I want to study well but I can't. How to force yourself to study if you don't want to? Self-motivation methods for learning. Don't skimp on rewards for yourself

How to force yourself to learn, even if you are lazy, this is the name of the topic of our conversation today. A person should learn throughout his life, but in reality it is not always as simple as in words. Every morning starts with the need conquer laziness and force yourself to learn - get ready, go to school and do all the required lessons, complete all the required tasks, answer the questions posed - and so every day. But that's not all - there is no time for rest at home either, you need to cope with laziness and memorize poems and sort out formulas, read a story and write an essay on it, in general, the list can be continued indefinitely. Therefore, it is not surprising that over time it becomes more difficult, and the child begins to skip classes or abandon homework. What needs to be done for the child to do well in school? The system of punishments here will not be successful, but it can, on the contrary, worsen the situation.

This process becomes even more serious after leaving school - if, as a student, a child is under the control of parents and teachers, who will not so easily allow him to abandon education, then becoming a student, all responsibility rests solely with yesterday's student. On the one hand, this is one of the necessary stages of growing up - such a transition to independence. On the other hand, if you do not know how to force yourself to study, you can very quickly get yourself a bunch of problems in the form of arrears in subjects and spoil your reputation in the educational institution for a long time, both in the person of comrades and on the part of teachers, which can sometimes become an irreversible process. What can you do to defeat laziness? We have an answer!

12 helpful ways to force yourself to learn.

Formulate your goal correctly!

To force yourself to learn, if everyone is lazy, try to trick your subconscious first. It is arranged in such a way that if you begin to force yourself to do something, in the end you will be doing anything except the required task. And you will be surprised to find yourself rubbing all the horizontal surfaces in the apartment to a shine, instead of doing homework or writing a term paper. If you set the task in a different way, for example, asking yourself the question “ What should I do to finish the semester without tails?" or " How do you get “excellent” on the next test?»Your consciousness and subconsciousness will collapse and start working in a given direction and it will be easier to cope with laziness.

Choose the right motivation.

Here you need to proceed from your personal parameters - for someone the best reason to cope with laziness will be the desire to overtake a classmate or classmate, for another the best motivation will be anti-motivation. You can tell yourself - " This month I will finally get a scholarship increase, not Petrov" or " If I don’t take hold of my head and start to study, in a year at this time I will measure with steps of the parade ground"- and see what will affect you the most. Then take it as a basis!

Separate advice for parents who may be reading these lines in hopes make the child learn... First of all, find out about the atmosphere in the classroom - perhaps there is some kind of conflict that stops the child's desire to study well and generally appear in school.

Provide a comfortable workplace.

In this context, comfort does not mean doing homework on a tablet while lying on the bed. Whereas science has gone a long way, and whatever you have to write and learn, you can do without a pen, but it is still not a productive learning method. Therefore, arrange your place as conveniently as possible, avoiding the presence of gadgets in the immediate vicinity, which will surely distract you with endless notifications and "urgent" letters and there are no best helpers in need. Do not forget about the placement of the table in relation to the angle of illumination - regardless of whether it is natural or artificial.

If, despite all the tricks, you cannot do without a computer, try not to forget about its negative impact. Damaged vision and deterioration of the nervous system is not a complete list of what you have to pay for sitting in front of the monitor.

Go in for reincarnation.

They meet by their clothes - it was, is and will be. Try to change your image - instead of casual, albeit fashionable, clothes, choose something that can be attributed to the classics. This will help you cope with laziness and tune in to a serious mood, but most importantly, it will change the attitude of others towards you, they will begin to perceive you the way you present yourself. And once you feel how pleasant recognition is, you no longer want to lose it - and this will be your next step towards the goal of defeating laziness.

Make learning a game.

