Story. History of the Pyaterochka company, who owns the retail chain Owner of the Pyaterochka retail chain

When studying information regarding some companies, you may be surprised at how amazing facts are revealed to inquisitive minds. Let's consider the data of the largest network Pyaterochka, history, structure.

The Pyaterochka trading company rightfully enjoys the active attention of customers in the cities of the vast country. The public delves more into information concerning the company's owners, strategy and directions of its development. The promotion of the supermarket chain affected not only the rapid increase in points of sale. The opening of the 10,000th store was recently celebrated.

Pyaterochka 10,000 stores throughout Russia

The company's growth is gaining such momentum, more than 10,000 supermarkets have already opened. Following the celebration, various constituent entities of the Russian Federation participated in symbolic events. At the same time, 12 more Pyaterochka brand outlets opened. As many as 12 million people gained the opportunity to use bonus cards on the occasion of the launch of the promotional program. If we take an analysis of purchases made across the country, about 30% of the total number of sales were made with the participation of bonus cards. The company has developed a project for issuing VISA debit cards together with Pochta Bank. Regular clients visit a banking institution with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Filling out the application allows 5-terochka clients to receive a special card that gives them the opportunity to make purchases with good conditions for accruing prize bonuses. The points you receive can then be spent in the store. 500 accumulated points are 50 Russian rubles.

Trademark "Pyaterochka"

The name of the supermarkets Pyaterochka is a trademark. The corporation owns many other networks: Perekrestok, Karusel. More than 15 thousand items are included in the company’s price list. The area of ​​hypermarkets reaches 7 thousand sq.m. The owners of the company provide the opportunity to cooperate on the terms of carrying out activities under the official name of the stores. On average, more than 2,000 new sales departments are opened throughout Russia per year.

Readers often ask the question: whose store is the accessory? The owners of the largest corporation are X5 Retail Group. Legal information about the corporation is located on the official website on the World Wide Web. The Regulations are publicly available, but are written entirely in English. There are various aspects of carrying out an activity. There is a code regulating corporate management. The postulates of the code are focused on the Dutch business model. Knowing the information offered for consideration, it becomes clearer whose stores these are.

The structure of the company

It is simply not possible to understand the structure of the company. The legal model contained in the statutory documents is referred to as NV. The abbreviation is a unique form of partnership similar to domestic LLC, OJSC. The translation of the abbreviation indicates the existence of an unnamed partnership. Similar forms of doing business are typical for foreign countries: Belgium, Aruba. Regarding the company in question, we note that the location of the main headquarters is Amsterdam. The Charter allows for the possibility of creating other branches abroad.

Having received the above information, we can conclude about the further rapid development of the company.

Share capital structure of X5 Retail Group

The structure of the authorized capital is differentiated. This legal form presupposes the presence of unknown shareholders. A complete list of names is not publicly available. Share capital participates in a two-level management system. The first stage is the Supervisory Board, the second is management itself. The main management and the final word regarding resolution of issues belongs to the Supervisory Board. Stephane Ducharme is the chairman of the board of a foreign corporation.

There is a statutory council consisting of 8 people. The names of the people on the council are not fully known. Information regarding foreign membership of the council is being made public. The remaining participants are the so-called members of the Supervisory Board. One of the eight chapters is Mikhail Fridman. The individual is known for owning Alfa Group. At first glance, one can be glad that a compatriot is on the board of the company. But in addition to Russian citizenship, the person is a citizen of Israel. The remaining 4 people are less known, there is no information regarding the presence of dual citizenship.

Owner of the Pyaterochka retail chain

Whose Pyaterochka is it anyway? The Pyaterochka brand has 2 owners: Andrey Vladimirovich Rogachev and Alexander Vladimirovich Girda. Complete information about these people is available on Internet portals, including the famous resource Wikipedia.

