets and other things. We can say that the infrastructure, with the exception of the sofa and TV, is absent.


F-Center got its own company, among other things, because of the quality of warranty service. Moreover, there is a money-back service for most items in the first two weeks. In many warranty cases, the company meets the buyer halfway, which is good news. Otherwise, standard warranty policy applies.

Price level

To determine the price level, the following method was used, although in relation to the F-Center company everything is much simpler, but nevertheless:

The price level in the F-Center company is average ( C = 1).

Summary table

To summarize, we bring the main parameters into a single table:

1 - assessment of the site's convenience in points from 1 to 10
2 - assessment of information content and convenience from 1 to 10
3 - informativeness of the scheme and its correspondence to reality
4 - time by metro from the center + walk from the station
5 - in points from 1 to 10
6 - signs on the store, direction signs
7 - the presence of goods displayed on the windows, Internet terminals and other
8 - completeness and literacy of advice on technical issues
9 - in this particular case
10 - the arrangement of the waiting area, the presence of chairs, a coffee machine, magazines, TV and other
11 - in isolated cases.


We liked:

  • Availability of signs along the road
  • Small number of buyers
  • Possibility to book goods
  • Having a good online store
  • Polite and friendly consultants
  • Money-back availability
  • Fast purchase process, with a small number of buyers in the hall
  • A large assortment

We didn't like:

  • Distance from the center and significant travel time
  • Sloppy telephone consultation with requests to call back
  • Arrogance of the issuing worker
  • Few waiting places
  • Underdeveloped infrastructure
  • Inability to leave the store door by public transport

To summarize: a pleasant store with large retail space, a good level of advice and a large set of products on display. The remoteness from the center is a disadvantage, average prices and the lack of the opportunity to have a snack or something else after a long trip is also not very good, but at the same time there is a good catalog and an excellent online store. Apparently, the pluses, after all, outweigh the minuses, and therefore the company is in our rating.

From company

F-Center got acquainted with the text of the article prepared for publication and promptly provided us (and you) with its comments.

Once upon a time, our company conducted training on sales among "combat personnel", that is, among those who directly work with customers - in the hall, on the phone, in the service center, and so on. The key phrase that sounded like a refrain throughout all the classes was "The buyer brings us our salary." And we continue to remind our employees of this phrase.

We are honored with the honor we have been given - the opportunity to insert your comment into the author's material about our store. And we will use this with pleasure by commenting on the disadvantages noted in the article.

Yes, alas, our store on the street. Sukhonskaya is quite remote from the center of Moscow and, in fact, is accessible and convenient only for residents of the North-East Administrative District. But this is an objective reality, alas, in our company there is no regular genie who could, with a wave of his hand, put our building somewhere in the Red Square area ... Yes, perhaps this is not necessary - more and more people prefer to shop closer to their place of residence, and not in the Center ... And North-Eastern Administrative District, as far as we know from statistics, is the most densely populated area of \u200b\u200bMoscow. Another question - and this is our flaw, which we will try to correct - that there are no stores of our company in the South, South-West of Moscow, and, accordingly, the residents of these areas are still inconvenient to buy our goods. However, this can be partially offset by the presence of an effective online store that we have.

Careless telephone consultation - yes, this is our fault. Why such a fact happened (it is not typical, believe me ...) - the consultant was really busy, tired, sore throat - of course, the client does not care, the main thing is that this was the case. Well, thanks for the signal, as they said before, now we have a chance to tighten our weak point. :) Currently, vacancies of technical consultants are open in the company's Unified Help Service, so that they can work only with "telephone" clients, so a war has been declared to careless consultations to the bitter end.

The phrase “We went to the issuing area, where the worker, somehow arrogantly, without getting up from his chair, handed us a box. Sign - he said. Let's check - we disagreed. In the same way, the worker, without getting up from his chair, opened the box and handed it to us. Everything is ok - we agreed. " Of course, it’s not very good that the Mysterious Buyer had a subjective opinion about the “arrogance” of the employee ... It turns out that clarity, organization, and so on - everything is OK (the waiting period for the purchase is 4 minutes, as indicated in the article), the feeling of the atmosphere pumped up ... Probably , it's time to introduce a corporate standard for smiles. :)

A small number of waiting places. “The store is designed for about 40 people per hour, while there are only 8 waiting places. With an increase in the number of customers, there will be queues at the checkout and check-out, and there will be simply nowhere to sit while waiting for an order” The store can handle more than 40 people per hour - tested in practice. :) At the same time, the waiting time for the goods should tend, as mathematicians say, to zero :). Perhaps one or two more sofas in the trading floor would create the appearance of greater concern for visitors, but, believe me, there is no vital need for them.