You may still remember how, as a child, a parent tried to instill in you an interest in reading by buying colorful picture books or taught lateral thinking, turning ordinary hide and seek into a treasure hunt with an obstacle course. All this will help you in a more mature age. By diversifying the learning process, you will remember much more than just cramming. Psychologists advise use different colors when writing abstracts, since, in addition to memorizing exclusively by ear, visual perception will also be added to this. Develop associative thinking - it will be easier to force yourself to learn if you select associations for each material that requires memorization and comprehension. And let them be understandable only to you and do not always follow logic - it will not matter if they fulfill their role, help you cope with laziness!

Don't skimp on rewards for yourself!

Getting a child to learn is not always easy. The reward system will help a lot in this matter. Did you write an excellent test? You can treat yourself to your favorite ice cream. Are you the only one who got an A in the whole class? You can safely allocate yourself a few hours for a walk with friends. Well, if you defended your coursework perfectly well, here you have carte blanche for the whole weekend - you deserve it! The most important thing to consider is that do not judge by estimates, the knowledge gained is worth much more than the mark, which, moreover, can be quite subjective. The main thing is what is left in your head.

The main thing is to start!

Forcing yourself to learn if everyone is lazy is much more difficult if you have a lot of work to do. The main thing to understand here is that the longer you delay, the harder it will be to start. And you still have to start, and then you will have to do everything at once. So make an effort on yourself - just write the first sentence, learn the first line - and it will go! As on a knurled one! Coping with laziness will be much easier if you take even a step forward.


It is necessary to force yourself to study from the first day of the first semester. Of course, at first everyone already promises to write beautifully and not to accumulate tasks. But already from the second page, the handwriting becomes habitually crooked, and from the first postponed task a mountain begins to grow, which you will have to rake later. Defeating laziness is easier, the less you give her a chance to defeat you.

Do your best while studying!

No special motivation is needed here - the more you do while at school, the less you have to do at home. This means that you can walk on the street with a clear conscience or run into the cinema on the way home - after all, the bulk of your work is already ready! Perhaps even this method will help to cope with laziness not only for you, but also for other children who will take your example.

Diversify your studies with competitions!

And let them be only with themselves, but what could be better than being aware of their personal development? It will be much easier to force yourself to learn if your parents motivate you to buy a brand new gadget for some success! Only in this case, it is better not to stretch the time frame too much - the goal may be forgotten, vigilance will decrease and it will become more difficult to defeat laziness. And besides, we must not forget about all kinds of crises that can hit the family budget and shorten the list of planned purchases.

Be strong-willed and collected!

Of course, coming home after a busy day, first of all you want to relax, play on the computer, watch cartoons and so on. To overcome laziness, try not to relax too much. Instead, try to stick to a clear schedule - sit down to lunch right after you arrive, then go through all the assignments and make a rough plan of what you need to do. And most importantly, stick to it! There is, of course, the possibility that sometimes, for a child to do well at school, it is better for him to get up early in the morning, but then there is a chance to oversleep and do nothing at all.

Be firm and unshakable with yourself!

How to force yourself to study if everyone is lazy? Sometimes it happens that neither motivation, nor a well-designed routine, nor the most attractive prize-gift at the end of training will help to cope with laziness. How to get a child to learn in such a situation? In this case, you just need to force yourself. and a strong character has not prevented anyone, on the contrary - it helps to overcome laziness and reach incredible heights in life! I wish you success!

Preparing for exams and completing homework is simply an integral part of the study, but this is exactly what most schoolchildren and students have problems with. If you are having trouble studying hard, then you are not alone! Make it a habit to study at the same time every day, break assignments into small tasks, and reward yourself when you complete them. Over time, you will be able to make learning a rewarding part of the day and break the cycle of procrastination and guilt.


Motivate yourself

    List the reasons why you need or want to learn. Whatever your reasons, write them down on a piece of paper and place it where you can see it at all times. When you feel the urge to skip a study session, re-read the list to remind yourself why you need to study hard.

    • Reasons to study can range from wanting to get good grades and go to a good university, to wanting to keep a scholarship, or just to get out of trouble with poor academic performance. No major or minor reasons, add everything to the list!

