Conducting retail sales reports. Document “Report on retail sales. Postings for retail revenue - example

You can simplify your work with a retail sales report. It will be sent from Kontur.Market to 1C and transferred there list of goods sold, including their prices and quantities. As a result, the accounting process will become more efficient.

Who can benefit

In order to set up the joint operation of services, you need to:

  • use ;
  • download the cash register module of Kontur.Market;
  • use 1C: Enterprise 8.x in one of the following configurations: Enterprise Accounting 3.0, Manufacturing Enterprise Management 1.3, Integrated Automation 1.2.

Procedure for downloading the report:

  1. In 1C in the menu “ File» select the item « Open»:
  2. From the list of files, select Contour.Market_Demo.epf:
  3. Select the start and end dates of the period, then click " Update»:
  4. Sales information for each day of the period will be loaded. By clicking on one of them, below you can see sales data for that day:
  5. The two leftmost columns contain the product name. Moreover, in the first the name is taken from the 1C nomenclature, and in the second - from Contour.Market(this name was received from the cash register and printed on the receipt). Accordingly, they will not always coincide. If such a discrepancy is detected, the cell will remain empty and highlighted in red. When you click on it, a list of names will appear:
  6. You need to choose the most appropriate product name:
  7. This name will be placed in the highlighted field. Other missing details are filled in in a similar way:
  8. When everything is ready, click the " Create a document in 1C" The system will download the report and show that it has been created:

In this article, we will look in detail at all the main operations when maintaining retail trade records in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program, including sales at non-automated retail outlets.

Often, before goods purchased from a supplier are transferred to retail, they first arrive at a wholesale warehouse. If you do not have such a practice, for example, you do not have a wholesale warehouse and all goods are immediately shipped to a single retail outlet. You can safely bring them to the retail warehouse.

In our example, we will create a , which is located in the “Purchases” menu. Our operation type will be “Goods (invoice)”.

We will not show in detail how to fill out this document within the framework of this article. Please note that when reflecting receipts to a wholesale warehouse, the warehouse itself must have the “Wholesale warehouse” type.

The figure below shows an example of filling out a receipt document for the wholesale warehouse of the “Complex” trading house from the “Products” database.

Setting prices

So, we have already purchased all the necessary goods from the supplier and are ready to sell them to the end buyer. But before we do this, we need to set retail prices - those at which we will begin to sell these goods.

They are located in the “Warehouse” menu, but to simplify the example, we will create it based on the receipt of goods. Of course, this option is not always convenient, but it is used quite often.

The created document automatically included goods from the receipt. Let’s fill in the prices for each item and indicate the price type (in this case, we created it ourselves in the directory and called it “Retail”). Now the document can be posted. These prices will be valid from the date indicated in the header of the document.

Moving goods to a retail warehouse

If you first received the goods at the wholesale warehouse, then you will need to transfer them to the retail warehouse or to a manual point of sale. The latter refers to points such as a stall, a market tent and others where it is not possible to keep records due to the lack of a PC or electricity.

First we will create these warehouses. They will be practically no different from the wholesale one except for the type.

As a result, we will get a sales area of ​​store No. 23 with the “Retail store” type.

Let's call the non-automated retail outlet “Stall at the railway station.” She will have a different type.

In our example, both warehouses use the same type of prices, but you can set different ones. Then you will have to create two “Setting Item Prices” documents for each of these price types.

In order to reflect the transfer of purchased goods from our wholesale warehouse to the store and stall created above, we will create a document “”. You can find it in the “Warehouse” menu.

The figure below shows an example of filling out a document for moving goods from the main wholesale warehouse to a kiosk at the railway station.

Retail sales report

If you have completed all the previous steps correctly, then your retail warehouse will already contain goods with completed sales prices to the final buyer.

Now we can move on to directly reflecting the sale of goods. From the Sales menu, select Retail Sales Reports. This document is necessary to reflect retail sales.

In the header of the document we indicated the organization and retail warehouse “Trading floor of store No. 23”. The cash register account, as expected, is 50.01. Also, for the purpose of additional analytics on management accounting, we indicated the DDS Item “Retail Revenue”.

