We get rid of problems. How to Get Rid of Problems - Burn Them Getting Rid of Various Problems for

Problems, problems ... Big and small.

They are always with us. Sometimes there are so many of them that it seems that the whole world is against you. There are also periods of relative calm, when light clouds only slightly disturb the idyll of life.

How often you want to hide from your problems somewhere far away.

But this is unlikely to work, even if we choose the other end of the Earth.

We often treat the problem as something that has fallen on us:

"Here I am, and here is my PROBLEM."

It also happens like this: "Here are my PROBLEMS, and here I am."

As long as this division exists in our head, PROBLEMS remain.

You can take offense at life, get angry, fight with them. And we can admit that they are.

And not somewhere nearby, but in ourselves.

Sometimes it is impossible to agree with this:

- How so? After all, my money was stolen!

- They cheated on me!

- I was deceived!

- I was insulted!


To some extent, we are always a reflection of what is happening to us.

And it is our perception that makes the situation a problem.

Instead of a storm of emotions, ask yourself these questions:

- Why did it appear in my life?

- What does she give me?

- What can I do to solve it?

- What I can't do?

Getting answers to the first two questions is very important. After all, if you do not think about it, then the lesson that life has given you is not passed. This may be why some people constantly "attract" trouble. Complaining of injustice, they do not even notice that life “calls them to the blackboard” again and again, and “gives two marks” for unlearned lessons.

Take what happened "for granted." Think: what now depends on you! And do it!

And then let go of the thought of the problem.

Our reality is changing all the time.

If after some time you realize that you have not done everything, act! And then let the events take their course.

Over time, the problem will either be resolved or cease to be.

Life always goes towards optimists!

You should not "drive" the problem into the depths of yourself. This is a "time bomb".

If not enough own resources, use the help of friends or specialists. But don't pass it on to others. People will never do something that depends only on you.

Of course, there are things that are beyond your control. But as one of the NLP rules says:

« The universe is a friendly environment". Give her your share of the job as well.

We provide energy support to any problem ourselves, and from our own reserves.

And the fact that it is growing, and our strength is running out - only our merit.

All work takes place exclusively in our head.

So we can easily make an elephant out of a fly, or we can act differently.

For example, “turn on curiosity”: see some clues, think about what is useful to learn. Feel like a researcher ().

This pragmatic approach helps a lot.

You can do "exactly the opposite": stop taking interest in the problem.

Without your attention, it can fade away.

Milton Erickson sometimes used a similar trick. Once the mother of a teenager, whose whole face was covered with youthful acne, turned to him. He advised her to go with him to a ski resort, but make sure that during the entire time that they were there, the teenager never looked in the mirror. Two weeks later, "the result was evident" on the face too!

Our personal freedom lies in the fact that we can learn to experience the emotions and states we need, and free ourselves from the fears, hatred, resentment and limitations that live in us. And this is another way to ensure that get rid of problems.

It is not that easy, but quite possible. We are able to manage emotions. Able to receive and analyze "feedback" from the world. It's just a matter of mindfulness and constant training. Over time, our skill will move into the area of ​​the unconscious, and so much effort will not be required.

In his novel War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy said a wonderful phrase:

« Wealth is poverty, glory is unknown, power is subservience, strength is weakness,

Health is illness, education is ignorance, work is leisure, satiety is hunger, virtue is vice. The essence is only b O greater or lesser degrees of freedom».

There is a problem, and there are two poles for its solution: resource and non-resource.

Our degree of freedom lies in the choice of movement to one or another pole.

We often follow the patterns we are used to.

Therefore, some are overgrown with problems like a "snowball", considering the world as "a place of survival and great difficulties."

And others, even with serious trials, are constantly reborn, "like a Phoenix from the ashes."

They turn all their life difficulties into invaluable experience and use them for their own good.

Knowing which path you are on is a very important step in getting rid of problems.

Someone thinks that his problems will be solved if a loved one appears in his life.

But this is an "escape from reality" and not the most The best way shifting their tasks to another person. Another illusion and another disappointment….