    Advice: keep in mind that motivation will likely leave you sometimes, and that's okay! It is important to be able to use self-discipline to stay on track in times of weakness.

    Turn boring information into more interesting information to make it easier to study. Ask yourself, "How does this material relate to my life?" - or: "How can I use this in my life?" For example, if you are bored with reading a book you were asked in your English class, ask yourself how to connect with the characters so that you don't lose interest in the story. Or, if you are having difficulty learning biology, ask yourself how much you can learn about yourself and all living things around you.

    • It is impossible to be interested in everything in the world, and some subjects simply will not fascinate you. However, try your best to understand how everything you teach can be applied to your own life. This personal connection can generate enough interest to keep moving forward!
  1. Set a timer so you know that learning doesn't last forever. Nobody wants to study for hours without stopping. Take frequent, regular breaks while studying. You can also set the end time of the study session so that you know how many hours you will be studying at the very least.

    • For actual training sessions, set a timer for 30-50 minutes and then take a timed break before returning to work. You will practice more efficiently if you know the timer will go off soon.
    • If you study right after school, you can complete all tasks before dinner and then rest for the rest of the evening. Or, if you're studying late at night, set a timer half an hour before bed so you can relax.

    Try the "tomato method": set a timer for 25 minutes. Once the time is up, take a five-minute break. Exercise for another 25 minutes, and then take another five-minute break. For every four 25-minute blocks, allow yourself to rest for 15-20 minutes.

    Reward yourself at the end of each unit to keep moving forward. It can be something completely insignificant, like enjoying a bite of your favorite treat, logging into VK or Instagram for five minutes, or taking a break to hug your pet.

    • You can also come up with a fun reward for completing each exam to celebrate your hard work! Sip coffee with friends, take a long bath, buy something you've got your eye on - do what you like to feel more meaningful after passing the exam.
  2. Get the help of a study partner. This does not mean that you actually have to sit and study together. Rather, you need to have someone you can connect with every day to keep you on track. Knowing that you need to report back to someone at the end of the day, whether you have achieved your goals or not, may help you stay motivated to learn when you are not motivated to do so.

    • You can ask your study partner to contact you if you don't hear anything from you for several days. This will help you get back on track and follow your plans before too much time has passed.

    Make a schedule

    1. Exercise at the same time every day to make it a habit. If you're an early riser, you can wake up before school to get some exercise. If you're a night owl, it's best to devote a few hours to your studies each night. Or, if you'd rather do all your homework first to move on to more enjoyable activities, you can promise yourself to practice every day right after you get home from school.

      • Try keeping a daily planner if you don't already have one. You can use the calendar app on your phone or buy a physical day planner for your entries. Schedule classes for each day so you don't have to plan anything else for this time.

      Keep in mind: it is likely that the weekend schedule will be slightly different due to the different daily routine. You may need to spend more time studying and working on projects over the weekend.

      Make up timetable exams to start preparing for them in advance. Once you know about the test, add it to your calendar. If your teacher gives you dates at the beginning of a semester or quarter, take some time and put all the important dates on your planner.

      • For example, if you know that the Spanish test will take place next Friday and the algebra test next Wednesday, you will know that you need to learn Spanish material first.
      • It can be helpful to set reminders a few weeks before the test to start preparing! For example, if you have an important English test in three weeks and need two weeks to study the material, set a reminder to start preparing early.
    2. Break the material you need to learn into small sections. In order not to overload yourself with a mountain of tasks, break the information into small, easily digestible parts. Write down what each part is made of so you know what you have to deal with when you sit down to study.

      • For example, if a chemistry test is to cover five chapters and knowledge of terms, then each part of the preparation might consist of reading one chapter at a time and making flashcards with terms.
      • Concentrate on completing one step during each study block. When done, check the box next to this to track your progress. This will help you feel more motivated and in control of your study sessions.
    3. Schedule time for recreation . You cannot be expected to be able to study for five hours straight. The brain needs a break! You may need to take a short five or ten minute break every half hour. If you can stay focused for longer, try exercising for 50 minutes and then resting for 10 minutes. During your break, get up, walk, get some fresh air, have a snack, or just rest your eyes for a few minutes.

