Study on appliqués in the world of fairy tales. An abstract application for appliqué "Fabulous bird. Equipment for each child Colored cardboard, colored paper strips, glue, scissors, napkin, brush


Applique for the senior group.

Develop attention, visual control of the action of the hands, to enable everyone from children to show independence in choosing ways to decorate.



SUMM OF NODE ON Application

In the senior group

"Fabulous Bird"

Abstract Node on appliqués in the senior group "Fairy-Bird"

Preparation of the teacher K. this kind Node

Selection of illustrations of "Firebird"

Preparation of presentation with fireband illustrations.

Selection of fairy tales about fabulous birds.

Reading the Russian folk tale "Tsar-Maiden"

Preparation of the abstract NOD for children of the group on the topic " Fabulous bird»

Equipment for each child Color cardboard, colored paper strips, glue, scissors, napkin, brush.

Purpose: Teach children correlate real and fabulous images, create a fabulous bird image in appliques, transmitting its unusual and brightness using elements of decorative design.
Tasks: Fasten the cutting technique of cutting circles and ovals from squares and rectangles, thus transforming one figure to others.
Develop attention, visual control of the action of the hands, to enable everyone from children to show independence in choosing ways to decorate work and creativity.
Relieve accuracy, friendly attitude towards others.

Material and equipment: Illustration of "Firebirds", color cardboard, colored paper strips, glue, scissors, napkin, brush.
Teaching methods:
Wonderful - story, explanation, dialogue.
Visual - illustration of a fabulous bird.

Preliminary work:

View the "Firebird" presentation
Reading the Russian folk tale "Tsar-Maiden", viewing illustrations of fire-birds.

Travel course:
Children sit at the tables

In: - Guys, I have an envelope in my hands, and in it a letter. It is written on it Kindergarten "59", the group "Dwarfs" from Leknivka. Do you think this is addressed to us?

D. (Answers)

Q: - Guys now open and read: Hello, dear guys! I am writing to you, Dunno. We doncum with a very interesting fairy tale about the firebird. But in our book there is not a single picture. And we and all residents of the flower city so wanted to take a look at her. We know what you read a fairy tale, and you know what the firebird looks like. Guys, please send a photo of the firebird. Thank you in advance!
Q: - Guys, and what fairy tale did we read, in which the fire-birds say?
D: - "Tsar-Maiden"
In: - Guys, I have one photo of the festivals, but we cannot send it, as we have one, and the inhabitants of the flower city need a few pictures. Let us make the heat of birds for them?
D: - We can make an applique ...
Q: - (Consider the Firebird) Good. Look at this firebird. Why do bird in fairy tales call the firefly?
D: - Because it is bright, and the tail is like a flame ...
In: - Yes, this bird is colorful, she has an unusual wings, tail, butter.
Does she look like an ordinary bird?
D: - Yes
Q: - You correctly noticed guys that with all the variety of birds, they have a lot in common. All birds, and fabulous and real have the same parts of the body. What parts of the body have birds?
Children: - torso, wings, tail, head, neck, paws, beak.
Q: - The main decoration of any magic, fabulous bird is her tail. What will be the tail of your bird depends on your imagination. Selection of colors, their combination, the form of feathers - all this is your desire. Everyone will have their own unique heat. The more unusual, the bird will be more interesting, the more joy and happiness it will bring residents of the flower city.
Q: Before we proceed to work, we will play with you.
Fisminet "Flock of Birds"
A flock of birds flies south, the sky is blue around (the children make hands, as if wings,
To fly rather, it is necessary to wave the wings (the children are more intense)
In the sky clear sun shines, the cosmonaut flies in the rocket (sipping - hands up)
And below - the forests, fields, the earth is spread (tilt forward, hands are bred to the side)
Birds began to descend, all sit on the glade,
A long way to have a long way, you need to rest in the birds (the children sat down)
And it's time to go on the road again, we need to fly a lot (the children get up and mashed "wings")
So south. Hurrah Hurrah! Time to land.
Q: Now let's start working. What do you see in front of me?
D: - Geometric forms (rectangles, square)
Q: - What figure should we need for a bird body
D: - oval
Q: - Do you have an oval? (No) Take the biggest rectangle in your hands, it will be a body torso, how can I turn it into oval?
D: - cut corners
Q: The head and torso are cut from blanks of square and rectangular shape.
- offer basic details on the sheet (show stages)
-There to the body, wings, head, turned out a fabulous bird?
In: - Your birds do not have a tail. You are on the tables there are paper strips they are suitable for the tail. As you will portray it, depends on your design. Selection of colors, their combination; The shape of feathers and bird decoration - all this is your desire. Everyone will have their own, unique fabulous bird.
(Independent creative activity of children).
Q: - And now, guys, let's place your festivals on our table and admire them.
- Guys, you did not forget why we created such beautiful hot birds? What was the most difficult for you? What do you think the tail from whose bird is most interesting and beautiful? Well done, everyone showed fantasy, tried. In the evening we will sign an envelope and send our birds into a flower city.

