Business plan for opening a cafeteria. What does it take to open a coffee shop? Menu and design of a small coffee shop

A coffee shop is a catering establishment in which the main product is coffee of different varieties. Additionally, the client can buy a dessert or snack. At the same time, the entrepreneur’s costs for coffee beans and products are minimal, and the price for coffee is set high, this allows him to achieve business profitability of more than 400%.

The coffee shop should offer several different coffee options, both classic and signature. Priority is given to different types of coffee, and not to accompanying dishes, but at the same time, in some models of coffee shops it is mandatory to have hot dishes on the menu.

Choosing a coffee shop model

There are several options for coffee shops, all of them are in demand among customers, but are aimed at different client audiences.

Express coffee shop with takeaway coffee

This model assumes that the majority of customers will take coffee and snacks with them without lingering in the coffee shop. This allows the entrepreneur to save on premises, electricity costs and additional staff - only a barista will be enough to work. But at the same time, the price of coffee in such coffee shops is set below the average price in coffee shops in the city in order to attract buyers.

Atmospheric cozy coffee shop

This is an establishment where visitors come not to drink coffee and have a snack, but to enjoy the atmosphere of the cafe, relax and gain energy. Therefore, the main costs of the entrepreneur in this case will be on the designer and the decoration of the premises, it will be necessary to use additional personnel, but the price of coffee in such a coffee shop is set significantly higher than the city average. The peculiarity of an atmospheric coffee shop is that it should be unique and not repeat itself with other establishments in the city. Its difference from other models is that visitors should enjoy the atmosphere and understand that they are paying for aesthetic pleasure, which is accompanied by delicious drinks. Moreover, the menu of such a coffee shop includes not only classic drinks - espresso, Americano, cappuccino or latte, but also signature drinks from the barista. The menu should also include hot dishes that will be prepared in the establishment’s own kitchen.

Also, don’t neglect classic coffee shops, where people come to drink coffee, eat and sit quietly before a hard day at work. This coffee shop does not have a special interior or signature drinks, but it is convenient for visitors who are rushing to work in the morning, because they can not overpay for the interior and drink coffee. An American-style coffee shop usually has 5-10 tables where visitors can sit and enjoy delicious drinks and snacks or desserts. For such coffee shops, the main thing is not the interior, but the menu. And for an entrepreneur, the main thing is to choose the right location, close to popular places for people, so that the coffee shop is popular.

Selecting a room

The room depends on which model of coffee shop is chosen. Let's consider each option separately. A ready-made coffee shop business plan will help you evaluate the profitability of each model and its prospects for a specific city.

Express coffee shop

The premises for such a coffee shop should be located in a place where there is always a large crowd of people; it can be located next to or inside a shopping center, with a public transport stop, or with places for training. Any place where there are always a lot of people nearby is suitable for this purpose. The room itself for a coffee shop should be small, about 10-20 square meters. This is enough to place a coffee machine, a refrigerator, a display case and one or two tables. When choosing a room, you must immediately consider the possibility of expansion, because if the coffee shop is popular among people, it will be necessary to add additional tables and enlarge the kitchen. You also need to check the communications in the room; it must have electricity and water, and there must be enough sockets to connect all the equipment at the same time. In the premises for an express coffee shop, you can get by with simple minimal repairs to make it look clean and tidy. An entrepreneur does not have to spend additional funds to create a unique design. The main thing is that the logo of the coffee shop or its symbols can be seen in the interior.

In this case, there are fewer difficulties with choosing a room, because an atmospheric coffee shop does not have to be located in the first line; customers do not wander into it by chance, but come purposefully. But it is desirable that the coffee shop itself is located in a place with convenient transport links. That is, a quiet street in a busy area is best. The room for an atmospheric coffee shop should be large enough so that visitors do not interfere with each other; there should be at least 2 meters between tables. It is optimal that the coffee shop is easily accessible to visitors, but at the same time it is located in a fairly quiet place, ideally if you find a room in the historical center of the city, so that ancient buildings can be seen from the windows of the coffee shop. This creates an additional atmosphere and helps the establishment. The communication requirements in an atmospheric coffee shop are the same as for other coffee shops. The special difference between a cozy coffee shop and other options is that it must be very large, so that visitors can comfortably fit inside it, and at the same time they do not hear or see everything that is happening in the kitchen.

American or mini coffee shop

An ordinary coffee shop, like takeaway coffee, should be located in popular and crowded places. But at the same time, the size of the room itself is much larger, approximately 20-100 square meters, depending on the flow of people. That is, the main requirement for premises for such an establishment is its location. The coffee shop must be located in a busy area of ​​the city, where there is a constant flow of target audience. As in other cases, the room should have a separate space for the kitchen, where there is electricity and water, and a room with many outlets, including for use by visitors, will also be a big advantage. The interior of such a coffee shop can be simple and inexpensive, the main thing is that it contains the style of the coffee shop itself.

The target audience

The target audience of the coffee shop also depends on the chosen model. Let's consider each of the options.

For such a coffee shop, the main audience will be young people from 18 to 30 years old, who are in a hurry to go to school and work in the morning and stop to buy a cup of coffee. As a rule, they have an average or low level of income, so the service and interior of the mini coffee shop are not important to them, the main thing is the quality of the drink itself. The highest flow of customers in such a coffee shop will be observed from morning until lunch; by evening it decreases several times. For customers, coffee itself is most in demand; snacks and desserts are in low demand. Based on this, it is necessary to install a good coffee machine in such a coffee shop and purchase several types of coffee. It is better to buy snacks and desserts that are low perishable and can sit on display for several days. This will help attract more customers and reduce costs. Also, a coffee shop of this type must open an hour and a half before the start of the working day. An entrepreneur should analyze what time people's activity begins in this area of ​​the city and open a coffee shop about 30 minutes earlier. Many people neglect this and open coffee shops from 10 a.m., when most people are already at work. Because of this, a coffee shop even in a successful location can fail. It is better to close the coffee shop earlier, but also to start work earlier.

