Games contests fair ideas in the camp script. Scenario sports festival "fair of folk games." Georgian folk game “Hat removal”

In each shift, a lot of events are held on various topics.

Key topics / shift activities

How are evening events

Evening events in the camp alternate with films on the big screen and all your favorite discos.

  • Evening performances are organized on stage from each squad, in which all interested children participate. In a five-minute production from each squad, counselors and children convey the idea to the viewer through dance, song, and acting.
  • For all performances, dresses are taken in a rich dressing room, in which you can find EVERYTHING:
    - folk sundresses,
    - ball dresses,
    - costumes of animals
    - costumes of fairy-tale characters
    - much more.
  • If necessary, performances are accompanied by a pre-recorded phonogram.
  • Concerts are illuminated by theater spotlights and are filmed on video and photos, and later laid out in official groups In contact with and Instagram.

Afternoon activities

In the afternoon, in addition to constantly working circles, sport games - volleyball, soccer, futsal, table tennis, archery, arm wrestling, relay races and other competitions.

For children, quests or "errands" are organized - thematic games with stages located throughout the camp:

Miss camp

"Miss Camp" is one of the most favorite activities of children and counselors in Eaglet. This is a show that everyone will remember for a lifetime. Each contestant girl has a chance to get the title and crown of the "Miss Camp" for the whole year. Preparation for the competition is an important component of the success of the event.

Each contestant is assisted by counselors, circle leaders and a large number of friends.

Dresses are sewn, an avant-garde costume is invented, a song is selected, dance support, speech is written, a worthy gentleman is chosen. Girls rehearse with a choreographer, consult with a dresser, a vocal teacher. And now, when all the preparations in the children's camp are completed, the queens of the evening, with loud applause from the fans, gracefully enter the specially equipped podium with spotlights, a beautifully decorated scene smiling at the professional jury invited to the camp ... At this moment, everyone sees a charming young lady in a teenage girl, which is very important for young ladies.

Day of Russian Culture

You have been awakened at least once under the button accordion and children laugh funny guys and girls dressed in Russian folk costumes, dancing and playing all kinds of musical instruments such as rattles, spoons, whistles? Not? Then you don’t know what it is to wake up in a good mood at Orlyonok children's camp! And if you add to all this: a fun fair with various contests, pancakes with condensed milk and jam, lots of goodies, jumping in a bouncy castle (trampoline), horseback riding, Russian folk games.

Plus a wonderful costume Russian fairy tale, in which children and camp counselors take part. And at the end of the festive disco! It's hard to believe, but it all happens on the same day, on the Russian day that spends children's camp Eaglet!


It's a shame, boring and unfair, when you are full of energy and want to walk, jump and have fun all night long, but in the children's camp sounds "hang up". What a blessing that Night exists!

The time of the romance of the night, the beauty of starfall, the freshness of the wind and the mystery of pink dawn. Camp Eaglet falls asleep, and the detachment, dressing warmer and taking everything you need, sets off for the night. Bonfire, charcoal-fried potatoes, bread fried on fire, guitar songs, horseback riding, scary stories and, finally, the meeting of dawn ...

Touristic Relay

Amid an ordinary sunny day at Orlyonok children's camp, an alarm suddenly sounds. What is it? Fire? Disaster? War? Not! This is a relay race! Everyone runs to the line, there is a roll-call of units, counting the number of children and the relay race starts! And this means that the team from each detachment of the camp is put up for a serious battle of the most hardy, fastest and most agile.

Spectators are happy to support their own, and the participants try not to hit the dirt in the face of an obstacle course: run over a log, climb over a rope ladder, crawl in a plastic way without hitting a low net, fly a hole on a bungee, overcome the crossing, climb over the wall, jump through over the bumps. But this is not all, it is important for real heroes to fulfill responsible tasks: to put up a tent for a while, to light a fire, move the “wounded”, and assemble a machine gun.

On the day when a relay race is held at the Orlyonok children's camp, dinner is prepared in the army field kitchen. After the competition, children with appetite dine with food specially cooked on wood. The atmosphere of a hike is created. And at the end of this unusual day in the children's camp Orlyonok there is a disco at which the winners are awarded!

