Business plan for the production of toilet paper with minimal investment. Equipment for the production of toilet paper Toilet paper business

Toilet paper falls into the category of essential goods. Accordingly, the production of such products is a promising and quite profitable activity for beginning entrepreneurs. The production of toilet paper as a business brings in a good, stable income. We will tell you how to organize such a profitable business in this article.

Business Features

When drawing up a business plan for the production of toilet paper, you need to take into account that it can be of three types:

  • Perforated;
  • Single layer;
  • Multilayer.

The amount of capital investment in the production process largely depends on the technology for producing toilet paper. In other words, the price of the finished product is directly proportional to the cost of raw materials. The basis for the production of toilet paper is material made from waste paper or cellulose. Waste paper is a secondary raw material from which inexpensive products with a grayish tint are obtained. Luxury goods are made from cellulose paper. They can be any color with different properties.

As a rule, small and medium-sized enterprises are engaged in the production of toilet paper from waste paper. Simple equipment and recycled materials with almost zero cost make it possible to start the production of toilet paper at home with minimal investment. Since such products are everyday goods for the majority of the population, they are sold in large quantities. Thanks to this, all initial investments are recouped in the shortest possible time.

There are many companies in our country that supply raw materials for mini-production of toilet paper. This allows us to obtain products of different quality and all price categories. The cost of the base ranges from 15–50 thousand rubles per ton. In addition to cellulose and waste paper, the production of toilet paper and napkins will require cardboard, labels and adhesive mixtures.

Registration of activities

There shouldn't be any difficulties with paperwork. If we talk about the legal form, the best option is to register an LLC, since large supply companies usually work only with legal entities. In addition, you need to obtain the necessary licenses and permits.

To sell goods you will need quality certificates for finished products. To complete them you need to collect the following documents:

  • Certificates for raw materials;
  • Agreement for the lease of industrial premises;
  • Certificate of state registration of the enterprise.

If you want to buy a toilet paper business, all you need to do is register an LLC. It is worth noting that selling a toilet paper business is the best option for entrepreneurs who do not have experience in this field.


The production workshop can be located in a room with an area of ​​at least 100–150 square meters. meters. The height of the ceilings in it should not be less than 4 m. If you want to open, at first you can equip a garage for a mini-enterprise.

Basic requirements for the premises:

  • Water pipes;
  • Sewer system;
  • Electricity.

The workshop needs to be divided into several zones:

  • Production room;
  • Warehouse for finished products;
  • Raw materials warehouse.

Over time, when the company reaches a net profit, you can rent additional space and open. This is a fairly profitable line of business that will allow you to significantly increase the profitability of your enterprise in a short time.


At first, you will need 4 people to work in the workshop. In addition, you need to hire:

  • Technologist;
  • Driver;
  • Storekeeper;
  • Accountant.

If you are opening a large production, you will need more staff. In order to save money, you can combine some positions. At the same time, you should not overload your employees, as this can negatively affect labor productivity.


Modern equipment for the production of toilet paper consists of four units. The first part is the winding machine. Rolls are formed on it. To increase productivity, wide roll arrays are used. To cut them, you need to purchase a special cutting device. Many manufacturers practice selling finished products in small wholesale, several products in one package. In this regard, in addition to the basic equipment for the production of toilet paper, you also need to purchase a packaging machine.

Mini enterprises usually use machines for the production of toilet paper, which ensure continuous operation with any type of raw material - cellulose and waste paper. It is desirable that such equipment could be used to produce different types of products. A universal working line, thanks to its functionality, will allow you to expand your product range and thereby significantly reduce the payback period of your business.

If you are not sure that you can choose the right equipment and organize the work correctly, you can buy a ready-made business for the production of toilet paper. In this case, you will receive ownership of an operating enterprise with an established production process.

Financial investments and profits

Now let's calculate the approximate cost of producing toilet paper.

One-time costs:

  • Business registration – 8 thousand rubles;
  • Equipment – ​​1.2 million rubles;
  • Repair of production premises - 200 thousand rubles.

