Why does a bank need budgeting? Bank budgeting. Planning the operating budget of a commercial bank

Budgeting issues have recently become most acute for the heads of many commercial banks. This is due to the fact that in connection with a decrease in the profitability of banking operations in the conditions of competition for customers, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of their organizations. One way to achieve this goal is to apply or improve the budgeting system.

This article is devoted to a brief summary of the basic principles of complex budgeting technology, obtained as a result of summarizing the experience of budgeting specialists from many banks and enterprises. A distinctive feature of this technology is that its development took place with the steadfast adherence to three principles:

  • following current trends in management commercial organization.
  • Use of real budgeting technologies, proven in practice.
  • Designing a system for automating the budgeting process together with the development of its technology.

Modern trends in the field of management declare that the construction of a budgeting system should now be based on a deep study of the market, understanding the clientele and counterparties of the bank, as well as involving a large number of managers and specialists of various levels of responsibility in the process of budgeting and managing the bank (see Niels Rasmussen, Christopher J. Eichhorn "Budgeting Today: Overview and Trends", John Wiley & Sons; 2000, ISBN: 0471392073).

Applying elements practical technologies On the contrary, it allows not to break away from reality, but to apply mechanisms that are guaranteed to give a positive result. Usage practical experience all the more valuable because it allows you to significantly reduce costs when implementing or improving the budgeting system.

Designing an automation system simultaneously with the development of budgeting technology allows you to check it for consistency and sufficiency of information during its implementation. Indeed, the description of the budgeting technology in algorithms and information flows makes it possible to eliminate the ambiguity and fuzziness of its individual elements.

Perhaps, for some specialists, this approach to the development of a budgeting system will seem somewhat unusual. However, any business management technology (and budgeting is a part of this technology) is the result of applying knowledge and gaining experience by specific managers and specialists. Budgeting is not a product of lawmaking that defines uniform rules and norms of work for everyone.

So, let's first consider what concepts and technologies traditionally relate to the budget, and then what transformations they undergo when expanding the scope of financial planning and control to the tasks of managing the bank's business activities as a whole.

The budget as a financial reflection of the bank's activities

Traditionally, when they talk about the budget, they mean itemized planning and accounting for income and expenses in the context of Profit Centers and Cost Centers. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the financial reflection of the bank's activities. So, the main concepts of the budget include:

  • Accounting centers, which are defined as the places of origin of income and expenses - Profit Centers and Cost Centers. The composition and hierarchy of the Accounting Centers determines the financial structure of the bank, which, as a rule, does not always coincide with its organizational structure. For example, the Profit Center can be both the Accounts Department and the Credit Department. However, they may have a different composition of income items. Financial Responsibility Centers are also distinguished, which include the functions of both Profit Centers and Cost Centers. They can be fairly independent bank branches or specialized projects. Under Funding Centers or Centers financial management commonly understood as Bank Treasury.
  • The budget plan, consisting of items of income and expenses, is an integral part of the management chart of accounts. The composition of the budget plan items reflects the view of the bank's management on what indicators of the bank's activities should be subject to planning and control. Usually, the basis for the development of a budget plan in banks is Form N102, which contains a wide list of income and expense items, as well as items for disposing of profits or compensation for losses.
  • Financial plan or a payment calendar, the development of which is the final stage of budget planning. In the process of developing a financial plan (payment calendar), the values ​​of budget lines with homogeneous financial instruments are aggregated within the planned budget period. The payment calendar, in turn, is the initial information for performing financial management work, since it contains information on the movement of funds in the context of financial instruments, and not in the context of income and expense items.