We often think that our problems will disappear if we have money (car, housing, good job). Life proves otherwise.

How many times have they written and shown stories about people who won large sums of money in the lottery. None of them said that they were happier from winning, but there were more problems. In most cases, the money was wasted, and its owners became poorer than before.

Of course, we get great satisfaction from the things that surround us. But they cannot give happiness.

We often don’t think about: "What really makes us happy?"

And it turns out that these are the simplest things.

Sometimes it is a quiet summer evening, a breath of fresh air after the hospital walls, tea carefully prepared by a loved one, a sunbeam sliding down the cheek, the joyful eyes of a child, or a leisurely conversation with friends.

We feel happy when we live in harmony with ourselves and gratefully accept life in all its manifestations.

And then we experience resonance with the world. We no longer think:?

We see in them only clues from the Universe.



Everything about religion and faith - "how to get rid of problems in the life of prayer" with detailed descriptions and photographs.

The presence of difficult problems indicates that a person has gone astray. Prayer will help you to replenish your strength, strengthen your faith, and overcome difficulties.

Why problems appear

Protecting prayer to the Guardian Angel

“Angel of God, my Guardian. You and your intercession were given to me from above. I pray for Your help, illuminate all obstacles in my path with a bright light, save my soul from all evil and guide me to good deeds. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer to the Cathedral and the 12 apostles, protecting from problems and troubles

Prayers for getting rid of problems and failures

The presence of difficult problems indicates that a person has gone astray. Prayer will help you to replenish your strength, strengthen your faith, and overcome difficulties.

Since ancient times, God and his Holy Saints have helped people to fight various misfortunes. Tormented souls always find consolation in God's gracious intercession. You should turn to the Creator according to church canons, with love in your soul and sincerity in words.

Why problems appear

First of all, misfortunes overtake people who have gone astray. The Lord points to this through a series of bad luck and failure, thereby saving you from making new mistakes. But there are exceptions: sometimes our Creator wants us to have patience and be able to endure everything that is in store for us. In either case, the Almighty educates each of us with personal participation, wanting only the best.

Evil tests the soul of every person every day. People who have forgotten about faith and become hostages of their own temptations will sooner or later meet the wrath of God. Everyone will find salvation in the grace of the Creator. It is necessary to turn to God and his holy saints daily in prayer and thanksgiving.

Prayers for deliverance from problems help everyone and always, since they are addressed to the most powerful of God's Pleasants. You can say prayers in moments of sadness, loss of strength, at an hour when your faith is shaken or you feel that you have lost your way. Everyone and everyone, regardless of age and gender, sometimes needs the Highest help. Not to mention those cases when a person faced bad luck, misfortune and problems face to face. God will not leave you in difficult times. You should ask the Lord and his Companions to get rid of problems by reading the prayer Our Father.

Protecting prayer to the Guardian Angel

Who, if not your Guardian Angel, can help strengthen your personal strength and believe in your own capabilities? He has been appointed to you by the Lord in his ministry to protect your soul and guide you in moments of despair. The sacred text sounds like this:

“Angel of God, my Guardian. You and your intercession were given to me from above. I pray for Your help, illuminate all obstacles in my path with a bright light, save my soul from all evil and guide me to good deeds. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer to the Cathedral and the 12 apostles, protecting from problems and troubles

This prayer will save you from any trouble. Reading is best approached when the soul is tormented. The mighty force of the twelve apostles will erect a wall around you that cannot be broken by any misfortunes.

“Oh, Holy Apostles, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Jude, Simon and Matthias! Hear our prayers, sinful servants of God, broken hearted. Help us (name), forgive our sins before the Lord and beg him to deliver us from demonic interference, evil and hypocrisy. Endow faithful and unshakable faith, so that the Almighty would see all our love and help overcome troubles, misfortunes and sorrows, protect our lives and hearts with his intercession. We kneel before the power of the Council, glorifying the Lord God forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for deliverance from failures