You can see the relay race last year at.

Adventure night

Mysterious events always attract people. Adventure night in the children's camp Orlyonok is a path of trials in the dark with scary stories and characters for older children and fairy-tale characters for younger children. On the way, you can meet large wild animals, the souls of pioneers, monsters, skeletons, zombies, crosses, ghosts, a headless horseman ....

Having passed the path, everyone can get rid of their fears by “throwing” them into the treasured bonfire at the end of the journey, become bolder and more confident in themselves, and pull out the prediction for the near future from the organ-grinder. The Night of Adventures at the children's camp ends with a magical salute to commemorate good.

Funny express

A fun relay race for the entire children's camp is a good start to each shift. The rules are simple, a children's group moves to the music, holding hands from station to station, performs tasks, answers questions. Already here the guys are becoming more united, friendly and proactive. After passing each station, the squad receives points based on the results of the calculation of which the winning squad is identified.


By taking part in contests and creative assignments, children earn "rubles" in the Orlenok children's camp. Making money is fun, but how do you spend it? Here you need a smart head and competent financial calculation, because you can order a song, ride a horse, buy sweets, souvenirs, toys.

Sympathy Day

This day, in the children's camp Orlyonok, everyone is waiting for both boys and girls, both small and large. On this day, there are many options for declaring love, expressing your sympathy, and sending congratulations. You can receive and send a Valentine card through postal service "angels" with confessions and congratulations. You can call the local radio on the air of the children's camp and order a song, say hello, congratulations.

It is very nice to hear your voice on the radio broadcast throughout the camp. In addition, you can send SMS from your mobile phone, which are displayed in real time on the screen of the TVs in each case. Throughout this time, both children and adults can come to the video room and record their congratulations. In the evening before the film, the whole children's camp Eaglet is going to a film screening, before which everyone eagerly awaits video greetings on the club’s big screen.

Festival of the World

Do you think it is impossible to visit 14 countries on the same day? Everything is possible in our Eaglet! Children will learn about each country represented on the stage, about its geographical location, symbols, customs, get acquainted with the traditional costumes of this country, its dances and songs. And it could also be such that very important persons of these countries appear on the stage, for example, presidents, great artists, athletes, say, football player Ronaldinho - a lot of fun spoofed by the guys.

On this day, we do not forget about Russian traditions, counselors always represent Russia, using ancient Russian customs in their speeches.

Camp Birthday

Unfortunately, Birthday is only once a year. That's what the guys say about their birthday and about the birthday of Orlyonok. This holiday is so large-scale and colorful that at the end of the day it becomes sad that the day is over. In the morning, a festive mood is created when dressed-up counselors with songs and jokes pass through the buildings and wake up all the children, congratulating them on the holiday!

Important guests and delegations from other camps come, and the children of Orlyat meet them and show circles, conduct a tour of the camp. Of course, a festive concert awaits all the participants, striking in its scope! Indeed, for a limited time on stage, you need to show everything that happens in our dear and beloved camp, show its history, its customs and achievements.

The guys from all the squads are very reverently and responsibly taking part in this holiday. On this day, the camp treats everyone with different yummies - popcorn, cotton candy and festive breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Well, in the evening, of course, a magical salute and loud cries of "Happy Birthday, Eaglet !!!"

Golden microphone

Talented Russia

This event is for all the talents of our camp. If you read poetry in such a way that everyone is silent, sing songs in such a way that you want to sing along, dance in a way that is breathtaking, play a musical instrument so that others want to go to music school, and maybe you can do it all at once and much more - "Talented Russia" for you!

A huge number of guys go through several qualifying rounds and as a result, getting into the finals, the best of the best go on stage! But all the guys in the squad help make their performance bright! Therefore, if you decide to go to Eaglet, be sure to determine your repertoire and immediately start rehearsing!