The traditional budgeting technology focuses primarily on the financial description of the bank's activities. The work on the formulation of budgeting technology and work on its implementation differ:

  • Setting up a budgeting system begins with building the bank's financial structure and developing a plan for income and expense items. Then certain items of income and expenses are assigned to responsible specialists and managers who fill them in during planning and accounting. Consolidation of budget plans is required if the bank's hierarchical financial structure is applied. Thus, the composition of the participants in the budgeting process is determined and their roles in this process are distributed.
  • The allocation of direct and indirect costs, fixed and variable income and expenses is an important element of budgeting technology. The result of this work is the grouping of income and expense items, which is not determined by the goals of planning and control, but is determined by the use of similar planning and accounting technologies. For example, income from settlement or cash service, commissions from servicing credit cards are largely subject to the behavior of the bank's clientele and are variable or conditionally constant items. In this case, statistical planning methods based on the processing of historical customer service data are more applicable. In turn, the cost of renting premises, security and public Utilities are permanent and it is expedient to plan them on the basis of concluded contracts. Income from lending or working with promissory notes is the direct income of the respective Profit Centers. When planning them, it is necessary to take into account an integrated risk assessment, which in the budget can be transformed into a set of budget plans that reflect various scenarios (examples of plans: optimistic, pessimistic, optimal).
  • Full squad stages in the implementation of budgeting is presented in the form of planning, accounting, execution control and budget analysis. In the simplest case, managers manage to take into account the actual performance and analysis of the budget.

Traditional concepts and technologies of budgeting are focused on the financial expression of the bank's business as a whole. At the same time, for planning and accounting for the values ​​of budget items, concepts such as contracts, applications for the purchase of equipment are used, staff work can be rationed, seasonality in demand for banking services is taken into account. That is, concepts are used that are not directly related to the problem of financial planning.

New directions in the field of budgeting

Recently, more and more attention has been paid to a number of tasks from the field of business activity management related to business orientation to the consumer, market research, "fine" planning, namely:

  • Performance management of divisions and personnel
  • Management of the composition and quality of banking services
  • Analysis of the client base
  • Analysis of suppliers of goods and services, as well as contractors and business partners.

Usually these tasks are considered as independent and are not directly related to budgeting. At the same time, the connection between them still exists, since any of these tasks can also have its financial expression. Therefore, if you establish a relationship in finance between the budget and various directions management of business activities, then we can talk about new budgeting technologies that push the boundaries of financial management to the scale of integrated planning and accounting for the bank's business activities.

Consider how you can solve these problems using budgeting technology:

  • Management of activities of departments and personnel. In order to form a budget of income and expenses in the context of departments, it is necessary to perform the transition from the structure of income and expenses by Accounting Centers (financial structure) to income and expenses by departments and branches ( organizational structure). For this purpose, various algorithms for distributing (posting) the values ​​of budget items are used. For example, income from lending can be distributed among departments in accordance with the amount of salaries of employees involved in lending (using indirect accounting of employee qualifications); phone costs are conveniently distributed according to the number of employees in departments. A part of income and expenses can be automatically transferred from Accounting Centers to subdivisions if there are local matches in the financial and organizational structure of the bank. The most characteristic coincidences are a branch in the organizational structure and the corresponding Financial Responsibility Center in the financial structure. After performing such postings, a full analysis of the effectiveness of the activities of departments and personnel is performed.
  • Management of the composition and quality of banking services. To solve this problem, as well as to assess the profitability and efficiency of the bank's businesses, it is also possible to use the results of budgeting by Accounting Centers. In this case, items are posted or direct allocation of income and expenses on the basis of contracts, payment documents and transactions in the context of banking services. At the same time, it is more convenient to plan income and operating expenses in terms of banking services and products, and then reflect them in the financial structure of the budget by Accounting Centers. This approach improves the quality of information both in planning and in accounting for the bank's business activities.
  • Analysis and management of the bank's client base. It is possible to perform an analysis of the bank's client base on the basis of information on the profitability of the client base both by groups of clients, and individually - for each. To do this, you need to post the revenue part of the budget in the context of customers. This additional posting and direct accounting is not difficult, since the original budget execution information always has a link to a specific client or group of bank clients. After that, you can evaluate the structure and quality of the customer base, as well as the ranking of customers and customer groups. Information about the client base is also used when planning the revenue side of the budget.
  • Analysis of suppliers, contractors and business partners. The solution of this problem is also possible with a focus on budgeting. Identification of profitable and unprofitable counterparties, reliable and unreliable partners, tracking the migration of counterparties from one classification group to another, as well as in the case of the bank's client base, can be based on financial information on budget execution.
  • Bank management. There is a common practice when adjustments are made to the concept of Cost Centers and Profit Centers, classifying them in terms of consuming and providing units. AHO, Automation Department, Bank Security Service, being Cost Centers, are at the same time considered as providing subdivisions. All other Accounting Centers (both Profit Centers and Cost Centers) are consuming. With this approach, the budgeting system includes additional cost posting mechanisms that transfer the costs of providing departments to consuming ones. In this case, it is possible not only to use posting mechanisms, but also to directly transfer costs from providing units to consuming units in the case of targeted use of funds. Budgeting by Accounting Centers in the plane of providing and consuming departments makes it possible to ensure effective management material resources of the bank, to minimize the purchase prices for goods and services.
  • Bank resource management. The problem of bank resource management has two types of connection with the budgeting problem. Firstly, the payment schedule in the context of financial instruments is the initial information for the bank's Treasury when choosing a strategy for managing liquidity and risks. Secondly, the characteristics of the Accounting Centers in the context of units attracting resources (passive operations) and units placing them (active operations) allows you to plan and control the efficiency of using financial resources jar. To solve this problem, the profitability of allocated resources is posted based on the unprofitability of attracted resources. In case of application internal pricing when resources are transferred from one department to another, the logic of income and expense planning in these accounting centers changes. In this case, the posting of income and expenses is replaced by accounting for direct income and expenses between departments. Budgeting in separate planes of both business expenses and income and expenses from business activities allows you to get a more accurate picture when assessing the efficiency of resource use. This applies equally to both material and financial and labor resources jar. The fact is that sometimes the level of overhead costs becomes commensurate with the level of expenses from business activities in a number of Accounting Centers, which negatively affects their assessment in terms of resource management.