Applique in senior group DOU "Fabulous Bird"

Education area: Applique
Purpose: Mastering the technique of symmetric, silhouette cutting, using a variety of ways to attach the material on the background, to obtain a volumetric application.
1. Teach children correlate real and fabulous images.
Based on the impressions (in the process of preparatory work), it is proposed to create a fabulous bird image in the application, transmitting its unusual and brightness using elements of decorative design.
2. Continue to acquaint children with a volumetric applique. Show the way of cutting the silhouette of a poultry paper folded in half.
3. Develop the visual control of the hands.
4. Enable everyone from children to show independence in choosing ways to decorate work and creativity.
5. Brief friendly attitude towards others.
Material and equipment:
Exhibition of works on the topic "Fabulous birds" made in different ways. Audio recording "Voices of birds", "Forest sounds", etc. Color cardboard, strips of colored paper, confetti, glue, glue brush, scissors, napkin, etc.
Preliminary work:
Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Fire-Bird and Vasilisa Tsarevna", P. P. Ershova "Konk-Gorboon" and others. Viewing illustrations, cards depicting birds. Survey on the modeling on the topic "Fabulous bird", drawing birds.

Travel course:

Hello guys. Today, appliqué occupation begins unusual.
His quieter do not attach
Our fairy tale do not go
There are wonders here
The tale hid behind!
Do not be sad, smile
The fairy tale gives us a surprise.
Educator: Children look a tree, and on the tree of birds let's see, and let's call what birds we see on the tree.
(Sparrow, forty, tit, larks, nightingale, pigeon, crow).

Educator: Children, see here there is another bird, unusual than it differs from other birds?
Children: This is a fabulous bird.
Educator: Why do you think this bird is fabulous?
(Plumage is brighter, beautiful, unusual gears, painted tail)
Educator: What is common to all birds?
Work on the scheme.
(Head, torso wings, paws, tail, beak, eyes)
Educator: Children, and in what fairy tales we met a fabulous bird?
"Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf".
"The fire bird and Vasilisa is beautiful."
"The Little Humpbacked Horse."
Children Let's see what beautiful fabulous birds.
(view slides)

Educator: Children I suggest you a little blowing and decorate the bird with an unusual way. We have birds torso patterns and multi-colored clothespins, complete with clothespins tail, wings, beak and see what beautiful bird You got. (work on the carpet)

