How to open a car camping? Your own business: how to organize a paid beach An affordable type of recreation for any category of vacationers

Camping literally translates from English as “living in a camp.” The camping is a summer camp for tourists with prepared places for setting up tents, installed light houses and parking areas.

The camping area is landscaped, toilets are installed, electricity is supplied, in general, maximum conditions are created for people who love active recreation in nature. At the same time, the camping format, unlike expensive recreation centers and sanatoriums, allows you to get maximum conditions for living in nature, away from the bustle of the city, at minimal cost.

In Europe, camping primarily means an area with motor homes, located somewhere in a picturesque corner of nature, where there are also shops, cafes, swimming pools, sports and children's playgrounds, places for recreation - rivers, lakes, the sea coast.

This area is very developed in European countries. If you look at the statistics, every third European resident spends their holidays in a mobile home every year. At the same time, there are more than a million mobile houses throughout the European Union.

Unlike Western Europe, the culture of free movement in Russia has not yet been developed. And the main reason for this is the lack of tourism infrastructure. Although we have plenty of attractions and natural beauties. It is not without reason that for several years now the tourism business in our country has been one of the priority areas in the state policy for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Therefore, entrepreneurs who apply for government support to open a campsite will be given priority attention.

Moreover, the incomes of many Russian residents do not allow them to vacation in expensive hotel complexes and hotels. For such people, camping will be an excellent alternative to outdoor recreation at a relatively low price. For many, this is an ideal option for budget tourism in the summer.

There is no specific recipe for a successful campsite location. Ultimately, everything depends on the tourist attractiveness of the territory, the presence of natural beauty and the target audience of tourists. Basically, campsites are located in resort areas, on the outskirts of cities, near reservoirs and picturesque places.

The camping area is being landscaped and landscaped, cleared of garbage, and a beach is being built. As a service, electricity and water are supplied to the camping area (well drilling), shops, cafes, sanitary blocks, a dance floor, and swimming pools are installed.

An approximate list of starting costs for organizing a campsite for 100 places on a land plot of 0.5-1 hectares (according to experts):

  • Project development, communications – 300,000 rubles;
  • Preparation of a land plot (leveling, landscaping, fencing, etc.) – 100,000 rubles;
  • Construction of summer houses, purchase of tents (yurts), sleeping bags – 600,000 rubles;
  • Inventory (tables, chairs, dishes) – 100,000 rubles;
  • Sanitary blocks – 150,000 rubles;
  • Construction of an administrative building, store, cafe – 600,000 rubles;
  • Advertising – 40,000 rubles;
  • Other expenses – 100,000 rubles.
  • Total investment – ​​1,990,000 rubles.

At the same time, according to experienced businessmen, at the initial stage you can save money by using cheap natural materials, for example, using willow for fences, straw mats for fencing, dry trees for gazebos and benches, and using easily assembled structures.

Considering the instability of demand for this type of service, at the beginning, it is worth installing summer houses, providing places for tents and trailers, installing sanitary units and equipment rental points. And as the number of visitors increases, build a dining room, cafe, store, sports ground, etc.

Camping organizers receive income from providing the following services:

Rent of camping houses for a day/week/month. The cost of renting a tent is on average $10/day;

They provide a parking space for the caravan. Trailer placement fee - $25 per day;

They sell food, drinking water, barbecue, firewood and charcoal for ignition;

They rent out boats, catamarans, bicycles, and sports equipment. Even gas stoves are available for rental.

Estimated income of a campsite for 100 places, subject to 30% occupancy and an average cost of accommodation of $15 per person, per month:

Rent of houses and tents – 405,000 rubles;

Income of the store and cafe – 350,000 rubles;

Other income (equipment rental) – 100,000 rubles.

Total – 855,000 rubles.

Basic expenses for maintaining a campsite, per month:

  • Wage. A minimum of 10 people will be required to maintain a campsite with 100 beds. Key personnel include administrators, security guards, cooks, salespeople, cleaners, accountants and medical staff. Approximate payment fund – 200,000 rubles;
  • Insurance deductions – 70,000 rubles;
  • Utilities - 30,000 rubles;
  • Rent of land – 25,000 rubles;
  • Taxes – 25,000 rubles;
  • Other expenses – 60,000 rubles.
  • Total – 410,000 rubles.

The monthly profit of the camping town is 445,000 rubles. With such indicators, the project should pay for itself in one season.

