Game workshops of Natalia Leikina: training program. If you care about

A project led by a child and family psychologist. How to play, draw, turn family relationships into a pleasant pastime, where you can relax and fully recover after a working day.

Here you will find psychological support, you will be able to understand how to deal with the development of a child. A site for "playing parents" and those who want to join this fascinating world.

Drawing and playing with mom: child development

Natalia Leikina, the creator and host of the project, aims to teach you how to develop a child, convey the basic values ​​to him in order to bring up a spiritually developed, cheerful person.

Main goals:

  1. Acquaintance with the theory and stages of family play;
  2. Inspire and support you in playing with your toddler;
  3. Choose themed plots for games;
  4. Teach you, understand your child better;
  5. We draw and play with mom, answers to questions.

The programs are aimed at children aged 2.5 to 7 years. In role-playing games, logic and thinking develops, communicativeness and initiative are formed. You will learn how to accelerate the development of a child, prepare him for school, teach him to communicate with peers.

Large selection of webinars and trainings, story games and drawing. You will find exciting programs that will bring you back to childhood, bring you closer to your child. Visit the project and you will understand that you can make a magic castle out of the house, in which there is a place for various miracles.

How long have you played hide and seek with your children? Hide and Seek is a game in which the child gets the experience of the existential experience "I am, I exist"! It would seem that such a child's game is hide and seek, but this winter there was a boom in hide and seek with my older children, with a teenager (12 years old) and with a middle child (8 years old). Well, the youngest, of course, was looking for me, because he hides like that - he sits down and then gets up or gives everyone away, and they didn't want to play with him. For the middle one it was very important that I find him, and for the older one it was very important that I did not find him. Why do you think? This is a teenager, he wants separation. Everything is ambivalent among teenagers, they really want to share, but at the same time it is very important that someone think about them. My feelings while looking for the elder: “Mom is looking for me, but I am invisible to her, she does not find me. But I know that she is looking for me, it is important for me to know that she is looking for me, that someone needs me, then I can go into this world and do what I want, somehow realize myself. And the feeling that someone is looking for me behind my back helps me ”. The teenager separates, but wants to feel in the family, this is his support. The middle one just wants to be found and validated. This is why it is most difficult for middle children to be in the sibling (sibling) system. Well, let's go play hide and seek? PS Many foster children play hide and seek for a long time, regardless of age. #leukinpsychologist # I love to play # I don’t know how to play # I play with my mother # live playing # I am bored to play # I like to play

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  • I got to my office, I didn't want to leave.

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  • News from the gaming marathon! The second week has gone. We sorted out with the director's game, with toys, we play figurative. Through the game, mothers understand themselves and the child better and find a game key for their children.

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    😀And the coolest thing is that literally in a week the son also got into it and he developed such a fantasy and passion for imagination, which I thought he didn’t have. And I started to have plot ideas, which was the most difficult for me. If earlier, apart from the option to play cars, the son had no ideas, now he himself takes out the animals and plays in the forest and travels, voicing them, and cars now not only go to the garage and back, but stories have appeared with their use 👉 For example , today ponies have settled in our sandbox. The son built a house for them himself, said that winter had come, we went to drink some water in a stream and met a dog, she went with us! Then we built a boat to sail along the river. While they were building, a wolf came, but we managed to swim away from him! They moored to the shore, and then the horse complained about the leg. It turned out that she had lost her horseshoe, and we went to the blacksmith to make a new one. At the same time, we learned a lot about the forge and the blacksmith. 👉Then we watched a short film about how horses are shoeed and we plan to go to the stable to get to know the horses better. “This is how the game is now intertwined with our life.” Previously, for me this plot would have been simple and incomprehensible, I did not know how to react when my son insists on exactly how to play. It used to make me very angry that the game stopped immediately. My son played a little himself, and now we can play himself for more than 1.5 hours. 👉 This time I go to the marathon because I know. I want to play better with support, I want to update my gaming mood and feed on gaming ideas. Better to understand the psychology of games. Because I know from myself that when you understand the child's playful actions, it is easier to play, plus you understand more about your child. There you can ask questions, and I have them, Natalya analyzes examples and our games. 👉But if you have not been to the marathon yet, then you will find so many interesting and new things that I even envy you a little. “Mom Natalya, son Ilya 4 years old So, everyone who wants to live 2 weeks playfully on May 06, I am waiting for you at the Game telegram-marathon" Play with me "Announcement in the profile header.

