Earn money online with withdrawal of money without investment. Earnings from $18 per hour without investments with withdrawal to a card Earning money on the Internet without investments insurance services

Where does the first million begin?

Dear colleagues! Webmaster Alexander and the Anatomy of Business project are with you. Today we will talk about how you can make money quickly. I get asked this question almost every day. Often, people who are just starting to make money on the Internet and are still looking closely at this business are afraid to invest large amounts of money in the development of their resources. Today I will give you the 7 most effective ways to quickly make money using the World Wide Web in one way or another. I would like to note right away that I will not talk about any nonsense like Forex, lotteries, making money on “clicks,” etc. The conversation will be about real ways of making money that I or my acquaintances, entrepreneurs who have achieved great results in business, have used. By the way, at the moment, in connection with expansion, I am looking for partners.

Why did I choose this title: “Where does the first million begin?” It's simple. If we look at the stories of great entrepreneurs, we will see that most of them started with small, meager earnings. But they all had one thing in common: they worked for themselves! I believe that you will become the next Steve Jobs or Henry Ford and earn your first $1,000,000. And before this happens, I offer some interesting ideas on how to quickly make money and put together start-up capital to launch your business idea.

TOP 7 ways to make money quickly

Method 1. Online store based on VKontakte

Method 2. Avito: 25 thousand rubles. per month on message boards

I personally used this method of earning extra money. It's simple!

  1. We are going to the nearest wholesale warehouse. Let's see what products are sold there. If we don’t find anything suitable, then, as a last resort, we can order the necessary goods from China.
  2. We come home and find photos of these products on the Internet.
  3. Register on the Avito.Ru website.
  4. We place at least 30 advertisements and come up with a selling text for each one.

In this way I earned an additional 25,000 rubles. per month.

If for some reason you are afraid to go to a wholesale warehouse or are afraid that this method will not work, just take a closer look around. Many of us have a lot of junk at home that has been lying around unused for years. But this rubbish can turn into “real” money if it is well described on the website and a creative approach is taken to creating an ad.

Method 3. Molotok.Ru: how my partner started earning 30,000 rubles at an auction. per month

We all know the American Ebay auction, but few have heard of its Russian counterpart - the Molotok.Ru auction. I would like to tell you about my partner Sergei Golovchenko, who for several years made a living by buying Soviet antiques from neighbors and selling them through this auction. Considering that in the USA the Ebay auction has become the main source of income for many, it can be assumed that this stage will soon also come in Russia. The market is not yet oversaturated, so each of us has the opportunity to board this train and earn our first capital.

Method 4. Used car photographer: how my employee earned 20,000 rubles. per month, working two days a week

I talked about this business idea in detail in the article, but I can’t help but mention it again. This idea for extra income is so simple that even a child can handle it. Here's what to do.

  1. We buy several of the most popular newspapers at the kiosk.
  2. We look in them for the most unsuccessfully composed advertisements (without photographs).
  3. We call on these advertisements and offer their compilers - our potential clients - the following services:
    1. photo shoot of their car. We take several high-quality photographs. A simple DSLR or a sophisticated point-and-shoot camera will do;
    2. creating selling text for an advertisement;
    3. placement of photographs and selling text on all major Internet sites, such as Avito, “From Hand to Hand”, etc.

Why does this technology work? Let's imagine who our client is. As a rule, this is a man between 40 and 60 years old who has never accessed the Internet in his life. There are still many such people, which gives us excellent opportunities for additional income. My employee charged about 400 rubles for one photo shoot. To earn 20,000 rubles. per month, you need to “process” 50 cars per month. If you work only on weekends, then, assuming that there are 8 days off in a month, we find that to get this amount it is enough to photograph 50/8 = 6.25 cars per day. My colleague said that 6 cars can be photographed in 3 hours.

Method 5. How to earn 1000 rubles. on a rainy day

Now let's think about it. When you go out in the morning and see a clear sky, will you take an umbrella with you? I'm sure not. That’s what I thought, along with thousands of other people who were standing in the subway, nervous, late for work, but at the same time did not want to get wet. But seriously, you can take advantage of any situation, you can make money even on rainy weather. How much do you think the simplest Chinese umbrella costs? Do not know? And I'll say something about one dollar. Yes, this is an umbrella for several times, it is cheap, not of high quality, and has a rather poor appearance, but those who are late for work don’t care what color, style, or where it is made.

What's stopping you from purchasing a batch of these umbrellas, waiting for good rain and going to the nearest metro station? Bought for a dollar, sold for two. As a result, there is a 100% markup, and in 10 minutes you can earn a good increase in your scholarship, pension or salary.
The question arises, why doesn't anyone do this? After all, investments are minimal, labor costs are also practically zero, so what’s wrong? Maybe the whole point is that you need to wait for such a moment and no one wants to take risks? Or maybe you live far from the metro and are afraid of not making it in time before the rain stops?

Everything is much simpler. Many consider this activity too small for them, but if they were given a million euros, then they would start the scheme, then they would start a large business, which has no analogues in the world. The bottom line is that any business needs to start small. Starting with large investments, do not forget about the risk of losing all your capital. Business is a game in which money is the stake

Method 6. How to earn 50,000 rubles. on cargo transportation without investment?

So, we come to one of the most interesting ways to build a “fast” business - without investment. This idea came to me about a couple of years ago, when I was just starting to get involved in entrepreneurship. But I didn’t have enough time to implement it, and in the end I told my listeners about this method of earning money at trainings and master classes. This is what it is.

  1. Every city has truck stops where guys in Gazelles usually gather. They are what we need! We approach such guys with a tempting offer: “Let me provide you with clients, and you will transfer me a percentage from each client.” Of course, the joyful uncle will say: “Come on!” I think you can agree on the share of the commission yourself. As a rule, its size is discussed with each individual.
  2. We come home and start posting advertisements about cargo transportation on all message boards and thematic forums.
  3. When a client calls us on the phone, we bring the driver and the customer together.
  4. We meet with the driver and collect our share of the reward.

As an option, you can rent a Gazelle with a driver. At the moment, the cost of such services is 18,000 rubles. per month plus payment for gasoline costs. But I recommend doing this only when you already have a stable flow of clients.

One day I met a friend of mine, and he said that he had started a business using this scheme and was earning more than 50,000 rubles this way. per month.

Method 7. Copywriting: how to earn $1,000 a month by writing articles.

Many people think that making money online is very difficult. I'll tell you how one of my employees makes $1,000 a month online through copywriting. Alexander Koraluk lives in Kyiv. A couple of years ago he started doing copywriting.

What is copywriting? This is writing articles for websites. There are thousands of Internet resources that are constantly in need of new content. Typically, the cost of 1000 characters is about $2. In one day, a copywriter can write up to 20,000 characters. The total is $40 per day. If you work seven days a week and at full capacity, you can earn up to $1,200 in a month. The question arises, where to get customers? There are so-called article exchanges, such as ADVEGO, etc., where you can always find a large number of customers. I talked in more detail about this method of earning money in the article.

As we can see, there are a lot of ways to build a business without investment. The main thing is to learn to look wider. Don’t think that you need large investments to start your business. Almost any small business can be started from scratch; the main thing is your desire.

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There are several quite simple ways to make money through the World Wide Web. When a network user thinks about how to make money, he certainly turns to one of the existing search programs.


Such proposals are discussed in some detail on the relevant websites. Therefore, we should dwell on only a few of them.
Globally, they are divided into:
  • Earning money with investments (this, and so on)
  • Earning money without investments (this, comments and more)

Today we will talk about making money online with.

Earnings from games

For gambling people, there are a large number of sites where you can carry out sessions and just have fun.

At the same time, it is possible to play on several portals simultaneously, which allows you to increase your income level several times. In this case, everything will depend on the skill of the player.

A whole subgenre of games that are clones of Funny Farm and its analogues. The player can officially sell game resources for money, as well as invest in the purchase of tools to speed up production.

Popular games in this genre include:

The main problem with this kind of earnings is that money does not come out of nowhere - it is invested in the game by people who want to earn money.

In fact, this is a financial pyramid that collapses immediately after the influx of new users stops.

You can also make money on traditional games, like World of Warcraft or Tanks. In MMOs (massively multiplayer games), you can sell in-game goods for real money; in games with a complex rating system, you can help in “leveling up”.

To make money like this, you must not only be an expert on a particular game and its game mechanics, but also be better than most ordinary players.

Earning money on social networks

The funds received as a result of the sale of goods can be withdrawn to an electronic account, and then to your own bank card.

Without investment, you can earn money by promoting groups and public pages.
The largest verified resources:


It has been working for seven years, the system for withdrawing funds to bank cards and Internet services, such as Yandex.Money or Steam, referrals and passive income.


Payment for completing tasks, including viewing websites and advertising. Competitions, referrals, instant withdrawal of funds.


Promotion exchange with an expanded list of tasks and earnings upon completion;


Work on getting likes, subscribers on social networks, joining groups and other tasks.

To make significant money, reposting only from your page is not enough; you need to have more than a dozen accounts with parallel execution of tasks.

Earning money from comments

In real time, you can make money by leaving your own comments on various sites or services, and maybe forums.

In this case, you can immediately, after leaving a comment, see how much your income is increasing. This is convenient because you can regulate how much it costs to increase the pace of work.


Two million users, 30 thousand tasks every day. The largest comment exchange in the country.


A less popular resource offering 10 thousand orders daily.

The catch is that administrators and moderators of thematic forums hate spammers, immediately banning new users at the first suspicion of advertising. To work, you will have to create a hundred accounts on the largest RuNet sites and leave at least one meaningful message on them a week in order to create the appearance of life. And even this will not be a guaranteed protection against a ban for explicit advertising.

Earning money by completing tasks

Then, after completing it, you can see the amount contained in your electronic account. And all this will be done in real time.

The tasks can be completely different - leaving links, setting likes, joining groups, drawing something, and so on.


The most popular axle box in the Russian-speaking space. Users earn here by:
  • surfing websites;
  • passing tests;
  • reading letters;
  • tasks.

The last point is the basis of earnings. In addition, there is an affiliate program. The minimum withdrawal is 2 rubles.


Performers receive money from surfing, reading emails, taking tests, watching videos and completing tasks. If desired, you can view the TOP 100 users.

Technical support responds quickly if necessary. Payments are made instantly. Of the minuses: competitions are rarely organized.


The oldest Russian-language bookstore, where work is paid in dollars. In addition to standard tasks and surfing, there is an article exchange and the ability to play mini-games.

Technical support responds slowly, but assistance is usually needed very rarely. You can earn the minimum withdrawal amount of 20 cents quickly.


There are few clicks and surfing here, but there are enough tasks and mining, which pay well. There is also a content exchange where you can sell your articles.

For users who have not passed verification, the minimum withdrawal amount is $5. For everyone else - 50 cents.

SEO Fast

When you register, you will receive 10% cashback. If you do something daily, it will increase to 90%. In addition to standard surfing, watching videos, etc. An application is available that helps you make money from teaser advertising. If you wish, you can earn up to 500 rubles per day without attracting referrals.


In this service, the user will earn money by browsing websites. But, unlike the axle boxes above, it will do this using a special program. You must first download it, log in and view advertised sites. Sometimes you will need to enter a captcha. In addition, Vip Ip has:
  • paid actions on social networks;
  • completing tasks;
  • viewing paid emails.

The service has a simple and user-friendly interface.

There are detailed statistics. You can also see the rating of each artist. According to the administrators, this shows the reliability of the user.

The plugin for viewing paid links makes the job easier. Everything happens automatically, you don’t even have to click on banners.

Earning money on the site

There are large trading platforms that work like big money.

Anyone can create their own website, promote it, and make a profit from it. But it will not be easy for a beginner to do this, but it requires knowledge and effort.


Freelancing means full-time remote work, both full-time and part-time work in your free time. Most often, programmers, accountants and translators engage in remote work, but any knowledge worker can switch to freelancing.

For those who just want to find work remotely, you should pay attention to the labor exchanges:


A service where freelancers post a list of skills with price tags, and customers can select a hired worker to complete the order in a couple of clicks.


An international exchange focused on customers, with high prices and quality control of the task.


The largest exchange in the CIS for finding remote work. Convenient for both performers and customers.


A site for finding work based on a tender. Customers set forth their requirements, freelancers submit requests for work to be completed.

