Fear of fairy tale characters. Mythical creatures A fantastic creature that scares children

The consciousness of a child under 5 years old is similar to the state of adults when you wake up in the morning and still not very clearly imagine where the dream is and where the reality is. In the same way, kids intertwine fairy tales, cartoons and everything that actually happens around them in their world. As a result, kids 2-5 years old with a rich imagination - and even more in those who are too familiar with TV and computer games - will settle a whole monsters, Inc.

Very young children usually encounter fairy-tale creatures in their dreams, but those who are especially impressionable may get scared while reading a fairy tale or watching a cartoon. Most often, the fear of fairy-tale characters appears after 2 years, when the child's psyche becomes quite complex for this, and the baggage of fantastic images has already accumulated. And the heroes of fairy tales "come to life" for the child and become a part of his children's world.

The first to come into terrible dreams are the traditional images of the Wolf, Koshchei, Barmaley, as well as their modern counterparts from numerous cartoons, which the baby by this age already manages, oddly enough, to see if adults consider this acceptable - in a word, they are the first to appear male characters... If such creatures dream too often, then, most likely, the baby has a difficult relationship with his father - the dad is too strict, hot-tempered, or too distanced from the child, whom he considers still too young to spend a lot of time with him.

Babay - a mysterious creature in the form of a terrible old man who scares children.
“Bayu-bayu-bayu-buy, the evening Babai came. Babay came in the evening, asked: "Give Lena." No, we won't give Lena, we need Lena ourselves. "
The name "Babay", apparently, comes from the Turkic "baba", "babay" - old man, grandfather. This word (perhaps as a reminder of the Tatar-Mongol yoke) denotes something mysterious, not quite definite, undesirable and dangerous. In the beliefs of the northern regions of Russia, Babai is a terrible lopsided old man. He wanders the streets with a stick. Meeting him is dangerous for children.

By age 3-4 years various female characters: Baba Yaga, witch, witch, etc. Their too frequent presence in the dreams of the child speaks of problems in the relationship with the mother.

Yaga - the goddess is common Indo-European. Among the Greeks, Hecate corresponds to her - the terrible three-faced goddess of the night, witchcraft, death and hunting. The Germans have Perkhta, Holda (Hel, Frau Hallu). Indians have no less creepy Kali. Perkhta-Holda lives underground (in wells), rules over rain, snow and the weather in general and rushes, like Yaga or Hecate, at the head of a crowd of ghosts and witches. Perkhta was borrowed from the Germans by their Slavic neighbors - the Czechs and Slovenes.

However, not all fantastic creatures scare children only at night: at about 4-5 years old, at the peak of their imagination, they "emerge from the dusk", and the baby can be scared even during the day.

These characters most often reflect the fears or alienation of parents from their children. Strict, tough, emotionally cold parents who despise such "weaknesses" as pity, sympathy, are associated in a child with angry, threatening fairytale heroes.

- Mom, don't shout at me like Baba Yaga!

- She is very scary and angry, like Baba Yaga!

Fairy-tale characters appear in the imaginations of children who are afraid of being punished, because in fairy tales, as you know, Baba Yaga takes naughty children away for punishment. The fear of punishment is mixed with fear. The stronger the child is emotionally attached to the mother, the more clearly these fears manifest themselves. If the mother is not able to give warmth to the child, then emotional attachment becomes pathological, developing into emotional dependence in the future. There is no doubt that we are always to some extent dependent on those we love, complete emotional independence means complete absence attachments, deep feelings, which in itself is a serious problem. However, emotional addiction rooted in childhood can destroy personality and even lead to suicide.

What to do when a child is afraid of fairytale characters?

1. Fear of fairy-tale characters is age-related fears inherent in children from 3 to 5 years old, with age these fears pass. Have you seen adults who are afraid of Baba Yaga, Koschei, etc.?

2. The one whom the baby is afraid of, you can draw, and then give the creature his portrait in order to appease and make friends. But you can, and vice versa, arrange a solemn to break the drawing into small pieces. To understand which tactics to choose, ask your child what he would like to do with the picture.

3. All fears have one feature, including the fears of fairy tale characters. While fear is "invisible", the child does not talk about it, it seems frighteningly huge to the baby, but as soon as the child voiced it, spoke it, named it, the fear begins to decrease. It is important to help your child speak up.