The advantage of integrated budgeting technology is that with this approach, these budgeting tasks can be considered independently of each other, while maintaining the integrity of the overall financial picture. Thus, it is possible to focus on the narrowest direction of the bank's activities and apply managerial influences more purposefully than when using the budget only in its classical sense. For example, a bank has large overhead costs - it is necessary to focus on the analysis and management of the bank's economy, it is bad with attracted resources - an analysis of the activities of counterparties is performed. It doesn't matter what the income is - you need to apply the analysis of banking services and customer base. At the same time, there is no separation from the central component of budgeting - its financial structure. This structure is a universal connecting and coordinating for all components of the directions of the complex task of budgeting. Thus, having paid attention to one or another direction, one can move on to another important task, while remaining confident that the solved tasks are automatically linked to others.

Multivariate budget analysis

There is another level of business activity management that arises at the intersection of information on individual budgeting areas. To perform this kind of analysis, you no longer need additional posting of item values. It is enough to use data from various areas for joint analysis:

  • Analysis of income and expenses of bank divisions in the context of banking services. This direction gives an idea of ​​which services are performed more efficiently in which departments. You can analyze the participation of various departments in the performance of certain banking services. As a result of this kind of analysis, it may be found that it is more profitable to allocate some units to Financial Responsibility Centers if the bulk of the operations are concentrated in them. It is also possible to evaluate the activities of branches by profitability in the context of banking services. This information can be useful in calculating domestic prices for resources and services.
  • Analysis of income and expenses from clients and groups of clients in the context of banking services. It makes it possible to manage the composition and quality of services in the client base. The results of the analysis are also valuable information when performing work on the calculation of prices for banking services. This information is indispensable in the preparation of management decisions to change the structure of customer groups in the context of the bank's business types.
  • Analysis of income and expenses from transactions with counterparties or suppliers of goods and services in the context of banking services or inventory items. Here, the tasks of identifying the migration of counterparties from profitable to unprofitable for certain services are solved. For example, it may turn out that it has become unprofitable to work with any counterparty on interbank loans, but it is worth increasing the volume of cash transactions with him. It can also be revealed that a longtime supplier computer technology it is already becoming unprofitable for the bank and it is necessary to make a decision on reorientation to another supplier.

