How to exchange a car battery under warranty. Is it possible to return the battery under warranty. Long warranty periods, what it is and why you need a warranty at all

DESTRUCTION "during the examination, ask ... there is no reference to the law ??? http: // As for the self-destruction of the battery, this issue is decided in court. In the application, try to indicate the condition of the battery in as much detail as possible: no damage, voltage at the terminals, etc. If this paper with the battery is accepted, it means that the store agrees with this. If, after the examination, you will be given a charred or deformable battery, this paper will play a large role in the court. In fact, I repeat, neither you nor the merchant want to sue because of this, so the more competent the claim is, the more straws you spread yourself, the less the merchant will want to contact you. The ideal, of course, would be to make an examination at your own expense, then: 1. the battery will stay alive 2.

How do I return a battery to a store under warranty?

Aleksandr1987 01/25/2012, 10:02 PM On the topic, take a replacement and say goodbye to them because the examination has been bought from them. The replacement cannot be returned, since they only give a letter of guarantee, where you sign that you will return, and they give an ancient one. Aleksandr1987 25.01.2012, 22:07 In court. It is unlikely that the store will go to court because of the battery, unless of course they have a full-time salary lawyer who spits at the ceiling. In this case, you can do an alternative examination. The lawyer seems to be, since today he asked for an article that says the examination is paid by the buyer, if his fault was provided ... I wonder where this examination is done, I would like to know the cost, and ask about "DESTROY" during the examination ...

Is it possible to return the battery to the store if we are not satisfied with it?


If the product is of inadequate quality (defective): In the event of a warranty case (if there is a corresponding conclusion from the warranty service center), we return cash or replace it with a similar product on the day of treatment (if payment was made in cash) or within 3 banking days for the settlement the buyer's invoice (if the goods were paid for with a plastic card). In case you did not receive due attention when accepting a return, you can complain about the quality of service by sending a letter to When the battery cannot be returned. Return is not possible if the battery was installed on a vehicle (car, special or motor vehicle), and was used in any equipment (generators, etc.), the terminals were connected and / or the presentation was broken.

Can the battery be returned to the store within 14 days?



  • Can I return within 14 days
  • How to return
  • Expertise - what will be checked
  • If a refund is refused
  • If you have obtained money without trial

Car enthusiasts and professionals are one of the categories of buyers who need to know all the intricacies of returning a purchased item. Due to the fact that often the parts for the car are very expensive and if they need to be replaced, the buyer, as they say, flies in a pretty penny, if there are possible reasons for the return, he wants to get his money back. However, stores are more and more often refused, and it seems to you that for no proper reason.

In what cases you can protect your rights and return the purchased battery is described by the law "On protection of consumer rights".
Regarding the return of unnecessary goods, read article 25 of the ZOZPP if the battery was bought simply in the store and art. 26.1 if the battery is brought under the order. If any product (even a battery) is bought simply at retail, in a store, then there is no right to return, according to Article 25 of the ZoZPP "Consumer's right to exchange a good quality product". There is a right to exchange goods that did not fit according to certain parameters.


These parameters are listed in clause 1 of article 25 of the ZOZPP and the list is not subject to extended interpretation: Quote: 1. The consumer has the right to exchange a non-food product of good quality for a similar product from the seller from whom this product was purchased, if the specified product did not fit in the form, dimensions, style, color, size or configuration. The consumer has the right to exchange a non-food product of good quality within fourteen days, not counting the day of purchase.


Returning the battery to the store under warranty

If you are sure that the breakdown did not happen because of your actions and any examination will confirm this, you can demand from the seller:

  • change the battery to a working one
  • carry out repairs at the expense of the store in order to eliminate the marriage
  • give money for the purchase of a low-quality part.

The store does not have the right to return your funds to you if it can pick up a replacement for a faulty battery (the same model, without a defect, or another model with a recalculated value). That is, if there are available substitutes for your device, you may be refused a refund and offered an exchange.
Even if you start them without a clutch depressed, there is already a violation of operation even in summer. and all goodbye guarantee. First you write a receipt for me, then they give out a battery G / | | -0 |< 26.01.2012, 07:39 А что за аккум? В 2010 купил Topla, проездил 1 год и 3 месяца (гарантию магаз давал 1 год). Приехал в магазин, установили, что сдохла банка, взяли на экспертизу. Через месяц отдали деньги. Претензия написана и отдана?Если можно — выложи что в претензии написал? Aleksandr1987 26.01.2012, 10:29 Претензию написал, но не отдавал, аккум Тab.

