Illustrations for the poem of block 12 presentation. Presentation on the topic "The Twelve" by A. Blok. Creative history of the poem “The Twelve”

Class: 11

Presentations for the lesson

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  • Show the polemical nature of the poem, its artistic features.
  • To improve students’ ability to draw independent conclusions after familiarizing themselves with the poet’s work.
  • Repetition of concepts: style, genre, composition, symbol.
  • Improve expressive reading and the ability to analyze poetic text.
  • To cultivate attention to words, to determine the author’s attitude to the events of the 1917 revolution.

Techniques and methods: analysis of poetic text (search and partially research methods), independent work of students according to a given program (interpretation of a literary text, creation of the final product of the activity - a computer presentation), group work of students.


1. Multimedia projector

2. Computers.

3. Screen for reproducing work results - presentations.


I. The teacher's word. Announcing the topic of the lesson.(Slide 1)

II. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.(Slide 2).

Appeal to the slide film of the project “Cyril and Methodius” - 2 slides of the multimedia lesson “A. L. Blok. Poem “Twelve”; listening to a recording of a fragment of a poem.

III. Appeal to the epigraph .

Teacher: By writing the poem “The Twelve.” Blok exclaimed: “Today I am a genius!” “The Twelve” - whatever they are - is the best thing I have written. Because then I lived in modernity”, the poet asserted. (Slide 3).

Teacher: In January 1918, something happened to Blok that he was able to embody all the chaos that surrounded him - the chaos of the revolution, from which, he believed, the harmony of the future should be born, and therefore he blessed this chaos and captured it not only verbally, but and in the musical images of his poem. (Slide 4).

O. Paramonov (author of the project “The 20th Century Through the Eyes of Russian Poets”), Honored Teacher of Russia, recalls: “ When I read this poem to a Mongolian student whom we met during my studies in Leningrad, he, who knew little Russian, said: “This is a snowstorm in the steppe.”" Blok really managed to embody the state in which Russia was, and in which the poet was in these days. (Slide 5).

What prompted the poet to create such an ambiguously interpreted work? The first group of students who prepared a presentation on a given topic will tell us about this.

IV. Group performance(no more than 5 minutes each).

1 group

Preliminary task: talk about the concept of the poem “The Twelve” (the period of creation, the author’s attitude to the work, the idea of ​​the work). Pay attention to the author’s attitude towards his work, reviews in criticism, interpretation of images, political aspect (if any). Create a reference slide.

(Slide 7). In his poems, Blok anticipated the awakening of Russia and welcomed its cleansing arrival, because real life was impossible for him. When he completed this poem in January 1918, he, quite strict with himself, wrote in his diary: “Today I am a genius.”

In general, “The Twelve” is a paradoxical work. It was written in January 1918, that is, hot on the heels, two months after the October Revolution. It is very difficult for a contemporary to understand the significance of the event - “big things are seen from a distance.” The poem surprised Blok’s contemporaries. According to V. Mayakovsky, “some read in this poem a satire on the revolution, others read its glory.” But if the poem is about revolution, why does the poem not depict revolutionary actions, the leaders of the revolution? Why is the pursuit of the “traitor” Katka (a prostitute, actually) and her murder at the center of the epic narrative?

According to literary critic L. Dologopolov: “Blok created a new form of epic poem, and the novelty of the form was directly dependent on the novelty of the content. The philosophy of the revolutionary era, as Blok understood it, was embodied in “The Twelve” in a completely new poetic system, which was reflected in new rhythms, new stylistics, and vocabulary.”.

The characters are depicted succinctly and expressively. This is a figurative comparison: “the old woman, like a chicken, / somehow rewound over a snowdrift”; speech characteristic: “Traitors! Russia is dead! / Must be the writer - / Vitiya...”, a biting epithet and oxymoron: “And there’s the long-skirted one - / Side behind the snowdrift... / Why is he so sad now, / Comrade priest?” Twelve heroes make up one squad: “There’s a cigarette in your teeth, you’ll take a cap, / You need an ace of diamonds on your back!” - short and clear - “the prison is crying for them” (the rhombus was sewn onto the convicts’ clothes). Among them is Petka, the “poor murderer,” cheered up by his comrades’ reminders: “Keep control of yourself!”