Here we are

It is time for the first meeting between the units. After all, the camp still does not know what names the units have chosen and under what mottos they will now live. It is at this event that a cheerful, creative, friendly mood is set for the whole shift. For some of the guys, this is the very first appearance on the camp stage, and for someone, even the very first performance in life, so there is always a festive excitement.

This event is held at the beginning of each shift and is the first joint performance of the entire squad, which undoubtedly unites the guys in a strong creative union!

Solemn line

The solemn line is held at the beginning and at the end of the shift. At the opening of the shift, the camp administration presents the children of teachers, camp leaders, reports the action plan. Under the national anthem, the flag is solemnly raised.

Closing of the shift is carried out on the day of departure. All children and employees gather on the line to take stock, to award the most active, creative and athletic children. The flag of Russia is lowered, but after a few days the guys of the next shift will raise it again.

Counselors concert

The shift in comes to an end ... And everyone sums up the unforgettable days of rest in the children's camp Orlyonok. Thanks to friends, camp, their counselors. And counselors sadly say goodbye to children who have become relatives for them. All their skills and talents come in handy at the counselors' concert in order to express their emotions and feelings for the past shift in the children's camp. Counselors read poetry, show sketches, dance, play musical instruments. There is room for lyrics, humor, a splash of energy. And lastly, a farewell song ... And here, wiping away tears, we all understand that the change was not in vain ...

Stolen Afternoon Snack

Older children can show their directorial and creative abilities in the children's camp in the preparation of the event "Stolen Afternoon Tea" for the youngest. The kids come for an afternoon snack in the camp canteen, and then a bunch of pirates, their legitimate sweets are stealing before their eyes.

Good children come to the rescue fairy-tale heroes, whether it be Puss in Boots, Malvina, Thumbelina, Fairy who lead them in the footsteps of pirates, stopping for clues from Grandma Hedgehog, Devil, Koshchei, Robin Hood, Humanoids, Space aliens and other heroes. Scenarios are always different, characters and tasks, respectively, too. Emotions overwhelm, as a result, the entire children's camp is always left, satisfied: the younger guys found their afternoon snack, and the older ones are glad that they were not torn by hungry kids.

Rope course

Very important for a good holiday in the children's camp is a close-knit, friendly team, building their relationships on the principles of respect, mutual assistance and support. It is on the development of these qualities that the Rope Course is aimed.

As a result of overcoming difficult stages, where each person is necessary, important and valuable, a responsible position towards each other and the collective begins to take shape. The exercises are designed in such a way as to involve both active and slightly manifesting members of the children's team, as a result of which each member of the group and the whole group as a whole participate in achieving their goals.

As a result, the detachment becomes cohesive, a friendly atmosphere is formed, mutual assistance skills are developed, communication barriers are overcome, leaders are identified. Such an event, children's camp Orlyonok conducts each shift for units of middle and older ages.

Video Contest

It’s possible to unleash the capabilities of a clipmaker in a very fashionable profession today if you participate in the event "Video Clips Competition". It is here that the guys have to stage a clip for any musical hit and play it right on stage.

As a result, the entire camp will witness a new creation in the field of show business. Believe me, the clips created in our camp often turn out to be brighter, more fun and more ideological than those that are broadcast on television.

Memorial Day

Asphalt drawing contest

Who else but children can make the world brighter, kinder and brighter? In our camp, even gray asphalt paths become colorful when the asphalt drawing contest takes place.

Most often, children paint asphalt on a given topic, for example, “Let there always be sunshine”, “April Fool's Day” and others. The guys come up with an idea and implement it. Walking around the camp you understand that talented, kind and friendly children have a rest in Oryolka.

Christmas story

Each of us, whether he is a child or an adult, is waiting under New Year a fairy tale with a good ending. In our children's camp during the winter shift, a fairy tale becomes a reality. Young and old are becoming fairytale characters. Bright costumes, interesting stories, humor and mysticism - immerses everyone in a festive atmosphere and impressions just a few hours before the New Year.

In our fairy tale, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden with a magic bag of gifts for children on the morning of January 1 cannot do without it. Many troubles haunt the main characters, but ... good always triumphs over evil. Every year in the children's camp Orlyonok new tale, new heroes, new scenery and new childhood experiences.