Total: 1.408 million rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent – ​​50 thousand rubles;
  • The workers' salary is 200 thousand rubles;
  • Raw materials – 500 thousand rubles;
  • Additional expenses – 60 thousand rubles.

Total: 810 thousand rubles.

With the funds included in these calculations, it is possible to purchase approximately 30 tons of raw materials. It will yield 272.5 thousand rolls of finished products. The cheapest roll costs 3.7 rubles. Accordingly, if you sell all the products, you will receive 1,008,250 rubles. If you subtract all expenses, the net profit from the sale will be 208,250 rubles.

Sales channels for finished products

Sales of finished products is a very important point that needs to be given special attention. Toilet paper is a product that no one can do without. It is sold in all stores and supermarkets, so there are usually no problems with the sale of such products. At first, you can sell products in bulk to local supermarkets and shops. In addition, manufacturers of such products can cooperate with intermediaries. Entrepreneurs who engage in such activities are looking for inexpensive goods and selling them at a premium through their outlets. If you manage to agree on cooperation with them, you can sell finished products in large quantities at a wholesale price.

In parallel with paper production, it is possible to launch the production of related products. It could be:

  • Cardboard;
  • Paper kitchen towels;
  • Napkins and stuff.


If you plan to expand your business to a larger scale in the future, be sure to develop your own logo. It is applied to the label of the finished product.

Toilet paper can be of two types - with and without a sleeve. If you're interested, check out the second, cheaper option. In this case, you need to remember that consumers are accustomed to comfort, so the demand for such products may decrease. But if you make it original and recognizable, sales will grow. A competent business plan and a carefully developed marketing strategy will help you achieve great success in this matter.

Semi-automatic toilet paper production machine

Advantages and disadvantages of business

When it comes to whether it is worth starting a toilet paper production business as a business, expert reviews can be very different. But basically, they agree that it's great.

Among the advantages of such a business, I would like to highlight the possibility of selling finished products in large quantities. Retail chains are able to purchase the entire stock of finished products; accordingly, the initial investment will begin to pay off literally from the first day after the opening of production. If the products are not stored in the warehouse, the enterprise operates without interruptions and brings in a stable high income.

In addition to the advantages, the business idea of ​​producing toilet paper also has disadvantages. First of all, this is the high level of competition in this market segment. The most profitable strategy for the development of a mini-enterprise is to sell finished products to small retail outlets, since supermarkets and other large stores, as a rule, have regular suppliers. To sell factory volumes, you need to establish cooperation with wholesalers.

Only a person who has been involved in such production for several years and knows all its subtleties and nuances can quickly set up the production of toilet paper as a business from scratch. If you don’t have such experience, then you need to develop it and also attend several trainings for beginning businessmen. Preparation may take about a year, but all possible risks will be minimized, and it can quickly become profitable.

What does a business consist of?

To begin with, it would be wise to abandon the idea that the source of entrepreneurial profit can be the artisanal production of toilet paper. The only, and even then dubious, point of obtaining possible benefits from such production is the production of paper for household needs. In this case, both the quality of the resulting product and its cost (if we take into account the cost of energy resources spent on producing paper from waste paper) raise doubts.

An entrepreneur needs to immediately make plans for a mini-factory for the production of toilet paper, competently launch this production format and work hard to achieve self-sufficiency and profitability of the entire project.

To start a company you will need:

  • selection and rental of industrial premises;
  • signing contracts with suppliers of raw materials and buyers.

It is necessary to solve all the listed problems in a comprehensive manner before opening the production of toilet paper, otherwise all produced batches of goods may be confiscated by regulatory authorities as those produced in violation of business rules.

Of course, such sanctions cannot affect the production of toilet paper at home for one’s own needs.


The entrepreneur undergoes all registration procedures at the Federal Tax Service at the place where the toilet paper manufacturing plant will operate.