Katka is shown in more detail. Here is the appearance: “teeth sparkle with pearls,” “painfully good legs,” “fat-faced,” and lifestyle: “she has kerenki in her stocking,” “fornicated with the officers,” and attractive charm: “because of her poor daring / In her fiery eyes, / Because of the crimson mole / Near her right shoulder...”).

Teacher: Group 2 students will tell you how the title of the poem and its construction are interconnected.

2nd group

Preliminary task: talk about the composition of the poem (what principle is it built on, how many chapters, what are they dedicated to, how are they arranged, what techniques are used by the author). Create a reference slide.

Firstly, the poem contains twelve chapters. Secondly, the heroes of the poem are twelve Red Army soldiers. Thirdly, the image of Christ walking ahead of these Red Army soldiers (at the end of the poem) evokes associations with the twelve apostles. The next question arises. Why Christ? What does this image mean in the poem?

(Slide 10). Some perceive the image of Christ as an attempt to sanctify the cause of the revolution, others - as blasphemy. The appearance of Christ, perhaps, is a guarantee of future light, a symbol of the best, justice, love, a sign of faith. He is “unharmed by a bullet”, and he is dead - “in a white corolla of roses.” “The twelve shoot at him, even if he is “invisible.”

“Christ in the poem is the antithesis of the “dog” as the embodiment of evil, the central “sign” of the old world, is the brightest note of the poem, the traditional image of goodness and justice” (L. Dolgopolov).

(Slide 11). “The Twelve” is an epic poem, as if composed of individual sketches, pictures from life, quickly replacing one another. The dynamism and chaos of the plot, the expressiveness of the episodes that make up the poem, convey the confusion that reigned both on the streets and in the minds.

L. Gorelov: “Blok’s poem consists of a mass of small details - sketches, pictures of everyday life, remarks, conversations, ditties, threats, exclamations, complaints. But they are all fused together, firmly welded together by a single rhythm, that powerful and menacing semantic subtext, which is the main thing in “The Twelve”.

Teacher: Knowing that Blok is a symbolist poet, one cannot help but pay attention to the poet’s use of symbolic images in his poem. Group 3 students will talk about this aspect of the work.

3 group

Preliminary task: talk about the style and genre of the poem (use of symbols and images: e.g., wind, colors, image of Christ, 12 Red Guards - 12 apostles, etc.). List the genres that the author uses when creating certain images. Create a reference slide.

(Slide 12). The composition, reflecting the elements of the revolution, determines the stylistic diversity of the poem. “Listen to the music of the revolution,” Blok urged.

This music sounds in the poem.

First of all, Blok’s “music” is a metaphor, an expression of the “spirit,” the sound of the elements of life. This music is reflected in the rhythmic, lexical, and genre diversity of the poem. Traditional iambic and trochee are combined with different meters, sometimes with unrhymed verse.

(Slide 13). The poem contains the intonations of a march:

It hits my eyes
Red flag.
Is heard
Measured step.
Here he will wake up
Fierce enemy. (ch.ll)

You can hear urban romance. It is played out in an interesting way: the beginning is familiar and then there is debauchery:

You can’t hear the city noise,
There is silence above the Neva Tower,
And there is no more policeman
Go for a walk, guys, without wine!

A ditty motif is often found:

Lock the floors!
There will be robberies today!
Unlock the cellars -
The bastard is on the loose these days!

A revolutionary song is directly quoted:

Working people!

In addition, the slogans are striking in the poem: “All power to the Constituent Assembly!”, Snatches of conversations are heard:

...And we had a meeting...
...In this building...

(Slide 14). Wind, blizzard, snow are constant Blok motifs; symbolism of the color “Black evening. / White snow”, bloody flag; number “twelve”, “rootless dog”, Christ.

(Slide 15) “Blok introduced Christ not as an image of church tradition, but as a popular idea of ​​God’s ingenuous truth, unclouded by church and state. Blok did not at all “bless” the revolution with this borrowed attribute of the people’s faith, but only asserted historical continuity. The revolution inherited the ethical faith of the people!” (A. Gorelov).

“When I finished, I myself was surprised: why Christ? But the more I looked, the more clearly I saw Christ. And then I wrote down in my mind: “Unfortunately, Christ.” That Christ goes before them is certain. The point is not whether they are worthy of him, but what’s scary is that he’s with them again and there’s no other one yet, but another one is needed?” - Blok himself wrote.

