April Fool's Day script for students. April Fool's Day in rural houses of culture - Tyukalinskaya centralized club system. Equipment: Hanging on the walls of the hall: balloons; painted smiling children's faces; posters: "Laughter is a great healer", "Who

Scenario KVN of the day of laughter "Without laughter and jokes we can't even a minute!"

1. Fanfare

Lead 1 : We will open the holiday today, the wind and rain are not a hindrance to us,
After all, we have been waiting for, we will not hide, our nationwide April Fool's Day.

Lead 2: For a holiday, for general fun, we invited Laughter to visit,
Fun, Fun and Entertainment, Joke, Humor for fun!

Lead 1 : Hello, our dear guests... Recently there was a holiday

April 1, April Fool's Day. Everyone laughs on this day - adults, children, and grandparents. On this day, once a year, people play each other, and no one is offended by this. Everyone is happy to laugh at themselves and their loved ones. On this day, jokes, anecdotes, humorous stories are heard everywhere. I hope you and I will laugh heartily today !!!

Lead 2 : Did you know that when a person laughs, air flies out of his lungs at about 100 km / h. At the same time, 17 muscles of his face work.

Lead 1 : If you only laugh 15 minutes a day, your life will last.

Lead 2 : Happy people have a 40% lower risk of heart disease.

Lead 1 : A child of 6 years old laughs 300 times a day, while adults only 15, maximum 100 times.

Lead 2 : And despite the fact that today is not the first of April, notice the reasons for laughter and good mood we have plenty of.

Lead 1 : So let's extend our life today, train our muscles and get a tip for all this. Laughing is allowed!

2. KVN screensaver,

Lead 2: Today we play in KVN and only in this hall two unique teams of the most intelligent, resourceful and quick-witted meet.

Lead 1 : So, meet: the first team of the funniest and smartest.

Lead 2: And here is their, the language does not even dare say, rivals are the second team of the most restless and intellectual.

Lead 1 : Teams on stage! And now I will introduce you to the members of our jury.





Lead 2 : So, the jury is ready to work, the participating teams are already ready to enter into a dispute over the title of himself, himself, himself; the fans prepared their hands.

All in all, have fun, because a minute of laughter is as good for your health as a kilo of carrots.

Lead 1.

Let smiles, humor, laughter delight us all.

The April Fools' meeting of the Merry and Resourceful Club is declared open.

Lead 2.

So, we start and announce the first task "Greetings and business card" The team must introduce themselves. The jury evaluates the performance of the teams, the maximum score10 points .

So, the floor is given to the first team.

Lead 1.

word is given to the second team

Lead 1 : And now for all teams the traditional Warm-up, or gymnastics of the mind, with comic riddles with a catch. We will ask questions and the teams take turns answering.

Lead 2 . Correct answer,1 point to your team. The jury carefully calculates the points. Started:

Warm up. The presenters ask funny riddles.

1 Riddle. What happens if you swallow your knife and fork while eating? (have to eat with your hands)

2 Riddle. To whom do all people take off their hats? (in front of pared parehmacher)

3 Riddle. What do elephants have and what other animals do? (elephants)

4 Riddle. What canvas can't you make a shirt from? (from the railway)

5 Riddle ... When is a person in a room without a head? (when he pokes it out of the window onto the street)

6 Riddle. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners (bum)

7 Riddle The grandfather sits in a hundred fur coats dressed, whoever runs past him leaves his fur coat. (Cloakroom attendant)

8 Riddle. How many months in a year have 28 days? (all months)

9 Riddle. I sit alone between two luminaries (nose)

10 Riddle ... Which plant knows everything? (horseradish)

The warm-up is over, and the jury will now calculate the points, and we continue ... ...

Lead 1. It's time to cheer each other up and tune in to a positive mood. And the first team competition is dedicated to ditties. Ditty competition.

Teams prepare for this competition in advance.

Host 2 . I am announcing a competition for captains, and I invite captains of all teams to the stage ……… ..

Dear Captains, you will have to cope with one single task.

Now each in turn will draw out a piece of paper. Your task is to depict what is written there.

Depict the gait of a person who ... ..

Dined well;

The boots are tight;

Who has an acute sting of radiculitis;

Who was in the forest at night;

The soles of the boots have come off.

Who got a big salary.

Lead 2 . Each team was given homework on the topic "Laughing for no reason is a sign of good mood." Now we'll check how you dealt with it.

Homework team members "Laughing for no reason is a sign of good mood."

Lead 1 . In the meantime, the _______________________ team prepares, we will give you advice.

Lead 2 . Yes .... YES .... Even on such a fun day as April Fool's Day, it is customary in our country to give advice:

1. If you have nothing to put on your feet, old shoes can be used like new ones.
2. Not sure - don't hug.
4. If you are determined to quit smoking, it is best to do it at an oil base,
5. A broken old VCR should not be thrown away - you can gouge it out from the inside, attach a handle and carry it like a briefcase.
6. If you mix Three Bogatyrs beer with vodka, you will get the Three Little Pigs cocktail.
7. Study, study and study - you still won't find a job.
8.If something hurts you, and you do not know what kind of pill you need to take from it, feel free to drink everything that you can find in your home first-aid kit - one of the pills you drink will definitely help!
9. If you constantly put on the same horse on the race, it will begin to greet you politely.

2 the team is getting ready

Lead 2. Surely few admit that they have no sense of humor. But is it really so. Let's check. Answer “yes” or “no” to each question. And we will count which answers there will be more.

