Scenario for Halloween for children, teenagers, students and young people. Interesting and terrible scenarios Halloween holiday at school. Scenario of extracurricular activities for Halloween Scenario for Halloween in a family circle


Good evening the ladies and gentlemen, we again glad to see you on our holiday Halloween, let's start with the fact that we will tell you a little about the history of this holiday, your task is to listen and memorize.

Halloween is a modern holiday, asking the traditions of the ancient Celts of Ireland and Scotland, the history of which began in the territory of modern Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is celebrated on October 31, on the eve of all saints. Halloween is traditionally celebrated in English-speaking countries, although the official weekend is not. Halloween is informally noted in some other countries that have close cultural ties with the United States or Great Britain, for example, in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, in a number of Ocean Oceania, from recently - in Russia and other CIS countries.

Most holiday characters have a long history. For example, the tradition of manufacturing pumpkin-lamps went from Celtic custom to create lights that help souls find a path in purgatory. In Scotland as a symbol of Halloween, repaired, but in North America quickly replaced her pumpkin, like a cheaper and affordable vegetable. The creation of pumpkins-lamps in America was recorded in 1837; This ritual, conducted during the harvest, had nothing to do with Halloween until the second half of the XIX century.

Popular costumes of characters of classic horror films, such as Mummy and Frankentshtein monsters. In the festive decoration of houses, the symbols of autumn play a big role, for example, rustic frightened. The main topics of Halloween are death, evil, occultism and monsters. Traditional colors are black and orange

  • We present to your attention the wing 2 "a" (suit)

1. Concurs

Competition with a box. The task of the participants to choose clothing for their own image and demonstrate it to the music.

For a 3 person contest.

  • We present to your attention the wing 2 "b"

2. Competition - Quiz

1. Where did Halloween history begins?

Halloween Holiday History began a lot of centuries ago on the lands of modern Great Britain and Northern France

2. What is the symbol of Halloween?


3. Home Phrase Halloween?

"Candies or life"

4 What is the number of Halloween celebrated?

5. Where is the most popular Halloween holiday?

In the USA and Canada

6. The most main character Halloween?


7. What do you agree with? Helluine is a holiday: a) Winter gate b) the end of harvesting harvest c) unclean power


8. On Helloin, it is accepted: a) scare everyone b) over everyone to make fun c) to put up


9. Choose more - what is not correlated on the holiday: a) perfume and dead b) unclean power c) houses and leishes


10. Which of the following colors is not the symbolic color of Hellina? a) blue b) orange c) black


  • We present to your attention the wing 4 "A"


Apples will be suspended on the thread, the task of participants to bite the apple without using hands without helping each other. 6 people participate.

  • We present to your attention wing 5 "A"

4. Concurs

Dance. 4 people participate, the task of participants to dance to the music, which will be given and imagine as interesting as possible.

5. Competition

2 people participate. The task of the participants blowing the ball filled with water.

During the competition, the leaders change the balls on the flour, the participants are closing Galza.

  • We present to your attention wing 5 "b"


Calculate bones. 4 people are involved, the task of participants to calculate the boom felt-colts on which they will sit without using hands.

7. Competition

Draw a pumpkin on the balls, 3 people participate, the task of participants as possible to draw a pumpkin.

This cheerful and crazy holiday, thanks to his mysterious atmosphere, managed to love both adults and children. If you managed to keep children's immediacy and love for adventure, Halloween is exactly the holiday that is simply necessary to include in the arch of your family traditions. He came to us from afar, he will introduce you and your children with a festive culture of other countries, and joint preparation for it will give many pleasant moments of creativity and communication.

Children's party at Halloween: Pleasant troubles

How to decorate the house on Halloween? Mass options! And if we consider that all the children are initially talented - there will be no interest to interesting solutions.