Sales in manual retail outlets

Above we took into account sales in a retail store. Now let's move on to a non-automated point of sale - a “stall”.

Non-automated retail outlets in 1C are points where it is not possible to install a computer and establish a connection with a common database. Sales data is not entered regularly.

Cash receipt

The first step is to reflect the receipt of cash with the transaction type “Retail Revenue”. If in a retail store a buyer could pay for an item with a bank card, this is unlikely here.

An example of a completed document is shown in the figure below. If you have missing revenue, you simply won’t be able to report on retail sales.

Reflection of retail sales

Let's assume that our seller does not write down in a notebook how many of which goods he sold. In this case, it is most logical to obtain the sales volume by simply subtracting the balance from the previously transferred quantity of goods.

For such purposes, in the 1C: Accounting program there is a document “Inventory of goods”. It is located in the "Warehouse" menu.

In the inventory document we will indicate the organization, our warehouse “Stall at the railway station” and, if necessary, . For convenience, we will fill the goods according to the balances in the warehouse. After this, you need to indicate how many products actually remain in the “Actual Quantity” column.

As shown in the figure above, the “Deviation” column essentially reflects the quantity that was sold at this stall.

Now you can post this document and, based on it, create a report on retail sales.

The form of the created document opened in front of us, in which absolutely everything was filled out automatically. Please note that the “Quantity” column includes all the data from the “Quantity fact” column of the inventory document.

If you did not take into account the revenue received in the program, the program will not allow you to post the document and will display a message similar to the one shown in the figure below.

See also video instructions for reflecting such operations:

Document "Retail Sales Report"

Sales ® Retail Sales Report

The document is used to generate retail sales. The document can be filled out based on the document
Inventory of goods in the warehouse.

Formation of sales at the same time with the receipt of retail revenue (warehouses with the "Wholesale" or "Retail" type)
Formation of sales based on previously accepted revenue (warehouses with the "NTT" type)

Print versions
Input based

When filling out the document at the top, you must define the following parameters:

* Storage location - retail outlet where retail sales are generated.
* Price type - the price of the product at which sales are created. Set from several acceptable prices for the product. The price type is entered automatically by the price type that is assigned to the specified warehouse. The price type can be edited or defined, if the price type for the warehouse is not set, by clicking the Price and currency button in the document menu.
* DDS item is a cash flow item that will reflect the receipt of retail proceeds to the organization’s cash desk.

Formation of sales at the same time as receipt of retail revenue

To create a retail sale from a wholesale warehouse or from a warehouse with the "Retail" type, you must specify a cash register operation. After selecting an operation, you need to fill out the bookmarks:

*Agency services

* Payment cards and bank loans

The Products panel displays goods and services sold to a retail consumer.

* Counterparty - a principal organization is selected, the services of which our organization provides as an agent.


The Payment cards and bank loans panel displays buyer payments made by payment card or with bank loans.

* Counterparty, Counterparty Agreement and Settlement Account - are entered automatically with data from the specified type of payment.

Formation of sales based on previously accepted revenue

To create a retail sale from a warehouse with the type "NTT", you need to specify the NTT operation. After selecting an operation, you need to fill out the bookmarks:

*Agency services

The Products panel displays goods and services sold to a retail consumer. The panel is entered based on the results of the inventory at the point of sale based on the document Inventory of goods in the warehouse.

* Price - entered automatically when specifying an item based on the Item Price register.

* Accounting account, VAT account, Income account and Expense account - are entered automatically when specifying an item based on the Item Accounting register.

* Subconto - the contents of the item group of the specified product or service are substituted.

* Income account and Expense account - specify whether this sales line relates to activities with a special tax treatment. It is unacceptable to define income and expenses as accounts related to different types of activities.

The Agency Services panel displays services for which our organization acts as an agent.

* Counterparty - the principal is selected - an organization whose services our organization provides as an agent.

* Counterparty agreement - an agreement with the principal is selected, the agreement must look like “With the principal

* Settlement account - select the account for settlements with the principal under the agency agreement, which will reflect the principal’s revenue for the agency services sold.

