Suleiman Kerimov's son. Said Kerimov renounces his father. Work history: where do the children of billionaires work?

Said Suleymanovich Kerimov— Russian businessman, director.

The son of an entrepreneur, Senator of the Republic of Dagestan Suleiman Abuseidovich Kerimov. Zodiac sign - Cancer.

Said Kerimov was born July 6, 1995 in Moscow and belongs to generation Z. Lezgin by nationality. Graduated from the Faculty of International Business and Business Administration at MGIMO.

His mother, Firuza Nazimovna Karimova, is actively involved in charity work in her home in Dagestan, which supports cultural and educational projects.

Father - Suleiman Kerimov - public figure, member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, senator, philanthropist.

The Arabic name Said means "happy". People with this name feel the need to dominate always and in everything. He said he got the best from his father - impeccable manners and ironclad business. Already during his student years he began to engage in business. His biggest project during this period was the acquisition of the Kino Park cinema chain from Russian businessman Vladimir Olegovich Potanin.

The deal was closed in 2014 and was valued at $300. - 400 million. In 2017, Kerimov sold the oligarchs’ funds to businessmen, financiers and the media, Mayot Alexander Mammoth.

In April 2015, the businessman became one of the largest Russian mining companies, OJSC Polyus, and since 2016 he has also been a member of the board of directors of this company. In January 2017, the gold miner received a license to develop the largest Russian gold deposit, Sukhoi Log.

In 2017, Said Kerimov became the main owner of Makhachkala International Airport.

On January 11, 2017, 99.5% of Grandeco's shares owning the airport were re-registered. When he started working, he began to actively develop passenger transport.

Recently S.S. Kerim is interested in investing in high technology and information technology. In May 2017, Kerimov's Air Cinema LLC agreed with FAS to buy a 51% stake in the engineering company Elteh SPB among its clients, whose large state-owned companies such as Aeroflot, Rusnano and Roscosmos.

Kerimov’s structure plans to enter Eltech SPb as a strategic investor.

Rules of procedure lead to a non-public lifestyle. He has not yet seen secular parties or political debates, and his social media profile is protected by privacy settings.

He said that Kerim's marital status is not married.

In the photo: Suleiman Kerimov with his wife (left), his child and his mother.

Company characteristics

PJSC Polyus

PJSC Polyus(formerly Polus Gold International Limited, Polyus Gold) is the largest gold producer in Russia and one of the world's ten largest mining companies, whose production costs are among the lowest in the world.

The headquarters is located in Moscow.

Polyus has the world's second largest gold reserves (internationally classified proven and probable reserves of 71 million ounces) - the basis for sustainable production growth. As of December 31, 2016, Polyus proved that probable reserves amounted to 2,208 tons.

Large companies are located in the Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk and Magadan regions, as well as in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and include 5 mining enterprises, sales stores and numerous construction and development projects.

Since November 2014, Pavel Graviev, general director of the company (previously occupied by Fedor Kirsanov, German Peacham and Mikhail Prokhorov).

Chairman of the Board is Edward Dowling.

The company employs approximately 18,000 people.

Makhachkala Airport

Makhachkala International Airport (Uytash), named after the two-time hero of the Soviet Union Amet Khan Sultan, is an airport with federal significance in the city of Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan; the main airport of the republic.

The oldest air carrier in Dagestan. The airport was founded on February 3, 1927 as a “flight station” on the Moscow-Kharkov-Rostov-Tiflis route.

After reconstruction in 2014 at the airport in the technical center of such large aircraft as Airbus A318 / 319/320/321, Boeing 737, Boeing 757, Sukhoi SuperJet 100, RU-148, Tu-134, Tu-154, Tu 204 / 214 , Yak-40, Yak-42.

The airport is suitable for the transportation of Boeing-767-200, Boeing-767-200ER, Boeing-767-300 and Boeing-767-300ER aircraft, as well as Airbus A-330-200 and their modifications. It accepts all types of helicopters. Classification Planting Trail Number (PCN), 52 / R / C / B / T.

Air Cinema LLC

Limited Liability Company "Aerial Cinema"— full-length organization, series, advertising and digital content.

The company's history began with aerial photography, but now management and production teams work in many other areas: shooting video using a wide range of used equipment: helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, vehicles [sl], snowmobiles, ATVs and thus stabilization systems.

Using the latest premium 4K and Ultra-HD video cameras, it is delivered in the highest quality. The entire service cycle from script to editing and color correction.

Eltech SPb

ELTECH Company— organization of construction projects, one of the largest Russian engineering centers, which carries out technologically complex complex projects for industrial enterprises and research centers.

It was founded in 2005 as a business project for young entrepreneurs - graduate students of the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after. IN AND. Ulyanov (Lenin).

As part of the project, the company can act as a contractor for individual tasks and carry out a full range of turnkey sections: from conducting a technological audit of an investment project and solving business plans to launching industrial facilities.