      • More broadly, you may need to schedule a few days off during the exam period. If you know that you will be studying hard for several weeks, set aside a day when you can completely free yourself from all study obligations. This will be what you will be looking forward to!

    Eliminate distractions

    1. Before study have something healthy to eat and have a drink water so you can concentrate. Hunger and thirst can be serious distractions when it comes to sitting and studying. Avoid sugary foods to avoid losing ground. If you are going to consume caffeine, try to limit yourself to 1-2 cups of coffee or a little soda to avoid nervousness.

      • Vegetables, fruits, nuts, cheese, popcorn, yogurt, and hummus are good examples of snacks.
    2. Improve your concentration by taking a brisk walk before study. Relax a bit and boost your endorphins with a 10-15 minute workout. When you sit down to study after this, it will be easier for you to concentrate and maintain attention on the material being studied.

      Advice: keep a blank sheet of paper handy. If thoughts come to mind about what you need to remember or do, just write them down on it.

    3. Disable any gadgets you don't need to study. Or, if you need to use your phone to set a timer, put it in airplane mode so you don't get notified. Leave the TV off in the background and move your phone away (for example, in another room) so you don't be tempted to look into it.

      • There are also some great apps you can use to limit the amount of time you spend on your phone. Some of them can even block access to certain sites for a certain time. Do whatever works best for you, whether it's turning off the internet or installing blocking programs.
        • Even if you feel like you are falling behind or that you should be preparing for several weeks already, don't panic. Starting now is better than not starting at all!
    • To be constantly aware of the material covered, re-read the notes from the past classes every day. You can even rewrite or retype notes to further reinforce the information in memory.
    • Also use the class time. Instead of surfing the phone or surfing the internet, focus on your activity and write good notes. It will be easier for you to start memorizing the material if you do not need to re-read information that you might already know.
    • Don't neglect your sleep schedule. A good night's rest will help you remember information better and provide you with more energy to work through your study sessions. It's best to stick to one schedule, that is, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

The question of how to start studying well at school or university is of particular concern to senior pupils and students at the very beginning of the academic year. Therefore, today the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" will try to answer it as fully as possible.

The main incentive for every student should be getting a good education, without which it is impossible to find a prestigious job. But such a distant goal usually does not motivate young people very well, and they fail to gnaw the granite of science with due diligence and interest.

In order to instill in their hearts a love of knowledge, they need more effective incentives.

How to start learning hard: motivation

All parents know perfectly well that if you promise your baby something that he loves very much, you can achieve obedience from him for a fairly long time. In the same way, an older child and even a completely adult person can be called to discipline.

Therefore, for those schoolchildren and students who want to start learning better, it is very important to think over a reward system. For example, for a job well done, they can afford some kind of joy like going to a disco, going to the movies or doing a little shopping.

In the event that the problem of good schooling of the child worries more parents than himself, such a reward system can be a real solution to the problem. A child's desire to have this or that thing can sometimes make him work with amazing zeal.

The correct approach to the question

It also happens that a child experiences such a school experience that no gifts are able to force him to fulfill his student duties. In this case, you should understand the cause of the problem.

Perhaps, excessively high parental requirements have sown a dislike for science in the child's soul. Some modern mothers and fathers, wanting to raise their child to be a successful person, make him literally memorize school textbooks, rewrite assignments several times and scold him for low grades, forgetting that the student needs to rest and communicate with friends.

In addition, not all children are able to pull the school curriculum at a high level. Parents who demand good grades, rather than deep knowledge and solid skills, are making a serious mistake. They need to decide how a child can begin to do better at school by changing their attitudes towards him and the school system.

Any student should know that his goal is not a high score in a certificate, but deep knowledge that will not lose its value under any circumstances.