Print versions

For the document Retail Sales Report, the following print form has been implemented:

* KM-6 (Clerk-operator report)

Input based

Based on the Retail Sales Report document, it is permissible to fill out the following documents:

* Receipt cash order

* Return of goods from the buyer

* Formation of VAT calculations

Document Retail sales report in 1C generalized data for the period are reflected. After posting the document, the items listed in it will be deregistered. You can find this document in 1C 8.3 in the section Sales → Sales → Retail sales reports:

A retail sales report in 1C 8.3 is created:

  • Automatically as a result of an operation Close shift;
  • Based on document Inventory of goods;
  • Can be created manually.

How to make a Retail Sales Report when selling through an automated point of sale (ATP) in 1C 8.3

In 1C 8.3, retail sales in a retail store (ATT) or from a wholesale warehouse are documented Retail sales (checks). In this case, each sale is recorded with a separate receipt.


In a retail store (warehouse “Store Warehouse No. 2”), 06/20/2016. Three checks were punched during the shift:

  • Receipt No. 1 sold: zipper 20 cm – 2 pcs. and threads - 1 pc.;
  • Receipt No. 2 sold: buttons – 5 pcs. and ballpoint pen – 1 pc.;
  • Receipt No. 3 sold: ballpoint pen – 3 pcs.:

At the end of the working day in the store or at the time of closing the cash register shift, it is necessary to perform the operation Close shift. This operation in 1C 8.3 is available in the document log Retail sales (checks):

As a result of performing this operation in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0, the following documents are automatically generated:

  • Retail sales report;
  • Cash receipt with transaction type – Retail revenue:

Each of these documents will be reflected in its own journal. In 1C 8.3, these documents are generated, recorded, but not posted. It is necessary to check that the information in the created documents is filled out correctly. If we are convinced that all the information in the documents is filled out correctly, we will check them:

In the document Retail sales report the same nomenclature will be written in one line, taking into account returns. In our example this is "Ballpoint pen". This item was punched in check No. 2 in the amount of 1 piece, and in check No. 3 in the amount of 3 pieces. Since there were no returns during the day, we see in the report that 4 ballpoint pens were sold.

In the document Cash receipt the total total revenue from punched checks, including returns, is reflected.

How to reflect product returns in the Retail Sales Report

As noted above, when automatically generating a document Retail sales report 1C 8.3 takes into account all returns made during the cash register shift.

Let's look at this situation with an example. To do this, we will use the example data above and assume that according to receipt No. 2, the product “Ballpoint pen” in the amount of 1 piece was returned. Return to 1C 8.3 is reflected in the document Check (Return):

After posting this document in the journal Retail sales (checks) a receipt with the type of transaction will be displayed Return:

Let's close the cash register shift and see that the report reflects sales including returns. Namely: goods "Ballpoint pen" was punched in check No. 2 in the amount of 1 piece, and in check No. 3 in the amount of 3 pieces. and a refund was made in the amount of 1 piece. Therefore, in the report we see that 3 ballpoint pens were sold:

How to make a Retail Sales Report manually

Let's consider the option of manually filling out a retail sales report in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0. This option is used when in 1C 8.3 each sale is not documented in a separate document Retail sales (checks), and sales are immediately entered into the Retail Sales Report document.

Using the example data given above, let's fill out the document manually by following these steps: section Sales → Sales → Retail Sales Reports → Report → Retail Store:

Using the button Pick up fill out the document table:

Document Cash receipt With this type of registration, retail sales must also be completed manually. This can be done using the mechanism Create based on. The created document will reflect the total revenue for the document Retail sales report:

How to fill out a Retail Sales Report when selling through non-automated retail outlets (NTT) in 1C 8.3

A manual point of sale in 1C 8.3 is a store in which sales data is not entered daily.

Document preparation Retail sales report to reflect sales in NTT depends on how the accounting department receives sales information. Information can be submitted in two ways:

  • Information about the goods sold is provided;
  • An inventory is being taken.

Both can be done daily or at intervals specified in the organization’s document flow. Let's consider both methods.

