Car painting business. Business plan for a car painting service How to open a car body repair service

* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of this project is to open a car painting service to provide a range of affordable and high-quality car service services to clients in Rostov-on-Don.

Currently, statistics indicate an increase in the domestic vehicle fleet and an increase in car sales. Due to this, the demand for the services of car service stations is increasing. Thus, opening a car painting workshop is a promising line of business. The advantages include stable demand for services, high income levels and simple business conditions.

To implement the project, a premises is rented that meets all the requirements, located in close proximity to a busy section of the road. The total area of ​​the premises is 60 sq. m. m.

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The target audience of the car painting service is the owners of passenger cars, of which 60% are men aged 20 to 50 years.

The volume of initial investment is 2,100,000 rubles. Investment costs are aimed at purchasing equipment, renovating premises, advertising, purchasing consumables and forming a working capital fund until the project reaches payback. The bulk of the required investment falls on the purchase of equipment, the share of which is 74%. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

Financial calculations take into account all income and expenses of the car service; the planning horizon is 3 years. It is anticipated that business expansion will be required after this period. According to calculations, the initial investment will pay off after 16 months of operation. Reaching the planned sales volume is planned for the 8th month of operation. The net profit will be 158,000 rubles/month, and the annual net profit for the first year of operation will be more than 1,000,000 rubles. Return on sales in the first year of operation is 18.15%.


According to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, over the past 10 years, the vehicle fleet of Russians has increased by 65%, and the annual increase in the number of cars is 1.5 million units. In this regard, the need for the provision of various auto services is growing. One of these services is car painting. Car painting services are required every day by a large number of car owners: during pre-sale preparation, after mechanical damage, to improve the appearance of the vehicle.

Rice. 1. Dynamics of the Russian passenger car fleet

In addition, the peak of the crisis in the Russian car market has passed. According to forecasts, sales of passenger cars in the country at the end of 2017 will increase by 4-5%. In absolute terms, this means that 1.48 million new cars will be sold by official dealers in Russia this year. The probability of a driver whose driving experience is less than 1 year getting into an accident is up to 95%. Almost 50% of drivers with less than 3 years of experience are responsible for all accidents on the country’s roads. According to statistics, we can expect an increase in demand for painting and body painting services in the next few years.

These circumstances make this type of business, such as car painting, promising. Such a service can bring a stable, high income, since the cost of painting one car part is 3,000-8,000 rubles.

According to 2GIS, there are currently 177 companies operating in Rostov-on-Don that offer painting and body painting services. The volume of the city's vehicle fleet is more than 300 thousand vehicles, and there are 1.3 million vehicles in the region. Comparing the number of service centers and cars in the city, we can conclude that the market is not yet saturated and has prospects for growth. Rostov-on-Don is among the TOP 10 cities in terms of passenger car fleet volume, and every year the quantitative indicator increases, which opens up new prospects for business development in the city.

To assess competition in the car maintenance market, consider its structure. It includes:

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1) Network car services with their representative offices in various regions. It is quite difficult to compete with this group, since networkers have a client base and a certain business reputation. In addition, large car services can combine a whole range of car maintenance services. In this case, small services are at a disadvantage.

2) Authorized car services, specializing mainly in servicing a specific car brand. The main difficulty here is to enter the niche, because... official dealers and car manufacturers choose their partners very carefully.

3) Single car services are the largest group. Such services do not have accreditation, but are in high demand among car owners, since the price of services is usually 20-30% lower than that of authorized and network car services. Representatives of this group are the main competitors of this project.

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4) Individual car maintenance services are difficult to classify as a business, but they should be considered as a competitive force, because such services are currently in demand.

Despite the large number of different car services, competition in the market cannot be called fierce. In the auto repair industry, only 10% of workshops belong to official dealers, and 90% are independent workshops with which you can compete.

Thus, opening a car painting workshop is a promising line of business. Business benefits include:

Stable profit;

Suitable for the “business in a garage” format;

A current and promising direction that is in demand;

High level of income;

Possibility of expanding the range of services;

Simple conditions for organizing a business.

However, the disadvantages of this business should also be taken into account. Firstly, organizing a car painting service requires a large amount of initial investment, since the implementation of these services involves the use of high-quality and expensive equipment. Secondly, painting a car is a labor-intensive process that must be performed by experienced professionals. Thirdly, the payback period for car painting services is 1.5-2 years.


This business plan for a car painting service involves opening a car painting workshop. The success of this type of business directly depends on the quality of the work performed. The client sees the quality of the painting immediately, so it is necessary to hire only experienced craftsmen and use high-quality materials and equipment.

The car painting process includes the following steps:

    removal of rust, dirt and dust;


    sanding and preparing the surface for painting;

    selection of paint colors;

    applying paint;

    applying transparent varnish to the dried surface and drying again;

    polishing the painted surface.