V. Knowledge control.(Slide 16).

Questions on the topic(3-4 minutes):

1. Why do you think the poet rated his own work so highly (address to the epigraph)?

2. Select in the text of the poem evidence of the thesis of the researcher of creativity A. A. Blok L. Dologopolov: “Blok created a new form of epic poem, and the novelty of the form was directly dependent on the novelty of the content. The philosophy of the revolutionary era, as Blok understood it, was embodied in “The Twelve” in a completely new poetic system, which was reflected in new rhythms, new stylistics, and vocabulary.”.

Test(3 minutes).

On your computer desktop, find the shortcut to the virtual school of Cyril and Methodius, open the folder, find the table of contents, and select “Literature” in it. "Lessons. Grade 11". "A. L. Blok. Poem “Twelve”, open slide number 8 and take the test (forms are pre-printed individually) (Slide 17) , ( Annex 1) .

Checking answers (Slide 18).

VII. Homework: learn by heart the beginning of the poem “The Twelve” (1 chapter before the words “...And the bourgeois at the crossroads hid his nose in his collar”) (Slide 19).

Sources(Slide 20).

  1. N. Egorova. Lesson developments in Russian literature. Grade 11. – M.: “VAKO”, 2005, pp.: 232-237.
  2. S. V. Lomtev, A. V. Ternovsky. A. A. Blok. Poems. Poem. – M.: Bustard Publishing House, 2001, pp.: 56-61.
  3. “Russian literature of the twentieth century. 11th grade” edited by V.V. Agenosov. – M.: Bustard Publishing House, 1998, pp.: 90-94.
  4. Encyclopedia for children. (Volume 27). Great people of the world./ ed. M. Aksyonova and others - M.: World of Avanta encyclopedias +. Astrel, 2006, pp.: 261, 263
  6. 12.html.

The material was prepared by the teacher of Russian language and literature Lipkina T.S.

With all your body, with all your heart, with all your consciousness - listen to the revolution A.A. Blok

January 29: “A terrible noise growing in me and around me. Gogol heard this noise... Today I am a genius.”

What is A. Blok’s “Twelve” in your perception?

State your definition in your notebook.

A. Blok is a poet and symbolist. How does the reader feel this from the first chapter of the poem?

Black evening.

White snow.

Wind, wind!

The man is not standing on his feet.

Wind, wind -

All over God's world!

What artistic paths does the poet use?

A dramatic love story ensues

What can you say about her?

How do you see her? Tell based on the text.

Where are our heroes going? How does the reader see them at the end of the poem?

Having passed through the drama, the twelve find a single gait.

Gradually, their figures lose their everyday appearance and grow into a monumental symbol... like heralds of History, arbiters of revolutionary Retribution, sons of rebellious Russia.

Prove it with text.

After “The Twelve,” many friends turned away from Blok. He was accused of blasphemy, of cynicism, of “dryness of heart”... The worst thing is that some saw in his work “shooting at one’s own” and reproached him for treason

To you, who did not shake hands with Blok,

started a dirty squabble

around "Twelve", around

a singer who despised slander,

you can't wash it off forever

from not shaking hands - hands.

Evgeniy Yevtushenko

The poet is a politician against his will.

He is the one who gave a hand to pain,

putting it in your mouth,

And where the fire roars, swirling,

where people see the Antichrist,

he still sees Christ.

Hey you, you who are silently withdrawn

eunuchs and emigrants of the spirit,

to me, in spite of your fears,

I dream of Blok’s retribution.

When I write "Twelve"

don't give me your hand!

Slide captions:

Bloc and revolution. Poem "Twelve". Plot, images and motifs, artistic originality The main thing that can be said about the poem is that it brilliantly conveys the stormy atmosphere of October. V. Orlov

The purpose of the lesson: to show the polemical nature of the poem, its artistic features; repetition of concepts: style, genre, composition, symbol; determine the author’s attitude to the events of the 1917 revolution. Lesson plan: Historical and political background for the creation of the poem Stylistics and genre uniqueness of the poem Unity of design and composition Contrast as the main means of depiction in the poem System of images Fine and expressive means Images-symbols.