In the store, the density was measured in all jars, so here it is rather my fault and the expertise is only a minus to me. I concluded for myself that you need to charge and that's it, it will be cheaper. The claim is: IP Ivanov I.I. TIN 583500566940, Ensk "Ensk", pavilion "Ensk" From %%%% Living at the address %%%% Phone: 8937 %%%%% Claim 11.10.2011

Even if you start them without a clutch depressed, there is already a violation of operation even in summer. and all goodbye guarantee. Aleksandr1987 01/25/2012, 10:14 PM In court. It is unlikely that the store will go to court because of the battery, unless of course they have a full-time salary lawyer who spits at the ceiling. In this case, you can make an alternative examination.
the lawyer seems to be there, since today he asked for an article, where it is stated that the examination is paid by the buyer if his fault is provided ... I wonder where this examination is done, I would like to know the cost, and ask about "DESTRUCTION" during the examination ... The store should either return the money, or return the battery in the same condition as it was handed over, if your fault. there is no reference to the law ??? Aleksandr1987 01/25/2012, 10:16 PM I wrote that I said goodbye and left no receipts and letters did not give and did not ask, and if anything write Ivan Vasilich Pupkin.

If you spend at your own expense, you can claim reimbursement of these costs. Maria 10/18/2011, 9:40 PM Go to this store with proof of purchase and they are obliged to accept it, or remind about Consumer Rights Protection Aleksandr1987 01/25/2012, 01:07 PM Go to this store with proof of purchase and they owe it accept, or remind about Consumer Rights Protection The same situation arose, the warranty battery, purchased on 11.10.2011 became weak, or even stopped altogether, to twist in the morning. Brought to the store, asked to replace. The store claims that it can only charge me, and in return (for the duration of charging) it gives some old one, not at all similar to mine.

When writing a claim, the store writes in it that it will conduct an examination and in the event of a battery malfunction due to the fault of the consumer, i.e.
Aleksandr1987 25.01.2012, 15:51 as I understand it, even if you write a claim for a refund of the den. means of examination cannot be avoided ... ????? Aleksandr1987 25.01.2012, 19:40 silence ... stis 25.01.2012, 20:19 depending on where to buy. I took my battery in a store near the battery, 3 years warranty. solve issues related to the warranty without any problems. if jambs, bring a charged battery, check and everything is checked and done. It's just better to buy in proven shops Aleksandr1987 01/25/2012, 9:17 PM depending on where to buy. I took my battery in a store near the battery, 3 years warranty. solve issues related to the warranty without any problems. if jambs, bring a charged battery, check and everything is checked and done.

In accordance with the Consumer Protection Law, the buyer can return the car battery, but under certain conditions. In this article, we will try to answer the following questions: in what cases is the consumer entitled to return the battery? how to do it correctly? How long is the return possible?

Can I return?

In accordance with, the buyer has the right to return the battery back to the store, but only within the scope of the warranty period set by the manufacturer and prescribed on the device packaging.


A car battery is a technically complex product that is covered by the warranty period. It can be returned only if it is of inadequate quality. Batteries of proper quality cannot be exchanged or returned.

The reason for returning the battery under warranty can only be a factory defect. Those. some kind of malfunction caused by the manufacturer. If the reason for the malfunction of the battery is its deterioration (provoked by the buyer himself), the seller will refuse to return, even if the warranty period has not yet expired.


The most provable and indisputable defect of the battery, if it is detected, you will definitely return it, is an open circuit and a short circuit.

For more information on the return conditions for the battery, see the next section.

Return procedure

The primary condition for returning the battery is that it has an unexpired warranty period. For some manufacturers, this period may be one year, for others, two.

If the buyer discovers a manufacturing defect in the battery, he can count on:

  • its replacement with the same, but serviceable device;
  • elimination of manufacturing defects by handing it over for repair;
  • full refund of its cost in exchange for the return of the device itself;

In order for one of the above conditions to be met, the buyer must:

  • Make sure that the warranty period is not the battery has not expired, find the warranty card;
  • Make up;
  • Find a receipt confirming the purchase of goods;

The buyer can use another document confirming the purchase (for example, a tear-off receipt or a history of debiting from a bank card), or use testimony (friend, acquaintance, store consultant).