In freelancing, it is important to immediately tune in to full-time work - the only differences from hired labor will be independent control of your time and the absence of direct superiors.

According to statistics, freelancers work even more than office employees, compensating for this with unscheduled vacations and no need to travel to their workplace.

Earning money on Youtube

In this option of earning money without investments, there are a large number of ways to earn money by publishing interesting videos that people watch.

The following resources offer work on this topic:

Among the disadvantages are relatively low earnings, the need to work from several dozen accounts, as well as constant bans from Google for advertising activities.

Photo stocks

Selling photos to paid databases is another way to make money from your hobby. Photostock is an intermediary between the photographer and the resource that requires original content. You post a photo, indicate in the tags what is shown on it and wait for the purchase.


Graphicriver is an Australian stock graphics stock. Here is some material derived from photography:
  • logos;
  • illustrations;
  • vector images;
  • layouts for printing;
  • presentations;
  • covers and many other graphics, which are implemented in the web industry and print.

The custom version is equipped with promotion tools and will be available after registration and passing the test. This is a site with flexible conditions for two parties: both for buyers and for those who offer creative work.


Shutterstock is a stock company specializing in the sale of photographs, illustrations and video files.

This is a resource with a large audience that demonstrates commendable results: the prevailing part of the total graphic content is sold on this site.

To work here you will need to register and pass a test task, which consists of selecting 5 photographs provided; if at least one is suitable, you will be accepted into the staff of stockers and become an active participant in a large photo platform.


Depositphotos is a developing site that has done everything to ensure that young photographers promote the result of their efforts.

It has a clear account management system and is additionally equipped with a motivation program for novice authors.

To get onto this resource, you need to pass an exam, submitting 5 photographs for consideration, which will become the beginning of your enrollment portfolio.


Dreamstime is an American graphic content bank that sells basic types of graphics and video/audio files.

This site is suitable for beginners, since registration does not require passing an exam, but the administrative staff monitors the quality using specified filters.

Not a very large network, but optimal for developing skills and gaining experience.

The differences between the resources are minimal; when choosing, you should focus on traffic and database size. Please note that when registering a photo on a photo stock site, you transfer the right to sell to the resource.

Earning money from affiliate programs

Any of the existing affiliate programs offers to earn money in real time.

To do this, you just need to understand how you can use the offer. Let's say you are asked to create some photographs and post them on the specified sites.

Surveys for money

A popular method in Europe and the USA for researching the opinions of the target audience on a new product or service. The performer registers on the site by filling out a form about himself and his preferences.

Customers interested in information send out surveys based on a number of parameters (for example, male, 30-40 years old, single, higher education) and if the user goes through the list, a paid questionnaire is sent by email.


Anketka offers the user to take from 3-10 paid online surveys per month.

With such a frequency of completing surveys, the end user can accumulate approximately 300-400 rubles per month of working with the platform.

Taking into account the site’s conditions of a minimum payment of 1000 rubles, the user can accumulate this amount within 3-4 months.

It is worth noting that Anketka is the oldest Russian online survey platform, operating since 2005.


The Questionnaire website also specializes in paid surveys of Internet users.

On average, one completed questionnaire in Questionnaire costs from 25 to 30 rubles. The minimum withdrawal amount is 500 rubles.

The disadvantages of this project include the fact that money is withdrawn exclusively to a bank card (there is no support for WebMoney and Yandex.Money electronic wallets), as well as the rather rare appearance of new surveys.


This project positions itself as a direct link between the manufacturer and consumers.

For completing one survey on “Questionnaires” you can earn from 20 to 400 rubles. New users are also given a bonus of 5 rubles.

The minimum amount to withdraw money from the project is 100 rubles. Although money is withdrawn to an electronic wallet, users complain that the “Questionnaire” transfers take too long (from several days to two months).

My opinion

The “My Opinion” site differs from other similar projects by awarding “bonus points” (rather than real money) for completing surveys. You can spend these points by purchasing one of the products available in the catalog available on the same website.

Yandex Toloka

Yandex Toloka is a Yandex service designed for making money on the Internet in your free time.

Those who like to take paid surveys can find interesting tasks for themselves on this platform - for example, choosing a Yandex logo design dedicated to a holiday.

The service contains other tasks (in addition to surveys), for completing which you also receive money.

Expert opinion

“Expert Opinion” is another site where you can get money for completing surveys.

A user receives from one to six surveys per month to complete.

Sometimes “expensive” surveys appear on this platform, participation in which is estimated at up to 1000 rubles.

You don’t need to choose among them; to work on reviews you will have to register on all six sites.

In Russia and the CIS, marketers use the tool much less often, so they won’t be able to make good money with questionnaires alone - there are too few tasks, too many people willing to do it. Can be used as a supplement to your main work.

Posting reviews

The work is at the intersection of copywriting and advertising. It is necessary not only to format the text on a given topic, but also to do it in detail and with high quality. The following specialized resources are engaged in writing reviews.

Beginning copywriters get their teeth on review pages - writing reviews is easier than writing technical texts, but it makes it clear the principles of interaction with customers and their basic requirements.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Questions about how to make money while sitting at home (working on the Internet) or even doing a certain type of activity offline are asked quite often on the Internet.

In this article we will look at four main ways making money, which the American entrepreneur and business coach Robert Kiyosaki described well in his books, we will classify for adults and schoolchildren, we will remove the dark veil over moneymaking on our own website.

How you can make money according to R. Kiyosaki

Conventionally, all methods of obtaining money can be divided into four large categories, presenting them as the Cash Flow Quadrant, first described in detail by Robert Kiyosaki in the books of the “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” series.

The Quadrant, as we see, has two sides from the horizontal section: Left (where sectors R and C are located), Right (with sectors B and I). According to statistics, the majority of the world’s population earns money on the left side – 80-90%, but all of them are representatives of the middle class or even the poor. The biggest money earners workers on the right side - they are only 10-20 percent. All modern oligarchs, millionaires, billionaires and the richest people on the planet are located here.

Let's look at the two left sectors - what these people do who want to earn a living:

  1. The first one - "R" - is people working for hire: employed under an employment contract and receiving a salary. Experienced entrepreneurs believe that working for hire is the easiest way to earn money, since, firstly, maximum responsibility lies not with the employee, but with the manager, and secondly, you need to follow the instructions given “from above”; there is no need for your own reflection. To succeed in this sector, you need to receive a prestigious education and be a professional in your field. You should not assume that earnings in the “P” position are small: top managers in large companies receive huge amounts of money, so there are definitely certain prospects.
  2. "WITH" - self-sufficiency in work. This includes people who find work for themselves, as well as freelancers and small entrepreneurs (for example,). Small businesses are companies of various types that employ less than 500 people.

    “C” cannot be considered work for hire, since you do not need to hire anyone, but this activity cannot be regarded as a business either. Although, in our modern Russian realities, we are accustomed to calling even small entrepreneurs who may not have employees at all, businessmen, but from an American point of view this is not true.

    Self-sufficiency in work is the riskiest activity, according to Robert Kiyosaki, because the responsibility that a representative of this sector takes on is too high in accordance with the level of income and the prospects that open up.

General conclusion for two sectors of the left side quadrant - they can bring good money (even millions) and at the same time there are options to earn money while sitting at home. However, attempts to seriously get rich through these directions are unwise for several reasons.

  1. First, people on the left side of the quadrant pay most taxes, while true businessmen or investors receive a lot of benefits from the government.
  2. Secondly, people on the left side work to get money, and in the case of the right side, representatives of the “B” and “I” sectors make money work for themselves. The difference in income is obvious.

If you ask yourself, for example, how right now earn 100 rubles, or how to make money quickly - the left side will open up excellent opportunities for you if you want more, let’s say, you are looking for a method by which you can earn a million and more than one - you need to go to the right side.

Let us now consider the two right sectors from the quadrant of earning options:

  1. Sector "B" - entrepreneurs, which employ more than 500 people. They have big business and serious earnings in their hands.
  2. Sector “I” - investors who grow rich only through the circulation of capital (own or borrowed). Another important point: if employees spend their time to get money, then large entrepreneurs use the time of other people, investors often they invest not their own capital, but borrowed capital - the money of other people (VDL and DDL according to Kiyosaki).

If you are asking yourself what to do to make money, not just a little money, but more, your first step is reading relevant literature. The best authors who will change your worldview and help you move from the left side of the quadrant to the right are R. Kiyosaki, N. Hill (“Think and Grow Rich”), R. Gage (Why are you stupid, sick, poor, and how to become smart, healthy and rich), B. Tracy and others.

Assets and liabilities - where are earnings and where are continuous losses?

Where to make a lot of money? Everywhere. In any area. You just need to learn to distinguish liabilities from assets and buy assets, then activity in almost every area will turn into a gold mine. So what's the difference? Assets is a specific object that allows you to earn money. A liability is a similar object that brings expenses instead of income.

The reason for the poor financial situation of most people is the inability to distinguish between assets and liabilities.

Here are some examples:

  1. The house where you live(most people consider their home to be their most important asset) - a liability because it does not generate any income for you, but requires payment of utility bills, repair costs and other things. Note that the point is not to leave home, but to simply learn to distinguish a liability from an asset (we will return to this point a little later).
  2. House for rent for rent– an asset if the amount exceeds the amount of utility bills and property taxes.
  3. Children– liabilities. It is very important for parents to understand this, since the main reason for the breakup of most young families is financial problems after the birth of the first child. A child is a liability that requires expenses, and income does not always allow this liability to be repaid.
  4. Bank account can be either a liability or an asset. If you earn 5 percent per annum on your account, and inflation is 7 percent, you lose 2 percent of your capital annually. If the income is greater than inflation, the account can be considered to be classified as an asset (similarly, if you store capital not in foreign currency, but, for example, in precious metals, which are weakly susceptible to depreciation).

Having your own home and children is what a huge number of people dream about. The thesis “These are liabilities” does not mean that you should stop striving for these values, it only encourages you to think: can the existing assets provide the content of these liabilities? If not, their acquisition will make you bankrupt and a deeply unhappy person.

How can you make money? On assets. Think about what assets you are able to acquire (buy or create) and start bringing your ideas to life.

Those people who consider buying an asset an unusually expensive investment are mistaken: posting an article earlier is also the creation of an asset. It won’t bring in a lot of money, but you can create it in half an hour. If you place them, there will be more assets, and earnings will accordingly increase.

The same can be said about (you first invest work in attracting referrals, and then “skim off the cream” in the form of passive income). This is also an acquisition of assets, because in the future it will begin to generate income with the proper approach. In general, I am a supporter of creating assets, rather than plugging holes in the budget with one-time work for an uncle.

How to make money on the Internet for schoolchildren and adults

The theoretical answers to the questions “How to make money” given above should have given you the correct idea of ​​successfully laying a financial foundation. Now let's turn to practice - how can you make money online, is it possible, for example, earn 100 rubles right now– after reading this article? Yes, definitely.

Where to raise money

First, you need to get comfortable with the Internet in general - to understand how and what functions here (read about this in the article “”). Acquaintance fits perfectly into the framework of the so-called simple freelancing:

  1. — they pay mainly for installing applications (programs, games). Examples: , .
  2. — monetary compensation is paid for your time spent (examples: Questionnaire, Myiyo, EM)
  3. — writing short texts (examples: , Text.ru , )
  4. B - likes, reposts, subscriptions and similar actions performed for money (examples: CashBox, Smmok)
  5. On - leave a review or comment about a service, product, etc., receiving payment in return (examples:,
  6. — for lovers of solving puzzles (captchas). It's boring, but you don't have to think.
  7. - a service from Yandex with very good reviews. The tasks that need to be completed there are available to anyone (from schoolchildren to pensioners).
  8. - This is generally a background system that hangs as an application in your browser.
  9. — basically they just pay for visiting their sites. Not much, but you don’t need to do anything. Examples: , .

You can register on the site from each category right now and try your hand. The most realistic way to earn a hundred rubles within a few hours is on text exchanges, although you will need knowledge of the Russian language and fluency in words. But using everything together, you can get much more significant amounts.

Many people, coming to the Internet, stop at this stage - they are satisfied with a small income, and moving forward causes fear and anxiety. In fact, there is no need to be afraid to move forward.