Everyone is asking for intercession from Nicholas the Wonderworker: both Christians and scientists, deeply believers and atheists. Even people of another religion turn to the Saint with reverence and requests. The reason for such a strong veneration of the Divine Pleasant is known - powerful help is not long in coming. Prayer next to the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Oh, Great Nicholas! Shepherd of God and teacher of all believers, hear our prayers addressed to Your intercession. Deliver sinful servants of God from problems that lead to troubles and suffering. Protect and preserve with your holy participation from worldly failures, cowardice, laziness and the invasion of adversity. We beg You, Miracle Worker, to protect you from the evil eye, save you from hunger, fire, rebellion, wars and other misfortunes. You, the Great, have saved more than one person from terrible troubles, so come to me (name) to help. Deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal torment, having prayed for me in front of him for all my sins. I appeal to your mercy. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for deliverance from problems to the life-giving Cross

Believers bow their heads before the cross on which our Savior was crucified. The bodily anguish experienced by Christ in the name of our happiness and eternal life, until the end of days will remain in the memory of everyone. This prayer will help to contain the blows of fate with the humility with which Jesus endured torment. Text:

“May the Lord rise and disappear at once all that fears the gaze of the Most High. All obscene things from a righteous life will go away like smoke. All evil will descend back into the abyss of darkness and sin. The sign of the cross reminds us of the pain of Christ, of his torment and the might of the spirit. Our Savior, who descended into hell, equalized the forces of good and evil and helped to find eternal life for every creature of God. The given cross will drive away all sorrow, pain, misfortune from the one who deserves to wear it on his chest. Help me, Holy Son of the Lord, and Virgin Mary with all the Saints forever. Amen".

Every saint has a certain power received from the Lord during his lifetime. With the help of prayers, you can not only strengthen your own faith, receive the intercession of the Almighty, but also change your destiny. I wish you success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Prayers for financial difficulties

Every person at least once in his life experienced difficult moments associated with a lack of money. Strong prayers will help you cope.

Mark the Evangelist

There are many icons in the Orthodox world that are especially revered. The icon of the Evangelist Mark, the closest, was not an exception.

Morning prayers for prosperity and good luck in business

Luck, luck, well-being are integral parts of our life, but not everything depends on our efforts. Through prayer we can.

Icon of John the Evangelist

Among the twelve apostles, Saint John the Theologian enjoys special honor and respect. Prayer before the icon of this saint.

Icon of Jacob

The miraculous image, painted in honor of the holy Apostle James, a follower of Jesus Christ, has indestructible power. In the world, no.

Prayers to help from problems and troubles at work

In a difficult crisis period in the country's economy, it is very easy to get cut. No one can guarantee that there will be no trouble. At work, building good relationships with colleagues and superiors is not easy. The intrigues of ill-wishers will contribute to dismissal, even if you perfectly fulfill your job duties... Severe depression falls on the person.

The One who is able to help you looks from Heaven to earth. He sees the despair and sadness that fills your life and seeks to help you. In the darkest times, notice joyful moments, albeit small ones, that make you kinder. Don't let darkness enter your hearts. Use the power of prayer to strengthen your feet on the righteous path.

Saving work

What is the hope of an ordinary employee who just wants to keep his job? Only on yourself and the help of the Higher Forces. If you have good intentions, praying against adversity will help you advance in your career and get rid of enemies. This is a proven conspiracy that works flawlessly regardless of the specifics of your professional activity.

If your goal is to retain your position during a period of mass layoffs, then a simple water conspiracy is perfect for you. As you know, the liquid is able to memorize prayers and make the surrounding space kinder. This amazing power of water is used in conspiracy to get out of trouble at work, with coworkers and bosses.

We take a small plastic bottle. Pour water into it. We put it under the bed in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe legs for three days. On the third morning we take her to work. In the toilet at the office, you must wash your hands and face, saying: “I went here and I will go. I was here and I will be here. Amen."... This is a powerful prayer. If you put your heart and soul into it, it will save you from reductions and troubles at work.

Common prayer for problems in career and family

The daily practice of prayer helps from conflicts with superiors. In moments when trouble happens at work, we ask with a vengeance for protection from enemies. We turn to the Mother of God, the Angels and the Lord Himself. Do troubles come to your home along with career problems? Test the miraculous power of true prayer.