Before contacting the tax service, an entrepreneur needs to resolve two important issues:

  • acceptable form of taxation.

The choice of form depends on:

  • does the businessman plan to be the sole owner or does he have partners who invest money or their knowledge in the start and development of the business;
  • are there any intentions to make the enterprise a participant in the stock exchange by issuing securities to attract additional funds for business activities;
  • Are there funds for the formation of the authorized capital?

The optimal form for a small enterprise with a single owner is an individual entrepreneur (individual enterprise). The toilet paper workshop is no exception.

If there are still two or more owners, then you need to consider the possibility of creating an LLC or a production cooperative.

Before drawing up the statutory documents, the founders must already know the legal address of the place where either the production itself or its administrative body (directorate) will be located. This data must be included in the enterprise’s charter and registration cards, information from which is transferred to state registers.

Selecting a room

Due to the fact that almost all toilet paper production technology is based on the use of semi-automatic machines, you need to look for a room for the workshop that is spacious and located either on the ground floor or in the basement. Also, the room must have good ventilation and heating, since people will work at the machines, and the lack of heating in winter can cause frequent illnesses.

Basic requirements for the workshop:

  1. The premises must have good access for supplying raw materials and shipping finished products.
  2. The premises must be equipped with running water and electricity.
  3. The profitability of toilet paper production is highly dependent on the supply of raw materials and on reducing the cost of its delivery, so it is best to look for workshop space near recycling depots or paper processing plants.

Once the premises have been selected, it is necessary to establish business contacts with its owner and try to conclude a preliminary lease agreement.

Why preliminary? At the stage of choosing premises, the future entrepreneur does not yet have the right to conduct business activities, since he has not yet been registered as an enterprise by the state, but it is quite appropriate to draw up preliminary agreements, from which it will be obvious that business activities in the listed territories will be carried out only after state registration.

Some entrepreneurs simply register a business at their home address. But this approach is not entirely safe and can cause conflicts with the tax service.

Purchase of equipment

Opening the production of toilet paper, which includes a cycle of processing waste paper into sanitary paper, is unlikely to be possible for a novice entrepreneur. Perhaps this initial cycle can be included in the expansion prospects, since the equipment for the production of toilet paper from waste paper will cost no less than 30 thousand US dollars.

It’s best to start with simple procedures for winding, cutting and packaging toilet paper rolls. A set of semi-automatic equipment for making toilet paper from rolls of sanitary linen costs no more than 10 thousand US dollars, and this is quite an affordable expense for a novice businessman.

Providing raw materials

But in this case, the question arises of where to get the raw materials for the production of toilet paper. Often, toilet paper base suppliers are waste paper recycling companies. There are such enterprises in many regions, and they are constantly open to cooperation. To establish contacts, in many cases it is enough to simply ask a query to an online search engine.

If there is direct access to the base supplier, then the entrepreneur can also count on being able to profitably and quickly buy raw materials for the production of toilet paper.

Suppliers themselves, in general, rarely deliver raw materials to workshops for manufacturing products from raw materials, so transportation costs for delivery must be included in the cost calculation.

Sales of manufactured products can be organized by a professional manager, who is still better to have on staff of the enterprise. You can independently organize sales by submitting advertisements to local media about the sale of wholesale quantities of toilet paper, as well as by placing such advertisements on regional electronic trading platforms.

How toilet paper is made: Video

  • Input data
  • Tax system
  • Do I need to obtain permits?
  • Production technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Feasibility study for mini-production of toilet paper. Brief business plan.

The prospects for starting a business in the production of toilet paper are obvious. The Russian market for this product, as well as other hygiene products, shows annual growth of 7 - 9%. At the same time, in monetary terms the market is growing faster (20 - 30%) than in physical terms. More and more people are switching to consuming more expensive two- and three-layer toilet paper rather than cheap single-layer toilet paper.