Of course, as an opportunity to earn money while on maternity leave or simple freelancing (the methods of which were described above) may be enough, but for those striving for serious money it is definitely not enough. So let's talk about it.

How to start earning more

  1. Next stage - . To begin with, you can look for a job, for example, or post a job. It is possible that you will have to take courses in a certain area or simply prove that you are a highly qualified specialist in your field, for example, you can write excellent texts on popular topics, have good programming skills, and so on. The payment, accordingly, will be ten to twenty times higher than in the case of regular freelancing.

    For example, on text exchanges the average cost of a thousand characters of an article is 15-20 rubles, while the trader portal UTMagazine (a division of United Traders) paid $2 per 1000 characters for filling a dictionary of economic terms (the minimum rate for a writer; since April the administration suspended work in this direction).

    If you want to make money at home, professional freelancing is a great solution. It will provide you with not just a penny income, but very good income, and will allow you to fulfill the dream of many people on the Internet - to earn a million and more than one.

  2. The next component is or. Robert Kiyosaki wrote: “Wealth is just an idea,” the site, in principle, is exactly that idea – a collection of texts is a generalization of thoughts on various issues. If you decide to create a website, you need to be prepared for the following:
    1. Invest to your project: pay for a domain and hosting, promotion (approximately 2,000 - 3,000 per month will be enough in the first stages), purchase of texts if you do not plan to write yourself;
    2. Dedicate to the site time(several hours a day for content filling, optimization, internal work);
    3. Work without making a profit for a certain period of time (I don’t want to scare you in advance, but something tangible started to happen to me only, probably, after a couple of years, and before that everything was based on sheer enthusiasm, well, and also on the fact that I had a main offline job ).
    Source of income – visitors, which are not recruited immediately. For at least several months you will have to invest money in your project and receive absolutely no return (this often becomes the reason for inexperienced novice web designers to “abandon” the blog).
  3. We will talk about the main ways to make money on a blog below, but now we will mention the next possible stage - trading on the currency exchange. Its advantage is the opportunity to receive huge amounts of money in a short period of time, the disadvantage is that start-up capital is required.

    Pay per click beneficial when the site has a high conversion rate. For example, if the project is dedicated to the purchase of real estate and thematic banners are placed on it, then the percentage of clicks will be high. If credits are advertised on a cooking blog, hardly anyone will click. Attendance, of course, also plays a role: the more people view pages, the greater the income.

    You can do the same create your own website for this purpose(blog, group or public on a social network), establish yourself as a specialist and thus get the best clients in the world - hot ones. They will only want advice or other services from you and no one else. It really works. Look at some blogs and you will realize that they are created just for this purpose.

    Suppose, if you are a lawyer, you can start with free answers to questions from Internet users, then set a fixed price for a consultation, for example, from 800 rubles per hour or more. If you have proven that you are a professional, people will be eager to communicate with you, even if they have to pay money for it.

    The advantage of making money online through consulting: you don’t need to learn almost anything new, you feel “like a fish in water”, still working in your field. You can devote time to counseling when it is convenient for you; there is no fixed schedule.

    At first you won’t get millions, but if you want to earn money while sitting at home, then this direction will be the best. And if everything is developed correctly, then it will be possible to constantly recruit new groups for training and “raise” very serious amounts.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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  • How to earn first money, especially for a schoolchild or student;
  • How to easily make money online without investment for a beginner in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. The methods are universal for different regions;
  • Ways to earn money offline: small part-time jobs and your own mini-business.

1. Reselling things on Avito

With the help of Avito.ru there is a real chance to organize a whole resale business. First, sell your own unnecessary things, offer help to friends and acquaintances. Many people do not know how to sell their property and are too lazy to spend time on a good description and photo of the product.

And you can make a profit of 20-70% from this from the cost of the product.

A good income will come from reselling items purchased on Avito from less talented sellers. Buy cheaper and offer more expensive. Some items can be restored, which will significantly increase their value. Arrange delivery to other cities. How can you make money? Popular products: appliances and electronics, furniture, jewelry.

2. Sale of goods from China

Quite easy to make money on the Internet, requiring small investments. You place an order on a Chinese website, like Aliexpress or TaoBao, and sell the product on social networks or one-page sites.

Purchasing Chinese products is several times cheaper, so the markup ranges from 50 to 200 percent! It is profitable to sell clothes, jewelry, souvenirs (mugs, posters, fan pins), and small gadgets. With this, it is possible to receive from $200 net per month.

3. Promotion of accounts on Twitter and Instagram

This method is described in detail using social networks. A well-promoted microblog is a source of constant passive income. Having more than 500 real subscribers, it’s worth starting monetizing your account.

How to promote a microblog?

To attract the attention of followers on Twitter and Instagram, make the blog thematic: reviews of fashion news, reviews, cooking, handicrafts, etc. Make cross-posts from your accounts and communities in other social networks. media. There are special services for naturally attracting subscribers— Twidium Twitter Edition, SocialHammer.

How to make money on a blog?

The easiest way to earn money is to sell your account. A blog with 1000-1500 followers is valued at $200 or more. Further more.

It is difficult for a novice blogger to find partners directly; use special sites for monetization:

  1. SocialTools.ru;
  2. Plibber.ru;
  3. Blogun.ru;
  4. Twite.ru;
  5. Qcomment.ru;
  6. adf.ly;
  7. fiverr.com;
  8. SponsoredTweets.com.

So for a beginner it’s really easy to make money on the Internet without investments: 500, 1000 and even 1500 $ per month with popular accounts.

4. Educational video courses

An ideal way for those looking for how to earn a lot of money from their knowledge and skills. Popular topics: working in graphic editors, handicrafts, beauty (personal care, manicure, makeup), raising children, building relationships with the opposite sex, organizing and promoting business, sports, health, dancing.

Course fees start at $10 and can reach 200, 300 and 2000 dollars.

How to promote your video course?

  • Create a sales page and connect it to an email distribution system, such as JustClick or SendPulse. The page needs to be promoted by gaining subscribers for the newsletter. Letters should be interesting, useful and motivating to buy your information product;
  • Advertising on the pages of more successful information businessmen will allow you to gain fame and a subscriber base faster;
  • Tell your friends and acquaintances about the courses;
  • Participate in webinars, thematic conferences and master classes.

This option allows a beginner to earn money without investing large amounts of money.

5. Freelancing – working with texts

The relevance of the profession related to textual content continues unabated. These are rewriting, copywriting, typing, transcription, content management (filling information resources). A profitable method for a beginner to make money on the Internet without investment, quickly and practically from scratch. In the future, you can create your own business service project and deal with large orders, recruiting employees for your team.

The cost of a small informational or commercial text is 3, 4, 6 or more dollars. By creating 4-6 similar materials per day, you will receive a good salary. Content managers earn from $300 per month. Remote work often means frequent payments: daily, once a week, twice a month.

Popular sites and forums where you can make money online:

  1. Kwork.ru;
  2. WebLancer.ru;
  3. Textsale.ru;
  4. Free-lancers.net;
  5. Freelancer.ru;
  6. searchengines.guru;
  7. Fl.ru;
  8. Neotext.ru;
  9. MaulTalk.com;
  10. Turbotext.ru;
  11. Contentmonster.ru;
  12. Miratext.ru;
  13. Freelance.today;
  14. Advego.ru.

6. Earn money by creating your own website

Let's figure out how to make money on the Internet from scratch by opening a thematic portal. It could be a resource dedicated to cooking, relationships, teaching something, about sports, health, cars, news, etc. To receive real money from the portal you need good traffic, the content must be interesting and SEO-optimized.

A well-promoted website can generate income from $300 to $3-4 thousand per month.

How can you make money?

  • Contextual advertising (Yandex.Direct, AdSense);
  • Banner advertising (AdHub, RotaBan, AdvMaker);
  • Teaser (BodyClick, Teasernet);
  • Selling links on the portal (most conveniently through the exchanges Blogun.ru, SetLinks.ru, MainLink.ru, Sape.ru);
  • Income from affiliate programs (the largest affiliate aggregators are aff1.ru, admitad.com, cityads.com, salesdoubler.com.ua, mixmarket.biz, gdeslon.ru). The easiest way for beginners to make money in a CPA is to have your own resource. Please note that payment is made not for advertising placement, but for the action performed by the user (registration on the site, purchase, subscription, etc.);
  • Cooperation with file hosting services (Turbobit.net, Letitbit.net, DepositFiles.com). The file hosting service pays for your visitors to download files. To do this, you need to place information on your portal that needs to be downloaded from a file hosting service.

7. Earning money on YouTube

You can monetize a YouTube channel and make a good profit, without even producing your own content. Using other people's videos is risky, so it's worth taking the time to “unique” it. For example, re-sounding, changing the audio, frame parameters, hand-edited selections and reviews from other people’s videos work well.

Even for a newbie on the Internet. You should monetize the channel and enter into an agreement not with YouTube itself, but with a partner media network in order to avoid a ban. The most reliable— ATG Media, AIR, VSP, Quiz Group.

8. Create a video blog

A relatively new way of earning money, perfect for creative people, schoolchildren and students. Famous video bloggers, like Katya Klap, Ivan Rudsky, Maxim Golopolosov (blog “+100500”), earn thousands of dollars monthly from their creativity. Beauty blogs, let's plays (playthroughs of games with commentary), and reviews are especially popular. The video blog receives profit from built-in advertising (Adsense brings $3-15 to beginner channels) or advertising of products and companies directly in the videos.

9. Earn money on Forex and binary options trading

Trading currencies and options is not an option for a beginner to make money very quickly on the Internet without investment. Forex trading requires analytical skills, good learning ability and small investments. It’s worth starting trading with at least $50-100.

How to make big money on Forex? Complete training, be sure to try your hand at test trading, and choose a good broker. The more money you invest, the more you can earn, but there is no need to rush. In one month there will be many successful and unsuccessful transactions. A successful trade is one that brings in an income of approximately 4-10% of the invested amount per month.

Options for making a profit on Forex

  1. Independent trading;
  2. Trading using “advisers”;
  3. Investing in PAMM accounts (professionals work for you, you receive interest);
  4. Consulting other traders.

The best option for beginners on how to make money on Forex is to trade with the help of advisor programs that do not allow you to make unsuccessful trades. When choosing a broker, pay attention to the company’s experience and the size of the commission on transactions (do not look for the largest). Best brokers– Alpari, Finam, Alfa-Forex, Forex4you, Adamant Finance, Forex Club, InstaForex.

Another way to make money online in financial markets is binary options trading. Where can you make a profit on binary options:

  • 24option.com;
  • finmax.com;
  • binomo.com;
  • binex.ru.

10. How a beginner can quickly make money without investing in games

You can earn extra money by playing your favorite games. Options for making a profit: selling game currency, accounts, characters, armor and weapons or playing online with withdrawal of money. Characters and weapons can cost either $50 or $1500-2000. An average “sophisticated” account in World Of Tanks is estimated at $60-70. Therefore, even without special skills, you can really make money on the Internet.

The best sites for selling characters, currencies, accounts– togor.ru, gamazon.ru, money4power.ru, moneyforgame.ru, gzor.ru.

To do this, you will have to spend at least 5-6 hours a day.

You can make a profit in the games GTA 5, stalker online, Russian fishing 3, eve online, elite dangerous, stalker online, in szone online. Game portals with currency withdrawal that are worth visiting: golden-mines.biz, taxi-money.info, rich-birds.com. Experienced gamers receive $20-40 per day.

11. Writing coursework and essays to order

How can you make money while studying? Popular options: term papers and dissertations, abstracts, essays, tests. From time to time, you can find such orders on freelance exchanges, but it is better to become an author on a specialized resource. Where to earn money:

  1. author.napishem.com;
  2. studlancer.net;
  3. author24.ru;
  4. help-s.ru;
  5. studlance.ru;
  6. edulancer.ru.

When searching for customers, use offline methods: posting advertisements and recommendations from friends, acquaintances, and regular customers.

Average prices for work: abstracts and essays cost from $8, term papers – from $20, dissertations – from $90.

12. Profession - web master

Specialists involved in website development know best how to make money online. Often these are orders remotely, related to layout, programming, and setting up web resources. Creating a website costs from $70 for the most simple tasks; complex projects bring the developer from $150-500. Knowledge of layout, programming languages, the ability to work with various admin systems and other skills allow even a beginner to earn real money on the Internet without investment.