Guys, would you like to turn into a fabulous bird, unusual beauty?
Relaxation to the music. Express in a fabulous bird.
I'll go through the forests.
Many birds there,
All flush sing.
Nestwood wipes.
Educator: I suggest you move to the "Fairy Tale Workshop"
Make your beautiful unique "fabulous bird"
. Address.
- You correctly noticed guys, that with all the variety of birds, they have a lot in common. All birds, and fabulous and real have the same parts of the body (torso, head, tail, etc.). Now I will show you how you can cut the silhouette of a bird without a tail - we will do it later.
- Silhouette can be cut out of paper folded in half. Who will tell you how to put paper in half in half, and for which way to keep the workpiece? (Responses of children and showing a sequence of cutting).
- Cut starting from the torso. I hold the blank behind the fold line horizontally. I put the scissors on the left lower angle and cut off (big slide) to about the middle of the workpiece. Then cut directly - this is the neck. The neck turns into the head (small hill) and ends with a sharp beak. Look at the diagram and remember the contour cutting sequence once again.
(Children self-cut the silhouette of the birds).
- Bird's body we glue to the sheet, and the neck and head will be freely addressed. So we get not flat, and the three-dimensional image, which will give our bird the liveliness. The bird immediately bowed his head and, it seems that she is about to come down from the sheet and will stop.
- Now we have to complement the image. And the main decoration of any magic, fabulous bird is her tail. As you will portray it, depends on your design. Selection of colors, their combination; The shape of feathers and bird decoration - all this is your desire. Everyone will have their own, unique bird. The more unusual, the bird will be more interesting, the more joy and happiness it will bring.
The educator invites children to go to the "fabulous workshop"
Children go beyond the tables.
Fingering gymnastics: Nurse birds
Birds are small
In the sky flying
Birds are small
On the palm of the village
We will be birds
We will magnify birds
And Varobushka find out
Immediately nice caught
Will sing for a kid
In a gilded cell
Oh trouble, oh mis
Flew forever
Behind the mountain is high
The river is wide.
Repeat with children working with scissors.
(independent creative activity of children).
Organization of the exhibition.
- Guys, we have a whole pack of birds. Let's look at the birds will admire them.
(analysis of children's work).

theme "Fabulous Bird"

learning to transfer the image of a fabulous bird in the technique Applique
Educational: - consolidate knowledge about the genre of animalist, about cold and warm colors. - master the technique of symmetric, silhouette cutting; - Fit the unusual and brightness using elements of decorative design. Developing: - Written with visual memory, creative thinking; raising: -spur benevolent attitude towards others; - The possibility of each of the children to show independence in choosing ways to decorate work and creative abilities. Equipment: Presentation of real and fantastic birds, registration of the working board "Fairy Tale Bird", the melody "Visiting a fairy tale", envelopes with color squares (cold and warm colors). Material: Color cardboard, colored paper strips, confetti, glue, scissors, napkin, etc.
Structure occupation
Husbanding the mysteries: she does not sit on the spot, on the tail spread to behave. (Forty) at night flies to hunt, does not see the day, and sleep hunting. (Owl) in winter on branches - apples! Mostly collect them! And suddenly apples were fatty, because it ... (bullfinch) in the forest under twitter, ringing and whistle, knocking the forest telegraph: "Great, Drozd, buddy!" And puts the signature ... (woodpecker) - tell me how we all call them one common word? (Birds).

3. Presentation. "Fabulous birds." Slides 6-8.

Melody sounds ... ("Visiting a fairy tale")
Today we have an unusual lesson I want to invite you to a fabulous forest. See who it is? She has a letter for us in the beak. - Hello guys! I heard that you know how to perform birds in the technique of applique from colored paper, I brought you hello from all the birds of our and the request more: to perform the birds of unusual, fabulous. We want an exhibition of crafts in your forest to open on the "Festival of Birds", we decided to contact you with such a request. Help us please! - What is the name of the genre in art, where is the artist of animals and birds depicts?
- So what birds will we fulfill today in class? (Fabulous). - True, the topic of our classes "Fairy Bird". Since ancient times, the image of birds is very often present in fairy tales of different peoples of the world, he brings with him people happiness, light, good luck. Remember and name fairy tales, cartoons, where there is an image of a fabulous bird ("Tsarevna Swan", "Finist - Clear Falcon", "Fire Bird.) - The image of the bird came to us from the distant past. Our ancestors loved to portray birds and endow them with fabulous abilities, they embroidered them on all sorts of oversets, towels and details of clothing. They decorated with their household items. - What is the difference in fabulous birds from ordinary? - Yes, these are colorful birds, with patterns, they have unusual wings, tails, horschiks. - And what do they have in common? - You correctly noticed guys, that with all the variety of birds, they have a lot in common. All birds, and fabulous and real have the same parts of the body (torso, head, tail, etc.).
III. Fizkultminutka.