Step-by-step plan for starting a business

  1. Search for sources of project financing
  2. Search for premises for placing equipment, warehouse and office.
  3. Search for suppliers of raw materials and supplies
  4. Purchase of equipment - lines for the production of toilet paper
  5. Registration of a legal entity, tax registration
  6. Conclusion of a lease agreement. Repair of premises, creation of conditions for the operation of the enterprise.
  7. Obtaining permits to start production (Rospotrebnadzor, Gospozhnadzor).
  8. Recruitment and training of personnel
  9. Starting a business

Input data

  • The size of the rented premises is 250 sq. m. m.
  • Rent - 62,500 rubles.
  • Number of working personnel - 6 people.
  • Work shifts - one 8-hour work shift
  • Production volume - 30 tons per month
  • Raw materials - cellulose base

How much money do you need to start a business?

  • Deposit for renting premises - 125,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials - 300,000 rubles.
  • Rewinding machine PM-3 - RUB 1,300,000.
  • Bushing machine VT-42 - 220,000 rub.
  • Cutting machine PL-41 - 200,000 rub.
  • Wrapping machine OS-15 - RUB 190,000.
  • Packaging machine US-5T - RUB 195,000.
  • Auxiliary equipment - RUB 50,000.
  • Commissioning works - 50,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - RUB 150,000.

Total - 2,780,000 rubles.

Calculation of the cost of production of toilet paper (30 tons)

  • Cellulose base - RUB 2,225,000. (RUB 75,000/t)
  • Polyethylene film - 54,000 rub. (180 rub./kg)
  • Cardboard sleeve - 40,000 rub. (RUB 22,220/t)
  • Glue - 2600 rub. (65 rub./l.)
  • Salary of 3 workers and contributions to the Russian Federation - 80,000 rubles.
  • Salary of office workers (accountant, sales and supply manager) - 55,000 rubles.
  • Rent - 62,500 rub.
  • Electricity (9 kW/h*8 h)*30 days - 12,960 (6 RUR/kW).

Total - 2,532,060 rubles.

How much can you earn from producing toilet paper?

One ton of tissue paper yields approximately 11,100 rolls of toilet paper. Accordingly, 333,000 rolls can be produced from 30 tons. According to the above calculations, the cost of manufacturing one roll will be: 2,532,060 / 333,000 = 7.60 rubles. The optimal selling price for one roll to retail chains is 9.80 rubles. (28% markup). Hence the profit per roll is 2.2 rubles. Sales of the entire produced batch (333,000 pieces) will allow you to earn 732,600 rubles. per month. In this situation, investments in business pay off in 3 - 4 months of operation of the enterprise.

What equipment do you need to purchase to produce toilet paper?

There are quite a lot of manufacturers of toilet paper production lines in Russia. It is recommended to choose manufacturers located in your region and who can carry out commissioning work. The toilet paper production line consists of the following machines:

  • Rewinding machine;
  • Bushing machine;
  • Cutting machine;
  • Packing machine;
  • Pasting table.

Semi-automatic lines are offered to the attention of entrepreneurs who produce paper, at a price of 800,000 rubles and above. And the lines are automatic, at a price of 1,200,000 rubles and above.

What documents are needed to open

For an enterprise that will engage in production, wholesale trade, and cooperate with retail chains, it is recommended to open a limited liability company. Before registering an enterprise, you need to find a premises in which production will take place and enter into a lease agreement. It is this production premises that will be indicated in the documents as the legal address of this business. The prepared documents must be submitted to government authorities or to multifunctional public service centers (MFCs). If you plan to engage in production and wholesale trade, it is recommended to open a bank account.

Which OKVED code should you choose for registration?

OKVED 21.22 Production of paper products for household, sanitary and hygienic purposes.

Tax system

If the enterprise carries out production and wholesale trade, then only the general or simplified taxation system (STS) can be applied. Under the simplified taxation system, organizations are exempt from paying property tax, income tax, and VAT. The simplified tax system is limited by the income limits of enterprises; in 2017, the income limit was increased to 150 million rubles per year.

Do I need to obtain permits?