Vacancies for webmasters are available on the freelance exchanges listed above, as well as specialized portals:

  • Workspace.ru;
  • projectlance.com;
  • Makesale.ru;
  • Devhuman.com;
  • Freelansim.ru.

13. Earning money from photo stocks and photo banks

An interesting and profitable way to make money from your artistic abilities. Selling stock images and illustrations generates income from each download. That is, having completed the work once, you receive payment for it for a long time.

Current and popular types of work: thematic photographs (food photography, nature, abstraction, etc.), backgrounds, patterns, icons, vector clipart, thematic illustrations (for the New Year, Halloween, dedicated to landmarks, etc.)

An experienced artist is able to create many relevant pictures in a short time. Thanks to this, beginners can earn real money in just 5 minutes.

Where to sell works:

  1. iconarchive.com;
  2. depositphotos.com;
  3. dreamstime.com;
  4. 123rf.com;
  5. Shutterstock.com;
  6. fotolia.com;
  7. pressfoto.ru;
  8. media-stock.ru.

14. Administration of websites, forums, communities in social networks. networks

Making money on the Internet requires almost constant presence at the computer. The administrator's responsibilities include ensuring the functionality of the resource, tracking comments, maintaining order, and publishing new materials. You can find a suitable website, forum or community on remote work exchanges. From time to time, resources post relevant vacancies. For example, on VKontakte you should search for a job using thematic hashtags, like #work #administrator. The average salary is $200-300 per month.

15. Sports betting

One of the best ways to make money quickly on the Internet is sports betting. This is an almost instant profit that does not require any direct labor process. But to make money, you need to be good at sports, follow the news, teams, players. Beginners who want to make money on the betting exchange should start with small amounts. The most famous exchanges are betfair.com and mybet.com.

16. Design

A talented designer or illustrator can count on a good income from remote work, completing one-time projects. This includes printing design, web design, layout of booklets and printed publications, development of corporate identity and logos, small part-time work, such as pre-press preparation of magazines, correction of errors in layout, creation of simple templates, etc.

The cost of logo development starts from $15 and can reach $100-150, creating a layout for one website page costs an average of $15, the main page costs from $30-35. The simplest posters, menus and booklets bring from $10 per page. An experienced specialist earns from $300 per month while sitting at home and working on projects that he has chosen based on his interests.

The best forums and sites where it is possible to make money on the Internet without investment for a beginner in this field:

  • Illustrators.ru;
  • Russiancreators.ru;
  • Prohq.ru;
  • Artnow.ru;
  • Forum.homeideas.ru;
  • Deforum.ru;
  • Forum.yadesign.ru;
  • Logopod.ru;
  • Behance.net;
  • topcreator.org;
  • Dribbble.com.

17. Reselling domain names

A method on how to make money very quickly with minimal investment. Over time, this method lost ground a little, since world-famous companies have already created pages on the Internet. But new ones appear every day, so if you have a good imagination and information about a developing business, you can easily make money on the Internet by selling domain names to companies.

To do this, you need to register the maximum number of relevant domains and find buyers. Some will remain unclaimed, while others will fetch good money. You can sell a domain name for $10, 50, 100, 1000, or even 10 thousand dollars.

Popular auctions and forums where you can buy and sell a domain name:

  1. webnames.ru;
  2. auction.nic.ru;
  3. telderi.ru;
  4. domenforum.net.

18. Promotion of communities on VKonakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki

A group with a large number of subscribers brings a stable income to the owner from advertising or from its sale. How to quickly make money on VK without investment for a beginner? You should start by choosing a popular topic. Among them: quote books, fan groups, humor, relationships with the opposite sex, etc. A new feature is communities that make profit not only from advertising, but also from publishing the posts themselves. These are sweepstakes (for example, “Free Moscow”) and auctions, advertisements, catalogs of performers (artists, musicians). Placing your post in a giveaway community with 10,000 or more subscribers costs from $5. 3-10 contests are posted per day.

How to make money selling bands? To do this, you need to simultaneously create a dozen pages and simultaneously promote them, fill them with interesting content, and organize repost competitions to quickly gain subscribers. By selling a group (30-50 thousand audience) you can earn $100. The more subscribers and the more active the audience, the higher the price.

19. How to make money on the Internet without investment from reviews

Writing reviews does not require any special skills, only competent and interesting presentation. On average, one review costs $0.1-0.5 depending on the size of the text and topic. And writing it takes no more than 20 minutes. Therefore, this is an ideal option for a beginner, how to make money on the Internet without investment and quickly at 12, 13, 14 and 15 years old.

It’s worth looking for a vacancy on freelance exchanges, as well as special sites that pay for reviews and the number of views. Therefore, you need to choose a relevant topic and write interestingly.

The best resources for making money from reviews

  • irecommend.ru;
  • otzovik.com;
  • citykey.net;
  • zatexta.com.

20. How to make money online by installing applications

With the help of the advertapp and payforinstall services, it is possible for a student or student to receive funds for downloading and installing applications on a smartphone without any investment. Usually these are applications from the AppStore or Google Play. From time to time, a customer asks to leave a review about a product. One download brings 0.2-0.4 $, per day it turns out 3-5 $. To receive many orders, it is worth registering on several services. The work is simple and accessible to all smartphone owners. In this way you can quickly earn money on the Internet with payments in Qiwi, phone, webmoney.

21. Mediation and promotion of other people's goods and services

If you do not have your own business and start-up capital, but have a commercial streak, sell other people's products for a commission. This could be the services of designers, repairmen, artists (basically, anyone) or goods from various companies: from small furniture production to wholesale sales of nuts. Intermediary commissions are usually 10-50%.

22. The best ways to make money from photos and videos

Opening your own photo or video studio will require investments in equipment and advertising (at least $2,000), but the monthly salary of a sought-after photographer or videographer starts at $1,500-1,800.

The simplest hour-long photo session in nature costs from $20, and wedding photography starts from $300.

An option is to outsource materials filmed by other specialists and make money from processing them. During the season, photographers and operators often cannot cope with the volume of orders and are willing to pay for processing and editing. Editing a video clip or wedding film takes several days and costs about $150-250.

One-time orders are regularly posted on special platforms:

  1. photo-lancer.ru;
  2. photovideoapplication.rf;
  3. photo.youdo.com;
  4. fotoimena.com;
  5. virtuzor.ru.

23. How to earn money for women while sitting at home

The good thing about the services of a hairdresser, makeup artist, and manicurist is that they can be provided at home, without renting a salon or purchasing super-expensive equipment. Beginners in this business should take training courses.

Duration - a month or two, cost $60-200 for a manicurist, $70-250 for a makeup artist course, $160-200 for a hairdresser course. The average income of a beginning master is $40-50 per day; a sought-after professional receives about $2,000 monthly. Promote your services with the help of friends and acquaintances, satisfied clients, and the Internet.

24. Tutoring

Earn money by sharing your knowledge. A tutor can prepare you for school, for entering a university, passing exams, and “pushing up” in various subjects. In addition to standard school subjects, computer literacy lessons, work with specialized computer programs, and handicraft lessons (cutting, sewing) are in demand.

  • nauchi23.ru;
  • tutors.info;
  • birep.ru;
  • repetitorov.net;
  • profi.ru.

25. How to make money online through translations

Translation of documents, articles, commercial texts, literary translation is a good way to earn money without leaving home. Most of the vacancies are related to translation into English and from English into Russian. Exchanges with tasks for translators:

  1. tranzilla.ru;
  2. perevodchik.me;
  3. perevod01.ru;
  4. translancer.ru;
  5. 2polyglot.com.

26. Stable income from handicrafts

A way for those who like to create something with their own hands. Handmade jewelry, souvenirs and gifts, natural soap and scented candles, and scrapbooking are common and popular. Buying cute little things from a private seller is usually cheaper than buying from a specialty store. How to make money from handicrafts? Create a web page and communities on social networks to advertise products, participate in thematic fairs and exhibitions.

The best online platforms for selling handmade goods:

  • livemaster.ru;
  • artfire.com;
  • etsy.com;
  • ebay.com;
  • lovemade.ru;
  • navkusicvet.net;
  • craftstudio.ru;
  • hand-work.info.

27. Kindergarten at home

- look after several children at the same time. In your own home you can organize a playground for three or four children. You should look for your first clients among friends and acquaintances, then you will be recommended to other mothers. Children need to organize leisure time, proper nutrition, daytime sleep, and possibly literacy training.

28. How to make money from homemade baked goods and pickles

Cakes and other sweets, jams, and homemade pickled products are in great demand. The best methods of distributing products are through the Internet, acquaintances and friends. Creative cakes, cupcakes, and pastries sell well via social networks as gifts. This way you can earn $200-500 per month. To create a mini business and earn more money, state registration and quality certificates for products are required.

29. Wedding industry

Best methods to make money in the wedding industry:

  1. creation of wedding bouquets, boutonnieres;
  2. decoration of glasses;
  3. development of wedding invitations, wish books and other accessories;
  4. wedding decoration;
  5. wedding organization and coordination, selection of contractors.

The business can be turned into a small wedding business. You need to create your own website, pages on social media, actively engage in advertising and direct sales of your services. Almost the only investments are in business advertising.

Organizing and decorating only four to five weddings a month brings income of $2500-3000 net.

30. Production of furniture and decorative items

Furniture in stores is quite expensive, especially when it comes to unique designer items. This allows you to compete with furniture giants, offering customers exclusive products at an affordable price. To organize a small home production, you will need a minimum of space (from 20 sq. m., your own garage is perfect).

What to make? Frameless furniture (sofas, poufs), tables, chairs, cabinets, beds made of pallets, folding furniture, interior items such as floor lamps and blinds, garden sculptures, etc. are in demand. Here you can add the production of cat houses and scratching posts.

How to make money in this business? Products are best sold through your own website, on social media. media and with the help of large selling portals such as blizko.ru, tiu.ru, pulsecen.ru, etc.

31. Minor repair services

This is a small part-time method for guys. Nail up shelves, replace fallen tiles, fix wiring, etc. Large companies do not take on such orders, and not everyone knows someone with “golden hands.” A similar service is also called “husband for an hour.” Where can you make money this way?

Post bright notices around the area listing the types of work, take a look at ad sites like profi.ru, indeed.com, superjob.ru. Special services related to repairs - remontnik.ru, forumhouse.ru, myhome.ru, mastercity.ru.

32. Animator, promoter

How do schoolchildren and students looking for small part-time jobs make money? Common options are distributing leaflets, participating in promotions (conducting tastings, product presentations), working part-time as an animator or assistant animator at children's events.

The best sites for finding a job:

  • indeed.com;
  • superjob.ru;
  • rosrabota.ru;
  • hh.ru;
  • gorodrabot.ru;
  • trud.com.

Try to contact advertising and BTL agencies directly, this will reduce the risk of being deceived. Searching for vacancies on social media works well. networks using thematic hashtags(for example, #job #promoter #animator, etc.) The average salary is $2-5 per hour.

33. Small part-time work, running errands

How can a beginner make money without the Internet? It’s possible to find a part-time job offline, but it won’t bring in large amounts of money. For the most part, you will need to carry out simple tasks (walk animals, go shopping, clean the house, help with transporting things, etc.)

An ideal option for a schoolchild to earn some money during the summer holidays. You should look for your first clients among your friends; such vacancies are not posted on large job boards, but it’s worth checking out special resources:

  1. jobbing.ru;
  2. helper.ru;
  3. www.porucheno.ru;
  4. instruct.rf;
  5. youdo.com.

For a small task, like delivering a gift, you can get about $2-5.

34. Renting of real estate, property, equipment

A good option on how to make money even for a beginner in business. If there is free real estate (house, apartment, garage), it can be rented out profitably. Renting equipment brings good profits. However, some investment will be required. For example, a 400 W speaker system costs about $450, and daily rental costs $30. A professional heavy smoke generator will cost $600, and renting it will cost you $100-150 per day. Investments pay off in a short time, and the business allows you to earn a lot of money quickly and realistically.