Network of "Russian Supermarkets"

As it became clear from the information described, the stores are Russian - the management is foreign. At first glance, everything may seem fine. Jobs are created, taxes are paid on time: conditions suit all participants in the country’s economy. But as practice shows, it is not so easy for manufacturers to promote their products to supermarket shelves. Which items are among the lucky ones that receive a guaranteed sales market, and which are not, is decided by foreign management.


The company was founded in the Northern Capital in 1999. It is not difficult to guess that the direction of development was aimed at Moscow and the region. Successful development took place after 2 years. In 2006, through the merger of the chain with the Perekrestok brand, the X5 Retail Group corporation began a happy life.

Presence abroad

Regarding the presence of stores abroad, it is important to mention the existence of a franchise. If solvent founders are ready to open a business in the chosen area, a franchise is purchased and a partnership is formed. In 2004, based on this partnership method, the network expanded. Stores opened in Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

Who is the owner of the Pyaterochka chain of stores?

    The owners of the Pyatrochka retail chain are several major entrepreneurs, their names:

    1. Mikhail Fridman.
    2. Herman Hana.
    3. Alexey Kuzmichev. These entrepreneurs are the largest in terms of the number of packages they own, and there are also several more people.

    This company is also the owner of such retail chain stores as Karusel, Perekrestok and Kopeika.

    The owner of the Pyatrochka retail chain is the retail company X5 Retail Group. The company is Russian, but was registered in the Netherlands. In addition to the Pyatrochka chain, this company is the owner of such retail chains as Kopeika, Karusel, and Perekrestok. The holders of the largest block of shares in X5 Retail Group are Mikhail Fridman(Russian large entrepreneur), German Hana and Alexey Kuzmichev(Russian entrepreneurs).

    Of all the contenders, Mikhail Fridman can be considered the owner. At least he has the largest stake in the Alfa Group company. Why Alfa Group? Various sources write that the Pyatrochka chain of stores is owned by X5 Retail Group. And the main stake in this company belongs to Alfa Group. It turns out, whatever one may say, if Mr. Friedman has the largest block of shares, then he is the owner.

    The owner of Pyaterochka is X5 Retail Group. It would be wrong to single out one owner, despite the fact that the maximum stake belongs to Mikhail Fridman; the company also has other shareholders.

    The Pyatrochka supermarket chain has been known to us for a long time, since it has been on the market since nineteen ninety-eight. The prices in the store are moderate, which is one of the most competitive factors.

    The owner of the chain of these stores is:

    The parent company of the Pyaterochka chain of stores is X5 Retail Group. Its founder is A.V. Rogachev.

    In 1999, on February 15, the first store from this chain was opened in St. Petersburg, and then there was active expansion and takeover of the territory. The majority of the company's shares belong to the following entrepreneurs:

    Mikhail Fridman, German Khan and Alexey Kuzmichev.

    Pyaterochka is managed by X5 Retail Group.

    The largest stake in the X5 joint stock company (almost 50%) is held by the co-owners of Alfa Group: Mikhail Fridman (maximum stake), German Khan and Alexey Kuzmichv.

    The official owner of the Pyatrochka retail chain, as well as Perekrstok, Karusel, Kopeika, is a Russian retail company X5 Retail Group. Founded in 2006 year. In December 2008, the company received government support during the crisis.

    Company type: public

    Location: Moscow

    Industry: retail

    Turnover:$16.8 billion per year

    The number of employees: 109,000 people

    Official site: X5 Retail Group

    If you ask yourself this question and start looking for the owner who owns the Pyaterochka chain of stores, you can get confused. In fact, this chain belongs to the company (and not to a specific person) X5 Retail Group, as well as the Karusel and Perekrestok hypermarket chain.

    There are also several owners of this company, but the main stake belongs again to the owners of another organization called Alfa Group.

    The owner of the Pyaterochka retail chain is X5 Retail Group. This is a Russian company, the main shares of which belong to Mikhail Fridman. Despite his last name, he is Russian. In addition to Pyaterochka, they own such retail chains as Kopeika, Karusel, and Perekrestok.