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    On April 29, at 18.00 Moscow time, I will repeat the webinar. The main problem of many parents in playing with children is the plot. How to develop them, where to get them, simple and complex plots. Often, it is the lack of understanding of how the plot is built in the game with the child that leads to the fact that playing is boring and one does not want to. Therefore, I decided to hold a free webinar "Interesting game stories for mom and child", where I will tell you: why adults are bored with playing; how to start playing without being forced; what types of story games exist; secrets of plots in games with children; how to play with children of different ages Link in the profile header. #leukinpsychologist #livingplaying #I don’t know how to play #I play with my mother #I’m bored to play # I like to play #livingplaying

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    Today I held a webinar on the game, I got so carried away that I forgot to put the record. Thinking what to do? #leukinpsychologist #liveplaying

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    On April 26, tomorrow, at 18.30 Moscow time, I invite you to talk about the plots in the game with children. The main problem of many parents in playing with children is the plot. How to develop them, where to get them, simple and complex plots. Often, it is the lack of understanding of how the plot is built in the game with the child that leads to the fact that playing is boring and one does not want to. Therefore, I decided to hold a free webinar "Interesting game stories for mom and child", where I will tell you: why adults are bored with playing; how to start playing without being forced; what types of story games exist; secrets of plots in games with children; how to play with children of different ages Link in the profile header.

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    👻 Want to add play with your child to your daily life naturally and at ease? 🧚Do you want to awaken the playing yourself and awaken the spark? 🧙Want to understand why it is difficult to play now and how to make the game enjoyable for everyone? Come play online! Since May 06, I have been conducting a two-week game marathon. Right in the course of the marathon, every day you will catch the idea of ​​a game for you and your child, immediately play and exchange experiences. I've been doing this kind of movement for 5 years already. During these two weeks on May 6-19, you will: start playing with joy, ease and pleasure, learn the features of games at every age from one to 6 years old awaken your playing adult And most importantly, all this will stay with you, you will be able to use the experience and knowledge gained in play in the future! 🧜 Link to registration in the profile header. #leukinpsychologist # I love to play # I am bored to play # I like to play # I don’t know how to play # play at home with my mother # play with children # live play

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    I continue to talk about the game at home. Today about the sandbox at home. I organize sandboxes wherever I and the children are: at home, at work and even in the camp. I know that for many, sand at home is horrible, but with the right approach to organizing and storing the sandbox, the sand does not end up in your bed, at least, it can be quickly removed as much as possible. To do this, you will need: plastic containers with lids (I buy them at the IKEA store), molds, buckets, shovels, rakes, spoons, a sieve, large and small pebbles, any natural materials (chestnuts, acorns, cones, etc.) , small toys (animals, little men, cars, constructor, etc.). White quartz aquarium sand, available at pet stores, is best for filling containers. In it my children play most often. We make two containers at once. One with dry sand, the other with wet. In winter, we dry wet sand under a radiator, and in summer in the sun. What can you do in such a mini-sandbox: Children up to 3- 3.5 years old really like to tinker in such a sandbox: build Easter cakes there, sort out the sand with a pen, pour it into different containers, bury or dig something, pour water, stir, etc. etc. Children from 3-3.5 years old to 5 years old usually already build a small fairy-tale world and willingly play out small everyday or fairy-tale plots. Children over 5 years old actively build complex worlds with many characters, where they play out complex plots, with various problems and collisions. Interesting further? Ready to start a sandbox? #leukinpsychologist # I love to play # live play # so live # story games # family camp # free play # I'm bored to play