35. How a beginner can quickly make money on the Internet from clicks and comments

A very simple method available to every network user. Common tasks include: surfing pages, solving captchas and pictures, putting likes, comments, subscribing to accounts and communities, taking surveys, registering on specified sites. Approximate prices for work:

  • With clicks per day you can earn $0.7-1.3;
  • You can actually earn about 0.2-0.3 per day by surfing (in 5-6 hours);
  • Solving pictures (captcha) - $1-1.5 (4-5 hours).

The method is not profitable and takes a lot of time.

How and where can a beginner make money without registration, investments and invitations

  1. Rublklub.ru;
  2. Plibber.ru;
  3. work-zilla.com;
  4. Forumok.com;
  5. Anketka.ru;
  6. Prospero.ru;
  7. Minoritypoll.ru;
  8. Wmzona.com;
  9. Wmmail.ru;
  10. Seosprint.net;
  11. Wpcomment.ru;
  12. Qcomment.ru.

Additional platforms for earning money

Above we have given real ways for a beginner to earn real money on the Internet, but some resources were left unattended. We offer several more web portals for finding work online:

  • votimenno.ru. Naming service, from a copywriter you need to come up with a domain name, company, slogan;
  • zadanie.su. Exchange with a wide range of tasks: from typing a manuscript to developing a print for a T-shirt and editing a presentation from pictures;
  • smart-copywriting.com. The main direction is writing texts;
  • my-publication.ru. Everything for copywriters: naming, translations, proofreading, writing news and press releases;
  • textbroker.ru. A resource for professional copywriters with a salary level above average;
  • textovik.su. Copyright Exchange plus an article store;
  • 1clancer.ru. Distant work for programmers;
  • devhuman.com. Diverse site for programmers, designers, copywriters, editors;
  • modber.ru. Programming assignments;
  • workspace.ru. Catalog of tenders for website development, promotion and advertising projects;
  • Pomogatel.ru. Orders and small part-time work for nannies, housekeepers, nurses, tutors;
  • moguza.ru. Any type of work at a fixed price. You need to create your own offer, set a price for the service, and you can earn real money on the Internet without leaving your home. A good start for a beginner;
  • allfreelancers.su. Wide variety of tasks for specialists in all areas of freelancing;
  • webpersonal.ru. Work for copywriters, webmasters, IT specialists;
  • freelancerbay.com. Most of the tasks are related to website development and design;
  • dalance.ru. Good selection of varied tasks;
  • citycelebrity.ru. Competitions from famous companies for artists, photographers, designers, advertisers and developers;
  • e-generator.ru. Competition projects(come up with a name, corporate identity, etc.), the winner who proposed the most original solution receives payment.

All of the above services allow a beginner to quickly make money on the Internet without depositing money in rubles and dollars. Payment is best accepted via WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money, PayPal.

Is it possible to earn large sums easily and quickly?

In search of easy profits, do not fall for the tricks of scammers and promises of mountains of gold (“$1000 a day in online casinos,” financial pyramids, etc.). Do not send advance payments as collateral that you will not let the customer down. If you receive a request to transfer even a penny amount to someone’s account, close the conversation and look further. Don't be shy about asking for daily pay for your work. This applies to beginner freelancers. If you do not know the customer and are just starting cooperation, it is better to make sure of his honesty. Otherwise, you risk working for free for weeks.

For those looking for how to earn money without financial investments and work, let’s say that money doesn’t fall from the sky.

You either need to work hard or be a talented and creative person. Methods of making big and fast money without any effort are often associated with fraud.

We have presented the most profitable and interesting ways for a beginner to earn money online, or just to earn a little extra money. Choose, acquire new knowledge and skills, develop and make a good profit.

47 min. reading


There are many options for making money on the Internet without investment. Our expert checked each of them and compiled a rating of the 27 most effective methods of 2019. For each method you will find detailed instructions that will help you earn your first money on the Internet today. You will also find tips on how to avoid online scammers and not be deceived.

Hello! My name is Sergey. I made my first money on the Internet as a schoolboy, when I was 15 years old. And this was making money on the Internet without investment. Now I'm 21, I'm a student and still earn money remotely. Over the past 6 years, I have tried a lot of ways to make money online and everything that you read below is not a banal theory, but real practice.

The article describes not only my experience, but also the experience of other people who are more successful in some types of income. The material turned out to be voluminous, I recommend saving it in your browser bookmarks so that you can periodically return and re-read the sections that interest you. In fact, this is not even an article, but a mini-book or even a training course.

All methods are divided into sections and described briefly, the main essence is conveyed. At the end of each section there is a link to a more complete article on our website. We did not describe in detail every way to make money in this article, otherwise the material would have turned out to be indecently huge. Study the essence of making money and if you think that it is interesting and accessible to you, then follow the link where the full version of the instructions is given and start implementing it.

From the article you will learn:

Can’t wait to find out how to start making money on the Internet without investment right now? Then let's get started!


To get started, you will definitely need an email. If you still don't have email, then (approx. slang for email).

In addition to email, you will need an electronic wallet to which you will receive payments.

An electronic wallet is a computer program that allows the user to store electronic money and make purchases on the Internet without cash. It’s easy to understand this using a mobile account as an example - you put money on it to pay for cellular communications.

Without an electronic wallet, you simply will not receive the money you earned. Setting up one is as easy as creating an email. The following e-wallets are most often used on the Internet:

After you have earned money on the Internet and received payment to your e-wallet, from there you can withdraw it to a bank account or card to cash out. Electronic money can also be used to pay for online purchases, communications, the Internet, etc.

In some cases, earned money can be withdrawn directly to a mobile account (you need to provide a phone number, it’s safe) or to bank cards (VISA, MasterCard).

TOP 26 ways to make money on the Internet without investments with examples and instructions + personal experience

Below you will find out how you can make money on the Internet without investment and how much money each method will bring. We will start with the simplest and most proven methods, and gradually move on to complex, but quite profitable ones. And in the end, we’ll look at methods that are not suitable for everyone.

Method 1. Completing tasks on axleboxes

You can make money on axleboxes using the following methods:

Work on axleboxes is very simple, does not require special knowledge and skills, and therefore is poorly paid. Suitable for anyone, be it a schoolchild or a pensioner.

You can work at any time convenient for you. There are always tasks. Money for work is credited to the service’s personal account, and there are a lot of them, from where they can then be withdrawn to electronic wallets.

Here is a list of the most popular bookstores, where there are many tasks and high pay:

We have separate extensive instructions about axle boxes on our website, so in this article I will not give technical details, everything is described in detail with screenshots and video tutorials using the links below:

Would I recommend axleboxes to beginners? Definitely yes, because I myself started with axle boxes. The most I managed to earn in a month on axle boxes was 500 rubles. The above methods of earning money can be combined. I don’t recommend staying long at axleboxes, since there are no special prospects there, and sooner or later you will get bored with the same type of work. You can safely start with axleboxes, while simultaneously studying more complex and high-paying options for making money online.

Method 2. Comments on the order

Earning money from paid comments and reviews is also a great start for beginners. The bottom line is that you leave a comment on a certain article or on a forum and get paid for it. Customers usually require comments of a certain nature:

  • positive;
  • negative;
  • neutral.

On average, they pay 2-10 rubles for a comment, and its length varies from 150 to 300 characters without spaces (this is 2-4 lines of text).

Tasks for paid comments are found on the above boxes, but I recommend special exchanges, since there are more tasks there:

What is required from the user? We need meaningful text on the topic of the article. That is, comments like “Cool!”, “Cool” will not work. What comments, for example, would be appropriate for this article if I order paid comments?

Your text must be unique, that is, not copied from somewhere. Uniqueness can be easily checked in the online service text.ru

I once worked for QComment, and I managed to earn 50-100 rubles per hour. And the site has a rating system that affects payment. The higher the rating, the higher the payment, so you can earn much more.

Be sure to check out our reviews of Qcomment and Advego services. There we explained in detail how to complete tasks, provided everyone with detailed instructions with screenshots, and also shared the secrets of increasing earnings:

Method 3. Earn money from reviews

Look around you. Do you have a lot of things? Household appliances? Personal hygiene products? You can write reviews for all the products and services you use in life and get paid for it!

The bottom line is that we register on special sites called “review sites”, post a review and get paid for:

  • Written text (reviews of more than 500 characters are paid). Unfortunately, they pay little - from 2 to 10-15 rubles, depending on the topic;
  • Review views. If a person comes across your review and reads it, you will receive a small reward (from 0.01 to 0.1 rubles).

What topics should I write about? Household appliances, hotels, travel are popular (yes, you can write not only about products), but people leave reviews on everything they can. Books, games, films, cities, universities, trinkets, personal care products... Sometimes you can find reviews like this:

The advantage of reviewers is that you are free creatively. Write about anything, as much and whenever you want, no restrictions. No one will scold you if you write with errors and the fee will not be reduced for this.

How to improve a review and make it popular:

  • Try to be honest about the subject of the review. Constructive, positive, negative – everything is allowed!
  • Write correctly, divide the text into paragraphs. It is at least unpleasant to read a continuous canvas;
  • Insert pictures (author's, made by yourself);
  • It is clear that your review may not be the only one, and the one above will get many views (more users voted for its “usefulness”). To easily get to the TOP, make friends on review sites. Offer mutual likes and subscriptions and you can quickly gain ratings.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to make good money here. Writing reviews is a hobby, and money is a nice bonus. I managed to get only 250 rubles for a month of work on Otzovik.

Method 4. Earn money from surveys

Another way to make money from your opinion is by taking paid surveys. You need to answer questions on a specific topic, for which you get paid. One survey takes approximately 10-30 minutes, and the average payment is difficult to determine. They can give 10, 50, 100, 200 rubles - it all depends on:

  • Duration of the survey. The more questions, the higher the payment;
  • Survey completion frequencies. Obviously, you will get more for 10 tests than for 1.

When registering for the surveys, you will need to fill out a form, which will include the following information:

  • Age;
  • Family status;
  • Education;
  • Experience;
  • Availability of a car or real estate;
  • Etc.

This is necessary for the site to select relevant questions for you. This type of earning money without investments is convenient because surveys can be completed both on a computer and on the phone while you get to school/work on public transport. Here is a list of the most popular services where you can take surveys for money:

You can earn on average from 500 to 5,000 rubles from surveys. per month. Notifications of new surveys will be sent to you by email. You can perform them at any convenient time.

Method 5. Earn money by watching videos

I love watching YouTube videos just for fun and I was incredibly happy to find out that you can get paid for it!

You can earn money by watching videos:

  • On the axle boxes that I described above;
  • On special sites.

What is required from a person? Just turn on the video and watch it for some time or until the end. In parallel with viewing, they may be required to like or write a comment (the payment is correspondingly higher).

Here is a list of special services where you can earn money remotely without investment by watching videos:

Read detailed instructions about this type of earnings without investments on our website:

In 1-2 hours you can earn 50-100 rubles. The work is simple and the pay is appropriate.

Method 6. Earning money from mobile applications

Modern smartphones allow you to play cool toys, watch movies/series, read books and browse websites. Phones can be used not only for entertainment, but also for making money.

How many ways do you think there are to make money? One two? You guessed wrong - I know about 15 ways to make money on mobile! Here are a few of them:

  • Earning money by downloading and installing applications;
  • Earning money on social networks;
  • Earning money from surveys and reviews;
  • Earning money from field assignments;
  • Earning money from photographs.

Method 7. Earning money from games

I love playing computer games, and you? For me, it's a way to have fun, relax and escape reality for a while. But when I learned that you can make money playing video games, it became not only my hobby, but also a source of income.

Playing them is optional. You can earn money by copywriting, creating a gaming website, and promoting a thematic community. Here are just some of the ways to make money on games:

  • Earning money from economic browser games;
  • Earning money from online games with withdrawal of money;
  • Sale of game items;
  • Earning money from streams and videos;
  • Mentoring (help from experienced players);
  • Earning money from eSports;
  • Game tester;
  • Games journalism.

All these ways of earning money are discussed in detail by us in the following articles:

Many people will think that making money from games is bullshit and it’s impossible to do it. But I've been writing about games for several years now, and also recently became an employee of a gaming site. Of course, you won’t earn much from this, but in total it comes out to about 10,000 rubles a month. The main thing is that I like it and I enjoy my work!