1. Do you like to laugh?

2. Do you know how to come out of unpleasant situations with humor?

3. Do you agree with the opinion that marriage is the funniest thing in the world?

4. Are you laughing alone with yourself?

5. If you are being deceived, can you not show it?

6. When you are in a bad mood, does the laughter of others irritate you?

7. Do you consider yourself a person with a sense of humor?

Result: If you answered the big questions "yes", then you have a good sense of humor, and it helps you even the most difficult periods of life.

Lead 1 ... The next contest of proverbs and sayings about fun, jokes. Teams prepare in advance. The team that knows more proverbs and sayings wins.

1. Whoever amuses people is worth the light.
2. He who knows how to have fun is not afraid of grief.
3. Laughter is a great doctor.
4. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
5. All genres are interesting except boring.
6. Keeping laughing is easier than ending laughing

Contest ... Anecdotes.

Lead 1 And now we will check how well you know jokes. The team that tells more anecdotes will get more points.

Lead 2 ... Applause to all participants. And now the time has come to sum up the results of the competitions. The jury sums up the results, calculates the points.

Lead 1 : While the jury sums up the results, I will read overseas proverbs, and your task is to paraphrase them in Russian.

1 (English)

If fortune turns away from you, then you will fall in love with the goat. And now in Russian?...

(Love is blind)

2. (Arabic)

Sowed a cactus, there is no grape harvest.

(What you sow, so you reap).

3. (Turkish)

You will enjoy beauty in 40 days, but for a good character 40 years is not enough.

(Beauty until the evening, kindness forever)

4. (African)

Even the most beautiful apple can contain a worm.

(All is not gold that glitters)

5. (Afghan).

Bitten by a snake, afraid of a colorful ribbon.

(The scared crow is afraid of the bush)

Lead 2. The solemn moment has come, and now we will know the winning team in today's game. So, the floor is given to the distinguished jury ………

Lead 1. We invite teams to the stage to award prizes ..

Lead 2: Well, our today's holiday has come to an end. We say goodbye to you, but do not forget to smile. Laugh, joke every day.

1st presenter:
A good joke
Start your day, friends!
A wise joke, a sensitive joke,
Without which you cannot live!

2nd host:
Laughter is more useful to a person
Than a good drug.
Whoever laughs goes to the pharmacy
He walks less often, they say.

1st host:
A joke is appreciated for a reason,
And the good one is doubly.
More, more every year
Laughter, jokes every day.

Lead 2:
- We laughed here and sang
April 1st jokes.
They smiled with all their mouths,
So the people were having fun.
It's a pity it all ends
But, laughing is allowed!

The evening is held in a spacious hall, where there is an opportunity to arrange round tables, while leaving the area for competitions and dances. The hall is decorated with all kinds of smiling emoticons. A set is made on one of the walls or curtain: "April 1 - April Fool's Day!", "Laughing is allowed!" On each table, there is also a round, cut out of cardboard or other material, painted emoticon, you can also arrange other items accordingly: napkins, chairs, vases.

- Hello, our dear guests, today you are gathered here to celebrate the most interesting and funniest holiday of the year - April Fool's Day! Did you know that when a person laughs, air flies out of his lungs at about 100 km / h. At the same time, 17 muscles of his face work. If you only laugh 15 minutes a day, your life will last. Happy people have a 40% lower risk of heart disease. A child of 6 years old laughs 300 times a day, while adults only 15, maximum 100 times. It has been noticed that smiling waiters receive tips one and a half times more than their serious colleagues. So let's lengthen our life today, exercise our muscles and get a tip for all this. Laughing is allowed!

(A person reading a humorous monologue approaches the microphone. You can take a monologue for a woman or a dialogue between two people.)

- The sense of humor is different for everyone, for whom it is highly developed, for whom it does not matter. But most importantly, everyone has this feeling.
On the first of April, trusting no one,
I made my way to work I don't like this day of the week
My friends get me.

Finally got there and quietly
Groping the near chair
Everything seems to be fine and sat down
Looking with relief, he sighed.

Here is the boss, be he wrong
Calls urgently to the carpet
I rushed from my place at the parade
A chair with me, I roared.

Well, tell me, who shit it?
Who put this glue on the chair?
Everybody walks with innocent eyes
Even though you take them and kill them.

And the boss seems to be a wound
Everything is in a hurry, come on quickly.
I'm a little skewed
I was walking with a chair, as soon as the door closed ...

I sat down, chef eyes on rollout
Freestyle will not understand mine
What if blackmail is conceived or drank?
Or worse, he invited the authorities.

And quietly, not angering fate
Changing the tone
My boss blew politely
- My dear, important conversation.

I tensed, eyebrows knitted softly
Apparently the grumbler decided to slap
Throwing a leg indifferently
I lowered my eyes, I sit in silence.

And the boss from such an undertaking
Stretched out at the table
- We managed to raise your salary
Thousand and ninety, and hiccupped slightly.

I got cold inside
And tongue froze to teeth
I could hardly squeeze out
Just asking: Is that all?

Chief: - Another business trip,
You need to slip into the Maldives
You've got the skill you need
You should be in charge of the department.

I got so sweaty
Pants peeled off from the water
I came out of the chef crazy
And friends stood like pillars.

I have healed since then guys
So everyone is jealous of friends
And now I love this date
I believe in the first of April!
Ladies and gentlemen white dance!

(A musical composition by Zhanna Aguzarova “I Believe” sounds. During the sound of the composition, the presenter walks between the tables and distributes balloons of different colors to men.)