It is for the acquired knowledge that children should be encouraged.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to expect that the child will be equally well able to comprehend the English language, and computer science, and chemistry, and geography. Parents should take into account the interests of children, encouraging them to be especially active in those subjects for which they have aptitude.

How to start learning better than before: the right goals

Many pupils and students have repeatedly made an oath to themselves that in the new semester they will definitely start to study well.

Indeed, to achieve their goal, they did a lot: they read additional literature, attended all lessons or lectures, and studied independently. But such diligence still did not bring them high results, which is why they gave up and again began to neglect their studies.

And the thing is that initially they set themselves the wrong goal.

Instead of doing better, they tried to do well. But it is impossible to reach a high level very quickly in any field of activity.

The site advises: those who want to start learning as well as possible do not need to set themselves too high standards. Let the immediate goal be simply to consolidate and improve the knowledge and skills that we already have. And then this base can be expanded and deepened.

Learning comfort is also an incentive

In order for the study process not to be associated with hard labor, it must be provided with comfortable conditions. There are several main points here:

  • Learning formulas, rules and laws will be much more effective if you do it in a cozy warm corner with good lighting and comfortable furniture.
  • In order to start learning better as quickly as possible, it is also helpful to acquire good study guides in which the material will be presented as clearly as possible.
  • Many adults remember very well how they were eager to go to first grade in order to quickly pick up new pencils, try a new eraser, show off to friends a beautiful knapsack and a bright pencil case. But all these simple objects may well become a strong incentive for a matured student. All writing utensils should be so beautiful and stylish that they are a real pleasure to use.

Learning Mode

The question of how to start studying perfectly well will help to decide the correct organization of the study regime.

  • You must definitely rest. You should not sit down for lessons right after you come home from school. There must be a break of at least 2 hours between studying at home and in the classroom. This time is best to devote to a walk in the fresh air, meeting friends, playing sports.
  • The lessons that are most difficult must be tackled first. Easy tasks can be left at a later time.
  • Learned rules, laws, definitions, dates, formulas, etc. should be repeated from time to time. To do this, they should always be at hand in the form of tables, diagrams, notes.

Request for help

Not knowing how to start learning well, many students simply try to curry favor with teachers for good grades. This does not lead to anything good.

Instead, it would be better for them to sincerely admit that they could not immediately perceive the lesson material, and turn to the teacher for help. There is no teacher who would refuse to devote a few minutes to a student to explain to him an incomprehensible moment.

Don't be afraid to sound stupid or stupid. Immediacy, perseverance, curiosity and politeness can do much more than flattering. The teacher will surely appreciate the student's desire to start learning well and will definitely encourage him with good grades. And this, in turn, will become a strong incentive for him to strive for further achievements.
Author - Pelageja, website www.site - Beautiful and Successful

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Students have a session not far off, schoolchildren - the end of the quarter, they should get to grips with their studies, but there is no desire. And many students ask the same question: how to make yourself learn?

In school, this is easier - to one degree or another there is control on the part of parents and teachers. But at the university your successes and failures are your personal problem... Therefore, students are more likely than schoolchildren to ask this sad question: how to force themselves to study?

There are a lot of reasons for unwillingness to learn... It can be frivolity, irresponsibility and lack of willpower (like a dragonfly hopping that “sang red summer” and then paid for it). The reason may also be an unloved specialty, which I entered under pressure from my parents or because there were no alternatives. And if the specialty is favorite, unwillingness to study can cause general education subjects that seem boring and unnecessary.

So how do you force yourself to learn, even if you don't want to? The first thing to do is to change the way the question is asked.... By saying "to force", we already mean coercion, and coercion subconsciously wants to resist. Therefore, try to use softer wording: "How to start learning?" or "How to finally get down to school?"