The production of toilet paper in Russia is registered by GOST R52354-2005. For this type of activity, it is necessary to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision to begin business activities. As well as permission from the fire inspectorate. These two government agencies will monitor the operation of the enterprise. The premises in which production is located and people will work must comply with sanitary and fire safety standards.

Production technology

  1. Use of waste paper used as raw material.

Waste paper is cleaned of debris, crushed in a crusher, adding water. Then the raw material is filtered through a sieve. 2. Washing of raw materials. The mixture is sent to the tank and washed well with water. The whiteness of the raw material will depend on how the mass is washed. 3. Grinding of raw materials. The raw material is crushed using water, then it is sent to the pressure tank.

  1. Adjustment of raw material composition.

The mixture is sent to a tank, where it is checked whether the proportions of raw materials and water are maintained. When the standards are met, it is poured onto the mesh table of the machine.

  1. Production of blanks.

The excess liquid is compressed with a nylon mesh, then the mixture is transferred to a dryer, where at a temperature of 110 degrees, the paper dries. Strips of paper are wound onto reels. 6.Unwinding and embossing. Then the reel is placed on an unwinding machine, embossing and rewinding takes place.

  1. Roll cutting and packaging.

The log is wrapped with a label, then it is cut into rolls of the required size. Packed and sent to retail outlets.

You can't live without toilet paper in the modern world. The demand for these products is invariably stable, but the level of competition is quite high.

We are opening the production of toilet paper

There are many varieties of toilet paper: one or several layers, colored or white, textured or smooth, scented or unscented, with jokes or crossword puzzles. However, first of all, toilet paper plays the role of an inexpensive and high-quality personal hygiene item.

In order to properly organize a business for the production of toilet paper, you should make a competent analysis and calculations of investments. As an example, the calculation of a mini-factory of toilet paper is used.

1. Analyze the market
In addition to manufactured products, it is important to find their distribution channels. To do this, you should use retail chains and supermarkets, which has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages: large intermediaries are retail chains that sell impressive production stocks (lots of 50–70 tons). Due to the uninterrupted production process, the products will not remain in the warehouse.

Disadvantages: the level of trade “share” of supermarkets is 30–50% (large factories). It is more profitable for small enterprises to cooperate with wholesale centers or expand their dealer network.

The production of toilet paper as a business can be based on two options:

  • Full production - production of packaged rolls from recycled materials (waste paper);
  • Mini-production - production of roll packaging using rewinding of cellulose raw materials on special equipment.

The second option is not very profitable since the cost of raw materials is increased and the waste level is 15%. That is why the first option of the production organization will be considered.

2. Opening a company and getting permission
It is preferable to open a legal entity (for example, LLC). This is more profitable and makes it easier to obtain the necessary documents. If registering an LLC costs 10 thousand rubles, obtaining a production license will cost 14 times more.

For the production of toilet paper, GOST “R 52354-2005” of the Russian Federation is provided. You will need raw material certificates, a lease agreement, a certificate of state registration, a charter, etc.

3. Selection of production premises
The area of ​​the production workshop must be more than 150 m², and the ceiling height must be from 4 m.

The premises consists of three main areas: a warehouse where raw materials are stored, a production line and a warehouse for finished products. The premises must have running water (for 3m³ daily), sewerage and electricity (3-phase power supply 380 W). The rental fee based on 500 rubles per 1 m² will be 75 thousand rubles.

Toilet paper production technology

The technology for producing toilet paper is quite simple and, using modern equipment, fully automated.