  • Take a passport (you will need it when filling out an application in the store);
Turning to the store, the buyer must explain to the seller the reason for the return, as well as provide a statement, the battery itself and documents confirming its words (receipts, witness statements, the results of the examination (if the buyer carried it out at his own expense), etc.)

After the statement and the battery have been handed over to the seller, it will be sent to. Its purpose is to identify the root cause of marriage. If the reason for the breakdown of the device is a manufacturing defect, the buyer's requirements will be met. If the check reveals wear and tear - there will be a refusal in the return / exchange / repair of the goodsbut.


The above conditions of return apply both to batteries purchased for vehicles separately, and those that are component parts when buying a whole vehicle.

If there was a refusal

When returning a defective device, the buyer may stumble upon an unexpected failure, especially if he is trying to return a battery that was purchased separately from a store, and not included with the machine.

As practice shows, when buying a car from an official car dealer, there are no difficulties with the return / exchange of faulty auto parts, since they value their reputation and therefore will not inflate the conflict over some kind of auto parts. Returning a separately purchased battery for a car to some small store, there is a high probability that the seller will refuse. You need to be prepared for the fact that he will try to do everything to prove the buyer's guilt in engine breakdown.


If this happens, the buyer must prove otherwise. You can prove the presence of a manufacturing defect, and not your own fault, by organizing an independent examination at your own expense.

An independent examination takes place in several stages:

  • The data of the warranty card are checked against the information on the product label;
  • The battery is checked for mechanical damage;
  • The electromotive force is checked;
  • Temperature, density and electrolyte level are measured;
  • The transparency of the electrolyte in each can of the device is checked;
  • The transparency of the ventilation opening is checked;
  • If there are no plugs, an indicator is taken out and the level of EMF density in a particular bank is measured;
  • After that, it is decided to: charge the battery or open it to identify other malfunctions;
  • After charging, the device is felt. If one of the poles is overheated, then it has some damage;
  • If a decision is made to open the battery, the period of its diagnosis takes about fourteen days;

If the results of the examination show the presence of a manufacturing defect, the buyer has the right to demand from the seller to replace or repair the battery. If in this case, too, the seller refuses to satisfy the buyer's demands, he has the right:

  • Submit a claim to the director of the store / car dealership;
  • Submit a statement of claim to the magistrate's court;

The battery is often not cheap (especially if you are buying a new car and you have AGM technology). But it happens that the battery fails even on the warranty car. Either you bought a new battery, you have a guarantee for it, say 3 - 4 years, it is out of order, and the store refuses to change you! Is it legal or not? And what exactly does the warranty cover? Let's figure it out ...

Actually, there are only three main questions:

First - if the car is under warranty, does it include a battery?

Second - if I bought a battery (for a used car), and after a couple of years it lost its capacity by 50%, or the case cracked, the terminal broke off - does it cover the warranty or not?

Third - the battery froze, the case broke, the plates fell apart - what can the manufacturer say to that

What is covered by the warranty

That is, here, as if the battery manufacturer himself gives his warranty. I'll start with this case (because it is the most revealing).

So, the warranty period can vary from 1 to 4 years for different manufacturers in different ways, it all depends on (I personally saw it for 5 years, but only for).

But what does this term include? Let's point by point:

  • The destruction of the case (through no fault of the owner) is a factory defect. It happens that the lid is sealed off and the electrolyte begins to ooze. Or it evaporates, because the tightness is broken

  • The jumper between the banks was soldered. The voltage at the terminals is generally zero, this happens when one lead jumper has collapsed,
  • One bank closed (again through the fault of the manufacturer). For example, a package or a jumper between the plates collapsed, as a result of which the voltage dropped to 9-10V and the machine does not start
  • One terminal or fastening around it collapsed, one terminal or fastener around it came off (again, not through the fault of the driver). This also happens, but extremely rarely, this is also a warranty case and must be replaced

ANOTHER very important remark. If you have a warranty of 2 - 3 - 4 years, some manufacturers oblige us to undergo MOT every year in a store (or a friendly service center), where they will check the battery (measure density, resistance, etc.). If this is not done, then the warranty will be canceled. IT'S FREQUENTLY WRITTEN IN THE CONTRACT, so it is important to read it before buying

As you can imagine, these are all "physical influences" mainly on the case, plates and terminals. BUT the manufacturer EVEN may refuse this if he suddenly suspects that you may be the cause of the damage.