4. Fear is often provoked by parents who, carried away by the expressiveness of speech, artistically voice the role of the Wolf, forgetting about the little listener. The child may not be frightened by the character, but by the intonation that accompanies his actions. Therefore, be careful when choosing a fairy tale and when telling it. You should not read "scary" bedtime stories (for example, "Bluebeard") to impressionable children. For sensitive children, the best medicine will be a kind fairy tale composed by mom or dad, where the child himself is easily guessed in the hero and his actions.

5. The best way to stop being afraid is to make evil funny. Indeed, today Baba Yaga is more of a comic heroine. In the Soviet cartoon about the adventures of the brownie Kuzi, based on the fairy tale by T. Alexandrova, Baba Yaga is just a housekeeping grandmother. In every fear one should try to help the child see the funny. For example, imagine and draw Baba Yaga, who is trying on some kind of costume (firefighter, diver) that is awkward for her and is going to go to a festive carnival.

6. Empathizing with the heroes, children can react to their fear by playing the roles of various characters: the Wolf, the grandmother, etc. The best effect is given by this technique: first, the child plays the role of the one who is afraid (Little Red Riding Hood), then the one who is afraid (Wolf) , and then the one who is not afraid of anything (Lumberjack). You can play like this on the example of any fairy tale.

7. What seems rational to us as adults only reinforces the child's fears. An honest "male" conversation with his son that there can be no Barmaley in the dark hallway under the nightstand is absolutely meaningless, since the child perceives and fears the heroes of fairy tales as real personalities. Try to understand and accept the child's feelings and experiences, talk to him about his fears:

- I see that you are afraid of this monster, let's go together and chase him away.

Kiss, relaxing and light massage at night - the best way calm the child down.

8. Together with the child, you can come up with "magic" words to protect him. You can find a toy friend who is not afraid of anyone. Then the child will feel more secure.

9. You can play a fairy tale with your child or play a story with toys about how an evil creature made friends with a boy or girl and became kind, or you can come up with a version of battle and victory over a formidable monster (this is not so constructive, but sometimes the idea of \u200b\u200bfriendship is encountered by a child with hostility).

What cannot be done?

Use the monsters to your advantage. In no case do not intimidate the child with them, not with his fears - this will not achieve much obedience, and fix the fears in the child's soul for a long time. A child with a stable psyche will simply stop believing you. But an impressionable, nervous kid will remember your words for a long time, and in the not too distant future you will come across new problem - the need to treat fears and even neurosis.

Telling the child that at any moment a creature may appear that will take him away, you tell the child that there are forces in the world that can make him feel bad, painful and scary with impunity and without hindrance. In this case, everything will happen with the tacit approval of mom and dad.

Sources: N. Tsarenko "We read the thoughts of our children",
EI Shapiro "If a child has fears ..."

Natalia Tsarenko "We read the thoughts of our children"

To buy in Labyrinth.ru

To buy in Ozon.ru

A deadly female creature. They call her by various names: White Woman, Banshee, Succubus or vampire. She is one of the most ancient creatures found in Celtic mythology. This woman was described in the legends of neighboring countries, and in distant African and Asian. In every mythology, this insanely beautiful, but terribly dangerous woman demoness is found. There is a popular Irish legend that still wanders across northern European countries. Four young friends, having gone hunting, lagged behind the general crowd. Lost, they went out to a small house in the thicket of the forest, in which they decided to rest.

The guys lit a fire in the hearth and began to have fun: singing, dancing, telling funny stories. And then someone complained that there were no women with them. And then the doors opened, into which the painted beauties entered. The girls immediately joined the dancers, but after a while the picture changed dramatically. The women became furious and with their grown claws began to tear the bodies of the unfortunate, drinking their blood dry. Only one guy managed to escape - the singer. He managed to get out of the eerie hideout, hiding behind the horses, and the Banshees were unable to reach him. The White Woman, like any faerie, is afraid of iron, and the horses' hooves were shod with iron horseshoes. The terrible night ended only at dawn, when the ugly creatures melted in the first rays of the rising sun.

Baavan Shi hunt at night, taking on the form of beauties and seducing belated travelers. They are especially attracted to those who themselves recently acted as a game beater - from such people comes the attractive smell of blood. Banshees feed only on the blood of young guys, the blood of these creatures is not interested in anything. Before drinking blood, they dance with the victims, hypnotizing them. They can take part in the conversation, but they give themselves away with a strong incomprehensible accent. Occasionally, hungry Banshees attack women, and then their victims turn into the same monsters. In addition to the form of a monster, Baavan Shi take the form of a wolf.