The company is an expert in international technology transfer, which allows the company's experts to offer clients from all over the world.

Based on the best practices of leading Russian universities, research institutes, foreign R&D centers and partner companies, we offer the most optimal and effective technological solutions.

Significant experience in the Russian market, which attracted many partners, allowed the company to develop and implement its own model for creating industries in the high-tech industry.

Since 2008, ELTECH has been actively working on a number of federal target programs:

  • Development of electronic components and radio electronics for the period 2008-2015;
  • New nuclear energy technologies of a new generation for the period 2010-2015 and for the future by 2020.

Today ELTECH is one of the largest engineering centers that carry out technologically complex projects both in the EPCM model and in some segments of the reconstruction and modernization of high-tech facilities.

The company employs about 500 highly qualified specialists, of which 80% are engineering and technical experts.

  • Take a look at other famous historical people named Said.
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  • The secret of the name is Said.
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  • The description of a male name is a middle name with a C (and female).
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  • 100 most common Russian names.
  • 250 of all Russian names.
  • The 100 most common names from the United States.
  • And explain the letters of the name in the development of the Russian astrologer astrology(From the Greek astron - star and logo - word, teaching) - the doctrine of the influence of celestial bodies on the earth and man (his temperament, character, actions in the future), which was determined by the visible movement in the celestial sphere and the relative position of the stars (constellation) in this time (see


    Astrology comes from antiquity (Babylonian temple astrology and others), closely associated with astral cultures and astral mythology. It became widespread in the Roman Empire (the first horoscopes were at the turn of the 2nd-1st centuries before our count).

    Christianity worked as a critique of astrology as a kind of pagan fatalism. Arabic astrology, which reached significant development in the 9th-10th centuries, penetrated into Europe from the 12th century, where astrology had an influence in the mid-17th century, and then moved with the spread of a naturalistic image of the world.

    A revival of interest in astrology occurred after the First World War, the emergence of astrology associated with subtle cosmic and biocosmic rhythms,

    etc. Since the mid-20th century, astrology has become popular again. Felix Kazimirovich Velichko.

Suleymanov Karim Suleymanovich

Karim Suleymanovich, the first Uzbek professor-dermatovenereologist, was born in 1923 in Tashkent, from a nurse to a professor.

In 1944, he graduated from the medical faculty of the Tashkent Medical Institute and remained a graduate student in the department of skin diseases. In 1948 he defended his thesis “Treatment of acute male gonorrhea with penicillin” from 1948 to 1949

He was a senior researcher at the gonorrheal department of the Uzbek Institute of Dermatology and Venereology, from 1949 to 1959 - an assistant at the Department of Skin Diseases of the Tashkent Medical Institute, from 1954 to 1957 - a doctoral student at the Department of Skin and Sexual Diseases of the First Leningrad Medical Institute.

In 1967 I.P. Pavlov defended his doctoral dissertation “Materials for pathogenetic therapy and prevention of erythematous lupus.”

In 1959, K. Suleymanov was elected head of the department of skin and sexual diseases of the Samarkand Medical Institute, where he worked for 13 years, was the dean of the Institute, and from 1969 to 1972 - the dean of the medical faculty of the Samarkand Medical Institute.

In 1972, he became head of the department of skin and sexually transmitted infections at the Central Asian Institute of Pediatric Medicine (later Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute).

Karim Suleymanovich provided his wealth of experience to students, doctors and actively participated in the training of scientific personnel.

The Deputy President of the Republican Society, together with extensive pedagogical and therapeutic work, was a dermatologist, a member of the Scientific Council of the Uzbek Institute of Dermatology and Venereology, a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Dermatology and Venereology and the Medical Journal of Uzbekistan.

Suleimanovich Karim received the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”, the medal “Veteran for Work”, the badge “excellent health”, as well as a number of certificates of honor.

A representative of the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation was expelled from the Polyus ownership structure.

The failed major deal for the sale of a 10% stake in the largest Russian gold miner Polyus to the Chinese company Fosun, which was reported yesterday by the Ruspres agency, led to a change of ownership of the company. The Swiss PG Trust, whose protector was Philipp Studhalter, who was on the board of directors of the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation together with his relative Alexander Studhalter, who was arrested in France, was removed from the chain of ownership. Alexander Studhalter was arrested by French authorities on suspicion of tax laundering while purchasing villas for Russian senator Suleiman Kerimov. Thus, the owner of Polyus, Said Kerimov, is trying to distance himself from his father, who is now under house arrest in France. The connection with Suleiman Kerimov scares investors away from Polyus and leads to a fall in its shares.

PJSC Polyus announced that the Swiss PG Trust and Allclear Services Ltd, Counselor Trust Reg (Liechtenstein), as well as Philipp Studhalter were excluded from the list of affiliates in December 2017 as part of the disclosure of information based on the results of the fourth quarter. All three foreign companies and Mr. Studhalter became affiliates of Polyus in January 2016, when Said Kerimov consolidated the Jersey-based Polyus Gold International Limited (PGIL, owns 82.44% of PJSC), which was previously the public parent structure of the group.