In the considered budgeting technology, the issues of asset management, capital, liquidity, and risks remained unaffected. This was not done by chance, since their solution is possible only in relation to the Financial Responsibility Centers, which is the bank as a whole or fairly independent branches. Also, the solution of these problems is a different view of the bank's business activities - from the standpoint of evaluating and forecasting such results of the bank's activities as reliability, stability, etc. In addition, there are differences in the technology for solving these problems. It is much easier and more efficient to perform such assessments and calculations, starting from the current financial condition jar. At the same time, the primary information used in the budgeting process - contracts, planned payments, contracts, etc. can also be used to calculate the predicted financial condition of the bank.

Another difference between the technologies is that the consumers of information about the reliability and stability of the bank can be not only the bank's management, but also external entities in relation to the bank: the state, tax authorities, shareholders, customers. Therefore, to obtain the values ​​of the same indicators, different methods of evaluating the bank's activities can be used. This is the difference between this kind of analysis and the technology of budgeting business activities, since budgeting is focused solely on the tasks of the head managing the bank's business.

The proposed technology is a harmonious bank management scheme based on integrated budgeting. This model is a synthesis of many technologies and schools. Its notable feature is that the construction of an integrated budgeting system can start small and gradually increase the attributes of budgeting, clearly understanding the intermediate stages, as well as ultimate goal the process of improving the bank management structure. Adhering to the proposed technology, you can gradually move from the financial management of the bank to a full-fledged system for managing its business. In order to apply this technology in practice, it is necessary to solve a number of organizational and consulting issues. Here, both the desire of the bank's management to implement an effective budgeting system and the availability of qualified specialists who contribute to the process of implementing the system are necessary. The only issue that can already be safely called resolved is the provision of budgeting technology in terms of automating its processes. This issue has long been investigated by the author of the article and put into practice.

At present, the banking system of our country can be qualified as developing. It is characterized by increased competition, expansion of the range of banking products and services, an increase in the volume of operations, expansion of banking branch networks. The effectiveness of banking activities in such conditions largely depends on the system of banking management.

Meanwhile, existing contemporary issues banks, expressed in its weak business activity in comparison with Western countries, lack of Money etc., are often associated with misunderstanding or ignoring the most important component of banking management - financial planning. The low level of financial planning of the activities of commercial banks is one of the factors hindering the development of banking activities.

Recently, the heads of many commercial banks have faced the issues of financial planning of the activities of the bank as a whole and its divisions, determining the cost of banking services, and finding internal reserves of survival by commercial banks. In this regard, the role of intra-bank financial planning is increasing, which involves the introduction of a system for evaluating the performance of various departments of the bank and individual areas of its activity.

Budgeting is a management tool designed to solve the existing variety of problems of commercial banks by improving the efficiency of financial planning and management in general. In addition, at present, budgeting is a tool for strengthening control over the expenditure of resources, balancing cash flows, organizing effective evaluation activities of a commercial bank and the prospects of certain areas of business, etc.

Budgeting is one of effective tools management, which, with a competent approach to its use, allows a commercial bank to more effectively earn profits and manage financial flows.

Budgeting allows managers to timely and adequately respond to changes in external and internal conditions and coordinate the activities of a commercial bank with them

Budgeting helps to make decisions more effectively, implement these decisions and monitor their implementation. That is, the budgeting system allows you to evaluate in advance the future results of decisions that need to be made today.

Budgeting as a management tool is also good because it covers almost all areas of the company. Therefore, when companies actively use budgeting technology, whether they want it or not, they will still have to monitor and evaluate how effective it is in general and in all their functional areas of activity, how efficiently the divisions / branches of the company work.

Budgeting is based on the principle of "management by responsibility centers", according to which the heads of departments and other employees of the company are responsible for planning and executing targets associated with the implementation of their activities.

The budget is a plan in monetary terms, covering all aspects of the organization's activities, allowing you to compare the costs incurred and the results obtained in general and for individual periods. This is the main source of information for assessing the future (projected) financial condition of the company, corrective management decisions.

Budget planning is the process of preparing and executing a budget, which is the financial, quantified expression of marketing and production plans necessary for the purposes set by the company.

Therefore, budgeting becomes the link between strategic management carried out by top management, and operational management, implemented at the lower level.

The purpose of the work is to study the essence of budgeting the activities of a commercial bank and the direction of improving the budget process.