Calm the fits of anger, calm yourself down before appealing to the Higher powers. Your mind must be calm, otherwise your evil will turn against you. The rules for reading a prayer:

  1. The best place to read Orthodox prayer is in the church.
  2. If you read at home, light a church candle.
  3. It is better to know the text by heart.
  4. Before reading, calm your mind, put yourself in words.
  5. Concentrate and visualize the saint you are addressing in front of you.

Attention! If you feel that you cannot cope with aggression on your own, then contact your spiritual father to pray. Do you want your protection to be as strong as possible? You can order a prayer service, for example, to Boris and Gleb.

The text of the prayer of St. from trouble:

Prayer of St. Boris and Gleb are a strong defense against troubles at work, with bosses, financial troubles and family problems that are associated with all this. After reading, harmony will reign in your life, and prosperity and tranquility will come after it.

Prayer to Archangel Michael against the evil boss

Prayer to Archangel Michael helps against unjust leadership. A conflict at work can happen to everyone, because people's interests are different, opinions often do not coincide, and in our own words we can make enemies for ourselves. The boss has the power - he can punish you, give you back-breaking work, or blame you for something you didn't do.

Remember - everything is in your hands! If you are not treated humanly, you can always turn to the Angels to receive a higher power. They will destroy all the evil that people bring. The conflict can be resolved safely, you just need to help yourself with righteous prayer and fasting.

The text of a prayer from the evil boss to Archangel Michael:

“Merciful Lord! You once closed the abysses with the lips and the prayer of the prophets, stopped rivers, held back waters, blocked the lips of lions in a ditch.

And now, hold back and slow down to a good time all the plans around the enemies standing by me and thinking about my displacement, dismissal, displacement, expulsion. So now destroy the evil desires and demands of all those who condemn me, block the lips and hearts of all those who slander, malign and roar at me and all who blaspheme and humiliate me. So now also bring spiritual blindness to the eyes of all my enemies who rise up against me.

Protect my house, in which I live, in the circle of my prayers to You and save it from fiery ignition, thieves' attack and all evil and fear. Keep behind the fence of my house all the resistance forces and all those who blaspheme the name of God and despise me.

Oh, Great God, now suspend all the designs of my enemies, who want to drive me out of this city and destroy me: do not allow them to approach this house, stop them with the power of my prayer: “Lord, Judge of the Universe, You, who dislikes any untruth when this prayer will come to you, may the Holy Power stop all enemies in the place where it will overtake them. "

I pray you Almighty Lord God, protect me from satanic intrigues, drive away all the intrigues of the devil and demonic spells from me, do not let them annoy me, do not let them ruin me and my wealth.

I pray to the powerful and formidable guard of the Archangel Michael, so that with his fiery sword he cuts down all the desires of my enemy and all those who want to destroy me. I pray to Archangel Michael that he will stand indestructiblely on the guard of my house, all who live in it and all his property. I pray to Archangel Michael that for all those who are at war against me and who are planning to do nasty things to me, he is truly a kind of barrier and an indestructible wall that protects me from all evil and difficult situations.

God bless! Amen."

The power of this prayer is time tested. For centuries, the afflicted turned to Heaven for help: they asked for savings from enemies, reconciliation in a quarrel, calming anger. Prayer to Archangel Michael is really a strong defense against enemies and conflicts with the authorities.

About the real power of the word

With the help of church prayer, you can reach the Higher Forces much faster. There are situations when a person cannot cope with difficulties on his own - the threat of dismissal, a quarrel with the authorities, a conflict of opinions, the intrigues of enemies. In such cases, protection is required, even if you are a very honest, hardworking person. Unfortunately, there is a lot of injustice in the world.

Use one of the prayers above, and you will feel for yourself what power has taken up your side against ill-wishers. Save yourself from the wrath of God, do not mess with black magic. In a difficult situation, ask for support from the church.

Prayers to Nikolai the Pleasant, Matrona, Ksenia, so that everything will be fine at work. ... And how to make the profession bring stable income and did not threaten any trouble?