Thus, painting a car is a long and painstaking process, each stage of which requires high-quality execution.

There are two types of car painting - partial and complete. In more than 50% of cases, car owners seek partial painting services. An important problem is the correct selection of enamel color for painting cars. If there is a tinting error, the painted area will stand out noticeably against the background of the overall color of the car. Choosing the right paint tone takes into account the age of the car, lighting and the code of the paint originally applied to the car. The individual perception and experience of the colorist also plays an important role.

Therefore, special attention must be paid to the methods of selecting paint. There are several methods that differ in price and complexity of the selection process itself:

    Selecting paint using a computer allows you to minimize the human factor in color perception. To do this, the indicators of a spectrophotometer are used - a device that measures reflection and is responsible for applying light to the sample. A computer program analyzes the received data and, based on it, selects the appropriate color.

    Selection of enamel by VIN code. Today, VIN codes are the international standard for car enamels and include 17 characters. In accordance with them, a shade code is selected from the catalog of car paint colors. The VIN code is indicated in each car - on the inside of the hood and is presented in the form of a regular sticker. This method can be used if the car has not been repainted before.

In addition to car painting, it is rational to add body repair to the list of services, since usually before painting a damaged car part, it is necessary to eliminate scratches, chips, deformation, etc. Body repair includes:

    Tin work (straightening, removing dents) eliminates minor damage to the body. Recently, the service of vacuum removal of small dents has become popular. For more serious damage, a full cycle of tin work is required.

    Slipworks (geometry restoration) are one of the most labor-intensive and complex processes. Restoring the geometry of the car is carried out using a high-tech device - a slipway.

    Reinforcement work includes the entire range of operations for dismantling and installing various vehicle parts.

    Local repairs. It includes the elimination of minor damage, such as scratches, chips, dents, abrasions, etc. Technologies in local body repair are becoming increasingly popular, as they allow damage to be repaired quickly and at minimal cost. In this case, repairs are carried out exclusively on the damaged area, maintaining the integrity of the factory paint. At the end of the work, the surface is polished to give it shine and protect it from negative influences.

In accordance with this, an approximate list of services that are planned to be provided in the workshop was compiled (Table 1). Prices are approximate and can be adjusted depending on the chosen pricing policy of the organization.

Table 1. Price of car painting service

In the future, it is possible to expand the list of car painting services with additional services:


Body lamination;

Painting a car with liquid rubber;

Glass replacement;

Anti-corrosion treatment of the car;

Dry cleaning.

Registration for the service is carried out by phone or through the online application form on the service website.


Great competition in the automotive service market determines the important role of the reputation and advertising of the workshop. Therefore, the basis of the marketing plan is a careful study of the level of service and advertising campaign. The main task of marketing in the auto service business is the transition of one-time customers to the status of regular ones. It is possible to gain consumer trust with the help of high-quality service and a convenient location of the workshop.

The target audience for car painting is car owners, of which 60% are men aged 20 to 50 years.

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A car owner who is faced with the need to paint a car or body repair for the first time looks for a workshop personally or follows the advice of friends. Car owners willingly share the coordinates of good auto repair shops, so word of mouth in this case is one of the most effective methods of promotion. In order for the client to return to the workshop and recommend it to friends, it is necessary to create comfortable service conditions - duration of work, convenient location of the workshop, quality of service, cost of services, etc. To do this, you can use various marketing techniques:

Setting prices for services slightly lower than competitors;

Concluding agreements with car mechanics and non-competitive related services. The agreement is established on the terms of deduction of a certain% from each client who came on their recommendation;

Posting information about car painting services on thematic websites and forums in your region;

Introduction of a system of discounts when providing several services at once;

Organizing a convenient place to wait for quick work.

Advertising on billboards and signs. The most effective advertising for a car service center is outdoor advertising. The production and installation of one sign next to road signs costs an average of 15,000 rubles. To increase the effectiveness of outdoor advertising, it is planned to produce two signs that can attract the required number of customers. The billboard should serve not only as a pointer, but also as an information field where it is recommended to reflect the specific features of the offer, for example, you can indicate the working hours or current promotions.

Business cards and flyers. It is best to distribute printed material in places where the target audience gathers. This could be the territory of a gas station, auto parts stores, car washes, tire shops, etc. The main offer for the client will be a discount upon presentation of the flyer. It is more rational to use this tool at the initial stage of a car service. The cost of this type of advertising is about 10,000 rubles.

Formation of customer loyalty. To form your customer base, it is necessary to provide for bonus programs for regular customers. To achieve this, it is planned to create a cumulative system of discounts. For example, you can accrue 2% bonuses from each purchase, which the client can use to pay next time. To keep records of the bonus program, you will need a computer with the appropriate software.