The target audience of such a coffee shop will be coffee connoisseurs. They will come precisely to try a new type of coffee and enjoy the taste of the drink. The income level of visitors to such a coffee shop will be above average, so the interior and service will be important to them. Also, in addition to coffee, such an establishment should offer hot dishes so that visitors can have lunch. The main peak of customers occurs in the afternoon. A cozy interior coffee shop must meet the high level of clients so that business meetings and events can be held there. Therefore, when designing an interior, it is necessary to seek the help of a professional designer. In a coffee shop of this type, little things and nuances are important, from interior details to service. An entrepreneur should pay great attention to the menu, in particular not only coffee, but also hot dishes and snacks. All dishes on the menu must be combined with coffee and other hot drinks. And the most important thing in such a coffee shop is the staff: baristas, cooks and waiters. Baristas must be able to prepare a large number of types of coffee, moreover, they must be able to understand the needs of the client and serve him a suitable drink for the occasion. Chefs must be highly qualified, which will allow them to quickly and tasty prepare all dishes from the menu. And the waiters must be polite and courteous; the atmosphere in the coffee shop depends on them, and this is the most important thing.

This is a coffee shop that can be visited by people with low and middle income, as well as with high income. People go to such an establishment when they need a quick snack, and preference is given not to the interior, but to the location and quality of the food. This type of coffee shop has the largest target audience, but at the same time the strongest competition. It is an intermediate establishment between an atmospheric and an express coffee shop. In it, visitors can quickly grab what they need and go about their business, or sit and relax. Therefore, it should combine the simplicity, functionality and speed of preparing drinks from an express coffee shop and the comfort and convenience of an atmospheric coffee shop. American style coffee shops are most popular among visitors because it is convenient and practical for them. But the competition among such coffee shops is the greatest. Therefore, an entrepreneur must, before opening an establishment, analyze the work of competitors and find what will distinguish his establishment from others. This could be an assortment of snacks and desserts, promotions and bonuses for regular customers, a convenient location, a high-quality advertising campaign, events held in a coffee shop and other options. The more advantages an establishment has over its competitors, the more likely it is that it will be popular with visitors.

Fixed price coffee

This is a new direction of the coffee shop, which is just beginning to conquer the market. The main concept of this establishment is that all dishes on the menu are sold at one fixed price. This could be coffee, tea, desserts, salads and snacks. As a rule, this price is below the market average, but this does not mean that the coffee shop is operating at a loss. The entrepreneur's benefit is that some of the dishes from the menu are sold at a reduced price, and some are sold at an inflated price, and the difference in their cost compensates for the losses. The interior, service and assortment in such a coffee shop differ slightly from a regular express coffee shop, that is, its main difference is only in the fixed price. The benefit of entrepreneurs in this business model is that competition among such coffee shops is minimal, since they are just entering the Russian market. And if you manage to open your own establishment in time, you can occupy a strong niche.

Market analysis

For express coffee shops with coffee to go, the market is very crowded in all major cities. At the same time, there are both small private establishments and chain coffee shops operating under franchise. But with this type of coffee shop, the main thing is to find premises near popular places, then competition is reduced to a minimum.

The main thing is that within 200 meters from the coffee shop there is no competitor’s establishment of the same format, because in this case the flow of customers may be divided. Therefore, the key when opening such a coffee shop is the choice of premises.

With atmospheric coffee shops, things are somewhat more complicated, because there are quite a few coffee connoisseurs even in big cities, and if the city already has a successful coffee shop of this format, it will be quite difficult to find customers. In order to lure customers, you will need to carefully study everything that competitors offer, highlight their strengths and weaknesses and surpass them in all respects; only in this case can you achieve success. It is worth noting that atmospheric coffee shops will be profitable only in large cities where the average income of the population is above average. Because in small towns, interior, service and atmosphere are not a priority. There are also many American-style coffee shops in large cities, and in this case, location also decides everything. The more convenient it is for the client, the more popular the establishment will be. That is, in order to gain an advantage among competitors, you need to choose a favorable location. A coffee shop business plan will help you analyze the market situation and choose the right location to reach the target audience as much as possible.


The most important product in a coffee shop is coffee. , therefore, first of all, any coffee shop should offer several varieties of this drink. Usually these are classic ones - Americano, espresso, cappuccino and latte. It is also necessary to add several types of tea, water and juice, for those people who accompany a coffee lover but do not drink it themselves. In addition, in express coffee shops and American-style coffee shops, customers should be presented with several options for dessert and hearty snacks to choose from. And in the atmospheric coffee shop this is complemented by hot dishes that are prepared in the establishment’s own kitchen. It is also profitable to offer not only classic coffees, but also signature drinks. Moreover, the more interesting and varied the menu in an atmospheric coffee shop, the greater the flow of people it will attract. When choosing desserts and snacks for a coffee shop, you should focus on the time of year. In summer, light and delicate desserts are more popular, and in winter, baked goods and hearty snacks are in demand. There are two options for a coffee shop - you can prepare desserts and snacks yourself, or you can purchase ready-made ones and resell them. In the first case, additional costs will be required for organizing a kitchen and hiring a cook; the second option is simpler and is preferable to use at the first stage of the coffee shop. But the main thing is not to purchase desserts and snacks from direct competitors, so as not to spoil the reputation of the establishment. For an express coffee shop, having your own kitchen is not necessary, the main thing is that there is always a supply of desserts and snacks. Since this is not the main product in a coffee shop, you can use snacks, candy bars, and chocolate as desserts, since they do not spoil for a long time. In an atmospheric coffee shop, having your own kitchen and own production of snacks and desserts is a must; this is what will distinguish this establishment from its competitors. But in an American-style coffee shop, both options are applicable. You can buy ready-made desserts and snacks there, or you can produce them on site.


Any type of coffee shop must have a barista; this is a person who will be responsible for preparing drinks and developing new recipes. A barista can also combine the role of a salesperson and a cleaner for small establishments where the flow of people is small. For large coffee shops, it is necessary to hire 2-3 baristas to serve people quickly. It is important for baristas to regularly conduct training and advanced training, because the popularity of the establishment depends on the quality of coffee. In addition to the barista, the coffee shop should have:

  1. Accountant - for small establishments, you can enter into an agreement with a person for remote accounting;
  2. Cleaning lady - if the coffee shop occupies a small room and the flow of people is small, then it is enough to clean once a day in the morning or evening; for large establishments you need to hire a full-time cleaner;
  3. Waiters - they are necessary for atmospheric coffee shops, since service and interior are the most important thing in them;
  4. Cooks - if the coffee shop has its own kitchen.