What is not covered?

There are several points here too:

  • Loss of capacity - say half in one to two years. Moreover, the car does not start (especially in severe frost). They will say that misuse, short trips, no maintenance charge

  • The battery is frozen (due to low density). This is also not a warranty case. The density decreases due to the discharge of the battery, and if you did not service it correctly, again short trips are undercharged, in severe frosts it of course freezes - then this is completely your fault

  • Decreased electrolyte levels. Because of what the plates crumbled and the cans shorted, this is also not the manufacturer's fault. It is necessary to monitor the level in the serviced batteries
  • Failure of the generator. batteries (further) again not the manufacturer's fault
  • Overcharge of the battery (failure). Overheating of the plates, a drop in the electrolyte level and, as an option, their shedding. Also not a guarantee!

You must understand that it is you who should follow (it is corny to check the voltage at the terminals, the density of the electrolyte) and if you "slam" something, then the manufacturer will gladly refuse the warranty.

New car and battery warranty

The picture is almost the same here. Only if the battery is "covered", you go to an authorized dealer, and he already decides to change it or not.

Moreover, it happens that a failed generator dragged the battery along - both parts are changed at once. And this is according to the law!

How to find out what is the warranty period for a battery? Everything is just usually prescribed in the operation of the car. For example, in KIA and Hyundai all batteries are guaranteed from 6 months to 1 year. Some manufacturers give from 1 to 3 years (as for the whole car).

Therefore, before you go and demand, you need to look through your operation book (or go to the manufacturer's official website).

If it's not my fault and the dealer refuses

The situation is not new. It happens that you did nothing (there is no physical intervention), but the battery does not work (factory defect). The dealer tries in every possible way to pin the blame on you (sometimes, it is corny to delay the answer).

We just write a claim to the dealer in triplicate, where it is indicated that the guarantee (so much and you have to change everything), we give one to the dealer's representative, another at our place, and prepare the third for the court. You can also duplicate the claim to the manufacturer - either to the website or via the hotline.

Usually, after such an appeal, everything changes. BUT this is if you are 100% sure that your fault is not here!

Now we are watching a small useful video.

Car enthusiasts and professionals are one of the categories of buyers who need to know all the intricacies of returning a purchased item. Due to the fact that often the parts for the car are very expensive and if they need to be replaced, the buyer, as they say, flies in a pretty penny, if there are possible reasons for the return, he wants to get his money back. However, stores are more and more often refused, and it seems to you that for no proper reason.

In what cases you can protect your rights and return the purchased battery is described by the law "On protection of consumer rights". It states that when making a transaction for the sale and purchase of goods, purchasing rights are not violated, and lists in which cases it is possible to write an application for a refund.

Can I return within 14 days

We all know this period - the first two weeks after purchase. You have heard this sentence countless times in clothing stores, toy stores, etc. When there is a need to take something back to the store and get your money, it is this period that is remembered first of all.

But it only applies to certain categories of goods. In fact, there is a whole list of products that cannot be returned under any circumstances if they are of high quality and you simply do not like them. This list is hidden in the Government Decree of 19.01.1998 No. 55. Among other things, it states that technically complex goods cannot be exchanged and returned.

What does it mean? A technically complex product is a product that, due to its assembly and features of technical data, is recognized by the legislation of the Russian Federation as especially complex. For this group of things, gadgets, units and spare parts, special rules have been established.

The fourteen-day rule does not apply to technically complex devices, be they mobile phones or car batteries. In addition, it considers only serviceable units - those that have no flaws, damage, factory defects, and so on. So that, it is impossible to return the battery to the store if it did not fit in size (it happens, they miscalculated). Moreover, you will be refused even a request to exchange it for a suitable part.

Therefore, the return of an expensive part of your iron horse can be carried out if:

  • there is a defect or flaw that has arisen through no fault of yours
  • the purchased one has a guarantee.

Batteries of proper quality cannot be returned due to their technically complex design.

How to return

If you purchased a battery with a warranty, a return is possible if a defect or defect is found that can be considered a factory. Most often, due to the fault of the manufacturer, a short circuit or an open circuit occurs - in this case, it is easiest to prove a manufacturing defect of the battery, since it is undeniable.

However, if the cause of the malfunction is improper operation - that is, you provoked a breakdown - the store will not even listen to you, and inspections can result in a loss of money.