The ownership structure of Polyus by Said Kerimov was not publicly disclosed. From the materials of PGIL and related structures, it followed that PGIL shares were owned by Cypriot Wandle Holdings Ltd and its subsidiary Sacturino Ltd (liquidated in March 2017). Wandle was owned by Allclear Services Ltd of the British Virgin Islands (BVI), with the ultimate shareholder being the PG Trust. A Kommersant source familiar with the situation says that PG Trust directly owned Allclear (BVI), and the protector of the trust was Philipp Studhalter. He has been on the board of directors of the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation (Switzerland) since its founding in 2007, according to the reports of the fund, which was a shareholder of PGIL in 2013-2016.

According to the Cyprus registry, Said Kerimov became a shareholder of Wandle in early December 2017. Allclear (BVI) was liquidated a little earlier, followed by PG Trust, says a source familiar with the situation. These events occurred after the arrest of Suleiman Kerimov in Nice on November 20, 2017 on charges of tax evasion when purchasing real estate and money laundering. The senator’s longtime acquaintance and partner, Alexander Studkhalter, the permanent president of the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation, is involved in the same case. Suleiman Kerimov was released on €40 million bail with a ban on leaving Nice; Alexander Studhalter was arrested on January 15.

Earlier, the Ruspres agency reported that Said Kerimov continues to withdraw family capital from Russia. After his father’s arrest, Kerimov Jr. renamed London-based Polyus Gold to Nugget Capital, declaring separate investments from Kerimov Sr. in gold mining around the world. The Telegram channel “Cello Case” indicates that Said Kerimov may be detained in Europe as an accomplice of Suleiman Kerimov in laundering €1 billion. The failed deal to sell Polyus shares to a Chinese investor was supposed to reduce credit debt (primarily to “ Sberbank"), which threatens the bankruptcy of the entire company; moreover, the arrest of Suleiman Kerimov led to the fact that Polyus shares on the stock exchange noticeably fell in price.

Denial of house arrest to Studhalter is a wake-up call for Kerimov

Swiss businessman Alexander Studhalter, whom the Nice prosecutor's office suspects of acting as a “dummy” for the purchase of villas for Suleiman Kerimov, will remain behind bars at least until next week. Studhalter's official representative announced this on Wednesday, January 17, expressing confidence that after the appeal hearing the businessman will return to freedom. A court source said the hearing will take place on Tuesday, January 23.

Alexander Studhalter was sent to a pre-trial detention cell on January 12 after being summoned for questioning by forensic investigator Alexander Julien. Since last year, it was Julien who has been involved in the investigation (opened back in 2015), which, among other things, led to the arrest of Senator Kerimov on November 20 at Nice airport. According to the Swiss newspaper Le Temps, the grounds for sending Studhalter under arrest were discovered “during the analysis of new wiretaps and a study of Internet correspondence.”

In turn, representatives of the Swiss businessman, quoted by Luzerner Zeitung, call it “shocking” that their ward has been behind bars for almost a week, “but has not been heard” by the investigator. “This once again shows that Alexander Studhalter is a victim of this case, in which his reputation is being deliberately damaged.”

The Nice prosecutor's office suspects that four villas on the "billionaire's cape" of Antibes, which are registered in the name of Studhalter, were actually purchased for Kerimov. At the same time, according to Nice prosecutor Jean-Michel Prétre, the documents could have underestimated the real value of the villas by approximately €400 million to reduce the “tax base.” In addition, the prosecutor suspects that the money for the purchase—from €500 to €750 million—was smuggled into France secretly, including in cash (“up to €20 million in a suitcase”).

The newspaper Le Temps reports, citing its source in the investigation, that the issuance of large amounts of cash - "often several million euros" - was carried out in at least two banks in Monaco and one Swiss institution. In addition, this famous Swiss bank made multi-million dollar transfers towards the purchase of the mentioned real estate. According to the newspaper, the bank has been under investigation for several months by Eurojust and the French National Financial Prosecutor's Office. An investigative team from Nice, led by Alexandre Julien, also visited Switzerland “to check financial schemes” that, in their opinion, could be used in the purchase of real estate.

In Switzerland, in Lucerne, the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation is “housed”, under whose management in 2013 the businessman allegedly transferred all his assets. This fund is managed by Alexander Studhalter. The foundation carries out extensive charitable activities - for example, in 2011, according to Le Temps, it allocated half a million Swiss francs to the Zurich Film Festival (ZFF), and this “coincided with the disappearance of a documentary film about Khodorkovsky from the program” (the festival management denied any connection between events).

The foundation's administration council consists of Alexander, Albina and Philipp Studhalter. The latter, according to Swiss media, is mentioned in the Panama Papers dossier along with the name of the Russian senator.