Prayers from evil people are effective if you yourself have been able to forgive and understand the other person. Visible and invisible enemies cause many failures, malfunctions at work and various misadventures.

"Three Angels" - a strong prayer that will protect you from problems and troubles

Prayer is one of the most powerful amulets available to man.

Any word has unique power and can change the world, especially if it is addressed to God. Prayer is one of the most powerful amulets available to man.

Of all human qualities, perhaps the most intolerable are anger and envy. They are able to radically change not only our thoughts, but also our essence. It is up to you to give in to them or not, but you have no right to choose for another person. And this is very sad, especially if a loved one or a good acquaintance begins to intrigue behind your back, while causing trouble. It is three times more unpleasant to feel all this negativity on yourself.

This is a certain type of people, they are also called energy vampires. Whether on purpose or not, they steal life force, emptying your soul. After such communication, the biofield is destroyed, the person becomes pliable and vulnerable, he loses protection from negative manifestations. Having let viral streams into your life once, you become hostage to problems that literally come from nowhere. But there is protection, and you shouldn't forget about it. Prayer "Three Angels" is that strong amulet, which, like a shield, will reflect from you everything bad and unpleasant.

How to get rid of problems and troubles

No one is protected from unforeseen situations: sometimes they are even necessary for a person to realize mistakes, rethink his life and take measures to improve it. But sometimes it is not we ourselves who are to blame for our sorrows, but our environment. It is possible to reflect all unwanted changes or troubles, and you will have a powerful weapon in your hands that knocks down any problem - a word.

You may ask: does this happen? Is it really possible to protect your life only with the help of the spoken words? Of course, a prayer-amulet is not a panacea for all ills, but at an early stage of the formation of any trouble that originates in negative attitudes, thoughts or negative influences, it is quite possible to “turn off” the problem so that it does not affect you.

Faced with troubles and taking them upon yourself, be sure to say a prayer-amulet. This will help not only to forget about what happened, but to reflect, remove, postpone all the negative. When you turn to God, through the saints or directly, know and believe that they will definitely help you. You are not alone, and miracles happen regularly - every day, every hour. You just need to be able to listen, notice and feel with your heart.

Prayer-amulet "Three Angels"

It is known that each person has one guardian angel, appointed by the Lord for protection. And according to some legends, we are guarded by three angels at once - two heavenly and one earthly. The heavenly ones guide us at the moments of birth and death, and the earthly takes care of our life. The power of the three angels, which we will kindle with prayer, will become a kind of shield, reflecting all the troubles and problems of which we are innocent.

Take three church candles, light them, tune in to prayer. Free yourself from all thoughts that prevent you from hearing the inner voice coming from your heart. Be alone with yourself if circumstances warrant. Turn to the Lord, tell us everything that worries and haunts you. But do not wish anyone any harm, even if you know from whom bile and negativity comes on your life. You are not a judge or an executioner, and it is not for you to punish someone who encroached on someone else's happiness.

What prevents a person from being happy on their own? Not the government, not a coincidence, character, bad luck or anything else that a person with a victim complex is used to attribute as the source of their misfortunes and problems. A person will then understand what prevents him from being happy when he realizes that all the problems are in his head.

Many people think about how to get rid of the problems that plague them in life. As a rule, at the same time, he begins to look for the source of these problems around himself: in his environment, heredity, lack of luck, fatal circumstances or fate. There are so many supposed reasons, there are also many ways in which people try to solve their problems: contacting a psychologist, advice in fashion magazines, newfangled trainings, even fortune-tellers and sorcerers. A person is ready to give any money for valuable advice or help from the outside, but he does not even know that he can help himself better than others.

Victim complex

The fact is that the victim complex is a kind of complex that is present in almost every person, it is this complex that makes us forget about personal responsibility and live with an eye on other people. This complex is acquired and absorbed in mother's milk. In the well-known expression, we are all - " victims of victims", because childhood, parental attitudes, models of behavior and interaction with the world, adopted from the family, are of great importance.