Advertising in the media. You can place an ad in a newspaper or order an advertisement on the radio. A classic radio advertisement is a 30-second video, the advertising text consists of 60-75 words, excluding prepositions. The cost of radio advertising depends on the selected radio, the broadcast time of the video, its duration and the number of repetitions. On average, the cost of 1 minute of a commercial is about 4,000 thousand during the period 7:00 to 22:00. The approximate budget for advertising promotion through the media is 15,000-20,000 rubles.

Creating your own website for a car painting service. Firstly, this tool allows you to promote services via the Internet, and secondly, it simplifies the process of interaction with potential clients. The car service website should indicate a list of services provided and a price list for them, contacts, a location map, information about promotions and special offers. It is also recommended to create a form on the website to quickly place an order. For a car service website you only need a couple of web pages and a simple interface. The cost of such a site is about 20,000 rubles.

However, the best advertisement for a car service center is its favorable location. If you choose the right site, you can ensure a sufficient flow of customers. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to choosing a suitable site.

The approximate plan for promoting a car service in the city of Rostov-on-Don is presented in Table 2. In accordance with calculations, it is planned to spend 91,000 rubles on promoting a car service. The bulk of promotional events are planned for the first months of the car service opening.


Description of car painting service

Costs, rub.

To attract the attention of potential customers, it is necessary to place banner signs near the car service center. Costs include creating signs as well as installing them.

This involves creating advertising material (flyers/booklets) and distributing it in places where the target audience gathers. Costs include the costs of creating and printing flyers, as well as salaries for promoters. The promotional material contains a 10% discount coupon for your first visit

Creating your own website

Creation and promotion of your own business card website on the Internet. The website should contain contact information, directions, price list for services, and an online application form.

The plan is to select a radio station that the target audience listens to. The cost of creating a 15-second video is 3,000 rubles.

1 min./day * 4000 rub./min. * 7 days = 28,000 rub.

Experience shows that the most effective advertising for a car painting service is a job done perfectly. Qualified employees, thoughtful pricing policy and warranty service will help attract and retain customers.

An active marketing strategy allows you to speed up the process of recoupment of funds invested in opening a car repair shop. For a car service to pay off, it is necessary to serve at least one client per day. Profit will appear if you serve two or more clients daily. It is important to consider that even the most modern infrared drying will not allow painting more than five cars per day.

How much can you earn painting cars? To answer the question, let's determine the amount of revenue. To do this, we calculate the average bill and the number of orders per month. We take the average bill for a car paint shop to be 10,000 rubles (based on the fact that the cost of a full car paint job is about 30,000 rubles, and the cost of other services, which are provided much more often, is 3,000 rubles). The number of orders completed per day of work is 2. Therefore, the volume of work per month is 60 orders. Then the monthly revenue from the main activity will be: 10,000*60=600,000 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume in the 8th month of operation thanks to an active advertising campaign.

The payback of a car paint shop depends on competition and customer flow. If circumstances are favorable, a business can pay for itself within six months. If competition in the city is tough, then the payback of the business will be 12-18 months.


How to open a car service center from scratch? The algorithm for opening a project involves the following stages:

    Register your business as an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

    Decide on a site and premises for a car service.

    Purchase specialized equipment.

    Hire qualified workers.

    Select suppliers and purchase consumables for the car service.

Let's look at each point in more detail.

1) Selecting a site and room for painting cars. When opening a car service center, two key parameters should be considered - geographical location and equipment that provides a range of services. The profitability of a business depends on these two parameters.

The most significant issue when organizing a car repair shop is finding a suitable site. When choosing a location, you should pay attention to the presence of competitors nearby. This will allow you to assess the level of consumer demand and make a decision on the choice of site.

The car service building should be clearly visible from the road and have convenient access. According to the requirements of the SES, a car service center cannot be located in close proximity to residential buildings and bodies of water. The distance between the service station and these objects must be at least 50 meters.

In addition to the characteristics of the site, it is necessary to take into account the room in which the workshop with all the equipment will be located, since the layout of any automobile workshop requires compliance with certain rules. The layout of the paint shop should ensure quick and consistent movement of the vehicle being repaired from the repair shop to the paint booth.

A car painting service needs a room with an area of ​​at least 30 sq.m. In order to accommodate two cars at the same time, you will need at least 60 sq.m. Any non-residential buildings are suitable for a car service: garages, hangars, etc. Mandatory requirements for a car paint shop are the installation of a hood or good ventilation, good lighting (it is recommended to use fluorescent lamps), and a powerful power supply. In addition, an air duct and a thermal cushion with heating elements must be installed in the upper part of the room. The floor of the room where the drying chamber for painting cars will be installed must be raised by 10-15 cm in order to install a fan that sucks air from the chamber. To speed up the drying process, it is recommended to equip the room with infrared lamps.