We strive not to create comfort in the queue, but to minimize the queue itself. If you went to the neighboring building, where the service center of our company is located (and where visitors, by definition, have to wait for some time while their problem is solved), you would see circular sofas for a much larger number of seats plus free Internet access , plus a toilet for visitors ...

A separate mention is made of the machines that you mention in the article: payments for cellular services and for the sale of coffee-tea drinks. We had the experience of installing such machines in a service center. This is unprofitable for companies that provide these machines (the flow of applicants is not large enough to get the required level of turnover). And the installation of a vending machine for the sale of drinks in the area of \u200b\u200bopen display of goods (and the store on Sukhonskaya is all built on the principle of access to goods in showcases, monitors, printers, system units can be touched with your hands, "touched", behind the glass is only small and / or very expensive) - sorry, but this is contrary to all trading rules. Another question that we are now considering is whether to use a part of the trading floor as a mini-cafe, but everything rests against a huge number of permits and some technological difficulties in the operation of a catering point in our state. And we are a law-abiding company ...

Also, the F-Center company provided high-quality photographs, as a result of which everything is clearly visible, as well as the correction of a couple of factual errors. It is very pleasant when there is such a reaction to our work, which speaks of the company's confidence in itself, and therefore of a well-built business. We hope that as a result of our work, the shortcomings will become even smaller, and the advantages will increase.

Shop "F-Center Online"

Address: 141031 , Moscow region, Mytishchi, Borodino, Ostashkovskoe highway, possession 53, building 4

Single reference telephone:


Acceptance of orders via the Internet:

around the clock

Receiving orders by phone:

Saturday until 22:00
Sunday from 10:00 to 22:00

Processing orders:

Monday-Friday around the clock
Saturday, Sunday from 10:00 to 20:00

Attention to clientswho want to take advantage of delivery to Euroset / Svyaznoy salons!
Reservation of goods and their shipment to the logistics service for delivery to the desired points is made only on working days. If your order is generated on weekends or holidays, the operator will contact you no earlier than the next business day.

Technical advice:

Monday-Friday from 10:00 to 20:00
Saturday from 10:00 to 18:00

Point of issue of orders:

Monday-Friday from 11:00 to 18:00

Attention to clients

How can I get to

Traveling by public transport

When traveling by metro to the Medvedkovo metro station - the last carriage from the center... Leaving the metro, turn left, then move along the ground pedestrian crossing through Grekova Street until the bus stop of the route 314 or minibus 279 , 166 , 314K or 581 ... Go to the stop "Torgovy dom Borodin, shop" Azbuka Vkusa "(stop on demand).

On the left side of the Azbuka Vkusa store, you will see a five-story (white and green) office building behind the fence. Entrance through a glazed checkpoint to the 3rd floor of the building to receive a sales receipt and a cash register receipt.

You can also issue at the checkpoint a pass for the entry of vehicles into the territory.

Attention to clients, self-pickup from the warehouse of the online store is possible only after the manager confirms the readiness of your order.

Traveling on your own transport

Leave outside the MKAD in the direction of the region along the Ostashkovskoe highway. Approximately after 3.5 kilometers on the right side in the direction of travel, after the Azbuka Vkusa store, behind a pedestrian traffic light, you will see a five-story (white and green) office building. Entrance through the glass entrance to the 3rd floor of the building to receive a sales receipt and a cash register receipt.

Attention to clients, self-pickup from the warehouse of the online store is possible only after the manager confirms the readiness of your order.

Work rules

The online store sells goods remotely based on the consumer's familiarization with the proposed description of the goods.


The activities of the online store are regulated by the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 612 dated September 27, 2007 "On Approval of the Rules for the Sale of Goods by Remote Way".

Details of LLC "F-Center Online"

OGRN 1075029012365
141031, Moscow region, Mytishchi, Borodino village, Ostashkovskoe highway, possession 53, building 4
TIN 5029109426
KPP 502901001
Account 40702810038000232876 in PJSC Sberbank
account / account 30101810400000000225 BIK 044525225

Checking goods

The performance check of the goods sold remotely is carried out by the client upon the conclusion of the purchase and sale transaction and is not included in the list of services provided by the online store. However, striving to satisfy the needs of the client as much as possible, we carry out pre-sale testing of the following groups and types of goods:

  1. Laptops (for the absence of "broken" pixels on the screen);
  2. LCD monitors (for the absence of "broken" pixels on the screen);
  3. Cameras (for the absence of "broken" pixels on the screen, as well as on the matrix of the photosensitive element);
  4. Computer cases (appearance);

Such testing does not in any way affect the appearance and packaging of the product.

