Is it profitable to open a car wash? What do you need to open a car wash? Water purification at a car wash

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have
They are preparing the spirit of enlightenment,
And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,
And genius, friend of paradoxes,
And chance, God is the inventor.

A.S. Pushkin

This question is asked by all brave people who decide to enter this business. It would seem that this is it - the cost of equipment, the cost of canopies, the cost of the construction part...

Look like that's it. Now we count how many cars we wash and how much we spend on energy resources. By the way, how to count? Another question. Question for another article about the cost of programs at self-service car washes.

"Skoka-Skoka" and "turnkey"

The World Wide Web is replete with a lot of information on how to open such a business. But 80% of this information was written by journalists for various business resources who, a priori, do not understand anything about building a turnkey self-service car wash. When you read these “opuses”, the remnants of hair on your head begin to move slightly and a legitimate question arises: how?!?, where do such numbers come from?!? Some authors have gone so far into the wilds of their imagination that they are ready to promise their readers the opening of a 5-6 station self-service car wash for 2-3 million rubles. The remaining 20% ​​of articles are written by equipment salesmen, who are, of course, professionals in their field, whose main task is sales, sales, sales. Although among sellers there are those who are ready to share real figures on the costs of organizing a business.

So, let's start with a clean slate, forget what we read earlier on the Internet and try to take an honest look at the real costs.

Although we offer all our clients to open a turnkey self-service car wash, in fact, we are an engineering company. Those. We are good at installing this equipment, servicing it, and advising our clients, but we are not builders. We know a lot about construction, but we don’t build it ourselves. We prefer to trust this to specialists in their field. Therefore, we always warn our customers about this, including the fact that the opportunity to buy a turnkey sink will be more expensive than if the customer wants to build it himself from scratch.

The vast majority of our clients built sinks themselves. Of course, we see all our projects through to completion and always try to help at every stage. Not only consultations, but also proven contractors. Therefore, we have the cost figures. In addition, over the past 2 weeks, we have spoken with many of our clients and friends who have built a car wash in the last six months to find out the full extent of the costs that had to be incurred before launching the business.

Let's start with small digressions.

First retreat

And experience is the son of difficult mistakes... There are practically no twin projects; each project is an individual decision. Our clients are proof of this. Even those who were not afraid to build three or four self-service car washes with us. The likelihood that you will exceed your planned expenses is very high. Therefore, it is Ostap Bender’s job to name exact numbers.

Only Ostap could easily name the cost of saving the father of Russian democracy. We won't do this. We can estimate your costs: separately for the construction part, separately for canopies and technological equipment, which need to be given the closest attention. Because it's like a person's heart. It is important that it is healthy for many years of life.

Second retreat

The most popular project today is a 6-post self-service car wash. Based on this, we will systematize expenses. But you need to take into account that it is impossible to get the correct cost of one post by simply dividing a 6-post car wash by the number 6. A two-post self-service car wash will cost half the cost of a 6-post turnkey car wash. And a 4-post post will be cheaper by only 20 percent. But if we increase the number of posts, then here we can really divide and multiply without fear of error, since an increase in the planned estimate is inevitable.

Third retreat

Many people mistakenly believe that the most expensive thing when opening a turnkey self-service car wash is technological equipment. In the case of the most budget equipment, this item will be about 15-20% of the total costs. If you purchase premium equipment, it will take up to half of the total costs.

The main costs will be for land. Not only in the sense of purchasing land or long-term lease rights, but also other investments in the land plot, namely: approval, technical support, communications, construction itself, landscaping, etc. The vast majority of these costs are sunk. And if you are unlucky with the choice of location, then this money will remain “buried in the ground.”

Let's look at real examples of self-service car washes.

Let's start with the most popular self-service car washes today. What can be succinctly called “collective farm-collective farm”.


To build such a sink from scratch costs from 1 million rubles for each post.

I don’t want to offend either the owners of such car washes or agricultural workers. Typically, such car washes are opened by people who either have a significant lack of initial capital, or they simply do not understand what they are getting into by opening this type of car wash. At the same time, despite the single term, they can differ significantly both in appearance and in cost.

They can be like this:

Or they could be like this:

The latest washes, despite the significantly better wrapper, carry approximately the same filling. Not very edible...

Why do we call such sinks not very impartial, despite their visual appeal?

They have one thing in common: they are often created in violation of a number of building codes and unwritten rules. The legislation does not have any clear rules for the creation of self-service car washes. And everyone does whatever they can. Although Europe has already accumulated vast experience in creating the right objects. As a result, in attempts to save money, or out of ignorance, all these sinks have a short service life.

Of course, the reader may object: ours is not Europe, the dirt is not the same. Let me note right away: this is why we are not Europe, because we are not accustomed to complying with basic safety standards, saving electricity, water, and cleaning agents. Such sinks can be significantly cheaper, especially if they are built in circumvention of the law and in violation of all possible construction standards.

We do not deal with such car washes and do not advise anyone to open them. Why?

Despite the relatively small costs, this business, not having time to break even, is already beginning to ask for small funds to be poured into it.

Budget equipment has the highest cost of washing programs. In addition, due to the lack of safety margin and the use of inexpensive materials, minor repairs must be regularly carried out, and this is not so much a cost as it is downtime. And as soon as competitors appear, it turns out that such sinks have a minimum of competitive advantages. The only thing left to compete is price. Which, given the high cost, begins to resemble business for business’s sake even more.

The other path is the path for serious investors who know how to count money well. And not in the near future, but for many years.

So, if you want to build a normal car wash that will work for many years, there are two options: optimal and uncompromising.

The best option

In this case, the cost of a car wash will be 1.9-2.5 million rubles per post. The difference may be due to the completeness of the equipment, the favorable location of the site, or investments in attractiveness and beauty.

The result will be a somewhat standard wash, but with reliable equipment and a good low cost washing program. And also with a sufficient set of competitive advantages so that you can not only work for many years, but also earn money. And if necessary, it could be sold without financial loss.

Uncompromising option

And the genius of paradoxes, friend...

The most expensive project costs can fluctuate around 2.7-3.3 million rubles per post. But you get not only the most beautiful car wash in the city, but also the largest possible set of competitive advantages for the future, when competition intensifies significantly. It is your sink that is guaranteed to survive this competition. Tested in the highly competitive European market.