Fingering gymnastics
Starting with the index fingers of both hands. My finger is dancing, this is the circle draws. This finger deftly jumps like a lightweight ball. And the Misinchik, my, baby, claw scrakes, like a mouse. And my big, fat man, he rushed on a barrel.
IV. Practical part

1. Exercise for the development of "warm" and "cold" colors
- How many colors have a rainbow? List. - You have envelopes on your tables. You need to make up the color of the rainbow. Of all the colors of the rainbow, take the "warm" colors.
- We talked about fabulous birds, looked at how artists were portrayed in fairy tales. And now I suggest you to perform a "fabulous bird" in the technique of appliqué.
2. Safety technique when working with scissors and glue

3. Demonstration of the finished product
Consider ready sample crafts. - Guys, look at the sample of our future appliqué. What features, would you notice? (Small body oval shape, flexible elongated neck with a small head, lush a long tail And bright colors). - Now I will show you how you can cut the silhouette of a bird without a tail - guys, to obtain a symmetrical silhouette, it is necessary to fold the colored paper in half, we apply the template to the fold line, we apply a simple pencil and start cut from the body along the resulting circuit. I hold the blank behind the fold line horizontally. I put the scissors on the left lower angle and cut off (big slide) to about the middle of the workpiece. Then cut directly - this is the neck. The neck turns into the head (small hill) and ends with a sharp beak.
4. Independent work on the task
Look at the diagram and remember the contour cutting sequence once again. (Children self-cut the silhouette of the birds). - Bird's body we glue to the sheet, and the neck and head will be freely addressed. So we get not flat, and the three-dimensional image, which will give our bird the liveliness. The bird immediately bowed his head and, it seems that she is like a leaf and will stop. - Now we have to complement the image. And the main decoration of any magic, fabulous bird is her tail. As you will portray it, depends on your design. Selection of colors, their combination; The shape of feathers and bird decoration - all this is your desire. (independent creative activity of children).
5. Freight

V. Summing up

1. Comparison with sample (+) and (-)
On the board next to a fabulous bird attach children's work. I draw attention to the aesthetic estimate of the selected color of the bird and the background, accuracy of the execution, its individual characteristics, etc., express proposals for improving the crafts.
To the finished handicraft, everyone pins the icon: Red - "Satisfied with his work, did everything right"; Orange - "Performed well, there are proposals for the performance of work", blue - "There are shortcomings, it could be better." - A fabulous bird praises all of you, admires your work. She thanks you for responded to her request.
2. Reflection.
- So our lesson approached the end. You have worked great today and you have got wonderful crafts. Thank you. If you liked the lesson, and you were very interested to work - take the square of the "warm" color, and if it was bored in class and uninteresting - take the square of the "cold" color.

Municipal state-financed organization Additional educationHouse of creativity

teacher of additional education


Subject lesson: "Fabulous bird."
purpose : Production of a fabulous bird, by appliques for sample.

Tasks :

Educational: Learning to transfer the image of a fabulous bird, passing its unusual and brightness, decorate individual parts and details of the image, fix the ability of children to cut parts of the object of different shapes and make an image of them.

Developing: Develop a small motorcy of the hands and coordination of movement in children, develop imagination, activity, creativity, attention, contribute to the development of a creative, harmoniously developed personality of the child.

Educational: to educate accuracy, perfection, respect and interest in the culture of the Russian people and the peoples of the world, the desire to learn how to create products that are pleased with others.

Material and equipment : A sample of "fabulous bird", illustrations of birds, illustrations to fairy tales "Konk-Gorbok » , "Heat-bird and Vasilisa Tsarevna » and "Ivan-Tsarevich and Grey Wolf", Body patterns and wings, colored background of paper, stripes and colored paper, glue, scissors, napkin, pencil, glue, tassel and a bowl for glue, computer for video fizminutka and music playback, feather firebirds.

Travel course:

1. The organizational moment.Greeting preparation for work


Quieter, kids do not make sure

Our fairy tale do not beg.

There are miracles ...

The tale hid behind!

The theme of our class "Fabulous Bird".

2. Theoretical part.

Behind the seas, behind the forests

Miracle - a fabulous country

Live birds in operenim

Unprecedented beauty.

