We master freelance from scratch: where to start and in which direction to move. We master freelance from scratch: where to start and in which direction to move th path. fast start. training at the school of remote work. school rd2 - review

If you don't have your own successful business, this does not mean at all that you cannot create it. It won't be easy, but nothing is impossible. The path to success will be difficult, even incredibly difficult, but on the other hand, you will become a freelancer and can make good money without leaving your home! Where do you start? The first step is to choose a field of activity. You shouldn't think about a narrow niche, it's better to think in broader categories. But at the same time, it must be remembered that freelancing is primarily a service, and here you need to carefully analyze your skills. Each person knows how to do something very well, so it is precisely these skills that should become the main weapon in your arsenal.

You may have studied web design. Or draw well. Or maybe you enjoy programming. Find your strengths and weaknesses and leave only what you are good at. You won't need anything else yet. You want to become a freelancer, which means that you have to become an expert in order for clients to entrust the work to you. At the very beginning, this should always be kept in mind - after all, no one likes to cooperate with people who know a little bit of everything. A client looking to hire a freelancer is looking for a specialist, not a jack of all trades.

Build your website

Once you have decided on the services that you will provide as a freelancer, you will need your own website. In the world of freelancing, a website is something of your own store or service center- it is there that you can profitably sell what you offer there.

Then you need to find a domain name. Don't reinvent the wheel here - just give the site your name. This is a good and, most importantly, memorable option. And then find a good hosting and just launch a business card site. Today it is very easy to do it yourself. The site should have four main sections:

  • About you
  • The services you offer
  • Your portfolio
  • Contact page

If you don't have anything to present in your portfolio yet, you can contact your friends or acquaintances and offer them help. It is enough to do a few small projects for free or at a good discount, so that you have some material for your portfolio. The main thing is that these projects demonstrate your level - future clients will look through your portfolio and evaluate your skills.

Good, professional portfolio this is the most The best way provide yourself with a stable flow of customers. You are just starting to work as a freelancer and, of course, you still have few jobs that can be shown to potential customers. Don't worry about trifles! If you've worked on small projects before, try to get feedback from the client. Even if this is an acquaintance or even a family member - still ask for a review.

Do not hesitate in any way! Customers love positive reviews because they show that you are a qualified, reliable freelancer. Even if you have three or four reviews, this is already a big step towards success. Over time, there will be more of them and reviews will become a serious argument in favor of the client hiring you as a performer.

Network, network, network!

When you become a freelancer, you will have to spend a lot of time on the Internet, such is the specifics of this work. From the first days, you need to start to closely communicate with other freelancers and register on exchanges where they offer the same services that you want to provide. Starting a freelance business will require you to create separate social media profiles.Focus on four of them, sign up on VK, as well as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

And start to be active. Make friends with other freelancers working in your field and send them a message that you are just starting your freelance career. Many people are mistaken in assuming that their freelance colleagues will see them as competitors and will not respond. You will be amazed at how closely freelancers communicate with each other! If you can produce good impression for an experienced freelancer. He may well throw you a couple of orders if he has an emergency at work. And rush jobs from professional freelancers come with enviable regularity.

Find your first client

Despite the fact that the network allows you to create a good source passive income, your freelance business won't be like that at all. You need clients to make money. And at first it will be difficult for you to find them. To receive your first order, you need to do the following:

  • Constantly monitor the project feed of all the exchanges on which you are registered
  • Scan social media for job postings
  • Feel free to reach out to a potential client directly

When you find an order that matches your skills, you need to work on the text of the message to the customer. This is a very important point, do not be lazy, take more time for this! Don't write too much, but introduce yourself, share your experience and skills, and show that you are interested in the job. And be sure to explain how you can help the prospect. Suggest several ways to solve the problem and advise what you can do to make the result really outstanding. Behave as if you are in a job interview. Customers love this kind of treatment, and you, in turn, can convince them that you can get the job done.