Software Content:

Educational direction:

  • Continue to acquaint children with the games of different nations;
  • To introduce children to folk art, develop a sense of humor, imagination, ingenuity, develop dexterity, speed, and endurance.

Wellness area:

  • Train the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • Promote the preservation and promotion of health.

Educational direction:

  • To cultivate respect for each other, a sense of responsibility, attentive attitude to others;
  • Promote the introduction of physical culture in the family.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with traditions, games different nations.

Musical repertoire: dance "Russian dance" Russian tunes, processing G. Razorennogo.

Equipment: Fake gates with the inscription “Fair”, umbrella - “carousel”, racks - 4 pcs., Hats - 2 pcs., Large scarves - 2 pcs., Module cube - 2 pcs., Bast shoes - 4 pairs, galoshes - 2 pairs rattles according to the number of fans, flower models - according to the number of participants, hoops - 2 pcs., a music center, CD recordings with a phonogram of songs, dances of different nations, costumes of buffoons.


  1. Elkina N.V. “1000 puzzles”.
  2. Keneman A.V. "Children's outdoor games of the peoples of the USSR."

The hall is festively decorated.

Under musical accompaniment, children and their parents enter the hall through the gate.


The bright sun rises
Hastens to the fair people.
Open the gates
Come in, gentlemen.

Participants go through the gates and fall into place.

Tit comes in.

Filia:Hello Titus! Where are you going?

I'm going to the fair.
Here the people gathered
Fair is coming soon.
Multi-colored flags!


Not! Pancakes and Kalachi -
Let the stoves sit in the warm one!
Our fair is different,
We will play with the people!

Titus:And I thought, here they sell goods, I’ll buy something for myself! (crying)

I thought of buying gifts: for mother - a scarf, for father - boots, for grandmother - earrings, and for sister - ribbon, to the very knees!

Filia:What are you, Titus, our fair is not simple, it is not like any fair in the world.

This is a fair of folk games. Each nation has its own game. Today I invite you to the games of different nations. Titus, it will be interesting, have some fun. We invite you to the game, I’ll start a carousel.

Buffoon Filia holds an umbrella with colorful ribbons. Children take up tapes and pronouncing words, move along the text.

The mobile game "Carousel".

Barely, Barely
The carousels spun
And then, then, then
All run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush
Carousel stop
One, two, one, two,
So the game is over!


We guys are daring
We are mischievous guys

We call everyone to the fair,
Though we’re not selling anything!

The following teams came to our fair: “Freckles” and “Droplets”.

And the guests are the boyars (judges), will appreciate the skill, agility and speed of the participants.


We wish from the heart
So that your results are good!
So that we don’t know fatigue today,
And brought everyone a lot of joy!

We invite you to play the Russian folk game.


Teams sit down, stretched out legs, at a distance of one meter from each other. On command, the last participant begins to jump over his legs and sits in front of the first, stretching his legs, etc., to the finish line.


Songs, games, round dances,
Do not go out of fashion
Pack your kids
Kohl, it's time to play.

Georgian folk game “Hat removal”.

Two racks are placed: the first 1 meter from the start, the second 5 meters. The first one runs, removes the cap from the second rack, puts on the first rack, the next from the first rack to the second, etc.

Titus:Hey, good fellows and girls, and you want to play the Bashkir folk game “Yurt”.

Teams are in their circle, in the center is a cube on which lies a scarf. To the music, everyone jumps, scattered, moving around the hall. At the end of the music, everyone quickly runs to their shawls and pulls over their heads, “build” a yurt.

Filia: Titus, do you like riddles?

Titus: I love you! Let's guess the participants, will they be able to guess them?


Sieve grows in the field,
Black grains are full.



My father had a strange boy,
Unusual - wooden ..
Everywhere his nose is long.
Who is this?


Heals young children
Heals little animals
Looks through his glasses
Good doctor ... ..



The mouse found a house for itself
The mouse was kind
In the house, in eventually,
There are many residents.