Creative history of the poem “The Twelve”

“One of the benefits of the revolution is that it awakens the whole person to life, if he goes towards it, it strains all his strength and opens those abysses that were tightly closed.” A. Blok.

“With all your body, with all your heart, with all your mind – listen to the Revolution!” A. Blok. "Intellectuals and Revolution"

Drafts by A. Blok The poem “The Twelve” was written by Alexander Blok in January 1918. Blok, who repeatedly emphasizes that his poems are born from the “spirit of music”, that he can write then and only when he hears “music”, heard the “sounds” of time, brought them into “harmony”, gave them form, and into the world a poem appeared.

Historical and political background for the creation of the poem Blok in his poems anticipated the awakening of Russia, welcomed its cleansing arrival, because real life was impossible for him. When he completed this poem in January 1918, he, quite strict with himself, wrote in his diary: “Today I am a genius.”

“Today I am a genius!” "The Twelve" - ​​whatever they are - is the best thing I've written. Because then I lived in modern times.” A. Blok (January 1918)

The 56th notebook of the poet January 3... In the evening - a hurricane (the constant companion of revolutions) on January 8. All day - "Twelve". January 11... No, not the time, not the music. – What kind of music (if...yellow?). January 15... - My “Twelve” is not moving. I'm cold. January 22... the crowd shouted at my address: “traitors.” They don't shake hands. Gentlemen, you never knew Russia and never loved it! The truth hurts my eyes. January 25... There are so many thoughts, thoughts and plans that it makes it difficult to take on anything firmly. And I would like to write my own (Jesus). January 27. Twelve. 28 January. Twelve. January 29... Today I am a genius.

Meaning of title 12

12 Red Army soldiers patrolling revolutionary St. Petersburg; The 12 apostles of Christ are peddlers of the teachings of Christ. Viktorov. Alexander Blok. "Twelve".

Stylistics, genre originality of the poem 12

Topic: the theme of the revolutionary element influencing the destinies of people Idea: two principles in the revolution: the destruction of the old and the creation of the new. Problem: TIME - MAN - HISTORY problem of FREEDOM FUTURE OF RUSSIA “Twelve” - a poem. A poem is a lyric-epic genre, a large poetic work with a narrative plot.

The genre originality of the poem “The Twelve” is an epic poem, as if composed of individual sketches, pictures from nature, quickly replacing one another. The dynamism and chaos of the plot, the expressiveness of the episodes that make up the poem, convey the confusion that reigned both on the streets and in the minds.

“Blok created a new form of epic poem, and the novelty of the form was directly dependent on the novelty of the content. The philosophy of the revolutionary era, as Blok understood it, was embodied in “The Twelve in a completely new poetic system, which was reflected in new rhythms, in new stylistics, in vocabulary.” L. Dologopolov

The closeness of the poem to the elements of folk poetry is emphasized not only by its intonation structure, but also by the direct inclusion of folk genres or fragments stylized as them into the text. “...The shaggy chest of the root worker hung above us, and the heavy hooves were ready to descend.” A. Bloc “The People and the Intelligentsia.”

12 Unity of design and composition

O. Paramonov (author of the project “The 20th Century through the Eyes of Russian Poets”), an honored teacher of Russia, recalls: “When I read this poem to a Mongolian student whom we met during my studies in Leningrad, he, who did not know Russian well, said: “This is a snowstorm in the steppe.” Unity of design and composition

Unity of concept and composition Externally, the poem is structured in accordance with the title: it consists of twelve chapters. But if we turn to the heroes of the poem, we will again discover a connection with the title: in the center of events are 12 patrolling Red Army soldiers, who at the conclusion of the poem, following Christ, are associated with the 12 apostles.

The poem was written in an exceptional cyclone, producing a storm in all seas - nature, life and art. “The Twelve” was a truly innovative work, one of a kind, built on the principle of montage. In addition to the voice of the author-narrator, the voices of the heroes and the voices of the city are heard, and the elements of folklore dominate. Compositional feature: the poem is built on the principle of a ring. In the first and last chapters there is a city landscape: night, winter, blizzard, human figures on the streets.