Parents give us what has been invested in themselves and what they have learned in life. As a rule, this is sacrificial psychology where people

  • do not want to be responsible for their lives under any pretext,
  • get used to justifying their failures and blunders with a bunch of third-party reasons,
  • like to nod at circumstances, evil tongues, damage and evil eye,
  • do not want to turn inward and try, at least - to try to understand what exactly they have caused this or that problem in their life.

Gradually, the victim's complex grows together with a person's personality so much that crying into a waistcoat, blaming others for all his troubles and misfortunes, becomes habitual for him. The notorious "who is to blame?" will always be somewhere in external environment, senseless and merciless to the unfortunate victim. And only a few are ready to accept that their environment is a reflection of personal ideas about the world, expectations, beliefs and attitudes.

What prevents us from being happy?

Each person finds happiness in his own. For some, this is a family, work, a long-awaited vacation, financial freedom. If there is a desire to find your happiness, then this is associated, as a rule, with finding a way to get away from numerous problems. Change your unloved job, change your place of residence, break off boring relationships. The main mistake at the same time - to think that getting rid of the next problem will give the much-desired feeling of happiness. Happiness is an internal category, and in order to achieve it, a person wants to change something around him, outside, not realizing that for complete and final happiness he needs to change something in himself first.

People know little about themselves. We are interested in any ways how to find our happiness, but at the same time we are not interested in the main way - to try to learn and understand the motives of our own behavior, to define our limiting beliefs and beliefs, to pull out our victim and get rid of her dictate. That is, it is necessary to understand that the sources of all problems are in our heads e and only we are responsible for the fact that they are in us and continue to poison our lives day after day.

How to get rid of problems

After determining the cause, it remains to answer one question: which method is most effective in order to finally get rid of the problems. This is not about temporary measures such as visiting a psychologist, where you can just talk about your problems and then continue to face them in life. Food, alcoholic drinks, buying new things, new relationships and connections, a change of scenery - this is also just an excuse to leave problems for a while, but not solve them.

As already mentioned, all problems are exclusively in our head, namely within us. to be absolutely precise, in our subconscious... The subconscious mind stores all the information, starting from childhood, about everything that we have adopted from our parents, friends, acquaintances or conclusions made on our own, all the origins of our victim complex. That is why, as the most effective and effective tool to get rid of problems, the so-called deprogramming of the subconscious appears, which can not only open before you all your complexes, fears, all the mental baggage that stops your development and free life, but also make it possible to forget about these problems, having worked out their sources and deep psychological roots ...

One of the tools that can do this is Technique Turbo-gopher, proven by personal experience. An interesting effect of its application is that after some time you will be able to understand that you have never had any problems as such. It's all about attitude: all problems existed only within you, and the outside world only reflected your ideas about it. And then, perhaps, you can find your happiness. Good luck!

The information on this article is the result personal experience its author, all articles are written based on own results using the system and are not intended to convince anyone of anything.

This site is a personal initiative of its author and has nothing to do with the author of the Turbo-Gopher technique Dmitry Leushkin.

Oh, these problems!

And some do so, it seems to them that there is a place where you can safely hide from problems. But then it turns out that the problems have not gone away, but only worsened.

Because the problem is not the situation itself, but our reaction to it. That is, our problems live in our head, and no matter where we run from them, we cannot run away from ourselves.

We provide energy support to any problem ourselves, and from our own reserves. And the fact that it is growing, and our strength is running out - only our responsibility.

How can you change your life and get rid of problems?

  • Understand that you are the problem.

We often follow familiar patterns. Therefore, some are overgrown with problems, considering the world as a hostile environment. And others, even with serious trials, still consider themselves "favorites of the Universe." And they turn their life difficulties into invaluable experience and use them for their own good. Realizing which path you are on is a very important step in getting rid of problems. Someone believes that his problems will be resolved if someone or something appears in his life that will make him happy. But this is an "escape from reality" and shifting one's tasks onto another person. Another illusion and another disappointment. The reality is that we cannot receive happiness from the outside until we find it in ourselves.

  • Increase your awareness.