Summarizing all of the above, we can determine the following requirements for the premises of a car service center:

Availability of ventilation, plumbing, heating and at least one window;

Separate premises (i.e. outside residential buildings and public buildings);

Finishing floors and walls with moisture-resistant and explosion-proof materials;

Explosion-proof lamps and devices;

Availability of a bathroom and shower for staff.

You can choose a car painting facility that meets all the requirements, or build a building. The market offers many options for the construction of turnkey car service centers. The car service building is a prefabricated frame building made of element-by-element assembly sandwich panels. The full cost of a turnkey car service starts from 1.5 million rubles. (for boxing with 2 posts).

To implement the project, it is planned to rent a plot of 60 square meters. m. The rent is 50,000 rubles per month. The cost of repairing and finishing the premises is 80,000 rubles.

2) Purchase of equipment for painting cars. To ensure production, it is necessary to purchase equipment. Modern multifunctional equipment is the key to quality work. The standard list of equipment required to equip a paint and body shop includes:

Straightening stocks (platform, frame, rolling and floor);

Set of straightening tools;

Detectors for determining types of steel;

Hydraulic kits for body straightening;

Two post car lift;

Measuring rulers, two- and three-dimensional measuring systems;

Kit for straightening dents on the body without painting;

Welding machine;

Polishing machine;

Set of spray guns;

Painting and drying chamber;

Special colorist lamp;

Mini-chamber for sputtering tests;

Rotary painting tables for painting body parts;

Infrared emitter for drying parts and small surfaces;

Surface grinding tools.

Dust removal equipment.


This list is not exhaustive, so additional costs are included in the total cost of car painting equipment. The purchase of equipment for a paint shop will cost an average of 1.5 million rubles, of which about 700 thousand are for the drying chamber.

In a paint shop, this equipment is the most important, so you should pay special attention to its selection. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following parameters: the internal size of the chamber, the pumping and pulling characteristics, the thermal insulation of the chamber and the lighting of the chamber. The most popular camera manufacturers are: Termomeccanica, ColorTech, Saico. Manufacturers often offer equipment under a leasing agreement, which is a profitable way for a beginning entrepreneur to purchase expensive equipment.

In addition to the equipment to equip the car painting service, you need to purchase:

Consumables (sanding papers, drill attachments, etc.);

Chemicals (varnishes, paints, etc.);

Uniforms for employees.

3) Recruitment. To operate the car service, it is planned to hire three craftsmen: 2 tinsmiths and body workers and 1 car painter. It is planned that after the first year of work, it will be necessary to hire another team of craftsmen.

It is worth paying special attention to the qualifications and practical skills of potential employees, since the reputation of the car service depends on the quality of their work.

There are no special requirements for personnel: secondary technical or higher education in the field, experience in repairing and painting cars, knowledge of the structure of cars.

4) Purchase of consumables. A car service center uses a lot of consumables. It is important that the workshop is always provided with the necessary amount of materials. In this regard, it is necessary to draw up a list of bona fide suppliers in advance and establish cooperation with them.


The initial stage of opening a car painting workshop is registering the business with government agencies. To conduct commercial activities, an LLC is registered with a simplified taxation system (“income minus expenses” at a rate of 15%). Types of activities according to OKVED-2:

45.20 “Services for maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.”

The requirements of the SES require the preparation of the following documents to open a car service:

Production control program;

Conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor on compliance of the premises with standards;

Permission from Rospotrebnadzor to carry out activities;

Agreements for the removal of waste, hazardous substances, disinfection and washing of work clothes.

You can prepare the documents yourself, but to reduce the processing time, you can contact a specialized law firm, whose services will cost approximately 30,000 rubles. This project provides that the entrepreneur independently prepares all the necessary documentation.

The workshop's opening hours are from 10:00 to 20:00, weekends are Sunday and Monday. Based on this, the staffing table is formed. The staff consists of 4 people, including an entrepreneur who performs managerial functions, maintains accounting and works with suppliers.

Tinsmith-bodyworker carries out car body repairs. A car painter performs all work related to painting cars. Employees' wages can be calculated either as a fixed monthly amount or according to the formula “salary + % of sales.” The latter system is preferable, since this method of remuneration will serve as motivation for employees. To simplify financial calculations, this business plan takes into account a fixed salary amount. The total wage fund is 163,800 rubles.

Table 3. Staffing and wage fund of the car painting service


The financial plan takes into account all income and expenses of the car service; the planning horizon is 3 years. It is anticipated that business expansion will be required after this period. It is possible to open a full-fledged automobile workshop.

The project requires raising funds in the amount of RUB 2,100,000. The bulk of the required investments falls on the purchase of equipment - 71%, the share of expenses for repairs of the premises and the first month of rent - 6%, for working capital - 12%, for advertising - 4%, and for the purchase of consumables - 7%. The project is financed from own capital. The main items of investment costs are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Starting investments

The variable costs of car painting include the cost of purchasing consumables for repairs and the utility capacity expended. To simplify financial calculations, the amount of variable costs is calculated based on the average cost of workshop services and a fixed trade margin of 300%.