Here are some ideas that can be adopted:

1. Decorate the walls and doors with funny signs and posters drawn, of course, together with children. The contents of the tablets may be as follows: "Door to the fifth dimension", "Caution, hungry mosquitoes", "biting is forbidden!", "Do not scare the bats", "terrible room", etc.

2. Charming ghosts, carved from the Watman Sheet, will be happy to be located on the walls and ceilings of your home.

3. Thematic figures - bats, spiders, pumpkins, etc. You can also cut out of colored paper and cheat around the apartment, and you can decorate the windows with them. By the way, such thematic stickers can be purchased almost in any stationery store.

4. Sliced \u200b\u200bautumn twigs will help create a magic holiday atmosphere.

5. A variety of Halloween figurines purchased in the store (very cute figures are sold on a red cube stores) or blinded personnel, will decorate the window sills and bookshelves.

6. Pumpkins! The more they are on the holiday, the better. From a pair of large ticking, you can make festive lamps with funny faces, and the remaining use to decorate the room.

7. It is difficult to present Halloween without mysterious flickering candles. Candles create an amazing atmosphere, but be careful - at the orphanage it is necessary to respect fire safety measures.

8. Autumn leaves, straw and other natural materials - the best thing you can come up with to decorate the house and holiday table.

9. Terribly cute tantaamars, depicting all sorts of monsters and ghosts, can be easily painted on the Watman sheet, and after cutting holes for face and hand. Here the main thing is not artistic skill, but the love and care that you invest in your creations!

10. Decide in advance how much fun guys can withstand your home, and make a pretty invitation for all guests in the form of ticking or autumn leaves.

Children's party at Halloween: Festive table

"Cheap and angry" - a festive table draped by a black and orange grid will be very impressive, which can be purchased at any fabric store. Make the same, and all the nodes and folding fasten with decorative spiders. The table is well additionally decorated with a natural composition of pumpkins, leaves and candles and other Halloween attributes.

The festive menu should consist of useful children's dishes. , decorated and named in accordance with the festive subject. For example: all sorts of pumpkin dishes - stewed stew, filed in a sweated pumpkin, golden pancakes, pumpkin pie; Juices and compote predominantly red, but you always need to have an alternative for kids who are not desirable to use red products due to allergies; Salads decorated in the form of shapeless wounds with ollyok or pea eyes; Vegetable and fruit cuts in the form of eyes, smiling jaws, etc. - Fantasy There are no borders here. Sandbody, pies, cookies, too, can be issued as the most surprising way.

Children's party at Halloween: Costumes

Any thematic holiday implies costume, and Halloween is no exception. You can purchase ready-made suits, and you can make a suit yourself. All that in any way will elaborate with our subject, will become a suitable option: the vampire mantle, pirate vesting, a witch suit or ghost - all this to the point.
Take care about guests for guests. Of course, probably, they themselves will not come with empty hands, but just in case, harvest any elements of suits for invited children and adults - walk so much!

Halloween Children's Festival: Games and Competitions

1. Test. Opening the Halloween Party, arrange the "test" for the kids to know the habits of other residents:
- on the most terrible howl;
- on the loudest topot;
- on the knowledge of traditional terrible dance (dance competition for attentiveness when repetition of movements).

These "tests" will help involve children in the festive process and intensify their attention.

2. Prashilka-repeat. Now the guys go to the Guska for the lead, repeating words and movements behind him:

We enter into the Dark Forest ( we make some sophisticated steps forward),
Where are the trees to heaven ( touch hands up)!
Along the path of the brought ( a few more steps),
In the thicket of the forest will be credited ( spread your fingers to make it seems to be on the branches of trees).
Come to the ravine ( frame),
Oh, we suffer fear ( trembling):
Everywhere rumble, everywhere howl ( top and publish scary sounds) –
It's time for us to run home ( children run the swarming and hiding anyone where, and the lead is trying to catch them)!