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    See More

    How long have you played hide and seek with your children? Hide and Seek is a game in which the child gets the experience of the existential experience "I am, I exist"! It would seem that such a child's game is hide and seek, but this winter there was a boom in hide and seek with my older children, with a teenager (12 years old) and with a middle child (8 years old). Well, the youngest, of course, was looking for me, because he hides like that - he sits down and then gets up or gives everyone away, and they didn't want to play with him. For the middle one it was very important that I find him, and for the older one it was very important that I did not find him. Why do you think? This is a teenager, he wants separation. Everything is ambivalent among teenagers, they really want to share, but at the same time it is very important that someone think about them. My feelings while looking for the elder: “Mom is looking for me, but I am invisible to her, she does not find me. But I know that she is looking for me, it is important for me to know that she is looking for me, that someone needs me, then I can go into this world and do what I want, somehow realize myself. And the feeling that someone is looking for me behind my back helps me ”. The teenager separates, but wants to feel in the family, this is his support. The middle one just wants to be found and validated. This is why it is most difficult for middle children to be in the sibling (sibling) system. Well, let's go play hide and seek? PS Many foster children play hide and seek for a long time, regardless of age. - 5 days ago

    😀And the coolest thing is that literally in a week the son also got into it and he developed such a fantasy and passion for imagination, which I thought he didn’t have. And I started to have plot ideas, which was the most difficult for me. If earlier, apart from the option of playing cars, his son had no more ideas, but now he himself takes out animals and plays in the forest and travels, voicing them, and cars now not only go to the garage and back, but stories have appeared with their use For example, today ponies have settled in our sandbox. The son built a house for them himself, said that winter had come, we went to drink some water in a stream and met a dog, she went with us! Then we built a boat to sail along the river. While they were building, a wolf came, but we managed to swim away from him! They moored to the shore, and then the horse complained about the leg. It turned out that she had lost her horseshoe, and we went to the blacksmith to make a new one. At the same time, we learned a lot about the forge and the blacksmith. Then we watched a short film about how horses are shod and we plan to go to the stable to get to know the horses better. This is how the game is now intertwined with our life. Previously, for me this plot would have been simple and incomprehensible, I did not know how to react when my son insists on exactly how to play. It used to make me very angry that the game would stop immediately. My son played a little himself, and now we can play himself for more than 1.5 hours. This time I am going to the marathon because I know. I want to play better with support, I want to update my gaming mood and feed on gaming ideas. Better to understand the psychology of games. Because I know from myself that when you understand the child's playful actions, it is easier to play, plus you understand more about your child. There you can ask questions, and I have them, Natalya analyzes examples and our games. But if you have not been to the marathon yet, then you will find so many interesting and new things that I even envy you a little. “Mom Natalia, son Ilya 4 years old So, everyone who wants to live 2 weeks playfully on May 06, I am waiting for you at the Game telegram-marathon" Play with me "Announcement in the profile header. - 18 days ago

    On April 29, at 18.00 Moscow time, I will repeat the webinar. The main problem of many parents in playing with children is the plot. How to develop them, where to get them, simple and complex plots. Often, it is the lack of understanding of how the plot is built in the game with the child that leads to the fact that playing is boring and one does not want to. Therefore, I decided to hold a free webinar "Interesting game stories for mom and child", where I will tell you: why adults are bored with playing; how to start playing without being forced; what types of story games exist; secrets of plots in games with children; how to play with children of different ages Link in the profile header. - 24 days ago

    On April 26, tomorrow, at 18.30 Moscow time, I invite you to talk about the plots in the game with children. The main problem of many parents in playing with children is the plot. How to develop them, where to get them, simple and complex plots. Often, it is the lack of understanding of how the plot is built in the game with the child that leads to the fact that playing is boring and one does not want to. Therefore, I decided to hold a free webinar "Interesting game stories for mom and child", where I will tell you: why adults are bored with playing; how to start playing without being forced; what types of story games exist; secrets of plots in games with children; how to play with children of different ages Link in the profile header. - 27 days ago

    Would you like to add play with your child to your daily life naturally and at ease? 🧚Do you want to awaken the playing yourself and awaken the spark? 🧙Want to understand why it is difficult to play now and how to make the game enjoyable for everyone? Come play online! Since May 06, I have been conducting a two-week game marathon. Right in the course of the marathon, every day you will catch the idea of ​​a game for you and your child, immediately play and exchange experiences. I've been doing this kind of movement for 5 years already. During these two weeks on May 6-19, you will: start playing with joy, ease and pleasure, learn the features of games at every age from one to 6 years, awaken your playing adult And most importantly, all this will stay with you, you will be able to use the experience and knowledge gained in play in the future! 🧜 Link to registration in the profile header. - 28 days ago