When starting a new freelance business, it is very important to start executing as soon as possible. expensive orders... You are still a beginner and high fees are not yet available to you. It doesn't matter. Be optimistic with your customers, meet deadlines, and answer any customer questions as soon as possible. And of course, do your job to as high a standard as you can.

And do not worry about the fact that you did everything very well, but received some pitiful pennies for it. It will take a little time and ridiculous amounts for professional work will remain in the past.

Keep in mind, however, that some clients may view your modest demands as a weakness. In this case, they will try to squeeze everything they can out of you. They may try to underpay you or put a lot of work on you without increasing your royalties. If you see that a client is trying to manipulate you, be polite but principled in your communication with him. Stand up for your opinion, do not be afraid to enter into unpleasant business negotiations. You are a freelancer, you are a businessman and you are interested in your business growing and developing. Difficult clients will come up a lot in your career and you need to be prepared for this from the start.

Standing orders

The most valuable thing in freelancing is standing and repeating orders. A long-term customer relationship will guarantee you a stable fixed income... Look for just such projects and then you will always have a job. In order to make sure that customers contact again and again, you need to:

  • Work to the highest personal standards
  • Always adhere to the agreed deadlines
  • Be polite and friendly with your customers
  • Don't forget about personal marketing, spend time on social media
  • Ask! Let your clients know that you are passionate about work. They will be impressed by your eagerness and when they have an order or they have a problem, they will turn to you, because you are an enthusiast.
Freelance business growth.

Freelancing is not easy, you already know that. You will have to work two, three times more than before. This is the only way you can move your competitors in this tough business. However, if you put your time and energy on the altar of freelancing, you will certainly be rewarded. Your work will not be wasted and you will definitely start earning decent money.

When you are more or less on your feet, start looking to the future. Explore new areas, gain valuable skills, look for big clients. One day the day will come when you will realize that you cannot handle the job alone. Team up with other freelancers, delegate some tasks to them. Teamwork will take your freelance business to the next level. And remember, there can be any number of these levels - after all, this is freelancing.

Greetings, novice freelancers!) Today in the article I will share my experience in freelancing - how best, faster and more correctly to start making money on the Internet.

Why can I advise you something?
I am a freelancer with 2 years of experience, here is my account from the Work-zilla exchange.

I have been registered on it since May 2014, that is, 1.5 years. With over 10,000 freelancers, I am now in 192nd place and have completed over 100 projects. This exchange is just one of the sources where I make deals with clients for my services - I create Landing pages and make websites and online stores on WordPress.

And I started from scratch. I didn't know how to do anything and didn't know how to communicate with customers at all and how to make them pay me money!)

In this article, I will tell you what steps I would take if I were now a beginner and started my freelance career from scratch. Let's start!

Beginner freelancer. Where to begin?

1. Choosing a profession - Try everything first, it’s easier to decide what you like and more like in which direction you want to develop.

If you have already decided what you will do in freelancing, then great. If not, then decide :-) As it was brilliantly said)) But it's true, without this step you will not advance further.

Do you want to learn how to make websites?
To save money on development or to make money creating websites for others? I recently recorded a new course and, where I told step by step plan how to create awesome websites. I have been developing for more than 7 years, I earn more than 50 thousand a month on sites, and in the course I laid out all the technology on how to make such sites. The course is new - 2020. Take while fresh. More details.

What is the fastest way to decide on a freelance profession?
Try everything that interests you even a little. Before I started doing web design, I studied website development on WordPress and Joomla engines, studied SEO, Infobusiness, MLM, Programming languages, and only then web design and landing pages. And I have no regrets, the acquired skills in all areas still help me.
Don't be afraid to take the time, even if it turns out that this is not what you want to do at all. All the time is spent thinking about whether it is mine or not. You probably won't know until you try it.

Choose a niche to your liking, you should like it, in order to achieve good results in any niche you will need to develop, it should be interesting to learn new material.