Not a tailor, but a lifetime
He walks with needles.



The sun is baking, linden is blooming,
Butterflies fly. When does this happen?



We will spend our time here wonderfully,
How children play is interesting to watch.

Titus:Let's play the Belarusian folk game.


You, Mihasik, don't yawn
Shoes, shoes.

Teams run around the bast shoes “snake” in galoshes to the rack, back in a straight line.


We invite the kids
To an interesting game!

Khanty folk game “Deers and Shepherds”.

Each participant is given a ring (diameter - 20 cm). In turn, everyone throws a ring - “Maut” on a stick held by buffoons, at a distance of 2.50-3 meters.

(Assessment of accuracy).

On our holiday guys are bored
Come on, dare.
And for you one game
You will like it!

The game with the fans, “Take it fast!”

A large circle is drawn with chalk on the floor, into which the rattles are scattered. Fans become in a circle and begin to move with fun musical accompaniment. The music turns off, everyone tries to grab the rattle and lift it up. Whoever does not get the rattle sits in its place. In the continuation of the game, the rattles are cleaned by buffoons.

Filia: Let's play in nenets folk game “Reindeer teams”.

The child in the hoop "harnessed deer", the parent - clings to the hoop "musher". At the signal of the team, they run to the racks, run around and come back, pass the hoop to the next pair, etc.

We play and sing is not laziness,
We would play all day.

Filia:Let's play in ukrainian folk game “Weave a wreath”.

At a distance of 8-10 meters are hoops. Participants take turns running to the hoop and lay flowers around it.

Filia:Titus, maybe we will fight with you, find out who is stronger than you or me?

Titus:Let's play the Russian folk game “Cockfights”

A circle with a diameter of 2 meters is drawn on the floor. From each team, one participant enters the circle and, jumping on one leg, arms behind his back, trying to push each other's shoulder outside the circle.

Filia:We invite you, guests - nobles, and you, dear participants, to see the Russian folk dance performed by our girls!

Musical pause "Russian dance".

Titus:And now let’s listen to our guests, the boyars, which team turned out to be the fastest, most agile, strong, nimble?

The hour of farewell is coming
Our speech will be brief.
We say to you: “Goodbye!
Until nice, new meetings! ”


This is where the fairs end,
Who played, well done!

Buffoons give children sweet prizes and say goodbye to the participants.

Venue: The venue where the stations are located within line of sight. Objectives of the game: To identify the sports, creative and intellectual abilities of children. Arrange them for the harmonious development of all aspects of their personality. Participants in the game: children of primary and secondary school age. The task of the players: to go through as many stations as possible indicated in the route sheet and collect more tokens on them. On these tokens, during the game you can buy hot tea from a samovar, pies, candies, all kinds of trinkets, etc.

Applied Stations:

  1. Modeling from the dough and coloring of their crafts. Used fresh salty dough. The characters of young artists are fairy birds and animals. After the game best work they are painted, varnished and exhibited in the camp museum.
  2. Making dolls. Dolls are made from threads, buttons, straw and pieces of fabric. This type of applied art was widespread in the life of large peasant families of the past. The best crafts are exhibited in the camp museum.
  3. Drawing on a given topic. Children are given the task of depicting nature (to paint a landscape).

Creative stations:

  1. "Mute actor." Children, using gestures and facial expressions, portray characters of Russian fairy tales, and other participants must guess who their comrades portrayed.
  2. Staging plots. Scenes from works of art are taken as basic plots.
  3. "Sculpture". Reconstructed images on a given topic.

Sports stations:

  1. Archery. The task of the players is to bring down the shield, which is located at a certain distance from them.
  2. Towns. The classic rules of the game in the towns are used. It is required to bring down figures from wooden ingots with the help of a bat. The winner is the one who knocked out all the ingots for the line of the horse.
  3. "The cat in the bag." Participants are required to jump in the bag to the flag installed in a specific place and back. The task is complicated by the fact that you need to go around the chips placed along the way, guided by the instructions of the Station Master.