Fixed costs of car painting include rent, advertising, depreciation, wages and other expenses (Table 5). The amount of depreciation charges is determined by the linear method, based on the useful life of fixed assets of 5 years. Fixed costs also include tax deductions, but they are not taken into account in the table, since their size is not fixed and depends on the amount of revenue.

Table 5. Fixed costs

Thus, fixed monthly expenses for painting cars were determined in the amount of 263,800 rubles. A detailed financial plan is given below.


The investment attractiveness of a car painting service can be judged on the basis of simple and integral performance indicators. Changes in the value of money over time are taken into account using the discounted cash flow method.

The payback period of the project with an initial investment of 2,100,000 rubles is 16-17 months. The net monthly profit of the project upon reaching planned sales volumes will be 158,000 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume in the eighth month of operation.

The annual net profit for the first year of car painting will be more than 1,000,000 rubles. The return on sales in the first year of operation will be 18.15%. The return on investment ratio is 10.7%, and the internal rate of return exceeds the discount rate and is equal to 8%. The net present value is positive and amounts to 1,693,232 rubles, which indicates the investment attractiveness of the project.

The financial plan for car painting takes into account the optimistic sales forecast that can be expected due to the favorable location of the workshop and the high effectiveness of the advertising campaign.


To assess the risks in the operation of a car painting service, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. External factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country and sales markets. Internal – the effectiveness of organization management.

External risks include:

Poor choice of workshop location. It is possible to eliminate the wrong decision using a high-quality geomarketing analysis of the area, infrastructure, and traffic flows, which will allow a more accurate assessment of the level of sales taking into account the density of potential consumers.

High competition in the market, opening of new points in relative proximity, dumping of direct competitors. The emergence of new auto repair shops will lead to a redistribution of the customer base and profits. Often, large auto repair shops provide painting and repair services, which negatively affects the customer base of small workshops. Reducing this risk is possible by creating your own customer base, developing a unique selling proposition, smart pricing policy and stimulating consumer loyalty.

An increase in rental costs, which will increase fixed costs and may affect your financial condition. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of risk by concluding a long-term lease agreement and choosing a conscientious lessor.

Internal risks include:

Technological risks, which include incorrectly selected equipment, breakdowns, and misuse of technological capacities, which can lead to the stoppage of business processes. This risk can be reduced with regular monitoring of equipment serviceability, high-quality after-sales service, and proper selection of equipment.

Low level of employee competence. Irresponsible attitude towards property and poor quality of service can lead to serious financial losses and a decrease in business reputation. To avoid this, systematic control, financial motivation, and standardization of personnel work are necessary. The easiest way to reduce this risk is at the recruitment stage. It is necessary to carefully select employees and offer them favorable working conditions that can attract experienced employees.

Failure to achieve the planned sales volume. This risk can be reduced with an effective advertising campaign and a competent marketing policy, which includes various promotions and bonuses;

A decrease in the reputation of the institution among the target audience due to errors in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to mitigate the risk by constantly monitoring the quality of services, receiving feedback from car service clients and taking corrective measures.

Summarized data on the analysis of the risk component of the project are shown in Table 6. Thanks to a quantitative assessment of risks, it is possible to determine what managers should focus on and what measures should be taken to minimize losses.

Table 6. Quantitative risk analysis of car painting business

In accordance with the above calculations, the most serious risks of a car painting service are technological risks and the risk of competitors’ reaction. In the first direction, you need to carefully approach the choice of equipment, study various offers on the market and the experience of other entrepreneurs. In the second area, special attention should be paid to the formation of competitive advantages, especially pricing policy, marketing strategy, as well as the creation of a flexible system for working with clients.

Modern life is such that almost every family has its own car, and in some cases more than one. It has moved from the category of luxury to the category of everyday necessity.

However, its everyday use and the corresponding rapidly growing number of cars leads to an increase in the number of accidents, minor accidents and other breakdowns. As a result, the need for repair services is growing. Due to this, a car body repair business is a great idea.

A car service center will be able to bring significant profits, but in order for this to really be so, it is necessary to think through everything carefully, correlate all investments with the planned profit and calculate the payback period. In addition, this business has its own characteristics and nuances that must be taken into account. A competent business plan should provide for all and some other aspects.

First steps in body repair

First step. First, you need to study all the technological processes in bodywork in order to organize a high-quality car service. Painting and body repairs must be carried out in accordance with the planned technical processes, otherwise the client will remain dissatisfied with the work performed and is unlikely to want to pay for it. In addition, the cost of some machines amounts to millions of rubles, which requires a careful and professional attitude. Therefore, a business plan for car body repair must include appropriate professional equipment and competent specialists. Of course, this will require significant investments, but there is no other way.

Second step. The body center can be organized from scratch or it can be purchased already in its operating form. In the first case, a business plan for car repair must be drawn up; in the second, you can do without it. However, the first option will be more profitable in terms of profitability, payback and customer loyalty, because already at the initial stage of drawing up a plan, you can foresee all the nuances and build a business according to the best option.

Third step. In which city will the body center be opened? This will greatly influence the business plan as well as its performance. The capital's costs will be incomparable with what some county town will require. At the same time, a Moscow car service center will be able to bring in much more profit, because the clientele here is larger and the contingent is richer.

Fourth step. You will also need to think about organizational issues: opening an individual entrepreneur or other legal entity and take into account some other issues.

After analyzing these points, you can begin to draw up a business plan for car body repair.

Business plan for a body and paint shop

We will assume that body repairs will be carried out in Moscow. Body work will be carried out from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Body work presupposes that a body repair and a paint shop must be organized, because painting and repair work are links in the technological chain. Therefore, it will be necessary to provide two premises for the workshop or one that will be divided.

The best option for car repair is to rent and equip an existing premises for a car service, for example, a workshop, hangar, or garage. Taking into account the requirements from the SES, the premises must have heating, be located 15 m from residential buildings, and also 50 m from public institutions. There are some other requirements that a business plan must take into account if you decide to open a car service. In addition, in order to coordinate everything with firefighters, SES, open an individual entrepreneur or legal entity and resolve some other organizational issues that will require a certain amount.

Total: 50 thousand rubles.

Cost of renting the premises

To organize body work, which will include both body repair and a paint shop, a minimum of 200 square meters will be required. In addition, it is recommended to rent a small area adjacent to the premises so that employees and clients have the opportunity to park their cars. You can also provide a car wash to provide additional services. We must not forget about the comfort of employees; they should have the opportunity to change clothes, wash, and sit during breaks between work. It is necessary to provide space for storing spare parts, tools, etc.

The structure of the room can be organized in the following way:

  1. main body shop: 120 sq.m.
  2. sink: 40 sq.m.
  3. painting shop - 40 sq.m.
  4. warehouse for spare parts, tools and other equipment: 50 sq.m.
  5. dressing room, shower, bathroom: 50 sq.m.

It turns out 300 square meters.

The cost of renting such premises in Moscow is 1000-1500 rubles per square meter.

In total 300*1200=360000 rubles. Plus a small adjacent territory worth 40,000 rubles. Plus repairs for 200 thousand.

Purchase of equipment

The next line of costs in the business plan should include the purchase of equipment. It is necessary to equip the paint shop, car wash and body shop with everything necessary.

  1. welding machine - 20 thousand;
  2. slipway - 200 thousand;
  3. compressor - 15 thousand;
  4. painting booth - 450 thousand;
  5. washing the spray gun - 30 thousand;
  6. finishing and priming spray gun for the amount of 8 thousand;
  7. dust removal system - 50 thousand;
  8. infrared drying - 10 thousand;
  9. washing equipment – ​​50 thousand;
  10. tables, stands for painting parts - 20 thousand;
  11. grinding machines 3 pcs. - 25 thousand;
  12. grinder 2 pcs. - 10 thousand;
  13. workwear 4 sets - 10 thousand;
  14. computer, other tools and equipment – ​​50 thousand.

Total: 948 thousand rubles.

Staff salaries and other expenses

Body work is a complex and responsible task that requires a certain skill. It is the skill of professionalism that will determine how much profit you can receive. Therefore, it is worth hiring only real specialists who have some experience. Subsequently, it will be possible to hire a person without experience as an apprentice, who will learn from experienced employees. A person who does not have special knowledge is suitable for washing.

  1. 4 employees for body repair with a salary of 4*70=280 thousand.
  2. 1 painter - 60 thousand.
  3. washer - 30 thousand.
  4. mechanics and assistants for auxiliary work - 2 people with a salary of 40 thousand - a total of 80 thousand.
  5. administrator - 35 thousand.
  6. incoming accountant - 20 thousand.

Expenses for housing and communal services, taxes, plus monthly consumables - 100 thousand.

Total: 665 thousand rubles.

Spending on advertising services, how to promote?

Body work is an activity that requires a constant flow of visitors. Therefore, you can’t do without advertising here. It is necessary for potential clients to learn about the services provided. First of all, you should get a beautiful sign that will attract people passing by. You should also invest in active advertising. For example, it could be a promotional resource that will require you to spend at least 30 thousand rubles. Then you can invest in mailing, advertising in specialized local newspapers, magazines and the like. All together this will cost one hundred thousand rubles.

Total: 100 thousand rubles.

Total costs, including payback periods

In order to organize body work and calculate all the necessary investments, you need to add up the main expense items.

Total: 50000+600000+948000+665000+100000=2363000 rubles.

