Academician Halperin. Family headquarters. Dear Colleagues and Friends! Science has suffered a bereavement

Yakov Ilyich Galperin, Member of the Management Board, Deputy General Director, Head of Multifamily Office

Family Office is a solution for those whose household expenses are measured in millions of dollars

The manager of the family fortune, the personal banker - this character is familiar to us from the novels of the 19th century. Today, even middle-class families have special programs to control home accounting. But what should those who have family budget in the millions? The family office comes to the rescue - a new incarnation of a reliable manager. Only now it is not one person, but a multidisciplinary structure that deals with solving current problems, as well as inheritance, real estate and other issues that require expert advice. These are mainly lawyers, investment managers, professional property managers, as well as tax specialists. "Family offices" overlap with wealth management (a service for managing large fortunes). According to Irina Zharova-Wright, president of the Sesegar investment group, the main difference between them is that wealth management earns and the family office spends: “Wealth management is a profit center, money“ works ”there, and a family office is a cost center , with the main task, though not to increase, but be sure to preserve capital. The client pays for the services of specialists who manage the affairs of his family. Even if the client does not need my services on a daily basis, he has the opportunity to contact me at any time. " Sesegar does not offer family office services on its own, however, it participates in the work of more than 10 Russian and several American family offices, in terms of real estate management. Zharova-Wright communicates directly with the families themselves: "I know for sure - if you have not answered the call of your client's mother, consider that you have lost him."

The oligarchs and top managers of corporations, for example, Gazprom, have their own family offices. One office serves no more than five families, unless, of course, it is multi-family (MFO) - then it simultaneously manages the affairs of several dozen families, and you can become a client without belonging to a particular corporation. The very first family office in the country was created by the founder of Uralsib Nikolay Tsvetkov. It is logical that at first this structure only served him with his family. Over time, she acquired a "market" division - the multi-family office "Uralsib 121". Managers have a good idea of ​​their customers. Here is their collective portrait: a Russian businessman, owner, or who has just sold his business, 35-55 years old, has a family and is thinking about how to pass on what he has acquired to the next generation. His assets cost between $ 20 million and $ 150 million, which means that it is still expensive for him to maintain his own family office, but he needs a high-level service that would cover all aspects of his out-of-office activities. This category of investors is ready to pay not only for a wide choice and quality of financial services, but even more for an individual approach and service conditions. “They want to receive not just good, but the best offers in this market,” comments Yakov Halperin, head of the MFO Alfa Capital Management Company.

In fact, the client can himself form a "subscriber portfolio" of services within a multi-family office. “We are kind of like a Single Customer Service. The client comes with his idea, and our task is to understand what he wants to get as a result, ”says Oleg Kapitonov, Managing Director of K&S Capital Management.

So far, MFOs are not very common in Russia. There are no more than a dozen family offices operating on the market. Several are owned by wealthy companies, although there are international brands such as Fleming Family and Partners and Oracle. The rest belong to domestic financial institutions. These are the family offices of Troika-Dialog Management Company, Unicredit and Tsentrokredit banks.

So far, Russian family offices are all about money. According to UFG WM partner Dmitry Klenov, they focus on investment services, and the rest exists as an add-on. “It's easy to explain: everyone wants to earn more,” says Klenov. His company originally provided legal services... “Then capital protection and inheritance issues and everything else grew around that,” he explains. UFG does not have a bank license or management company, which imposes its own restrictions: “Management does not mean that the client needs to transfer money to our account. We only ask for a limited power of attorney to manage the account. You can say stop at any time. Klenov adds that there are clients "who personally approve every transaction."

MFO Alfa-Capital has a different situation. It has existed under the Criminal Code for two years, offering services through its platform. “We do not create separate structures for each client, unless this is his direct request,” says the head of the direction Yakov Halperin. Although some clients are offered the development of a so-called "family platform" - basic periodic payments, as well as accounting for domestic staff (issues of hiring, firing and paying salaries) is carried out by a separate payment center. “Our clients have access to truly exclusive investment products, as well as a wide range of lifestyle services, from insurance and medicine to support for business transactions,” says Mr. Halperin. In addition to its own investment products, its MFO offers the services of international counterparties (BNP Paribas, Unicredit, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, etc.). “We do not depend on one bank, we have the ability to compare and find the best prices and products ".