    Pyaterochka is owned by X5 Retail Group. X5 Retail Group has several owners - the largest block of shares is owned by Alfa Group shareholders, and Mikhail Fridman has the largest number of shares. There are also other owners - German Khan, Alexey Kuzmichv, Alexander Kosyanenko, Lev Khasis, Alexey Reznikovich. The first founders of Pyatrochka, Andrei Rogachva, Alexander Girda, Tatyana Franus, and Igor Vidyaev, also have shares.

Humanity lives in myths. There are global myths, there are historical ones, there are scientific ones, and there are political ones.

One of these myths is that Russia is an independent state. In the military sphere, this thesis can still be accepted, but in the economy we are very dependent on the West.

Let's look at a simple and clear example that most of you visit regularly. This is the Pyaterochka chain of stores. What is "Pyaterochka"?

As written on the website of this company, the network currently (as of March 31, 2017) includes 9,002 stores. This is truly the largest retail chain in the country. It feels like Pyaterochka supermarkets are everywhere. In a small town or area of ​​a large city there may be several of them. Sometimes shops are even located in neighboring buildings.

Pyaterochka 10,000 stores throughout Russia

The Pyaterochka supermarket celebrates its 10,000th birthday. In honor of this event, 12 new supermarkets were opened simultaneously in different cities of Russia.

As a result of the pilot launch, more than 12 million Pyaterochka customers received loyalty cards and began using them, about 7 million activated the cards by filling out a form on the website. To date, about 30% of purchases in regions where the loyalty program has been launched are made using the “Vyruchai Card”. According to the company's preliminary assessment, after the deployment of the loyalty program across its entire retail network participants can become up to 30 million customers throughout Russia, that is, every second store visitor will have a Pyaterochka customer card.

Trademark "Pyaterochka"

The Pyaterochka trademark belongs to a company with the foreign name X5 Retail Group. It turns out that the same corporation owns the Perekrestok chain of stores, of which there are 544 in our country (as of the same date). X5 also owns the Karusel hypermarket chain. These are huge stores with more than 15,000 items of goods. The trading area of ​​hypermarkets ranges from 2500 to 7000 sq.m. At the end of March 2017, 99 such “points” were operating.

That is, the X5 RG company owns 9,645 stores. And when you read these lines, this figure will probably increase even more. It is clear that not all of them are owned by her; they mostly operate as a franchise. This is a situation where a large corporation allows you to work under its name and on its own terms. Apparently, the conditions are good, because the mentioned stores are opening one after another. As of June 30, 2016, there were 7,746 of them, that is, almost 2,000 more were opened in nine months.

But who owns such a large company? If you go to the website and open the “Regulatory Documents” section, you will find that the information is presented in English. The organization's charter, regulations on the Supervisory Board, various codes of conduct, and so on - all in English. Moreover, there is a Dutch code of corporate management there.

If you read the company's articles of association, it begins with the words: “The undersigned civil law notary practicing in Amsterdam certifies as to the accuracy of the information of this public limited liability company located in Amsterdam.”

The paragraph “Name and location” of the second article of the charter states that the legal form of the company is NV, which stands for “unnamed partnership.” Such OPF of commercial enterprises is found in the Netherlands, Belgium, Aruba, Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles. The abbreviation NV indicates that the organization's shareholders are often unknown.

The structure of the company

Now let's look at the management structure. This corporation has a two-level management system, namely: the Supervisory Board and Management. That is, the Supervisory Board is more important than Management. The council consists of eight people. The chairman of the board, that is, the first person in the company, is called Stéphane Ducharme. Two more people have clearly foreign names and surnames, and together with Ducharme they occupy key positions in the organization. All the rest are simply members of the Supervisory Board.

Among these eight individuals is billionaire Mikhail Fridman, who, in particular, owns Alfa Group. But he is a citizen not only of Russia, but also of Israel, as is written about even in Wikipedia. As for the remaining four people, there is no information about whether they are citizens of Russia only.