- Allow me to invite to us here, men with red balloons.

Contest "Stay Longer" is being held.
Chairs are placed according to the number of participants, balls on them. Whoever manages to sit on the ball longer wins. The competition can be held with several colors of balloons, both men and women can participate.

- They spin to the rhythm of the dance,
Dress flutters
Everyone will make friends with us
On "Laughing is allowed."

(Three dance compositions sound in a row.)

- Danced, danced,
Legs seem to be tired
Let's sit and rest
And then let's go play.
Who wants to sit and rest, who is the bravest, come out.

A chair is placed, a participant or participant sits on it. A chair with clothes is placed next to it (bib, bow, tie, sleeveless jacket, shawl, watch, etc.)... The second participant is called, who must put all this on the seated person. A third participant is called, who must remove all this from the seated person, blindfolded.

- The prize is awarded to the most patient participant (to the one who was dressed, undressed)... The most skillful (to the one who dressed) and the most keen-sighted (to the one who undressed).
A song sounds for you.

(Any song sung by a soloist, duo, or group.)

- We all know jokes, they are so firmly embedded in our lives that we hear them almost every day at work, at home, on television. Especially appreciated are jokes with subtle humor, without expressions, causing a storm of laughter. A competition is announced for the most funny anecdote, subject to the above prohibitions. And all those present must vote on a five-point scale, the funniest anecdote will receive the most valuable prize.

The presenter takes turns coming up with a microphone to those who want to tell an anecdote, asks for a name and gives an opportunity to tell. The rest vote by throwing this or that rating into a box with a certain name. Upon completion, the result is calculated, who scored the highest score, and a gift is given in the form of a bottle of cognac or vintage wine.

(Dance pause.)

- I need nimble and fast women, six people, come out, please. What is your name?

The participants give names one by one, and the presenter puts on hats with ears. And he says, you are the squirrel Tanya, you are the squirrel Ira, etc. Then five chairs are placed in a circle with a decent radius, men sit on them, these are oaks. The challenge is for the squirrels to jump onto the oak trees when the music stops. Each time the number of oaks and, naturally, protein decreases. At the end, the prize is awarded to the fastest squirrel and the most resistant oak.

(Dance pause.)

- We laughed here and sang
April 1st jokes.
They smiled with all their mouths,
So the people were having fun.
It's a pity it all ends
But, laughing is allowed!

Scenario of the competition program "April 1 - April Fool's Day"

Objectives : Create a festive atmosphere; develop thinking, memory, ingenuity; foster a sense of humor.

Equipment: Hanging on the walls of the hall: balloons; painted smiling children's faces; posters: "Laughter is a great healer", "Who amuses people, the light is worth it", "A joke is a minute, but it charges for an hour."

Event progress

Leading. Hello guys! Today, I hope you will not be bored.

Today is not an easy day

The day is naughty today.
Be attentive, look
Don't fall into your deception!
On the day of April fun
Don't forget about adventure.
This holiday is so good

That doesn't look like everyday life!

We will open the holiday today

Wind and rain are not a hindrance to us,

After all, we have been waiting for a long time, we will not hide

Our nationwide April Fool's Day.

For a holiday, for communication

We invite Laughter to visit,

Fun, Fun and Entertainment,

A joke and humor for fun!

So, I invite everyone to a fun warm-up. (Everybody needs to get up)

In order to warm up well, repeat all the steps after me.

Game "Funny Monkeys"

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud ...

We stamp our feet

We inflate our cheeks

Riding on our toes

And even to each other

Let's show the tongues.

Let's jump to the ceiling

We will bring our finger to the temple,

Let's stick out our ears

A ponytail at the top of the head.

Open your mouth wider

Let's make grimaces for everyone.

As I say the word "three" -

All with grimaces freeze.

One two Three!

Let's look at each other. Now let's applaud for the wonderful grimaces.

(Everyone claps their hands.)

First competition -

It's simple.

The competition is fabulous, dear.

Everyone reads fairy tales.

So everyone knows them.

Competition 1. "Fabulous announcements"

I read the ad, and you have to guess - the fairytale hero.

1. "Send a bottle urgently sunflower oil: the side lay. " (Gingerbread man.)

2. “I am collecting a collection of golden cockerel feathers. Looking for a friend to exchange feathers. " (Shamakhan queen.)

3. “I urgently need a mink skin to go to the ball. Proposals should be sent to the address: "Green Swamp". (Princess Frog.)

4. "I am looking for a sponsor to participate in the crying contest." (Princess Nesmeyana.)

Boy. "I am looking for an effective remedy for moths, as the flying machine is out of order." (Old man Hottabych.)

5. "A lonely dreamer, height 12 meters, weight 4 tons, will give fiery love to a tender three-headed friend." (Dragon.)

6 ... Bank "Country of Fools" accepts deposits from the population. We guarantee a million percent a year. " (Fox Alice and Basilio the Cat.)

7. "A very small boy is urgently required to participate in the doubles." (Boy-with-Finger.)

Competition 2. "Artist"

You have to draw with your eyes closed what I will say: an ear, a pair of legs, a trunk, a tail, a pair of legs, a head, a torso, eyes. Now look at the elephants that you drew.