The essence of the Russian version of the family office was well formulated by Oleg Kapitonov, Managing Director of K&S Capital Management. The main function of his family office is working with assets: how to own and protect, how to sell on time with an optimal level of taxes, and finally, how to inherit them.

The entry threshold is not yet very high: for example, Alfa-Capital has $ 5 million, you can find offers and from $ 1 million. Managers receive a fixed fee in rare cases, most often it is a remuneration for asset management at the end of the year. “We work effectively when it comes to fairly large assets. Although we declare the entry threshold of $ 10 million, most often it is $ 30 million, ”says Dmitry Klenov. Unlike competitors, they do not have additional interest on profit growth. “Motivation affects the quality of management. The manager knows that if the client's portfolio grows, he will receive a bonus, which makes him take more risks. " On average in the market, management costs 1% of the value of assets.

The goal of the manager is not only to save the client's money, but also to build up a "credit of trust" for himself. “We“ grow ”to a greater extent on old clients than on new ones,” admits Mr. Klenov. According to him, it takes 1-2 years for a new client to become a full-fledged family office. The insignificant amount of commission does not allow maintaining the office only through asset management, which means that it is necessary to sell not an investment product, but a range of services. "Having entrusted us with something small, the client begins to trust more and more." As a rule, he comes already with some problem: "In the process of solving it, many questions appear, and we plunge into his" kitchen ", where we already understand what can be improved and make appropriate proposals." There are also funny things. One of the managers recalls a client's request for real estate and business in Italy. It turned out that the solution to his problem was a long-term Schengen visa: he only needed the right to freely enter Italy ...

In addition to standard investment vehicles, family offices strive to develop their own know-how. Alfa Capital launched the MFO Luxury Index, which allows investment in companies producing luxury goods, and K&S Capital Management became one of the first management companies to offer investments in “funds of funds”. But the main goal of the family office is not to make money, but to preserve it. Many managers call themselves advisors. They can choose for the client not only management companies for investing funds, but also managers who have proven themselves in the market.

Everything related to inheritance issues goes on a separate line. To solve them, within the framework of the family office for clients, they create so-called family foundations, or trusts - companies that are registered in preferential tax jurisdictions, own all the property of wealthy families and operate strictly according to a memorandum left by the original owner of the property. The manager of a family foundation can be a protector, that is, represent the interests of the principal in an independent board of directors.

The simplest and most optional filling of the family office functionality is lifestyle management. Some, for example, "Alfa-Capital", it comes in the form of a free "compliment". Others abandon this direction altogether. “When the client asked if we could book a hotel room, we replied that it is unlikely to book, but we can buy a hotel!” - recalls Dmitry Klenov from UFG WM.

At the origins.

Blessed memory
Yakov Grigorievich Halperin


I take a living canvas
Energy information fabric.
Thick substance it
Streams through the centers of the hands.

I will close the breakdown for them
Disturbed biofield
And I will take you with me
To the land where the Lord's Will reigns.

Through prayer ecstasy
Let's enter the Holy Revelation
And the darkness will not prevail over us
By faith we will be saved.

We will heal
And when
Light will triumph over the shadow,
Any misfortune will pass
By God By Will.

So who is he asking you,
Who brings healing to people?
Unafraid of the dark
Fighting a dark shadow?

Who "hears" the pain of human hearts,
To whom the Spirit of Truth is the Leader! -
He is God's Army Fighter
With a high rank -