You need to start with motivation, because a lack of desire to learn is, in fact, a lack of motivation. Motivation can be different, you need to choose the incentive that is right for you... Someone is better influenced by negative motivation (“If I don’t study, I will be expelled”), someone needs more positive incentives. Someone will be satisfied with a long-term positive perspective (“If I do well in this session, I’m more likely to get a red diploma and get a good job”), and someone needs a closer, more “tangible” one.

Having determined the motivation for yourself, get down to setting up your workplace... Learning while lying on the couch with a laptop may be comfortable, but it won't set you up for a working mood. So set aside a place for yourself where you will exclusively study. An important point! The computer should not be there, you will sit down at the computer only when you really need it for study, the rest of the time it can distract you. And so that the place for study does not cause rejection, please yourself with funny bright stationery.

Set aside a clear study time in your schedule and only study during this time. Do not forget to alternate between study and rest. Lesson learned - fifteen minutes relaxed. Try to minimize all distractions - turn off your mobile phone and TV, ask your family members not to distract you. On the other hand, light background music can help you focus.

AND try to use non-standard methods during your studiesthat you yourself find fun. Make diagrams, use mind maps, colored markers and sticky notes - in general, try to make the study as interesting as you can.

Try using the carrot and stick method for better motivation, or rather, the second part of it is the carrot. Give yourself "prizes" throughout the learning process, and the more significant the result, the more significant the "prize". Have learned the next 10 tickets - eat something tasty. Unlearned a day - let yourself soak in the bathroom. Pass the exam - buy yourself a nice little thing. Pass the session - go with friends to a nightclub. But "prizes" should be only for real achievements!

Often the main problem is not the study itself. The whole difficulty lies in getting started, and then it goes like clockwork... And you come up with more and more new pretexts so as not to sit down to study, new and new more important activities. Its name is procrastination, and we are already talking about how to deal with it and learn how to take the first step. And another worst enemy of the student is, you also need to learn to overcome it, otherwise you will think over every session how to force yourself to study, but you will not come up with anything.

Finally, there is one more tip that seems the most obvious, but very few people actually follow it. It sounds very simple: “ Study throughout the semester, rather than postponing everything for later". If the workload is evenly distributed, the session will not differ much from the regular school days. Of course, you have to sacrifice a couple of parties and get-togethers with friends every week, but it will save you nerves and health. But, of course, it's up to you to decide. Happy session!

The goal of modern education is to teach how to learn. Knowledge is not given in a finished form - students must find answers to problematic questions themselves. After leaving school, self-education becomes the main means of development. Probably, every person from time to time has a question "how to force yourself to learn?"

The basis of educational activities -. Motivation is internal and external factors that induce activity. The structure of motivation includes:

  • cognitive;
  • goals and plans to achieve them;
  • interests.

Each of these elements is important and must be present. But the problem is that in terms of orientation, motivation is external and internal. Internal motives are focused on the content of learning (interest in the subject itself, the goal is to gain knowledge). External motives are guided by the result - to get a diploma, "crusts". In the first case, when a person wants to gain knowledge, there will be no problems with motivation, as well as the need to force himself. But extrinsic motivation usually becomes a harbinger of laziness and learning difficulties.