For the team to work successfully, it is necessary to constantly train staff and conduct team building.

Legal registration

First of all, an entrepreneur must register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. When submitting documents for registration to the Federal Tax Service, you must select the OKVED code that the establishment corresponds to, it can be:

  • 56.10 - Activities of restaurants and food delivery services; this code includes coffee shops that both sell takeaway coffee and serve customers in the hall;
  • 56.10.1 - this code is for coffee shops with full restaurant service;
  • 10.56.21 - code for establishments with coffee for takeaway only.

After registering an individual entrepreneur and documents with the Federal Tax Service, you need to choose a taxation system. For individual entrepreneurs, this can be UTII, PSN, OSNO and simplified tax system. The most profitable systems are UTII and simplified tax system. But they are subject to restrictions on the number of employees, premises area and income. Therefore, before choosing a system, you must first assess the scale of the coffee shop and check it for compliance with all requirements. Since a coffee shop is a public catering establishment, to open it you will need many permitting documents, these are:

  1. An agreement for water supply and sewerage with the city water utility, this requirement immediately implies the need for water supply in the premises;
  2. Contract for the supply of electricity;
  3. Agreement with the management company for the removal of solid waste;
  4. Lease agreement for premises or documents confirming ownership;
  5. Permit from Rospotrebnadzor;
  6. Permits from the fire inspectorate;
  7. Sanitary documents;
  8. Agreements with suppliers and partners.

It is also necessary to check the coffee shop’s compliance with all fire safety standards and compliance with Sanpin.


The quantity and level of necessary equipment directly depends on the level of the coffee shop and its scale, but there is a list of equipment required for all coffee shops:

  1. Coffee machine, preferably made in Italy - 100 thousand rubles;
  2. Refrigerator - 40 thousand rubles;
  3. Coffee grinder - 10,000 rubles;
  4. Professional water filter - 10-20 thousand rubles;
  5. Dishwasher - 30 thousand rubles;
  6. Showcase - 20,000 rubles;
  7. Juicer;
  8. Mixer.

If you need to equip your own kitchen in a coffee shop, the list of equipment will be expanded.


To open a coffee shop one-time, you need to invest money in:

  1. Purchase of equipment 200-300 thousand rubles;
  2. Renovation of the premises - 300 thousand rubles;
  3. Furniture - 200 thousand rubles;
  4. Registration of documents - 150 thousand rubles;
  5. Advertising - 100 thousand rubles.

That is, one-time expenses will be approximately 1 million rubles, this amount may depend on the scale of the coffee shop and the chosen model. The calculations are considered for an American-style coffee shop. There are also monthly expenses:

  1. Rent of premises - 150 thousand rubles;
  2. Purchase of products and raw materials - 300 thousand rubles;
  3. Employee salary - 300,000 rubles
  4. Utility bills - 10-15 thousand rubles;
  5. Advertising - 10 thousand rubles.

This is about 800 thousand rubles per month. On average, an American coffee shop brings in 1 million rubles, which means it will take 6 months to start making a net profit. Depending on the chosen model and the success of the institution, this period can range from 4 months to 12. This is an example with calculations for 2018-2019, and it is relevant for this period.

The coffee shop differs from other catering establishments in its wide selection of coffee varieties and coffee drinks. In addition to the main item on the menu - coffee, the coffee shop offers numerous confectionery products, cold and hot snacks.

The format of the establishment is close to the concept of a “French” coffee shop. The main idea is to organize a cozy space for relaxation. The emphasis is not on speed, but on the quality of customer service. The waiters and baristas are excellent consultants on all the drinks and dishes offered.

Opening your own coffee shop can be a very profitable investment of resources if you have developed the concept correctly and are ready to offer the client quality products and a high level of service.

When opening your establishment, you must first determine your target audience. Depending on this, you will develop a product line, as well as the company’s pricing policy. In addition, a clear understanding of the needs of your customers will allow you to decide on the choice of marketing strategy and tools for attracting customers.

The process of opening your own coffee shop is quite expensive in terms of time and financial resources. This is due to the need to carry out repair work, coordinate the finished premises with the SES and fire supervision services, as well as obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor.

However, the main difficulties will begin when you start running your own business. The fact is that organizing a coffee business requires the owner to pay close attention to new trends and market changes, since the market environment itself in this area is highly competitive. This is an interesting business with great development opportunities. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to relax by putting your work on stream. But if you conduct market analysis regularly and competently, then your business will bring you high profits.

The payback period is from 15 months.

The initial investment will be equal to 3 114 072 rub.

The break-even point is reached at 6 month of operation of the establishment.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A good coffee shop has a rich selection of coffee drinks, as well as several types of coffee. Some establishments offer visitors beans of various roasts, as well as flavored varieties of coffee. Customers also have the opportunity to choose coffee by country of origin and price category.

In this business plan, we are considering opening a coffee shop with a large selection of coffee. In addition, the establishment is expected to have a full-fledged kitchen with a cold, hot and pastry shop. The menu is regularly updated with seasonal offerings.

The range of drinks should include not only classic items such as espresso, cappuccino, latte, ristretto, Americano, but also a variety of signature coffee cocktails. You can invite visitors to choose their cup size and experiment with adding syrups and toppings. To develop a menu, it is advisable to find an experienced barista who will help you replenish your assortment with exclusive drinks.

The kitchen menu is developed by the chef. It is preferable to introduce European cuisine, which includes a wide dessert menu. As a rule, people prefer to take light food with coffee, so the main part of the menu should consist of snacks and salads.

The establishment’s services are provided in two areas:

  • In-house service is the main service;
  • Providing drinks and some items from the takeaway menu is an additional service.

If the project is successfully implemented, it is possible to introduce your own food delivery service or cooperate with companies that specialize in delivery.