According to the website, the largest share of share capital belongs to the Alfa Group consortium of Friedman - almost 48%. A separate article can be written about Alfa Group and Alfa Bank, but let’s briefly say that Alfa Bank is also a foreign company.

Network of "Russian Supermarkets"

So, it turns out that the chain of supposedly Russian supermarkets Pyaterochka and Perekrestok, as well as Karusel hypermarkets, is owned and managed by foreigners. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this. After all, the company creates jobs and pays taxes. It’s good for people, it’s good for companies, it’s good for the state. But this is only on one side, but what about the rest?

  • First: despite the large size of the X 5 Retail Group trading network, not all manufacturers’ products end up on the shelves of Perekrestok, Pyaterochka and Karusel. The network itself decides whose products it will sell. For any manufacturer, supplying its products to a distribution network owned by X5 RG is a guaranteed sale. If you get there, it means they will definitely buy it. And the enterprise will definitely work. That is, the distribution network influences the producers of goods: I will buy from this one, but I won’t buy from this one.

But by what criteria do they decide, besides quality, price, demand? There are many other things that appear here: belonging to clans, banking groups, foreign capital. But this is a company from Holland, why should it care about Russian manufacturers?

  • Second: a large retail chain can control retail prices if it reaches an agreement with other large chains (and there are only a few of them). That is, together you can make very good money. This is called "oligarchic collusion." This happened, for example, with the prices of buckwheat, which unexpectedly tripled in price. And people bought because there was nowhere to go. And this is not a conspiracy, but just business.

But to whom is business, and to whom is the opportunity to manage people. If food prices in stores rise sharply, this will cause a wave of popular discontent, which can be used, for example, before elections. The owners of the retail chain may not want to do this, but the company is foreign, and the leverage over it is also located abroad. Considering the current tense relations with the West, you never know how things might turn out. The threat to sharply raise prices in almost 10,000 stores and hypermarkets is a serious card in the political game.

So, dear Russian gentlemen, when you next go to Carousel, Perekrestok or Pyaterochka, know that you are going to make purchases from a foreign company. And, most likely, you pay there with a bank card of the American payment system Visa or MasterCard, even if this card was issued by a Russian bank.

I wonder if the hyper-patriots who start getting nervous twitches when they see the Apple or McDonald’s logo think about this? The fact that the name of the store is written in Russian does not mean that it belongs to the Russian state. But people see the sign and calm down. This is ours, Russian. This means our power is getting stronger, both militarily and economically.

But in reality, the company is foreign, the main capital is foreign, it is managed by foreigners or, at best, holders of Russian citizenship and one or three more passports. And the overwhelming majority of the population will not even think that their native Pyaterochka, where they shop every day, is a store of a foreign corporation.

Let them go and buy more for themselves, thinking that Russia is an independent state that arose from the ruins of the self-collapsed Soviet Union. Why do you need to know that all large and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation belong to foreigners? After all, bad suspicions will begin to appear. Let them continue to bring profit to the Dutch company by shopping in its stores.

And so that it is not offensive to those of you who make purchases not in the stores mentioned here, but, for example, in Auchan, Magnit, Kopeyka, Metro, Lenta, Provianta and so on, then let’s say that they, too, are all owned by foreigners or registered in offshore companies.

More than 47% of the voting shares of one of the largest private holdings in the Russian Federation, X5 Retail Group, belongs to the owners of CTF Holdings S.A., which is part of the Alfa Group consortium, uniting the financial portfolios of independent leading companies in their industries.


According to official information about one "At Home", the owner of Pyaterochka is X5 Retail Group - a multi-format private holding of retail retailers.

For reference! In addition to Pyaterochka, the holding manages stores under the Perekrestok and Karusel brands.

Data on the distribution of the holding's share capital among shareholders:

Something to keep in mind! The consortium itself is not a legal entity.

The main owners of the organization CTF Holdings S.A, which exercises full control over the company's activities, are (information on the distribution of voting shares between the company's participants is not officially disclosed in the public domain):

Retail network management structure

In October 2018, the 13,000th grocery store was opened in the Russian Federation. Business development is impossible without a well-developed management strategy of the owner of Pyaterochka - the management company X5 Retail Group.