Always use the battery as required by the manufacturer.

If you are sure that the breakdown did not happen because of your actions and any examination will confirm this, you can ask the seller:

  • change the battery to a working one
  • carry out repairs at the expense of the store in order to eliminate the marriage
  • give money for the purchase of a low-quality part.

The store does not have the right to return your funds to you if it can pick up a replacement for a faulty battery (the same model, without a defect, or another model with a recalculated value). That is, if there are available substitutes for your device, you may be refused a refund and offered an exchange.

Before going to the dealer who sold you a malfunctioning device, make sure of the following:

  • the warranty period has not yet expired (this is confirmed by the warranty card)
  • you have proof of where, how and when you bought the item - check, sales receipt, credit card history or witnesses

Batteries are generally warranted for the first year, with some major retailers extending this to two years. Also, two years is the milestone established by law in the event that the warranty periods are not specified in the documents by the manufacturer or seller.

Don't forget to bring your passport (civil) to fill out a claim.

Who can raise a claim:

  • the seller-organization or authorized individual entrepreneur (clause 2 of article 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights")
  • to the importer or manufacturer of the battery (Clause 3, Article 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights").

When writing a claim, you must clearly state the reason for the return and your claims from the store. All this must be stated in writing, it is also advisable to refer to certain points of the law and your guarantee - so there is a greater chance that they will not try to deceive you, as a person who does not understand his rights.

Regardless of what exactly you require from the seller, importer or manufacturer, the battery will be checked - given to an expert to determine why the malfunction occurred. A manufacturing defect means that your requirements will be met, but other reasons, including wear and tear, will lead to a refusal to exchange or return. Even repairs will have to be carried out at your own expense, since the warranty rules for the battery will no longer apply.

These conditions apply not only to batteries purchased separately, but also to accessories when purchasing the entire vehicle.

Expertise - what will be checked

Battery check includes the following:

  • an expert checks the warranty - product data, their compliance with the product label (therefore, the label should be retained)
  • an expert checks mechanical damage - if any
  • the electromotive force is measured
  • electrolyte tested: density, level, temperature
  • electrolyte is checked again: transparency in each can of the device
  • the transparency of the ventilation openings is checked - whether there is any debris
  • in the absence of traffic jams, the level of EMF density is measured using an indicator (in each bank separately)
  • a decision is made to open the battery or charge it
  • it is established whether there is overheating after charging
  • the battery is opened to reveal additional defects (in this case, the examination period will be 14 days).

If a refund is refused

In case you bought a battery separately from a store, you may face an unexpected failure. As a rule, only official car dealers value their name and customers so much as to carry out all the necessary malfunction checks and allow an exchange or refund to the buyer. When you return a separately purchased car battery, be prepared - the store will do everything to convict you of improper use of the part.

Therefore, if this happened, and you want to return the money and get even with the store, too, order an independent examination and do not skimp on paying for it. If the result is positive in your favor, you will have every reason to sue the seller and receive compensation for all your expenses after that. Before going to court, you should write a claim to the store director, because small points are still trying not to bring to court, especially if there is evidence that the buyer is not to blame for the breakdown.

If your claim is not accepted, ask for a written waiver. Also, it will be useful if the claim was accepted, but refused, although you attached proof of your innocence.

So, step by step - what you need to do:

  1. The seller does not agree to return the money or exchange the battery - write a claim in duplicate;
  2. Give the seller a sign on your copy of the claim that it has been accepted;
  3. Wait for the battery check - no more than 10 days, at the expense of the seller (you have the right to be present);
  4. If you do not agree with the results of the test, submit the battery for an independent examination;
  5. Submit your claim again if a factory defect is detected;
  6. If the seller refuses to satisfy your requirements and after that, make a statement of claim and go to court.

Also, sometimes a precedent arises - the store simply refuses to comply with the court's decision. In this case, you can:

  • contact the bailiffs - they are in charge of the execution of court decisions
  • send a document of enforcement to a bank where there are store or seller accounts.

If you have obtained money without trial

  • return period - no more than 10 days from the date of submission of your claims
  • the seller cannot reduce the refund amount even if the price of the goods has decreased
  • if during the time since the purchase the battery has risen in price, it is the last amount that must be paid
  • if you bought a battery on credit, you can also demand a refund from the seller

Remember! All this is possible only in the case of a proven defect or defect in the device.


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