Competition 3. "Questions-jokes"

The most unusual will sound today
Witty, illogical
Intricate and groovy
The questions are very funny:

1. How to write a "mousetrap" in five letters? (Cat )
2. Who plunges into work? (
Diver )
3. What's the cool thing? (
Fishing )
4. What fields cannot be passed or driven? (
Along the brim of the hat )
5. What do fish and talkers have in common? (
They open their mouths endlessly.)
6. What can you cook but not eat? (
Lessons )
7. What has a head but no brains? (
Onion garlic )
8. How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (

Competition 4. "Battle of tongue twisters"

Guys who say the tongue twister 3 times without error will win.

For this I need two people.

  1. "Not on the grass, but about rolling O and okalo, O okalo, O ohalo, not on the grass, but about."

  2. "Four little grimy little devils drew a drawing in black ink"

Competition 5. "And we too"

I'll read a poem. When I pause, you say in unison"And we too." Only so that the sentence has meaning.

Once I went into the forest ...

And I saw a squirrel on the tree ...

She sits on a branch and gnaws nuts ...

I clapped my hands ...

And the squirrel jumped to another tree ...

I saw a woodpecker on a pine tree ...

His head knocks on her ...

I whistled ...

The woodpecker got scared and flew away from the tree ...

Suddenly I see it on the ground.

I got scared and stopped ...

And he raised his head and how he hisses ...

I ran away out of fear ...

Competition 6. "Humorous quiz"

Which of the heroes of Russian folk tales was a bakery(gingerbread man)

What heroes literary tale were agricultural products("The Adventure of Chippolino" by J. Rodari)

Which of fairytale heroes most of all he loves the saying:

"One head is good, but three is better"(Dragon)

Which of the heroes of the French fairy tale loved the shoes of the autumn-winter season?("Puss in Boots" by Ch. Perrault)

What kind of pet, more precisely, did a bird bring a piece of precious metal to its owners?(Chicken Ryaba)

What Russian folk tale glorifies lazy people?(By magic)

Which two personal pronouns in the first person impede traffic on the road?(I-WE)

How many personal pronouns in the word "family"(FAMILY)

The first syllable of a word is a personal pronoun of the first person, the second syllable of this words - name childhood illness, together they designate the object that holds the ship during anchorage... (ANCHOR)

The first syllable is the personal pronoun of the second person, the second is the sound that the frog makes, together - the name of the vegetable.(PUMPKIN)

Well done boys! We did an excellent job with this task.

Today we joked a lot, laughed, smiled. Let's finish our holiday with a fun song.

To do this, we need to split into groups and sing the song "Walking Fun Together" in several languages \u200b\u200bat once:

  • the first group - doggy style,
  • the second - feline,
  • the third - like a donkey,
  • the fourth is piggy style.


Awarding of winners, presentation of gifts.

On the Sea of \u200b\u200bLaughter under the flag of Smiles - an evening of family fun