Black horseman

In the local dialect, he was also called Dullahan. It was he who served as the prototype for Washington Irving's story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." Dullahan is one of Death's assistants. If in front of one of the mortals he stops his horse, he will die immediately. The Black Rider seeks out another suicide bomber with the help of his glowing head, which he wears either under right handor in the saddle in front of you. The horse of the headless rider is no less phantasmagoric in appearance than its owner: its head is longer than the body, it has small ears and eyes blazing with fury. If any mortal dared to follow Dullahan in order to find out the next victim, the rider threw a vessel with human blood at him, and he was blind in one eye. The rider's head looks disgusting. She resembles moldy cheese in color, decaying flesh constantly peels off her, and a terrible mocking grin splits her face in two. The head even has eyes, black and very small. It was believed that Dullahan is one of the incarnations of the Celtic god Kromm Oak. The only salvation from a creepy creature is a gold coin. She alone is able to keep the reaper of human lives at a distance.


The most terrible monster, a source of losses, damage, disasters and other troubles. Puka takes the form of a smooth-haired dark horse with devilish yellow eyes and a long mane. A dirty creature tramples crops, tears down fences at night, scares livestock. The cows stop milking and the chickens stop. The main omen of his appearance in the village: the sun, which came out in the evening after a torrential rain, which poured all daylight.

In some areas, Puka appeared to the inhabitants as a small goblin who came and demanded his share of the harvest. The villagers had left him wheat in advance. Pookie also had other forms: the image of an eagle, a black goat and a giant hairy ghost. Pookie's main tasks: to scare belated travelers by jumping on their backs and dumping them into the gutter; demand gifts from the owners of any house, and in case of refusal to take revenge for a long time, destroying the entire economy. True, Puka did not always bring only disasters. Sometimes he acted as a fortuneteller, telling people about impending dangers and giving advice on how to survive. For this, people awarded him gifts. Sometimes, even to those owners who did not refuse gifts, Puka brought good luck and advised how to get rich. A typical representative of the neutral side, responding with evil to greed and good to good.

Baby scarecrow

Werewolf name in some regions of Russia

Unsociable, sullen man

One of the Solomon Islands

Fantastic creature invented to bully children

Scarecrow for the kid

Scarecrow to frighten children

Unsociable person

Sullen silent

Introverted person


Gloomy unsociable

Young unsociable

We are unsociable that we are gloomy

Sullen fellow

Typical unsociable

Sullen man

The Scarecrow Who Scares Children

So they say about a frowning man

A man who shuns everyone

Extremely uncommunicative person

Biryuk, not a man

Avoiding people

Frowned unsociable

Difficulty communicating with him

Unsociable rhyming with flour

Owl looking

Fantastic scary creature that scares children

Unsociable person

About. (Tatar name Buka, Bukey?) an imaginary scarecrow with which rational educators frighten children; unsociable, bear, unapproachable person, stern, gloomy; bukan m. bukonya vol. hard. The beech-woody man looks like a beech. Sib. shy, squint sideways, from gloom or shyness

In the culture of every nation, there are mythical creatures with both positive and negative qualities.

Some of them are famous all over the world. Others, on the contrary, are familiar only to a specific ethnic group.

In this article, we present a popular list of mythical creatures with pictures... Moreover, you will learn their origin as well as related to them.


Faust with Homunculus

This required many different conditions to be met, with the obligatory use of mandrakes. The alchemists were sure that such a small man could protect his master from harm.


It is one of the most popular mythical creatures in Slavic folklore. Most people know about him from fairy tales. Some people still believe that the Brownie can influence the life of the owner of the house.

According to the myth, so that he does not do evil to any of the owners, he must be appeased with various treats. Although this often leads to the opposite consequences.


In Slavic mythology, this is the night spirit. Usually they scare naughty children. And although Babai does not have a specific image, they often speak of him as an old man with a sack in which he puts harmful children.


The Nephilim lived before the flood and are even mentioned in the Bible. These beings are fallen angels who were once seduced by the beauty of earthly women and entered into sexual relations with them.