How to spread your wings

Over the expanses they

Scattered on the ground

Fairy tales, happiness and dreams.

Guys, do you love fairy tales? As far as you love, I guess. But how do you know them?

And let's today we will remember the fairy tales in which the firebird lives. Children call fairy tales: "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf", "Firebird and Vasilisa-Tsarevna", "The Little Humpbacked Horse".(Attachment 1)

Pedagogue: Guys, I want you to show your fabulous bird today, but first I suggest you look at my fabulous clearing where the most different birds (Children view birds on the board). (Appendix 2).

Since ancient times in fairy tales of different nations The world is very often present by the image of a bird, he brings with him people happiness, light, good luck.

The image of the bird came to us from the distant past. Our ancestors loved to portray birds and endow them with fabulous abilities, they embroidered them on all sorts of oversets, towels and details of clothing. They decorated with their household items.

But do you know that our ancestors believed in the magical force of this unusual bird. It was believed that feather feather-bird performs the most cepete desiresAnd the fire-bird itself brings good luck, happiness, luck.

At the past classes, we studied and remembered different birds, did and screamed them, studied some kind of homemade birds, and what kind of wild.

And what is the distinguished fabulous birds from ordinary ? (children's responses).

Yes, these poultry are colorful, with patterns, they have unusual wings, tails, horschiks. And what about them in common? (children's responses)

You correctly noticed guys, that with all the variety of birds, they have a lot common: torso, head, tail, feathers. All birds, and fabulous and real have the same parts of the body.

Guys, would you like to turn into a fabulous bird, unusual beauty? For this we need the feather of the poultry. ( video - Fizminutka)

Birds fly away

(Walking on the spot with raising hands through the sides up and down.)

Wings are noisy.

(Tilting torso in different directions with hand breath)

Rushed above the ground

Swing heads.

(Head slopes.)

Straight and proudly know how to stay.

(Straighten up, hands behind the back - check posture, pause 3-4 p.)

And very silent

(Hands down - stretch up.)

In place sit down.

(Sit in place, stay straight.)

3. Practical part.

Pedagogue: - I suggest you move to the "fabulous workshop" to make your beautiful and unique "fabulous bird."

We will need this:

Background, blanks of the body and wings (in the form of a droplet 2 pcs.), That we need to circle and cut, cushion and huts to decorate the tail.

Safe techniques for working with scissors, glue.(Appendix 3)

1. Welcome torso and wings and cut out. We put on the background, glue.

Fizminutka. Gymnastics for eyes

Bird flew up (kids raise eyes up)
The bird flew to the right (look to the right)
The bird flew to the left (watch left)
And hid on the floor (looking at the floor)

Finger gymnastics "Little birds"

Little birds
Birds are small
In the forest fly,
Seeds are collected
Here's a violent wind flew
Birds wanted wanted
Birds hid in the hollow,
There and dry and warm
(Children perform actions according to words)

2. Now we have to add an image. And the main decoration of any magic, fabulous bird is her tail.

We have the main details on the sheet and stick

(Show stages of work.)

Everyone will have their own, unique fabulous bird. The more unusual, the bird will be more interesting, the more joy and happiness it will bring.

Independent creative activity of children. Individual work.

4. Summing up.

Pedagogue: - You have worked well today, and today we have a whole pack. "Fabulous birds". Let's look at the birds and admire them. You got wonderful crafts.

What interesting learned about the firebird?

What skills did you use today?

5. Reflection. Pedagogue: - And what would the feather happiness, we must tightly believe it and say magical words:

"Feather-bird feather brighter Sveti, good, and happiness to the house bring."

Appliques with children 3-4 years. Abstracts of Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week "Visiting a fairy tale"

Lesson 13. Bubble, Solominka and Laporn ( Colored paper. Scene Applique from Populated Silhouettes of Objects)

Software content.Learn children to lay the plot composition on a sheet of paper. Fasten sticking. Learning to draw objects with markers, bringing to the desired image. Continue to learn to listen to fairy tales and understand their content. Repeat the names of geometric figures (circle, oval).

Handout.Listed leaf with a "river" pasted at the bottom - a strip of blue paper; Cut from colored paper Details: Blue Circle, Yellow Strip, Brown Oval; Feltolsters, glue, brush for glue, cloth, oil lining.