3. Hanging monster. This charming monster with open mouth must be drawn in advance on a sheet of watman and glue on the cardboard basis. Montstriana mouth is divided, and the stand is glued to this design so that the cardboard can stand on the floor. You can use a high box, with one of the wide sides of which the monster is drawn and its mouth is cut. The task of children is to "feed" monster, throwing tennis or plastic balls into open mouth. The one who falls into the goal is more than once.

4. Transition through a swamp. For this contest, blank, cut out of paper or from the residues of the linoleum nod. Children will need to "pass the swamp", entering only the saving bumps. One participant is given three bumps, after a perfect step, he must shift one bump forward and take the next step, etc. Game - relay. Wins the fastest participant (or team).

5. "Take care of your eyes!". Another relay game. We will need a tablespoon and a tennis ball packed under the eyeball. Participants need to quickly and very carefully convey the "eye" in a spoon to the destination. The team wins, which will be able to quickly and carefully cope with the task.

6. Dinner for the witch. Under the leadership of the leading children, it will be necessary to find in advance dinner dining ingredients: rubber snakes, lizards, various insects, volatile mice and spiders. The presenter reads a recipe, for example: we will need for hot 15 bats, 2 cockroaches, 10 caterpillars, etc., and the guys are looking for the ingredients in the desired number. A small snack after such a contest suggests itself!

7. Horror path. While children are occupied in the hall, quietly spread in the cold or corridor several cardboard boxes with different fillers, unpleasant to the touch: wet moss, mint newspaper, rustling bags, wet rag, warmer with warm water. When everything is ready - offer the guys one by one to go through this terrible path. The main condition: the eyes of the participants should be closed, and the barefoot should be stupid.

8. Vampires. Before the start of the competition, tell the legend that we entered the possession of the Vampire Lord and are obliged to comply with the rules of the day of the vampires day. Together with the guys, I remember, at what time of day they sleep, and in what - be awake. Choosing a "sacrifice" and put it at the window. And the "vampires" - all other children are located near the opposite side of the room in their "coilers". The task of children - moving only when the master declares the onset of the night, and having silent on the spot with the word "day", try to catch the sacrifice as quickly as possible. Who caught - wins.

9. Little artists. Children are heard of orange ball balls and black permanent (others can "smear") markers. On the ball you need to draw Halloween Montstrika. Wins the most funny grimace.

10. Night Total. Remember what indescribable delight and horror did you cause different terrible stories in childhood? Light a candle, put the kids around it and announce a contest of terrible stories. The candle is gently transmitted from one to another participants, and that one who stops the candle, must tell his "horror counters". Here the main thing is not to overdo it and too terrible stories to complete on an optimistic note, causing smiles and laughter. Believe me, an amazing atmosphere, fascinating stories and the opportunity to slightly hugging will bring a lot of pleasure, both tolders and listeners.

Do not forget about the festive disco with merry dance competitions: with balls, clamped between belly - on the most friendly couple, with mop in hands - on the smallest and movable witch, with repeat movements - for attentiveness and accuracy and etc.

And complete the competitive part of the festively covered table, "putting" into the center of the table, sulfted in advance of the pumpkin with all sorts of sweet suitable topics - crirical candy in the form of worms, "terrible" chewing marmalade and curly biscuits.

Interesting ideas and fun holidays!

© 2011 ATTENTION! The script is designed specifically for the site of the holiday: the encyclopedia of the holidays. Full or partial reprint of the material and its publication on other websites are possible only with the written consent of its author and the editorial board of the site. Attempts to unauthorized use of materials for commercial purposes are illegal and persecuted in court.

Halloween or the eve of the day of all saints is the feast of the unclean, vampires, witches and other similar characters. Traditionally, it is celebrated in English-speaking countries, we began to celebrate it not so long ago and he is informal. Halloween's most actively celebrate young people and children who always seek to something new, unusual. And the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe holiday is to laugh at her fear, not so bad, especially for children. And in order for this day to have fun and unusual, organize a children's quest for Halloween, whose script we offer you.