Method 8. Earning money by recognizing captcha

When surfing the Internet or registering on a website, you may come across a captcha:

You need to enter text from a distorted image or mark the necessary pictures - this is protection from bots. Where do bots come from? They are created by programmers and hackers. So that the bot can automatically register on the site, special services have been created where customers submit the captcha “for verification”, and the performers (in this case, we) solve it for money. Nothing difficult - enter the symbols and that’s it! Unfortunately, the earnings are extremely meager, on average, earnings per hour will be 1-10 rubles, and for one solved captcha they pay 0.01 rubles.

Here is a list of the most popular captcha recognition services where you can earn money without investment:

You can find out more about this type of earnings, as well as several other captcha services, in the following articles:

Method 9. Earning money from teaser advertising

The essence of making money– viewing teaser advertising in the browser. Unlike surfing, there is no need to look for a task, go to sites and stay there for some time. The advertisement appears on its own, in the browser, and remains there for 10-60 seconds. This is what the ad looks like:

You just need to install an extension in your browser that will show ads, and that’s it! It appears unobtrusively when you spend time on the Internet, and you don’t have to do anything to get money! Sometimes a site may offer an additional way to earn money in the form of clicking on advertising links.

Let's look at an example of earning money on the website Teaser.bz. After registration, look for a link to a branded extension that will display advertising:

Click to enlarge image

The installation is automatic - you only need to press one button:

That's all! Now we have an extension in the upper right corner of the browser. In the window you can see how much we have earned, and also turn on/off advertising:

One impression is estimated at 0.02 rubles on average., and, obviously, you won’t be able to earn much in this way. But you don't have to do anything! Turn on the extension and go about your business while pennies drip into your account.

Method 10. Yandex Toloka

The Yandex Toloka service is very similar to the axle boxes described in the first method of making money on the Internet without investment. The similarity is that you are given a task, after completing which you receive payment.

I decided to highlight this service as a separate type of earnings because the types of tasks in Toloka are different from ordinary axle boxes. Working at Yandex Toloka, you essentially become a moderator of the Yandex search engine, helping it clean the search results from toxic sites, pictures, videos, errors, etc.

In order to start earning money in Toloka, you do not need any special knowledge. You just need to register and you can start completing tasks. You won’t earn much here (1,000-10,000 rubles per month), the amount of earnings depends on. how long you will work, as well as your rating, which increases as you work.

Method 11. Earning money from copywriting, rewriting

One day I came across a task at the axle box - register on the Etxt text exchange, complete the task and get 6 rubles for it. This was my introduction to copywriting, although at that time I didn’t even know such a word. But from that moment to this day it has become my hobby and main source of income.

My first order was a description of a store for a site with coupons. I spent 2 hours on a page of text in Word, and in the end I was paid 36 rubles for it. on the axle box. After such a low payment, I no longer took such tasks on the axle boxes, but began to look at tasks on the Etxt exchange, where you can earn significantly more.

Writing texts is not difficult. It is not necessary to be a professional journalist. There are many orders and they are all varied. For example, I started writing reviews of various computer games. I love to play, I’m pretty good at it, so it’s not difficult for me to describe the essence of a game and express my opinion.

The easiest way to write articles is on a topic that you are good at. During my experiments with various types of earning money on the Internet, I figured out this issue and now write articles about it. It's like talking to a friend, only you communicate not out loud, but through text. Even now, when I am writing this article, I imagine that I am communicating with a friend who does not understand making money via the Internet and asked me to tell him about it.

There are plenty of copywriting exchanges on the Internet, so I recommend registering with at least a few. Pay due attention to filling out your profile, as well as preparing a portfolio of your work, this will help you find interesting customers and take on well-paid assignments.

Here is a list of the most popular copywriting exchanges:

Approach your work responsibly, because each customer can then rate you and give you their feedback, which will then be visible to other customers. If you ruin your reputation, you can later lose interesting and expensive orders.

Over time, you will have regular customers. I began to work with some of them directly. This allows you to earn more money: you don’t need to waste time searching for new orders, and you don’t need to pay a commission to the exchange.

There are enough nuances in this area and we have already collected enough materials on our website that will help you better understand the topic of copywriting and teach you how to write great texts. By the way, we have a section. If you are confident in your abilities, then send an application.

Here are the promised materials:

Method 12. Earning money from your knowledge (paid consultations)

A person who is an expert in any field can make money from paid consultations. Here is a list of popular destinations:

  • jurisprudence;
  • psychology;
  • accounting;
  • receiving subsidies;
  • financial consulting;
  • dietetics;
  • health;
  • nutrition;
  • weight loss;
  • earnings;
  • marketing;
  • SMM;
  • promotion of websites and online stores;
  • etc.

Who are the clients? Schoolchildren, students, elderly people, individuals, entire companies. You can always find clients in this area. For example, a person finds himself in an unpleasant situation and needs advice from an experienced lawyer. Or the student cannot understand some science.

How to conduct a consultation? To do this, you can use Skype (voice and/or video communication), icq (or other messenger), and social networks. These nuances are discussed with customers.

How to attract customers? Here are some ways:

  • Thematic forums. You can participate in lively discussions, answer user questions and leave your contact information in case a person wants to “learn more”;
  • Your website/page or group on a social network;
  • Freelance exchanges. This method can be considered as a direction of freelancing, so you can also post a vacancy on these sites. For example, fl.ru is suitable for experienced consultants, while Moguza and Kwork are suitable for beginners.
  • Websites with vacancies and work. For example, Rabota.ru, Superjob, HeadHunter.

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How much will you be paid for a consultation? You decide the price personally, based on your skills and experience. Some charge several thousand rubles per day, others prefer hourly payment, and still others set a total price for the work.

Method 13. Help with homework, essays, coursework

This method is suitable for schoolchildren and students. To be honest, I don’t always cope with the flow of homework and order it from other people who understand the subject better. I consider 200-300 rubles to be an adequate price for a task (many people offer this), however, sometimes people put forward prices of 1000-1500 rubles. for a simple task!

What do you need: understand any subject. For example, mathematical problems are difficult for people studying in the humanities. And if you know how to solve mathematics, you can offer them to complete tasks for money.

Let's consider two cases. First - you work for yourself. You need to independently find a person who needs help and offer him your services. Most often this can be done:

  • On thematic forums;
  • In groups on social networks;
  • Among classmates;
  • On special sites.

Working on your own, you will face serious competition, which is why you will often have to lower your price tag. On average, you can get from 100 to 500 rubles for homework, from 2,000 to 10,000 rubles for coursework, and even more for a diploma. Try to do the job quickly and correctly - and then word of mouth will do its job.

It is also worth paying attention to special sites where you can help students from all over the world. They are similar in type to bookstores and text exchanges - students or schoolchildren place an order, and you submit an application for its fulfillment. Examples of such sites:

Register and start “hunting” for orders

The second case is working in an agency. In this case, you start working in a team where one person promotes your services and you are responsible for doing the work. In this case, you don’t need to look for work on your own; roughly speaking, there is no competition (except perhaps between agencies, but it’s not up to you to decide this issue), but the pay is lower.

Don't be scared by the word "agency". This could be a small team of students who have a group on VKontakte and simply want to earn extra money. I am sure they will not refuse your help. Here is an example of such an agency:

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Method 14. Earning money on social networks

What social networks do you use? I'm on VKontakte, Instagram, Telegram... Social. networks have become an integral part of our lives (especially among young people), and, in addition to entertainment, for some they have given them jobs with good earnings.

Completing tasks (likes, reposts, subscriptions)

But gaining popularity “by honest means” is long and tedious, so people order likes, reposts and subscriptions for money. And you can make money on it right now!

What do you need:

Administrator/moderator in the community

  • Creation of content (this can be text, pictures, videos - depending on the topic of the group). Typically 3-5 posts per day are required;
  • Cleaning comments from spam;
  • Communication with the audience;
  • Cleaning subscribers from deleted accounts.

The payment is low and on average ranges from 1000 to 5000 rubles per month. For example, the site where I work has a group on VKontakte, and our moderator receives 2,500 per month.

Where to find a job?

Promotion of accounts in social networks

This type of earnings does not require investment, but is suitable for those who know how to promote accounts on social networks. Promotion usually means an increase in the number of subscribers, likes, and activity in the group.

You can promote accounts using both paid and free methods. Paid promotion means targeted advertising, placement of paid posts in other groups, and the use of special services that help, for example, create automatic adding as friends. And these services cost money. This money can be taken from the client as payment for your services.

Free methods of promotion include manually adding friends, liking, commenting on other people’s photos and news, answering questions from other users in competitors’ accounts, etc.

I recommend practicing on your own account, mastering all the methods, and understanding how it works. And only then try to make money from it. Clients may demand to see the results of your previous work to verify whether you are a real specialist or a scammer. And if you have something to prove your competence, then you can discuss the details of cooperation.

Accounts sale

There are special exchanges on the Internet where you can put your account up for sale. You can sell accounts of the following social networks:

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In the screenshot above, promoted VKontakte public pages are sold at a high price and bring in good income. However, you can also sell regular accounts:

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And in this screenshot there are Instagram accounts. Here I specifically made a selection of low-cost accounts, some of which are registered to ordinary individuals.

But let's be realistic, the person who buys the account is interested in the potential income from this account. It is unlikely that he will be interested in the account of Zhora Pucheglazov from the village of Ryabinushka, who has 150 friends and 3 posts on his wall. They buy accounts with a large number of real “live” subscribers.

Who sells such accounts?

This is usually done by those who are tired of the chosen direction and the account owner wants to change the type of activity or choose a different niche.

Where can I get such an account?

Do! Creating a group on any social network is as easy as shelling pears. You need to regularly fill it with content. If it is interesting, then, sooner or later, the group will acquire regular readers and subscribers.

Well, in addition to selling an account, with such a group other ways of earning money will be available, which will be discussed in the next section.

Creation and/or sale of finished photos and graphics

This method of earning money without investment is partially intertwined with Method 13: Earning money from photos, which is described in more detail below. But if we are talking only about making money from photographs taken with a DSLR camera or a good smartphone, then this includes the production of various pictures, memes, caricatures, logos, group designs, etc.

If anyone who has, at a minimum, a taste for photography, or at most, who has completed some specialized photography courses, can take photos, then creating graphics is designed for experienced designers.

Graphics are also used by bloggers and content managers to publish posts, as well as design groups and communities.

Method 15. Blogging

1 In the previous section we are talking more about work for hire, when using your accounts you do some kind of work or one-time assignments for other people, for example, joining someone’s group or liking, reposting, working as a moderator, etc. . By blogging I mean working for yourself, creating a serious business project. This leads to the second difference.

2 Income level. The previous section talks about small earnings. You won't earn much from likes and reposts. Working as an administrator or account promotion specialist (smm), you can earn more, but it will still be like a salary in a hired job. And when you work for yourself, your income is unlimited. Owners of large, well-promoted public sites earn millions of rubles every month.

By blogging we mean:

  • Promotion of your own name;
  • Creation and promotion of a community of interests (a group or public page on a specific topic: Humor, Business, Quotation Book, Cooking, Fashion, etc.).

The first option is more difficult to implement than the second for the reason that you must be an extraordinary person so that other people would be interested in reading you and following your life.

If you are not a superstar like Olga Buzova, this does not mean that you cannot make money on Instagram. You can create a group on a specific topic (Humor, Auto, Girls, Business, Quotes, etc.).

The group needs to be managed: filled with content, communicate with the audience, track viewing statistics. At first, you can do this yourself, and then, as your income grows, hire moderators.

Let's look at what options for making money on the Internet without investments are available to you if you become a blogger or create a public page:

Earnings from advertising

This is the most popular way of earning money among bloggers. Periodically, between the main posts and photographs, advertisements for something are published: children's toys, cosmetics, gadgets, clothes, etc. This is done unobtrusively. Usually a blogger takes a photo, for example, of himself in a new dress and, as if by chance, says that he bought it in such and such a store.

When you create a small subscriber base of 5-10 thousand on Instagram, you can count on a stable income of 20,000 rubles per month. What matters here is not the quantity of the audience, but the quality. For example, it is possible to sell advertising from 1 thousand subscribers. The price for 1 subscriber ranges from 1-3 rubles.

There is another option, wait for other people to contact you with an offer to promote goods/services/community.

