Business card for mothers day competition. Poem for the competition of readers. The song "Oh, what a mother"

Visiting card for the competition "Her Majesty Mom!"

The script was written for the competition "Her Majesty Mom", dedicated to Mother's Day, for the contestant - mother of a large family (four daughters and a son). While the action is depicted on stage, a film is shown about the contestant and her family.

Blackout. Balalaika sounds. The curtain opens.

On the stage there is a hut, a birch tree, a man (the contestant's husband) sits on a hemp, a contestant stands nearby. During the sound of the voice-overs, the people on the stage represent the actions during the script.

In the Yeravninian kingdom,

In Mozhaika state,

Once upon a time there was a family

The Budaevs are a young couple.

They lived in love and prosperity,

But once the wife became sad:

I need, he says, guys -

Girls and boys

(A short pause, the music changes to a more dynamic one)

The young husband is a brave guy, daring,

Sharp on the tongue, I thought a little….

And he took out his ax ...

He worked tirelessly

Day and night ... And now - the first daughter,

Second daughter, third daughter,

Fourth daughter ...

Girls in matryoshka costumes come out one by one from behind their mother, stand in a row in height.

The young wife is indignant:

Dear, don't kick Balda,

Give me a son!

Hubby pulled up a bit ...

And finally, a son was born!

The youngest child appears on the stage - a son.

Music sounds, everyone goes behind the screen and there they take off their matryoshka costumes. A herald in a bright costume enters the stage.


Attention! Attention! A regional competition is announced - Her Majesty Mom! We invite all interested mothers to take part! Great prizes and a lot of applause await the contestants!

The herald leaves, two eldest daughters appear from different sides of the stage.


You heard!


You saw!


Mom's competition was announced!


This cannot be!


This is what worries!


But mom!


Super mom!


Everyone will choose!


Tell me, kids!

Whose mom is the best?

Who will go to the competition,

Will the first place take?


We will send our mom

And we will help her in everything.

She is kinder and more beautiful than everyone,

Best of all our mommy !!!

At this time, the contestant, husband and other children come out.


Introducing our mom!

Her name is Eugenia!

She is an example for us, a helper, an angel,

And a very loyal, loyal friend!


Fifteen years have already passed

How our family was born.

And so that it never happens in life,

She's getting stronger every day!

Contestant's husband:

In our family, almost like in a fairy tale,

But just the opposite.

Beauties are growing - four daughters:

Altana, Lygzhima, Yanzhin and Tuyana,

And the smallest - Tushin - son!


Strong support and wide back,

My faithful husband has become for me.

All the failures in fear run from him,

No wonder his name is Zorigto!

Contestant's husband:

My wife is the most beautiful in the world!

Believe me, I have not met a wonderful woman!

I would give the treasures of the world for her!

You are Zhenya - a real ideal!

An excerpt of the song from the movie "Mary Poppins"


Life is multifaceted, interesting and bright!

I will play any role as on stage.

I am a cook, a laundress, a baker and a seamstress,

Orator, choreographer and entertainer!

I love sports and sing and dance

I don't like the monotonous life

I don't like to be sad and discouraged!

And every day: I am new, I am different!

The contestant demonstrates slides with humorous photographs.

Colleagues see me like this…. (slide 1)

The bosses see me like this ... (slide 2)

For my pupils, I ... (slide 3)

And their parents see me like this ... (slide 4)

For parents, I still ... (slide 5)

For friends, I ... (slide 6)

My children see me like this…. (slide 7)

This is how I want to look…. (slide 8)

And this is how I really look ... (slide 9)

And for my husband I am a real Superstar! (slide 10)

Today I can say with confidence that I am truly happy, because I discovered the secret of happiness. This is my husband and my children, this is the love and peace that reign in my family and soul. Happy holiday, dear mothers!

Bow. Music

Keep each other at all times,

Stretch out your palms to the world!

And let your life be illuminated

Love, warmth and harmony!

Go backstage to the music.

Mom's introduction
Hello! I am Veronica Marchenko
I am not a sorceress, I study at school.
And I want to tell you about my mom
I will reveal its secrets and "tricks" for you,
My story will tell you a lot.

Svetlana Mikhailovna. My mum,
The kindest, the best.
A creative, imaginative teacher.
Whoever she dreamed of becoming.
But all her dreams were successfully overcome
Striving to teach School!
After graduating from the university,
She has been at our school for 18 years!

He wants to instill love in biology and chemistry.
The task is at least possible.
But very - very difficult!
My mom and I are great friends!
I help her cook soup, I wash my things myself
I'm looking for information on my mother's lessons on the Internet.
I can feed a cow, a calf and a pig,
In the summer, water the garden, plant and weed.
Mom and I are friends
Just do not spill water.