This quest is suitable for children with age 10-12 years old and is designed to hold a house. If a party is planned with friends at home, such a Halloween scenario for children is perfect for the entertainment program for guests.

Since the quest is dedicated to Halloween, then the subject is appropriate - we are looking for the treasure of a black spider. And the main goal will be a bag with sweets - the one with which the kids go home and give up the treats.

Guards the treasure of a black shaggy spider, whose evil witch stole his eyes. The task of children is to find all the 8 eyes of Spider, and he will give them a bag with sweets for it.


  1. Cardboard box. It is possible from under shoes or similar. Color black and writing the word "Help". Inside the note (print or write by hand);
  2. 8 eyes. They can be bought in stores with sewing accessories or where they sell the materials of the needlework. In the extreme case, we draw and cut out yourself;
  3. Notes to all stages (we save to your computer and print or write ourselves);
  4. Pumpkin - cardboard or paper figurine;
  5. Invitation card and decoder (print);
  6. Crossword (print);
  7. Card with arithmetic task (print);
  8. Decayer to the card (print);
  9. Card with a mirror mystery;
  10. Plastic disposable cup and capsule from kinder surprise. In the capsule hide the picture, pour water and freeze. So that the capsule does not float out of the water, we take it or glue to the bottom of the cup;
  11. The picture with an excess object (printe, put in the capsule);
  12. Picture with rebus (print);
  13. Picture with labyrinth (print);
  14. Scooter figurine paper or cardboard. We do not very small to fit all eyes;
  15. Adhesive adhesive or double-sided adhesion to glue his eyes;
  16. Bag with sweets (at your discretion).

Spent a lot? In the comments to the article there will be a link to download all pictures and notes with one file.

First stage - meeting

Children enter the apartment and see the black box with the inscription "HELP". Opening the box, they detect a note:

A dark and cool place is a pantry or refrigerator (depending on what is in the apartment). If the quest is carried out in a private house, you can hide the pumpkin into the cellar. The task of children is to find it.

The second stage - the location of the "pumpkin"

Children find a pumpkin, and next to her a note:

Together with the note there is a postcard and a decoder to her.

The task of children is to find four items, compare them with a decryptor, and then fold the word from the letters received. As a result, children should get the word " WATER", And this means that it is necessary to go there where there is water. The choice of place is yours. Options: bathroom, toilet, kitchen. For example, you can hide the following note under the kitchen sink. And for the passage of this stage, children get 1 spider's eye.

Third Stage - Location "Crossword"

Quest participants find the following note:

Near the note is a sheet of paper with crossword. Children solve him and get the code word " SOFA", As well as one more eye spider.

Answers to Crossword:

  1. witch
  2. zombie
  3. vampire
  4. pumpkin
  5. halloween

Fourth Stage - Location "Arithmetic"

Here the kids also meets the note, to which the card is attached with the task, as well as the decoder to it.

As a result of calculations, the quest participants should turn out the number 40. Comparison with the decryr - 4 - "van", and 0 - "on", and therefore the next stage - bath. Well, children get another eye of black spider.

Fifth Stage - Location "Mysterious Mystery"

A note and a card with a task hide under the bath, you can cover something for reliability.

Here is the note itself:

But the card with the task:

Sixth Stage - Floating "Frosty"

In the freezer, the quest participant finds a plastic glass, in which water is frozen, and in this water - capsule. The task of children is to melt the ice and get the capsule with the following task.

And the essence of the next task is to find an excess object in the picture. It is this subject that there is a hint indicating the further direction. Well, the eyes do not forget to hand the next)

And here is the picture itself:

It is easy to guess that all the illustrations are somehow belong to Halloween except one-TV in the lower row, which means the following tip awaits participants near tV.

Stage Seventh - Location "Rebus"

On this location, a note with a picture can be hidden for the TV - to attach a scotch, if the TV stands on the chest or an end - a honey note somewhere inside the cabinet so that the kids want to look a little.