Camping organizers make good profits when major sporting events take place in close proximity, which can last for several weeks and attract millions of tourists from all over the world. For example, European football championships, Olympic games, hockey tournaments and so on.

To rent a plot of land for camping, you must contact the local administration. According to Russian law, you will have to participate in bidding for the right to rent the selected plot for a period of more than 6 months (such bidding is won in 99.9% of cases). Before this, you still need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC and choose a taxation system.

What are the disadvantages of this business? Perhaps the most important drawback is the seasonality factor. And the further north the region is, the more significant it is. It is clear that it is more profitable to organize camping in the southern regions, for example on the Black Sea coast.

In such places, camping will operate for at least 6 months. The same cannot be said about the central part of Russia, where the campsite operates for 3-4 months at most. But this does not mean that camping in the northern regions is not profitable. Here, as in any business, a competent and creative approach to business is required, and profit will not be long in coming.

There are many people who dream of their own country house or dacha, loving nature, fresh air, the rustle of grass, birdsong and the cool water of a small, mischievous river. However, due to the high cost of housing, not everyone is able to buy even an apartment within the city, not to mention the luxury of country estates. Therefore, it is country recreation in nature at moderate prices that is very attractive to modern city dwellers. Why isn’t this a business idea for you personally?!

The new project can be either in the form of a turnkey mini camping site, or simply a platform for accommodation and recreation for people with their own tents. You can also arrange a kind of “mix”, that is, make half of the campsite fully equipped, and the second - a platform for visitors to place their tents.
The idea is that part of the population already has special equipment for outdoor recreation, while others do not yet. So, in order to satisfy the requests and expectations of all potential clients, it makes sense for you to combine accommodation offers in your mini campsite.
The project is of great value for city residents who want to take a break from the bustle of the city, live in rural conditions, improve their health and strengthen their body, and also get positive emotions. As you know, country estates are expensive, both to purchase and to maintain; they often require their own vehicles and involve high fuel costs for travel there and back. Therefore, many will appreciate your offer of temporary residence in the lap of nature.
The mini camping will operate seasonally - from April to October. The rest of the year you can either do other things or start providing related services in the same territory. For example, winter fishing, barbecues in the cold, corporate events, and so on.

In order to open a campsite, you must own a substantial summer cottage plot, a country house with a free adjacent area that is not occupied by plantings. Perhaps you have inherited a dilapidated house with a huge territory that has been abandoned for many years, and you don’t know what exactly you should do with it next. Or maybe your grandmother asks you to move to her village and help her with housework. All these circumstances will make your business project more profitable, because you initially have a virtually free platform for organizing mini camping.
If you do not have such a base to start a business, then rent a suitable area. You can do this either by monitoring the availability of your relatives and friends and then offering them a rental offer, or by using the services of companies for the sale and rental of country real estate. Perhaps you will be able to buy, for virtually nothing, a substantial plot of land with a dilapidated house, which, by and large, you do not particularly need. If prices in your region are high and your budget is limited, rent a plot for the season.
If possible, try to choose an option close to a local body of water. This will add attractiveness to your future service offering.

Necessary components of the project.
We have already discussed the need for a piece of land. Now it needs to be prepared. Remove excess vegetation, dried trees, unnecessary shrubs. Mark the area so that it looks like a tent city with convenient passages between the tents.
In addition, you will need to either build a toilet, buy a portable toilet, or rent one. This is a necessary component of the services provided. Regarding the shower, the situation is the same. But building summer shower stalls is not so difficult, the main thing is to come up with an optimally suitable water supply system.
Regarding the summer kitchen, decide for yourself according to your budget. It can be either stationary, converted from permanent buildings located on the site, or built from scratch by you. However, if you rent a site, it does not make sense for you to make permanent buildings, so limit yourself to the temporary option of a tent or awning with portable equipment and plastic furniture.
If possible, make asphalt in some places and concrete the paths.
Possible purchases for the project:
dry closet;
sleeping bags,
kitchen equipment,
garden or country furniture,
blankets, mattresses and pillows,
sun loungers,
beach umbrellas,
equipment for games (badminton, football, volleyball),
washing accessories,
first aid kit,
and so on.

Start-up capital.
To start a business project, you will need from 5 to 20 thousand dollars, depending on the area of ​​the territory, the desire for capital construction and the area where the mini camping is located. This is without purchasing a plot; if you purchase it, then add these costs.

Attachments: from 450,000 rubles

Payback: from 5 months

Every person has pleasant memories associated with outdoor recreation. Many people regularly organize wonderful leisure time for themselves and their loved ones in beautiful places. However, there are many who do not have the equipment and appropriate skills necessary for a complete and comfortable vacation. Camping will help them discover this wonderful form of leisure.