My dad is a prominent handsome, smart and respectable man
I'll always tell you honestly with him,
Very - very interesting.
I teach lessons with dad, with him I am not afraid of anything!
I am very proud of my dad.
We are very close-knit family
Mom, dad, two brothers and me!

Daughter introduction

You are kind and affectionate-
To dad and mom, exactly - exactly,
Our miracle, our fairy tale,
Our sunny daughter.
You and I didn't think we'd come here
That we’ll go to the club for mother’s holiday and our hair stood on end
When we found out about it.
We are glad to tell you one thing,
That this holiday is “just a class”.
It brings us closer together.
Thanks to all the organizers!
All moms are so good today
We have prepared a speech for you with all our hearts.
Mom is always a friend to her daughters,
Teaches them to work, cooks delicious food.
This is how we live, although it is difficult,
There is always enough grief in life
Happiness is sorrow, problems are success
There are tears and laughter in pairs.
Only family is a haven for happiness
Only she will save from bad weather.
That is why we say, without melting:
Happiness for us -
This is our family!
You will support us with claps,
So we will understand that you agree with us.

Introducing the Rainbow Team

We thought for a long time, wondered
How do we call ourselves?
We are tired of arguing soon
And they decided to reason.

So the heavens decided, apparently:
Life is black and white, like a zebra, stripe
We cannot change the laws of life
But we can paint our stripes.

Stripes of red wish - again and again
Let love fill your life!
Orange is the color of the sun, life is the color
We wish you health, many years!
And let the yellow energy charge you all,
Well-being, success will bestow!
Green - will send you strength for self-affirmation,
Problems and difficulties of any overcoming!
What does blue mean? Reputation and honor!
Do not let your words: "greed", "anger", "revenge".
The color blue will give you satisfaction in everything
And wisdom in making a decision.
And purple, smiling and laughing at you,
He will establish a connection with himself and with others
Life is often, yes, prosaic,
But it is in your power to make her romantic
Go for it! Laugh! Believe in a miracle! And now
This is our rainbow! Spread out - for you!

Our team "Rainbow"
Our motto: "We are like rainbows of color, never inseparable."

Business card
* The melody of the song "What do they teach at school" sounds and 6 children go on stage. They are
confused and have a conversation with each other.
Child 1. You heard?
Child 2. Have you heard?
Child 3. Have you seen?
Child 4. Have you seen?
Child 5. They say that mother's competition
Announced in the city.
Child 6. This cannot be.
Child 1. This is what worries.
Child 2. But mom,
Child 3. Super mom;
ALL: Everyone will choose.
* The melody "" sounds and the children go to their places according to the scheme:

* * *
Child 1. Who was sitting on the bench,
Child 2. Who looked out into the street.
Child 3. Kostya sang,
Child 4. Sasha was silent,
Child 5. Nikita shook his leg.
Child 6. It was in the evening;

ALL: But we have nothing to do!

* The melody of the song "" sounds and the children disperse and stand up according to a new scheme:
* * *
Child 1. Tell me, kids,
Whose mom is the best?
Who will go to the competition,
Will take the first place?
Child 2. We will send my mom
And we will help her in everything.
She is beautiful and smart
Best of all, my mom!
Child 3. Sasha, forgive me,
But my mother is the best.
It will cook deliciously, clean it up,
And besides, she sings!
Child 4. Yes, boys, beauty!
Your moms are yes!
But they won't go to the competition,
My mom will be here.
She knows how to sew, knit,
To manage the parent committee.
Child 5. This is what I wanted to say;
All mothers do not sit idle.
This one heals, that one sings
And that tram is leading.
How to find the best
And not to argue until dawn?

Child 6. We can't figure it out on our own
At least we'll break into a cake.
Let's call mothers for help
They will always help us!
* The melody of the song "Mammoth" sounds and 6 mothers appear on the stage. They stand up for
their children. Mothers continue to speak further.
Mom 1. Moms are different!
Mom 2. Moms are all important!
Mom 3. The pilot drives planes,
Mom 4. The cook makes compotes,
Mom 5. The doctor treats everyone from ailments,
ALL: And there is a teacher at the school!
* The melody "" sounds and the mothers continue to speak.
Mom 6. Who will teach you everything?
Mom 1. Will protect you when we are not there?
Mom 2. She will answer all the questions!
Mom 3. And if necessary, give advice!
Mom 4. Yes, she is a reliable rear
Mom 5. Loves her children.
Mama 6. Smells, caresses
ALL (mothers): You are always a second mother.
ALL (children): We will send her to the competition,
And we will help her in everything!
* The teacher enters the stage to the music. Moms and kids disagree
sides of the stage.