Structure occupation

Read the guys Russian folk fairy tale "Bubble, straw and lap". Ask: "Why did the lasp fell into the water? (Lapo went on the straw, she broke, because the lap was heavy.)Why did the bubble burst? " (He laughed at friends and broke.)

Offer children to "repair" the heroes of this fairy tale. Put in front of each child the landscape sheet with the bottom "river" - a strip of blue paper and carved from colored paper parts: blue circle, yellow stripe, brown oval.

Ask the guys: "Which of the heroes of the fairy tale is similar to every of these geometric figures?" (The circle is similar to the bubble, the strip - on the straw, and the oval - on the lap.)

Offer the children to arrange the heroes on a sheet of paper near the "River", and then stick. When the adhesive will dry, children will have to "revive" the heroes with the help of felt-tumbers: to draw them eyes, mouth, nose, hands, legs.

From the book of modeling and appliqué with children 6-7 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 21. Building a house (laying from plasticine) Software content. To form in children the ability to sculpt a house from the rod bars, imposing them on each other and firmly connecting each other. Fasten the ability to use the stack. Develop

From the book drawing with children 6-7 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 41-42. Dominics of three piglets (part 1-2) (drawing with pastel shallow, santile, coal, wax shallow) software content. Continue learning to make illustrations to fairy tales. Develop the ability to place objects on a sheet of paper. Learn

From the book drawing with children 4-5 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "Dishes" Lesson 9. Cup (drawing with cotton wands. Gouache) software content. Learn children to draw the object of dishes from nature with a simple pencil, having it on the whole sheet. Learn yourself pick up suitable colors

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Theme of the Week "Clothing" Lesson 12. My Winter Cap (Drawing Brush. Gouache) Software content. Teach children draw a cap with a simple pencil; Picture a gouache of different colors. Develop thinking, attention. Material. Large sheet with three caps (red, red,

From the book Applique with children 3-4 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 21. Houses for Matryoshek (drawing with colored pencils) Software content. Teach children draw small and large objects consisting of a square and triangle. Continue learning to make a storyline. Relieve responsive

From the book drawing with children 3-4 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week of "Profession" Lesson 24. Rooster and paints (painting with a brush. Gouache) Software content. Expand the ideas of children about the pictorial features of the paints. Fasten the ability to call the basic colors, learn to select the desired color when creating a certain

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Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 41. Ice hut (drawing pastel shallow) Software content. Continue to acquaint children with cold tones. Learn to transmit characteristics Objects using cold color gamut. Meet opportunities

From the book of the author

Theme of the week "Visiting a fairy tale" Lesson 13. Bubble, Solominka and Lapor (Color Paper. Status Applique from Populated Silhouettes of Objects) Software content. Learn children to lay the plot composition on a sheet of paper. Fasten sticking. Learn

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 22. House for a Bunny and Rooster (Color Paper. Application from the prepared parts of the subject) Software content. Relieve responsiveness and kindness. Teach children to make a whole of several parts; put glue to the item and stick

From the book of the author

Theme of the week "Visiting a fairy tale" Lesson 13. Kolobok (drawing with colored pencils) Purpose. Learn to draw children with colored pencils round items and carefully paint them. Encourage emotionally responding to a fairy tale, turn on in its told. Demonstrate

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 22. Fence near the house (painting with a brush. Gouache) goal. Continue to teach children to draw various items consisting of combinations of lines. Learning to retell fairy tales, leaning on illustration in the book. Develop speech, thinking. Demonstrate

From the book of the author

Fairy tales help in education, but there are very harmful fairy tales The fact is that magic fairy tales are tales only for us. We understand that there are no miracles. For children, fairy tales is the most real reality, for children in the first years of their lives live in a fairy tale. And wizards are

From the book of the author

Tournament fun and resourceful "Visiting Fairy Tale" Design: Players - In Costumes fabulous heroes; Exhibition of drawings guys; Illustrations for fairy tales; Posters "Visiting a fairy tale", "The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint, good young lesson!"; Music. The Internet is held between the teams.


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