    Today it's sunny, warm and you can play between things, at home or on the street, in a car or in a store. Into what? Into a figurative game, flip through the carousel, ask questions, write about your games, who do children turn into? And you? My favorite image is Baba Yaga and Kikimora🧙 - 1 month ago

    I continue to talk about the game at home. Today about the sandbox at home. I organize sandboxes wherever I and the children are: at home, at work and even in the camp. I know that for many people sand at home is horrible, but with the right approach to organizing and storing the sandbox, the sand does not end up in your bed at least, as much as possible it can be quickly removed. To do this, you will need: plastic containers with lids (I buy them at the IKEA store), molds, buckets, shovels, rakes, spoons, a sieve, large and small pebbles, any natural materials (chestnuts, acorns, cones, etc.) , small toys (animals, little men, cars, constructor, etc.). White quartz aquarium sand, available from pet stores, is best for filling containers. In it my children play most often. We make two containers at once. One with dry sand, the other with wet. In winter, we dry wet sand under a radiator, and in summer in the sun. What can you do in such a mini-sandbox: Children up to 3- 3.5 years old really like to tinker in such a sandbox: build Easter cakes there, sort out the sand with a pen, pour it into different containers, bury or dig something, pour water, stir, etc. etc. Children from 3-3.5 years old to 5 years old usually already build a small fairy-tale world and willingly play out small everyday or fairy-tale plots. Children over 5 years old actively build complex worlds with many characters, where they play out complex plots, with various problems and collisions. Interesting further? Ready to start a sandbox? - 1 month ago

    It all went wrong today. I have three important meetings into the zoom, I brought the children to the play areas in Zelenopark, thinking that they would play great, and I would work nearby, but everything went wrong right away. The choice of the game did not fit, the elder did not play with the younger, so he wanted me to join his company. I forgot to charge, the phone sat down, I was talking in a zoom on a liana on a trampoline. I never took my computer out of my backpack ... By 1200 I was already without strength ... The children in the car fell asleep after the third circle around Zelenograd, although before half it was enough. Is the planet worth it again today?)) - 1 month ago

    We continue the conversation about the game. From 2.5 to 4 years old, the child has the first game - the director's object manipulation game. This is a game not only for managing toys, but also, in the future, managing a situation, managing people, managing in your family. The skill that a child acquires in such a game is very important for future adult life. For this game, the child needs small figures for "theater on the table" - a director's game in which he acts out small stories. He becomes the director of his little play - he learns to come up with a plot, voice characters and observe all this. ⠀ For the director's game you need: Dolls A set of small toys "Family" Houses for toys Kitchen and a set of dishes Cubes and construction material Little trains Railroad (wooden) road Cars Domestic and wild animals Toys from natural materials Natural materials as substitute objects for Fabrics ⠀ The child begins to control objects: “I put these toys wherever I want, there. What I want, so I do. " The child takes three positions. First, he is a director: he builds the plot himself. Second, he plays himself, that is, he is an actor: he hides behind a toy and, as it were, gets used to the role of this toy. The third position is that he is also a spectator or observer. Do you have children playing with toys? - 2 months ago

    Often mothers ask how it is possible to insert educational moments into games with children, then the game in the eyes of mothers has at least some value, and not just entertainment. I must say right away that this is not necessary. This destroys the game, bringing disappointment to both mother and child. Children immediately feel when there is a substitution of the game, a pseudo game, they immediately fade away, do not want to play with us if we are pursuing our own goals. The game has great value, so educational moments are a separate activity. Today I want to give you one example. Recently, one mother told me that she decided to join the child's game: “Oh, well, the plot in general turned out to be so nonsense, I didn't understand what we were playing about, I wanted to talk about one thing, but they ...” And she began to tell the story about how children wake up, go to kindergarten. Mom wanted to insert an educational moment about how the children brush their teeth. So, that mother says to me: "Suddenly these children, instead of going to the garden, as expected, as in reality, go into the dark forest and say:" Mom, you must look for us! " And so they have the whole plot of the fact that children are in a dark forest, their mother is looking for them there with her figurine, and they have dragons and wolves there. What a nonsense plot in general, some kind of garbage! ”Says mom. When I revealed to her about what the children are playing, namely: about fears and separation, about the fact that they are not alone in a dark forest, they will not be left there, and that they are valuable and important, they will be looked for, about this dark the forest, that it's scary there, there are all sorts of dragons, wolves, they are there and it helps them, that they know that they are looking for there, they can cope with it. Mom, listening to me, was surprised: "Wow, wow." Since then, it has become easier for her to trust the children in the game and their plot. Do you appreciate the "simple" stories of children?