Outside the window of the hospital ward, there are bunches of mountain ash in raindrops. "Germany, dampness, fogs ..." - I recall the lines of my poem of the lieutenant's time. It is already a month that I have been in the hospital in the neuropathological department. The symptoms of the disease are very unpleasant - the face grows numb in a wave, the tongue becomes heavy, then the numbness descends from top to bottom along the half of the body, arm, leg. Language does not obey, speech is difficult.
Doctors have identified a neuro-infection, but the doctor of our military unit, who specialized in neurosurgery, fears that this is the beginning of multiple sclerosis. In addition, blood circulation in the legs is impaired and significantly - they suggest endarteritis of the lower extremities, the prognosis is the most unpleasant, the disease is practically incurable, amputation, in the end, is inevitable, one can only postpone the final with strenuous medical measures. I'm not even talking about pancreatitis and liver damage after suffering from jaundice in addition to gastroduodenitis. And I am only 36 years old.
Painful thoughts just creep into my head. Yes, you are a guy who has risen to fun times!
Why are you sad, Lieutenant Colonel? - This is my new roommate, such a funny major - joker, who was put on the next preventive examination.
I shared my sad thoughts.
- And you know that I, after all, have no prospect of survival at all. I was lying after a car accident, all broken, and as you can see, I got out and I feel not bad at all.
How did you manage it, Sasha?
- It's very simple - good people helped.
Were the good doctors caught?
- Well, doctors are doctors, and these people are not doctors, just knowledgeable specialists- healers.
Come on, Sasha, in more detail from this place.
- I was lying all broken, with the same not cheerful thoughts, and friends came to my roommate, they turned their attention to me. Listen, they say, guy, don't rely too much on doctors, pull yourself out of the swamp by the hairs like Baron Munchausen.
How is it, I ask, what can I do myself, and even in this position? Then they told me about Yoga, "pranoyama", internal concentration, concentration of attention, mental control of internal energies and much more. They explained how to train, what to do in the first place, what then, how to direct the accumulated energy to sore spots, well, and much more, they provided translated literature. I then “grabbed hold of it with both hands”, and as you can see, the result is obvious. Come on and you begin, there is nothing to skip.