If any defects are found in the product and it is impossible to replace it, the manager will call the client to agree on further actions until the client cancels the order.

The appearance and completeness of the goods are checked by the buyer upon delivery of the order. A refund for an erroneously purchased product is made within 7 days from the date of delivery of the product if the product was not in use, its presentation and consumer properties were preserved. Refunds for faulty or erroneously purchased goods are made at the address Moscow, st. Sukhonskaya, 7a on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 19:30.

Attention! If you paid for the goods with a plastic card, you need to take it with you to make a return: in this case, the refund will be made to your card.

F-Center companyestablished in 1993 year as an office trade company, today it is one of the largest retail chains in Moscow in terms of sales. "F-Center" sells computers of its own production under the Flextron trademark, components and peripherals from leading manufacturers. The sphere of strategic interests of the company also includes wholesale trade, work with Moscow and regional partners. One of the strongest areas of the company's business today is an information resource on the global Internet.

Computer service

The company has its own technical services with highly qualified personnel capable of providing a wide range of services within the warranty service of the sold equipment and its post-warranty support. In 2003, "F-Center" opened a computer service on the street. Molodtsov. In a spacious room, all conditions have been created to ensure maximum comfort for customers: convenient working hours, a guarantee of repairs in a short time, polite and competent engineers, sofas for visitors. The center also provides service maintenance of components and office equipment sold in any of the F-Center stores, installation and configuration of licensed software belonging to the customer.

The company's management believes that a well-organized service is the key to the development of a civilized market in Russia.

our clients

The department for work with wholesale customers interacts with all regions of Russia. Today the network of F-Center partners covers 350 companies... The product range is more than 7 000 positions, which allows you to meet the needs of a client of any level. Constantly increasing the product offer, maintaining an impeccable level of service and service, the company is rapidly expanding its sales network. Flexible pricing policy, an improved system of discounts, ongoing marketing campaigns, well-thought-out logistics allow customers to make purchases as profitable and efficient as possible.

Information portal on the Internet

In an effort to increase the number and quality of services for buyers of computer equipment, the company has developed an information portal on the world wide Internet, which is constantly developing and supporting. On the site, a user of a personal computer can find the latest information about information technology, computer equipment, components and peripherals.

Awards, diplomas and acknowledgments

F-Center has received many awards and gratitude from clients and partners. Letters of thanks came to the company from the Committee for Information Policy and Communications of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Prefecture and the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow of the North-Eastern Administrative District, the District Administration "Yuzhnoye Medvedkovo" and other state institutions, law enforcement agencies and commercial firms. "F-Center" is a laureate of the First All-Russian competition "Labor Glory of Russia 2000".

Director of company

Korotkevich Alexander Mikhailovich

F-Center team

Now a team of brilliant professionals is working in the F-Center company. Their skill and rich experience ensure the success of the company and its clients. The professionalism of our employees, who have accumulated extensive experience in the computer market in various fields, is well known both to partners and representatives of other companies working in the field of high technologies. A dynamically developing business in the field of IT requires constant professional development, constant growth of qualifications. We make every effort to maintain the highest professional level of specialists. The company's personnel improve their qualifications through seminars and trainings conducted by both equipment suppliers and independent experts. The company employs certified specialists in technologies from Intel, HP, APC, D-Link, etc.

Corporate culture

The whole history of F-Center is the history of creating a team of like-minded people, establishing strong relationships with partners, working for common success, for long-term strategic goals. Therefore, the company attaches great importance to the corporate culture, the introduction of non-material incentives for personnel, the use of social benefits. A comfortable conference room, equipped with the most modern presentation, sound and video equipment, makes it possible not only to organize seminars and trainings, but also to hold corporate events at a high level. Annual meetings allow employees of such a large company to get to know their colleagues better and unite the workforce. Any event held by "F-Center" becomes a meeting of friends, filled with genuine interest, warmth and attention to each partner.

F-Center is an energetic, dynamically developing company. Hundreds of partners in Russia have appreciated the benefits of working with the company thanks to a well-developed supply system, optimal prices, flexible financial schemes, full information support, highly qualified and friendly work of its employees. Our goal is to develop mutually beneficial business supported by cutting-edge technical innovations and marketing initiatives, offering a wide range of products and services that best meet the needs of our customers, looking forward, constantly being in the rhythm of the future .


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