The evening is held in the hall, where families who have come to the party sit at the tables set for tea drinking. At the Sladkoezhka kiosk, located here, they can buy cakes, cookies, chocolate for tea. The kiosk is decorated in an April Fool's spirit: portraits of the Three Fat Men, advertising slogans - "It's better to burst your belly than to be good," etc.
At the entrance to the hall there is a table with “individual tasks”, families choose the task in accordance with their tastes and capabilities. While the guests gather, buy sweets for tea, choose and begin to prepare tasks, and the host's assistants offer them hot tea, funny melodies sound, for example: “Song of good mood"From the movie" Carnival Night ", the song" Smile "by V. Shainsky," Song of the Captain "from the movie" Children of Captain Grant "and others.
At the beginning of the tea party, the presenters sit down at each table in turn, get to know the guests, explain the tasks and give the necessary tips. When the children have already satisfied their initial interest in treats and tea, the hosts - they may be dressed in a nautical style - begin the program.
Dear guests: dads and moms, grandmothers and grandfathers and, of course, children! Today is an extraordinary, wonderful day. But ... first let me make a few comments ... Baby in the blue sweater, all your ice cream is on your cheeks and nose! And you, dear father of the family, have all the buttons from your jacket gone somewhere! And you, the mother of these adorable twins and the author of this seductive cake, forgot to take off your kitchen apron at home! Sorry, I was joking. C. First of April you, friends! Happy April Fool's Day, spring jokes and mischievous pranks! And now everyone loves to play and play each other: the government is playing us, almost every day, and the further - the "cooler" its jokes with the people: prices play with our salaries and win with devastating scores; sellers play with buyers while they “flap their ears”; children play with their parents, and parents play with their children.
And of all these gaming companies, only the last two (children - parents) evoke the greatest sympathy, because your games are the kindest and most joyful. Because your jokes and amusements do not shorten, but prolong life, do not take away, but bring health, do not destroy, but strengthen love and affection for each other. Kind, cheerful laughter is a wonderful vitamin for everyone, the most powerful and priceless elixir of life. And it is all the more valuable because this vitamin does not cost you a dime. You can laugh - even in our time - for the time being completely free. And at our party, moreover, for this you can still get a prize. Also completely free, and even with a profit for yourself, you can laugh out loud today! Let's continue the string of synonyms that denote this beautiful ... no, not action - the state of the human soul. And our first prize will go to the one whose word is the last.
A competition-auction of synonyms for the word "laugh" is being held. Possible words: giggle, grin, giggle, laugh, gurgle, roll, etc. The last participant of the competition is awarded and placed on his table, on a stand, a flag with the image of a smiling clown or something similar, and, in addition, he receives a prize.
So, the first prize goes to a sailor from a ship called …………! Have you noticed that all of you, sitting at 6 tables, turned out to be sailors of 6 sailing ships? And each of the ships under its own loud and proud name and under its own white sail sails ... in the Sea of \u200b\u200bLaughter, in the sea in which even to drown is a pleasure! Let's get acquainted with the proud and loud names of sailing ships!
The names are written on paper sails, which are on each table on a special stand: "Uwah!" "Log", "Sneeze!", "Syrup", "Donut" and "Uvalen". No need to grin, cackle, etc. These are really loud and proud names. They are just very long, and we wrote them down in abbreviations. We hope that now the crews will decipher the names of their ships for everyone. And the sailing ship with the loudest and most proud name will become the flagship of our merry flotilla until the next competition. The Smile Flag will now fly over its masts.
Name Decoding Competition
Possible decryption options: "Donut" - "You will involuntarily clink glasses!", "We sneeze!" - "We are weird and recklessly joking, e-mine!" etc. After the competition, a prize is awarded: it can be a toy boat, and then a sail with the name of the ship can be fixed directly on it. After each competition, the Smile Flag must be moved to the winner's table and announced that this ship will become the flagship.
So where does the flagship lead us on the Sea of \u200b\u200bLaughter? (Looks "into the distance" through a telescope). Guard! Save our souls! We are sailing straight ... Send an SOS signal to all ships - in a chain from one to another! But how to convey? No one has a walkie-talkie or signal flags on board. And what kind of danger lies ahead - it is visible only from the flagship. Some of the members of its crew must, with gestures, facial expressions (after all, your words cannot be heard due to the noise of the waves), transmit danger messages to the second ship, from the second to the third, and so on ... I wonder how they will understand this message on the last ship?
SOS competition!
1 person from each "ship" go out and stand in a row. All but the first turn their backs to the presenter. The first one is given a "telescope", and in front of it the presenter unfolds a poster with an inscription or a humorous drawing of "Reefs", which is then removed immediately. The second player is invited to turn to face the first, who, in a pantomime, conveys a message about the danger threatening the "ships". The second then passes the information on to the third it. e. The last player must formulate the signal he received in words. If he said: "Reefs" - all the players receive prizes: children's lifebuoys, inflatable toys as liferafts, and the presenter's wishes are voiced to use these life-saving devices to swim out of the depths of the sea in case of a disaster. If the information is distorted beyond recognition, the players formulate their information in a chain from the last to the first. Players who have distorted the message are sent to the "marine guardhouse", they can escape from this fate by dancing "Apple".
2 version of the competition. Pass the word "SOS" from table to table along the chain, but ... it must be part of another word. The prize goes to the crew whose word turns out to be the funniest. You can come up with a whole phrase from such words, for example: "The sucker sucks the nipple."
Jokes as jokes, and the reefs are getting closer ... And only a sea talisman can help us escape from the impending shipwreck. Where is our talisman? Yes, here, on the bulkhead of the wardroom, is his image. But why is it covered by these colored squares? All clear! You have to guess it. Well, let each ship send here a youngest cabin boy. He has the right to see a piece of the image; for this you need to remove 1 square, which you want. If you didn't guess - then the square goes back, and another boy comes into play. 2-3 squares? marked with an asterisk - they cover the most "prompting" parts of the talisman and open only for the "ransom": ditties, rhyme, song ...
There is a jung competition "Guess the talisman". Jung, who guessed what is shown behind the squares (this is Carlson!), Receives the corresponding prize: Carlson, a doll, a book about Carlson, sweets with a picture of Carlson on the box, etc.
Here he is, our talisman - the fattest, funniest and most fun person on the planet! And do not grieve, cabin boys, who did not receive a prize with Carlson, because the real Carlson, our living talisman, will sail further along with us, I will laugh!
The phonogram of the song about Carlson "Funny Man" sounds, to which the real Carlson runs into the hall, dances, jumps and involves all children and even adults in a merry round dance.
Carlson (after the dance).
Well, there was a pitching! It seems to me that after this whistle dance, seasickness began. Medicines are urgently required.
Carlson, what an illness there is! There are reefs ahead, and you, our talisman, help us escape from shipwreck?
I will guide you through the reefs! After all, I am the best pilot in the world, the most, the most ...
Carlson, rather! The reefs are close!
So why are you delaying? Find me worthy students urgently! I will teach them the art of pilotage, then we will not be afraid of any reefs. After all, I am the most ...
Who do you need specifically, speak quickly, Carlson!
Real men! One big and one small man from each ship, in short - dad and son.
So, we invite real men to come to us!
Here comes the reefs! (Places cardboard "reefs" or pins.) The ship across the reefs is conducted like this: sons put these gloves on their hands, dads take their sons' legs with their hands, and let them walk between the reefs in their hands, and dads hold their legs behind.
The competition is held either for a time - in this case a stopwatch will not interfere - or it is taken into account which pair dropped fewer pins. During the competition, a merry marine melody sounds, for example, "Over the seas, over the waves". Carlson presents the winner with a prize - a compass, a toy steering wheel, a doll's stroller for a baby - with appropriate comments.