The similarity between the first and last chapters is also that they are both built on contrasts. The poem begins with an antithesis - “Black evening. White snow..." and ends with the antithesis: "Behind is a hungry dog... Ahead is Jesus Christ." The poem thus moves from one pole to the other. Like everything in the poem, this image acquires a symbolic meaning, which is embodied both in the title and in the compositional division of the work into twelve chapters.

Contrast of the work The basis of the content of the poem is a “storm” in the sea of ​​life. In constructing its plot, Blok widely uses the technique of contrast: “Black evening./White snow...” - a sharp contrast between two worlds - “black” and “white”, old and new.

Contrast of the work In January 1918, something happened to Blok that he was able to embody all the chaos that surrounded him - the chaos of the revolution, from which, he believed, the harmony of the future should be born, and therefore he blessed this chaos and captured it not only in words , but also in the musical images of his poem..


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Slide captions:

Main images of the poem 12

System of images Exposition Old world Katka Writer Pop Mangy dog ​​Old lady Lady in karakul New world Future? Jesus Christ 12, walking with “powerful steps”

The wind is blowing, the snow is fluttering. Twelve people are walking. Black rifle belts, Lights, lights, lights all around...

Comrade, hold the rifle, don’t be afraid! Let's fire a bullet into Holy Rus'...

Revolutionary detachment “How did our guys go To serve in the Red Guard - To serve in the Red Guard - I’ll lay down my head!”

The image of the Red Army soldiers And again twelve are coming, with a gun behind their shoulders.

Red Guard patrol in Petrograd. “...ready for anything, don’t regret anything...”

Characteristics of the twelve, chapter 2 – similar to convicts (cigarette, ace of diamonds), rejection of religion; They are driven by the desire to find the enemy. Chapter 3 – a torn coat, an Austrian gun. Destroying everything: yourself, the world is the main goal. Chapter 11 - there is no saint’s name, nothing is a pity, they are hardened in the fight against the enemy. Chapter 12 – “walking with a mighty step”

The old woman (symbolizes the philistine consciousness), the Bourgeois at the crossroads, left “without his nose”, the Writer - vitia (an eloquent speaker), saying in a low voice “Traitors! Russia is lost!”, Comrade priest, Lady in karakul, with her companions, Tramp - “Oh, poor fellow.”

A rope will be stretched from building to building. On the rope there is a poster: “All power to the Constituent Assembly!”

In the last chapter, replicas are also heard, but they belong only to the “twelve”: “Who else is there? Come out!.. Whoever is in the snowdrift, come out!.. Get off, you mangy man, I’ll tickle you with a bayonet!.. The last remark is addressed to the “hungry dog” who appeared in the first chapter. It is interesting that of all the heroes of the first chapter - the old woman, the lady in karakul, the poet, the priest, the bourgeois, prostitutes, the tramp - only the dog appears in the final chapter. Let's try to figure out why. After the first chapter, the dog will appear in the ninth: “The bourgeois is standing at the crossroads And he hid his nose in his collar. And next to him, huddling with his coarse fur, is a mangy dog ​​with his tail between his legs.”

Blok makes the dog a companion of the bourgeois, so we can say that the dog and the bourgeois are unique symbols of the old, non-musical world. However, it would be wrong to limit ourselves to only this interpretation. The fact is that in the final chapter of the poem a dissonant rhyme appears: the dog is Christ. The artistic space of the poem opens up, the ensuing blizzard causes the dog to lose its real outlines, and before our eyes he becomes a truly symbolic figure.

And the bourgeoisie at the crossroads hid his nose in his collar...

Katka - Because of her poor prowess In her fiery eyes, Because of a crimson mole Near her right shoulder...

- And Vanka and Katka are in the tavern... - She has kerenki in her stocking!

The snow is spinning, the reckless driver is screaming, Vanka and Katka are flying - Electric flashlight On the shafts... Ah, ah, fall!..

“Where is Katka? - Dead, dead! Shot in the head! What, Katka, are you happy? - No gu-gu... Lie, you carrion, in the snow!..

Image of Christ The appearance of Christ is perhaps a pledge of future light, a symbol of the best, justice, love, a sign of faith. He is “unharmed by a bullet”, and he is dead – “in a white corolla of roses.” “The Twelve shoot at him, even if he is “invisible.”

Blok saw Christ in a whirlwind of snow, blizzard, storm, symbolizing the element of life, the element of revolution. Christ is the embodiment of that moral, spiritual ideal, purity and light, to which the twelve, the apostles of the new faith, must ultimately come.