There is a course of my colleague Vasily Blinov and Svetlana Kirilyuk "Freelance start", after going through which you will master the secrets of freelancing, you will understand the algorithm for making money on the Internet - link to course

When you decide, I advise you to do only one thing, one profession, possibly still parallel related topics, but nothing more.

If you are only doing one thing, for example: Creating Landing pages, then you will develop as much as possible in this vector and as a result:

  • the work performed will be more and more professional each time
  • you will better understand your customers
  • your work will cost more
  • you will be happier seeing your progress.

You need to respond as much as possible to projects on freelance exchanges, such as work-zilla, offer more people their services, shine on message boards, etc.

Develop a habit of being polite with your clients, the exception is probably people who consider freelancers to be fuckers :-(, but this is a separate conversation. Being polite with people is basically normal :-), but in freelancing it plays a very important role. Customers are very fond of adequate and polite freelancers, because it saves them time and nerves.

And here another important thing comes into play - word of mouth. If you do all of the above correctly, then a sundress is provided for you. If you are recommended to your friends, then this is a big plus for you, it means that clients are satisfied with the way you do your job.

Take reviews. The best way- this is a video review, but if they do not want to shoot, let them at least write in the text and give a photo. You can place your reviews on your website or in the same google dox document.

At this stage: We declare ourselves and our service as confidently as possible, stop being afraid of customers, communicate more with them, improve communication skills, identify customer needs.

6. We repeat all this in a circle

- We develop in the chosen niche - we are looking for orders - we do the work - new project in the portfolio - the client is satisfied - we take a review - we are advised to other people - we develop a base of regular customers - we communicate with customers better, more confidently -

Parting words

This is the way I would have done if I was a beginner freelancer.

How long would it take? I don’t know, and this is not the most important thing. The main thing is to see your progress, never stop developing in your profession, in communicating with clients and the ability to sell your services at a higher price.

If suddenly this path seems difficult to you, then just remember why you decided to freelance at all?

I see obvious reasons for working on the Internet:

  • Compared to hired work, I earn more than I could earn working for an uncle
  • I can work from anywhere in the world where there is Internet
  • I am growing personally, developing as a professional in my niche
  • There is no fixed salary, but there is no ceiling either, all my earnings depend only on me. I'm in control of my life, not someone and that's cool!)

That's all. I hope I answered the question - How to become a freelancer from scratch? I wish you every success on your freelance journey! :-)

Today, freelancing has become the embodiment of freedom in its most diverse senses - creativity, self-expression, movement, finance, lifestyle and daily routine. More and more professionals see freelancing as a seductive alternative to traditional office work, while companies are enthusiastic about outsourcing projects and even functions.

Interestingly, most go through similar stages of professional development, despite the diversity of industries and specializations open to freelancing. Understanding the specifics of these stages allows you to correctly prioritize and avoid dangerous pitfalls, achieving success even without connections, experience or formal education.

Let's try to figure out what these stages are and how to successfully overcome them.

Stage 1. Unrecognized genius

Nobody knows you, nobody trusts you, you apply for hundreds of projects and don't even get emails with rejection. You just don't exist in the freelancing world.

The goal of this step is to create a trustworthy profile.

What to do

Sign up with the leading freelance platform in your industry, one is enough to get started. Next - fake it until you make it. Clearly and concisely indicate your skills and profile education or certificates, add your photo with a cheerful smile and write a friendly message with the desire to work together.

Don't worry if you don't have an education that matches your specialization, this is easily replenished with the help of portfolios and testimonials.

The portfolio is the most important element of your profile. If you do not have a portfolio and are hoping to create one by starting working on the platform, then this stage you will be much longer than necessary and will likely lead to depression.

A portfolio of examples of projects that you ideally count on should be ready in advance. These can be imaginary projects or projects you've done for friends. The main thing is that they demonstrate the quality of your work. If applicable, attach examples before and after your intervention, this is one of the most effective means of getting the prospect's attention.