You can also use the services of special exchanges:


Method 16. Remote work of various types

Below we will look at several vacancies and types of work that do not require any specific knowledge, skills and work experience. Such remote work is suitable for any beginner, but you must understand that the simpler the work, the more people will want to do it, and, therefore, the less the payment will be.

On freelance exchanges you can find a lot of different tasks that can be completed by anyone without special training. Here are the types of work you can find:

I recommend starting with similar work, but, in the future, choosing a specific direction that you like best, in which you can become a real expert (design, video processing, programming, website creation, traffic arbitrage, SMM, etc.) d.) and develop this specialization, undergo training, improve your skills. The better you understand your business, the more you will be paid for it.

By the way, if you don’t have any knowledge and skills in the field of freelancing, then it doesn’t matter. We have several free training courses on our website with detailed video tutorials that will help you master the necessary knowledge:

Well, now let's look at some of the most popular and simple remote professions that you can master without much difficulty.

Earning money from typing

Working as a typist is similar to copywriting, but there is no need to invent anything. The task is to reprint the text into an electronic version from some source. Typically, scanned or photographed pages, photographs of lectures, and the like are used as source material.

The text must be correctly retyped and formatted (including formulas and graphs). The work is usually done in Microsoft Word and sent by email to the customer. On average they pay from 16 rubles per 1000 characters(a cash bonus is awarded for graphs, formulas and hard-to-read text).

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But is it safe to work with people via email? And how to get a stable income of a couple of tens of thousands of rubles? I talk about this and much more in this article:

Earning money by transcribing audio files

Making money from audio transcription is similar to typing, but instead of the source material, some kind of audio recording is used. Programs can’t do this, so people turn to freelancers.

The work is perfect for beginners - you need to listen to the recording and type the text. True, orders do not occur so often, so there are no specialized exchanges for such earnings. But you can easily find work on freelance exchanges.

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Payment can be for the entire project or per minute of audio. The minimum cost of one minute is 8 rubles; it is not recommended to take orders below this cost.

To get the job done faster, you need to:

  • Have good headphones;
  • Be able to type quickly (you can hone this skill on the Vse10 website https://vse10.ru/)

If there are a lot of orders, and you go into a frenzy, you can earn from 500-1000 rubles in a day, as it does.

Posting advertisements

Another simple way to earn money is posting text on bulletin boards (Avito, FarPost and others). Example ad:

A person owns a hardware store and wants to increase sales by placing advertisements. But he can’t spend his working hours typing 10-15 ads a day, so he turns to people who want to earn extra money. This is the essence of making money: we visit an advertisement site, write a text, indicate the number or address given by the customer and that’s it!

But there are several nuances:

This work does not require much physical or mental effort, so the pay can be low. However, I managed to find interesting vacancies on Fl.ru:

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The job is suitable for beginners. If you don’t know how to write sales texts, that’s okay. Basically they place orders with ready-made material (text + pictures), you will only need to distribute them.

My favorite pastime is posting ads on various services.

I earn from 13,000 rubles a month. up to 20,000 rub. I could earn more, but I have a main job at the Meat Processing Plant, which I don’t plan to leave.

Vladislav. 42 years old, Poltava

Content manager

A content manager is a person who fills a website with content. That is, for a movie site, the content is new movies. To add a movie, you need to write a plot, add pictures and fill out the rest of the information (year of release, director, cast).

This is not an official job, but rather a part-time job. For example, in my free time I fill out a gaming website, they pay 125 rubles for 1 game, it takes about half an hour. It comes out to about 3,000 rubles a month.

No special skills needed. Unless you have to write a small unique text (for example, a product description), all other information can be Googled or provided to you.

You can find work on freelance exchanges. For example, on fl.ru:

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The work of a content manager is relevant not only for websites, but also for social networks. This vacancy is very similar to an administrator, here you need to post photos and pictures, as well as captions for them. A content manager is a narrower specialty that deals only with working with content. And administrators perform a larger list of responsibilities: answering comments, clearing spam, keeping order in the group, etc.

We also have a content manager on our website. His responsibilities include posting ready-made articles, adding pictures, videos, framing quotes and important thoughts. For each article he receives 100-300 rubles.

Manager at an online store

Remote work as a manager in an online store includes:

  • Consulting clients by phone, as well as online store chat and email;
  • Processing online orders in the CRM system, transferring orders to the courier service through an online service;
  • Distribution of commercial offers, etc.

To work, you will need stable, high-speed Internet, a calm environment so that household members, for example, children, do not run around in the background and do not shout “Mom, we want to eat,” as well as a good headset (microphone and headphones).

Some employers offer official employment, which means that you will receive pension contributions, a record of length of service in your work book, and possibly a social package.

Customer Call Manager

People from Rostelecom often call me and offer various services for connecting to the Internet and television. These are customer call managers. Their responsibilities include:

  • Calling the client base;
  • Informing clients about various services;
  • Reporting.

This work can be done at home. As in the case of a manager in an online store, you will need good Internet, a headset and silence around.

The job is suitable for stress-resistant people who like to communicate. During the call, you will encounter rudeness, since not every person likes telephone spam, but they also pay well for such work.

To make your work easier, it is recommended to work according to a script (conversation script). Usually customers provide it. But if they don’t provide it to you, then it’s better to prepare such a script yourself. This will help you conduct a conversation more confidently, stay on topic and competently handle objections from potential clients.

Where to look for remote work and one-time tasks (part-time work)?

First of all, these are freelance exchanges:

Or on job search sites:

On the topic of remote work, read also:

Method 17. Earning money from referrals (affiliate program)

The essence of an affiliate program is when you help any online service or online store attract new customers by recommending it to your acquaintances, friends and other interested people.

Some terminology:

  • Referral- a person whom you invited to the project via a special link. It is issued to everyone in their personal account. That is, if I follow this link and register for the project, I will become your referral. And if I work actively, a percentage of my profit will go to you. This is the basis for making money on the affiliate program, which I will discuss below.

  • Referrer– the person you registered under. That is, if I register using your link, I become your referral, and you become my referrer.
  • Referral royalties– a set percentage that you will receive from the referral’s income (usually 5-20%)

Where does the affiliate program operate?

  • Almost all the ways to earn money without investments that we discuss in this article. In your personal account, you are automatically given promotional materials: referral links and banners. Example: you registered in the Seosprint service and started earning money there. Then they told some friend about it and sent an affiliate link to this service. After registering it and starting work, you will receive a portion of the money from its income. To be precise, not from his income, but from the percentage that the service takes as a commission. Your friend earned 100 rubles, of which 5% (5 rubles) was paid as a commission to the service. This is the commission the service will share with you for helping to attract a new user.
  • In various online stores: Aliexpress, Pleer, M.Video, Lamoda, Yulmart, etc. For example, you bought some beautiful thing or gadget. You took a photo and posted it on social networks, your friend became interested in where you bought it. You send them an affiliate link to this product, they place an order, and you receive a commission.
  • Educational courses and trainings. Various courses, trainings and webinars are held on the Internet, where people are taught everything in the world: how to make money on Instagram, how to lose weight, how to pump up six-pack abs, how to find your other half, how to master the 3D modeling program 3ds Max, etc. Almost all training companies and entrepreneurs who provide training have affiliate programs and are willing to pay you commissions for new clients.
  • Financial products, for example, loans, credit cards, microloans, etc.

How to attract referrals? The abundance of options falls into two categories:

Personally, I prefer the option of making money on affiliate programs through my website. This is a passive source of income. Once you create an article and place an affiliate link there, money can flow to you for a long time without any costs to you.

Screenshot from the personal account of the Admitad affiliate network

In the screenshot above, payments are made from the Admitad affiliate network, which is an intermediary between the customer and the contractor. The customers are various companies (online stores, banks, insurance companies, etc.) that need clients. Customers are willing to pay for each new client. Performers are webmasters who have a thematic website or group on social networks. Performers attract new clients to customers using their websites or groups, and receive compensation for this.

There are many articles on our website about various banking services. Some of the banks work under an affiliate program through Admitad, acting as customers there. We write how to profitably use banking products, provide affiliate links to profitable cards, acting as a contractor, and receive a reward for each new client. An example of such an article: "".

Here's another screenshot from WebMoney:

These are proceeds from various affiliate programs. As you can see, this is a very profitable type of income.

Method 18. Earn money from photos

Making money from photography is easier than it seems, and you don’t even need to be a professional photographer! Creators of websites and blogs, representatives of advertising agencies and the media require unique photographs, and finding them on the Internet is problematic: the quality, resolution or content is not suitable. Therefore they turn to photobanks/photostocks(an intermediary site between photo authors and their buyers).

What will you need? Register on a site where you can sell photographs. You should also have unique photographs that have not been published anywhere before. You can do them with a camera or smartphone, if it has a good camera.

How can you make money from photography? 2 ways:

  • One-time sale of a photo. That is, you sold the photo and that’s it, you don’t have to sell it to anyone else (valid on content exchanges).
  • Constant resale. This works on photo stocks - after you upload a photo, it can be bought n number of times, and you receive a percentage of the purchase.

What photos are bought most often?

  • Portrait photographs. Pictures of people that depict emotions, lifestyle, idea. An example is lovers walking through the park and holding hands;
  • Journey. Sights, city views or simple travel photographs;
  • Photos of dishes and products. Perfect for culinary websites. These could be pictures of vegetables, fruits or prepared dishes, as well as pictures of people enjoying food in some beautiful place (for example, on a veranda);
  • Landscape photos. A beautiful view from the window, images of endless forests, mountains, seas - all this is also popular. You can “play” with light and try to capture sunsets and sunrises.

Where to sell photographs? Before photo stocks, it is worth mentioning the Etxt content exchange for copywriters. Unique photographs are also needed for articles, so you can also sell your work there:

Click to enlarge image

Popular photo stocks:

Some sites require you to pass an exam - upload a couple of your best shots, and if they pass, you can upload the files to sell. Earning money is suitable for beginners, but you should not expect quick profits.

To start making a profit, you need to upload at least 50-100 pictures and then do it regularly. As soon as you stop adding new photos to your stock photo account, your place in the ranking will be taken by other photo sellers and your profits will decrease.

Method 19. Posting in Yandex.Zen and/or other free blogging platforms

How to make money on other blogging platforms?

It will be more difficult to make money there. If we consider Live Journal (livejournal.com), then monetization on this platform will be possible only if you become a popular person whose materials will be of interest to a large circle of people.

A striking example is Artemy Lebedev, an eccentric designer who keeps his diary on LiveJournal. He writes about everything that interests him. Periodically speaking about any advertisers, he earns, according to some sources, about 260,000 rubles. for one post in LiveJournal. The cost of advertising on his Facebook account is about 80,000 rubles. and in Telegram - 100,000 rubles.

But since not everyone will be able to reach Lebedev’s heights, let’s consider a simpler option - this is the Blogger blogging platform from Google.

It is absolutely free, all you have to do is fill your blog with content, insert advertising blocks in the settings and start making a profit. Yes, in words everything turns out to be simple. In fact, you need to have knowledge of SEO optimization in order to promote your materials to the first places in search results.

However, if you master website promotion technologies, then it would be better to start your own website on a separate domain. On such a site you will be a full-fledged owner who will be able to try different methods of monetization, while on the free blogging platforms mentioned above they are limited.

If you are unsure whether writing blog articles is your calling or not, then it is best to start with free platforms. And if you realize that you are interested in this, then you can safely start your own website, especially since it is not as expensive as it seems, the costs will be about 150-300 rubles per month. Read more about how to make your own website in the section Creating custom websites.

Method 20. Earning money on file hosting services

Let's start with the fact that this method of making money on the Internet is not as relevant as, say, in 2010-2015. After all, at that time there were no cloud storages (Dropbox, Yandex Disk, Google Drive, Mega) or they had just begun to develop and their cost was too high.

File hosting services- These are sites that store files and pay their owners for downloading by other users. That is, we can upload a movie to a file hosting service and receive money if it is downloaded.

  • They pay not for one download, but for 1,000 at once!
  • For 1,000 downloads you will receive from 5 to 20 dollars.

If you think that by downloading some movie and sending a link to it to your VKontakte friends you will earn something on file hosting services, then you are mistaken. You can only make money if a lot of people download your file.

What you need to earn money:

  • Current files that will be downloaded. These could be new movies, games, best-selling books;
  • Websites, social networks where links to these files will be posted;
  • The audience who will download files.