In accordance with the internal regulations, the following corporate governance bodies operate in X5 Retail Group:

  1. General meeting of shareholders: the highest authority in the holding, which is of key importance in making decisions on the main issues of the company’s activities and further development. The general meeting is held annually to discuss the performance of the past year. In addition, meetings of shareholders are held as required.
  2. Supervisory Board - performs a supervisory function over the work of the company's management and participates in making fundamental decisions in the activities of the holding. Elected by the general meeting of shareholders (in 2018, the council includes 8 members). The current chairman is Stéphane Ducharme.

    The Council has also created special committees to solve specific problems:
    - to audit the activities of the organization, assess its financial condition;
    - selecting senior management and monitoring the bonus system for management personnel;
    - for interaction between related parties;
    - to develop a long-term strategy and control over its implementation.

  3. Management is the executive body responsible for the operational management of the company's business activities. The holding's chief executive officer is Igor Shekhterman.

The distribution of management tasks between councils and operational committees is enshrined in the organization’s Charter, and is also approved by internal orders.

Humanity lives in myths. There are global myths, there are historical ones, there are scientific ones, and there are political ones.

One of these myths is that Russia is an independent state. In the military sphere, this thesis can still be accepted, but in the economy we are very dependent on the West.

Let's look at a simple and clear example that most of you visit regularly. This is the Pyaterochka chain of stores. What is "Pyaterochka"?

As written on the website of this company, the network currently (as of March 31, 2017) includes 9,002 stores. This is truly the largest retail chain in the country. It feels like Pyaterochka supermarkets are everywhere. In a small town or area of ​​a large city there may be several of them. Sometimes shops are even located in neighboring buildings.

Pyaterochka 10,000 stores throughout Russia

The Pyaterochka supermarket celebrates its 10,000th birthday. In honor of this event, 12 new supermarkets were opened simultaneously in different cities of Russia.

As a result of the pilot launch, more than 12 million Pyaterochka customers received loyalty cards and began using them, about 7 million activated the cards by filling out a form on the website. To date, about 30% of purchases in regions where the loyalty program has been launched are made using the “Vyruchai Card”. According to the company's preliminary assessment, after the deployment of the loyalty program across its entire retail network participants can become up to 30 million customers throughout Russia, that is, every second store visitor will have a Pyaterochka customer card.

Trademark "Pyaterochka"

The Pyaterochka trademark belongs to a company with the foreign name X5 Retail Group. It turns out that the same corporation owns the Perekrestok chain of stores, of which there are 544 in our country (as of the same date). X5 also owns the Karusel hypermarket chain. These are huge stores with more than 15,000 items of goods. The trading area of ​​hypermarkets ranges from 2500 to 7000 sq.m. At the end of March 2017, 99 such “points” were operating.

That is, the X5 RG company owns 9,645 stores. And when you read these lines, this figure will probably increase even more. It is clear that not all of them are owned by her; they mostly operate as a franchise. This is a situation where a large corporation allows you to work under its name and on its own terms. Apparently, the conditions are good, because the mentioned stores are opening one after another. As of June 30, 2016, there were 7,746 of them, that is, almost 2,000 more were opened in nine months.

But who owns such a large company? If you go to the website and open the “Regulatory Documents” section, you will find that the information is presented in English. The organization's charter, regulations on the Supervisory Board, various codes of conduct, and so on - all in English. Moreover, there is a Dutch code of corporate management there.

If you read the company's articles of association, it begins with the words: “The undersigned civil law notary practicing in Amsterdam certifies as to the accuracy of the information of this public limited liability company located in Amsterdam.”

The paragraph “Name and location” of the second article of the charter states that the legal form of the company is NV, which stands for “unnamed partnership.” Such OPF of commercial enterprises is found in the Netherlands, Belgium, Aruba, Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles. The abbreviation NV indicates that the organization's shareholders are often unknown.