Once you've built your portfolio, start writing reviews of yourself. Bring in friends or family, create multiple projects, and hire yourself for those projects. As a rule, after 5-7 reviews and a beautiful portfolio appear in the profile, potential clients start answering letters.

What not to do

Don't quit your job. Creation and promotion of a profile and portfolio from scratch will take a lot of time, and you will need a parallel stable source of income.

Stage 2. Hopeful

You were hired for the first projects, you are often checked and meticulously interrogated for interviews. You get a response to 25% of the emails sent out.

The purpose of the stage is to confirm the declared reputation.

What to do

Work hard and develop communication

Desperately fight for projects, recycle, be in touch at any time of the day or night (thanks to the current exchange rate best projects come from abroad), listen to the client and fulfill his wishes, be polite and correct.

When applying for a project, be sure to indicate several ways of contacting you (phone, Skype, email). Monitor the prices for the services of your closest competitors and dump, at this stage the price and speed of communications are yours best friends in the fight for the customer. Develop your telephone conversation skills and business communication especially if your main market speaks a different language.

If your foreign language not good enough, invite the client to conduct all discussions by email under the pretext of saving all the details and wishes. As a rule, the majority perceives this approach positively and even distinguishes you from the rest as the most responsible executor.

To plan

Since everyone new client it still seems like a miracle and extraordinary luck to you, there is a temptation to agree to all the proposed projects. The monitor is overgrown with files with unfinished tasks, coffee cups are spilling out on the table, and email tinkles with letters from customers with bewildered "When will I see the new version?"

You need to start time and prioritize projects, learn to say "no" or at least adequately assess employment ("I can start in two weeks").

Maintain a customer base

Be sure to start compiling a file with a client base: include contact information, data on the work done, the specifics of communication with this client, his personal or professional interests... Start building relationships with clients, the completion of a project should not mean a complete cessation of communication between you.

At this stage, you will longingly remember lazy lunches in corporate office and fun evenings with friends over a glass of wine. The main thing is to realize that it is not endless and after 30, 80 or 150 projects (depending on your specialization) you will be recognized as a professional worthy of respect and decent pay. Of course, only if the reviews about your profile are impeccable and speak of the high quality of work, budget and, importantly, your pleasant personal qualities.

What not to do

Don't give up on heavy clients.

They are often the ones who become your most ardent supporters and lead a reliable flow of projects through friends and colleagues. Yes, you may lose time (= money) or some nerve cells in the beginning, but in the long run you will be in the black.

Stage 3. Top specialist

You receive dozens of invitations to new projects, you have a stream of regular customers, you are recommended in professional circles as a specialist with a good reputation. You get paid enough and you can choose which of the projects you subscribe to.

The goal of the stage is to follow the strategy.

What to do

Choose projects that will bring you the best results over the long term. For example, between a small project of a corporate giant and a highly paid one-off project, choose the former. If successful, you have a high chance of becoming a permanent freelancer in the green field of corporate projects.

Also try to establish friendships with talent managers on freelance platforms. They are constantly looking for reliable freelancers with great references for corporate clients of the platform. A carefully selected pool of talent gets direct access to Fortune 500 companies and projects with unlimited budgets.

What not to do

Don't think that you are irreplaceable. You will be forgiven a couple of missed calls or unanswered emails, perhaps a couple of delayed deadlines, before hiring a determined and reliable freelancer for you.

So freedom is freedom, but suddenly you shouldn't go traveling for a month with unfinished projects.

Stage 4. What's next

In principle, top specialists are already free enough to live where they want, work in their own style, and grow professionally and creatively. For some, this stage is becoming the norm. happy life and for years to come.

Someone gets tired and takes a job with one of their clients or their partners (which is much easier if you maintain a long-term relationship with your client file). Others will try to translate personal success into creation. own company and development in the position of a manager. There are many options, and the decision is yours.

The steps outlined give a rough idea of ​​what awaits a beginner freelancer on the path to success, how best to prepare for this, and what mistakes should be avoided.