Obviously, earning money is suitable for people who have a group on a social network or a website. That is, they will already have an audience. Otherwise, your earnings will be meager or you will have to wait a long time for a return.

The best file hosting services for making money:

Let's try to upload something to DepositFile. After registration you need to download the file. To do this, press button 1 and select the file (I chose the course work)

Click to enlarge image

Click to enlarge image

which need to be distributed (mostly using URLs).

  • Leave them in comments on blogs/forums;
  • Post them on news sites.

Obviously, the more site traffic, the higher the chance that your file will be downloaded.

To be honest, it is extremely difficult to earn anything this way. Agree, it’s not easy to get 1,000 downloads, and 10-20 dollars is not worth it. It is suitable only for those who have a well-promoted website, for example, on the topic of “cinema”, “graphics for designers”, “software”, “games”, etc.

Method 21. Earning money on Youtube

YouTube is one of the most popular resources among young people. There are several options for creating videos and then making money from them.

First, let's look at the video creation options:

1 The first option with conditional investments - you will need a good camera, at a minimum. If money allows, then a lapel microphone, lighting equipment, a powerful computer and several programs for video processing will not hurt. Although, now even many first-graders have iPhones, which can be used to shoot decent videos. That's why I called this option with conditional attachments.

2 The second option is to record video from the monitor screen. If you have a computer, then all you have to do is download a program that allows you to record everything that happens on your monitor screen, for example, the Camtasia Studio program. Using such a program, you can make various training lessons and video instructions. For example, we have a lot of similar videos on our channel where we teach people how to use online banks (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Sovcombank, etc.).

Here are a few such videos:

How to earn?

The main option for earning money is Google Adsense affiliate advertising, when advertising is embedded in your video while watching, here are the screenshots:

In addition, you can make direct sales of advertising in your videos, talk about affiliate products and services in videos (we talked about affiliate programs above), you can sell traffic, or, in other words, advertise someone in the description under the video.

Listed above are the most common ways to monetize a Youtube channel. If you want to learn about all the ways to make money on Youtube, then read our detailed article:

Method 22. Website promotion on forums, blogs, question-answer services, social networks

There are special services on the Internet that promote websites (SEO optimization). By promotion we mean improving the site’s position in search engines (Yandex and Google), which increases site traffic, and, therefore, profitability.

One of the areas of SEO optimization ((eng. search engine optimization, translated as search engine optimization) is crowd marketing (eng. crowd marketing, crowd - “crowd” and marketing - “advertising”). The essence of crowd marketing is to create as many references as possible about a website or company on online forums, in comments to articles by bloggers, in Question-Answer services, in social networks, services with reviews of products and services.

But this is not done everywhere possible, but in those places where the target audience of the promoted product is located. For example, on a forum dedicated to household appliances, a user asked the question: “Guys, please recommend an auger juicer for the home.” Owners of such devices will begin to give him various advice.

Let’s say that you are an employee of an SEO company that has been ordered to promote an online store of household appliances. You have been instructed to distribute a link to this store wherever possible. If you simply insert a link to a store, you will quickly be banned. Therefore, you need to insert meaningful text on the subject of the message, and insert the link casually.

It would be optimal to respond on that very forum on household appliances something like this: “Hello! I have a Terminator T1000 juicer. I've been using it for over a year, it works great. This is a budget model, it’s inexpensive, but it crushes fruits and vegetables perfectly. I bought it at a promotion in the Orion store (insert a link to the store).”

So, we’ve sorted out the terms and concepts. So, who will pay you and for what?

SEO companies need performers who will register on various forums, look for suitable topics, and leave messages there. In our example above, payment will be calculated as follows:

The Orion online store orders a crowd marketing service from an SEO company and transfers a monetary reward to it, say 100,000 rubles. → Next, the SEO company instructs its employees to post information on forums and other sites. → You receive a reward for each message in the amount of 10-30 rubles. According to one of the representatives of such services, their employees earn from 20,000 rubles. per month.

Where can you find such a job?

Here is a list of similar SEO services:

Write to them about your desire to work and wait for further instructions. There is one thing, vacancies in these services are mostly filled, but as soon as vacancies become available, the employer first contacts those who previously sent them their data.

Method 23. Reselling goods

This method of earning money will be especially relevant for residents of megacities (Moscow and St. Petersburg). If you live in a small town, then do not rush to switch to another type of income, as here you will find some interesting ideas.

1 Who has the product in stock.

2 Who does NOT have the product in stock.

We will not consider the first type, since it involves investments, you need to buy things, and this requires a lot of money.

The second type involves the resale of goods from clothing markets. I'll tell you about how it happens in Moscow. An enterprising girl or guy (usually girls) comes to the “Gardener” market, finds points of sale of interesting things - these can be copies of clothes or accessories of famous brands, shoes, children's things, etc. They take photos of things, or find professional photos on the Internet, in other groups, etc., create an account and post photos of these things with a price increase.

The markup can sometimes reach 300 - 1000%. Then they begin to add potential buyers as friends, gain subscribers, and promote the group in every possible way.

The potential buyer does not suspect that these goods cost pennies and can be bought on the market. And if a person is from another small town, then these goods may simply not be sold anywhere. Next, the buyer contacts the seller, asking if the product is in stock and what the terms of payment are. Everyone works on an advance payment basis. The buyer transfers money, the seller, or rather the reseller, goes to the market, buys the desired item and sends it by mail or transport company to the buyer.

Example: Casio G-Schock

Original watches of this model cost from 8,000 rubles. A fake at the Sadovod market costs 300 rubles. But if you take a large batch, you can find it even cheaper:

Click to enlarge image

And fakes sell for 900-1990 rubles. Not everyone can afford a watch for 8,000 rubles. But if it is possible to buy an externally identical watch 10 times cheaper, then why not? They look very brutal. But fakes do not have the advantages of original watches: they are afraid of water, there is no protection against shocks, etc.

Try to monitor the markets in your cities. Surely there will be interesting products there at a low price that can be offered with promotion to users on social networks. Create a group, upload photos of products there and start adding people from your city as friends. This is the simplest option without investment and without risk. If it doesn’t work, then you have nothing to lose except wasted time.

Method 24. Selling goods of your own production

If you create something with your own hands, you can already make money from it. It is clear that the production of products requires materials, and therefore investments. But you may already have some previously created handmade products in stock.

Here's what you can sell online right now:

  • Painting
  • Knitten things
  • Kids toys
  • Women's bags of exclusive design
  • Interior decor
  • Pottery
  • Dolls and soldiers for collectors
  • Designer jewelry (jewelry)
  • Author's clothing collections
  • Musical instruments

Rating of ways to make money on the Internet without investments by complexity

Unfortunately, there are a lot of scammers on the Internet, and they often get away with their deception. It’s not for nothing that people used to think that making money on the Internet was a complete scam. But if you are vigilant and use my advice, you will easily see through the criminal and save your money!

So far I have encountered scammers twice. The first case was when I sent the work to the customer by mail, but he blocked me and disappeared. Second, I invested money on an investment site (under the guise of an economic game), and a month later it closed, and the scammers took the users’ money and disappeared.

As a trap, scammers can create a website that offers to earn a lot without investment. Features of such sites:

  • The site offers big earnings already in the first hours of operation;
  • Lack of contacts and email addresses for technical support;
  • The site is an imitation of a popular resource (for example, a site with earnings seosprint has a .net domain, but scammers can take a different domain and in the end the user will think that this is a real site and fall into a trap);
  • Be wary of sites that have been created recently, and their base already has 1,000 users who have withdrawn a total of 100,000 rubles.

My advice: Always Google reviews! Just enter a query into the search engine “Reviews of<название сайта>"and in a second you will get all the ins and outs of the resource!

But scammers may be too lazy to create a website and will act “directly” - send tempting vacancies by email, make phone calls, and so on. Here are some more tips to help identify the criminal:

  • The main rule is never make a so-called contribution before work! Even if they ask for 1 ruble, as “insurance”. Here is an example of such a fraudulent letter:

  • The payment is too high. You can see an example in the picture above. They offer to reprint 11 pages and get 1200 rubles for it! As a person who has been working on texts for a long time, I will say that no one will pay you such a large reward for retyping a text!
  • If you are looking for a job on message boards (we will also consider this option in the article), then pay attention to: employer account (if it was created recently and has no reviews, you should be wary), instant response (most likely an answering machine), postal address ( for example, mail [email protected] is nonsense and was invented in a couple of minutes). I also recommend Googling mailers and company names. If someone has already been burned by working with a scammer, then he will definitely leave his review about it somewhere.

Fortunately, you can easily cut off contact with a scammer on the Internet. For example, if he writes to you on social networks, he can be blocked, and in the mail, letters can be marked as “spam”.

What earning options should not be considered?

In articles on other sites, I discovered that for some reason the following options are mentioned as ways to make money on the Internet WITHOUT INVESTMENTS:

  • Earnings on binary options;
  • Earnings on Forex;
  • Trading and investing;
  • Bitcoin mining;
  • Sports betting;
  • Casino;
  • Lottery;
  • Traffic arbitrage;
  • Network marketing;
  • Purchase and resale of websites and Internet projects;
  • Buying and selling domains (cybersquatting).

All of these options require investment, and some of them I would not recommend doing at all, for example, Bitcoin mining, because this topic is no longer relevant and has died out due to the fall in the value of Bitcoin. In 2017, it grew due to the hype around it. But the bubble burst and no one needs Bitcoin anymore. It is possible to mine something else, but on a regular computer and video card, as they write in some articles, it is impossible to do this.

Earning money on binary options, casinos, sports and lottery- essentially the same thing, relying on luck and good fortune. I guessed right - I got the money. If you didn't guess, you lost. Moreover, there are much more of the latter.

Trading and investing require knowledge and experience. You can make money here, but first you need to make a lot of money and lose a lot of money. You can't do it without investments.

Traffic arbitrage just like investing and trading requires experience. Just reading a book or taking a course to immediately make money in arbitration is not enough. You need to perfectly know contextual advertising, targeting, be able to manage bids, filter out unnecessary keywords, and analyze sites. Money comes years later only to very experienced specialists who have previously wasted more than one budget. But during such experiments, we found the necessary connections and working offers.

Network marketing not for everyone. Again, investments are needed to purchase goods. And then constant negotiations, invitations, motivating other people, pushing, etc. However, there are examples of people who have earned millions of dollars here.

Purchase and resale of Internet projects requires significant investments, this also has its own risks and is suitable for experienced webmasters who can evaluate the site’s parameters, find errors, search engine sanctions, otherwise investments may go down the drain.

Finally, cybersquatting or domain resale, it’s hard to call it a profitable way to make money. Investments are required here, but small, from 150 to 900 rubles. per year for one name. There are many examples of domain owners receiving exorbitant amounts of money for domains; a prime example is the Sex.com domain, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive domain ever sold. Transaction amount: $13 million. Year of sale: 2010. Read more in our separate article about domains, where we provide a list of other expensive domains that have been sold for millions of dollars: .

Tips for beginners on making money on the Internet without investment

  • Start simple. For example, I started with axle boxes, and then moved to copywriting. If you don’t know where to start, I recommend doing tasks on axle boxes. You're sure to come across something interesting!
  • The quieter you go, the further you'll get. For the first month of work I received only 500 rubles. Yes, not enough. But I didn’t quit making money online. I had a desire to develop and it played a role in the growth of my income.
  • Don't stop at one way to make money. You tried something, got the result - move on. This way you can analyze your work and find out what you liked best.
  • Educate yourself. I can tell you about this or that income in detail, but there are always tricks and nuances that people who have been doing this professionally for several years will tell you about. Fortunately, you can find many useful lessons on the Internet - books, videos, blogs.


Earning money without investments will allow you to “test the waters” and understand whether this business is worth doing. Starting small, you will learn that developing a business on the Internet is quite profitable and interesting. Well, or you just find yourself a hobby and, as a bonus, additional income.

I don’t regret that I started making money on the Internet. The main thing is that in 10 years I can return to this business again without any problems. I hope the article was useful and informative for you!

Have you tried to make money on the Internet without investment? What methods did you start with? I will be glad to hear about your experience, dear readers! Write in the comments!’

Video for dessert: The best extreme stunts


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