Stations of folk games:

  1. Boyars. The participants become two ranks opposite each other and begin the following dialogue: - Boyars, and we have come to you, dear ones, and we have come to you! - Boyars, why did you come, dear, why did you come? - Boyars, we need a bride, dear, we need a bride! - Boyars, she is a crybaby with us, dear, she is a crybaby with us! - Boyars, and we gingerbread her, dear, and we gingerbread her! - Boyars, she is proud of us, dear, she is proud of us! “Boyars, and we are her twig, dear, and we are her twig!” - Boyars, she’s a fool with us, dear, she’s a fool with us! - Boyars, do not play the fool, give us the bride forever! After that, that (or that) whom the team of matchmakers showed to is running and trying to tear their hands apart. Managed - come back, picking up any player from two who did not hold. If they survived, then stay with them.
  2. Wolf and sheep. Choose a shepherd and a wolf. The rest become sheep. The sheep are in a row behind the shepherd: the first clings to the shepherd’s belt, the second to the belt of the first sheep, etc. The wolf attacks the herd, trying to grab the last sheep. But the shepherd rushes to meet him, and the sheep run away in the opposite direction. The sheep has another means of salvation: dodge the wolf and run to the shepherd. If she has time to stand before him, and he will take her by the belt, then she becomes a shepherd. Then the wolf is changed too: it takes the place of the last sheep, and that one becomes a wolf.
  3. The players become in a circle and hold hands. Two remain: the mouse, which becomes the center of the circle and the cat, which becomes behind the circle. Everyone whirls quickly, clutching their hands and lifting them up. The cat tries to find a passage, but when she comes up, her hands drop from this side. But even if she jumps into a circle, the mouse is given a passage from the other side, and they try to hold the cat, lowering her hands in front of her. If the mouse is caught, then both participants stand in a circle, and instead appoint another pair.

Intelligent stations:

  1. "Crossing". Arrange in the correct order, in pairs, the names of literary works and their heroes.
  2. "Changeling". Return to the original form a proverb or proverb, all words of which are replaced by opposite in meaning. For example, “A man on a cart - the wolf is heavier”: “A woman is more easily sincerely”, etc.
  3. Bast basket. To name as many objects or phenomena as possible included in one circle of given concepts. Before the start of the game, a concert is held prepared by the forces of squad teams and creative studios. When the start of the game is given, cheerful music is turned on, buffoons and actors in costumes wander between the players, who hold their competitions, but unlike the Station Masters, they are mobile and move around the site. The game is not a team, but an individual character. Children move from station to station in random order. The event is festive in nature, the site is decorated with balloons, a bright poster with a name hangs above each station. Station masters prepare costumes for themselves or make up, in accordance with their image.

The hall is decorated in the form of counters with different types applied arts: Dymkovo, Kargopol toys, Gorodets, Khokhloma, lace, embroidery, Zhostovo trays.
Adults and children are dressed in Russian costumes.
Buffoon runs in: Where I was, there are jokes
Laughter from all sides
Musical chime
Presentation of buffoons
They cause loud laughter ...
Purchased goods:
From the scarf to the samovar
From toys to sweets -
Everything is there for all guests!
Fruits, gingerbread cookies and honey -
All the people are having fun!
Children: What kind of holiday?
What happened?
Skomorokh: Just - the fair has opened!
I invite, at this very hour
Everyone to the fair now!
Children are met by two buffoons:
Fair! Fair!
Fun fair!
Sell, buy!
Do not forget about the guys!
Buy for the soul:
Spoons, cups and buckets,
Charki, saucer, suppliers -
Carried to all ends.
Children with buffoons approach Khokhloma goods.
Consider the dishes.
1 girl: Come, come!
Take a look at the goods!
Brought from afar
We are not calico, not silk,
And not rings, and not brooches -
Painted miracle - spoons!
Buy for the soul.
Before the goods are good -
Here you will not pass by!
Glowing with bright gold
Ladle painting: “Heat is a bird”
“Horseman is a bucket”, “Dragon” and “Pike”,
What is this product?
How many of you have already recognized?
Children: Golden Khokhloma.
Well! Where are the spoons?
Did they start a dance?
Children take spoons and dance "Dance with Spoons" to the Russian folk tune.
A buffoon offers a ride on a carousel.
Carousel, carousel,
You spin fast!
Show us the fair -
Voiced and bright
With songs and dances
Popular fairy tales.
Hush - Hush Don't Hurry!
Stop the carousel.
Children sit on chairs.
There are buffoons:
Hello honest people.