Look at your social circle, what kind of people surround you: happy or "whiners". Communication with the latter pulls us into a world of problems. Don't let yourself get involved in talking about "how bad things are." There is even a phrase that "failure is contagious." Its meaning is that, communicating with losers, you "slide" to a lower level of vibrations, you develop painful states, and as a result you yourself become unlucky. Communicating with people who have a "successful life", you also join this category, your thinking and perception of the world changes to a more positive one.

Then, when you are "mentally strong", you will be able to communicate with any people and help them change. But rest assured: hardened losers and "whiners" will not want to communicate with you, because you will simply stop resonating with them.

  • Reducing the importance of the problem.

When you stop thinking about your problem, focusing on it, you stop feeding it, and it can easily disappear. After all, where our attention is directed, our energy flows there. We can direct our attention wherever we want. If this is still difficult for you, develop the ability to focus. Find something in your life that is more important than your problem, and give it extra attention. This technique is often used in personal life. Often girls "well, the problem of loneliness is very burdensome," and thus they cling to this very loneliness. As soon as you manage to reorient them in a special way to something else, relationships come into their lives quickly and easily!

Reduce the importance of the situation that bothers you, and the result will not be long in coming.

  • Manage your emotions.

In general, we are not afraid of the problems themselves, but of the feelings that arise in us about this. These are painful, oppressive feelings that we do not like to experience. But we ourselves are the masters of our feelings: we can allow them to capture us, or we can turn them in the direction we want.

To do this, you need to form in your imagination pictures of your happy life and remember them as often as possible, present them as a come true fact. And your feelings will change at the same time, you will experience pleasant, joyful feelings. After all, when "everything is good" with you, you think differently and experience different sensations than when "everything is bad"! And new, happy events will come to you on your new thoughts and feelings!

  • Pay attention to clues from the universe.

In general, problems are a sign that we do not live in harmony with ourselves, that we are going in the wrong direction or doing something wrong. This is a kind of hint from the Universe that it is time to get rid of the templates, to "grow" in something and to reveal something in yourself. The Universe is a friendly and fair mother who brings up us, her children, and who is interested in our development. When we understand this, we do not have to wait for our problems to get worse, we begin to respond to warnings at the earliest stage, in time we change something in ourselves and in our life. And then we live in joy, in harmony with the world and with ourselves!

As already mentioned, all problems are exclusively in our head, namely, in our subconscious. You can start working with your unconscious together with a psychologist or a coach whom you trust. And after your unconscious motives come to light, you yourself need, when faced with some life situations, to react to them in a new way.

And then your life will surely change for the better, you will forget that there is such a word "problems", you will simply begin to live and enjoy life.

I sincerely wish you this and I believe that you will succeed!

I am a simple person who has done quite a few mistakes in life and later fell into a debt trap, without work with a bunch of debts, I was left alone in the whole wide world ... How to live further, what to pay for. services that are and what to hope for. Not good thoughts began to appear, but the world is not without kind people, I hope so, constantly using kindness is also not a good thing, I struggle every day with the thought of getting away from problems. I am ashamed in front of my deceased parents, to meet them there and to hear that they knew that I was weak and inept, I am ashamed.
And life is unbearably difficult, there are no close people, no one to ask for advice, no support. I drive despondency from myself, but I understand I may not be enough for a long time ...
Maybe I need to go to the church or somewhere else I don't know, one thing consoles me that everything goes through life.
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Igor, age: 41 / 10.06.2018


Igor, hello! It is very sad that there is no loved one next to you who could somehow help you. Take your time with your parents. They would love your life to be long and happy. All difficulties are temporary, you just need patience. Why are you out of work? Maybe you can find at least some part-time job so that you have something to eat and pay for an apartment?
You can go to the temple, it will definitely not hurt, and maybe it will help. You know, there are such good priests in the church, they will listen and can give advice.
You are still so young! Everything can still be fixed. Do not despair!

Lyuba, age: 34 / 06/11/2018

Hello Igor. Read this article on this site. You are right, the world is not without good people. Go to church, talk to the priest, maybe they will help you there and tell you what to do and what to do. There is no way out where it really is not. And a person will ALWAYS find a way out, but you need to see the light at the end of the tunnel and get out of the darkness. Go to the forum of this site. you will definitely find a way out and your life will improve.