    5 days ago

    How long have you played hide and seek with your children? Hide and Seek is a game in which the child gets the experience of the existential experience "I am, I exist"! It would seem that such a child's game is hide and seek, but this winter there was a boom in hide and seek with my older children, with a teenager (12 years old) and with a middle child (8 years old). Well, the youngest, of course, was looking for me, because he hides like that - he sits down and then gets up or gives everyone away, and they didn't want to play with him. For the middle one it was very important that I find him, and for the older one it was very important that I did not find him. Why do you think? This is a teenager, he wants separation. Everything is ambivalent among teenagers, they really want to share, but at the same time it is very important that someone think about them. My feelings while looking for the elder: “Mom is looking for me, but I am invisible to her, she does not find me. But I know that she is looking for me, it is important for me to know that she is looking for me, that someone needs me, then I can go into this world and do what I want, somehow realize myself. And the feeling that someone is looking for me behind my back helps me ”. The teenager separates, but wants to feel in the family, this is his support. The middle one just wants to be found and validated. This is why it is most difficult for middle children to be in the sibling (sibling) system. Well, let's go play hide and seek? PS Many foster children play hide and seek for a long time, regardless of age.

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    Hello, dear friends, readers of Native Path!

    It is with pleasure that I present to you the author with whom we have been collaborating for the second year - Natalia Leikina. Natalia is a child psychologist, author of the site "Draw and play with mom". Natalia is a member of the team of authors of our Creative Free Internet Workshop of educational games "Through the game - to success!" Already a lot of readers of "Native Path" have passed her trainings and wrote the most best reviews about them.

    About the author:

    My name is Natalya Leikina, I am a child and family psychologist, a mother of 3 sons and for 6 years now as a playing mother!

    Once upon a time it was difficult and boring for me to play, but after meeting with one amazing person my life and the life of my children changed dramatically.

    I learned to play myself (believe me, as a serious person it was not easy for me); began to teach other parents, lead play groups and trainings on the game. Now I can easily play the game, continue the plot, and enjoy it, and most importantly, the children are playing! And just 6 years ago it was hard to imagine!

    Nowadays, the game is depreciating, more and more often it is replaced by learning in the game. Although many parents know that it is important for children to play, they do not know how to help them.

    Why is play so important in a child's life?

    Why am I teaching my parents how to play with children?

    According to the latest Russian studies, only 5% of children aged 5-6 have a high level of play, and 60% have a very low level.

    And play is the main activity of a preschool child and is better than any moralizing and special activities. The game:

    1. Teaches the child to manage himself and his life.

    2. Strengthens self-awareness and feelings of self.

    3. Enriches the behavioral repertoire and helps to cope with fears, shyness, aggression.

    4. Develops the ability to negotiate and defend one's opinion, to argue reasonably and to hear the interlocutor.

    5. Develops imaginative thinking, which is the basis of abstract logical thinking.

    6. Develops inner speech and the ability to write essays at school.

    7. The better the child plays, the more intensively the frontal part of the cerebral cortex develops, which is responsible for most cognitive functions: distinguishing important information from insignificant information, awareness and organization of one's own thoughts and feelings, planning for the future.

    9. Arbitrariness is formed: the ability to control one's behavior and emotions, to obey the rules, to rely in one's behavior not only on “I want”, but also on “I must”.