The unique selling proposition of the coffee shop is the presence of a mobile application through which the customer can reserve a table, make a reservation and leave a review. The client can also see what kind of staff is working that day. Thus, both waiters and cooks have the opportunity to develop their own client base. This, in turn, affects the ability to receive good compensation in the form of tips.

The project is also unique due to its interior. The main idea of ​​creating a coffee shop is to organize a cozy space for relaxation. Leaving behind all the unnecessary fuss, the client gets the opportunity to enjoy a flavorful drink and signature cuisine in pleasant company. This is precisely what the unique interior of the establishment contributes to. When choosing furniture, you should take into account the comfort of the chairs, the height of the tables, and the size of the sofas. These little things really play a big role for visitors, so in matters of furnishing it is better to immediately seek the advice of a professional designer.

When choosing a location, you should rely on the proximity of business centers, educational institutions, and shopping malls. The coffee shop should be located in such a way that a large traffic of the target audience passes by. However, the most favorable thing is to open a coffee shop in a busy area, but on a quiet street. This is due to the fact that most often a client comes to a coffee shop not to eat, but to spend time.

The coffee shop's opening hours are on weekdays from 8.00 to 22.00. On weekends from 10.00 to 24.00

3. Description of the sales market

If you are considering opening a full-fledged coffee shop with a kitchen and a wide selection of different dishes, then the target audience of the establishment is quite large. In general, these are people from 20 to 45 years old with an income of 30,000 rubles. and higher. You can conduct a narrower segmentation of consumers:

  • Students from 20 to 25 years old. The main traffic of clients from this category occurs in the morning hours (from 8.00 to 10.00) and during the business lunch period (from 12.00 to 16.00);
  • Office workers from 25 to 35 years old. Come for business lunches from 12.00 to 16.00. Sometimes they come in for dinner after work, i.e. after 19.00;
  • People working in management positions and combining lunch with business negotiations. Visiting hours: from 12.00 to 18.00;
  • Housewives who come to a coffee shop with company to relax and escape from everyday worries. Their attendance increases from 11.00 to 15.00.

In the evening, people from all of the above categories come to the coffee shop. Breakfasts from 8.00 to 10.00 are attended by those whose workday starts later or who work a flexible schedule.

On weekends, families with children often come to the coffee shop, as they are attracted by the wide selection of desserts.

And a random passer-by who wants to drink a cup of coffee in a coffee shop or take it with him can stop by at any time.

In order to reach the maximum number of consumer segments, it is necessary to maintain an average price level, as well as regularly introduce special offers.

A stationary coffee shop has a lot of competition in the market. The coffee shop's competitors are not only the same establishments that, along with European cuisine, offer a wide range of coffee drinks. These include cafes, restaurants, and even canteens during business lunches. Mini-coffee shops located in shopping centers are not competitors, since they are aimed at a different audience. “Coffee to go” points are competitors only for a separate service of the establishment - takeaway coffee. However, this is an additional service of the coffee shop, so it is not advisable to take special measures to reduce competition for this type of service.

In order to stand out among the huge number of establishments, it is necessary to develop a unique selling proposition, as well as maintain a consistently high level of quality of food and service. As for the company's pricing policy, in this segment the elasticity of demand is of high importance. That is, even a small increase in price will significantly affect the decrease in demand. Accordingly, price increases must be treated very carefully. Your customers need to understand why they are paying more than before.

The advantages and disadvantages of the project can be presented in the following table:

Strengths of the project:

Weaknesses of the project:

  • A team of highly qualified specialists - waiters, managers, cooks. Regular training and certification of employees;
  • Bright interior creating a unique atmosphere;
  • A democratic coffee shop format that allows you to reach a wide range of audiences;
  • Favorable location;
  • Unique cuisine complemented by regular seasonal specials;
  • Variety of coffee drinks, the best varieties of coffee;
  • Regular monitoring of feedback from clients through a book of reviews and suggestions, prompt elimination of deficiencies;
  • Providing business lunches and breakfasts at reduced prices;
  • Discount on all takeaway menus.
  • Possibility of unsuccessful promotions and marketing campaigns;
  • Reduced quality of staff work.

Project capabilities:

Project threats:

  • Development of a network of coffee shops in the city and in the region;
  • Introduction of delivery service;
  • Development of a mobile application that allows you to make a reservation or reserve a table.
  • High competition in the market;
  • Increase in prices for coffee and food;
  • Rent increase/lease termination;
  • Declining purchasing power of the population and decreasing demand for coffee shop services.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

It is necessary to approach the choice of location of a coffee shop very responsibly. You should evaluate the traffic flow of the premises, and also determine how convenient it is for customers to get to your establishment. The area of ​​the room is calculated based on the number of seats. For a coffee shop for 40-50 people, renting 180 sq.m. is sufficient.

At the stage of creating a design project for a coffee shop, it is advisable to turn to professionals working in the HoReCa field, who can create high-quality engineering and technological projects. This is necessary, first of all, so that all communications carried out can withstand the power of restaurant equipment and ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the restaurant. Also, a professional project is a guarantee that the repair will be carried out taking into account all the requirements of regulatory authorities and you will not have to redo anything in the future.

You should not save on installing alarms and CCTV cameras. This will allow you to monitor the work of staff and compliance with discipline in the workplace, and will also help in resolving conflicts related to property damage.