However, as La Tribune de Geneve reminds, not only Studhalter can act as a “custodian” of other people’s money, but also the Russian senator “is himself suspected of being a figurehead” for “transferring” funds from other “clients.” The newspaper calls this scheme poupée russe, that is, “matryoshka.”

As for the fate (in the coming days) of the arrested Alexander Studhalter, the lawyers appealed this decision to the investigative chamber of the Aixan-Provence Court of Appeal, and it will have to make a decision next week. On December 6, the same court considered the appeal of the Nice prosecutor, who demanded that Suleiman Kerimov be returned to prison. But the court left the Russian senator under house arrest, however, increasing the amount of bail from €5 to €40 million. This had to be deposited into the account of the French treasury before January 15. Judging by the fact that there was no information about the new arrest of Suleiman Kerimov, the amount was paid.


Said Suleimanovich Kerimov is a young Russian entrepreneur, the son of a famous businessman, member of the Federation Council from Dagestan Suleiman Kerimov.

Born July 6, 1995. Graduated from the Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO), Faculty of International Business and Business Administration). He studied in the same course as Ilya Medvedev, the son of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

RNT currently does not have sufficient investment attractiveness.

Kerimov Said Suleymanovich

He began to engage in entrepreneurial activity during his student years, investing in various business projects. The first serious investment was the acquisition of the Cinema Park cinema chain from Vladimir Potanin in 2014. The deal was estimated by experts at $300-400 million. After failing to expand the business by purchasing another Formula Kino chain, Said Kerimov sold Cinema Park to Alexander Mamut. However, he did not leave the film industry - the entrepreneur also owns the Air Cinema company.

In 2016, Said and his sister Gulnara joined the board of directors of the largest Russian gold mining company Polyus. The consolidation of Polyus Gold assets by the Kerimov family began in 2009 and by 2015 reached 95% of the shares. In 2016, the companies Wandle Holdings Ltd and Sacturino Ltd controlled by Said Kerimov, with the approval of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, increased the stake to 98% of shares.

Another large asset that belongs to the young businessman is the Makhachkala International Airport, which was previously owned by the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation. In January 2017, 99.5% of the shares of Grandeco LLC, which owns the Dagestan airport, were re-registered to Said Kerimov.

Through Grandeco, Said Kerimov also owns the elite cottage village in the Moscow region Zarechye-Estate, the already mentioned Air Cinema, as well as the National Cinema Network company. The latter manages financial and industrial groups. This summer it became known that the company received permission from the FAS to acquire 51.6% of the shares of Russian Science-Intensive Technologies, which specializes in the development of protective equipment in the field of information security. Later, the National Cinema Network abandoned the deal, citing the lack of investment attractiveness of this market sector.

Instead of cybersecurity, Said Kerimov relied on integrated design for industrial and scientific purposes. In the spring of this year, his company Air Cinema announced its readiness to buy a controlling stake in the engineering company Eltech SPb, which carries out orders for such large structures as Aeroflot, Rusnano and Roscosmos. Analysts, according to whom Eltech SPb acquired a strategic investor in the person of Said Kerimov, estimated the purchase at no less than 80 million rubles.

Little is known about the entrepreneur’s personal life. Despite his young age and high-profile surname, Said Kerimov does not like publicity and may have decided to focus on his career for now.


News and publications concerning Kerimov Said Suleymanovich

Born in 1995


Student at the International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy MGIMO, mastering the specialization “International Business and Business Administration”


At the end of 2014, the student became famous by purchasing Russia's largest cinema chain, Cinema Park, from Vladimir Potanin (No. 1, $15.4 billion) for $300 million.

Moreover, as Vedomosti’s interlocutors insisted, with personal funds.

In April 2015, it became known that the owner of 40.22% of Polyus Gold is not only the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation, but also Said Kerimov personally. The exact distribution of shares was not disclosed.





The company of the son of Senator Kerimov pledged a 17% stake in Polyus

Polyus Gold International Limited (PGIL), owned by the son of the senator from Dagestan Said Kerimov, has pledged a 17% stake in the largest Russian gold miner Polyus, the company reports.

Sanctions against Suleiman Kerimov do not apply to Polyus

The US sanctions in force against Suleiman Kerimov do not apply to Polyus, the company reported.

On April 6, 2018, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated Suleiman Kerimov (father) as a Specially Designated National (SDN) pursuant to Executive Order 13661, dated March 18, 2014. Neither Said Kerimov, nor Polyus Gold International Limited (PGIL), nor PJSC Polyus, nor other companies that Said Kerimov directly or indirectly owns, were included in the list of blocking sanctions as SDN.

After the SPO, Said Kerimov reduced his stake in Polyus to 82.4%

Gold mining company Polyus has published the results of its secondary placement on the London and Moscow exchanges. The share of Said Kerimov's Polyus Gold International Limited (PGIL) registered on the island of Jersey in Polyus after the SPO amounted to 82.44% (before the placement it reached 91.7%).