Business concept

Camping is usually called any pre-prepared tourist camp that has the necessary set of amenities. Choosing a place for a camp and, accordingly, a target audience opens up wide scope for flights of imagination.

There are several main directions. This could be a camp aimed, for example, at hunters and/or fishermen, and then it should be located as far as possible from civilization, in the most inaccessible places with almost virgin nature. Of course, organizing a camp in such a place is a difficult and expensive undertaking, but the high price for the services (for example, the transfer often includes a helicopter transfer of a small group, and its price ranges from 50,000 rubles per person) more than compensates for all costs.

Hunters and fishermen are usually unpretentious people; centralized food and the necessary minimum of household amenities will fully satisfy their needs. In this case, experienced rangers can be included in the package of additional services.

Another option is to organize summer camps in tourist-attractive places, for example on the Black Sea coast. More serious infrastructure is required here. It is necessary to supply electricity and water (a well is being drilled), it is advisable to organize a small retail outlet with the most necessary goods on the territory.

We must be prepared for the fact that arriving tourists will not only have their own tents and sleeping bags, but even basic things like iron utensils and flashlights; all of this must be provided for them if necessary.

In addition to living conditions, you will also need to organize leisure activities, for example, negotiate with local entrepreneurs to organize excursions.

Finally, the third option is to organize camping near large populated areas for people who want to spend a weekend in nature, but do not have their own suburban housing. Considering that organizing camping is a seasonal business, you can combine options by preparing areas for camp in advance and promptly transporting equipment. You should also carefully monitor the calendar of sporting events; for example, the World Cup, which will be held in Russia in 2018, guarantees a huge influx of wealthy foreign tourists.

What will be required for implementation?

If camping is planned on non-owned land, permission from the local authorities will be required. Once it is received, you can begin preparing the camp. The territory must be cleared of debris, landscaped and landscaped. A field kitchen, showers and toilets are installed, awnings are stretched, and places for tents are marked. The next stage is the purchase of equipment. Here is a sample list of what will definitely be useful:

  • tents (from small double to four-person tents with a vestibule between the living compartments), sleeping bags and sleeping mats;
  • folding tables and chairs, sun loungers;
  • necessary kitchen utensils, gas cylinders;
  • dishes;
  • the required minimum of medications;
  • sports equipment for leisure activities.

Reliable suppliers of products for the field kitchen will be required. The number of staff will depend on the size of the camp, for example, for a mini-camp for 20 people, a cook and an administrator will be enough. If the list of services provided includes a transfer, you can try to organize group discounts on transportation. The most effective advertising would be to place ads on thematic websites and forums; if the campsite is located near major highways, it is worth placing signs on roadside advertising structures. To organize a camping site, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur; you do not need a license.

Step-by-step launch instructions

  1. Register an enterprise, choosing the form of ownership as individual entrepreneur. We select activity code 55.3 “Activities for providing places for temporary accommodation in campsites, caravans and tourist trailers.”
  2. Obtain permission from local authorities.
  3. Arrange the territory.
  4. Purchase equipment.
  5. Conclude agreements for the supply of products.
  6. Select staff.
  7. Arrange for transfers and excursions (optional).
  8. Conduct promotional events.

Financial calculations

Financial calculations highly depend on the chosen format and size of the campsite; the figures below are relevant for a summer camp for approximately 20 people.

Start-up capital

Monthly expenses

How much can you earn?

Payment for food and equipment provided will be 600 rubles. per day per person. Provided that at least 12 people are in the campsite at the same time, the monthly income will be 215,000 rubles, respectively, the net profit will be equal to 135,000 rubles. Additional sources of income can be interest from excursions organized with the help of local entrepreneurs and rental of equipment to tourist groups at times when the campsite is not in operation.

Payback period

Even taking into account the average duration of the season is about 5 months, the campsite will fully recoup its costs in the first season of its existence.


Organizing a campsite, like any type of business activity, is not without certain risks. The most dangerous thing, which also cannot be influenced in any way, is dependence on the weather. A cold and rainy summer, for example, will reduce the number of clients to a minimum, which will not even allow you to recoup the operating costs. There is also a high risk of encountering an incorrect assessment by the entrepreneur of the potential of a camping site. Stabilization of the economic situation and an increase in the level of income of the population can also reduce the flow of people wishing to live in campsites.