6. Organizational structure

For the coffee shop to operate fully, you will need to recruit staff for the following vacancies:

  • Manager. He organizes the work of the sales floor, supervises the performance of the duties of waiters and baristas. Monitors the coordinated work of the kitchen and hall, and the timely delivery of dishes. Together with the chef, he organizes banquets and major events. Hires and trains waiters and baristas. Opening hours: daily from 10.00 to 22.00.
  • Chef. The main responsibility is to control the preparation and timely delivery of all dishes. The chef creates the menu, trains the staff under his supervision, and ensures that the kitchen runs smoothly. Also selects suppliers and work schedule: daily from 10.00 to 22.00.
  • Cook. There are two cooks on staff, but one cook is in the kitchen per shift. He fully prepares and delivers dishes from the kitchen. Work schedule: 2 working days every 2 days off. Subordinate to the chef.
  • Pastry chef. His area of ​​responsibility is preparing all desserts in the required quantities. Subordinate to the chef. Opening hours: daily 10.00 to 19.00. If desserts are made in sufficient quantities to meet demand for the next two days, you may leave work early. If there is an influx of guests, you must stay late, since if the kitchen is idle, the cooks are punished with a fine.
  • Barista. Prepares all types of drinks: coffee, teas, cocktails. He is well versed in types of coffee and knows many methods of preparation. He has a pleasant appearance, is friendly and sociable. Reports directly to the manager. Working hours: 2 working days every 2 days off from 10.00 to 22.00.
  • Waiter. The waiter's responsibilities include setting the table, serving and paying the client. The waiter must know about each dish on the menu: ingredients, taste, cooking time, method of serving. The waiters of the coffee shop are attractive in appearance, have a good memory and politely serve each client. Working hours: 2 working days every 2 days off from 10.00 to 22.00.
  • Cleaning woman. The main responsibility is to maintain cleanliness in the hall, office premises, kitchen, and at the entrance to the coffee shop. Working hours: daily.
  • Accountant. Maintains document flow, submits reports to regulatory authorities, removes cash balances, issues wages, etc. Opening hours: from 10.00 to 19.00 daily.

Employees' wages take the form of a salary. An additional motivation for the work of service personnel is receiving tips. Tips are divided among shift members at the end of each working day.



Salary per 1 employee (RUB)

Salary Total (RUB)



Pastry chef


Cleaning woman


General salary fund

The full calculation of the payroll with insurance premiums is presented in the financial model.

When choosing staff, you should remember that service is the most important component of the restaurant business. People return to places where they were well served. In addition, stress resistance should be a distinctive character trait of your employees. All employees who directly interact with the consumer must be able to resolve any conflict situations in favor of the client. This is due to the fact that quality service is taken for granted by the visitor. His expectations for a high level of service are justified, but this does not motivate the client to write rave reviews about your establishment. However, in a situation with poor service, the visitor tends to spread negative reviews about your coffee shop as far as possible. Sometimes it's cheaper to give an extra dessert as an apology than to lose several potential customers at once. Take this fact into account when forming a team and training staff.

7. Financial plan

The largest costs when opening a coffee shop are the purchase of kitchen and coffee equipment, as well as repairs and decoration of the premises.

The equipment will cost you at least 1,000,000 rubles. This amount may vary depending on the type of kitchen and the number of dishes provided, as well as equipment suppliers. You can see the list of kitchen equipment with a European menu and a separate confectionery shop in the financial model.

How to create your own coffee business and, at a minimum, not “tread water”, and at most, not go broke, says a real owner of his own coffee shop. From his story you will learn how to come up with a name for your future success, how to develop a menu, how to work with suppliers and many more “secrets” of a profitable and, at the same time, very interesting business.

Opening a coffee shop from scratch. Step-by-step instructions from a real entrepreneur

Hello, my name is Alexander Nikiforov, I am from Tver. Today I own a small but very cozy one, which is in demand among local residents and guests of the city.

Even before starting the business, I had a clear idea of ​​future costs. Initially I planned to invest 300 thousand rubles, but it turned out even cheaper - 270-280 thousand.

It played an important role, thanks to which it was possible to implement the plan without additional costs. Of course, small adjustments had to be made, but they were few.

And further: I think the most important of all the main factors in the development of a coffee shop is a good location.

Based on my existing experience, I can say with confidence that starting a coffee business from scratch is feasible and inexpensive.

What do you need to open a coffee shop first?

I love coffee, so I often came to various coffee shops, studied their assortment, menu and features of the organization of the process. Communication with the barista provided information about visitors, features of business organization, and cooperation with suppliers.

I analyzed competitors' prices and studied the assortment. At the initial stage, it was decided to open an inexpensive establishment with prices slightly lower than those of competitors. I paid special attention to the menu and room design.

The main criterion for choosing was pedestrian traffic. I wanted to speed up the return on investment for the coffee shop and recoup costs faster due to greater traffic.

In the end, I chose a place in a small building with access to a pedestrian path. Proximity to large shopping centers and educational institutions guaranteed a decent flow of customers.

At first I was advised to open a business at a car or railway station, but I abandoned this idea. Practice has shown that passing people are not ready to spend 120-150 rubles on a cup of coffee.

The size of the room, twenty square meters, was enough for me to place a bar counter and place several tables with sofas for each.

There was an option to buy coffee shops, but I took a different route and decided to register myself, from scratch. There were no problems with the documents. Here you will need to register as an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

The first option is suitable if you are running a business together with other people. Since I am the only investor, preference was given to individual entrepreneurs.

As for taxation, the best option is UTII. Its advantage is convenience, because there is no need to report on other types of taxes, for example, property tax.

Generally speaking, the entire discovery process took place in several stages. First, I registered a legal entity, registered with the tax office and submitted an application for application.

The next step was to select a place to rent and sign an agreement with the landlord. Next, I resolved the issue with suppliers, thought through the design and made repairs. Most of the time was spent on choosing and purchasing equipment and drawing up a map.

Let me make a reservation right away: it is important to carefully choose the barista who is the face of the coffee shop. I also hired one waiter, but a lot depends on your needs and the size of the room.

Take your time when choosing suppliers for your coffee shop. Remember, this is about long-term relationships and customer experiences. It is advisable to order milk with a fat content of 3.2% (an important point). Choose the rest based on price and quality.

How much does it cost to open a coffee shop?

What attracted me to this business was its minimal investment requirements. From my friend's experience, I knew how to open a coffee shop in a small town.

At the same time, before drawing up a business plan, I did not clearly understand the level of costs of opening a business in a large locality. In general, there is plenty to roam around here.

I have already spoken about my initial investments (270-280 thousand rubles). But there are no upper limits here. Buying just one coffee machine can cost a million rubles, so each entrepreneur makes his own decision.

By the way, a friend of mine invested an even smaller amount (100 thousand rubles). He limited himself to a small room and light cosmetic repairs. Within three months, he bought new equipment and made adjustments to the design of the premises.