Said Kerimov's Polyus sold shares to investors for $800 million

Russia's largest gold mining company, Polyus, Said Kerimov managed to convince investors to buy its shares at the lower end of the range ($66.5–70.6 per share), despite weak market conditions

Will Kerimov “ride” on Chemezov?

Said Kerimov’s Polyus company, which is in a difficult situation, unexpectedly acquired a powerful state corporation as a partner. Together with Rostec, the son of Suleiman Kerimov has an almost 100% chance of winning the tender.

In other words, the joint venture was created to participate in the auction for the largest undeveloped gold deposit in Russia, Sukhoi Log. Polyus and Rostec declined to comment.

Vekselberg plans to buy 17.02% of Rusal from Onexim in a month

The deal is planned to be closed within a month, RNS reports. Vekselberg announced this at the investment forum in Sochi. He refused to disclose the amount of the transaction, and the Onexim press service refused to comment at all. Now the cost of the Onexim package is more than $800 million, but the agency’s sources claim that Vekselberg offered a billion for it. Onexim owns 17.02% of the shares of Rusal, Sual Partners of Renova and Leonid Blavatnik - 15.8%.

FederalPress recalls that Said Kerimov was previously considered a contender for purchasing the Onexim stake in Rusal. However, according to media reports, Sual Partners offered more.

PJSC Polyus bought another 2.35% of its shares from its parent company Polyus Gold International Limited

The beneficiaries of Polyus Gold International Limited are the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation established by Suleyman Kerimov, as well as the son of the senator, Said Kerimov.

PJSC Polyus is the largest Russian gold mining company. It develops ore and placer deposits in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk, Magadan and Amur regions, as well as in Yakutia.

Kerimov's twenty-year-old son is thinking about buying out all shares of Polyus Gold

Suleman Kerimov's son Said is thinking about buying out all the shares of the gold mining company Polyus Gold. He currently owns 40.2% of the shares. The purchase of all securities may require $5.4 billion

Work history: where do the children of billionaires work?

Twenty-year-old MGIMO student Said Kerimov is thinking about buying Polyus Gold

The son of businessman Suleiman Kerimov, Said (he is 20 years old), intends to make an offer to the holders of 59.8% of the shares of the gold mining company Polyus Gold and buy securities from them at a price of $2.97 per share, reported Sacturino Limited, owned by Said Kerimov. If the offer is made and all shareholders respond to it, Said Kerimov will have to spend $5.39 billion. Moreover, the entire company is valued at $9 billion (this is 3% higher than the average monthly capitalization), Polyus Gold’s current capitalization on the London Stock Exchange is $8.7 billion

Said Kerimov bought the Cinema Park cinema chain from billionaire Vladimir Potanin for 18 billion rubles

Nineteen-year-old MGIMO student Said Kerimov, who is the son of Federation Council member Suleiman Kerimov, bought the Cinema Park cinema chain from billionaire Vladimir Potanin for 18 billion rubles. This was reported on Thursday, November 13, by the Vedomosti newspaper.

Conflict of interest of the Petrov family

Russian entrepreneurs associated with the civil service often pass the business on to their children. For example, former senator and founder of Mezhprombank Sergei Pugachev told Forbes magazine that in the mid-2000s he transferred the bank to a trust, 81% of which went to his two sons. Co-chairman of Business Russia Boris Titov, when he became a business ombudsman, transferred his 100% of the Abrau-Durso winery to his son Pavel. And in April of this year, Said, the son of Senator from Dagestan Suleiman Kerimov, became one of the beneficiaries of Wandle Holdings Limited, which owns 40.22% of the largest gold mining company Polyus Gold.

Oligarchs 2.0

The son of Senator Suleiman Kerimov is a third-year student at the International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy at MGIMO, mastering the specialization “International Business and Business Administration.” At the end of 2014, the student became famous by purchasing Russia’s largest cinema chain, Cinema Park, from Vladimir Potanin (No. 1, $15.4 billion) for $300 million. Moreover, as Vedomosti’s interlocutors insisted, with personal funds. In April 2015, it became known that the owner of 40.22% of Polyus Gold is not only the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation, but also Said Kerimov personally. The exact distribution of shares was not disclosed.

Ashot Yeghiazaryan pinched Suleiman Kerimov

He refused to say which assets of Kerimov were frozen. A person who has seen the decision of the Cypriot court claims that among them is the Anji football club; the Cinema Park cinema chain (formally its owner is the son of businessman Said Kerimov); stakes in Polyus Gold and companies owning a building on Butikovsky Lane and shares in the Four Seasons Hotel Moscow; as well as the personal property of the businessman. As you know, in 2015, Kerimov took 512th place in the Forbes list of the richest people on the planet and 31st in the ranking of the richest Russians. The magazine estimated his fortune at $3.4 billion, up from $6.9 billion a year earlier. Kerimov’s largest assets are 40.22% of Polyus Gold (through the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation), a share in the Moscow Hotel, part of the Eurasia Tower in Moscow City. Recently, the Kommersant newspaper reported that Kerimov is negotiating the sale of 100,000 sq. m. m of offices in the Eurasia Tower: these areas, according to her information, can be obtained by the VTB Group.