Method No. 1

For example, the accounting department receives daily information about the goods sold. In this situation, in 1C 8.3 we draw up a document Retail sales report. Chapter Sales → Sales → Retail sales reports → Reports → Manual point of sale:

In the header of the document, select the warehouse. In the tabular section, using the Add or Select button, we indicate the product sold per day. The document is ready:

Method number 2

Let's assume that the organization does not submit sales information, but takes inventory of the warehouse every three days. Then the actions in 1C 8.3 will be as follows:

  • We come to retail revenue;
  • We carry out inventory in the warehouse. Forming a document Inventory of goods;
  • We prepare the document Retail sales report n and based on the inventory document .

In the inventory document we indicate the actual balances of goods in the warehouse. In lines where the actual quantity does not coincide with the accounting quantity, a deviation is reflected. The deviation will reflect sales:

Using mechanism Create based on, create a document Retail sales report:

Whether all of this product was actually sold or part of it is a shortage, the 1C 8.3 program will check during the document processing Retail sales report, since before this document is carried out it is necessary to capitalize retail revenue. Otherwise, it will not be possible to post the document Retail Sales Report in 1C 8.3:

If the capitalized revenue does not coincide with the amount indicated in the report, then this report on retail sales in 1C 8.3 is not carried out. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the reasons for the discrepancy:

Let's consider what capabilities the 1C Trade Management 11 program provides to its users for analyzing sales results.

UPDATE: added video “Sales analysis reports in 1C Trade Management 10.3”

From this video you will learn:

  • How to analyze sales?
  • How to build a sales report?
  • How to view sales and balances in one report?
  • How to build sales charts?
  • How to view sales by payment?

Sales reports

By command "sales reports" We go to the sales reporting panel.

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The availability of reports in this panel is determined by whether the user has the appropriate rights to these reports, as well as by setting the visibility. Roles and rights are assigned to the user by the 1C program administrator. The user can control visibility himself using the command "Settings". In this case, checkboxes become available next to the panels; by checking and unchecking them, you can add or remove reports from this panel.

"Standard Terms of Sale"

Let's consider what opportunities we have for analyzing sales results. The first report is the “Standard Terms of Sales”. This report provides a list of standard sales terms, standard customer agreements registered in the system, and the basic information available in these agreements. Namely: name of the agreement; currency; type of price used; validity; our organization on behalf of which this agreement was concluded; business transaction (for example, sale or transfer to commission); taxation; stock; delivery time.

Price analysis

The next report is a price analysis. Available to us from documents such as commercial proposals, sales documents and customer orders. From each of these documents you can generate a report "price analysis". This report shows us information about the prices specified in the document (without a discount, with a discount), as well as about the prices of suppliers. Using this report, you can quickly analyze what prices we give to our customers and how they compare with the prices of our suppliers.

“Assessment of profitability of sales”

The following reports are also available from Sales Order documents. Namely, by opening the corresponding order, we can additionally display several reports in relation to this order.

The first of them is “Assessment of profitability of sales”. This report calculates the profitability of the order as a whole (including discounts, without discounts), and also provides detailed information for each item sold in this report. Now this report displays information about profitability of 100%. This is due to the fact that I have not yet calculated the cost price in my program for the current month, the routine closing operations of the period have not been carried out, and information on the cost price is not available. Accordingly, all proceeds are considered gross profit.

"Document Execution Status"

The following report is also available from the “sales order” ¾ this is the “Document Execution Status”. This report, firstly, provides information about the client’s debt (that is, how far the payment stages have been completed - say, advance, prepayment), information on shipment. And in the lower tabular part, in each product item, information is provided about what goods were shipped, in what quantity, for what amount.

Reasons for canceling orders

IN "Sales reports" There is a report on the reasons for canceling orders. This report collects information about the reasons why an order was canceled and provides quantitative indicators for each reason in terms of line cancellations in absolute and percentage terms. The information is also grouped by managers and by product price groups.

"Statement of settlements with clients"

The next report is “Statement of settlements with clients”. This report contains information on the status of mutual settlements with our clients. A list of our organizations and a list of clients is provided. The currency of mutual settlements is indicated. The counterparty on the part of our client is indicated. Information is provided on the debt at the beginning of the selected, analyzed period, information on the increase or decrease in debt, as well as the final balance and total balance.