Teacher: Thank you, my friends,
That you trust me.
I do not promise to win
The opponents are serious.
But I promise to show

Everything that we are capable of.
I will tell everyone today
What I can, I can.
What does my soul lie for?
What is she sick about.
Behind the forests, beyond the valleys,
Behind the Ural mountains,
In Zlatoust town
At the train station, in the distance
In the Zarechensky village,
There was a girl.
She went to school there,
And then I already decided
That children will go to teach
When the time is right
And time is rolling backwards
And the girl cannot be recognized.
Standing at the blackboard with a pointer
And he says something to the children.
So my destiny began
My vocation is children!
I love them all and I remember
At least twenty years have already flown by.
Everything was: joy and smiles,
Sadness and tears in my eyes.
But I never regretted
Tying fate with teachers.
After all, children are our continuation,
You can invest a lot in them
All that we did not have time
Children will have time to do it.
My son was always by my side.
Like a guiding star.
We went hiking together
And they left for the camps.
We made crafts together,
We sang, cooked pancakes.

And I learned a lot
While we were growing up with him.
I learned to sew and cook
Knit, draw decent.
Write poetry, stories, fairy tales
And to act as a toastmaster.

Yes, it was difficult for me at times
I wanted to cry and scream.
But there was an example in front of me,
I want to say about mom.
Such as my mother tried to be.
She dreamed of becoming a friend to her son.
And I think what happened
Connect dreams and reality into one.
My son has grown up, he is eight years old.
And what should I do with him?
And with him and all those children,
That they began to trust me ...
Thinking, I firmly decided
No need to compose something.
And soon it was organized
A detachment of cheerful Octobrists.
* They come on stage to the october chant.
Who walks together in a row?
Our Oktyabryat detachment.
Who walks in unison?
Give way to the October Revolutions.
Once in a leg, in a leg Once.
There are many of us, many of us.
* The guys stop in the middle of the stage and turn to face the audience.
When the teacher continues to read the poem, they turn and walk away on
edge of the stage, at the wings on the left.

Time rolls along
Hour after hour, day after day.

Other kids have grown up
And they became october.
And before me the question again
How to keep your son and children busy?
And again they did not risk it
And they created another detachment.
* Under the sound of a drum, a pioneer squad enters the stage, reaches the middle of the stage,
turns to face the audience. When the teacher continues to read
poem, they stand on the edge of the stage, at the wings on the right.
Pioneers as they became
Wasted no time.
We have created a vocal circle,
They called it Domisolya.
They sang a lot, performed
We composed the poems ourselves.
Then we decided to dance
Well, how can you refuse children?
And time keeps moving forward.
And my son is growing, growing.
And with him are all his friends,
And what should I do with them, and ...
And a new detachment was created.
We became members of the Komsomol.
For the pioneers, October
And for all the little guys
Now I am calm.
What I used to give them
Now they give to the guys.
Besides, they are going forward
And this is not enough for them.
And again the question arises:
Than take my son seriously
And with him and all his friends,
After all, for me there are no relatives.
The boys are fifteen years old.
They themselves found the answer.

We created the Rostok club,
He helped many boys,
Believe in friendship and success,
To be able to come to the aid of a friend.
And now at fifteen years old
We are thinking about the army.
We are friends with the military unit,
We hold meetings, KVNs,
Lightning was carried out more than once,
After all, the club will already be three years old.

And the children have grown up again
The problems have matured too.
But we will always solve them all,
As long as we are warmed by friendship.
But often even I
I need the right advice.
And the right answer you want
I get at the women's council.
No wonder they call him "Hope".
He gives hope to many.
And our wise mother,
Anyone on the jury will find it now.
When the heart is in pain and heaviness,
When, sometimes it is difficult to live.
I'm running for help in "Hope"
There is no substitute for it!
Here in the brink of how I lived,
What she did and what she breathed.
But my life is not over
And this is just the beginning.
* A son comes out and gives flowers.
Here is my son - pride and support.
And the light in the window for me.
For everything that I achieved in life,
Thank you for loving him!

    Section: ... I find it difficult to choose a section (verses for grade 3). Pushkin's verse for the 3rd grade. Tell me which verse to take. They told us to choose and learn ourselves. Volume 20 lines.

    My poem You will hardly surpass the gray-haired sages, You will not understand the secret of your life, you will not understand. What and how to tell children about spring, poems about spring for children, spring coloring pages on our website: [link-1]. Homework for grade 2.