Potanin's ex-wife is counting her husband's money again

In the list of jointly acquired property, Potanin included assets at the beginning of 2007 - it was then, in his opinion, that his family relationship ended. At the same time, by the way, he announced a “divorce” from his longtime companion Mikhail Prokhorov. Business partners divided assets for a whole year, after which Potanin became the sole owner of Interros. Now the investment fund owns 30.27% of Norilsk Nickel, 100% of the Rosa Khutor ski resort, 90% of the pharmaceutical developer NPO Petrovax Pharm, 88% of the developer ProfEstate, 51% of the airport logistics company Interport and 50% of the Internet holding company "Afisha" (the ProfMedia holding was sold to Gazprom-Media in 2014, the Cinema Park cinema chain was sold to the 19-year-old son of billionaire Suleiman Kerimov, Said).

Rich heirs

In 2009, the list of child billionaires changed slightly

Over the year, new offspring have appeared in Russian wealthy families. But this is not why conditional inheritances have decreased significantly. The sharp drop in interest in domestic assets is to blame.

The young son of Suleiman Kerimov buys the largest Russian cinema chain

The largest Russian cinema chain, Cinema Park, is changing its owner. The new owner of the multiplexes will be 19-year-old MGIMO student Said Kerimov, the son of the famous entrepreneur and member of the Federation Council Suleiman Kerimov.

Twitter discusses purchase of Cinema Park

The Runet blogosphere is actively discussing the news about the purchase of the Cinema Park cinema chain by the son of billionaire Suleiman Kerimov, 19-year-old Said Kerimov.

Representatives of Vladimir Potanin's Interros company, which previously owned a chain of cinemas, have already announced the completion of the deal with Said Kerimov.

Said Kerimov bought the Cinema Park cinema chain from Vladimir Potanin

The son of Federation Council member Suleiman Kerimov, Said, agreed with the owner of Interros, Vladimir Potanin, to acquire Cinema Park, the deal is at the final stage, a source close to the senator and an employee of Potanin’s company said.

Denis Baysarov, Said Kerimov and other “eagles”

These “groom lists” also include the name of another wealthy MGIMO student, 20-year-old Said Kerimov. He is the son of businessman and senator from Dagestan Suleiman Kerimov, who ranks 31st on the Russian list of richest people with a capital of $3.4 billion. However, Said himself already has decent capital. He owns, according to Forbes magazine, part of the shares in his father's company Polyus Gold. Of course, with such capital, student Said Kerimov can buy not only textbooks and stationery for his studies. Last year, for example, he became the owner of the Cinema Park cinema chain, which he acquired from the company of billionaire Vladimir Potanin. Experts estimate the transaction value at $300-500 million. Recently, information appeared in the media about Said’s plans to buy another network, Formula Kino, which could cost the student $250-300 million.

Said Kerimov is listed among the main contenders for the cinema network

The owner of Cinema Park, Said Kerimov, may buy another cinema chain. The businessman is negotiating with the investment holding A1 (part of Alfa Group) about the purchase of the Formula Kino cinema chain that he owns. Several market sources reported this to BC. Formula Kino declined to comment on this issue.

Details of the negotiations and terms of the deal are still unknown. According to some sources, the parties are still in the process of discussion, according to others, the deal is already at the final stage and could even receive approval from the Federal Antimonopoly Service. The FAS did not respond to an official request on this topic. The amount for which Formula Kino is being sold is also unknown - the investment holding did not comment to BC. Previously, market experts said that A1 would sell the network only for a good price.