  • Preparation of waste paper. The purified secondary raw materials are crushed and water is added to it. After straining, inclusions in the form of glass, etc. may remain.
  • Washing of raw materials. The purified mixture is thoroughly washed into a rinsing tank with water. Dirty water is washed down the drain.
  • Grinding fineness. Using a mill, paper pulp is crushed with the addition of clean water. Next, the mass should be pumped into a pressure tank.
  • Regulation of concentration. In a special container, the proportions of water and raw materials are regulated. Once the desired values ​​have been reached, the mass should be poured onto a table with a mesh as part of the paper making machine.
  • Production of roll blanks. A nylon mesh dewaters the suspension, acting like a conveyor belt. Excess liquid is used for repeated flushing. The paper pulp is dried in a special drum (rotation speed 10 rpm per 1 minute with steam heating to 110°C. The pulp is removed using a scraper knife. The tapes are cut and wound onto a sleeve, after which they become rolled blanks.
  • Unwinding with embossing. The reel is placed on the unwinding machine to emboss and rewind the paper into a log. This is necessary so that the structure of the canvas (density and layers) is formed.
  • Packaging with slices. Printed labels are used to cover logs. Next, sawing into rolls is carried out using a special machine. After inspection, packaging is carried out for subsequent sale.
Equipment for the production of toilet paper

A technological line designed for mini-factories with productivity will cost 2 million rubles, taking into account all costs.

The package includes:

  1. A machine that makes paper (with vibrating screen, washing, agitators, etc.);
  2. A machine for cutting rolls;
  3. Machine for unwinding bobbins;
  4. Packaging machine;
  5. Pasting table.

It is reasonable to purchase a machine for your own production of cardboard sleeves (cost around 100 thousand rubles). Rolls may not contain bushings. It is possible to expand production (paper towels, napkins).

Necessary raw materials for toilet paper

The following grades of recycled paper are suitable for making paper: MS (1–3, 7, 10) as a raw material. Additionally, mesh and cloth, cardboard and glue, and ready-made bushings are purchased. It is better to purchase raw materials from reliable, certified and verified suppliers.

Drawing up a business plan

To produce 1 ton of paper (6.25 thousand rolls), the cost will be 7.717 thousand rubles. To calculate the profit with the weight of 1 roll weighing 160 g at a wholesale price of 1.23 rubles and 5 rubles at a retail price, the profit level will be about 520 thousand rubles.

Additional costs in the form of taxes, rent and salaries will amount to just over 201 thousand rubles per month. The equipment will pay for itself in 7 months, and the net profit will be about 300 thousand monthly.

These calculations are approximate, since much depends on the region and locality. But, in any case, the production of toilet paper from recycled materials is a profitable and promising business for expansion and development.

Video - how to make toilet paper

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Entrepreneur Dmitry Dolmatov, owner of a toilet paper factory, tells the story. Dmitry has a small production workshop, which employs 5 machine tool specialists and 2 wholesale distribution points. The business brings in a small but stable income.

Making toilet paper as a business

In our city it is very difficult to create your own business producing any consumer products. We have a lot of different factories, plants, workshops. Almost any undertaking can lead to complete bankruptcy due to high competition.

But I always wanted to create my own business, generating a stable income, independent of the crisis and competition. What would always be in demand was in constant demand.

And then, I decided to engage in the production and sales of toilet paper. It’s no secret that toilet paper will always be a good seller; it is used by all segments of the population at all times.

Where to begin?

To begin with, I studied the component of the production market and came to the conclusion that my business could exist quite well in the developed infrastructure of the city.

Equipment for the production of toilet paper

Then, I found out what equipment I need to purchase to launch the production line:

  • Machine for winding and rewinding rolls;
  • Paper cutting device;
  • Table for wrapping rolls.

So, I got about 1,000,000 rubles.

Let's add to this the cost of rent for the workshop, repairs and decoration - 2,000,000 rubles.

Next, we consider the purchase of raw materials - these are rolls of waste paper and, accordingly, labels - 400 thousand rubles (20 tons) + 20,000 rubles = 420,000 + 2,000,000 + 80 thousand (worker wages) = 2,500,000 rubles. It was this amount, calculated approximately, that I needed to open a factory.

Where can I get money to produce toilet paper?

To find the required funds, I decided to sell everything I could from my property. So I sold an expensive tablet, a house in the village left after the death of my grandmother, and a second car.