So for the first time in my life I came into contact with the teachings of yoga and began to actively develop the first skills of yogic physical, and then mental and Spiritual self-improvement. The results were not long in coming. Already about a year later, before being replaced by the "union", I spent a month in a military sanatorium in Sukhumi, where I was thoroughly examined and all diagnoses previously made in the hospital were removed.
Of course, it wasn't just yoga that helped. Then, already in the hospital, I started jogging, doing some special exercises (except for yoga asanas, some of which I managed to master), began to train in a group of karate fighters, later I mastered running along the Lydyard (with aerobic breathing) and much more.
Remembering the major who guided me on the right path, I came to a completely logical idea that if they helped me, I simply have to help others by offering my new knowledge, best practices and skills to improve the health of people in need.
Naturally, such people were at first my colleagues and close people - friends, relatives.
When I was replaced in Kiev, I continued my studies, increasing the possibilities of recovery. Especially actively, as they say, "headlong" went into comprehension of the very essence of this phenomenon, and especially its psychophysical, and later spiritual components. Much was revealed to me then, I finally found answers to many questions, but the main thing was that I came to Vera. This is a special topic about which you can talk a lot, although it is purely intimate, so now I will limit myself to just stating the very fact of my Spiritual Insight.
In those years, and this is the end of the 80s, the beginning of the 90s, a real "boom" unfolded around the problem of extrasensory perception and healing. Demonstration television performances with the participation, first of Anatoly Kashpirovsky, and then Alan Chumak, literally shook the public and against the background of this, schools and training courses for psychics and healers began to appear and grow like mushrooms in rainy weather, which were "stamped" by tens and hundreds.
Many of these people very soon gave up the practice of healing, picking up "above the roof" other people's "sores", they realized that this was not an easy way to get rich, but a difficult one. daily work, even dangerous for their own health, requiring perseverance in achieving goals, full dedication, courage and great will. Over time, they simply moved away. Some died, taking upon themselves, due to their incompetence, the grave incurable diseases of their patients.
In a dozen years, healing remained mainly those for whom it was their destiny "Above". Looking "back" now, after more than 20 years of my healing experience, I understand that, fortunately, for me this path has become my new destiny in my life.
Some of this initial training, in spite of the fact that I myself already knew a lot and was able, went, of course, and I. However, I was attracted by the scientific side of the problem of healing, and I wanted to get in touch with a much more serious level of its study, both in theory and in practice.
For this purpose, I then visited the Kiev Institute of Traditional Medicine and there I saw the announcement of the 1st International Scientific Congress "Traditional Medicine and Nutrition: Theoretical and Practical Aspects".
The congress was to take place in Moscow. The level and title of its organizers and founders was striking: the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, the Ministry of Science and Industrial Policy Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
It was proposed to send a report through the Institute of Traditional Medicine to participate in the congress and thus take part in the congress.
My report "on the formulation of the problem of psychoenergetic influences" was rejected by the leadership of the institute, they say, there is nothing to disgrace Ukraine with all sorts of unscientific fabrications. Then I sent the report directly to the address of the organizing committee of the congress and soon received an invitation to participate in the congress with my report.
This was my first congress, at which I learned about the existence of the scientific research center for traditional folk medicine "ENIOM" in Moscow and heard the name of its organizer and leader - Yakov Grigorievich Galperin.
I decided to definitely visit this center and not just visit, but quit business relationship with this organization. I succeeded, and soon I had a chance to meet and communicate with Yakov Grigorievich himself.
Most of all I was struck by the availability of this person, who, despite his fame and titularity, extensive personal acquaintances and contacts in the Moscow government and the Ministry of Health, his great opportunities, was completely accessible and easy to communicate, friendly and attentive to each visitor and especially , of course, among those who ranked themselves among the cohort of folk healers of the entire post-Soviet space.
Later, after participating in several traditional international congresses organized by the center, and simply my visits to it, participation in some events and projects of ENIOM, my acquaintance with Yakov Grigorievich became closer, he always greeted me very warmly, addressing me by name, and called "our Kievite", and I was just one of many hundreds, if not thousands of healers from all over Russia, far and near abroad, with whom Yakov Grigorievich had to communicate.
A big event for me was the awarding of the Order of the Master's Star in 2000. Yakov Grigorievich, presenting the order, admonished me not to deviate in healing from scientific work and his guidance gave me confidence in my chosen path, and added creative strength. It was then that I more purposefully focused on continuing to work on my book "Treatises of the Paradigm"
I remember the conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Yakov Grigorievich and the banquet to which I received a personal invitation. Yakov Grigorievich here, too, found an opportunity for at least another minute, but to communicate with everyone who approached him with congratulations, in a simple way, as if “on equal terms,” and this amazed and won over him most of all.
I congratulated Yakov Grigorievich together with Raisa Ktenidi - our famous Ukrainian healer, a specialist in "lithotherapy", whom Yakov Grigorievich also admonished and gave, as it were, a "start in life" in healing. Then from the hands of Yakov Grigorievich we received the jubilee medals “20 years. Revival of traditional medicine "
My special thanks to Yakov Grigorievich for the fact that he personally introduced me to another outstanding person, his friend and colleague Hantseverov Firyaz Rakhimovich - the founder and permanent leader, until the very end of his life, the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences, and the founder of the new scientific direction of eniology ...
My special pride is that, being an honorary academician of this academy, I had the opportunity to communicate a lot with this outstanding person and work with him on his last book, which, unfortunately, he did not manage to publish.
Another wonderful person with whom I had the honor to be quite familiar with, thanks to Yakov Grigorievich, is Afanasy Ivanovich Kobzin, like Firyaz Rakhimovia Hantseverov, a friend and colleague of Yakov Grigorievich, who was at the origins of the creation of the ENIOM center. We were connected with him not only by business, but also by companionship, although, of course, I am much less experienced as a healer and especially as a psychotherapist. Thanks to Afanasy Ivanovich, I mastered some techniques of neuro-linguistic programming, having completed a training course at the "Moscow Institute of Psychotherapy and Human Self-Regulation" he created
Through communication with Yakov Grigorievich, I got to know quite closely another of his associates, a doctor, a scientist who was one of the main founders of our Soviet space medicine - Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin. Especially valuable to me were his recommendations on the use of ultraviolet radiation in practical healing.
Undoubtedly, the traditional international congresses "traditional medicine of Russia - past, present, future", in the management of the organization and holding of which the role of Yakov Grigorievich was decisive, were a consolidating factor in uniting traditional healers around the center of traditional folk medicine "Eniom", in which methodological, evidence-based recommendations for traditional healers, they were trained, and many had the opportunity to work in the center as practicing healers.
At the same time, it should be noted that no one was denied this, and not only in the methodological and educational directions, but also in matters of assistance in publishing the author's developments of healers. Wherein scientific and methodological department Center also gave an expert assessment of these publications, which significantly increased the level of their scientific and medical validity, which in itself was a unique phenomenon.
In the center "Eniom", under the guidance and general editorship of Yakov Grigorievich, following the results of the congresses, collections of reports of the participants "scientific and practical aspects of traditional medicine" were published regularly, in which not only and even not so much the abstracts of the participants of the congress were published, but their full detailed reports ... The role of these publications cannot be overestimated, since it was extremely difficult to publish the "know-how" of practicing healers in other scientific and medical sources, and sometimes it was simply not possible.
In many ways, this work depended on the efforts of another permanent associate of Yakov Grigorievich, the editor-in-chief and head of the editorial department of the center, Valentina Ivanovna Paisova, with whom I also have long-term business and just comradely relations.
It seems that quite recently we all celebrated 20 summer anniversary revival of traditional medicine in Russia and congratulated Yakov Grigorievich on his eightieth birthday. And now this amazing person is not with us, but all of us, folk healers, who, by the will of fate, "under the wing" of the All-Russian Research Center "ENIOM", will remember with gratitude Yakov Grigorievich Halperin, and his closest associates, some of whom are already so have passed away. We will remember those who stood at the origins of eniology and the revival of traditional folk medicine in Russia and the entire post-Soviet space.