Despite the fact that it is easy to become a freelancer today, only a few reach the level of top specialists. Understanding the steps and following basic advice will help you achieve your goals faster and with minimal waste. If you have already gone this way or are still halfway there, share with us your impressions, experience and advice on the stages in the comments to the article.

Hello readers! Welcome to the blog!

How to become a freelancer from scratch? You will receive a comprehensive answer to this question in this article. You'll get step by step instructions, with which you can start working remotely as a freelancer. And video instructions for work in simple programs for quick start today and performing simple freelance tasks on the freelance exchange for beginners.

You will certainly have questions in the process of work and training, please do not hesitate and ask them in the comments to this article!

How to become a freelancer? Two ways of learning

1st way. SLOW START. Selfeducation

There are 2 ways. 1st way - to learn by yourself... To master new knowledge and programs on their own. It will take you from several months to several years, depending on your knowledge and skills. This path can be chosen if you still not completely sure that you want to become a freelancer.

Then you can start learning on your own and start working on a freelance exchange for beginners. Below I will tell you how to register on such an exchange, what tasks to start with, show a video, how to work in the appropriate programs to automate your work.

2nd way. FAST START. Training at the School of Remote Work. School RD2 - review

The second way is to undergo training for a month at the best School of remote work with employment. By the way, I chose this path a few years ago when I decided to become a “free artist” and no longer work for my uncle.

This is a quick start. In just one month of training You will master with personal trainer many programs and you can quickly choose your main profession for freelancing. You will learn, working on a real exchange freelancing and completing real tasks. You from the first lesson you will earn money.

Then, in 2014, training (training lasts 1 month) cost $ 250... At the same time, during the training I earned more than $ 250... I didn't work all day but only in the evenings and on weekends (because she worked in parallel at that time on a permanent job). The guys from the group who completed tasks on the stock exchange all day earned $ 400 each, and some more than $ 1000.

So if you really have already decided to become a freelancer and start working remotely, I recommend that you register and undergo training on an abbreviated intensive program EMPLOYMENT INTENSIVE... Geographically, the school is located in Bali. And several people from the stream win a trip to this island. By the way, many students of the school have already moved to live in the village of RD2 in Bali. Read about how learning works in school RD2 .

Learning new things is the best investment!

I am an adherent of quick decisions and actions, without buildup. Therefore, I recommend that you do not waste time, but study right away by working as a freelancer!


How to start working as a freelancer? Step-by-step instruction. 10 steps

  1. Provide high-speed internet, laptop for work or PC.
  2. Set up your workplace. This does not have to be a desk, although some freelancers set such a workplace to work. But others can work productively while lying in a hammock.
  3. Register a working email. Better by getting a lot of additional benefits and features. It is better that it consists of your first and last name. I think it is needless to say that work mail cannot be [email protected]
  4. Register an e-wallet WebMoney... You will need it to transfer money from employers for the tasks you have completed. Later, you can register accounts in other payment systems ( Yandex money , Payeer , PayPal, etc.). How to register
  5. Register on the freelance exchange for beginners in Workzilla. Learn how to do this from the video below, you can learn about working on the Vorkzilla exchange.
  6. Take 1st order- while you do not have a rating and have no experience, take simple and inexpensive tasks, for example, rewriting text, editing photos, transcribing (translating video into text), designing business cards and logos, likes and comments in social networks etc. I will show you how to complete simple tasks in the video tutorials in the next section of the article.
  7. Define your main focus by working in different areas at Workzilla. For this, 1-2 months are enough. It is important! There is a lot of work on the Internet (everyone needs sites, their content, support, advertising in social networks, etc.), but it is important for you to understand what you like to do best. A quick choice of direction is important so as not to be scattered over training in different areas, but to improve in a particular area. The better your work is, the more you will receive.
  8. Take training in your chosen field. You can go free selfeducation(You know what's on Youtube can be found now free lessons for all useful programs). Or find a quality paid training course.
  9. Go to freelance exchanges for experienced freelancers (Weblancer, Kwork, Freelance.ru, etc.) and experienced copywriters (Advego, eTXT, Textsale) and other top freelance exchanges. The list is published at the end of the article.
  10. Register an individual entrepreneur. This is important in order to start working officially. Pay your taxes and sleep well))).