Bottom line

Organizing a camping trip is a great opportunity to take your first steps in business. Investments are minimal, payback is extremely fast. If the chosen place for the camp does not live up to expectations, there is always the opportunity to try to change it next season, because most of the equipment can be easily transported. At worst, most of the inventory can be sold or rented out, at least partially offsetting the costs. But if you hit the bull’s eye, there are good prospects for business development. You can increase the number of places in the campsite, over time replace some of the tents with houses, build a bathhouse and organize a retail outlet, and all this is just a small part of the possible ways to develop a business.

Camping, literally translated from English as accommodation in a camp, is a specially prepared area, landscaped and equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable pastime for people.

Camping as a business does not require large financial investments at the start, brings a stable income and has a good development prospect.

Maintaining a campground for travelers as a business

Camping is an affordable recreation option for people who do not have their own country houses or plots, but want to relax in the lap of nature, as well as a place of temporary stay for travelers. The camp can be equipped with a convenient parking lot, houses, toilets, electricity and other details that ensure a comfortable stay for tourists.

In Europe, traveling around the country in a campervan is very popular. Europeans install mobile houses on special sites created on the banks of rivers, lakes, and seas. As a rule, camps are equipped with everything necessary for a convenient and comfortable life.

In Russia, camping as a business has not yet received proper development, which indicates low competition and is a plus for those who decide to create their own tent camp. Moreover, any area attractive to tourists can be equipped for camping: the outskirts of the city, open areas in the forest, resort area.

So, the advantages of creating a tent camp are obvious: small financial investments at the opening stage, low competition, as well as the growing popularity of this type of recreation.

Those wishing to open a tent camp on their own plot of land will need the following resources:

  • prepared area;
  • equipment (tents, sleeping bags, blankets, rugs, mattresses);
  • folding furniture;
  • barbecues and more.

It is necessary to equip a shower and toilet, as well as a place for cooking.

To organize a successful enterprise, you need a campsite with calculations that take into account all the nuances of this type of activity.

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Camping in Russia - how to open

Business plan for opening a campsite

When drawing up a business plan for a car camping site, special attention should be paid to the financial part. In this section you need to calculate the required amount of starting investments, the amount of monthly expenses and the amount of expected profit.

Since modern tourists prefer to travel by car, it is important to invest in opening a campsite with parking for trailers.

Start-up investments

Let's consider an approximate business plan for a car camping site designed for 85-90 places, located on a plot of 0.5 hectares. One-time expenses:

  • creation of a project, installation of utilities - from 500 thousand rubles;
  • leveling, beautification of the site, installation of fences - from 300 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of tents (sleeping bags, yurts, etc.), or construction of small summer houses - from 500 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment (folding furniture, dishes, barbecues, etc.) - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • creation of a sanitary block - from 200 thousand rubles;
  • opening a store or cafe - from 600 thousand rubles;
  • advertising and promotion - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • additional expenses (including registration) - from 150 thousand rubles.

The minimum amount of costs will be RUB 2,400,000.

You can save money by using natural materials for construction (willow fencing, gazebos made of tall and dry wood), and for cooking in a cafe - products offered by local residents.

Expected profit

When organizing a recreation center, it is important to take into account that tourism services are in greater demand in the warm season. Profit should be calculated based on this fact.

Income generation at an average campsite occupancy:

  • camper parking - from 500 rub. per day;
  • rental of houses or tents - from 1,000 rubles. per day;
  • revenue from cafe and store activities - from 15,000 rubles. per day;
  • rental of sports equipment and inventory - from 800 rubles. per day.

Autocamping for 85-90 places at partial occupancy will bring about 1,000,000 rubles. revenue monthly. You can earn extra money by providing car repair, washing and cleaning services.

Monthly costs

Current expenses include:

  • wage fund for 10 people. - from 200 thousand rubles;
  • taxes and other obligatory payments - from 80 thousand rubles;
  • payment of utilities - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • rent - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • additional expenses - from 50 thousand rubles.

The total amount is 430 thousand rubles.

The net profit received by the owner of the camping site will be about 570 thousand rubles. per month. All investments will pay off within 6-8 months after the opening of the campsite. Considering the seasonality of the enterprise, it is best to organize such a business in the spring or early summer.

You can open a mini-campsite on your own plot of land, equipping it for receiving and accommodating tourists. The owner can independently provide security of property and food for travelers. Such a business will not require large start-up capital or special documents and permits. Over time, an entrepreneur can save up a certain amount of money and expand his business by buying or leasing land and building a small town with a trailer park.