Cost items for opening a turnkey self-service car wash

Land plot

We will not dwell on this point, because... it is absolutely individual. Moreover, it is simply impossible to estimate average costs. They can be from conditionally zero (if this site already exists and is idle, or there are very favorable conditions for its lease) to four tens of millions of rubles if you buy it in the Moscow region as a property.

Creation of a project, coordination and obtaining a construction permit

Usually the most time-consuming stage (at least a month), but not the most expensive. It is necessary to obtain technical conditions for communications (water, electricity, sewerage and, if necessary, gas). It's free. In addition, the project itself is necessary.

Serious manufacturers provide a standard design, but in all cases it is necessary to adapt it and link it to the area. The cost of such a service is up to 150 thousand rubles. The cost of a full-fledged project is from 150 to 400 thousand. We recommend ordering it from the “correct” organizations that recommend it in local “architectures”.

You can coordinate it yourself or entrust it to lawyers. Often in the regions such services are quite inexpensive (from 50 thousand rubles). Total estimated costs for this article are from 350 thousand rubles.

Site preparation

Or, in other words, the removal of utility networks from the construction site. A very individual expense item. Usually it is directly dependent on the cost of the site. The cheaper the site, the more networks with corresponding security zones are laid on it.

Our clients' costs ranged from zero, when there were no networks at all running through the site (which is very rare in an urban environment), to the extortionate 7 million rubles that local city power grids asked for the removal of a high-voltage line.

Communications supply and technical connection

The reverse side of the previous paragraph. If there are no networks nearby, then you will have to conduct them yourself. One of our clients had zero costs (everything was on site), and for another client, just supplying water and storm sewerage cost 3.7 million rubles. Another client, who built 3 car washes, said that if you count very roughly, he spent 3 million on each of the car washes for the supply of electricity, water, sewerage and gas.

Construction costs

We will talk exclusively about the construction of “open self-service car washes,” and, more specifically, only about those construction works that take place at ground level and below. We will list the construction of the canopy as a separate expense item and talk about it later.

A very interesting article in terms of rampant pseudo-economy, as well as for the profit of unscrupulous “builders”. The numbers fluctuate very much. This is where those who want to open a “collective farm-collective farm” car wash most often try to save money. Often with disastrous results already in the first winter.

Some equipment sellers promise costs of only 1.5-2 million for a 6-post car wash. Only when it comes down to it, the estimate doubles and sometimes triples.

So, let's try to figure out how much it costs, using the example of construction using ready-made slabs with integrated heated floors.

First, the area needs to be prepared and removed. And also remove the fertile layer of soil, and fill the place of the removed soil. There are no average figures in this case. These can be either zero costs or very, very decent ones. For example, construction work on one site is now ending. There, the rise in level of a large plot (about 30 acres) was 2.5 meters. It was necessary that it be level with the road. All this cost the owner 3.5 million rubles.

Then you need to lay the slabs themselves. A set of slabs for 6 posts, including the slab for the technical room and installation, costs 2.2 million rubles. Excluding the cost of delivery of these slabs to the construction site.

In addition to laying the slabs themselves, it is necessary to carry out some excavation work to lay and connect communications, buy all the necessary building materials, rent special equipment, fence the site, etc. The costs for the circle will be at least 2.5 million rubles.

Based on the real experience of our clients, construction work cost them from 2.6 to 3.5 million rubles.

Is it possible to save money? Common sense dictates that you shouldn't, but many people do it. Someone saves on concrete and disrupts technological processes. Even though this is strictly forbidden to do this at a self-service car wash. In the aggressive conditions of a car wash, acid and salt corrosion of concrete occurs much faster than usual.

An illustration of the "frugal" approach. Photo taken after first winter use:

Some people save on the thickness of the power part of the slab when casting it themselves. Some unique people manage to make heated floors without a power unit. As a result, they save from one to two million rubles, but get a car wash that will work, if you’re lucky, for 5 years. And if not, then until the first winter.

Some save on heated floors or do not cooperate with normal heating engineers who can correctly calculate floors for a specific climate. Or they will hire the cheapest contractor who will do it in violation of technology. Some even try to work without them and because of this, they miss the busiest season, when the temperature fluctuates and the greatest number of car wash visitors.

Here is a clear example of such savings:

True, in this case the person saved not only on heated floors, but on everything in general, including equipment. But this is a common occurrence at car washes of this type. It's enough to ride on them in cold weather.

Treatment plants

These are structures that clean wastewater from self-service car washes for subsequent discharge into the sewer system. There are several options. Firstly, buying the cheapest cleaning equipment just for the sake of the certificate that is needed to obtain permission to operate a car wash. In fact, such treatment plants clean almost nothing. It’s a matter of a fairly short time before the water utility wakes up and takes a sample of the wastewater and charges the entire volume passed for additional treatment to MPC standards, or imposes fines. Therefore, we do not recommend going this route.

Normal real treatment plants cost from 350 thousand rubles. The final price depends on the requirements of the water utility or the type of sewerage system. For example, to discharge wastewater into a storm drain, more serious treatment facilities are needed, the cost of which is about 1.5 million rubles. For most of our clients they cost 400-500 thousand rubles.


This is also quite an interesting expense item. It well reflects the banal ignorance of building codes not only by customers, which is excusable, they should not know them. But also contractors. Quite often, “collective farm-collective farm” class car washes use painted 70x70 pipe, which in the designs used does not withstand any serious snow and wind loads and is only suitable for cemetery fence posts.

Depending on the region, you need to use a pipe of at least 120x120, depending on the thickness of the metal.

In addition, painted metal in self-service car washes begins to rust very quickly due to constantly high humidity, large amounts of alkali and reagents.

This is what the painted metal frame looks like after 9 months in a self-service car wash. Photographed in Moscow:

A hot-dip galvanized canopy, created in accordance with all SNiPs, of a standard design, with guy wires between posts, a technical room, corrugated sheets on the roof and a simple frieze costs from 1.2 million rubles. And it becomes proportionately more expensive if you add rigid partitions between posts, more beautiful advertising friezes, lighting, etc. I'm sure everyone has seen this type of self-service car wash.

They look like this:

If you focus on design and cover the metal with finishing materials, then the cost increases significantly, easily exceeds 2 million rubles and has practically no limits. The final cost of an individual canopy will depend solely on the customer’s imagination.

In addition to the "square design" there are a large number of variations. For example, such a canopy will cost the customer 1.4 million rubles including technical premises.

This type of canopy, made in Russia, together with the technical premises, will cost approximately 2.7 million rubles.