Possed at this stage quest looks like this:


By short reflection, children come to the conclusion that the word is encrypted in the picture " Window", So it is necessary to move to the window. And for their efforts, participants receive another, the sixth eye of a black scary spider, and that means it remains to find only two eyes to get the main prize for passing a quest.

Stage eighth - Labyrinth location

Here comes the most interesting, because the window in the apartment is usually not one. In addition, the following task can be securely hidden under the pot with a flower or attach a pin behind the chart.

Finding finally a note, children read it:

Labyrinth himself also find here.

Two tracks from three do not lead anywhere, and only one leads to the image of the output with the image of the balcony, which means the further path of the participants lies with the balcony.

Phase ninth - Spider meeting, last eye and sweet prize!

Since the balcony is such a place where you can easily hide something, then at this stage the task of children will simply find the figure of Spider and the last one. In the prominent place, we leave only a note number 9:

But the packer pattern:

The participants then attach all the eyes of a spider with glue and get their deserved bag with sweets.

The quest scenario is compiled so that the preparation for him is as simple as possible, but it is still necessary to prepare. For this, as already mentioned above, you need to save on a computer and print all pictures from the article. To simplify this process, you will find a link to a file with pictures in the comments.

And now a little about the main prize. Its composition completely depends on your capabilities and fantasies, here are some ideas:

  • small packing with cookies;
  • chocolate candies;
  • homemade pastries - cupcakes, cookies, gingerbread;
  • small toys, you can soft;
  • stickers;
  • hairpins, gum (if girls are involved);
  • little figures machines, if there are boys among the participants.

But they still make a basic part of sweets, because they are their children to Halloween, dressed in costumes.

Anyone from the stages of the children's quest on Halloween can be replaced, modify at their discretion, adjust the preferences and interests of the participants, because the main thing in all this check is that the children are satisfied and received pleasant impressions of the passage of the quest!

Description: The evening begins the lead, which tells about some traditions of the holiday. During the event, individual representatives of the unclean forces, which are conducting games and contests, "unclean" quiz. The latter appears the features, who wants to pick up the souls, but with the first cries of the rooster he has to leave, not Solono Bread.

Purpose: Acquaintance with the history and some traditions of the holiday, creating a good mood and increase the cohesion of the team.

Registration: Decorate the Hall of Pumpkin Images - Jack, signs of a sacrificent strength - a witch boiler, horns and hooves, a sheet with a terrible face, reliating an air ball, bats. All over the hall was glued to paper bones.

Necessary attributes:

  • on the back of each chair, images of brooms, pumpkins, fish tail, bones, and white leaflets are glued;
  • brooms and objects - obstacles;
  • orange balloons, threads, black markers;
  • ropes;
  • skull;
  • drawing of a nestless donkey and tail;
  • bones and skeleton image.


  • Leading
  • Witch
  • Mermaid
  • Koschei the Deathless
  • Ghost
  • Mummy
  • Heck

Event flow


Horrible evening guys! What is happening on the street today: witch witch freely, ghosts and other evil spirits! You do not know what happened?

Answer that today Halloween


For sure! As I could forget, because it is one of the vintage holidays, which is celebrated in English-speaking countries. By the way, do not remind which countries began to celebrate the eve of the evening of the saints - exactly what is called Halloween?

Ireland, France and England, where Celtic tribes lived.


True, the ancient Celts believed, it consists only of winter and summer. Summer ended October 31. The offensive of the winter was considered the beginning of the new year, and it was on the night of November 1, when the time change took place, the gates between the worlds of the living and the dead were opened.

At this time, the souls of the dead sought to find the body to which the entire next year would own.

In order not to fall into captivity of the unclean strength, people put on costumes and masks, thus trying to stay unnoticed.

And that is why today we dressed up today in costumes and masks to mislead those who came from the world of perfume to take possession of our body.