Thus, the total investment increased to 300-400 thousand rubles. Perhaps, at the initial stage, this approach is the most optimal, because this way you can understand whether the business will “burn out” or not.

Actually, I also did not show off and went to reduce costs wherever possible - I found a room with an inexpensive fee, rented the most expensive one and did not go to excess in terms of decoration.

Over time, I corrected the situation and today my coffee shop only has new and expensive equipment.

How to open a coffee shop from scratch. Business plan for coffee to go.

Example menu

When organizing a business, pay attention to the menu, make it special and different from what your competitors offer. In other words, you need some kind of “zest” that will make your establishment fall in love.

Be sure to include in the menu latte, espresso, cappuccino, mocha and other coffee drinks that are most in demand among visitors.

To upgrade your coffee shops, add buns and cakes to the selection. Personally, this helped me increase the establishment’s profit and attract additional customers.

As for more serious dishes, their number should be limited (no more than 2-3). As an option, add to the range the possibility of adding syrups and various alcoholic cocktails with the addition of coffee.

When creating the menu, I tried to make it understandable for the user. You shouldn’t be overwhelmed by your knowledge of foreign languages ​​and types of coffee drinks - focus on clarity.

The fewer foreign names on the menu, the better. A person should sort out the available assortment himself, and not call the waiter to him every five minutes.

For example, my coffee shop is open in the morning, so a few simple breakfast dishes came in handy. If there is a university or business center nearby, then fast food dishes are suitable as a complement.

An equally important point is the design of the menu. It is important that it fits comfortably in your hands and is easy to read. Make the font medium size (neither small nor large).

Also come up with names that will make you want to order the dish. If possible, describe the ingredients of the dish.

The picture is clickable. Click and you will find out how you can open an express coffee shop as a franchise without much difficulty and large investments!

It’s not hard to come up with a coffee shop name!

You can read about the latest news and trends in franchise business


I already mentioned above that the interior of the establishment plays a key role. The number of clients directly depends on the literacy of its organization. For this reason, you shouldn’t skimp on extra surroundings.

If you have experience and the appropriate talent, do everything yourself. If you don’t have the required skills, then hire a designer who will do everything taking into account recommendations and current trends.

There are a million design options. I made the interior in the French style, but you can go the other way - choose the English classics or the Russian way of organizing the interior.

The main thing is that the finished establishment should have a sense of character and individuality.

Pay attention to the lighting fixture- it is better to refuse chandeliers on the ceiling. Dim, romantic light is more typical for a coffee shop. The best option is to place small lamps or table lamps at each table and in neutral places.


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Pay special attention to furniture. When buying chairs and tables, do not go for cheapness - focus on convenience for customers. Ideally, avoid chairs altogether and install small sofas instead.

Musical arrangement. When choosing music, consider the style you choose. If he is French, then the music should be appropriate. At the same time, the sound background should saturate the room and create an unusual atmosphere. The most commonly recommended are "blues", "folk" or "classical".

Pay attention to the color palette- she should not be intrusive. Also provide a ventilation and air conditioning system, which is very helpful in hot weather.

Business plan for your own coffee shop: where to start and how much you can earn

You can start your own coffee shop business in a few weeks. First of all, for this you need to create a business plan with step-by-step instructions for action, draw up a project for the premises and calculate all possible expenses. We'll tell you how to properly decorate a coffee shop, what to pay attention to when decorating the interior and exterior, how to calculate profitability and other financial indicators.

How to write a coffee shop business plan

This is a document that describes in detail the plan for opening your project with all the nuances.

What should be contained in a business plan:

Introductory part– description of the project and its differences from competitors, overview of the advantages of your coffee shop, market analysis.

Target audience analysis– description of a potential client, detailed analysis of coffee shop visitors and preferences of different groups of guests, selection of the main audience core.

Competitor analysis and offer determination– analysis of competitors’ businesses and the formation of your unique offer based on the data obtained.

Prospects and risks– analysis of market prospects - in which direction your niche is developing, what trends are currently on the market and how they can change in a few years; analysis of business risks - where you can lose your investment and why, how this can be prevented.

Setting the main goal. For example, your goal could be to make a profit of one and a half million rubles a year and launch a chain of coffee shops without a franchise)

Financial plan– information on expenses and income with calculation of payback, as well as calculation of the amount that will need to be spent on maintaining the business every month. Review of funding sources.

Marketing plan– a detailed description of the advertising campaign to ensure the occupancy of your coffee shop.

Production plan– calculation of the amount of furniture that needs to be purchased for the coffee shop, selection of furniture models, description of all appliances and equipment for the kitchen with approximate prices, information on the amount of money that needs to be allocated to pay wages to the employees you hired..

Help block– codes and names of all documents that you received before opening your coffee shop, the cost of purchasing each license or official paper, information on renewing documentation indicating the places where this can be done.

A business plan is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Any experienced entrepreneur can draw up a competent plan.

Where can I get a ready-made business plan for a coffee shop with calculations?

A ready-made business plan can be obtained from one of two sources.

  • In the Internet

You can use the plan given in this article. There are interesting ideas for designing business plans in specialized blogs of industry specialists. But all numbers and calculations in this case will be approximate. Be sure to adapt them to suit yourself.

  • Order from a professional

If you do not have time to develop a plan, you can use the services of a specialist. The estimated cost is several thousand rubles. For this money, they will write you a specific plan with detailed calculations for your coffee shop.

  • Independent writing of a plan.

This will take you a few business days. The advantage is that in the process of compiling it you will better study and understand the specifics of this business.

To create a coffee shop project, you will either need to contact a specialist (for example, an interior designer with an architectural education) or do it yourself.

The technical plan of a coffee shop is a plan of the premises that you plan to rent, indicating where the kitchen will be located, where the main guest room, wardrobe and other rooms will be located.

What should be indicated in the technical plan:

  1. Location of the kitchen and all fire hazard points
  2. Location of storage rooms with one exit
  3. Exit routes from the common room, kitchen, restrooms or pantry

A diagram of the arrangement of equipment and tables is another plan that you will need to open your own coffee shop. The designer must find the best way to fit all the equipment you plan to purchase into one kitchen.