The Kerimov family financed the purchase of the advertising contractor Russian Railways ... close to the former owners of Laysa, one to the new ones. Oversaw the deal Said Kerimov, the son of a billionaire, says one of RBC’s interlocutors. Owners of Vera-Olymp... RBC. Gold and technology Said Kerimov has been involved in the implementation of business projects since 2014. Then, according to Vedomosti, Kerimov Jr., at that time... in the year it was resold to Alexander Mamut. Since April 2016 Said Kerimov is on the board of directors of the gold mining company Polyus, in which he... Kerimov sold 3.84% of Polyus shares for $390 million Polyus Gold International Limited, son of a senator from Dagestan Saida Kerimova sold 3.84% of Polyus for $390 million within... . The selling shareholder will receive about $390 million. The day before, RBC wrote that Kerimov decided to sell 3.5% of the company's secondary shares on the stock exchange. Accommodation... The company of the son of Senator Kerimov pledged a 17% stake in Polyus Belonging to the son of a senator from Dagestan Said Kerimov Polyus Gold International Limited (PGIL) pledged 17% of the shares of the largest... provided the businessman with money for the consolidation of PGIL in 2015. Later Kerimov took out a loan from Sberbank to refinance the debt to VTB. Reported... "Poles". Member of the Federation Council from Dagestan and father of the owner of PGIL Suleiman Kerimov was detained in France in November 2017 on suspicion... Saida Kerimov After the SPO, Said Kerimov reduced his stake in Polyus to 82.4% ... . Share of Jersey-registered Polyus Gold International Limited (PGIL) Saida Kerimova in Polyus after the SPO amounted to 82.44% (before the placement... to investors led by Fosun. It also became known earlier that Kerimov pledged a controlling stake in Polyus. The company does not disclose details of the transaction. Saida Saida Kerimov Half of Polyus's placed securities were bought by investors from the UK ... placed the day before 9% of the shares of the largest gold miner in Russia, the Polyus company Saida Kerimova, was transferred to investors from the UK. Investors from the United States also accepted... $800 million worth of shares in Russia's largest gold mining company Polyus Saida Kerimov was acquired by investors from the UK. This was stated by the director of the department... to be satisfied, noted Aton senior analyst Andrey Lobazov. In May Kerimov agreed to sell to a consortium of Chinese investors led by Fosun Group... Said Kerimov Said Kerimov Said Kerimov invests in an IT contractor for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB ... an important role in creating a system to repel cyber attacks on critical infrastructure. Said Kerimov, the son of billionaire and senator Suleiman Kerimov, decided to enter the market... this company is Grandeco LLC, which, in turn, is controlled Said Kerimov. Other assets of Grandeco include Makhachkala Airport, Zarechye Estate (it... owns an elite cottage community in the Moscow region, where Suleiman himself lives Kerimov), as well as the Air Cinema company, which is engaged in filming using drones... Saida The media learned about the reduction in the stake in Polyus shares being sold to investors. Polyus Gold International Ltd Saida Kerimova will not sell a blocking stake to a consortium of investors from China...

Business, 14 Feb 2017, 19:54

Businessman Suleiman Kerimov Said Said Kerimov Said Kerimov

Business, 14 Feb 2017, 19:54

Kerimov Jr. became the main owner of Makhachkala airport Businessman Suleiman Kerimov, who has been a member of the Federation Council since 2008 and is gradually transferring property to his son Said, re-registered the last... fund for him. The main shareholder of the Makhachkala International Airport company was a 21-year-old Said Kerimov, the son of the senator from Dagestan Suleiman Kerimov, follows from the database... The MGIMO graduate is 21 years old (according to data on the institute’s website, Said Kerimov was supposed to receive a diploma in the summer of 2016) already two major... ... Pole" Saida Kerimov's Polyus warned of the risk of losing Sukhoi Log due to sanctions ... Pole" Saida Kerimov, who recently received a license to develop Russia's largest... Saida Said Kerimov Said Kerimov The media learned about Mamut’s plans to buy the largest chain of cinemas in Russia ... Mamut are negotiating the purchase of the Cinema Park cinema chain from Saida Kerimov, sources told Kommersant. Businessman Alexander Mamut is negotiating... the cinema market confirmed that Said Kerimov ready to sell this asset to a “good buyer”. As RBC previously wrote, the son of Suleiman Kerimov Said became the owner of Cinema... valued at $300–400 million). After the deal, information appeared that Kerimov is negotiating the purchase of its main competitor, Formula Kino (control... Structures Saida Saida Said Kerimov The media learned about Said Kerimov’s proposal to buy 17% of Rusal from ONEXIM Structures Saida Kerimov sent ONEXIM an offer to purchase a stake in 17.02%... ONEXIM's negotiations on the sale of shares to the Sual and Glencore group. Structure Saida Kerimova Ravenwing Ltd sent Mikhail Prokhorov's ONEXIM group an offer for... + failed. A Renova representative did not comment on the information about the offer. Said Kerimov- son of businessman, member of the Federation Council Suleiman Kerimov, who ranks 45 ... Saida Said Kerimov Said Kerimov The media learned about the failure of the deal to buy Formula Cinema by Said Kerimov The deal to buy the structures of the son of billionaire Suleiman Kerimov fell through - Saida Kerimov’s cinema chain “Formula Kino”, writes Kommersant with reference to three... “we did not agree,” said a source in Kerimov’s structures. According to him, Said Kerimov still ready to discuss the deal. 75% of Formula Kino is owned by A1... one of the founders of the cinema chain, Vladimir Zakharov. In November 2014 Said Kerimov acquired the Cinema Park cinema chain from Vladimir Potanin's Interros. About him...