Imported designer canopies, as well as Russian stainless steel canopies, exceed the uncomfortable level of 4 million rubles and can cost up to 6 million rubles. This will depend on the manufacturer, materials, design, color scheme, some customization elements, etc.

There are no average prices; everyone decided for themselves how much their canopy would cost. Therefore, our customers’ prices ranged from 1.3 million rubles to 5.8 million rubles.


For some reason, many, especially equipment sellers, forget about this expense item. These costs are atypical and highly dependent on the piece of land itself. The most expensive thing in this article is asphalt paving. The average price of asphalt paving (with preparation) is about 1.5 thousand rubles per square meter. And if you have a large plot, for example 20 acres, where there is bare ground, then be prepared to spend at least 1.5 million rubles on asphalting alone. Money can also be spent on lighting, landscaping, advertising signs, etc.

Naturally, the cost of improvement may be minimal. For example, if you rent a parking lot near a hypermarket.

Our clients' landscaping costs varied greatly, because... There are practically no identical plots, and ranged from 200 thousand rubles to 3 million rubles.

Optional equipment

In this expense item I lump together all equipment that is not directly related to car wash equipment. These include vacuum cleaners, boilers for heated floors, video surveillance systems, and other equipment.

There is also no average cost, because... Each customer determines their own needs. How many vacuum cleaner posts does he need? What kind of boilers will it cost: simple household boilers for 150 thousand rubles or professional pellet boilers stuffed with electronics for 600 thousand rubles. Does he need a simple video surveillance system for 100 thousand rubles or does he need a serious system with FHD cameras, a file server and remote access for half a million rubles.

From 500 thousand rubles to 1.2 million rubles are spent on this item.


I deliberately put this article at the very end to show that the main costs are the costs associated with the land plot. Moreover, they are one-time and for the most part non-refundable. If there is an error in choosing a site, the equipment can be transported to a new location. But asphalt and other costs will remain buried in the ground, literally and figuratively.

At the same time, in the future, all these costs will have little impact on the car wash’s earnings, unlike equipment. You need to understand that all this is auxiliary to the main car wash equipment. It is the equipment that influences most of the factors of future earnings.

For collective farm-collective farm type washers, the cheapest equipment for 6 stations is purchased, which costs at least 2 million rubles including delivery and installation. In principle, prices vary greatly in the equipment market. Sometimes you can find equipment with absolutely identical components, but with a price difference of one and a half times.

It is very rare to find high-quality equipment at car washes of this class. More often it's the other way around. Sometimes you come across car washes where everything is really built to last for many years, plus everything is very beautiful. That is, a person invested more than 10 million rubles in his facility and at the same time installed budget equipment.

I understand people who buy such equipment. And I respect their choice. But it seems to me that they simply were not aware of what exactly they were risking and why there was such a range in prices on the equipment market.

By purchasing a turnkey self-service car wash for 6-10 million rubles, they unknowingly put themselves in a very precarious position. After all, in pursuit of savings, they have lost any serious competitive advantages. Moreover, even such serious ones as the cost of washing programs.

However, all people are adults. And if they are willing to risk a very large non-refundable amount, then this is their risk.

Russian equipment, which can provide a good cost of washing, starts from 4 million rubles. But whether it can provide other competitive advantages and reliability is a big question.

The simplest imported equipment costs approximately the same money. But it is the simplest. Therefore, it is worth stopping at it only if you do not have enough funds. Although here you can seriously think about what is better, a simple imported one or a Russian, but “sophisticated” one. On the one hand, there are more risks with Russian equipment, on the other hand, there is a greater choice of functionality for the same money.

If we take equipment from the best European manufacturers, then prices for equipment for 6 posts will vary from 5 to 9 million rubles.

Although it is more correct to write in euros, because... The ruble exchange rate is not constant. In euros – from 70 thousand euros to 140 thousand euros.

Our clients chose Aquarama costing from 5 to 7 million rubles at the exchange rate at the time of purchasing the equipment.

How much does a turnkey self-service car wash cost?

A brief summary of the above, or how much a 6-post “project” will cost.

The cheapest self-service car wash, with a certain amount of luck, will cost at least 1 million per post. What we call “collective farm-collective farm”.

The optimal cost is from 2 million per post.

If your choice is an uncompromising car wash, then get ready to shell out at least 3 million per post.

In conclusion, I would like to note that everything in life is relative. Some people live without thinking about the future. And today’s financial result, albeit small, is today’s. And some people think globally and for years.

Oleg Logachev

Roman Korolev

July 29, 2017

A car wash is a profitable and high-margin business. Let's look at the main points of drawing up a business plan for a car wash. How to organize work? How much money, time and effort will it take? How quickly will such a business pay off and start making real profits? How to avoid common mistakes? In this article we will look at how to open a car wash from scratch and how to draw up a business plan with calculations.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a car wash

The popularity of car washes is explained by their extreme practicality all year round. Autumn and spring bring with them slush and dirt, so during this period, visiting a car wash is included in the weekly schedule of almost every driver, just as in the summer, car owners try to maintain their vehicles. However, car washes are not idle even in winter - then reagents, salt and sand are washed off from them.

Let's start with the advantages and disadvantages of this business. The main target audience of a car wash is people of middle and high incomes who want to save their time and keep their car clean.

Opening a car wash from scratch: business registration

To register with a tax car wash, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is created. The table below shows and analyzes the main advantages, as well as the necessary list of documents for each form of business. When registering under OKVED, select the main activity: 50.20.3 “Providing other types of services for the maintenance of motor vehicles”, this group includes washing, polishing, applying protective and decorative coatings to the body, interior cleaning, towing and other similar types. Additionally, you can register OKVED 52.1 “Retail trade in non-specialized stores.”

Form of business organization Benefits of use Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a car wash with a staff of up to 50 people
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement from a notary in form No. P21001;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to open a network of car washes, attract additional financing, scale, and capital construction.
  • application in form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • decision to open an LLC or protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (RUB 4,000);
  • copies of the founders’ passports certified by a notary;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system.

According to the law, the authorized capital of an LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

Business profitability

A car wash is considered a very profitable enterprise that can generate considerable income. Experts estimate its profitability to be about 40-100%, but in reality this means full payback within one year and quarter (12-16 months), or, in the case of more expensive options, one or two years.

Answers to questions about opening a car wash (Nikolai Yarkeev)

The video provides detailed answers to typical questions about opening a car wash.

How to open a car wash: business plan

A business plan is one of the most important stages in planning the opening of an enterprise. Very often, further success depends on a well-thought-out business plan. We offer a universal version of this strategy that will help answer the question “how to open a car wash?” from the financial and material part.

Key points:

  • business;
  • business strategy;
  • car wash market;
  • marketing features.

Actual financial costs depend on many factors, including:

  • preparation of documentation;
  • land costs;
  • location of the land plot;
  • construction itself;
  • costs of materials, equipment;
  • expenses for repairing the car wash and operating the equipment.


This point should be taken extremely seriously so as not to run into problems at the very beginning of the journey.

The list of documents required to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological certificate can be found at No. 19 of Rospotrebnadzor order No. 776 of November 21, 2005.

You will also need the following documents:

  • land lease agreement (obtain from the Moscow Land Office);
  • conclusions from such city services as the Fire Service, State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, MP "Mosvodostok", Moskompriroda;
  • permission from the district government where it is planned to build a car wash;
  • construction plan agreed with Moskomarkhitektura.

In addition, during inspections you may be asked to:

  • land lease agreement;
  • agreement on waste removal and site cleaning;
  • documentation on registration of cash register equipment;
  • situational plan with designated boundaries of the site.

In addition, before starting work, you should notify the Department of Communications and Transport of the Moscow Government about your plans.

Car wash place

Besides the question “how to open a car wash?” No less important is the question “where to open a car wash?” The most advantageous location of a car wash will be its proximity to gas stations, car parks, and technical stations, thus allowing the driver to comprehensively resolve all issues related to his transport.

It is also recommended to locate such enterprises at suburban entrances and exits, on busy highways, but too much traffic can have a very negative impact.

Note: it would be a good idea to personally visit three to five car washes and evaluate the following parameters: the number of customers per day, where the car wash is located, what is the capacity of the nearest road.

How to evaluate the client flow of competitors?

We offer one simple way to evaluate customer traffic, which will allow you to calculate possible income depending on the choice of location. In the car wash business, the key factor for success is location, and for a location, the main parameter is throughput, how many cars pass near the car wash.

To assess the customer flow (traffic) of competitive car washes, you must spend 1 day. You take three measurements: morning, afternoon and evening. For example, a car wash is open from 9-00 to 21-00 (12 hours). Take two measurements in the morning, afternoon and evening (i.e. 6 in total). The first measurement was how many cars pass within 15 minutes from 9-00 to 9-15, from 13-00 to 13-15, 18-00 to 18-15, and also how many cars enter the car wash. Next, we multiply by 4 and divide by 3, this gives the average amount of traffic on the road and the average number of customers in a car wash per hour. You can calculate the average percentage of cars that stop by (for example, it will be 2%, which means that 2 cars out of 100 stop by to wash).

To find daily traffic, multiply the average value per hour by 12 (12 hours of work). In this simple way you can calculate the traffic of your competitors. This value can then be used to calculate the car wash’s daily income. To do this, you need to multiply the number of clients per day by the average check of the establishment.

For example, we have 200 cars every day. The average wash bill is 500 rubles. This means the cafe’s gross income per day will be 100,000 rubles.

Required premises

The room should be quite spacious, but calculate the space so that it is enough for all clients, but there are no extra jobs for which there are not enough clients. Ideally, you can rent such premises at an ATP, which has a number of advantages. Thus, you will have fewer problems with documentation (you will not have to obtain a significant part of permits and other things), and this option will automatically link to your enterprise some of the clients who have previously used the services of this ATP. Don't forget to set aside part of the room for storage.

Water purification system for car washes (important point)

At first glance, it may seem that this is one of the most unnecessary points that must be observed to open a successful car wash, and that information about it can be completely scrolled through. But that's not true. Modern environmental standards require impeccable compliance with them.

Special filters for water purification are designed to purify the water used in work from chemicals, fats, petroleum products and other unwanted substances from wastewater. Such systems are placed in heated rooms where the temperature constantly exceeds +5 degrees.

The figure below shows a diagram of the placement of equipment at a car wash. As can be seen from the technological process, after washing the car, sand, dirt and silt go into the drain. Petroleum products remain in the chambers and do not enter further into the purification system. As a result, purified water is supplied to the washing pump from the pumping station.

How to open a car wash: footage

It is important to pay no less attention to the issue of hiring workers than to issues of a material nature or documentation. Each employer is guided by his own ideas about a good employee, but we advise you to first pay attention to the following two key characteristics:

  • high professional level, availability of applied knowledge and skills;
  • friendliness, ability to win over, responsibility (will allow you to attract clients and make them permanent).

The optimal operating mode is around the clock. Number of employees: 5 washers and 1 foreman.

For the position of foreman, it is better to look for employees who are executive and have experience in car washes; for the position of washers, you can select low-skilled personnel.

Cost of starting a business

The funds spent on opening a car wash can be divided into two categories: space rental costs + equipment costs. Equipment includes:

  • high-pressure apparatus with heated water ($1800-3000);
  • a high-pressure apparatus that supplies water to 1 station ($500-1300);
  • cleaning systems ($4800-6600);
  • compressor ($200-250);
  • washing vacuum cleaner ($400-550).

The most popular types of washing equipment are devices from the German company Karcher. Equipping one location with a Karcher automatic gantry wash will cost $100,000.

In addition to German companies, Italian and Danish companies remain popular on the market.

In addition, you will need supplies (like shampoo, polish, certain chemicals). When servicing 30-40 cars daily, about $300 per month is spent on consumables.

How much can you earn?

Your profit depends on many factors, however, in order not to get confused in abstract phrases, we will give approximate figures that you can focus on. Calculations are based on a free-standing, non-garage type 4-place sink.

When servicing (on average) about 200 cars per day, the cost of servicing each order is within 500 rubles. In this situation, the total monthly gross profit reaches 3 million rubles.

The main expense items are taxes and salaries. In general, under this item you will have to pay a monthly total of 2.2-2.5 million rubles. Net income will be about 500,000 rubles (conditional figures). Business payback 1-2 years.

Let us repeat that these are only approximate figures, which in fact may depend on many factors and will change both in the direction of increasing income and in the opposite direction.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(3.5 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.5 out of 5)
A car wash is a highly profitable and quick payback project. There are more cars in Russia every year, and the need to save time on car washing is only growing. The payback period for initial costs is ~1.5-2 years. The business has seasonal sales and possible downturns in the summer, which will require additional staff and financial safety margins. The key factors for business success are: location close to vehicle traffic.