The structure of the company

Now let's look at the management structure. This corporation has a two-level management system, namely: the Supervisory Board and Management. That is, the Supervisory Board is more important than Management. The council consists of eight people. The chairman of the board, that is, the first person in the company, is called Stéphane Ducharme. Two more people have clearly foreign names and surnames, and together with Ducharme they occupy key positions in the organization. All the rest are simply members of the Supervisory Board.

Among these eight individuals is billionaire Mikhail Fridman, who, in particular, owns Alfa Group. But he is a citizen not only of Russia, but also of Israel, as is written about even in Wikipedia. As for the remaining four people, there is no information about whether they are citizens of Russia only.

According to the website, the largest share of share capital belongs to the Alfa Group consortium of Friedman - almost 48%. A separate article can be written about Alfa Group and Alfa Bank, but let’s briefly say that Alfa Bank is also a foreign company.

Network of "Russian Supermarkets"

So, it turns out that the chain of supposedly Russian supermarkets Pyaterochka and Perekrestok, as well as Karusel hypermarkets, is owned and managed by foreigners. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this. After all, the company creates jobs and pays taxes. It’s good for people, it’s good for companies, it’s good for the state. But this is only on one side, but what about the rest?

  • First: despite the large size of the X 5 Retail Group trading network, not all manufacturers’ products end up on the shelves of Perekrestok, Pyaterochka and Karusel. The network itself decides whose products it will sell. For any manufacturer, supplying its products to a distribution network owned by X5 RG is a guaranteed sale. If you get there, it means they will definitely buy it. And the enterprise will definitely work. That is, the distribution network influences the producers of goods: I will buy from this one, but I won’t buy from this one.

But by what criteria do they decide, besides quality, price, demand? There are many other things that appear here: belonging to clans, banking groups, foreign capital. But this is a company from Holland, why should it care about Russian manufacturers?

  • Second: a large retail chain can control retail prices if it reaches an agreement with other large chains (and there are only a few of them). That is, together you can make very good money. This is called "oligarchic collusion." This happened, for example, with the prices of buckwheat, which unexpectedly tripled in price. And people bought because there was nowhere to go. And this is not a conspiracy, but just business.

But to whom is business, and to whom is the opportunity to manage people. If food prices in stores rise sharply, this will cause a wave of popular discontent, which can be used, for example, before elections. The owners of the retail chain may not want to do this, but the company is foreign, and the leverage over it is also located abroad. Considering the current tense relations with the West, you never know how things might turn out. The threat to sharply raise prices in almost 10,000 stores and hypermarkets is a serious card in the political game.

So, dear Russian gentlemen, when you next go to Carousel, Perekrestok or Pyaterochka, know that you are going to make purchases from a foreign company. And, most likely, you pay there with a bank card of the American payment system Visa or MasterCard, even if this card was issued by a Russian bank.

I wonder if the hyper-patriots who start getting nervous twitches when they see the Apple or McDonald’s logo think about this? The fact that the name of the store is written in Russian does not mean that it belongs to the Russian state. But people see the sign and calm down. This is ours, Russian. This means our power is getting stronger, both militarily and economically.

But in reality, the company is foreign, the main capital is foreign, it is managed by foreigners or, at best, holders of Russian citizenship and one or three more passports. And the overwhelming majority of the population will not even think that their native Pyaterochka, where they shop every day, is a store of a foreign corporation.

Let them go and buy more for themselves, thinking that Russia is an independent state that arose from the ruins of the self-collapsed Soviet Union. Why do you need to know that all large and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation belong to foreigners? After all, bad suspicions will begin to appear. Let them continue to bring profit to the Dutch company by shopping in its stores.

And so that it is not offensive to those of you who make purchases not in the stores mentioned here, but, for example, in Auchan, Magnit, Kopeyka, Metro, Lenta, Provianta and so on, then let’s say that they, too, are all owned by foreigners or registered in offshore companies.


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