As a result of these connections, the Nephilim began to be born. Literally this word means "those who make others fall." They were very tall, and also distinguished by incredible strength and cruelty. The Nephilim attacked humans and caused serious destruction.


Baavan Shi

In Scottish mythology, they meant a bloodthirsty creature. When a man saw a raven transforming into a beautiful girl in a dress, it meant that in front of him was Baavan shi himself.

It was not for nothing that the evil spirit wore a long dress, since under it he could hide his deer hooves. These evil mythical creatures attracted men, and then drank all the blood from them.



One of the most famous mythical creatures found in different nations the world. A werewolf means a person who is able to transform into animals.

Most often, werewolves are. Such modifications can occur at the request of the werewolf himself, or in connection with the lunar cycles.


The peoples of the north called them the mistress of the forests. As a rule, she was depicted as beautiful girl... Animals and birds serve Viryava. She is friendly towards people and can help them if needed.


The Wendigo is an evil man-eating spirit. He is an ardent opponent of any excesses in human behavior. He likes to hunt and suddenly attack his victims.

When a traveler finds himself in the forest, this mythical creature begins to make frightening sounds. As a result, the person rushes to his heels, but he cannot escape.


In Japanese myths, these are spirits that the sorcerer Omme-do can summon. Despite their small size, they can inhabit animals and birds in order to then control them.

It is very dangerous for the magician to manipulate the Shikigami, since at any time they can begin to attack him.


This mythical creature is described in the work of the ancient Greek poet Hesiod. Hydra has a serpentine body and many heads. If you cut off one of them, two new ones immediately grow in its place.

Destroying Hydra is almost impossible. She guards the entrance to the realm of the dead and is ready to attack anyone who meets her on the way.


In English mythology, water fairies are called so. Turning into wooden saucers slowly floating on the water surface, they try to lure women into a trap.

As soon as a woman touches such a saucer, Drak immediately grabs her and drags her to his bottom, where she will have to look after his children.


These are pagan evil spirits in the myths of the ancient Slavs. They pose a great danger to humans.

Sinister sticks to people and can even infiltrate them, especially if they are alone. Often these mythical creatures take on the appearance of poor old people.


In the legends of many European countries, this was the name for male demons thirsting for female love.

In some ancient books, these creatures were represented as fallen angels. They have such a high reproductive capacity that whole peoples have emerged from them.


Most people know that the mythical creature Leshy is the owner of the forest, vigilantly watching over all his property. If a person does not do him anything bad, then he treats him friendly and can even help to find a way out of the forest thicket.

But he can deliberately force bad people to walk in circles on his possessions, leading them astray. Goblin can laugh, sing, clap his hands or sob. With the onset of cold weather, he goes underground.

Baba Yaga

One of the most popular characters in Russian fairy tales. Baba Yaga is the mistress of the forest, and all animals and birds obey her.

As a rule, she is presented in the form of a negative character, but sometimes she can come to the aid of different characters.

Baba Yaga lives in a hut on chicken legs, and also knows how to fly on a mortar. She invites children to come to her abode to eat them later.


Living in the forest, this mythical creature attacks lost people and then eats them. In the dark, Shishiga prefers to make noise and wander through the forest.

According to another belief, Shishigi love to mock people who begin to take on any kind of work without first praying. From this follows the popular belief that they accustom people to the correct routine of life.

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Fantastic scary creature that scares children

Alternative descriptions

Baby scarecrow

Werewolf name in some regions of Russia

Unsociable, sullen man

One of the Solomon Islands

Fantastic creature invented to bully children

Scarecrow for the kid

Scarecrow to frighten children

Unsociable person

Sullen silent

Introverted person


Gloomy unsociable

Young unsociable

We are unsociable that we are gloomy

Sullen fellow

Typical unsociable

Sullen man

The Scarecrow Who Scares Children

So they say about a frowning man

A man who shuns everyone

Extremely uncommunicative person

Biryuk, not a man

Avoiding people

Frowned unsociable

Difficulty communicating with him

Unsociable rhyming with flour

Owl looking

Unsociable person

About. (Tatar name Buka, Bukey?) an imaginary scarecrow with which rational educators frighten children; unsociable, bear, unapproachable person, stern, gloomy; bukan m. bukonya vol. hard. The beech-woody man looks like a beech. Sib. shy, squint sideways, from gloom or shyness


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