Workzilla - how to start making money?

Video tutorial on how to transcribe into Google translator:

Video tutorial on how to perform transcription in Speechpad:

4. Creation of landing pages

Creation of landing pages (or one-page sites). This is perhaps one of the most requested topics on Wokrzilla and other freelance exchanges. One landing page costs from 1,500 rubles. It can be done in a couple of hours or less if you know about special programs. And you don't need to be a programmer.

Everyone needs to sell their products, and doing so is very effective through one-page sites. It takes a million of them every day. So, making them is actually very easy. You need to use ready-made templates in special programs such as LPGenerator and LPMotor .

Watch a video tutorial on how to make a landing page in the program LPMotor:

5. Photo processing

Photo processing (in Photoshop)- there are a lot of such tasks on Workzilla. I think many people know how to do this job. And if you want to learn - study See a series of these helpful tutorials.

6. Design of logos, business cards

Design of logos, business cards, e-book covers. If you know about special programs, then this work is very easy to do. These programs have many ready-made templates.

Hello friends! Are your fears getting in the way? How many opportunities have you already missed by letting uncertainty take over? Have you ever felt offended to see how others manage to embody what you lack the courage to do?

If you have never experienced such feelings, then you are a unique case, a man-rock. If you constantly experience them, but this has become a habitual state and does not interfere with your life, I can hardly help you. Today my article is for those who are scared, but who are ready to take the risk and take a step towards their desires. I'll show you how to become a freelancer from scratch.

In the previous article, we analyzed. Now I want to tell you where to start and where to go to become a successful freelancer.

Equipment setup

I would not talk about the obvious things if they did not help to tune in the right wave. The most difficult thing is to make a decision and take the first step. Let these simple steps become a kind of dedication to freelancers:

  1. Prepare a computer with internet access... This is the main tool of a freelancer, moreover, this is his office. Turn on the installation that from now on your laptop is your job, opened it - came to work, closed it - left work. In front of the monitor screen, you are a tough specialist, period. This should become a habit, or better yet, become a reflex.
  2. Get e-wallets... This method of payment for services is very common in the world. remote work... And how it motivates for further actions!

We restore the facade

To communicate with customers, you will use all possible ways: e-mail, pages on social networks, skype, phone, Viber, WhatsApp - what more convenient for the client... The more contacts the better!

All profiles and names should look formal and appropriate. Would you agree to give the order to a performer with the nickname 4elovek muxa666 and the corresponding avatar? Creative, but rich imagination is better to demonstrate in a different way.

Your profiles should have your name and your face. Well-groomed and combed. How would you look if you were going to business negotiations offline?

In remote work, the same laws apply - they are greeted by clothes. Take a quality photo where you look presentable and let it be yours business card... Let the heroes be known by sight.

The design of your social media pages is very important. When making this or that entry, posting this or that photo, remember that one day a person will come to your page who wants to give you a job. What will he see? What conclusions will he make? It is in your hands to create any image that will work for you or against you.

Choosing a profession

If you already know what exactly you want to do as a freelancer, that's just fine. If you have no idea which end to approach from, I recommend that you read the book. "7 professions for quick money on the Internet"... After reading it, you will not have any questions about how to start working remotely. You can get the book absolutely free.

Growing and developing

You have taken the first step and decided on a profession - the most difficult thing is behind! From now on, your habitual state should be continuous development... Read, watch, listen - in a word, absorb everything that in one way or another can contribute to your professional growth and inspire new ideas.

From my own experience, I will say that a great start is online courses in the chosen direction. You find yourself in the environment of like-minded people and get a professional mentor. Such courses help to avoid so many bumps that self-taught beginners fill.