Mulan, age: 06/11/2018

Igor, hello! Believe me, you are not alone, I am almost from the same bus, debts, mistakes ... and a desire to run away from problems, only you cannot run away from yourself. I can't do this. PRESENT - Leaving this life will not solve the problems, they will remain and smoothly move on to your next life, which will begin after the hellish reckoning in the age-old torment of the soul for suicide ... everything comes back ... I think I have to go to work Yes, even as a loader (by the way, I will probably do it myself) to try to solve the difficulties here and now, because then there will be again the question "Why should I do this?" , now the world is so arranged that people fall into debt traps. You also need to go to the Church, just maybe even in the courtyard of the Temple to sit and think, you shouldn't leave this life, human life is not worth a penny, but the Soul ... that's all, I was wrong, and realized that it could be much harder, but only the decision will not be changed ... in short, nafig thoughts of suicide are better to walk through the whole world on foot, or live in the forest like a bear, or get down to business and work for days while there is something to lay hands on yourself! Hold on Igor, I will also try, the most important thing is not to mess up in the morning, in the morning it is hardest of all, all the best to you and I wish you to meet an assistant and friend on the way!

misha, age: 35 / 11.06.2018

Hello. Igor, you can go to sea, they don't pay badly for navigation, you can study any working specialty such as a car driver, slinger, welder and work. In large cities, in the North, earnings are higher. It is also possible to create a family. Cheer up.

Irina, age: 06/11/2018

Igor, hello.
I myself am now out of work and I understand you perfectly, of course, constantly asking is humiliating and unnecessary - but you are asking in debt, right? For you now on the phone + travel + food is the simplest, it will be easier to get a job!
Igor, condition non-work addictive, there is a blues, despondency, you’re dumb, or something ... For this reason, for example, I didn’t find a job that suited me, I worked as a courier: so as not to get out of rhythm at all, not to forget what it was like to be busy! If you do not find a vacancy that suits you now, look for hack work, at least you have enough for groceries.
And let all your acquaintances know that you are looking for a job, tell those who do not know what you know and can do. Create your resume on websites.
Cheer up, please, this is the last thing! Parents loved you very much and love you now in better world, and of course, we would like to see you, happy, working, surrounded by family and children!
You are right, this difficult moment will pass, and it will be easier, the main thing is not to lose heart and not fuss unnecessarily.
Go to the priest, talk; look for someone you like. Often priests of 60 years old, whose age corresponds to our parents, have seen a lot different stories and can give specific advice (this is not about the fact that the younger priests cannot).
I wish you fortitude!
With love.

Elina, age: 35 / 11.06.2018

Hello Igor! Our family, too, was once in huge debt. I was studying / doing practice at that time. I remember walking through the whole city, since there was no money for travel, and for lunch I only had a carrot. There was absolutely nothing to eat. We have been in these debts for about two years. Of course, we also ate potatoes with pickles and pilaf on holidays, but it was a very difficult time. Then everything worked out, because you never get bad all your life. Such difficult moments are given to us from time to time so that we learn from the mistakes and become stronger. The main thing is to hold out and not give up. Do not give up, please, in any case! And please do not think that the purpose of life is to achieve material success. To achieve real success in life is to stay decent and a good man... You are the most valuable thing in your life, you can create yourself, work on yourself, mold yourself ... Be a good person and your parents will never be ashamed of you. And material problems will certainly be solved. Somehow, our friends' house burned down with all their belongings, and nothing, over time, the whole world rebuilt their house for them, but they also had a desperate situation (everything burned down, but they did not have any money savings). I would like to advise you something, but I do not know your situation. And what if, for example, rent out an apartment, and ask yourself to live in a monastery for the time being or look for a job with accommodation (for example, a security guard in someone else's house). Well, in general, you need to invent and try. Everything will certainly work out for you! I also wish you to meet a good friend! May God help you!

Alena, age: 45 / 12.06.2018

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