Within the framework of this goal, the following tasks are set:

Consider the theoretical foundations of budgeting as a system of financial management of a company.

To reveal the features of budgeting in a commercial bank and assessing the activities of its divisions on the example of Tolubay OJSC;

We used scientific works leading scientists on financial management issues, in particular financial planning and budgeting. The importance and necessity of introducing budgeting as a financial planning technology into the banking management system is repeatedly emphasized in the works of such scientists involved in the study of planning problems as Vorshteher H., Dobrovolsky E.Yu., Kunitsyna N.N., Pomorina M.A., Rumyantsev M.V., Sadvakasov K.K., Tilms R., Tyutyunnik A.V., Shirinskaya E.B. and others. In the course of the study, general and special literature, developments of leading experts in the field of management organization and solving practical problems were studied and summarized.

Structurally, the thesis consists of an introduction, three main chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of budgeting as a system of financial management of a company

1.1 Fundamentals of budgeting and its place in the management system

In the context of increasing complexity of economic relations, intense competition and increasing importance of strategic decisions, the processes of foreseeing the company's position in the future, developing goals, and fulfilling them. Thus, on the one hand, budgeting is planning, and on the other hand, it performs control functions. This complex process consists of many elements.

The terms and concepts associated with the budgeting process: budget, plan, estimate, are interpreted differently in the domestic economic literature, which sometimes makes the meaning of this process lost. So, the concept, budget, is often identified with the plan economic activity organizations for the current period; management planning process - with budgeting; business plan of the organization - with a consolidated budget, and estimates production costs, administrative and commercial expenses - with budgets.

In practice, the plan in its content is a program of action (or work) planned for a specific period of time, indicating goals, content, objects, methods, sequence and deadlines.

Business plan, respectively - comprehensive plan organization development.

Estimate - a documented plan of funds to finance the expenses of the organization (estimate of production costs, estimate construction works etc.).

Budget - a financial plan in terms of value, a document that provides a link between the organization's expenses and available (or possible) income.

Foreign economists do not make linguistic differences between the concepts under consideration. They see the main difference between the estimate and the budget in that the estimate is a document (calculation) containing information for planning and analyzing adjustable costs at the production level, and the budget (calculation) is at the level of the organization's finances. Ultimately, it should be recognized that with all the differences in the role played and methods of calculation, the budget, plan, and estimate are interconnected by a single budgeting process.

Specialists in the formulation of intra-company budgeting offer an entrepreneurial terminology accepted all over the world that characterizes this process: budgeting, on the one hand, is the process of drawing up financial plans and estimates, on the other hand, it is a management technology designed to develop and improve the financial feasibility of managerial decisions.

The object of budgeting is a business (type or area of ​​economic activity).

Budgeting is financial planning that covers all aspects of the organization's activities, allowing you to account for all expenses incurred and income (results) received in financial terms for the coming period. These are planned financial estimates, and projected volumes of attracted external resources, etc. For example, in the view of V.V. Bocharova budgeting is the process of developing and forming planned budgets that combine the plans of the company's management and, first of all, production, marketing and financial plans.

There are other definitions of the concept of "financial planning". Despite their differences, the main and defining in all the above concepts is the idea of ​​financial planning as a form of management activities aimed at setting and realizing the goals of the company. In this regard, we can conclude that financial planning determines future actions for the formation and use of financial resources.

Depending on the periods of financial planning (planning period - the time period for which financial plans are drawn up and during which financial plans are implemented), a budget period is distinguished (the duration of the time interval covered by the budget) for strategic budgeting is from 3 to 10 years, for operational - 1 year.

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15. Karpov, A.N. Regulation of the budgeting system. Book 2: study guide / A.N. Karpov, - Moscow: Publishing House "Result and Quality", 2014. - 472 p.

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21. Kerimov, V.E. Cost Accounting, Calculation and Budgeting in Separate Branches of the Industrial Sphere: Study Guide / V.E. Kerimov, - Moscow: Publishing house "Dashkov and Co", - 2013. - 476 p.

22. Krasova, O.S. Budgeting and cost control at the enterprise: study guide / O.S. Krasova, - Moscow: Omega-L Publishing House, 2014. - 176 p.