The profitability of a body shop and car wash is calculated based on the following parameters:

  • The average market dynamics of visits per day will be 10-15 cars per day. Plus, the wash will accept 25-30 cars per day.
  • The average bill for Moscow is 6-9 thousand rubles for body work, as well as car washing - 400-500 rubles.
  • The expected monthly revenue per month will be approximately 1,500 thousand rubles, taking into account a 5-day working week.

By subtracting from the indicated amount investments for website promotion, advertising in newspapers and magazines, employee salaries, monthly rent, all kinds of taxes and expenses for housing and communal services, monthly consumables, we calculate the profit:

1500000-70000-400000-665000=375000 rubles per month.

The payback time for a car service will be:

2363000/375000=6.3 months.

It turns out that the car service will have to work for almost 6.5 months before it can start making a profit.


  1. investments - 2,363,000 rubles.
  2. payback period – 6.3 months.
  3. average monthly profit - 375,000 rubles.

A body painting shop requires competent organization. Painting and repair work are inseparably adjacent; they are considered elements of a single chain. We will learn from the article about the correct calculation of the future workshop enterprise, a business project plan and much more.

Formation of the workshop: beginning

ATTENTION! A completely simple way to reduce fuel consumption has been found! Don't believe me? An auto mechanic with 15 years of experience also didn’t believe it until he tried it. And now he saves 35,000 rubles a year on gasoline!

First of all, to form a future enterprise, you should very carefully consider the layout of the garage. You need to know that the movement of the car between the departments responsible for painting and repair will become inevitable.

In this case, if you can equip a body paint shop in such a way that the movements of the vehicle, personnel and various tools are minimized, this will lead to an increase in efficiency several times. Consequently, the profit of the workshop will increase.

The planning process is the most important stage of an organization. Unfortunately, many business entrepreneurs do not understand this, ignoring the importance of initial planning and calculation. As a result, when work is already in full swing, it becomes clear that the enterprise is not quite ready. This happens especially often at the stage of growing customer flow. Growth occurs unexpectedly, and you have to lose some of your clientele because there simply isn’t enough space in the garage.

A competent project calculation is the best use of all available potential, including not only equipment, but also a team of workers, premises and much more. Initially, a thorough plan for the future is required. This will protect the business from unforeseen events, and the filling of all areas of the workshop will be ensured at the highest level.

A competent business plan will have to be outlined for the effective operation of the enterprise. In accordance with it, the workshop will carry out correctly conceived operations in the right period of time, based on specific tasks.

Well-chosen equipment

Today, the idea of ​​creating your own body shop can be called a completely correct and promising solution. Accidents are periodically increasing due to the deterioration of the road surface. Often the car body requires assistance in the winter season.

To provide professional assistance, a body shop must have special equipment. The necessary equipment should include: a good quality welding machine, an angle grinder, a slipway and much more.

Body repair cannot be imagined without stretching or straightening the broken frame on a slipway. For this reason, this machine is extremely necessary, because without it it is impossible to carry out the above procedures.

As for the number of boxes where repairs will be carried out, at least 5 separate chambers should be provided, including a painting room. For example, in the first box, various spare parts will be removed from the car using a hydraulic electric lift, in the next, they will level the body and its parts on a slipway, in the third, they will straighten or putty the parts, and in the last, they will treat the surface of the car frame before sending it to the painting booth. .

A paint shop or paint shop is a fenced and closed area. It must be equipped with a Celsius degree regulator, air exhaust and powerful illumination.

The operating principle of the paint box is as follows:

  • The work is divided into two parts: painting and drying;
  • During work, a warm jet is supplied to the vehicle from above, which promotes the deposition of suspension;
  • Painting in progress;
  • The room is ventilated;
  • The drying stage begins, which involves raising the air temperature to 70 degrees Celsius, and keeping the car in the chamber for about 1-2 hours.

Note. To save electricity, during the drying mode it is recommended to reduce air intake from the street, and instead of electricity use natural gas or diesel fuel for combustion.

There are quite a lot of options for spray booths today. Thousands of companies offer a variety of options. The choice in this case must be made depending on the purpose of purchase, technical characteristics and climatic conditions of the location where the camera is installed.

The most important role, of course, is played by the equipment responsible for air regulation.

If, when choosing a camera model, you limit yourself only to issues of saving money, you can become the owner of a cheap option. Such a model cannot have a powerful burner and good thermal insulation; savings will ultimately lead to increased electricity costs.

Staff and more

Being one of the most profitable areas of auto repair, a paint and body shop should be opened according to a well-drafted business plan. And in addition to calculating the area and choosing equipment, personnel selection plays a huge role. The staff is a team of craftsmen who carry out all types of work in the body shop. Its selection should be carried out most competently.