According to the initial table arrangement, you can choose how much furniture to purchase for the guest room. If you are planning to open a small coffee shop to begin with, avoid large chairs. Instead, look to bar counters and high tables.

To obtain a lighting connection diagram, contact a specialist. If you rent space inside a shopping center that is already operating, you can find the person you need by contacting the management of the shopping center. Without a lighting diagram, you will not be able to submit a complete package of fire safety documents and obtain the necessary permit.

In general, the coffee shop project consists of a full description of the future establishment and its interior in tables and visual diagrams. You can attach the project to a ready-made business plan as an appendix.

Menu and design of a small coffee shop

If you open a small coffee shop, five hundred thousand rubles will be enough to purchase all the interior parts and furniture. About 50 thousand more will need to be spent on the exterior design of shop windows, entrances and signs. The figures are approximate and vary depending on the city, location, area and specifics.

The coffee shop menu should have several types of coffee - Americano, espresso, cappuccino, latte, etc. With coffee, you can serve snacks, pastries, donuts, buns, sandwiches and ready-made food in a “to-go” format. Always consider the wishes of a potential buyer before adding new items to the menu.

Legal registration of a coffee shop

Or LLC so that your business is officially registered. To sell alcohol, choose the form of a limited liability company, since only it allows you to sell alcoholic beverages on the territory of your coffee shop. If you do not plan to include alcohol in the menu, it would be more rational to open an individual entrepreneur, which can be registered in one day.

The state fee for opening is up to one thousand rubles.

OKVED codes for opening your own coffee shop are 56.30 (serving drinks), 56.10 (operating restaurants with delivery services for food products sold in them).

It will be more convenient for you to choose the so-called single tax on imputed income. You will pay no more than 10 thousand rubles per month, regardless of the size of the profit. The exact amount depends on your region. You can also use a simplified taxation system (6% of revenue or 15% of net income)

How much does it cost to open a coffee shop?

The cost of opening a coffee shop starts from millions of rubles. This price includes rental of premises (about 50,000 - 200,000 rubles per month for a small coffee shop), payment of wages to all employees (about 300 thousand rubles per month), purchase of all furniture and other necessary interior components (minimum 200,000 rubles at the start ), as well as the purchase of kitchen equipment (from 250 thousand rubles). A separate expense item for a coffee shop is a high-quality professional coffee machine costing 100,000 rubles and more.

The price of opening a coffee shop may vary depending on the menu and products from which coffee, tea and desserts will be made. But most of all, the amount depends on the place you rent.

How to calculate the profitability of a coffee shop

Profitability is gross profit (that is, the difference between profit received and costs) divided by revenue.

You can immediately calculate approximate profitability, breakeven and profit margins, using data from your closest competitors in your chosen niche as a basis. Typically, a coffee shop’s profit is from a million rubles a year; when a franchise is opened, it rises several times. The payback period occurs 15-18 months after the first launch.

When opening your own coffee shop, focus on quality dishes and an interesting interior. Nowadays you are unlikely to be able to surprise a client with a special menu that is radically different from the offerings of other coffee shops. Due to the large number on the market, new coffee shops often go unnoticed and remain empty.

The key point is the location of your coffee shop. You need to choose a walk-through location - for example, close to business centers, universities, offices.

An interior made in bright (or, conversely, pastel) colors, with unusual decorative elements and areas for photographs will also help attract customers. Unusual dishes for a coffee shop on the menu will help you stand out from your competitors. Such dishes could be, for example, carbonara, lasagna and pizza. Italian cuisine is easier to eat on the run, it is easy to prepare and allows you to be satisfied in a short time without going to a restaurant or cafe for lunch.

28.04.17 285 841 5

Excluding rent

The Penka coffee shop has been operating in Voronezh for more than a year.

Karina Fomina

is friends with the coffee shop owners

It was opened by my friends Nastya and Egor with their personal savings. I’ll tell you what it cost them and what they learned.

How to open a coffee shop and not go bankrupt

  1. Find a passage place. This is the main condition to open a successful coffee shop.
  2. Make repairs and signage.
  3. Purchase coffee equipment.
  4. Promote the coffee shop.
  5. Don’t overstaff, work with your own hands.
  6. When creating a menu, take an interest in the tastes of customers and take into account the target audience.


The location of the coffee shop is the most important. The flow of people, revenue and profit depend on this. The coffee shop should be in a public place: somewhere where people walk, live or go to work. If people still go out of town to the Grad shopping center, then no one will turn further than 100 meters from their usual route for a cup of coffee. Therefore, Nastya and Egor started by looking for a good place.

There are three ways to find premises: contact an agency, search on Avito, or go out into the city and find premises yourself.

At first, Nastya and Egor turned to real estate offices, where they were offered premises with a high rent. The agencies also take a commission from the rental price. It's too expensive.

On Avito there are many advertisements from agencies and few from owners, so this method also did not bring results. Nastya and Yegor did not have money for an agent.

Some owners post rental notices on the façade of the building and look for tenants directly. Knowing this, Nastya tried to find the premises herself.

In the center of Voronezh, next to the main building of Voronezh State University, there was a microloan agency located in a room of 14 m² - it’s like a small children’s room. In such a small space it is impossible to create a coffee shop with tables for visitors, but you can sell coffee to go. Nastya went to a microloan agency, got into a conversation with the girl at the counter and found out that the tenant was planning to move out.

Then Nastya realized that she would not leave this establishment without the phone number of the owner of the premises. She tearfully asked the girl to find out the landlord’s number from her superiors. The third time it worked. Nastya and Egor agreed on a lease directly with the owner. We don't know how much they pay for rent, but we think you should always bargain.

Repair and signage: 60 thousand rubles

Nastya and Egor decided to renovate the premises. They bought paint, rollers and pallets and enlisted friends to help with the renovation. The guys themselves painted the walls, laid linoleum and repaired the electrical wiring. The repairs cost 28 thousand rubles.

When they finished with the cosmetic work, Nastya herself decorated the ceiling with paper balls. I found the design idea on Pinterest and spent five thousand rubles on materials.