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25. Legotina Yu.V. Enterprise finance: assignments and guidelines To practical training/ Yu.V. Legotina, - Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of SUSU, 2015. - 31 p.

26. Rybakova, O.V. Accounting management accounting and budgeting: study guide / O.V. Rybakova, - Moscow: Publishing house "RAGS", 2014. - 232 p.

27. Timashkova, N.A. Budget through the eyes of the performer / N.A. Timashkova // Science of SUSU. Sections of social sciences and humanities: materials of the 62nd scientific. conf. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing house. center of SUSU, 2014. - V. 2. - S. 275-277.

28. Khrutsky, V.E. Intra-company budgeting: textbook / V.E. Khrutsky, T.V. Sizova, V.V. Gamayunov. - Moscow: Publishing House "Finance and Statistics", 2013. - 398 p.

29. Chausov, V. Budgeting of the bank / V. Chausov // Accounting and banks. - 2014. - No. 11. - S. 22-25.

30. Shilonosova, N.V. Enterprise finance: assignments and guidelines for term paper/ N.V. Shilonosov, - Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of SUSU, 2014. - 16 p.

31. Yusupova, S.Ya. Budgeting in the management system / S.Ya. Yusupov. // Accounting. - 2014. - No. 8. - S. 59-63.

32. Budgeting in the enterprise

33. Budgeting

34. Financial planning and development of the enterprise budget

The textbook provides a summary of the discipline "Budgeting" in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard 3+ VO, which focuses on a competency-based approach to the study of economic disciplines. The material is presented in an accessible, visual and concise form using diagrams, tables, graphs and formulas. The manual contains: lecture notes list of used literature, Control questions, glossary and applications.
The textbook is intended for undergraduates, university students studying economic disciplines. It can also be useful for teachers, graduate students and specialists in their practical activities.
The textbook “Budgeting” was “reviewed and approved at a joint meeting of the departments of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Nizhny Novgorod University of Architecture and Civil Engineering dated “” 2016, protocol No. Recommended for publication as study guide for undergraduates studying in the directions: 38.04.01 "Economics", 38.04.02 "Management" and graduate students studying in the direction 38.06.01 "Economics".

World practice and the place of budgeting in the enterprise management system.
In world practice, budgeting is considered as an element of management focused on the management of a commercial organization (in terms of money), it is a methodology for planning, accounting and controlling funds and financial results. Thus, in relation to it, the treasury function is secondary. . The experience of a number of countries in continental Europe and the United States convincingly testifies to the convergence of national standards with international standards. This reflects the global trend in the development of all national market economies due to the globalization of macroeconomic processes. In the sources of many countries, budgeting is closely linked to management accounting and reporting models, including: .

The British-American-Dutch model used by the United Kingdom, the United States and the Netherlands. In this model, the accounting of economic activity is guided by the information requests of investors and creditors. Owners share capital often separated from operational management corporations.

The continental model is practiced in Japan and in European countries (France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Denmark and French-speaking African countries (Algeria, Angola, Morocco, Senegal, etc.). Business in these countries is closely connected with banks, therefore, the government requires mandatory publication of reports.All accounting procedures are conservative and regulated by law.At the same time, taxation issues in accordance with the economic policy of these states are a priority here.

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In modern conditions, budgeting begins to play a key role in the activities of the enterprise. The main reason for this is that the time for super profits has passed and management must “count every penny”. For the management of many companies, budgeting is indeed becoming an urgent need, an urgent need. Otherwise, it just doesn't work. It is not clear how much the company earns. And if accounting shows profit, then why is there no money? Why is the company constantly in a fever with the need to borrow money, and when it is already possible to become financially self-sufficient, at least in operating activities? This and other similar questions are often asked by owners to top management and force them to pay great attention to setting up detailed financial planning in the company.

The proposed manual is intended for accountants and auditors, students of economic specialties, graduate students, teachers, employees of tax authorities, banks, financiers and everyone interested in this topic.

The manual is based on modern principles of accelerated effective memorization and will allow you to get high-quality knowledge and successfully master the material in a short time.

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