    10. The ability to create is laid up to 6-7 years! By supporting children's play activities, we give the child the opportunity in the present and in the future to live a rich and happy life... A life in which he will not go with the flow, obeying the circumstances, but will be an active participant and co-creator of his destiny, confident and successful!

    Do you think your little one will learn to play kindergarten or in developing classes?

    According to recent studies, 62.5% of educators have a developmental level play activities below average (and 22% - zero!). How can an educator convey the culture of play?

    V modern society the idea that child's play is a waste of time is gaining ground more and more. "Business is time, and fun is an hour!" ... This is often associated with a tendency towards early intellectual development. Already from 3-4 years old, children are overloaded with various activities: dancing, gymnastics, sports, development. And the amount of time for the child's age-related play is reduced. As well as dreams, fantasies and spontaneous creativity!

    So the focus of attention is shifting in the lives of many modern children to obtaining a variety of skills, teaching sign systems (letters, numbers, etc.).

    Maybe older friends will teach your child how to play?

    Yes, if they are good playing children. But such people still need to be found!

    We have disappeared from the courtyard company, where the younger could watch the game of the elders. In kindergarten, children cannot adopt the game, since everyone plays at about the same level, and educators rarely play with children and mainly play games according to the rules.

    Play is an activity, and a child learns any activity together with his elders: children or adults. Game culture is passed down from senior to junior.

    And it turns out that children's age-related play is now a disappearing type of activity. It is just right to enter it into the Red Book.

    What to do? Learn to play with children! Speak their language! Yes, yes, child's language is a game!

    I invite you to take a look at the page where I talk in detail and understandably about the stages of play and toys for children from 1.5 to 7 years old.

    FREE PAGE "CHEST OF TOYS: WHAT TOYS A CHILD NEEDS AND HOW TO PLAY THEM" is waiting for you here: (password to the page: 2016)

    How to learn to play with your child?

    You can read about children's games and play. But the simplest and fast way learning to play with a child is to become a member of Natalia Leikina's Play Workshops, a new stream of which will start on May 08! You just need to choose a workshop that is suitable for your age.

    Natalya put all her experience and knowledge about the development of children's play into them.

    If you are interested in:

      • a clear understanding of why and how to play at every age,
      • confidence that you are playing and developing your child correctly,
      • support of like-minded people - the same mothers who want to play with the child easily and with pleasure,
      • child development system in play for several years ahead,
    • then it will be useful for you to participate in the "Natalia Leikina's Workshop Games", gaining knowledge, applying it in practice and receiving feedback from the leader of the training.

    Each training is supported by the presenter and author of the course - Natalia Leikina.

      Game workshop of Natalia Leikina №1

      "How can a mother play with a child from 1.5 to 4 years old"

      The training includes:

      • 8 video lessons with a detailed and visual description of the stages of the game,
      • feedback from the host (Participant and Participant + packages);

      Feedback on training

    • Tatiana: I would like to thank Natalia Leikina for the amazing training “Playing at home with mom”.

      <…>During the training it became clear that there is 7 types of games, each species corresponds to its age, has its own developmental tasks.

      <…>Often, having received some information, it seemed that it would be easy to put it into practice. But sometimes the difficulties began in the little things. So Natalia revealed a lot of nuances of the development of the game, gave detailed comments to personal messages, consulted. It was very supportive and helped not to go astray and not give up if something goes wrong.
      Over the course of a month of training, my son's game has matured very much“, He was moving literally by leaps and bounds. Even strangers noticed this. So the result of the training is on the face!
      Natalia, thanks again!

      Alexandra:"Natalya, thank you, thank you very much for your work. I am very glad that I met you at the Workshop. During two game trainings, I learned so much information about the game that I could only dream of. It was important for me to learn all the stages: what? How ? when? why? need to be done. Now everything is finally put on the shelves.

      Game workshop of Natalia Leikina №2

      "How can a mother play with a child from 3 to 7 years old"

    • The training includes:
      • 8 video lessons with a detailed and visual description of the stages of the game for children from 3 to 7 and older,
      • live webinars with answers to questions,
      • feedback from the host (Participant and Participant + packages),
      • even for listeners, access to the group in contact with the ability to participate in discussions and read the answers of the presenter.
      • Rich complementary material.


    It might be helpful to read: