Biographies of great and famous people. The most successful entrepreneur in Russia What does buying a football school mean to Sergei?

It has always been difficult to do business in Russia, but success stories still happen. Sometimes former serfs turned into tycoons thanks to their tenacity and entrepreneurial spirit. “The Secret” talks about five entrepreneurs from the times of the Russian Empire who managed to build a large business.

Alexander Chichkin

The merchant of the first guild, Alexander Chichkin, changed the dairy market of his time. Before he opened the “Milk” store on Bolshaya Dmitrovka, the product was sold exclusively on the streets and markets. Over the course of several years, he managed to build a network. In 1914, he had 91 stores, two dairies and a curd and sour cream branch, and 40 butter stations. The plant processed 100–150 tons of milk per day. At the company "A.V. Chichkin" employed 3,000 people.

The entrepreneur paid a lot of attention to marketing: all the stores were lined with snow-white tiles, the clerks were dressed in snow-white uniforms, and there were never-before-seen cash registers in the hall, which guaranteed fair treatment of customers. Every evening, fresh milk in cans was ceremoniously brought into the stores, and yesterday's product was publicly poured into the sewer on the street in the morning.

By 1917, the enterprise's fixed capital amounted to more than 10 million rubles. After the revolution, Chichikov's entire business was nationalized. He was unable to avoid exile: he had to spend two years in Northern Kazakhstan until Molotov and Mikoyan rescued him from there. Then Chichkin became an ordinary Soviet pensioner, but still participated in the development of plans and projects for the development of the dairy industry in the USSR.

Stepan Abrikosov

The founder of the family, Stepan Abrikosov, was a serf; his family supplied sweets to the master’s table - marshmallows and apricot jam (hence the family name). In 1804, 64-year-old Stepan received his freedom and soon opened an artel family production in Moscow. They bought sweets here for parties and weddings, and soon they managed to open a fruit and confectionery shop. The Apricots' fame grew.

In 1820, after Stepan’s death, production passed to his sons Ivan and Vasily. But they were unable to maintain the pace set by their father. After 20 years, they lost production due to debt. It seemed that the famous family business had ceased to exist, but by that time Stepan’s grandson, Alexey, had grown up. He was a capable young man, with a particular interest in accounting. He decided to revive the family business and organized home production: the Abrikosovs again made jam, made sweets and baked gingerbread. To reduce the cost of production, he began purchasing fruit in Crimea, and later he was the first to establish year-round supplies of fruit to Moscow. His goal was to make production truly large-scale. As a result, after 30 years, by 1872? Alexey had 40 confectionery workshops, employing 120 workers. A total of 512 tons of sweets were produced per year.

Alexei's sons continued the business. They formed a partnership and built a factory. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Abrikosovs’ business became one of the leaders in the country’s confectionery market. Its annual turnover was 2.5 million rubles.

After the revolution, the family's enterprises were nationalized. In 1922, the factory was named after the Bolshevik Pyotr Babaev, but for several more years the name of the Abrikosovs remained on the labels to attract attention. Some family members managed to flee abroad, but others were unable to avoid arrest.

Peter Smirnov

Pyotr Smirnov came from a family of serfs who brewed and sold wine on holidays. Having received their freedom, Peter’s father and uncle decided to make the wine business their main business. Peter worked in this field since childhood: first he became a clerk for his father, and then founded a small winery.

The business of Peter Smirnov developed quickly: the number of cellars, factories, warehouses, stores increased, and brand recognition grew. The secret of success lay in the impeccable reputation of the entrepreneur and his good connections in the trading field. He worked with relatives who did not dare to let him down or deceive him, and used only high-quality raw materials: spring water, alcohol from grain grains (not from beets), good fruits and berries.

Peter looked for the latter himself: he traveled to regional farms, obtaining unknown varieties. Smirnov's company produced wine, liqueurs, liqueurs, vodka and liqueurs - more than 400 items in total. The technical equipment of its factories was constantly updated, the enterprise quickly became the largest in the world and received international recognition. Smirnov became a supplier to the imperial court and received the right to place the coat of arms of the Russian Empire on labels (now the quality of his products was guaranteed by the state). He also supplied alcohol to the court of the King of Sweden and opened branches in London, Paris and New York.

At the end of the 19th century, Smirnov’s income fell sharply: the state decided to take control of the alcohol market and introduced a “wine monopoly”. He was still a very rich man, his fortune was estimated at almost 9 million rubles, but difficulties in business undermined his health, and he died in 1898. Peter's son, Vladimir, fled the country after the revolution and created the Smirnoff brand. In Russia, the brand was revived only after the collapse of the USSR.

Grigory Eliseev

Grigory Eliseev was born into a wealthy family. His great-grandfather also sold expensive foreign goods in Russia: wines, tropical fruits, oysters and truffles. To deliver them, the company had its own merchant fleet at its disposal: four sailing ships and a steamer. At the age of 32, he inherited a trading empire with a fixed capital of 3 million rubles. He established the Eliseev Brothers Trading Partnership and began managing the business at his own discretion. In the first year of operation, the enterprise's turnover amounted to 64 million rubles.

One day, Eliseev came up with a daring idea: to organize an exhibition of vintage wines in Paris. It is difficult to surprise the French with wine, but the young entrepreneur succeeded. He was even awarded the Legion of Honor. The furor strengthened Eliseev’s position in the market.

Two years later, the entrepreneur bought a house on Tverskaya and commissioned the best specialists to turn it into an architectural miracle. The work was completed by 1901, then the “Eliseev Store and Cellars of Russian and Foreign Wines” was inaugurated. Gastronomic luxury was sold here: wines, fruits, sweets, colonial groceries, crystal. Everything was fresh, clean, high quality. It was the country's first general grocery store.

The most famous product of Bure was the gift watches that the emperor gave to diplomats, officials and cultural figures. It is known that during the reign of Alexander III, 3,477 gift watches were awarded in the amount of 277,472 rubles, the vast majority of them were from the Bure company.

In addition, the company produced prize products for officers of the Russian army, as well as simple watches: they could be bought in the store at an affordable price. The brand has become very recognizable. In the works of Chekhov alone, the expression “the clock of the storm” appears more than 20 times. To maintain recognition at the same level, Pavel Bure and his descendants invested a lot of effort in participating in exhibitions, where their products won medals many times. By the beginning of the 20th century, the company occupied 20% of the Russian watch market.

Business did not cease to exist with the revolution. He was saved by the fact that the production was located in Switzerland. The Bure company still exists today.

Cover photo: Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky Public domain, Wikimedia Commons, Library of Congress

Today, many people strive to open their own business and thereby gain financial independence. But the world of business is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Special laws reign here, according to which only the strongest survive. It is not without reason that well-known entrepreneurs advise newcomers to always keep their eyes open, otherwise competitors will devour them in an instant.

But how do you understand what’s what in a world where big money rules? The answer is simple: study the experience of famous businessmen and draw the necessary conclusions. But for this you need to know who they are - the most famous entrepreneurs in Russia and abroad.

Who is an entrepreneur

First, you need to understand that, despite the fact that this concept is very common, many still do not know its true meaning.

So, an entrepreneur is a person who is engaged in any type of activity (production of things, provision of services or resale of goods) in order to obtain material benefits. At the same time, he is a leader who bears the burden of responsibility for the product, and also monitors all stages of production.

It is important to remember that an entrepreneur is a person with a strong spirit, because he always puts his money and reputation on the line.

History of entrepreneurship

The first businessmen appeared long before the introduction of money into circulation, in those distant times when market relations were built on mutually beneficial exchange. And those who were mothers and smarter always sought to sell their goods on more favorable terms.

Naturally, with the arrival of money, entrepreneurship became even stronger, because now it was possible to calculate the benefits much more effectively. Many have heard the saying “War is the engine of progress,” and so, the more conflicts there were, the more rapidly the market developed. In circulation were weapons, overseas goods, as well as slaves, which for a long time were considered a universal currency in many states.

But the word “entrepreneur” itself arose much later. It was introduced into verbal circulation by the French economist and philosopher Jean-Baptiste Say, and this happened in 1800.

Famous entrepreneurs of the past

Let’s not talk about the businessmen of the Ancient World, since there is no reliable information about them, and there is no particular benefit from their methods either. It makes more sense to consider those who achieved fame not so long ago, opening the doors to a world of enormous opportunity, or rather, the great businessmen of the 20th century.

The most famous entrepreneurs of the last century:

  1. Thomas Edison. The name of this man is familiar to many to this day. Thanks to his innovative ideas, electrical appliances became the norm. The telephone is one of his first creations, for which he received 100 thousand dollars from Western Union. Among his other achievements, one can note the kinescope, as well as modernization. After himself, Edison left the General Electric company, which became one of the leading manufacturers of electrical appliances in the world.
  2. Henry Ford. The founder of the great Ford Motor Company, whose glory cannot be expressed in words. But Henry’s success does not lie in the automobile business, no. First of all, he was a great entrepreneur who always knew how to crush his competitors thanks to his ideas on
  3. Bill Gates. It is difficult to find someone who does not know about Microsoft, because the Windows operating system is now installed on almost every computer. Although in 1976, when Bill Gates first discovered it, no one believed in the prospects of the new industry. The reason for this triumph was an unshakable belief in himself and in his dream, because when Gates had to choose between work and study, he chose the first without hesitation.
  4. Founder of the fast food chain McDonald's. Ray was not a cook; moreover, he did not even come up with the menu in the first restaurant. The idea itself belonged to the McDonald brothers, but the far-sighted Kroc, sensing the benefits, bought all the rights to the company in 1961. After much effort, his network of branded eateries spread throughout the world.
  5. Steve Jobs. Another IT genius who dropped out of college to pursue his dream. Many people know him as the founding father of such a giant as Apple. Also, thanks to his ideas, Jobs managed to make his brand the dream of millions, which significantly increased his sales income.

Famous Russian entrepreneurs

As for Soviet times, all plants and factories were under the direction of the state, and entrepreneurs were equated with criminals. But with the collapse of the USSR everything changed dramatically. Now everyone could compete for their piece of the pie using their own techniques.

The most famous entrepreneurs in Russia:

  1. One of his fortune is measured at 15 billion dollars. During his life, he tried many ways to earn money - from carpentry to oil trading. The latter brought him so much capital.
  2. Roman Abramovich. This man was popularly nicknamed the “aluminum tycoon,” which is directly related to his line of work. Rabinovich himself believes that his success lies in the fact that he works tirelessly until he reaches his intended goal.
  3. Even during Soviet times, Mikhail made money by speculating on theater tickets. Over the years, his income increased significantly, which allowed him to penetrate into more prestigious areas of business. Many famous entrepreneurs speak of him as a shark that will tear apart everything in its path.
  4. Former head of Gazprom, who concluded many important contracts for the sale of gas.
  5. Elena Baturina. Famous entrepreneurs in Russia are not only men, and Baturina is a good example of this. This businesswoman owns several cement factories, as well as a network of the largest construction plants in Moscow.

Youngest entrepreneurs

Recently, the younger generation is increasingly catching up with their mentors. Thus, many famous entrepreneurs in the world have barely crossed the threshold of 30 years, moreover, half of them are still teenagers.

First of all, we should note Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the social network Facebook. At the time of the opening, he was only 20 years old, which did not become an obstacle to world fame.

Tom Thurlow is a famous English entrepreneur who, at the age of 19, opened his own book sales network. It was he who released the famous Harry Potter series, which made him even richer.

Chad Hurley is the man who invented YouTube. At the age of 31, he sold his brainchild to Google for $1.65 billion, making him one of the richest people on the planet.

Women in tough business

There are many examples of women becoming successful entrepreneurs. Therefore, we will consider only the most famous representatives of the fair sex.

  1. Coco Chanel. She changed the fashion world and also stole the hearts of many men. All famous entrepreneurs spoke of her as a reformer and saw her as a worthy competitor.
  2. Oprah Winfrey. In addition to hosting one of the most famous talk shows in the United States, Oprah is also a talented entrepreneur. Many are confident that she is capable of turning everything that her hands touch into gold.
  3. Mary Kay Ash. She founded the cosmetics company Mary Kay Cosmetics, and was also the first to introduce a network sales system into it.

The most unusual ways to make a fortune

Famous entrepreneurs are not only serious people, among them there are also those who go through life with humor. It was partly thanks to this trait that they were able to earn their first millions.

The German Robert Pot headed a garbage collection company in the city of Wuppertal for a long time, but this occupation did not bring a decent income. One day he was struck by a wonderful idea to organize a museum where the exhibits would be trash from the city. As practice has shown, such a business was able to bring him his first million.

Many famous entrepreneurs are happy to share their experiences, and some even publish books with invaluable advice. You should not miss the opportunity to read them, because such knowledge can change your life for the better.

To sum it up, many will agree that the main thing is not to give up and always follow your dreams. After all, this is the only way to achieve success, despite the difficulties encountered along the path of life.

The driving force of the modern economy, as well as the reason for improving the well-being of society, are entrepreneurs who, playing with competition among themselves, trying to earn more money, unwittingly have a positive impact on society. Successful entrepreneurs are also role models for many people, because... Thanks to their incredible efforts and daily work, some of them become owners of large sums of money. We have compiled a rating of 9 famous US entrepreneurs (since this country is the source of the market economy and competition), who can be called a model of success.

On first place is undoubtedly located Bill Gates, one of the founders of the famous Microsoft company. From an early age, Bill tried to win in various competitions and promotions. At a young age, Bill Gates began writing his first programs for amateur computers. Thanks to hard work, as well as a considerable amount of luck, Bill Gates created the Windows operating system, which the whole world uses today. Thanks to the constant demand for his product, Bill Gates has become one of the richest entrepreneurs in the world (his wealth is greater than that of many countries). Due to the fact that Bill Gates was able to become a rich entrepreneur from a simple Harvard student, he is at the top of the ranking.

Second the place is occupied by a well-known Steve Jobs, founder of Apple. He can be called a truly great US entrepreneur, because... Thanks to his company, the first consumer computers appeared. Throughout his entire working career, Steve Jobs was haunted by failures and difficulties, before which he did not lose heart. Thanks to his determination, Steve Jobs' tablets and smartphones are the most popular and in demand today. Even after his death, devices created by Apple do not lose their popularity.

John Rockefeller ranks in our ranking third place. An American entrepreneur who lived in the 19th century built his business on oil. Using the time of the American Civil War, when both sides happily bought oil from John, he rose to a high level, possessing more than 3 percent of the GDP of the entire United States during the oil rush.

On fourth the place is located Mark Zuckerberg, a well-established popular social network on the Internet – From early childhood, Mark was involved in programming - creating simple games. During his student years, Mark wrote a program for recognizing user tastes for a music player (Microsoft offered $2 million for it). Also, at this time, Mark created the prototype of social. network - a site on which students could post their photos and vote for photos of friends. Today, is one of the leaders in traffic.

Fifth place is occupied by an entrepreneur from the USA Thomas Alva Edison, who improved telephones, telegraphs, and film equipment, and under his leadership the first commercial incandescent lamp (sample) was developed. It was Thomas who first suggested using the word “Hello” when picking up the receiver on a telephone.

Sixth takes up space Solomon Price, founder of the trading companies FED-MART and PRICE CLUB, was recognized as the father of wholesale trade. Price was a talented leader - he was impatient, did not like idleness and bad work, and always tried to move forward, which, of course, allowed him to get to 6th place in our rating.

On seventh the place is located Ted Turner is a famous billionaire who built his fortune on entertainment stations: TBS, CNN, etc. Thanks to his determination, as well as incredible efficiency, Ted Turner can be included in the list of the greatest entrepreneurs in the United States.

Eighth the place is in your hands Oprah Winfrey, who made her fortune through TV shows. She went down in history as the first woman billionaire. Thanks to the fact that Oprah was not afraid of difficulties and decided to take risks so as not to become a simple TV presenter, her life is now described in entrepreneurship schools around the world.

Fred Smith, head of the famous company "Fedex", occupies 9 place. The company is the first of its kind to provide express delivery services. Fred went through a difficult path to his successful well-being, but in the end, we can call him one of the great entrepreneurs of the United States.

On the occasion of Bill Gates's birthday, we decided to remind you who you should look up to in business today. Here are the “magnificent eight” billionaires of 2014. Condition size and inspirational quotes included.

State:$76 billion

Occupation: IT, investment activities

A country: USA

Quote: “My children, of course, will have a computer. But first of all they will get books."

The richest man on the planet, multi-billionaire William Henry Gates III, popularly known as Bill Gates, celebrated his 59th birthday yesterday, October 28. For almost two decades now, he has been leading the international race for the American dream, not counting a short respite at the end of the last decade, when Gates was briefly surpassed by the Mexican Carlos Slim.

At the end of 2013, the man who created the modern world was once again on the horse. Over the past year, Gates earned another $9 billion without doing anything special - since February, he has been listed as a “technical advisor” to the new head of Microsoft, Satya Nadella.

Bill's main financial activity today is giving money to those in need. His fund to fight polio in third world countries has collectively allocated about $28 billion to these needs. In his free time, the multi-billionaire, without further ado, plays bridge and enjoys a successful life.

State:$72 billion

Occupation: telecommunications

A country: Mexico

Quote: “Many people want to change the world for the better for their children. I’m trying to change my children for the better so that they can serve the world.”

Gates's main "offender", the Mexican oligarch with Arab roots Carlos Slim, ended last year by $4 billion behind the leader of the rating. The collapse of his companies' shares led to the loss of a whole billion; However, in the summer of 2014, Slim more than made up for the fall, bringing his fortune to $79.6 billion - and, as Forbes reports, he again overtook Bill Gates. But while the results of 2014 have not been summed up, we still left the palm to Bill - especially his birthday.

The 74-year-old oligarch owns assets of many companies, including in the United States. In particular, Slim is one of the minority shareholders of The New York Times Co. publishing house. and retailer Saks Fifth Avenue.

A monopolist in the Mexican communications market, Carlos Slim willingly invests in non-core assets. So, in 2012, he acquired the famous football club from Spain, Real Oviedo, which was on the verge of bankruptcy; this was preceded by a powerful flash mob to raise funds, launched by former club players.

State:$64 billion

Occupation: fashion retail

A country: Spain

Quote: does not give interviews

The king of fashion retail, founder of the legendary Inditex chain, Amancio amassed a fortune so successful that even three years after leaving the company, it keeps him among the three richest people on the planet.

Over the previous two years, Ortega received $26.5 billion from the powerfully growing shares of his own company and various real estate properties in Spain, the US and the UK.

The billionaire has a particular weakness for buying skyscrapers: today his collection already includes 26 buildings, including the 43-story Torre Picasso in Madrid. After the death of his wife Rosalia Mera in 2013, he was the only one left at the helm of Zara, the future giant Inditex, back in 1975. Ortega himself has three heirs: daughters Sandra and Marta and son Marcos.

State:$58.2 billion

Occupation: investments

A country: USA

Quote: “I am a better investor because I am a businessman, and I am a better businessman because I am an investor.”

The restless old man, the same impenetrable Oracle of Omaha, increased his fortune by another $4.7 billion over the past year. Investment genius Warren Buffett has spent his entire life managing such sums that his own bank account hardly evokes any special feelings in him.

State:$48 billion

Occupation: IT

A country: USA

Quote: “It’s not enough for me to just win. Everyone around should go broke"

The founder and owner of Oracle Corporation became richer by $5 billion in a year, but still could not repeat his own record of 2012 - third place in the ranking of the world's richest people. In September 2014, Ellison, following a certain global trend, left the post of CEO of Oracle after 38 years in this position.

Larry first appeared on the Forbes list of rich people in 1986, when he had $185 million in his accounts. Today, the businessman collects villas on the coast of Malibu and is listed as the owner of almost the entire Hawaiian island of Lanai, where he is trying to create “paradise on Earth.” Why? Because he can afford it.

State:$40 billion each

Occupation: industry

A country: USA

Quote: "Power is coercion"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 15 books.

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Success in career and business depends on many reasons. The first and last name can be either one of the components of success and material well-being, or create a block in business and career.

Names that help you run a business and make a career, activate business and disruptive qualities in a person - organization, determination, composure, sociability, ability to establish connections, etc.

And there are names with which it is difficult to make a career and do business.. Specific name programs can block a person’s business qualities and his desire to succeed in society.

But don’t think that because special program named after a person will definitely be haunted by failures in business and career, and because of his name he will not have money. There are many convincing examples where a person with a name who does not have a business and career program still achieved success in the material world. There are exceptions to any rule.

If a person has good spiritual achievements, then the influence of the name does not have such a strong impact on him as on other people. Therefore, you should not be immediately disappointed if your name does not have business, career and material well-being programs, but at the same time you plan to do business, become a successful, financially secure person, so that your family does not need anything. Maybe you have good spiritual achievements in terms of material well-being and everything will be fine with you.

There are times when people have a good name in which there is no blocking of business and career, but they still cannot achieve success. In this case, a person’s life is influenced by his spiritual achievements, and in this case it is not a matter of the person’s surname or name.

Here are examples of a brief diagnosis of names that interfere with business and career:


A person with this name has inflated desires, he is a dreamer. However, he does not have sufficient will to realize his desires.

He may be handsome, but he will be too lazy to take any decisive steps to meet a woman. If a woman marries him, which is most likely what will happen, he will again lie on the couch, dream of other women, but at the same time he is unlikely to cheat, since he will be too lazy to move in this direction.

Therefore, by acquiring Adrion as a husband, a woman actually acquires a fluffy domestic cat, which must be fed on time, walked, listened to his dreams - and then he will be with her all his life.

This is a kind of henpecked man who needs to be controlled, but you can’t push him too hard, he might buck or get drunk.

The name sounds beautiful, but it lacks fortitude.


A man with this name is a principled person, strong-willed, hardy, one might say, tough. Life force is high, energy is dense. It is disease resistant. Sexual power is above average.

Everything seems to be fine with Akim, but his mental abilities are average or below average. It will be difficult for a man named Akim to become a middle or senior manager, and it will be almost impossible to organize his own business.

Akim is a good executor of someone else's will. But he is the owner of the family. Everyone will walk on tiptoes.

It is unlikely that he has a great love for women. There is little warmth in Akim. He is a down-to-earth, material person and views women as objects of sexual pleasure. In general, he lives by instincts. He will take care of his children and protect them. Akim will most likely have a family. There will be a woman who will marry him and have children.

Talking about spirituality will not touch his soul. This is a concrete person and lives by real material plans.

The name Akim is more suitable for a servant than for an independent person.

The name is material. A man with this name spends his spiritual achievements.


Elisha is the name of a Yin person. He is soft, pliable, touchy, sensitive, avoids noisy parties, is not a fan of male companies, deifies women, mostly loves them with a platonic, sublime love.

He has few friends, but he is a loyal friend. For the sake of a true friend I am ready to do anything. He is capable of love and loyalty, and will love and care for his children.

From childhood, Elisha needs to be looked after, protected, taken care of, invested in him with all your love and all your strength. It is desirable that he had a father, a real man.

A boy named Elisha must be taught from childhood to sports related to self-defense. He will not achieve great heights in sports, but this will give him a good defensive base.

If he is lucky and the woman he marries loves him, she will be happy all her life. Because he is, in principle, a faithful person, even if he goes rogue, he will remain in the family.

Elisha is a man of creative professions. Career and business are not for him. He can't be a leader. He has a great sense of female nature. He can be an excellent designer of women's clothing and lingerie. This name also gives a penchant for poetry, painting, and music.


This name develops high emotionality and temper in a man. As quickly as it explodes, it cools down just as quickly. His energy fuse is small.

With such a character, it is difficult for him to make a career, it is difficult to run a business, it is difficult to achieve his goals.

He will also most likely have problems in his family life. Although, with a high probability, this is a sensitive person, capable of giving moments of love to his beloved.

A man named Hakim can be a shepherd, a singer, a dancer. Monotonous work on a conveyor belt is not for him. Military professions and leadership positions are also not for him. Drill, discipline, responsibility will exhaust him.

This name does not provide purposefulness and breakthrough qualities that contribute to success in society.

Hakim is not the best name for a man.


This name is weak, its energy is formless. Narcissism gives. A woman with this name is completely fixated on herself. She wants to live in comfort, warmth and coziness. At the same time, she should not be touched, forced, or even asked to do anything.

This name promotes great laziness, and in no way does not contribute to career growth, material well-being and family creation. Good for an energy vampire.


A woman with this name will often be kicked out of work. She will struggle in life - no career, no personal life. She will try her best to please her superiors and men, but they will get rid of her like an annoying puppy.

This name carries such vibrations that, on the one hand, a person tries to be decent, kind, caring, gentle, and on the other hand, they treat him as something very annoying and do not want to maintain a long, close relationship with him. People simply cannot stand the excessive affection of a woman named Dora.

It is difficult for a person with this name to live in the material world. But through suffering, through some rejection, a colossal development of the human soul occurs. Few women can go through such trials. This is practically a holy path.

Dora is a good friend and comrade, but few will marry her. Most people are not ready to accept it.

The name Dora implies heavy relationship karma.


A woman named Stefania will suffer and endure a lot in life. This will give her soul a lot of wisdom and teach her to appreciate the people who are nearby.

A woman named Stefania will have a man. But he will have to endure her lifestyle next to her, because she will try to take care not only of him and her family, but also of everyone in need of help. Not every man can handle this.

The name Stefania is sacrificial.

There are other names with which it is difficult to make a career and do business.

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our email address: [email protected]

At the time of writing and publishing each of our articles, there is nothing like this freely available on the Internet. Any of our information products is our intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and publication of them on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation of copyright and is punishable by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any materials from the site, a link to the authors and site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid – required.

Names with which it is difficult to make a career and do business


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magic forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for performing magic rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in written form, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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