“The bloc did not at all “bless” the revolution with this borrowed attribute of the people’s faith, but only asserted historical continuity. The revolution inherited the ethical faith of the people!” (A. Gorelov). “...why Christ?”

Visual and expressive means 12

Visual and expressive means

“Peace and brotherhood of peoples are the sign under which the Russian revolution is taking place. This is what her stream roars about. This is the music that he who has ears should hear.” A. Blok.

“Music of the Revolution” “Listen to the music of the revolution,” Blok urged. This music sounds in the poem. First of all, Blok’s “music” is a metaphor, an expression of the “spirit,” the sound of the elements of life. Traditional iambic and trochee are combined with different meters, sometimes with unrhymed verse.

The poem contains the intonations of a march. You can hear urban romance. There is an intonation of crying. A ditty motif is often found. A revolutionary song is directly quoted. The slogans are striking: “All power to the Constituent Assembly!” "Music of the Revolution"

Images - symbols Wind, blizzard, snow are constant Blok motifs. Symbolism: color: “Black evening. / White snow", bloody flag; number – “twelve”; the old world is a “rootless dog”; new world - twelve Red Guards, the image of Christ.


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Slide captions:

The characters of the poem are described succinctly and expressively. Figurative comparison: “the old lady, like a chicken, somehow wriggled over a snowdrift.” Speech characteristics: “Traitors! Russia has perished!/The writer must be/Vitya...” A biting epithet and oxymoron: “Here comes the long-skirted one - / Side by side behind the snowdrift... / Why is it sad these days, / Comrade priest?” Twelve heroes make up one squad: “There’s a cigarette in your teeth, you’ll take a cap, / You need an ace of diamonds on your back!” – short and clear – “the prison is crying for them.” Katka is shown in more detail. Here is the appearance: “teeth shine like pearls”, “the legs are very good”, “fat-faced”, and the way of life: “she has kerens in her stocking”

Wind, snow, blizzard are image-symbols not only of the raging elements, but also of future changes.

Polemic: “Both the Reds and the Whites considered their poem…” “12” “+” “-” 1. V. Solovyov 1. I. Bunin “vulgar, ugly, nothing more.” 2.M. Gorky 2. M. Voloshin “12 crucified Christ” “diary entry of revolutionary days.” 3.A. Lunacharsky "The first work about the revolution."

“The terrible thought of these days: the point is not that the Red Guards are “unworthy” of Jesus, who is walking with them now, but that it is He who is walking with them, but it is necessary for Another to walk.” (A. Blok. February 20, 1918) “Only Christ will defeat the Ham of the future.” D. Merezhkovsky. "Twelve" is a warning poem. The Red Guards and Christ are the embodiment of the earthly and heavenly. Jesus Christ symbolizes truth and harmony. Only the author sees Christ.

March 3, 1918. The newspaper “Znamya Truda” printed the poem “The Twelve” on wrapping paper. “This poem is destined for immortality.” A.V. Lunacharsky. “Whites and Reds recited the poem.” V. Mayakovsky. Saving the world from destruction, turning to universal human values ​​is one of the main thoughts of the poem. “What is the plan? Rebuild everything so that everything becomes new, so that our deceitful, boring life becomes a fair, pure and beautiful life...” (From an article by A. Blok)

A leaflet with the text of the poem, distributed behind the lines of the White Army in Siberia. 1919

A. Blok and revolution

This topic became a development of the topic XIX V. the people and the nobility, then the people and the intelligentsia, and, finally, the intelligentsia and the revolution.

Poem "Twelve" and Blok's article "Intellectuals and Revolution" created in January 1918

Impressed by his visit to the Congress of Soviets of Soldiers' and Workers' Deputies, Blok wrote: “...the content of all life becomes the world Revolution, at the head of which is Russia.”

He was appointed one of the editors of the verbatim report of the Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry, established by the Provisional Government to investigate the criminal activities of the Tsarist ministers and dignitaries.

Blok worked in the Investigative Commission until the October Revolution.

A very important role in the formation of the Bloc’s critical sentiments towards the Provisional Government was played by his sharp rejection of the slogan of continuing the imperialist war, proclaimed by the bourgeois parties and the Kerensky government. On the eve of October, Blok writes in his diary: “Lenin alone believes that the seizure of power by democracy will really eliminate the war and improve everything in the country.”