How to force yourself to study

  1. Take care of your workplace. Minimize your exposure to irritants, eliminate distractions. If this is not possible at home or the computer tempts with games, then go to the library. Do not combine your activities with listening to music or TV noise. Of course, unless you are one of those who are distracted by complete silence. Some people, on the contrary, need something "for the background." Monotonous noise of the sea, for example.
  2. Make your workplace pleasant, vibrant, and inviting. Decorate it to your liking.
  3. Exercise only in the workplace, ideally at your desk. Don't dine at this table or study on the couch or in bed. Your brain needs to get used to where and what it does: bed - sleep and rest, kitchen - eating, desk - learning. By following this order, it will be easier to concentrate on the class.
  4. Act on the principle "start earlier - finish earlier." Determine the daily curriculum - how many hours you should study or what you should learn. Promise yourself that after you complete the plan, you will immediately do what you love. But not the other way around!
  5. Build a curriculum for a week, month, year. Determine the goals and the significance of achieving them. Decorate it like a collage. Turn the goals into an image of the desired outcome (pictures), not just write it down. Think over a system of sanctions and rewards.
  6. Warm up and alternate activities. Sometimes laziness is a reaction to fatigue. The body itself becomes distracted when it requires a reboot. Exercise before and after class. With a long lesson - on time.
  7. Reward yourself with something enjoyable for your success. For example, promise to go to the movies after studying a new book. This is an extrinsic motivation, but you can leave a small piece.
  8. Organize information, draw up plans, tables, diagrams, etc. This makes learning easier and makes the process more interesting.
  9. Apply the knowledge gained in practice. Find examples in your life.
  10. Find a responsible friend to practice with, frame it as a competition. There is a spirit of competition, a feeling of shame in the case of laziness, and control from the outside.
  11. Sign up for group sessions if appropriate and possible. Find out if they are in your educational institution, city.
  12. Tell your friends about your plans or keep a diary on the Internet. By putting plans on display, you do not want to be branded as a lazy person, a loser, a liar.
  13. Do not sit down to deal with hungry. Be sure to eat something sweet before intellectual activity. Sugar boosts brain activity.
  14. Do not start an activity in an anxious, agitated state. Calm down the emotional background, make sure that bad thoughts are not distracted, and only then start your studies.
  15. Think about time management so that you don't complain about the fact that studying takes up all the time. Plan your day so that there is time for hobbies, household chores, and study.
  16. Set goals that you can do. Learning should be slightly ahead of development. Then it will be feasible and interesting. Review your plan to see if you are setting high goals. Being overly exacting is not good. Big results can be achieved more easily and quickly in small steps. The same principle works in weight loss: it is easier for the brain to accept that the body needs to lose 5 kg, and then another 5 kg, than 10 kg at once.

Realize that the learning process is just a means to an end. What is your goal then? Remember her. Break it down into tasks, micro goals. For example, in 3 months to learn to speak English, in 4 months - to write, etc. This is the fifth item on the list.

Interest in the content arises with an interesting presentation of the material and with inclinations in this area. But no matter how, for example, I love psychology, it has boring dates, numbers and terms, theories that you just have to memorize. There is such material in every science - nothing can be done about it. But otherwise, you can interpret knowledge very interestingly: examples from life, drawings, videos, presentations.

The entire internet is at your disposal. On any topic in it you can find a lot of options for presenting material, including manuals written in simple words, in accessible language, briefly. You will not surprise anyone on the Internet with the wording "... for dummies". And any formats can be found: audio, video, e-books of all formats.

If your problem is unwillingness to go to school, then analyze the reasons. It is possible that this is caused by classmates (classmates) or a teacher. Resolve these conflicts.


Look for exercises that develop interest in learning and increase concentration. Try them out in practice.

  • Imagine that you are a subject that does not interest you yet. Tell in the first person about this subject. Look for benefits, talk about them. Then become yourself again and speak on your behalf about the benefits of the subject.
  • Improve your concentration. To do this, write down the names of several colors on a sheet and paint over with other shades. For example, the word "yellow" - in black, "red" - in blue, etc. Your task is to name the shades unmistakably in order, and not read the words.
  • The second exercise for developing concentration: draw a line on the sheet and think only about it, as soon as you are distracted - step back up. Treat it like a game - try to improve your score every time.


If interest in the content of the training does not come in any way, think about the correctness of the chosen path. Maybe it does not meet your abilities, inclinations, interests. Studying at the university becomes a burden when you are wrong. And at school, children do not want to study because of a failed self-determination, or vice versa, with a clear understanding of the future path (they stop studying well in some subjects and focus on others). Pay attention to this issue.

You cannot force yourself to learn. One can only want to learn. But for this you need to understand the value of self-education and education, the importance of intellectual development, to see the prospects for learning. And not just perspectives, but personality-satisfying perspectives.


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