They bowed low, the caps fell off.
Thomas: We put on caps.
Yerema: Let's start again!
Both: hello honest people
We both came to you: Thomas and Yerema.
Thomas: People see and show themselves.
Yerema: Yes, fables tell you.
Thomas: I’m looking, brothers, the bear is flying,
The bear flies - twists its tail. But the pig did not eat the nest, the nest, the children brought out. Lovely kids, little pigs. Piglets hang on knots, they want to fly.
Erem: Hey, Thomas, did you eat a pie?
Thomas: No, I didn’t eat. Was it delicious?
Erem: Tasty.
Barely, Barely, Barely
The carousels spun
And then around - around,
All run-run-run.
Sounds music.
2 maiden: Come, come. Take a look at our product!
Forest mushrooms, all painted!
Apples are not from the apple tree,
How rosy!
Come closer to me and examine my goods.
Children come up and examine toys.
2 maiden: From the distant village of Palkhov-Maidan.
Come closer, bend down below!
Wait, look till the evening, who has nothing to do

Eyes run up!
Here is the testicle, but the bird is not big!
Here are nesting dolls - on one leg,
Three things in one pile!
Matren's daughter,
Alain's daughter
Itself is the third.
The whole family.
Buffoon: Carousel, Carousel,
You spin fast!
Show us the fair -
Voiced and bright
With songs and dances.
Come out dolls nesting dolls. "Dancing Matryoshka Dance"
Skomorokh: At the fair, at the merry bazaar, there are remote peddlers, their goods are different.
Children in suits bypass children, show their goods.
1 child: Like our neighbor
The conversation was fun,
Geese - in the harp,
Ducks to the pipes.
2 child: Tap dance - in ratchets,
Seagulls to the balalaika
Waxwings are in the flute,
And cuckoos - in whistles.
3 child: Starlings in bells
Play, play
All amuse!
The children's orchestra performs the Russian folk song "Oh, you canopy my canopy."
Skomorokh: A fun fair, there is music and jokes, here there are dances, jokes. Lots of fun and funny games. Become! Honest people, play my round dance!
Children play the game "Burners"
Buffoon: Fair, fair!
Fun fair!
Containers - bars, bastards.
How many different goods.
3 damsel: hey guys come over
Look at the toys!
Look, whistle!
Here is a smart turkey,
All so alright
Big turkey
All painted sides.
All outfit surprised
Wings importantly dismissed.
4 maiden: Yes, from ordinary red clay
Suddenly appear in the light
Hares, conics, peacocks
And the soldiers - the troops are the color ...
Children did you guess whose toys it is?
Filimonovo village!
They make a toy out of clay
And they still paint it.
"Carousel, carousel,
You spin fast!
Show us the fair -
Voiced and bright
With songs and dances
Popular fairy tales "
5. Maiden: Three black and strong horses,
Painted and wooden!
Wise, working tirelessly.
And the drivers, peer, stand.
Great slender virgins:
And straight and stern, looking
On the road, on the forest, on the crops ... Children you recognize Gorodets craftsmen.
Buffoon: We will draw a fairy tale too. And paints will help us with this.
What a miracle, blue.
6 maiden: The blue sky, as if in April,
Russian pearl,
You enchant us.
Blue fantasy is a sea of \u200b\u200bbeauty!
You saw on our gzhel.
How good the dishes are.
For the festive table.
I have been waiting for you all for a long time.
Help yourself come
Look at the dishes.
Buffoon: That's what a fair! Fun fair!
And now, and now I invite you to dance. Sounds Russian folk music, the children dance. So we visited you at a fun fair.


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