Carlson (after the competition).
Hurray, the reefs are behind! And I ... I got sick from the terrible exertion of all my strength and nerves ... Could you find a little medicine?
And how can we treat you?
How? Do you know how to treat me? Children, how can I be treated? Of course, buns, buns, jam, cookies ...
Well, we have as many of these drugs on our ships as we want. Ship coca know their business!
Oh, and for sure, eyes run up! I don't know where to start treatment ...
In that case, you need a prescription.
Who will give me this recipe?
Those who prepared the medicines. Dear ship coca, how will your signature dish be useful for the unfortunate patient? Help him understand all this abundance of "drugs".
There is a competition for mothers "Advertising of a family's signature dish", about which guests are warned in advance. "Koku" - the winner is awarded a prize - Carlson's favorite spoon or a book of culinary recipes.
Come on, Carlson, look through the telescope! What's ahead?
Ahead - an island, "all covered with greenery, absolutely all"!
Well, no, on this island - the island of Bad Luck - we don't - we need! Steering right! Now what's ahead, Carlson?
Also an island! Look on the map, what is it called?
This is an island ... Yes, this is an island known to all of us, cheerful, wonderful, where summer is all year round, where coconuts and bananas grow! We moor to the shore, and here I am plucking the first bunch of bananas from the first tree I come across ... (Removes a large bunch of bananas disguised in its branches from a large indoor plant). And this wonderful island is called ...
Chunga - Chunga!
Let this bunch go to the crew who is the best able to sing this wonderful island in song!
Are there any singers on the ships? I doubt something ... And they probably don't know the words beyond the third line ...
How can there not be singers if a whole ensemble of gypsies travels on the first sailing ship?
Wasn't it their shawls you found here in the luggage compartment? (Distributes shawls to the crew).
And on the second ship - fire, cool rock band
And here are her guitars!
On the third - the chorus of the Russian song ……….
... with their kokoshniks and balalaikas. (Distributes).
On the fourth - the Red Banner ensemble named after Alexandrova!
Get Outfits! (Distributes military caps).
On the fifth ship there is the Chu-Chu Indian tribe ensemble.
The chief's headdress is in my hands!
On the sixth - the chorus kindergarten, younger group!
Well, they lost all these things about the ship. Take apart panama bows, small fry (handing out).
So, each crew performs one verse and chorus of the song "Chunga-Chang" - of course, in their own way. (Distributes leaflets with the words of the song) We give three minutes for rehearsal.
In the meantime, we will refresh ourselves with cakes.
Competition for the best performance of the verse of the song "Chunga - Changa" in a manner corresponding to the "profile" of the art group.
Host (after the competition). Everyone sang the song wonderfully! Therefore, bananas ...
Therefore, we ate the bananas ourselves, so as not to offend anyone! But we allow you to pick yourself a bunch of bunches for each crew. If you find them in the trees. Look, because the island "Chunga-Changa" is all overgrown with banana trees!
The melody of the song plays again. Children go looking for bananas for their crew. Bananas can be hung on large houseplants and camouflaged among the leaves. Carlson runs away.
So, after resting on the wonderful island, our flotilla is again rushing forward in full sail, to new shores! The crews in their cockpits gorge themselves on bananas and ... poison jokes. Let's have a fun competition between the crews - a competition for the funniest anecdote! Note that you can not only tell an anecdote, but also improvise theatrically.
A joke contest is held. The winner will be awarded the “Collection of jokes” as a prize.
Carlson (running into the hall).
Polundra! While you are baiting jokes, a storm is coming! The ocean was raging, the waves rush over the side! .. We are in danger of certain death!
Never mind, Carlson, you are so famous that you will forever remain in the hearts of millions as the funniest person who fell victim to the sea element.
And maybe even a monument has been erected for me, which will look like. What will it look like? Now, now I'll come up with ... (Thinks). So, musicians, play the march!
The melody of the song "Varyag" sounds, to which Carlson marches to the middle of the hall.
And now a monument to me will arise from the depths of the sea! I ask in chorus:
The sea is worried - one
The sea is worried - two,
The sea is worried - three,
Sea figure, freeze!
Carlson, under these words, depicts a waving sea - waving his arms above his head to the beat, as in a child's play. On the word “freeze,” the host with an assistant, a volunteer from among the guests, abruptly close it with a “curtain” - a blue cloth. Then, after a significant pause, to the sounds of a smooth and solemn melody, the “curtain” slowly falls to the floor, and the motionless figure of Carlson appears before the audience with a lifebuoy on his belt, huge jars of jam in his hands and a large piece of cake or a large fake candy in his mouth. His cheeks and nose are smeared with cream, the pose is full of greatness.
Monument to the victim of the sea element - the great Carlson! Applause!
Host (after applause). It seems to me that this is rather a monument not to the victim of the sea element, but to the victim of gluttony. I just want to knock out the inscription-aphorism on the pedestal: "To die - so well fed!"
Carlson. You see, thanks to me a new aphorism was born, which expresses an unusually wise thought. This is how the monument I created inspires you! Well, who, besides the great Carlson, is capable of such a thing?
And now we can easily find out! So, let's follow the example of the great Carlson, create monuments, whole sculptural groups expressing some great ideas, born of humanity and formulated in aphorisms. Several cards with aphorisms written on them were placed on the guests' tables before the evening began. Let's give the crews a few minutes to think over their composition.
While the crews are preparing, soft music sounds. The competition of sculptural groups begins.
An approximate list of aphorisms that need to be embodied in monuments:
1. "I would gnaw bureaucracy like a wolf."
2. "Beauty requires sacrifice."
3. "All ages are submissive to love"
4. "The rich also cry."
5. "The process has begun ...".
6. “There are women in Russian villages” ... and so on.
The winning crew in this competition will be awarded a souvenir statuette, preferably comic in nature.
Drowning citizens! The sky cleared, the storm subsided. To everyone's joy, you did not have time to drown in the depths of the sea, and the need for monuments to perpetuate your dignity has disappeared!
General jubilation on the ships! You can throw out your stormy emotions and enthusiasm about an unexpected rescue in a cheerful sea dance! I invite all those who survived to the circle!
The phonogram of the song "White without a cap" performed by O. Gazmanov. Carlson and the host engage the guests in the dance.
Leading (after the dance).
Straight ahead - an island! It is called…
Carlson (pulls out the map from him).
Treasure Island! Chur, all my treasures!
The treasures must first of all be discovered.
They are at the bottom of the sea in this bay. They must be caught with a net!
Yoongi, get to work!
Children are given a "network" with which they go to the "bay" - the adjacent room. From there they already run out with a casket entangled in the "nets".
Here they are, treasures! Let's dispose of them this way: whoever pulls the net in his direction will get everything.
Carlson organizes a competition among the youngsters. Children are divided into two teams, and at his signal, each pulls the net in its direction. If a team begins to succumb to an opponent, Carlson calls on dads and moms for help. It is necessary to bring the game to a draw.
No, we won't succeed! Better to share the treasures honestly. Let everyone who wants to earn them. I will name the word, and whoever comes up with the funniest rhyme to it, I will give a ticket. And the ticket says what kind of treasure you have to get from the casket. After the game, the exchange of tickets for treasures will begin. They will be handed over by Carlson.
I agree!
The inscriptions on the tickets can be as follows: a car, a vacuum cleaner, a stereo system, a video set-top box, etc. The same are handed over - with appropriate comments - a toy car, a broom, a rattle, a children's kaleidoscope.
Host (after the presentation of the won "treasures").
So, dear friends-sailors, today we plowed the vast ocean of Laughter on our sailing ships up and down! And everywhere we were lucky. That's what it means to sail under the flag of the Smile!
And with a talisman like me!
Saying goodbye to you, we thank you for making us a pleasant and cheerful company on this extraordinary journey. We wish you successful sailing in the sea of \u200b\u200blife! And this is possible only if you embark on this voyage under the flag of Smile!
And with a friend like me! Goodbye friends!