Currently, the car wash business is popular among those who want to start their own business. The explanation is simple: although opening a car wash is associated with certain hassles, they are fully compensated by a fairly high income.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

Other reasons for its popularity include the fact that the number of cars in the country is growing, and increasing demands force the bodies of foreign cars to be washed more often.

Types of car washes

Today, car washes come in many variations. Each of them has its own characteristics and benefits. Before you start implementing your business idea, you should choose which car wash modification is easier to open.

Standard wash

The manual type of car washing is performed by people using water, car shampoo, as well as sponges, brushes, rags, and so on. Of course, it takes a lot of time to maintain one machine, but this is the most inexpensive option, and the most popular among our mostly conservative population.

Building a traditional car wash is not a simple process. It will take several months, and the collection of permits can even take years. But this is perhaps the fastest payback option.

Automatic brush washer

This is a type of contact washing in which special automatic installations do the work instead of people. The car is cleaned using pressurized water, hot foam and rotating brushes, then protective wax is applied and the car is dried.

The construction and purchase of equipment for such a car wash is more expensive compared to a classic car wash, but it can serve many more cars in the same amount of time.

The main thing is to take care and not skimp on brushes, since cheap and hard ones can easily leave scratches on the car’s surface. The payback period for such a car wash will be on average 12-18 months.

Automatic touchless wash

It is carried out using active foams, the main layer of dirt is washed off with water under pressure, then active foam is applied, which removes everything else, and the foam itself is washed off with the next stream of water, then a protective polish is applied.

The advantage of such a wash is that it causes the least damage to the body coating compared to others and has high throughput.

This type of washing is clearly not suitable for our climate, since active foam may not be able to cope with heavy soiling. Therefore, in Russia, the construction of such a sink will not bring the desired profit, and besides, the prices for the equipment are not encouraging.

Without water (dry wash)

For cleaning, a special shampoo-polish is used, which softens the dirt and ensures the integrity of the paintwork; it is carried out by the car enthusiast himself.
Its disadvantage is that it is inconvenient to handle hard-to-reach areas of the car. Therefore, it is used to maintain cleanliness between two water washing sessions. Dry washing will be a good addition to classic or brush car washes.


This is an open type sink. Its main difference from the standard one is that the client washes his car himself, using standard washing equipment. And he pays not for the service as a whole, but for the time spent at the car wash. Among car owners, such car washes are gaining increasing popularity, since you can manage to wash your car for 100 rubles or even less.

For entrepreneurs, opening such a car wash is also attractive because it does not require more effort and financial costs than, for example, opening a manual or automatic car wash.

Truck wash

The majority of clients are truck drivers. If you find a good location with a large flow of trucks, the business will quickly take off and pay off in the first six months.

It is better not to build a full-fledged building, but to purchase a portable car wash. This option is the simplest and most profitable. Or rent a hangar, but then you will have to install communications if they were not provided for.

Mobile car wash

A modern modification of the sink, which, if necessary, can be transported to a new location. It is assembled from sandwich panels and takes about ten days to install. The cost of such a car wash in the area 1.5 million rubles, however, the quick payback (about six months) makes such a project very attractive.

In this case, collecting the necessary documentation will not take even a week before putting it into operation. This is the fastest and easiest way to open if you have the required amount.

Aspects of activity

What does it take to open a car wash? In fact, there is nothing complicated in running such a business, you only need a few boxes, fairly simple equipment, and all this will bring the owner an income of 100 thousand rubles. per month.

The main risks are fines from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection in case of violations of drainage rules or damage to the car during washing, for which you will have to pay compensation.

In addition, seasonality is clearly noticeable in this type of activity, so in the summer, when the streets are clean and dry, clients do not appear often, and in the winter too, because dirt serves as protection from reagents, of which there are a lot on the roads thanks to city services. Queues appear mainly in the off-season.

Client characteristics

Almost every car owner prefers to travel in a clean car. There are owners, especially older people, who wash their “iron horse” themselves in the yard, but most use car washes for this purpose.

These are people of middle and higher incomes with high demands: businessmen, managers, doctors, taxi drivers and especially ladies.

The corporate segment, where there are good vehicle fleets, is very important in the washing business. It is necessary to skillfully use the fact that many people prefer to wash their vehicle in one place, and corporate clients prefer to be serviced by one service provider.


Another important point is solving the issue with personnel; washing cars does not require special knowledge, which is why they usually pay little for it, despite the fact that it is very difficult. You can hire students for the summer, but this is a temporary solution.

The biggest challenge is maintaining quality at all times. After all, it is not necessary to wash cars perfectly every time, but all employees must work “at the top four”.

The attention of workers is dulled due to high humidity, temperature fluctuations in winter that occur when a car enters or exits the bay, and the monotony of work. The result of this inattention can be a minimum of customers expressing complaints, or a maximum of paying for minor but expensive body repairs due to scratches.

The next problem is theft. If employees cannot be influenced morally, then they need to be deprived of the opportunity to embezzle money; this can be done either by excluding the washer from the process of paying for services, entrusting money issues to the administrator, or by installing cameras.


The set of equipment will depend on the specifics of your car wash and the list of services it offers. When choosing equipment, it is better to pay attention to European manufacturers. Pay attention to the products Karcher , PORTOTECNICA, their quality is highly appreciated by car wash owners.

Standard list of equipment that needs to be purchased immediately:

  • high pressure washer;
  • floor washing machine;
  • system with circulating water supply;
  • equipment for interior dry cleaning;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • steam generator;
  • cleaning device for car wash.

List of services (basic and additional)

The list of basic services for your car wash will include:

  • vehicle washing;
  • engine washing;
  • body polishing;
  • interior dry cleaning;
  • wet or dry interior cleaning.

At every decent car wash, small rest areas are opened for visitors, where, while the car is being washed, car owners can drink coffee, watch TV or read a magazine. According to statistics, today it is precisely this free service that plays a decisive role when a client chooses a car wash.

In addition, entire car services are often created based on car washes. This includes a gas station, service station, tire service, auto parts store, and cafe. Your car wash with such neighbors will be the most tempting for customers. After all, the car owner will be able to fully service his car by visiting only one place, and this is very convenient. The savings in fuel and time are obvious, and everyone benefits from such cooperation.

Where to open a car wash?

There are many ideas for opening a car wash, so if you don’t want to come up with something of your own, you can choose one of the existing ones.

In garages

The most popular idea is to use garages for car washes. It consists of renting several cooperative garages, which would be located near the highway, in an area with good traffic and service centers nearby. After which the garages are adapted for a car wash, the necessary equipment is purchased, modifications are made to the design and communications are carried out.

It’s good if there are residential buildings and communications services nearby. Then all that remains is to take care of the entrance to the car wash, pave it, hang advertising, for example, banners nearby, and come up with a highlight that would make your car wash stand out from many others. For example, offer a special service in which people can wash their car themselves for half the cost of a regular car wash.

Of course, there are experts who are skeptical about this option. Some people believe that garages are not secure enough for this type of activity. In particular, they will not be able to withstand exposure to dampness for long and will partially collapse. There are also difficulties with reorienting non-core premises for the needs of a car wash. Because of all these disadvantages, experts advise either renting a car wash or building one yourself.

On the outskirts

Another idea is to open a car wash, which would be located outside the city, not far from a gas station or motel, for example.

For construction, you can use lightweight structures such as hangars, then construction will be quite fast and inexpensive.

It is better to allocate several zones in the room in which active washing, rinsing, drying, interior cleaning will be carried out, as well as a place where employees will rest.

In a large neighborhood of the city

The best option would be to open a car wash in prestigious areas of the city, where people drive good cars and are willing to pay good money to keep them clean.

But there is one caveat: getting permission to open it is extremely difficult. And it’s almost impossible to find an unclaimed place in the center.

In the parking lot

Almost all large shopping centers already have car washes in underground parking lots. This is very convenient: a visitor can leave his car for a wash while he walks around the center to buy groceries.

In luxury homes, car washes in parking lots are also in good demand. It is necessary to take into account that it is necessary to provide good communications and cleaning systems. The profitability of this idea largely depends on the number of parking spaces.

On your own site, in a private house

What if you open a car wash on your own property to save on renting land? But there's a catch.

The fact is that according to land legislation, each plot of land must be exploited strictly in accordance with its purpose.

You can only obtain permission to build a car wash on a site that is approved for use. Therefore, agricultural land will not become the basis for opening a car wash.

In the village

The idea of ​​opening a car wash in the village is quite risky. In small settlements, as a rule, the number of car owners is insignificant. And it is worth understanding that villagers prefer to wash their Lada cars themselves in nearby reservoirs.

But a car wash in a village, which is located near a busy highway not far from the city, may be a good option. Provided that you can offer additional services to tired motorists.

Where to start opening?

Analysis of starting opportunities

It’s better to start a business by analyzing the starting opportunities, that is, the amount you can spend to open a car wash.

If this amount is less than one hundred and fifty thousand rubles, then it is better to rent boxes instead of buying.

At the same time, renting has both pros and cons. If the car wash was unprofitable, then before renting it, it is worth analyzing the reasons, because if the problem is low traffic, high competition, problems with communications or supervisory authorities, then it is wiser to look for better options.

On the other hand, a ready-made car wash is focused on this type of business and the premises will not require additional costs. And organizing an influx of clients and resolving misunderstandings with inspections is quite within the capabilities of an energetic businessman.

Organizational and legal form of business

Registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC is a mandatory procedure for opening any business.

In the case of a car wash, it is better to give preference to individual entrepreneurs.

In this case, you will avoid many problems with collecting documents and significantly save time.

The most popular among small enterprises is the simplified system (STS). This is what is recommended in most cases for starting your own business. The advantages of this option: you always have a choice - to pay 6% of all “dirty” income received, or to pay 15% of “net” profit. The second option, according to experts, will make the business much more profitable.

Permitting documentation

Once a specific location has been selected and preliminary consent has been received from the city authorities, the fun begins, namely, obtaining permits. This task is quite complex and its completion can take up to a couple of years.

The following steps will need to be completed:

  1. First, a petition is submitted to the city administration, which will contain a sketch of the washing project, written permission from the fire department, the SES and the architectural department.
  2. If there are no problems with the above and the administration gives its consent, then it’s time to move on to the next stage, that is, to draw up an architectural design for the task.
  3. Then you need to get an examination from the fire inspectorate.
  4. At the same time, it is necessary to get “Yes” from architects, sanitary and epidemiological inspection, labor protection and environmental protection services.

After all of the above points have been completed, you can draw up a deed for permanent or temporary possession of the land, and then receive written permission to begin construction.

If you use rented industrial premises for your car wash, the collection of permits will be significantly reduced. You can immediately proceed to the stage of conducting all necessary examinations.

Environmental nuances

If we analyze the main reasons for the bankruptcy of car washes, we can identify the main mistakes that businessmen make.

First of all, it may be a problem with the sewerage. At first, it is decided on a personal level with the management of the supervision, however, if complaints from residents of nearby buildings continue to come in, then the business will not stay here for long. The fundamental solution to the problem is a professional decision in choosing a treatment plant.

The filtration system should depend on the area in which the sink will be located. Thus, at the entrance to the city from the side of a dacha or hunting grounds, washing technologies are needed differently than in the center of a populated area. Jeeps, of course, are not afraid of dirt, but it is more difficult to wash it off them than from slightly splashed women's cars.

Your future relationship with environmental inspectors depends on what equipment you purchase. Installation costs will be minimal fifty thousand rubles, and the maximum depends on the level of cleaning required. So, cleaning a car requires about 60 liters water, and a large vehicle such as a jeep is about 160 liters, therefore the price should be flexible, which will not scare away customers. So you should start planning by choosing a cleaning system.

Cleaning filters for car washes are small, portable units used both locally and as additional filters for an already installed wastewater treatment system. Water purification is carried out using a stepwise method. Thanks to the circulation tank, a reverse cycle of water use is formed, and the release of water into the sewer becomes minimal. Water passes through filters many times, which allows for maximum purification from contaminants.

This system allows you to dramatically reduce waste volumes and, accordingly, costs. The water purification system operates at a temperature of at least + 5C, so in the cold season it will only work in a heated box.

Business Development

Opening a car wash does not automatically mean profit; you still need to work for this. There are several techniques to quickly and effectively increase profits.

Attracting clients

To ensure a profit for a car wash, you need to find financial customers for it. This is possible regardless of the size of the city and its location, because everywhere there is a wealthier circle of car owners.

In addition to the profit from a single visit, it is important to take care of long-term relationships. After all, it is better to secure a car enthusiast as a permanent source of income than to attract a new one every time. To do this, you need to create an attractive impression of yourself and make sure that clients do not leave you in a bad mood.

To ensure that the majority of your new customers become repeat customers, you need to address their traditional reasons for dissatisfaction.

And this is most often:

  • long time or poor quality of washing machine,
  • bad service,
  • no clear price list
  • no pre-registration,
  • the agreed time is not respected,
  • There is no client waiting area.

The quality of car washing is determined by standardizing washing operations, properly selecting and training personnel, and making their payment dependent on how well they work.

A client waiting area is a must. Moreover, preferably with a bar or, if there are business centers nearby, then with a snack bar. Customers also need to be entertained; magazines or an Internet access point will be useful for this.

You can also achieve positive emotions by doing more than the client expects. For example, giving a freshener or a small service - the very fact of the gift is important here, because your car wash should be remembered so that the client turns only to you and tells his friends and acquaintances about it.

The function of attracting potential visitors can also be performed by the car wash itself. Don’t skimp on ordering bright outdoor advertising; a sign with the name “Car Wash” should attract attention. It would also be good to involve print media and radio.

We minimize seasonality

The car wash business, unfortunately, shows a sharp drop in profits in summer and winter. And since the owner will have to pay rent for a plot of land for a car wash every month, the situation becomes even more dire. But this does not mean that you will have to put up with such a state of affairs as the seasonality of car washes.

One option to minimize seasonality is to close the main car wash during the slow period. In this case, you can open an economy car wash, or leave one box working, thereby reducing the cost of running your business.

During the quiet period, it would be advisable to reduce prices for services, as well as the cost of hired labor. Some of the staff may even be laid off or sent on leave.

In addition, it is recommended to expand the range of services offered. A good solution would be to install vending machines at car washes. Your client will be happy to drink a cup of aromatic coffee while his machine is taking “water treatments”.

Car wash business plan from scratch

Probably, it’s not even worth talking about having a business plan for opening a car wash, as well as any other business. It is clear that without an approximate (and sometimes very detailed) analysis you should not start.

How much does it cost?

Start-up costs, without which opening a car wash, cannot be reduced to the annual rental (purchase) of a premises with a land plot of at least 300 square meters. m., purchase of equipment, auto chemicals, hiring of workers.

And so the initial minimum costs at the starting stage of opening a car wash:

The approximate cost of a set of necessary equipment is 220-240 thousand rubles.

Table 1. Costs of operating a car wash (monthly):

Is it profitable?

Undoubtedly, the profitability of a car wash will be high if certain rules of this business are observed. The service is in constant demand, every day and even around the clock. To receive a monthly net profit of 150 thousand rubles, the owner needs to properly organize his business.

It should be noted that the payback period for a car wash is on average about 12 months.

Therefore, in the first year of work, you can count on, at best, half of the amount of income stated in the business plan.

Let's calculate the profit. On a working day, a car wash with one set of equipment can accept 40-50 Vehicle. The services are varied: from surface body washing to engine cleaning and internal dry cleaning. Average price per service 300 rub.

300*40*30(days)= 360 thousand rubles. per month.

Subtract salary costs on average 35%: 126 thousand rubles. per month.

Total monthly expense: 126 thousand. +76 thousand rub. = 202 thousand rubles.

Net income per month: 360 thousand. — 202 thousand. rub. = 158 thousand rubles.

There are approximately three hundred car washes in each city per million population. That is, 200-250 in every major city, one hundred in a city with a population of approximately 300 thousand people. Of course, all these figures are approximate and can be adjusted from time to time, either down or up, depending on how developed the city’s economy is. On the other hand, even the presence of the specified number of car washes does not indicate complete saturation of the market.

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If we analyze the opinions of entrepreneurs who own a car wash business, it turns out that there are two extremes.

Some believe that this business is very profitable: in a city of half a million, even three car washes will be completely clogged. At a cost 250-1000 rubles, the queues will be constant, and they will become most popular among owners of expensive cars, such as jeeps or business class, so the average car wash will cost about 750 rubles. So the costs will pay off in a matter of months.

Pessimists believe that everything is not so good, primarily due to problems with its discovery. After all, not counting technical issues such as purchasing a garage, renovating it, purchasing equipment, you will have to solve many problems with authorities, sanitary and epidemiological inspection, firefighters, redevelopment, traffic police, if you need to organize an entrance, and so on.

Most car wash owners agree that building a car wash is a complex process and often does not pay for itself.

In addition, many gas stations are ready to provide washrooms. The lease agreement should then be concluded for several years at once.

Another option recommended for beginners is to purchase a ready-made car wash with equipment, rental, washers, video surveillance, etc. Naturally, a ready-made, established business will not require as much diligence from its owner when opening as starting from scratch. But significant capital investments will also be needed.

Car wash is a very profitable and not very difficult type of business to organize.

This article tells you how to open a car wash from scratch, what is required for this and how to organize a business so that profits flow into your hands like a deep river.


Car washes are needed in absolutely any city and at any time of the year. In winter, sand, reagents and salt are washed off at sinks. In the spring, motorists wash their cars every 2-3 days due to dirt and puddles on the roads. In the summer, car owners polish their “iron horses” until they shine. In autumn - wash away dirt and leaves.


According to professionals, a car wash is a profitable enterprise. Its profitability is 30-40%. Full payback occurs after 12-16 months, and with more expensive portal options - after 1-2 years.

Business plan for opening a car wash

Before you open your own car wash, you should develop a business plan. It is necessary to calculate in detail the income, costs, payback and profitability of the enterprise. Analyze possible prospects for the development of this commercial enterprise.

  • strategy;
  • business;
  • specifics of marketing;
  • car wash market.

The financial and accounting part of your business plan depends on the location of the car wash and consists of the following points:

  • erection;
  • preparation of necessary documents;
  • land expenses;
  • consumables, equipment costs;
  • repair costs;
  • operation of equipment.

It is necessary to think through all the points very carefully.

List of required documents

What documents are needed to open a car wash?

The full package of documents required to obtain a SEZ (sanitary and epidemiological report) is defined in the order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 776 of November 21, 2005 (clause 19).

So, in order to open a car wash, you will need:

  1. conclude a land lease agreement with the Moscow Land Committee;
  2. obtain permission from the district administration in which the car wash is located, as well as conclusions from Moskompriroda, the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority, the Fire Service, and the Mosvodostok MP;
  3. coordinate the construction plan with the Moscow Architecture Committee.

Also, in accordance with the order of the Moscow government, the following must be provided:

  • document on registration of cash register equipment;
  • an agreement for cleaning the area adjacent to the car wash and removing solid household waste from it;
  • land lease agreement;
  • situational plan indicating the boundaries of the land plot.

Since there are no general requirements for these documents for all enterprises, Rospotrebnadzor independently determines the need for them when it goes to the site for the purpose of inspection.

The Moscow Government Department of Communications and Transport must be notified of the construction or start of work on a car wash. In order to obtain a SEZ and approve the project, you need to call the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor.

An important aspect when opening is a well-chosen location for a new car wash.

Place and room for car wash

As mentioned above, the speed of payback and profitability of the enterprise will directly depend on the location. It is known that car washes are ideally located on the sides of large city avenues and busy highways. Many car washes are located at the entrances to the city, border and customs posts. However, near major transport hubs, car washes may suffer from excessive vehicular traffic. As a result, potential clients often refuse to maneuver between cars scurrying back and forth. Practice shows that it is most profitable to locate car washes at gas stations, car parks and service stations.

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Those who do not have enough money to build their own building for a car wash can rent a suitable room at the ATP. And there is less hassle with paperwork. And the location of almost all motor transport enterprises is familiar to motorists.

Please note that a certain area will need to be allocated for storing consumables.

Cleaning for car washes

Global environmental problems set requirements that you will have to comply with when organizing a car wash. For example, opening a car wash will not be allowed without a water purification system. Water purification filters are used to remove oil products, fats and other chemicals found in wastewater.

This equipment is a compact, transportable unit. The water purification operation occurs in several stages. Due to the circulation tank, it becomes possible to use a reverse water purification cycle. As a result, the water circulates through the circuit several times and is purified, this makes it possible to ensure that the water does not contain impurities. It is best to place the cleaning equipment in a heated room, since it is operated at temperatures above +5.

How to choose the right staff

After overcoming all the bureaucratic obstacles, you will need to start recruiting your staff.

The main requirements for potential employees are:

  • availability of knowledge about cars (determined based on the specifics of the enterprise);
  • responsibility and friendliness (necessary for acquiring and growing a list of regular customers).

24-hour operation is the optimal operating schedule for a car wash. For the successful operation of the enterprise, you will need to hire 1 foreman and 5-6 washers.

Employees with higher education are not the main goal of the company, so you can also hire students. The amount of wages will be proportional to the amount of work performed. The motivational side is also important, which is provided by material incentives for employees. Branded overalls with a logo will serve as a way to create a positive image of the car wash.

To open a small car wash you will need 5-6 washers

To determine how much it costs to open a car wash, calculate the rental costs (this data needs to be clarified depending on the specific location) and add the cost of the equipment:

  • high-pressure apparatus with heated water (from $1800 to 3000),
  • high-pressure apparatus for supplying water to 1 station (from $500 to 1300),
  • compressor ($200-250),
  • washing vacuum cleaner or vacuum cleaner ($400-550),
  • used water purification systems ($4800-6600).

Owning a car wash is far from a new type of business, which remains very profitable despite the competition. Foreign experts say that today there should be at least one car wash for every 50,000 people. Opening a car wash can be a good investment, since the profitability of the business is 40%.

Choosing a car wash type

Opening a car wash must begin with choosing its type. Today there are several main types of car washes:

  1. Mobile– assumes the presence of a small-tonnage vehicle equipped with everything necessary. Anyone can call such a car wash to their home.
  2. Portable a car wash requires the presence of a building or hangar in which expensive equipment is installed.
  3. Manual– cleaning is done manually using hand-held equipment. The most optimal option. There are two possible options here:

contactless, in which cleaning is carried out using equipment whose operation is controlled by a worker;

contact where people do all the work. Despite the fact that this option is the simplest and cheapest, recently this type of car wash is becoming a thing of the past.

  1. Automatic washing, in which two types are distinguished:

portal I, in which a special arched structure, equipped with brushes and a high-pressure system, moves along the machine. She is the one who cleans the car body;

tunnel. In this case, all washing units are fixed, and each one is in its place. The car is placed on a special belt and moves past all the units.

  1. Self-service car wash, where drivers carry out the entire process of cleaning the car independently using installed units. Read more about this here:.

Choosing a location for a car wash

Once you have decided on the type of car wash, you need to move on to choosing a location. In most cases, it is recommended to choose either a densely populated residential area or roads with a large flow of cars.

Another option is to open a car wash near gas stations and service stations. The enterprises we have named are always located in places with the highest traffic volume; in addition, when stopping to refuel or have a car repaired, the driver will no longer be able to pass by and will at least pay attention to the presence of a car wash and remember its location.

Washing a car can take 5 minutes or an hour - depending on the availability of the queue and the list of selected services. Therefore, for the convenience of drivers, it is necessary to set up a waiting room where they can wait for their turn and the end of water procedures for the car.

For these purposes, it is advisable to allocate a small room and make cosmetic repairs in it. From furniture it is enough to install a couple of armchairs or sofas, a coffee table, and a TV. In addition, in the hall you can install a coffee machine and a machine that dispenses various bars and juices.

Don't forget about the staff. It is also necessary to allocate a separate room for them where they can relax and have a snack. It is also desirable to have a shower for workers.

To open, you need a room of 100 -150 square meters. A high ceiling is desirable.


Regardless of the type of car wash, you must obtain a number of documents permitting the operation. It is advisable to arrange them before purchasing equipment. If you do not have at least one of these papers in your hands, you will not be allowed to open a car wash:

  1. Register as .
  2. Permission to open issued by the local government.
  3. Car wash project, which is approved by the authorized body.
  4. Commissioning permission from:

– sanitary and epidemiological stations;

– Committee on Architecture;

– fire department;

– labor protection committee;

– Committee for Environmental Protection.

  1. Concluding agreements with public utilities.

Be sure to enter into an agreement with the Gorvodokanal to drain the water. When concluding an agreement, you must pay attention to the fact that you have the right to drain into the sewer a volume of water not exceeding that specified in the agreement.

  1. Documents confirming full or partial ownership of the site. This could be a lease agreement or a document confirming the conclusion of a purchase and sale transaction.


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