Kiev - Moscow. July 2011


In 1988 he graduated from the technical college at the plant named after I. A. Likhachev with a degree in economics and organization of the machine-building industry.

Has certificates of the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia series 1.0, 5.0.

Labor activity

He started his career as an economist at a factory. Later, he led a number of commercial manufacturing enterprises.

From 1994 to 1996, he held the post of Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSB Rossotsbank.

In 1996, he became the chairman of the board of the commercial bank Mezhinvestbank.

In 1998 he moved to work at Alfa-Bank, where in four years he worked his way up from the manager of a branch of the Krasnaya Presnya bank office to the head of the business center, vice president.

Since 2002, he was the first deputy general director of Alfa-Insurance.

In 2004, he headed the additional office of Globex Bank as a director. In the same year he was appointed vice president of Globex. Later he became a member of the board of a credit institution.

In 2008, he took up the post of Deputy General Director of the Alfa-Capital management company. In March 2008, he headed the newly formed Center for work with key clients Management Company (head of the Multifamily Office and became a member of the board of the company. He worked here until 2016.

At your own risk

Is it possible for a person who has worked successfully in the banking business for a long time to engage in insurance? It turns out that it is not only possible, but also necessary. After all, the technologies successfully used in the banking sector are largely applicable in the field of insurance.

At Alfa-Insurance, the company continues to strengthen its top management. Soon after the appointment of Vladimir Skvortsov director general Yakov Halperin, vice president of Alfa-Bank, has been appointed to the position of his first deputy. Today he answers questions about the insurance and banking business.

Yakov Ilyich Galperin was born on July 17, 1961 in Moscow. In 1988 he graduated from the technical college at the Likhachev plant with a degree in economics and organization of the machine-building industry. Labor activity started as an economist at a factory. He headed a number of commercial manufacturing enterprises.

From 1994 to 1996, Halperin was Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSB Rossotsbank. 1996 to 1998 - Chairman of the Board Commercial bank Mezhinvestbank. From 1998 to September 2002 - Vice President of Alfa Bank. In parallel, in the period from 1998 to 2000, he held the post of manager of the Krasnaya Presnya branch, and from 2000 to 2002, he headed the business center of Alfa-Bank.

- Yakov Ilyich, you have worked in the banking business for many years, and now you have come to insurance. Does this mean that the insurance business is becoming more interesting than the banking one?

- It so happened that the banking business in Russia began to develop much earlier than the insurance business. Accordingly, bankers were able to create and test a lot of technologies for working with clients. Now that the objective prerequisites for development have been formed insurance business, I am interested in using the developed technologies in the insurance business.