I foresee the objection that such training, as a rule, is paid. Whether to pay for your education or not, the choice is yours. But any business requires investment. If you decide to master new profession from scratch, then the business project is now you. And investment is needed for your development: time, effort, intellectual resources.

Financial investments will help speed things up and in a short time you will receive information that you will collect on your own much longer, and in the work of a freelancer, time is money. Learn to plan it effectively.

We create a portfolio

We read movie reviews before we go to the movies. My girlfriend will not go for a manicure without first getting acquainted with the work of the master. I will not order a bouquet for her without looking through the catalog of the selected florist. Reviews for everything and everyone make life much easier, save time and money.

Needless to say, when choosing a performer, any customer will want to get acquainted with his work in order to assess the level of professionalism. That is why the presence of a portfolio and reviews of satisfied employers will become a great trump card when searching for orders.

In order to do it, you need to work for free. Tell your friends and acquaintances what you are doing now, for sure there will be those among them who need your services right now. Especially free. To reach a larger audience, you can place a similar ad on your pages in social networks. Believe me, the first orders will not be long in coming.

Having in your arsenal examples of completed work, it will be much easier for you to build relationships with the following customers.

With each new order you will grow in your eyes and this is a very pleasant feeling. Fears will gradually recede, and they will be replaced by competence and self-confidence.

Where to find a freelance job

All tips for finding a job for beginner freelancers boil down to registration. The cost of orders on the exchanges is minimal, and those who want to get a lot of money from the first days will be disappointed there.

But if you look at the stock exchange as a platform for finding regular customers, then the possibilities are endless. Very often employers post a test task for 100-200 rubles in order to find a responsible executor for a voluminous job. This has happened to me many times.

Don't be afraid to take on tasks that seem too difficult. You won't know from your teeth or not without trying it. Challenge yourself. The Exchange is a survival school for recruits. Many give up, and those who overcome obstacles move on to the next level.

I have already considered the topic.

Where else to find a job

Don't limit yourself to stock exchanges, this is not the only way to find a job. I want to convey to you the main idea: every site, every blog, every Internet project is a potential source of income for you. Having realized this, it will be much easier for you to get rid of your fears and develop in the field of remote work and freelancing.

Here are some more ways to find work on the Internet:

1. Watch projects that interest you... Very often, they place information about the search for employees directly on the main pages. For them, this is the most effective method finding an interested specialist is the most effective way for you to find a job to your liking.

2. Direct search- if you really want to join any project, you can contact its creators directly. Who will lose from the fact that you write a letter or message to social network with a vivid story about yourself and your strong desire to work in this particular team?

Such an appeal will definitely not go unnoticed, because it:

  • very personal;
  • based on a sincere interest in a particular topic.

And even if right now this employer has nothing to offer you, he will definitely contact you when your services are needed. This also happened to me more than once.

3. Ads on job search sites... While most companies require relevant experience, you can always impress with your cover letter, by doing test task, proposals for optimizing the work of the company.

We keep the brand

Reputation is our everything. It must be flawless. Many freelancers have a problem - optional. As a customer, I had to deal with the fact that tasks were not completed on time or were not completed at all. And this is with my willingness to pay well for quality services.

It is clear that such performers are unlikely to have a career as a freelancer, but my time was wasted. And my time is also money.

Your word is iron! I named the deadline - I passed the task on time. This should be the main rule.

Customers carefully pass on competent and responsible specialists to each other. In the presence of quality work and an impeccable reputation over time, the need to look for orders from you will disappear, employers will come to you themselves.

As a parting word

If you dream of becoming a freelancer and working remotely, but it seems to you that this is not for dummies without special education, read carefully below:

I am convinced that desire and determination are not at all "from scratch", it is more than half of the success.

You need to do very little - fill the theoretical gap, if any, and then use your discipline, diligence and dedication.

I wish you turn your fears into driving force, dear readers of my blog. They can be made to work for your success.

If you need support and a step-by-step action plan, then come to our training.


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