Host: Good evening, our beloved irresistible guests! We are very glad that you came to our cafe to celebrate the holiday and just sit in a company surrounded by interesting people and in a good festive mood. But, unfortunately, we have to upset you: the event is postponed, or rather, everything depends on you and me! Was this exactly what should have happened today? My co-host could not get to our cafe on time due to a strange disease unknown to medicine. I convinced myself that she was a Princess, and besides, Nesmeyana! And, for 5 hours in a row, she has been crying! What to do? I can't imagine ...

But we will have to accept her for who she really is. I propose not to succumb to this terrible temptation - the boring disease - and take the first drop of the elixir of laughter and cheerfulness, humor and good mood, which our wonderful assistants will treat all those present in the hall.

So, so as not to infect yourself
Boring disease,
To portray something here
You will have to be cleaner.

A joke, of course. And what about today without good jokes ?!

I want to warn you right away so that you tune in to the most humorous wave that is about to overwhelm our cafe with fervent laughter! So that our acquaintance does not drag on and you immediately understand why everyone is here, I hasten to inform you that on the Day of Humor and Laughter we opened a night humor cafe.

To work in our fun, cozy and quirky establishment, we need a talented, humorous staff that can be found among you. The first position on the list is a super humorous administrator. As you know, an administrator must have a good sense of humor, erudition and intuition, and most importantly, what is appreciated in a real administrator is improvisation. Everyone sitting at the table should use their imagination and complete the first task. Imagine that you, sitting at the first table, are walking in the desert. Heat, hot sun, drought, mirage showed you a jug of water. Your actions?

Host: We figured out the mirage and the jug, and not bad at all. We go further and, suddenly, in the middle of the desert, a wall appeared right in front of us. Your actions?

(Each table shows its own humorous sketch on this topic.)

(Each table shows its own humorous sketch on this topic.) Host: And here, finally, the sea. Beach, pretty girls, muscular guys, seagulls cry. Your actions? (Each table shows its own humorous sketch on this topic.)

Host: Now, let's summarize the results of our qualifying round. With your applause, we will determine the best miniature and find out the name of the winner, whom we will appoint as the administrator of the humor cafe.

(Applause determines the winner. Award ceremony. The winner is awarded the medal "Administrator of a humor cafe".)

Host: Yes, young people are initiative! And yet, I think it's high time to come as my co-host. Where is she? It is not clear ... Okay, let's wait! And we continue to recruit staff for the humor cafe. Please tell me who in the cafe follows the administrator on career ladder? Yes, of course, the waiters! It is known that the waiter is very busy, he never has enough hands for anything. That is why he must have extraordinary abilities. What, you ask? And I will answer you - dexterity, dexterity and intelligence!

We are starting the second qualifying round. Task for the participants at the tables: please demonstrate to us the behavior of the waiter in the following situations:
- the waiter brings the dish to the table, they thank him and give him a tip;
- the waiter brings the dish to the table, accidentally drops the dish on the head of the cafe visitor;
- the waiter brings the dish to the table, the visitor of the cafe puts the bandwagon on the waiter.

You need to show a mini-scene with humor and laughter!

(Each table shows its own humorous sketch on this topic.)

Host: I was just informed that our princess herself, Nesmeyana, arrived to please us on the Day of Laughter and Humor. Meet dear friends!

(The Princess enters the stage in a mini-skirt, a top, with a dance pole in her hands.)

Oh, I'm a miserable grief,
My situation is critical!
Sobbed, gentlemen,
There are two buckets along the trickles.
They say the tsar's daughter
Everything is crying day and night.