The qualifications of the craftsmen who will work in the workshop should not raise any doubts. The success of the entire enterprise will depend on the experience of the personnel, so the requirements for the selection of workers in this case are always excessive. It is recommended to find four specialists at first. This will be enough for a young, just developing enterprise.

A body shop supervisor or administrator is a person who performs several functions. In particular, the body shop acceptance master performs the duties of an accountant and cashier. Therefore, he must have a lot of experience. In addition, the body shop acceptance master must be able to perform the duties of a purchasing manager for the necessary materials and tools.

It is expected to find the remaining three people for the position of body shop foreman. Two will perform the duties of tinsmiths, and one will perform the duties of a car painter. In the future, about eight people can be hired for the position of body shop foreman, while simultaneously increasing the area of ​​the workshop to 350 m2.

It is also recommended to initially decide on the premises. Today there are three implementation options. The first involves erection, construction of a building from scratch. The second is the purchase of a finished building. And finally, the third option is leasing or subleasing.

And further. A well-organized enterprise must clearly offer a certain number of services. As a rule, modern body shops are limited to work on leveling the body and its components, replacing parts, restoring geometry and painting.

Study step-by-step instructions for performing body repairs published on our website. They will provide an opportunity to gain the initial knowledge necessary to open your own business.

Opening your own auto body repair shop is a very promising business idea, since the demand for such services is always at a very high level.

It is better to start such a business for those who are well versed in car repair. Some kind of investment will be required. However, if everything is organized correctly, all investments will soon pay off. So, where to start writing a business plan?

Renting premises

It is very important to choose a suitable premises to rent for a car body repair shop. Finding such a room is not easy; considerable effort must be made. It will be ideal if the car service is located along a busy highway; another very good option would be if such a car service is located in close proximity to garage cooperatives. Success in this business comes when potential clients are nearby. When choosing a room for a body station, you should take into account that its area should be at least 200 m², and there are not many such rooms, and even those located in suitable places. According to the experience of most entrepreneurs who are engaged in such business, it is best to search for premises on their own, since real estate agencies (especially small ones) do not always cope with their responsibilities.

You can purchase a suitable property, but this will require quite large expenses, which is not always an acceptable condition for beginning entrepreneurs. If suitable premises are found, it is strongly recommended to enter into a lease for at least 1 year, and ideally for 3 years. Because there are often cases when the business has gone uphill, but then the landlord says that he gives 2 days to remove the equipment, since he has other plans for this premises. Considering that the bodywork business does not tolerate frequent relocation, you should consider this carefully.

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Purchase of equipment

When drawing up a business plan for organizing a business for auto body repair, you need to pay special attention to the main expense item - the acquisition of the necessary equipment. Body repair largely depends on this factor. The first step is to purchase a spray booth (if funds allow, it is better to buy one made in Germany, although it is not cheap). Having purchased such equipment, you can say with confidence that it will last for a very long time and operation will not cause any special problems. When making a business plan, you need to pay special attention to the purchase of a straightening stand in order to straighten the body. It should be noted that such equipment is also very expensive, but without it a car service center will not be able to function. If you buy a domestically produced straightening stand, you can save a lot on this, since domestically produced equipment is inexpensive, and its quality (especially in recent years) is becoming better and better.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the forecast of demand for services for a car service center that is just starting its activities cannot, by definition, be very large, so it is not advisable to immediately purchase expensive equipment that can perform its functions quickly. If a body repair company offers its clients a service such as painting, then there is no doubt that there will be significantly more clients and, accordingly, higher income. Body repairs are always in demand, you just need to organize the process correctly.

Now all that remains is to purchase welding equipment, a car wash, a compressor (it must have significant power) for such a car service, and you will also need a kit for dry grinding.

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When organizing a business such as opening a car service center, you need to be especially careful in recruiting personnel. Especially when you plan to carry out body repairs. When drawing up such a business plan, you need to take into account the fact that good, highly qualified specialists are almost always busy, which means you need to make a certain kind of effort to lure them. This will not be easy to do, since the organizations where such specialists work value their employees, but in addition to a competitive salary, you can offer them a percentage of the amount of work completed, which will be an excellent incentive for them.

It should be noted that searching for masters is a complex process. It needs to be done in the following way: during the interview, you need to ask not only about work experience, but also whether he has his own tools. The fact is that highly qualified experienced craftsmen always work with their own tools. When recruiting personnel for a car service center, it is not easy to find truly good managers. The fact is that car repair (especially body repair) is a very specific area and a manager who performed his duties well in another industry is unlikely to achieve the same high results. Car repair work is an area in which experience is very important.

As for the employee remuneration system, in a small car service, in most cases, employees receive a percentage of the work performed. They may vary, but the painter can be offered 40 percent of the cost of the work he has completed. Opening a car service station means that at first there will not be a large number of clients, and when the company is idle, the owner may not lose money on paying regular wages.


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