"Customer debt"

The next report is “Client Debt”. This report shows information about customer debt. The information is grouped by debt currency. Information is provided about the client’s debt, our debt, settlement balances, as well as, based on information from the client’s orders, data on planned receipts from the client, planned sales to the client, or planned return of funds to the client.

“Dynamics of overdue debts of clients”

The next report is “Dynamics of overdue debts of clients”. This report shows information about the growth rate of overdue debt. In the tabular section, information is grouped by clients and managers. In our 1C Trade Management program (UT 11) 11.2, currently no overdue debt is registered (all debt is current), so this report is empty and does not contain any information.

Client payment discipline

A report on the client’s payment discipline can also be used for analysis. This report groups data by customer, provides data for the period on the number of sales orders, how many of them are overdue, what is the percentage of overdue debt and the average period of overdue, and also data at the end of the selected period.

"Customer debt by maturity"

The next report that may be useful in the analysis is “Customer debt by maturity”. This report must indicate the date on which the information will be analyzed, as well as the classification of the debt. We currently have one classification in the program. Each created classification indicates the periods for which the debt will be analyzed for overdue. The main postulate here is this: the most recent statements are the easiest to collect. The longer the period of delay, the more difficult it is to collect the debt. In this report, we receive information about each client, the status of mutual settlements with him, as well as information about the period of overdue debt.

Payment card with counterparty

From "Customer's order" You can get a report on the settlement card with the counterparty. This report displays information about mutual settlements for the entire period, that is, which documents were used to carry out monetary transactions, commodity transactions for sale or return. The total debt and information about its overdue status are also provided, if such data exists.

All these reports are available to us either in the section "Sales" in Group "Sales reports", or from settlement documents– documents used to document sales to a client, such as "customer orders" And "commercial offers to clients".

Such opportunities are provided to us by the 1C Trade Management program version 11.2 for analyzing sales results.

Creating a sales report by manufacturer and revenue 1C UT 8.3

This video tutorial describes how to build a report on sales by manufacturer and the revenue received from them in 1C trade management 8.3. The main point of the report is from which manufacturers’ products we receive the most income.

Retail sales analysis

To analyze the sale of goods by retail outlets, quite a lot of reports have been implemented in the configuration.
All of them are available in the section Sales.

Conduct assessment of goods balances in retail outlets according to the selected price type, it is possible using a report List of goods of the organization in item prices. In the report, we can set the selection by store and by the type of price that is assigned to the store. We also determine the reporting period.

This report reflects the Beginning and Final Balance, Income and Expense, for each item.

We can customize this report in more detail. For example, we are only interested in information on the Coffee nomenclature and specific dates for the movement of this product.

To do this we go to Settings and on the bookmark Selections select the desired product.

As a result, the report we needed was generated. From the report we see that at the beginning there was no balance in the Maxi Store, on 06/27/2016 there was a receipt of 100 units, and on 06/29/16 there was a sale of two units. Total at the end of the period the balance of coffee is 98 pieces.

For control of funds at the KKM cash desk use the report Cash in KKM cash desks.

In the generated report, we see the Beginning and Final Balance, the Amount of Sales and Receipts of DS, as well as the withdrawal of DS by day.

We can generate this report with details on documents; to do this, in the report settings, set the checkbox to the value - Registrar. As a result, a report will be generated in the context of documents (registrars).

If the ending balance is minus sign, then the store did not fully account for the goods sold.
If the balance at the end of the period positive, then the retail outlet did not fully pay for the goods sold.

If we are only interested in information about the amounts received from the company’s cash desk, then in the advanced report settings, on the Fields and Sorting tab, we clear all unnecessary checkboxes; only the checkbox for the value Entering DS remains selected.

As a result, a report of the following type will be generated.

The program has the ability to generate a report in a regulated form Bargaining-29. This report is designed to analyze retail sales. The report reflects balances at the beginning and end of the month, as well as documents used to document the movement of goods through the specified warehouse and the specified organization. The total indicators in the report are calculated according to the price type specified in the card of this warehouse.

Prices are filled in according to the values ​​that are valid on the report date.

Analysis of demand for goods

To analyze the demand for goods, you can use ABC and XYZ sales analysis. ABC analysis is possible based on several indicators. ABC analysis of sales by sales volume allows you to distribute goods into ABC classes in terms of demand for goods by customers. Class A will include the most in-demand goods, and class C will include the least in-demand.