    Tell me poems about the war. Education, development. Child from 7 to 10. I recited this poem in the first grade at the celebration of Victory Day. A poem written by one of the military poet to my grandmother.

    Please help me find a good verse for my daughter (grade 4) about the Motherland or about Moscow. *** The topic was moved from the conference "SP: gatherings".

    Poems for 4-5 year olds. One two three four! Let's count the holes in the cheese. If there are many holes in the cheese - So the cheese will be tasty, If there is one hole in it - So it was tasty yesterday.

    Section: Lessons (what verses are taught in grade 4 by the school of Russia). what's the difference how many years? the main thing is the class program, not the age of the children. in the 4th, here is an excerpt from Borodino just taught on 23.01.2012 15:05:42, Sherlock.

    We have, according to this program (school 2100) in reading all the verses from the textbook "Reading" - by heart from 1 to 4 grades. From September to early February, we learned about 15 poems: some very short, some medium.

Description: I bring to your attention the author's development of a script for a family business card. I wrote this script for the family of our graduate. The Oganesyan family became the winner of the regional stage of the "Young Family" competition and represented the Tashli region at the regional stage of the competition. The material can be useful for organizers and participants of family competitions, teachers, children and their parents.
Purpose of publication: Dissemination of the experience of creative cooperation with the families of pupils.

Family business card "Meet us!"

Beautiful music sounds. On the stage there is a celestial decoration (a screen with clouds, clouds of white balls, etc.) In the foreground is a table with a pile of papers and envelopes. A man in white clothes (angel) is sitting at the table. He goes through papers and envelopes, picks one letter and speaks.

Well, one more order,
They want a child again.
We want to be in our family,
Healthy little boy.
And again I will create a miracle,
Everything in the world is in my power.
Blind a child out of love
May people be happy!

It fits in another table, decorated like a cloud, on which a baby doll lies, hidden from viewers. The angel pretends to knead the dough, sculpt a child, in the process of sculpting, throws cut sparkles and confetti up and into the hall, finally takes out a doll and addresses the audience.

Another baby is ready
The stork will deliver it.
May it be happy and healthy
So that everything is easy.

The angel with the doll leaves the stage, the heavenly decorations are transformed into bright decorations. The soundtrack of a crying newborn baby sounds. A child runs across the stage with a sign or with a ball on which it is written - 4 years have passed.
Children's music sounds. Son Zhorik comes out with the ball.

Small adults.
I'll tell you now
A story about myself.
I am Vartan, I will soon be five
I play football.
I am learning to write, count,
I read the letters.
Mom and dad say
What a joy to them!
(looks around)
The guys are eating cake there,
I want to get it! (Runs away)

Music sounds. Tablet - 16 years have passed. Dad comes out - Vartan.

Here I am, as if in a dream

Time flew by.
Yes, Vartan, yes, I'm twenty.
Now I'm busy with business.
There is work, there are friends
Everything seems to have worked out.
Only in the heart is emptiness
The one that you never dreamed of.
I don't know why,
Does not sit still,
I'm looking for HER, alone,
To fall in love forever.

Romantic music sounds. Mom's exit - Lyudmila.
Vartan goes up to Lyudmila, takes her hands.

Lyudmila, my dear!
You are the one dreamed of.
I want never again
We have not parted with you.
You are my cosmos, you are the star
The most desirable!
Tell me, do you agree?
Yes! Yes! Yes!
You are the long-awaited happiness!

Music sounds Ludmila and Vartan are dancing a waltz.

You and I will build a house
Light and spacious

Let it ring in it, day after day,
Children's laughter is fervent.

A child runs with a sign - 7 years have passed.
Cheerful children's music sounds, children's laughter. Children run out - Arianna and Zhorik.

Today is my holiday
And there will be a dinner party!
Neighbors and friends will come
To Princess Arianna!
A large table is laid in the living room,
And a cake with candles!
For birthday, seventh,
Thanks to Mom and Dad!

And this is Zhorik, my brother!
We are best friends!
He is younger, but how big
He protects me.

Hello, oh how many of you,
Small adults.
I'll tell you now
A story about myself.
I'm Zhorik, I'm soon five,
I play football.
I am learning to write, count,
I read the letters.

Mom and dad say
What a joy to them!

We brought a big cake
For everyone to get it!

Finale Beautiful music sounds.
The whole family reads a poem to the sky

Thanks for the life and thanks for the sigh!
For the sky, for the rainbow, and for love!
Thank you for the bright dawn in the sky!
For my son, for my daughter, for our family!
For being happy with us!
We don't need another life!

Thank you for attention! Thank you for your comments and votes!


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