There was still not enough money, so I went to the appropriate authorities. take a subsidy for business development. It is very difficult to take the increased one, but the regular one, at 50,000 rubles, suited me quite well.

To do this, you had to do the following:

  • Register with the Central Tax Service (no problem);
  • Registering an individual entrepreneur (a matter of 2 weeks, considering that I was not registered with the tax office at all as unemployed);
  • Create and submit a working business plan.

Why is an economic program needed?

A business plan is necessary for every aspiring businessman. This is the basis of any office work, a guarantee of the development of sales and demand.

It stipulates a huge number of details, including:

1. Calculation of the cost of initial purchases.
2. The feasibility of business in conditions of market competition.
3. Demand for the product.
4. Laws and sanitary standards.
5. Payback period.

In addition, a well-written business plan is a guarantor of your stability, and, accordingly, an effective bait for profitable sales points, suppliers of raw materials, and investors.

Most beginning businessmen turn to special agencies and consulting-type organizations, where analysts develop a working economic development program for them.

But this is not only an extra 50,000 costs, but also a waste of time traveling there, and no guarantee of the quality of the work performed.

On the Internet, there are ready-made business plan templates for any business. Their cost is low, about 300-500 rubles per template.

All modern, relevant data is collected there.

All that remains is to substitute your own values ​​for the expected costs, summarize the data in the program, and you have a high-quality development plan ready.

Nothing complicated even for those who do not use computers at a professional level.

Using a homemade business plan, I received a subsidy, found suppliers, distribution points, and launched a toilet paper production line.

Over the course of a year, I produced approximately 450,000 - 500,000 rolls and within 2 years, I had fully recouped the initial investment, starting to receive a clean, stable profit.

HD720 Toilet Paper Making Machine

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the business plan for the production of toilet paper:

Mini-factory for the production of toilet paper

We present a plan to create a production facility for the production of toilet paper, designed for two years. The creation of such production has three goals.

To implement your plans, you will need to take out a loan of 6,000,000 rubles, which will fully pay off in 2 years and bring earnings in the amount of 408,800 rubles.

Loan repayment begins from the first month of production operation. Start implementing your plans immediately after receiving loan funds.

Since a toilet paper production company provides the market with personal hygiene products, every person is a consumer.

Creating an enterprise will not be difficult for you, especially since its products are always popular. The paper and cardboard industry produces pulp, cardboard, photo paper, printing paper, wallpaper paper, paper bags, napkins, toilet paper and the like.

You need to register your business. Any building, even non-residential, is suitable for a legal address. For the production itself, you will have to rent a workshop with an area of ​​about one hundred square meters.

It is best if your business is registered as a Limited Liability Company.

Table No. 1. Potential of toilet paper consumers in Russia

When you already have your own workshop, you can purchase the necessary machines and equipment. There are many hardware manufacturers, but it is best to choose the one that is closest to your business.

This is done for the purpose of timely servicing of equipment in the event of breakdowns. A toilet paper production line requires only four machines.

Rewinding machine so that you can rewind finished products into rolls of a certain size. To make cardboard sleeves for rollers, you will need a sleeve machine.

To divide into rolls, you will need a cutting machine and a packaging machine for packaging the finished product, as well as a table for gluing logs. To purchase them you will spend at least 1 million 200 thousand rubles.

To this amount you need to add another 5% for delivery and connection of equipment. Specialists from the manufacturer will come to you and bring all the machines into working order.

Table No. 2. Growth of participants in the toilet paper market in Russia

Later it will be necessary to increase the range of production, for example, to produce several varieties of toilet paper. You don’t need new or special equipment for this, but your income will increase significantly.

Despite the fact that there are already many paper production enterprises in the country, do not be afraid of competition! After all, the products of such enterprises occupy first places in consumer lists.

Now we can summarize. After just six months of operation, production begins to generate income. The total amount of earnings for this period, the total turnover will be 152,400,000 rubles, and the net income will be 80,965,516 rubles.


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