Business, 10 March 2016, 12:22

Said Kerimov Kerimov

Business, 10 March 2016, 12:22

Children of Suleiman Kerimov were nominated to the board of directors of Polyus Gold ... Gold” included the children of Federation Council member from Dagestan Suleiman Kerimov - Said and Gulnara, the company said in a statement. Candidates for the new composition... in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yakutia, Magadan and Amur regions. Businessman Suleiman Kerimov acquired 37% of Polyus Gold for $1.3 billion from Vladimir... to be sold to AK ALROSA. However, at the end of November Suleiman himself Kerimov denied the rumors. “This is a provocation, it was not and is not” - so he...

Business, 03 Mar 2016, 05:31

Said Kerimov Said

Business, 03 Mar 2016, 05:31

Kerimov Jr. agreed to purchase Formula Cinema Said Kerimov buys the Formula Kino cinema chain from A1. It is planned that in the future... more, but does not specify the size. Cinema Park is owned by a 21-year-old Said Kerimov, who bought it from Vladimir Potanin in 2014... Said Saida, businessman Suleiman Kerimov Saida The Kerimovs collected 98% of Polyus Gold shares ... Ltd (owns 40.2% of Polyus shares), owned by the son of Suleiman Kerimov Said, on September 30, offered shareholders to sell her a 60% stake in Polyus Gold... there was no talk of purchasing Polyus Gold. Father of a MGIMO student Saida, businessman Suleiman Kerimov acquired 37% of Polyus Gold for $1.3 billion... the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation transferred the stake in the gold mining company to Saida Kerimova. In September 2015, it consolidated the management rights of Wandle... Said Saida, businessman Suleiman Kerimov acquired 37% of Polyus Gold for $1.3 billion... the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation transferred the stake in the gold mining company to Saida The media learned about the possible purchase of Polyus Gold by ALROSA ... is not true." September 30 in the property owned by the son of Suleiman Kerimov - Said- Sacturino companies reported that they offered Polyus Gold shareholders to sell their owned... (20%) have already agreed to Kerimov’s proposal. Father of a MGIMO student Saida, businessman Suleiman Kerimov acquired 37% of Polyus Gold for $1.3 billion... the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation transferred the stake in the gold mining company to Saida. He also owns the Cinema Park cinema chain. Said Saida, businessman Suleiman Kerimov acquired 37% of Polyus Gold for $1.3 billion... the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation transferred the stake in the gold mining company to Saida. He also owns the Cinema Park cinema chain. Olga Lukina An offer to minority shareholders to buy out Polyus Gold shares was made before November 3 ... Sacturino Ltd., owned by the son of Suleiman Kerimov Said, announced the offer deadline for Polyus Gold shareholders. Offer to purchase... (20%) have already agreed to Kerimov's offer. Father of a MGIMO student Saida, businessman Suleiman Kerimov acquired 37% of Polyus Gold for $1.3 billion... the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation transferred the stake in the gold mining company to Saida. He also owns the Cinema Park cinema chain.

Business, 30 Sep 2015, 19:14

Said Saida, businessman Suleiman Kerimov Saida. Said

Business, 30 Sep 2015, 19:14

Kerimov's son offered to buy out the remaining stake in Polyus Gold Belonging to the son of Suleiman Kerimov - Said- the Sacturino company offered the shareholders of Polyus Gold, the largest gold miner in Russia, ... Yushvaev (20%) and Oleg Mkrtchan (20%). Father of a MGIMO student Saida, businessman Suleiman Kerimov, acquired 37% of Polyus Gold for $1.3 billion... the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation transferred the stake in the gold mining company to Saida. Said also owns the Cinema Park cinema chain.

Business, 03 Sep 2015, 17:20

The owner of 40% of Polyus Gold came under the control of the son of Suleiman Kerimov ... Said Kerimov, the 20-year-old son of businessman Suleiman Kerimov, has consolidated the management rights of Wandle... on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) website. The message notes that Said Kerimov"has acquired the rights to appoint managers, directors and direct the business of Wandle... Limited, owning 40.2% of Polyus Gold." The cost of the transaction has not been disclosed. Said Kerimov became the beneficiary of Wandle Holdings Limited in April 2015. He... Said Said Kerimov Kerimov studies at MGIMO.

Business, 03 Sep 2015, 02:15

Kerimov's twenty-year-old son is thinking about buying out all shares of Polyus Gold ... papers may require $5.4 billion. Twenty-year-old son of Suleiman Kerimov Said discusses the repurchase of all securities of the gold mining company Polyus Gold. In... that the billionaire will take the company private to sell or attract partners. Said Kerimov became the beneficiary of Wandle Holdings Limited in April 2015. He... is the formal owner of the Cinema Park cinema chain. Currently twenty years old Kerimov studies at MGIMO. Elizaveta Focht Saida Said Kerimov "Cinema Park" of Said Kerimov began negotiations on the purchase of "Formula Kino" Structures of the owner of the Cinema Park network Saida Kerimov (son of Suleiman Kerimov) are negotiating the purchase of their main... relatively small one. The combined company will be able to control almost 14% of all film distribution. Said Kerimov acquired Cinema Park from Vladimir Potanin's Interros at the end of 2014...


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