It was at that evening all the witches flew to the Shabash. Many dreamed of seeing a real witch and started on various tricks to achieve their own. Previously, they believed that if you go to walk in the clothes twisted on the wrong side, then you will definitely meet this bright representative of the unclean. Let's also withdraw any object of clothing inside out and put on - maybe we are also a witch one.

Perform a task.

Music on the broom pops up Witch.


Of the most terrible evening, mermaids and the left, and all the other extinct! Do not know where the Witch Mountain is? I flew to Shabash, but a little diverted - Leshel, probably joking.


Hello, a witch. We do not know where the mountain. Did not hear about such.


(suspiciously): Do you have exactly those who are issued for?

Something I can not believe in your unclean affiliation.


You do not believe - check. We are ready to prove it.


Okay. If you are really worst and disgusting, then we should be able to fly on the broom.

I'll check it now.


Guys, look, who on the back of the chair is glued with the image of the broom - go to the scene.


Well, that, I believe that you do not lie. Then I will fly on. I was already probably waiting for my companions - withelches. Hello, if you see!


UV, carried away!

Guys, let's quickly turn on the front side, so as not to meet more like a miracle.

Turn back clothes.


From the unclean strength on this night, you can protect not only suit. The main attribute of the holiday is considered ... What?

That's right, pumpkin, on which the image of the face is cut. It is a symbol of an evil spirit that scares the fire located inside.

Let's create a similar masterpiece with you. Guys, who on the back of the chair there is a drawing of pumpkins, go out on the scene.


Well, now we are doubly protected from the unclean, which on this night calmly passes through the gates, on the guard of which the mermaids are.

Do you know who are the mermaids?

Included Mermaid.


Hello guys. I came to you with a request: my girlfriend was lost in your world. Now I am looking for her.

She is not among you, by chance? Exactly?

It may pretend that a person, and it is impossible. The night will end, and it will remain, will not have time to return.


I do not think she is here. But it can be checked!

The scene rises those who have a fish tail on the chair.

Conduct the game "Rusal Tail". Each participant binds legs, forming a tail. The task of participants is to dare to the desired place and in the opposite direction. You can spend in the form of a relay - two team competitions.


Look, our participants easily coped with such a task!

If they were mermaids, they could not even move from the place, because the real tail does not allow moving around the ground.


I see that there is no. Thanks for the help. I will go look next.


Not only mermaids and witches walk around the world alive in this dangerous time.

You can meet another evil.

Enter Mummy, Koschey Immortal and Ghost.


Hello everyone, Hello, Hell! How is the mood at today's festive?


Terribly, as it should be. We are unrealistic scary.


Well, it should be. After all, today is our holiday!

Want to hug a little?


Of course, with great impatience.

  • Koschey holds a quiz on the subject of the holiday:
  1. What bloodflower lives in a terrible castle? (Dracula)
  2. Who was able to settle the blacksmith vacule? (damn)
  3. Old woman with bone foot (Baba Yaga)
  4. The most popular vegetable on the day of all saints from Americans (pumpkin)
  5. Who snakes replace hair? (Gorgon Medusa)
  6. Who knows how to leak through the walls? (ghosts)
  • Mummy spends the game Skull:

Everyone who wants rise to a circle. Music transfer to each other skull. As soon as the music is over, the one who has a skull in his hands, makes a terrifying cry and sits in place. The rest continue to play until one person remains, which will be the winner.

  • Ghost holds a competition for better upholding.

Participants are published, which on the back of the chair are glued white leaflets.


Well done! Not frightened upwards, but so many ghosts just performed. Well, that, let's go further to frighten people.

Output Heck.


Ha ha ha! That fell away! Thought what to do with me for costumes?

Now everyone's calling here, we all your innocent souls will take!


What happened? Why do you want to harm us?


From harm! I'm so arranged.

I just wondered to ask you!


But we did not harm anything.