- What areas of the company's activity do you consider the most promising and interesting for yourself?

- My task is to develop a sales concept for all insurance products of the company. For this, first of all, an analysis of existing business processes related to working with clients was carried out. We have segmented the market, dividing clients into industry, mid-level and retail. From experience I know that working with so-called industry clients is individual, it takes the longest amount of time. Moreover, the cost of a mistake is too high here. Working with average clients (these include companies with a turnover of $ 30-100 million) is, rather, a system that assumes more patterns than in the previous case. Finally, working with private clients, the so-called retail, is a real technology.

- What do you mean by technology?

- First of all, we are talking about information technology, which help the company's employees to confidently navigate the widest range of services and understand what kind of insurance coverage each specific client needs. There are a lot of insurance products, and the client must be sure that this insurance company will offer him exactly what he really needs: if a standard product does not suit him, they will select an individual program.

Secondly, sales of insurance products must be targeted. For example, a person draws up a VISA card at Alfa-Bank and gets the opportunity to insure his car at a discount. It's comfortable.

Let's take a different situation. The car owner comes to the TNK branded gas station, pours gasoline into the car and immediately buys a civil liability insurance policy. That is, a person receives an insurance product exactly in the place where he can think about it.

Thirdly, it is necessary to bring the insurer as close as possible to a potential client. Banks, in particular Alfa-Bank, solve this problem by developing their branch network... Today, the Alfa-Insurance network, which includes more than 50 branches, largely overlaps with the Alfa-Bank network. In my opinion, it is necessary to create a single branch network of the insurer and the bank, so that the client in the same place could receive comprehensive service... In addition to the development of the branch network, we are stepping up work with agents and brokers in the field of property types of insurance, which is especially important for regions where there are many potential clients but few products and competent sellers.

- If sales are made through a broker or agent, what is the best way to ensure compliance with high standards in working with a client?

- Of course, this is an important task. Before transferring the right to sell our insurance products to a specific broker or agent, we must make sure that we do not have any doubts about its management structure, staff qualifications, and reputation in the market. We constantly monitor the work of our brokers and agents and carry out a whole range of measures to improve the qualifications of their staff.

As for improving the work with individuals, then in August last year we invited Roman Ivanov to the position of director of the agent network, who for several years of work in international company AIG has managed to create the best, in our opinion, agent network in Russia.

- What needs to be done to remain the leader in the insurance market?

- I think that today the winner is the one who offers the client the widest range of insurance products and high quality of service.

Take auto insurance, the main thing here is the simplicity of the process of resolving possible conflicts and claims. We have developed the most simplified procedure for settling claims for the most common insurance events. For example, if the body glass is damaged, the policyholder can replace the glass without prior notification to the company. It would seem a trifle, but any car enthusiast will appreciate it.

In the field of medical insurance, we decided to create our own base of medical and preventive institutions "MedAS" in order to provide truly high-quality medical care. Today, for example, our doctors not only come to patients on a call to their homes, but also provide medical assistance in offices insured with Alfa-Insurance. Today the number of MedAS clients is more than 5 thousand.

- Why do you think that the insurance market in Russia will develop?

- I see a lot of prerequisites for this. Insurance today is directly related to the growth in the well-being of the middle class in Russia. Insurance gives people confidence, and they are willing to pay for this confidence.

In fact, we simply have no other way. The market is developing according to well-known laws, and Russia is destined to go the way it has traveled all over the world. Today the level of consumption of insurance services in our country is 50-60 times lower than, for example, in Poland or Hungary. This gap, in fact, is the zone of proximal development.

Company information

The Alfa-Insurance Group was established in 2001 by the financial-industrial holding Alfa Group. The shareholders of the Group are OJSC "Alfa-Bank" and the companies of the consortium "Alfa Group". Authorized capital companies - 1.95 billion rubles. The Group holds licenses for 64 types of insurance. There are 50 branches of the group operating in Russia. In terms of the total amount of collected premiums for voluntary types of insurance, the company took 6th place in the first half of 2002.


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