Conducting an XYZ sales analysis allows you to determine the stability of product sales. From the point of view of sales of goods, XYZ analysis allows us to divide goods into the following classes - stable demand for goods, trends towards increasing demand for goods, one-time purchases (irregular consumption).

Carrying out a combined ABC and XYZ analysis will make it possible to determine the optimal inventory management method(that is, plan to purchase only those goods that are consistently purchased in total volume).

The program supports several inventory management methods: volume scheduling based on demand forecast, " order by reorder point"(with a fixed volume or with a regular delivery interval), " made to order". Different replenishment methods can be assigned individually to each product in each warehouse. The inventory management method can be determined automatically based on ABC/XYZ classification of reserves. It is also possible to manually change the inventory management method.

Example. In accordance with the conducted ABC/XYZ classification of reserves goods are assigned to group AX (goods are sold consistently and have a high turnover, that is, they bring high income to the trading enterprise). For such goods, a method is established "Scope and calendar planning". Method "Order to order" is established for goods that belong to group AZ. For such goods, no stock is kept in the warehouse; the goods are ordered from the supplier only when a customer need arises (placing a customer order). Information about the presence of such goods in the warehouse is recorded in the report as excess stock and marked in red.

When analyzing the demand for goods, product restrictions (regulatory, minimum, insurance, maximum stock) are used. Product restrictions are calculated automatically using a regulatory task for each product item in each warehouse based on data on sales of goods.

When calculating the required (standard stock), the expected sales volume of goods (minimum stock) and possible surges in sales (safety stock) are taken into account. For additional insurance against the risk of shortage of goods, you can manually set a parameter such as the maximum stock of goods.

Filling out a sales plan using a formula

The video will help you navigate the types of needs, as well as understand why enterprises distinguish between these types.

Formation of orders according to plans

For some products, suppliers' lead times for orders are very long, and it is impossible to order supplier goods to meet current needs - orders must be placed in advance. For such goods, it is proposed to form long-term purchasing plans and form orders to suppliers based on these plans.

Documentation procurement plan in the program can be formed both manually and automatically, based on various data sources from the program itself. As sources for the forecast, you can use: data from customer orders, sales volume over the past period of time, volume of purchases over a certain period of time, etc. You can also take into account the internal needs of the enterprise (orders from your own departments, orders from retail outlets, your own stores, the need for components for assembly, etc.). In this case, it is possible to add several sources, as well as select the maximum value from all sources.

For example, you can select a maximum value based on the sales volume for the previous month and all purchase orders and internal orders issued for the same period or the same period last year.

The list of planning data sources can be filled in as desired. Templates are used to fill out.

Orders to suppliers are formed in accordance with the drawn up plan, and the deviation of the planned and actually ordered quantities from the supplier is controlled. Thus, purchasing plans can also be used to verify the implementation of plans dictated by the supplier itself.

Monitoring sales indicators

IN "1C: Trade Management 8" There is a mechanism that allows you to promptly identify “problem” areas and can help you make the right management decisions, and, in addition, automatically inform you about situations where the state of indicators is still acceptable, but is already approaching critical.

So-called "Target Monitor" allows you to analyze the key performance indicators of the department and the enterprise as a whole and the degree of achievement of the set goals, taking into account the target trend (increase in the indicator, decrease in the indicator, keeping the indicator in a certain range). Information can be available to a manager anywhere in the world by accessing the “Target Indicators Monitor” functionality via the Internet.

In order for this to work, it is necessary to define the goals that are planned to be achieved. Each goal can consist of many subgoals, the successful achievement of which ensures the achievement of the fundamental goal.

Each goal is given a target indicator. In turn, for each target indicator, the target trend is indicated - the desired direction of changes in the indicator over time (minimization, maximization of the value or keeping within the acceptable value), and analysis options are configured.

For example:

The fundamental goal is revenue growth. This goal is planned to be achieved by increasing the number of customers and increasing the average sales amount. In turn, an increase in the number of clients is planned by attracting new clients and reducing the number of lost clients. And the increase in the average sales amount is planned by reducing the provided manual discounts.


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