To attract visitors, Nastya and Egor decorated the entrance to the coffee shop. They ordered foam cups and a sign from a printing and outdoor advertising workshop. For the sign, the workshop cut out letters from foam plastic, covered them with facade paint to protect them from wear, ordered a polycarbonate backing, covered it with film and glued the letters. Nastya and Egor paid 15 thousand for the foam cups including installation, and 12 thousand for the sign.

We spent 60,000 RUR on repairs and signage

Tools and consumables

28,000 R

Two foam cups for the facade

15,000 R

12,000 R

Materials for paper balls

5000 R

Opening: 150 thousand rubles

Before the opening, Nastya and Egor bought only the essentials and saved on a lot. For example, there was no air conditioning, a small table for bags, chalk boards with menus and other interior details. The main thing was the room and coffee.

To brew coffee, you need a coffee machine, a coffee grinder and beans. Coffee equipment is the most expensive. One coffee grinder can cost as much as a new foreign car.

Coffee equipment is the most expensive

Nastya and Egor found a supplier who, under a contract for the supply of coffee beans, provides a coffee grinder and coffee machine free of charge. Similar equipment would cost the owners 150,000 rubles.

Nastya and Egor also saved on staff. For the first two months they served visitors independently. They started working immediately after the renovation. It was an endless vicious circle: we woke up, went to a coffee shop, worked 12 hours, went shopping, came home, fell asleep - and so on every day. Later, Nastya and Yegor began to share responsibilities among themselves: one went to the coffee shop, the other went shopping, then they changed. Sometimes the guys managed to rest. After two months of working without days off or breaks, Nastya and Egor hired their first barista.

Working behind the counter helped Nastya and Yegor understand how to better organize their workspace. The guys looked at what guests pay attention to and where they look while they are waiting for their order. Guided by their observations, Nastya and Egor changed the location of advertising and menu boards. As a result, guests easily found the information they needed, and it became more convenient for coffee shop owners to work.

Nastya and Egor noticed that if you wish your guests a good day or evening, they smile and come again. To strengthen their friendly image, Nastya and Egor began to write on cups of coffee: “Have a nice day,” “A large glass of happiness,” or “Delicious coffee for a good person.”

Now Nastya and Egor stand behind the counter once a week. This helps you feel the process yourself and understand how to develop your business.

Spent 150,000 RUR on the interior and equipment

Refrigerator display35,000 R
Disposable tableware and packaging material25,000 R
FridgeRUR 20,000
Coffee15,000 R
Counter10,000 R
Shelves in the utility room10,000 R
Other coffee additives5000 R
Chest of drawers for stirrers and straws5000 R
Shelves with paraphernalia5000 R
Coffee syrups5000 R
Banks4000 R
Two chalk boards4000 R
Two chalk pillars4000 R
Tea3000 R
Coffee grinder and coffee machine0 R

Refrigerator display

35,000 R

Disposable tableware and packaging material

25,000 R


RUB 20,000

15,000 R


10,000 R

Shelves in the utility room

10,000 R

Other coffee additives

5000 R

Chest of drawers for stirrers and straws

5000 R

Shelves with paraphernalia

5000 R

Coffee syrups

5000 R

4000 R

Two chalk boards

4000 R

Two chalk pillars

4000 R

3000 R

Coffee grinder and coffee machine

0 R

Promotion: 15 thousand rubles

Few people will walk into an unfamiliar coffee shop and become a regular guest. Need advertising. Nastya and Egor began promoting the coffee shop on social networks even before it opened. Both had previously worked in SMM, so they knew how to attract the right audience.

On the opening day of the coffee shop, Nastya and Egor organized a lottery with prizes. They invited friends as partners. Each guest drew a number and received a prize from a flower shop, barbershop, local sports complex, candy store or clothing store.

For those who study or work near the coffee shop, Nastya and Egor printed flyers with a discount on coffee. The return on flyers was 30-40%: out of 100 people who received flyers, 30-40 people came. People tried the coffee and often became regular guests. The guys spent 15 thousand rubles on printing flyers.

Nastya and Egor understood that for the coffee shop to grow, a constant flow of customers was needed. They calculated the minimum number of visitors per day in order to break even. Without paying the barista and with an average bill of 200 rubles, the coffee shop was supposed to be visited by 25 people a day. And taking into account the barista’s salary - 55 people. The coffee shop owners passed the minimum threshold in the first month. And three months later they recouped the costs.

Menu and tastes of guests

At Penka, guests are offered coffee, tea, milkshakes, lemonade, salads, sandwiches and a whole display of desserts.

Classic coffee - cappuccino and latte - and drinks with the names of your favorite delicacies are very popular. For example, Nastya and Egor made the right decision when they introduced Raffaello coffee and Oreo cocktail to the menu.

For food in the first half of the day they take porridge and sandwiches, and in the second half - desserts. The brighter the dessert, the faster it is sold out. But there is an exception: the dessert “Anthill” is unremarkable in appearance, but is very popular.

Some desserts are better purchased in summer rather than winter.

Over time, Nastya and Egor noticed that some desserts were better bought in summer than in winter, and removed them from the winter menu. For example, desserts in open plastic cups with the addition of natural yoghurt are sold at Penka only in the summer.

Conclusions of Nastya and Egor

    You don't have to spend a lot of money to open a coffee shop. We spent 225 thousand rubles on equipment, excluding premises rental. It is better to open a coffee shop in a public place - somewhere where people walk, live or go to work. Few people will enter an unfamiliar coffee shop and become a regular guest, so advertising is needed - for example, on social networks.

    It is difficult to find a suitable place for a business. You can't stop looking. Perhaps the search will take more than a year, you will give up, throw away all thoughts about your business - and only then will you find the ideal premises.

    Use your hands. There are not many things in our business that we cannot do ourselves. We worked a lot at the start, thanks to which we saved money and understood all the processes well. It was unnecessary for us to immediately hire a bunch of assistants.

    Communicate with clients and ask what they need. When creating a menu, the main thing is to please the guests, and not to develop a delicate taste in them. This also applies to pricing policy. Some establishments sell coffee and desserts at exorbitant prices, but if your guests are students, then this approach is unlikely to lead to results.


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