To help pioneers of camping in Russia.

In English, camping means “living in a camp.” Camping is a camp for motorcycle and autotourists. Includes places for setting up tents, light houses, parking places for cars, motorcycles, and motorhomes. The camping area is equipped, sanitary blocks are installed, electricity is connected, that is, all the optimal conditions are created for people to enjoy outdoor recreation.

Staying at a campsite differs from living conditions in hotels, motels, and sanatoriums with their prices, but they allow you to relax in nature away from the hustle and bustle of the city with a small financial investment.

In foreign countries, camping is considered a site for motorhomes on wheels - campervans. Quite often it is located near beautiful corners of nature: in the mountains, near rivers, lakes, on the sea coast.

Auto tourism abroad is very developed. Every year every third European citizen takes a holiday using a mobile motorhome. There are currently more than a million motorhomes driving around the European Union.

In our country, motorcycle and auto tourism is not developing fast enough, mainly due to the low level of roadside service.

Russia is famous for its historical and modern attractions and places of natural beauty. Tourism in Russia is a priority in government policy to support small and medium-sized businesses. Those who apply for government support to open a campsite will receive special attention.

In addition, the salaries of a number of residents of the country do not provide the opportunity to relax in permanent hotels and inns. For these people, camping is a good alternative to outdoor recreation at a minimal price. For many people, this is a suitable option for auto and motorcycle tourism, especially in the summer.

There is no advice regarding the location of the campsite. The criteria are the attractiveness of the place, beautiful natural places, attractions and the target orientation of motorcycle and auto tourists.

The campsite is being equipped, electricity and water are connected (a well will need to be drilled), cafes, shops, and showers are opened. toilets, playgrounds for children, for various sports, etc.

Sample list of works.

Project documentation, communications connections;

  1. Planning, planting green spaces, installing fencing, etc.;
  2. Construction of summer houses, purchase of tents;
  3. Purchase of inventory;
  4. Preparation of sanitary units: toilets, showers;
  5. Construction of an administration building, cafe, store;
  6. Advertising expenses.;
  7. Other expenses.

Costs vary depending on the regional components of the campsite location.

Experienced experts advise initially using what may be at hand: wicker for making fencing, straw for decoration, parts of dried trees for making benches, gazebos, lightweight prefabricated buildings.

While the demand for this type of service is unstable, first, set up summer houses, prepare places for setting up tents, equip parking spaces for motorcycles, cars and motorhomes, prepare toilets, showers and rental of various equipment. And with the increase in the flow of tourists, build a cafe, store, playgrounds, etc.

Profit comes from:

  1. Rent of summer houses, tents;
  2. Renting a parking space for a car, motorcycle, motorhome;
  3. Sales of drinking water, food;
  4. Rental of boats, fishing equipment, bicycles, sports equipment.

Additional expenses:

  1. Employee salaries. These are: administrators, security guards, cooks, salespeople, technical staff, accountants and medical staff.
  2. Insurance;
  3. Payment of utility services;
  4. Payment for rent of land;
  5. Taxes;
  6. Other expenses.

A campsite brings good profit if events take place near it, sometimes lasting several weeks. For example, European and world championships in various sports, Olympic Games, etc.

To register a lease of land, you must contact the local administration. According to the law, you will have to participate in bidding for the right to rent a plot for a period of more than 6 months. But, before this, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Also choose a tax system. Individual entrepreneurship is most suitable for opening a campsite. Simplified taxation system or UTII.

You also need to obtain permits. There are GOSTs, requirements of SANPIN and State Fire Inspectorate that must be observed to open a campsite.

On January 1, 2014, a unified national standard “General Requirements for Specialized Accommodation Facilities” came into force in Russia, which today ensures high-quality regulation of the process of creating and operating campsites.

This document can be used by an entrepreneur as instructions. It clearly sets out the standards, requirements for equipment, personnel, facilities, safety, and also describes the services that the project can offer.

What are the disadvantages of such a business? The main disadvantage is seasonality. But the further north the region is, the more its importance grows.

Of course, it is more profitable to build a campsite in the south of the country, for example, near the Black Sea. You can work there for at least 6 months. In the center of Russia, the campsite operates for 3-4 months. But this does not mean that camping in the northern regions does not bring benefits. If you approach the matter competently and creatively, then success will not keep you waiting.

Head of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee for the Development of Sustainable Transport Systems S.Yu. Lobarev


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