Oh, Lord, where does so much water come from in me? A-a-a! It is Ivan Tsarevich who is to blame for everything! Says: drink "Sprite" - don't let yourself dry out! So I don't dry out! And my kingdom is all wet! Oh, fool, I'm a fool!

Host: Hello! And I am Alexander, nice to meet you!

(The princess looks contemptuously at the presenter and sings a song.)

Song of Nesmeyana (to the tune "Help me" from the movie "The Diamond Hand")

The cafe lights are burning furtively
With a bright dawn
And the whole image creates an interesting atmosphere.
And I was in a hurry to visit you -
To all friends, masters,
To stay in the establishment with you for the night here.

Make it laugh, make it laugh
Tell me a joke.
Show, press to yourself,
Give me a sandwich to chew.

Maybe I'll stop crying
Give me half a banana.
Can I have a glass of wine
I have to drink here to the bottom.

I'm on stage - it's a miracle
How fabulously beautiful I am.
And outfits and perfume,
Not to get into the hold for the night.

True, the chests were empty
Fathers of our Tsar,
Yes, and 33 heroes
They wanted to marry me.

I got tired of everything quickly!
Vanka got married
I don't want to go for-so.

Overseas Shah came,
Flew away instantly on balloons
As soon as he saw me ...
Oh, the Tsar father offended ...

A-A-A! He made me like this
Here I am crying, everything is in vain.
Who would make me laugh
I would put you on a horse!

I would not resist -
Three decades alone.
Hey, Lead, where is the decree?
I will punish you now!

Well, better, on the holiday of Laughter
Have fun!
And you, guests, turn on,
You better get up.

After all, today is the Day of all the tricks. Ah-ah!
I forgot! I forgot!
I can’t, I can’t!
Raise your leg on a pole
Oh, I'm crying, make me laugh
Maybe you will make some noise?

Yes, something is quiet here with us ?! It seems like, evening is just class! I invite guests to help our crybaby-wax! Oh what am I saying? Our dear beauty Nesmeyane will laugh! And for this we need to make some noise all together, together. Moreover, there are no musicians on the staff of our humor cafe. It's time to fundamentally change the situation. Noise band, get ready!

(The presenter distributes to everyone who wants to use instruments for a noise orchestra (a judge's whistle, wooden spoons, a saucepan with a ladle, a tambourine, a drum. Each musician will perform on a gesture signal from Nesmeyana. the orchestra joins in.)

Nesmeyana: How cool! Great, great! Ha ha ha!

Host: Well, Nesmeyana, now I think you will always be in a good mood and always smile!

Nesmeyana: Now I'm not Nesmeyana! I am now beautiful Elena, your co-host. Have you forgotten? You're right. By the way, about the smile. Do not assume that a smile is so - smiled, they say, blurred and that's it. No, friends, it's much more interesting. Hemoglobin rises from laughter. Yes, you can imagine. Once it rises, it means he and we are good. It's a trifle for us, smiled and that's it, but he is pleased!

Host: So, a free humorous zone is being introduced in our humor cafe.

Nesmeyana: Let's joke and laugh, and the most fervent guest of the cafe at the end of the evening will be awarded the Order of the Smile "Damn it!" and an award of 22 kisses from the girls present.

Host: Let's start our evening! Fun and fun! As few tears as possible, as much laughter as possible! I think these words will become the motto of our unusual April Fools' program. We begin our immediate duties - the duties of the leaders.

Nesmeyana: Yes, we completely forgot about the main thing executive cafe, to protect me, to keep order in our establishment, I want to invite the most courageous, persistent representatives of the stronger sex to the stage. You are probably all very fond of fishing. Just imagine yourself in such a situation, beat it. You cast your fishing rod and sit on the shore, waiting for the bite. Suddenly a large fish caught on to your hook. You pull the rod, it does not leave its place. You decide to go into the water, roll up your trousers. You go further and further into the river. Here, the fish broke off and swam away. But you were satisfied, because you have just become the participants of the show - the competition for the most beautiful male legs! Girls, according to your reaction and your applause, we will determine the winner of the competition, the owner of the most beautiful male legs!

(Selection of applicants.)

Host: I propose to choose one very best for the most masculine position in our cafe.

Nesmeyana: What is it? Interesting! A bouncer or something?

Host: Considering your external data, I want to offer you a gorgeous role - the role of a boyfriend, a symbol of our cafe.

Host: But we have two applicants for one place! We will choose the best of the best.


The task of the participants: to carry the girl in her arms, overcoming an obstacle course: peas, a bowl of water scattered on the floor, etc.

Nesmeyana: Listen, this is what they wrote in fresh issue one of the newspapers: "The palms slowly move from the chest to the back, from the spine down to the waist, from the waist they move to the stomach, from the abdomen to the hips and further, further ..."

Host: Listen, what are you reading?

Nesmeyana: Why? Instructions for customs inspection. And what, let us arrange a security check for our guests, the same gentle and pleasant. The girls look for clothespins on the guys' clothes, then change places and do all this with our eyes closed.

Host: Friends! On April Fool's Day, in the humor cafe, we held a public review of such human qualities as resourcefulness, wit, the ability to laugh at ourselves. And so that the Day of April 1st gives a charge of vigor and joy, let's take care of the most serious, the most important thing - laughter.

Nesmeyana: In a word, laugh heartily not only once a year! Happy holiday of laughter and humor!

(The evening continues with a disco.)


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