In January 1918, Blok writes an article "Intellectuals and Revolution"

We must “listen to the Revolution with all our body, with all our heart, with all our consciousness.” “Arrange so that everything becomes new; so that our deceitful, dirty, boring, ugly life becomes a fair, clean, cheerful and beautiful life.”

Also in January 1918, Blok created his best work - the poem "Twelve".

Black evening.

White snow.

Wind, wind!

The man is not standing on his feet.

Wind, wind -

All over God's world!

From building to building

They will stretch the rope.

On the rope - poster:

"All power to the Constituent Assembly!"

The wind is cheerful

Both angry and happy.

Twists the hems,

Mows down passers-by

Tears, crumples and wears

Large poster:

“All power to the Constituent Assembly”...

And he delivers the words:

Of bread!

What's ahead?

Come on in!

Black, black sky.

This is how the most important for Blok appears in the poem The theme is the theme of the birth of a new world. Pondering the revolutionary events, Blok looked for historical parallels and analogies. He compared the collapse of the bourgeois world with the fall of the Roman Empire.

- And Vanka and Katka are in the tavern...

- She has kerenki in her stocking!

Revolutionary step up!

The restless enemy never sleeps!

This famous slogan can also be understood in such a way that the enemies are not around, evil nests in the souls of the Red Guards themselves. This is what we will see later. They no longer believe in God and go without a cross.

The third chapter is structured rhythmically like a factory ditty.

How did our guys go?

To serve in the Red Guard -

To serve in the Red Guard -

I'm going to lay down my head!

We are at the mercy of all bourgeoisie

Let's fan the world fire,

World fire in blood -

God bless!

These lines indicate that Blok shared utopian ideas about world revolution.

And suddenly a sleigh with those same Katka and Vanka came towards the Red Guards.

The snow is spinning, the reckless driver is screaming,

Vanka and Katka are flying -

Petrukha, ashamed of his comrades, feels the inappropriateness of his suffering: “He throws up his head, / He cheered up again.” But the absence of rhyme speaks of discord in his soul.

Blok very accurately sensed the terrible thing that had entered into life: the complete devaluation of human life, which is no longer protected by any law (it doesn’t even occur to anyone that they will have to answer for Katya’s murder. Moral feeling does not hold back from murder either - moral concepts have become extremely devalued It is not without reason that after the death of the heroine, revelry begins, now everything is permitted: “Lock the floors, Now there will be robberies!

The bourgeois stands there like a hungry dog,

It stands silent, like a question.

And the old world is like a rootless dog,

Stands behind him with his tail between his legs.

There was some kind of blizzard,

Oh, blizzard, oh, blizzard!

Can't see each other at all

In four steps!

It hits my eyes

Red flag.

Is heard

Measured step.

The only one "colored" paint - red: the color of the revolutionary flag.

Having lost moral guidelines, overwhelmed by the revelry of dark passions, the revelry of permissiveness - this is how Russia appears in the poem “The Twelve”. But in the terrible and cruel thing that she has to go through, that she experiences in the winter of the year 18, A. Blok sees not only retribution, immersion in hell, in the underworld, but also in this - her purification. Russia must get past this terrible thing; Having plunged to the very bottom, ascend to the sky.

...So they walk with a sovereign step,

Behind is a hungry dog,

Ahead - with a bloody flag,

And invisible behind the blizzard,

And unharmed by a bullet,

With a gentle tread above the storm,

Snow scattering of pearls,

In a white corolla of roses -

Ahead is Jesus Christ.

The entire path that the heroes of Blok’s poem follow is the path from the abyss to resurrection, from chaos to harmony. It is no coincidence that Christ follows the path “above the blizzard”, and in the lexical structure of the poem, after deliberately reduced, rude words, such beautiful and traditional for A. Blok words appear:

"With a gentle step above the storm,

Snow scattering of pearls,

Banner of Russian culture

for Blok it becomes “a cheerful name: Pushkin.” In Pushkin’s work, Blok finds for himself the last, most complete expression of the harmonic:

“cheerful”, “artistic” world and at the same time - peace

high humanity. The last poem


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