By the way, hello to you witch handed over.


And this already marked here. Well, that, you can take tests to try to save your souls.

Only, if you do not cope, then do not see you freedom, as your ears!

  • Conducts games and contests:
  1. « Coffering a donkey tail " - Participation takes to those who wish.
  2. "Collect Skeleton" - Collect all paper bones located on the walls of the hall, and glue the skeleton to the image, finding the right place for each bone. Participation take those on the chair that the dice pattern is glued.


Well done, coped with the task.

But I will still take your souls, I really need them!


Do not take!


Why is it?


Because the morning came. Guys, when does the whole hell passes?

When the roosters sing.

Let's show the line that it is time to return to your world. Prepared?



I did not have time today - I will have time for the next time! So beware!


Guys, we could escape from captivity, passed all the tests.

Why not please and do not fall? Now - disco!

"Recently, very often began to draw attention to the holidays, which our country has nothing to do: Valentine's Day, Halloween and Others.

"This year we decided to arrange in our school halloween evening. I am not a supporter of such events, but as a class manager was supposed to prepare a small scene with students. Any educational event must set educational goals.

"Unfortunately, in this event I did not see these goals. This scene of neutral content, talks a bit about the traditions of the Halloween holiday and the storyline is tied to school life, that is, completely eliminates the scenes of violence that are offered in the materials of the Internet posted on the Internet.

""Thank you so much for the help of the creation of this scene to the Social teacher of the Accomavation Center" Amber "Colopecinine A.P.

"Scene on Halloween.

"The children depict oaks around the children, the fire is burning in the center, the druid and a bark sits at the fire.

"Conduct, guests are expensive and old, and young!
I will lead my story about the older times, about Celtic tribes, about the holidays, in those days of the Great.
And one of them reached the present day, he is celebrated and now.
Yes Yes! You guessed - Halloween! Previously, he was called differently, but the author was not in such subtle details.

"So, the story began:
- Grandpa Druid by the fire sits,
Sacrifice to bring he wants
The knife, of course, sharpens
The kolobka will most likely soak.

"Kool himself says:
"I left the grandmother, and I left Dedi, and I left the hare, and from you Druid and I will leave.

- Nudody himself, friend, people pursue a heavy rock.

- We need help,
Tradition is one,
Bonfires to light this night, bring sacrifices,
People save.
The corners of these bonfires to hand out,
Housing from dark spirits to protect

-Myscia, of course, grandfather is important!
But why did I choose?
There is an alternative in the world and not alone.
Animals and themselves people
Won in the hall of this candidates are not counting.
And hooligans, and two, of course, there is ...
And I'm only one in the world,
I will not repeat and do not win!
I can pay off can i
What do you want to offer!

- Candies and sweets you offer for all for the defensive!
We will pay off, al no? In we have enough candies?

- Candy will give friends, take, because I'm not Zhadala.

- this is a plow,
Candy life will save you
But what to do to us
Druidam - sorcerers.
The victims are needed
Save us they should
From unclean power.

- There is a way out - we can bring another sacrifice.
When I was here, then the thing found one, but very not a simple!
Gets due to sinus diary

- Here it is, the thing is.
Called diary!
Ivanov Dima.
The average you have such al no.
- no such, well, well
It's terribly lucky to him that there is no media now.

- Do you sacrifice him if you want to offer?

No, of course, that you, this sacrifice is not a victim.
See what I found in this diary!
Pulls on the floor twice.

- We will sacrifice them with dark strength, saving the world is doubly.

Well, the idea is not Nova, but I like it.
We do not need twos in diaries. It is so?

"Druid walks around the fire
- We are druids, sorcerers, very strong very much. We will save the world now from the dark forces, from the turns of evil and unnecessary. We distribute the coal of the fire we are ours to help us protect at home and diaries!
Distribute with a kolobom small red fives.

"Thank you for your attention, hope for recognition.


Perhaps it will be useful to read: