Events by February 23 for men. Holiday scenarios Day Defender of the Fatherland for adults. Game "February Gay"


2 leading, man, peasant, male.

1st leading: In such a kind and evening hour, we together gathered now!
2nd presenter: We want that in this wonderful room smile cute shone!
1st leading: How all men are good! Their eyes are the mirror of the soul!
2nd presenter: They are waiting for festive moments: Attention and envelope!
1st leading:We will not lose time, it's time for men to congratulate!
2nd presenter:Today is a male day right, he gives them honor and glory!

Greeting Card game

On the tablet greeting card with the following text:
Our _____________________ Men,
You have to congratulate we have reasons!
You ______________ and ________________
And for it, we are very grateful!
Although February outside the window is snow-white, -
We love you we heartily and gently!
We are glad to you ___________, ____________, _________, __________ and ___________!
We meet this holiday with you
Happiness, peace, good you wish you!
Stay ___________, __________, __________, __________ and ___________!

Leading ask those present at the evening the ladies, which representatives of the power of them are attracted.

Answers fit into place with pass at the greeting card, and then the whole text is declared.
(Suddenly, on top of the stage with a parachute, a man in the form of a paratrooper is launched.)

1st leading: It seems that in honor of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland to us landing land.
(Presenters raise a parachute, from under which a man appears.)
2nd leading: What a man! Male: (Bodro) Here is a suitable place to landing!
1st leading:Especially for real men. Man: so exactly! (gives the honor)
2nd presenter:February 23 gives us representatives of heavy sex from the sky.
The male: I see a lot of those in the hall.
2nd presenter: You are right, the culprits of the celebration is enough.
The male:In this case, they must be in the center of attention.
1st leading:Absolutely agree with you. (In the hall :) We invite real men to go out on the scene!

Competition "Fight squat"

Contestants get into circular circle (formed circle is protected by kegs), pull hands forward palms and, hitting the palms of rivals, try to push each other outside the kegles. Competitors who touched by the hand of the floor or came out of the circle, leave the scene.
The prize receives one who until the latter left the battle limits.

2nd presenter:At one time, the ladies have taken away a lot from the men's hail.
Male: What do you mean?
2nd presenter: For example, in the Dame wardrobe there are things previously visiting the wardrobe of men.
1st leading:I wonder if our ladies know about it?
2nd presenter:Aware of them.

Game "From men to the ladies"

The presenters offer those present in the hall of the ladies to name things that switched to them from the male wardrobe (pants, stockings, a wig, etc.). The most active are invited to the scene. Male: With difficulty I imagine myself in stockings and wig. 1st presenter: Surely, the ladies, too, you in all this robe is barely thinking. 2nd presenter: Actually, the representatives of the beautiful gender men understand in their own way.

Competition "Men in the Dame Understanding"

Ladies, distinguished in the previous game, are obtained on a tablet with a landscape sheet, marker and a card with one of the concepts (for example: "a man at a party", "a man in the garage", "man on fishing" and others) concepts are not announced in advance.
For five minutes, they must schematically depict the essence of their concepts, then masterpieces appear for everyone.
The prize receives a contestant, whose drawing was understood by the audience in accordance with the specified concept.

The male:That turns out to be like you, cute ladies, see us, men. I want to offer you a busy quiz, called the "man's eyes' man."

Quiz "man with the eyes of a woman"

The ladies present in the hall are chosen by one faithful answer out of three, data of a man for every question quiz.

1. What will make a man with candy?

a) quickly eating entirely;
b) will eat well, biting gradually, determining it with stuffing;
c) refuses her not to drop the dignity of the strong floor.

2. What dishes will prefer a man in a restaurant?

a) exotic;
b) ordinary;
c) the fact that his mother has improved in a distant childhood.

3. How will a man come down, having come to the store to update your wardrobe?

a) before you buy, it will advise with the seller, having learned his opinion;
b) immediately asked the seller a model of a certain color and size;
c) after a long-time and fitness, and without making a choice, it will take anything to postpone shopping until the next time.

4. How will a man act traveling in an unfamiliar area and unexpectedly confused from the way?

a) asks the road at the first oncoming;
b) will be angry with uncertainty;
c) will start looking for the road independently, counting on his intuition.

5. What will take a man behind the wheel when the green light light will light up?

a) quickly rush forward, ahead of others;
b) slowly moves from the place;
c) Create a cork, having enchanting the lady located in a number of worthwhile cars.

1st leading:Ladies and men are always unscrewed secrets for each other.
2nd presenter: And men sometimes are real surprises.
Male: Probably, this is from the fact that we adore various surprises.
1st leading: Then you should deliver them.
2nd presenter: Surprises, fly to the hall!
(On top of the visual hall, 6 paper parachutes are launched from the bottom of the cases from the kinder-surprises. Six men who caught parachuts, leading asking for the scenes.)
The male: The surprises have not yet ended?
1st leading: Men's surprises begin!

Competition "Men's Surprises"

Six men become contestants. Behind the scenes they open cases suspended to parachutics, and find a note with the name of any animal. Then the contestants in order of odds go to the scene and with the help of the pantomime depict their animals. Before the release of each contestant, the presenters declare: "A man at work"; "Male at home"; "Man behind the wheel"; "Man in a restaurant"; "Male in the resort"; "A man with friends."
Prizes are honored by those whose animals identifies the public.

2nd presenter:No one expected such surprises from representatives of strong sex.
1st leading:It should be noted that men are always rushing somewhere.
The male: We are in a hurry, do not miss your happiness.
2nd presenter:Nevertheless, the lucky people lose their move.
1st leading: I wonder where a happy man hurries?
2nd presenter:This question today you can get a lot of answers.
(Leading with microphones descend to the auditorium and receive answers to this question from strong sex.)
1st leading: And I thought that happy men rush only in the garage.
The male: Man and car - inseparable concepts.
2nd presenter:Our next contest for true motorists!

Competition "Do not givek!"

Competitors are obtained by balloon and cycling pump. Then they blindfolded begin to inflate their balls with pumps.
The prize goes to the contestant, faster than all the ball and bursting it.

1st leading: Men are happy when there are pumps in their hands, and ladies when they receive two outfits out of turn.
2nd presenter:This usually happens.
(Leading and man goes to the left side of the Kulis, from the opposite side of which the characters of the intermediate "two outfits out of turn" appear.)

Intermedia "Two Outside Outside"

She is: (demanding) I want two outfits out of turn!
It: Go, clean the potatoes and socks posture - your wishes will be fulfilled.
She is: This is not my desires! This is the responsibilities that an irres memounted husband forgets to fulfill!
It:And what are the responsibilities, in your opinion, should be a conscious husband?
She is:The most ordinary: on weekdays - coffee in bed serve, on weekends - flowers to prevent flowers, and on holidays - dear gifts to delight!
It: (dreamily) Why, in this case, I did not born a woman?
She is:Now it is clear why you always get yourself only blue shirts!
She is:To your weakness!
It: (modestly) Actually, as I married you, - my weakness stopped.
She is:And you hid it from me?
It:Isn't it noticeable?
She is: This immediately rushes into the eyes, if you enter our bedroom! No wonder my girlfriend asked me one spicy question: why our beds are far from each other!
It:And what did you answer them?
She is:My husband "Pig"!
It: Sounds convincing.
She is: It is not you "pig", and you are a real borov!
It: Kriki Potiche - people think that we celebrate the Year of Kaban.
She is:I celebrate it from the same time, how I got married!
It: Fine, fine. Now I will go and make you gifts.
She is: (enthusiastically) Finally, the Year of the Dragon begins for me! What do you want to give me?
It:Cleaning potatoes and worsted socks.
She is:(excited) Such Presents Now you will do yourself constantly!
It:After your hands, they look more spectacular.
She is:It seems you just dreamed of being born a woman!
It:But not born.
She is:Today I give you this happy opportunity!
It: (surprised) and then you will become?
She is:And I will live your philistine life!
It: No wonder my friends asked me: why our beds are far from each other.
She is: What did you do with them in our bedroom?
It:Nico. We are quite satisfied with the kitchen.
She is: (sobbing) That's why the table is loosened all legs.
It:Three bottles of beer on three great cargo are not.
She is: (excited) Then why they loosened?!
It: You always live in the kitchen - you know more.
She is: (incredulous) What are you hinting at?
It: To your weakness.
She is:(modestly) Actually, immediately after our wedding, my weakness stopped.
It: Then why do you live in the kitchen?
She is: (excited) I want to prove to you that I am a strong woman: to men indifferent, not glued to the bed!
It:(Dreamy) Still, why didn't I born a woman?
She is:Your dream came true - two outfits out of turn!
(Intermediate characters are bowed and removed on the right side of the Kulis, on the left side of which leading will be released on the scene.)

1st leading:The outfits are presented, now it's time to play!
2nd presenter: For all the most festive game ... Together: "February Guessing"!

Game "February Gay"

Leading say Quatrasion with unfinished last rows. Present in the hall must guess the corresponding rhymes. Game on the activation of the public.

1st leading:We are February to us
Neither heat nor freshness grew
And a wonderful day is
We call him ... ("Male")

2nd presenter:Ladies in the evening in a wave
Cooked pickles,
For men's straight gait
Bought also ... (vodka)

1st leading: Heavy floor
A hiking is in a grocery:
We need one trifle -
Five-stroke ... (Cognac)

2nd presenter:Ladies on the legs a little light
Marates suggest;
Give in bright coat
Guys ... (Gifts)

1st leading:Guys are not lagging behind -
Near the mirror sink:
Before adopting a hundred grams,
Conquer dream ... (ladies)

2nd presenter: The table covers, fun, laughter,
Men have a great success -
In such happy moments
Get ... (compliments)

1st leading:The lady's holiday will not refuse:
In the word gentle, respect
Well will feed Vesusno -
Guys will not ... (sad)

2nd presenter:Hour fun - the best chance
Make a reflex curtsy
And then, no matter what
Be under ... (table)

1st leading:The holiday is not to blame,
That the table dived squad -
Guys a bit tired,
Very sweet ... (trisky)

2nd presenter:In the morning, the strong floor will wake up,
Again on weekdays.
Oh, what kind of pursuit he is -
Male Day - February ... (holiday)

(On the right side of the Kulis, a peasant appears with a hammer in hand, dressed in the working form.)

Peasant:(Znorly) Good evening! Do not you need to be knit here, scout or repair?! (gets out of pocket scum)
1st leading:What kind of economic peasant.
2nd presenter:Thanks, I do not need it now.
Peasant: Then I will stay a little, - suddenly my help will need!
1st leading: Of course, stay - hang with everyone in honor of the holiday.
Peasant:It's possible! I'm, and I know, and I do not forget the entertainment! (The balloons fly in the visual hall from above: 3 red and 3 yellow.)
2nd presenter:Surprises again flew to our hall! Dear men who caught air souvenirs, invite you to the scene!
(A six men with balloons rises on the scene. The leading shoves one of the red balls in which there was a note.)
1st leading: Now we learn what a surprise has a red ball in himself! (reads the text of the note :)
"Hands are and a hammer,
Nails and lumps,
It means that there will be a lot
And the joy of boosters! "
Peasant:It's just in my part! (makes it out of kulis 3 hammer, 3 bar and 18 nails)

Competition "Zabivaly"

Men who caught red balls get on hammer, bar and 6 nails. Their task: Drive the hammer nails in the bar.
One who comes forward to all will cope with the task (the quality of work is also taken into account).

2nd presenter:Now reveal the mystery of the yellow ball!., (Breaks one of the yellow balls and announces a note lying in it :)
"You are screwed and screwdriver
Will be useful!
So that the hooks kept smoothly
No assistants canceled! "

Competition "Privitila"

Men who caught yellow balls, get from a peasant on a scolder, a wooden plank with screw holes and 6 household hooks. Their task: to scout scolding hooks to the bar.
The prize gets the most promoted and skillful contestant.

Peasant: Masters and hooks rejoice!
1st leading:Russia was famous for the masters of the age of centuries. That neither the city, then their craftsmen.
2nd presenter: And the cities we have, by the way, the male names are arched.

Game "Cities and Men"

The leaders offer representatives of strong sex present in the hall, call cities with male names (Ivanovo, Vladimir, Borisoglebsk, etc.). Six are most active invited to the scene.
Peasant:Each city will find avid fishermen! Is I saying? .. then you will arrange fun fishing!

Competition "Merry fishing"

The peasant makes three rings because of the scenes, interlocked in the middle, where the dried vobue was suspended. Six men who took an active part in the previous game are taken behind the sticks that at the ends of the ropes and diverge in different directions.
Under the merry music, they wind up the rope on the wand, thus approaching the wobble, which will get the thistle itself.

1st leading: Men, as you know, eat never refuse.
2nd presenter: Are they well aware of cooking well?
1st leading:It is easy to find out if you hold the game "Path to the heart of a man."

Game "Path to the heart of a man"

The leaders are asking for a strong half of the hall to give the name to what will be discussed below:
1. Loado, cooked with the participation of cows and chicken. (Omelet)
2. The sustained dish, in solemn incidents being crowned with the head of the ram. (Pilaf)
3. Maxi-cake. (Cake) 4.svinskaya layer. (Fat)
5.Abrikos, declaring a dry hunger strike. (Dried apricots)
6. Babe-undercurrent. (Drying)
7. Cartoofel skeyka. (Puree)
8.Fruct, who adore boxers. (Pear)
9.Uish with cottage cheese filling. (Vareniki)
10.Fruct kefir is not our way. (Yogurt)

In the game are assumed to choral responses. Amented in cooking overlook the scene.
Peasant:Well, lovers to eat, disassemble air sausages!

Competition "Aerial sausages"

The distinguished in the previous game form 2 teams, the captains of which a peasant hands over the balloon in the form of sausages. Standing in the column, the contestants transmit each other a ball, squeezed between the legs (it is prohibited by hands). The team wins, whose sausage was tested by all its participants for the minimum time.

2nd presenter: Men have not only a good appetite, but also mental abilities.
1st leading:Our game is confirmation.
2nd presenter:Representatives of a strong floor, charge the brains!

Game "Charge Brains!"

The presenters read the phrases, and the men present in the hall should be called them in one word.
1.pjak to the diaper. (Dispenser)
2.Folklore text on theism. (Riddle)
3. Buckwoods built for roll call. (Alphabet) T
4.Frababushkina audio system. (Gramophone)
5. The pie is a bagel. (Hole)
6. Picture side of the nape. (Face)
7.Fod to publicly bother with the lady. (Dance)
8. Incore, suffering from undivided love for a person. (Mosquito)
9. The person who is sometimes hanging. (Nose)
10. The test that corresponds to the head for the relationship between people. (Chamomile)

The most intelligent are invited to the scene.

Peasant: For those who know how to charge the brains, the competition called "February Yumorina"!

Competition "February Yumorina"

The peasant suggests the most intelligent men. Curious situations:

February 1.23 as a gift from his beloved you get a funny souvenir - horns.
2. In the midst of the festival, a sympathetic stranger suddenly declares and seems to be your mistress.
3. Self calls your cat name, and you are Murzik.
4. Along with you your favorite is constantly fainted.
5. In the Sunday day, you repaired a bed of your one-year-old son and discovered an unused condom in it.
6. It is in the morning calls you Petya, Day - Grisha, in the evening - Dima, and at night - Kohl, despite the fact that in the passport you are Alexey. All questions contestants respond in odds. The winner (there may be several of them) is determined by the applause of the audience.

1st leading: (To the peasant), tell me what else men can distinguish between?
Peasant: His delete and musicality!
2nd presenter:Do these concepts can be compatible?
Peasant: And how! Now my friends will come here and we are going together!, (Screaming towards the right scenes :) Hey, friends, your help is required! (Four men come to the scene, one of which with harmonica, and four women.)
1st leading: Let me, we are speaking exclusively about the representatives of the strong sex.
Peasant:Ladies - decoration of our deleted Quentte!
Ladies: (Balics) Wow!
2nd presenter:In this case, we are all in your attention.
Peasant: Men's chastushki! (A peasant and his friends sing a chastushki. Women are located between the performers, "calm" and dance for each naigersh.)

Male Chastushki

1st:We give you to you now
Under the harmonic of the chastushki!
You are arranged by
Wall and girlfriends!

2nd: Milashka and I met
In the evening on the street!
So that no one touched it
I'm afraid to clog out!

3rd:At girlfriend
Blue eyes!
She is my gifts
Like anyone!

4th: I am wife for the behavior
Announced suddenly boycott;
The table for two persons covered
I do not call me.

5th: I'm behind my belch
The whole year courted,
Cavalier day-day
From her dried!

1st:Together we and my wife together
We go fishing:
She sobs songs -
No fish, sorry.

2nd:I invites you to visit
Milka is not always:
If you need to arrange, -
It seems to me then!

3rd:I'm lucky with my girlfriend
I don't need a lot!
And how to the registry office went with her, -
Requires outfits.

4th: Good harmonic plays -
Round buttons!
I recognize my Milashka
I'm always on the ass!

5th:We spread you -
It became more fun!
We praise now
From the heart rather!

Peasant:(To the lead) How do you like our removal quintet?!
1st leading: It was unsurpassed!
Peasant:I will not know in vain! .. (I look out of his friends with a look, who show him in the direction of the Kulis) pleasures they give me to know what you need to send somewhere! Merry entertainment to you! (Under the tallest accordions, a peasant with friends and girlfriends is heading towards the right kulisi.)
2nd presenter:Friends are wonderful, especially if they are male!

Game "Friends in Riddles"

Leading say Quatrasion with unfinished last rows. All those present in the hall must guess male names suitable by rhyme by the end of third lines. Also choir responses contributing to the intensification of the public.

1.Muscant is great:
And play, and will sing.
Will be fun in the world
If near you ... (Petya)

2.Cavaler he is what it is necessary.
There is no from the girls from the girl.
On a date came out again
Remover handsome ... (Misha)

Huming any case
In the "golden" hands.
Call you soon
Always extract ... (Andrei)

4.0N - Soul of honest companions:
Will say the toast, it will sing a verse.
If hears "Great!" -
No doubt - this is ... (Vova)

5. Inherit - its element:
Manites wide native space.
Stop can not at home
With a backpack Romantic ... (Roma)

b.ON Foresting and leaning,
You will not disappear with him anywhere.
Everything has a sense of measure
Serious ... (Valera)

7.Sened head
You will reveal a lot of topics.
Books read amateur
At leisure smart ... (Vitya)

8. "To what is sophisticated Schegol" -
He hears from all sides.
Do not find a mile and more
Groom than dandy -... (Sasha)

9. Values \u200b\u200bvery speed,
You will roll with the breeze.
All will overtake on the road,
Sens only behind the wheel ... (Seryoga)

10. He loves home comfort,
The table will cover - the highest class.
Door friends open
At the gallant ... (Nikita)

1st leading: It's nice to deal with an exquisitely polite and kind man.
2nd presenter: Of course, with such a gallant cavalier, each of us will feel like a true lady.
1st leading:But, unfortunately, the age of courtesies and courtesy remained in the distant past.
2nd presenter: Do not make pessimistic conclusions. I see in the first row a very suitable candidate, (addresses a man of pleasant outfice :) Can you invite you to the scene?
Men: Of course, (rises to the lead)
1st leading:(admiring) He's just a male!
2nd presenter: (to a man) Let you ask one delicate question.
Men:Do not mind.
2nd presenter:Do you always - Men are true?
Men:Answer all representatives of the strong floor - in itself an implacable action.
1st leading: So, you should ask for men present in the hall.
2nd presenter: Surely, a fun game will make their answers more truthful.

The game "Well, very truthful!"

10 balloons flies from above in the auditorium. Leaders are asked to catch the balls exclusively male half and get out of them on the scene. Then came out in order of oddity get out of the wallets of leading cash bills, printed on a color printer, from the reverse side of which is contained on one question:
. Do you say the ladies compliments?
. Do you watch erotic films?
. Does you make you a belly dance?
. Does the jealousy tormenting you?
. Are you giving up "Gogol Mogul"?
. Is your branded dish "scrambled eggs with sausage"?
. Is the "Kamasutra" of your desk book?
. Are you a ledellash?
. Have you ever been to the role of women?
. Do you accept gifts from tender sex?

Answers to questions are in balloons:
. There was no and will not.
. Talk about it without witnesses.
. This is the most pleasant for me.
. Whenever we go to bed.
. This is my hobby.
. Once a day I let myself enjoy.
. When in the house guests.
. Of course, otherwise it would not be interesting to live.
. If there is no second half nearby.
. Not without it. Players shove their balls and announce notes with answers.

For frankness, everyone gets sweet prizes. The leaders are two strong men leave on stage, motivating that their answers seemed to them the most truthful.

1st leading:Undoubtedly, only Knights of the Ladies' Hearts can be extremely true.
2nd presenter:And where are the ladies of our knights?
Men:Ladies are waiting for a special invitation.
(Two participants of the previous game are sent to different sides of the Kulis and bring to the scene on 5 miniature girls.)

Competition "Knights of the Ladiesky Hearts"

The girls form 2 teams whose captains are both men. Under the merry music, they take on their hands alternately every member of their team and carry to the chair and back. The team wins in which in a short period of time all the girls visited their hands.
1st leading:Men, famous for their achievements, is an excellent set, and if you remember everyone, it will take no one evening.
2nd presenter:Then I will receive the attention of glorious top three!
Men:I start: Athos, Portos, Aramis.
1st leading:Coward, balbes, experienced.
2nd presenter:(in the hall) And now, dear viewers, will play with you!

Game "Nice Troika"

Those present in the hall call men constituting the famous troops (you can do without names and surnames, for example: three heroes, three fathers, three Tsarevich).
The game provides massive non-prize answers.

1st leading: After such a game, I would like to invite three representatives of a strong and beautiful gender on stage, which showed competence in glorious top three.
(Three men and three women come to the scene.)
2nd presenter: (Please remind you, please all the name of the festive evening ... It is also referred to as our next contest!

Competition "Man, peasant, men"

The above men and women form diverse pairs. Men sit down on the chairs and wear wigs with hair long to the shoulders (if the contestants have their own suitable chapels - you can do without wigs), women take with a tray of men on a card with the inscription: "Man"; "Peasant"; "Men."
Under the melody from the K / F "Gentlemen of Good luck", they make their assistants-men hairstyle with this name (as a primary funds are issued, invisible, rubber bands and small studs).
The winner is chosen by the applause of the audience. Male's assistants are received for patience and exposure Sweet prizes.

1st leading: (To a man) Let me know, today for the first time on the stage or your debut previously took place?
Men: I performed with a school theatrical studio.
2nd presenter:And women roles have you had to execute?
Men: It was once - instead of the sick girl Baba-Yaga died.
1st leading:You probably broke the thunder of applause.
Men: Some autographs asked.
2nd presenter:(In the hall) is an unmatched spectacle when women play representatives of strong sex! Let's call these wonderful actors!

The game "right in the ladies"

Those present in the hall speak the names and surnames of the actors who played women's roles (O. Tabakov, A.Kalyagin, A.Danilko et al.).
Everyone who accepted the participation in the game is awarded the prize - a balloon, after which men leave on stage.

1st leading: (To men) Women's dress should not ask you to try on, but artistic abilities will have to show!

Competition "Ah, these legs!"

Men who participated in the previous game are issued markers. For 1 minute, they have to portray women's legs on their balloons.
The prize will get to the one who will have the greatest amount.

2nd presenter: (To a male) Tell me, could you on this stage, do something in honor of the holiday?
Men: Comic advice for strong sex representatives!

(on the motive "Songs about the moonshine apparatus" from k / f "Moonshoes")

1.If early reluctance to get up
And the soft bed has pried to themselves,
So, you are friends -
You can not part!

2. If you sent you to the grocery, -
Let the whole evening wait later:
Expectation in favor of her -
Will love you stronger!

Z.If your wife prepared omelet
And she said that there are no more products,
So you now rooster -
You can have two nasal!

4. If you wash my socks
And while dying with longing, -
Smile in full mouth
And to the socks of longing will go away!

5.If you wife got used to jealous
And get your gets to get it, -
In the circus let him come out and that hour
Relas from stupid phrases!

b.Yelli often began to taped a neighbor,
Who has no spouse, -
About him dossier exploration -
Will he meet guests!

7. If you horn the spouse as a gift,
So, she with the presentation is also lucky:
You hoof at the right hour
Provide without embello!

8. If the mother-in-law survived suddenly you, -
Dress up at home you like Papuas,
Bates loud in the drum -
It will not be a nice sofa!

9. If my wife arranged a concert, -
Rent a bus ticket to her,
Close the door -
Need a viewer to her another!

10. If you are miley apartments became a garage,
Does not argue his modest entourage, -
You can live in it calmly
And about the past, do not rush!

1st leading: (to a male) Your comic advice has been recalled not only by representatives of a strong floor, but also the female half of the audience.
2nd presenter: Thank you for your pleasure and ask you to go to the auditorium. (Men takes their place in the first row.)
1st leading:Every day Male fun presented!
He has provided reel entertain
And in memory good left,
I got sick of my heart!
2nd presenter:So let him not leave the holiday of us
After all, near real men,
With which the unknown is clever!
Let us say goodbye - in good time!

There are three chairs in front of the audience. Pass leading and occupy their positions on the chairs.

Leading 1:
We gathered today, gentlemen, one delicate occasion - a male holiday is coming on February 23.

Leading 2:
How is male?!

Leading 3:
How is male?!

Leading 1:
Here is such a bona. Even on the day of defenders of the Fatherland, you need to give gifts.

Leading 2:
Here are on!

Leading 3:
That was not hassle, so fed!

Leading 2:
Also gifts shive! Strange, I dreamed that I fed the chickens, and this is to gifts, but I, not as someone!

Leading 3:
No, well, they came, called a party! For what I slept all night on Bigudah (it will be great if the girl with a short haircut type "hedgehog").

Leading 1:
And yesterday, for this for the sake of a tough diet of the village on the air system. Three throat in the morning, sip to lunch and half a throat in the evening.

Leading 2:
Yah! How is the effect?

Leading 3:
We eat?

Leading 1:
You can live.

Leading 2:

Leading 3:
Girls we were distracted, what to do something with these most, as they call them ... Men!

Leading 1:
Holiday is responsible. Still, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. There will be no one for anyone.

Leading 2:
Right! Check them need to professional!

Leading 3:
Start a business!

The leading worn white hats, on which a red cross is drawn or cherished, dressings put on hand.

Leading 1:
Candidates for the defenders of the Fatherland is preparing for the surrender of the medical commission!

The leading 1 pulls out a centimeter, leading 2 scales leading 3 enemas.

Leading 1:
Assistants need!

Leading 2:
Output one!

Two women from the hall (they are warned in advance and voluntarily should be caused by help). Women take one man and bring to the medical commission.

First, the man is weighed, then it is summed up to the leading with a centimeter (it depends on the age, discrepancy and other similar things - you can play out that the value of measurement concerns only the male detail below the belt), which measures growth, chest girth, thighs.

After weighing and strain Leading 3. With enema:
Enema ease of the body!
Knows every patient, whether it is a schoolboy, al associate professor,
What harm the body of the slag, I chase these kaki!
If Migraine is tormented, it will help the enema of five liters a day!

Father with enema can be avoided by fulfilling sports and physical a standard. In order to honor the holiday in honor of the holiday, men are given to choose from: to squeeze an inval number of times, leave the weight (this props will have to receive), sit down so many times, etc. One of the men (somewhere after passing the inspection of half of men) will be warned in advance, he will agree to the enema (he does not want to give a sports-physical culture standard), his hands lead 1 and leading 2, and leading 3 demonstratively completes the procession with the enema in Hands. The procession comes out, the door closes, men's cries are heard: "Oh, ah!". It takes some time, the procession returns. A man will break a little (as if he had to get dressed quickly, the shirt was not completely refilled, the gate is unbuttoned, etc.), the whole face in kisses, if you can on your neck and further to taste. Then the remaining men are called one. They already decide - they want to the enema or not in favor of pushups and squats.

After inspection Leading 1.:
Lists all men by name. Recognized as suitable for the passage of the service in spare parts for the festive table (called the place of passing a celebration) Companies (The name of the company).

Men occupy their positions. Leading remove medical elements. Music starts to sound. White dance.

Leading 1:
No matter how cool, and you will not turn away from gifts.

Leading 2:
And where it is written, what do you like it right?

Leading 3:
Right! Only strong gifts are relying!

Leading 1:
Comrades women! A great responsibility is on you! While three sets of gifts are prepared. Therefore, we will draw a draw.

Women are pure paper leaves. Each must write one name and surname of the man whom she considers worthy of receiving the first batch of gifts.
Then the presenters collect leaves and sort. Three men who were given more votes are caused to the hall (if it turns out that someone has the same number of votes, the winner is selected by drawing, for example, who is faster than it is located 10 times or in a different way).

The chosen candidates are dressed in a handkerchief (if possible, then in dresses or skirt and sweatshirt), give them two loski. There are gifts on the finish (all that the company's pocket is: from Zhwumch to Elite Cognac, you can traditional gifts - shaving foam, socks). Suppose there are three things (in any case there will be 3 things): socks, beer bottle, chewing. The task of men go through a step (the style of which will task the lead) to the finish line, take one thing, will return to the start, again to finish the other style, which will also ask the lead, take the second thing, will return to the start and another approach. For the first time they must pass a step of cheerful grandmother, the second - fashionista of the vertihvostka, the third - walking of a business woman going to work, as if scoring piles. Men's collected things remain in memory. You can play a super prize with a vote that will determine the demonstrator of the best gait.

Musical pause. You can again dance or women can fulfill comic song congratulations for men.

Leading 1:
What Defender of the Fatherland does not dream of a harem?

Leading 2:
A secret vote was conducted.

Leading 3:
Winners of which are steel (calls two men).

The winners are given gum of different colors, for example, one green, other blue. While the melody sounds, they should walk (run) along the hall and on the hand of "wife" in their harem to wear this gum (if someone has already chosen to "wife", the other does not have the right to take it). When harem (at the end of the melody) are created, "family photo" is made. Then the harem should spread their husband to the underwear. The first crucible harem with this task receives a super prize (every "wife" on a large chocolate), and a loser gap (every "wife" in a small chocolate). "Family photo" with a naked husband.

Leading 1:

Leading 2:

Leading 3:
And do not say that they did not hear!

Leading 1:
Love one-sole!

Leading 2:
Look, how to bring the harem!

Leading 3:
Baba in chocolate, and men in shorts!

Harema is put on the hands of their husbands for the door, after some time they return. On all the bare territory of the body kisses (they can be painted with lipstick). Turns on the song "If I was Sultan." Harem dances near her near her husband.

"Husbands" announce toast. Raising glasses.

Leading 1:
Well, my dear. There are also a valuable prize.

Leading 2:
And, most importantly, rare!

This time, women are called on the scene (the number of women in the team depends on the number of women in the team, but at least 2). How many teams will also be as possible. Minimum 2. Chairs are needed (you can just use those on which leading). Each team is issued to socks, shockts for kebabs, threads, scissors, satin tape and if it is possible to decorative paper, a grid or a paper packaging organz. Women should make roses bouquet from socks (spiral socks are wound on the sink and fastened with thread, then all the skewers are connected and turn on paper or decorated with satin ribbons). Then all men are invited to the hall, they become in a row or in several rows (depending on the space), and women turn their back and throw their bouquets. The one who caught a bouquet, then takes his herself.

Now you can eat, dance and the celebration in honor of February 23 ends with the presentation of gifts to men.

A few words about the design of the hall. It is no secret that the strong floor is nervously breathing towards appetizing pop and outstanding busts. You can print these attractive parts of the body and write the wishes for men. Slide such posters around the hall, let them read and enjoy the view.

In almost every company or a team on the eve of the traditional male holiday, the traditional question arises: how to congratulate friends or colleagues? And in order to come up with an original or comic as a surprise or eyeliner to handing prepared gifts? If you go on a common buffet, corporate or friendly party, then some funny scene can be a good idea, in the final of which you can arrange the most important solemn moment of the holiday - honoring the culprits of the celebration. We offer one of the possible options - light and funny costumed scene for male congratulations on February 23 "Grandma-Old Grandmates."

Council to the organizers: The scene can be held how in advance whether the main dialogue and musical outlets of additional characters and the involvement of guests to participate in the episodes of guests from the hall directly at the festival with some kind of game moment or survey. Their task is: it is impressive and artistically to produce on the stage (center of the hall) under the appropriate melody, and the party to the role of grandfather will have to be able to put on the word to the role and to match the image to put on a vest. If it is imprompt, then someone from assistants must tell the participants the moment of their release.


Grandmother Masha

Grandma Head

In episodes: fashionable girl, glamor lady, steep guy, heart-hearted, long-legged beauty, grandfather in a vest.

Scenario Scenes - Congratulations on February 23 "Grandparents"

(Granny's "grandmothers")

The output sounds 1. Excerpt "Grandmother-old women"

Head: Hello, Masha.

Masha: Hello, Head.

Head: How do you live?

Everything is still, Lenka,

Do you drink blood from the neighbor?

Masha: Oh, what health is there?!

Milk I do not drink a cow

Rolling in the side, hand hurts

Yes Isho Radiculitis.

Sheets at night knees.

And you know, a neighbor Lenka,

Here's infection to her

Every year I do my husbands.

And her years, do you know how much?

Older husband Movo Kolka.

Head: Is this one that the third?

Masha: No, well, the third is Petya.

Well, ridge, that second.

He was not friends with his head.

Head: And you know that Pugacheva

Gathered again.

Masha: What! What about Galkin?

Head: They say that they divorced.

Masha: Well, now she needs her husband

Straight, probably with children. Garden.

(Passes a gait model stylishly dressed girl)

Sounds 2. Excerpt "I go so all ..."

Head: Won, your neighbor passed.

Young, and, so, the coquette.

Masha: Skirt, some sort

Crane straight right now by seams.

Head: Yes, now youth,

One decent will not find.

Not that we used to be,

Everyone studied, yes read.

Masha: Yes, they worked until the night,

There was no urine dancing.

(Passes the "steep" man, twisting the keychain from the car)

Sounds 3. Excerpt "600th Mercedes"

Head: Won, your neighbor is new here.

Money chickens do not peck.

Masha: Tea, sounded, pushed.

Look, what ambal!

Head: Mafiographic, not otherwise.

Vaughn, I looked off the cottage.

And Mercedes car.

It chases it like a demon.

(The glamorous lady passes)

Sounds 4. Excerpt "More, more glamor ..."

Masha: Won, Beauty Evona.

All through silicone.

Not climbs up

From beauty salons.

And you know, the neighbor is my vanka,

Well, he has a manka cow,

Redhead, long such he,

Night drives moonshine.

Head: What are you?

Masha: Yes, here are the cross -

Do not go away from these places.

(A man is a dancing gait, in a tie or jacket)

Sounds 5. Excerpt "And I love the girls"

Head: Won, our brigadier, Valentin.

The most prominent of men.

Masha: Brigadier, yes, you know,

He seems to be alkash.

And one more sin,

It hurts the weak to joy.

And, the main thing is not ashamed

Each skirt is dragging.

(A young girl in a short skirt or dress is held)

Sounds 6. Excerpt "Queen of Beauty"

Head: Won Natasha, slim legs,

Straight as a model from the cover.

Masha: Taka, skin as they.

Do not feed, that, her, understand.

(Comes out the grandfather in the vest)

Sounds 7. Excerpt "You're Fork, I am a sailor"

Masha: Oh, looked, drew.

Where are you going?

Head: Oh, great, Peter Kuzmich.

Masha: What are you dressed up, old chrych?

Head: Look, the tel snapped,

Yes, and the beard shed.

Grandfather: Sednya, Holiday of the Army and Fleet,

And you have one concern -

Bones to break all

And it's time to pour! (or congratulate)

Masha:Oh, yes, we are ready to be ready!

Head:Men, be happy!



Masha:and healthy! (raise glasses, all guests support)

Sounds 8. Let's drink for men

(Finish the scene can be toast, presenting gifts, common song or dance, depends on what kind of surprise is prepared for the perpetrators of the celebration)

Good day! The people are joking - in the evening of February 23, our country becomes completely defenseless. All men, from the smallest boys to those who remember the War Years of the grandfathers celebrate the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. Almost eyelid day ago Day of the Red Army and Fleet, gradually transformed completely into another holiday - the day of men. Until 2002, however, February 23 was a weekday, a working day - except for work colleagues organized corporate parties, prepared the male half of the staff

Scenario of February 23 in the circle of employees

Scenario of February 23in a circle of employees for a collective 15-30 people, a duration of 3-6 hours.

To carry out the event you will need:
Presents for men.
A treat.
Requisites for games and contests.

Plan of the event
Congratulations, presenting gifts.
Comic test "Who is who".
Contests of real men
Competition "War of Floors".


Congratulations, presenting gifts

The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts to men and congratulations. It is desirable that congratulations are not too tightened and official. It is better to fulfill it in a poetic or song form. Preferably, the congratulation is named for each man and say a few nice words about it.

Comic test "Who is who"

Examples of inscriptions: intellectual. Kazanova. Sex giant. Ideal husband. Secret agent. The strongest. Psychic. Magician and wizard. Commander. Lord. Erudite. Most temperamental. Best fighter. Most clever. Professional in his business.
It is even more interesting not easy to make inscriptions, but cut out of magazines and stick pictures corresponding to inscriptions.
During the preparation of the cards, it is necessary to be extremely correct and ensuring that invented inscriptions do not reverse the dignity and no one offended.

Competitions of real men


For a competitiveness, it is best to use the game "Darts" game - factory manufacture.
A simpler version - from a distance of 3-5 m throwing markers or markers (with an open cap) to a target drawn on a piece of paper attached to the wall. The most fertile party receives a prize point.
The marker must be designed for drawing only on paper, then random traces will easily wash off with alcohol.

Best toast

After that, each participant gets a glass with a strong drink. Competitors in turns pronounce toast and drink the contents of a glass. The one who fulfills the task is best of all receives a prize point.

Best compliment

He whose compliment is more different to women, gets a prize point.

Competition "War of Floors"

Speed \u200b\u200bspeed

For the competition, it is necessary to assign several controllers that consider pronounced words.

Right throw

From each team is called by one representative. Their task is to quit a playing card as much as possible. It is possible to allow participants several attempts. In order not to confuse abandoned cards, you can offer one of the participants to throw red suites, and the other is black.
The team, whose representative will learn the card further (with several attempts, the best from the throws is counted), it receives a prize point.


Each team is called another representative. Their task is to fulfill the most original and exciting dance. At the same time, the tempo of music is constantly changing.
The team, whose representative will fulfill the best dance, gets a prize point.

Knowledge is power

All team players are involved in this competition. Copyright - The lead alternately sets questions questions. At the same time, the team of women ask men's questions, and the team of men is female.

Examples of issues for women:
Compound part of what is the carburetor? (Motor)
What can you hit "Pyre"? (On the ball)
Hood on the car is located in front or rear? (Front)
What is a bullet? (Penalty in hockey)
In which direction when working the saw is applied by force: to yourself or from ourselves? (Push)
Brothers Burea play football or hockey? (In hockey)
Where was the 2002 World Cup? (In Japan)
What kind of company has an emblem in the form of "tick"? (Nike)

Examples of issues for men:
Why are women dripped on torn tights nail polish? (So \u200b\u200bas not to go the arrow on torn pantyhose)
When inwing a thread in a needle, what should be still: needle or thread? (Needle)
What is Melting? (Coloring individual hair strands)
Why can a woman need acetone? (Wash off old varnish with nails)
What is the name of a small handbag, in which the items necessary to make makeup are stored? (Cosmetics)
Are the yeast in the sandy dough? (No)
Do I need to wash off the paint from the hair after their staining? (Yes)
Wax, cream, mechanical devices, laser devices can be used for this process. What is this process? (Depilation)

A team that scores more points gets a prize - a cake or a bottle of champagne).

Useful advice

Original Congratulations to Men Colleagues from February 23

Twenty third of February…

Finally with us

Congratulations to you, colleagues!

Tsunami came to us!

This holiday is overlapping us

Snacks in the shackles

Really wants us

There were all healthy!

To laugh from the soul,

To have fun

So that champagne with brandy

Rejuvenated again!

From the twenty-third of February,

Cute colleagues!

On work for me

The best neighbors!

From the soul of you, dear

On the holiday congratulations!

And health to you and happiness

What I wish you!

And also - great success,

And awards huge

And I wish you money

Large and indiscreet!

Be happy, colleagues,

On February holiday!

The best of the best

I wish you!

Fixed the windows festive snow,

And we are leng by thah.

With the defender, you congratulate your colleagues

Simple gifts are handing.

Let the machines are not visible in the hands,

And the tanks are harnessed in the boxes.

With such a defense not led us fear -

Brave, bold drain.

And I want to go on a holiday to wish

You have a strong spirit and words.

What would your colleagues and motherland

Praised you again and again.

Scenario February 23 in the office

The Scenario "Corporate Collage" is suitable for congratulations to men on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland at work. It can be a supplement to gifts and treats. Women make a collage from photographs of employees in advance and place it in the office on the eve of February 23. This scenario is suitable for firms or companies, where many men 'employees are preferably different professions.

On the eve of the holiday, the employee girls should find photos of all colleagues men. You can use the photos that stayed with previous corporate holidays.

Creamen a few watmans so that it turns out a stretch of about 2-3 meters long, depending on the number of men in your company. You can also use the reverse side of the wallpaper.

For each male officer, pick up pictures on the Internet depending on its nature, behavioral features, either related to its work.

With the help of any photo editor (Paint, Photoshop), impose employees to these pictures, so that the result is a complete image.

Print all the pictures, cut down too much, leave only the plot of pictures and stick up for a stretch. Leave the place in the center of the poster for congratulations and a little top for the inscription.

In the top write "Dear Men, smile, we congratulate you!" In the middle of the stretch marks write congratulations on February 23 to colleagues. Under each picture you can make an inscription in the form of a funny chastushka about employees. Also, with congratulations, each employee can sign on the poster and write any wishes for men.

On the evening before, February 22, when all men are already disperse, hang a poster on the most prominent wall in the office.

Do not forget to prepare cameras to capture the reaction of men when they see your creation. A good mood in the company is guaranteed for all day.

This scenario is suitable for a small office consisting of several cabinets, whose employees have a sense of humor. To create a festive atmosphere for colleagues, offers to organize a feast in a military style.

Cooking for the holiday, you need to start in the evening. Wait until men leave their jobs and proceed to prepare. Print signs on the door in the form of the inscriptions "Shrafbat", "Warehouse GSM", "Nurse", "Radiorbit", etc.

On the office of the boss, you can write "headquarters". At the lobby on one of the walls, attach the "Military Commancecomer" tablet, and next to attach a line with a markup from 1 to 2 meters. Near the labels, sign:

- 160 cm- "But economic"

165 cm- "Mal, yes delete"

170cm- "Hero-Loveman"

175 cm - »Standard Set»

180 cm- "Model"

185 cm - "Perfect Man"

190 cm- "Calancha"

200 cm - "Uncle Stepa Giant"

For men, make up the questionnaires, questions will concern women. For example, who is the perfect woman for you?

For a festive table, buy hot spirits, it will be a hundred grams for your men. For a snack: Potatoes in Mundire, Herring, Salo, Onions.

As a gift to each man, make a linen bag, put the matches, soap, tea and socks into it. Triangle Wrap a piece of paper with wishes on February 23.

Wishes can be individual, and may be the same for everyone.

So, the festive day comes, men come to work. Women with a medical bandage on hand meet them and accompany the "military registration and enlistment office."

Each man is issued a piece of paper. On the sheet is written. FULL NAME. Conscript, age, weight, volumes. Volumes measure the nurses and write down in his sheet.

Then men fade to the ruler and marvel growth. But they are recorded by those names that correspond to their growth.

After that, the men pass all the sheets, and on the basis of them they receive a military ID, which says that the man is suitable for the passage of the service only in spare battalions.

But for the passage of the service at work, men are suitable and completely healthy. Therefore, urge to serve on the benefit of the company for a long time. Demobilization does not shine them.

The last point of the script on February 23 will invite everyone for a festive table, where excerpts from their questionnaire will be consistent in the interruptions between toasts.

Comic script on February 23

In many companies, there is a great tradition associated with a large-scale celebration of certain dates. The main feature of such a custom is that solemn corporate events devoted to different holidays are perfectly brought together workers. After each corporate party, the atmosphere in the team becomes more friendly, warm and open. Therefore, in many companies, employees are seriously suitable for organizing festive events at work.

Most often at work celebrate the new year and the birthday of the director of the company. However, many companies pay attention to other significant holidays, which include the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. It was on February 23, women have the opportunity to congratulate their male colleagues. On this day, in many firms are festive events dedicated to men. Usually, women impose all organizational issues related to corporate festive events in honor of the holiday on February 23.
Preparation for the celebration on February 23 begins with office decoration. Women need to take care of the help of balloons and other accessories to create a festive atmosphere at work. Well, since there is nothing complicated in this, then women will not have problems decorating the workplace.

The festive atmosphere in the office is only half of the case. It is not enough to spend a fun, original and unforgettable holiday at work. So besides the decoration of the workplace, take care of the festive scenario of the corporate party dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland.
Start of holiday

It is fun to note on February 23 at work can be the most in different ways. However, this scenario will allow you to really cool the Day of Defender of the Fatherland with colleagues. At the same time, it is not necessary to accurately follow all the recommendations. But in this scenario you will find several really interesting ideas that will decorate your holiday.

To spend February 23 at work on such a cool scenario, select two fun and sociable women who will perform in the role of leading. It is on their shoulders to hold a festive corporate event. However, you must prepare for the holiday yourself with the whole female part of the team.
Events begins with the collection of guests. The men's part of the team is seated on prominent places. Leading go to the center of the hall.
First leading:
Every year, on this day, on February 23, in our country the most courageous and patriotic holiday is celebrated.
The second leading:
On this winter day, all warriors are honored, who defended, protect and protect our homeland.
First leading:
For this, it is not necessary to serve in the army and wear a military uniform. Each man is a defender of the family, loved ones and the Fatherland. Therefore, today is your holiday, dear colleagues!
The second leading:
We, on the face of the female half of our friendly team, congratulate you on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. Today we will try to make everything you need so that you feel the most comfortable and comfortably surrounded by my family colleagues.
First leading:
So, dear men, relax, having fun and rest. And we, women, will please you and merge into the best of your opportunities.
After that, the hosts are joined by colleagues. Someone the representative of the female part of the team says toast. All drink and go to snacks. After some time, the presenters again go to the center of the office or some hall, which will take the celebration of February 23 at work.
First leading:
Our holiday continues. And now is the time to have fun.
The second leading:
Do not be shy! Actively participate in games and contests that we have prepared specifically for you, dear men.
Games and contests
To truly have fun on February 23 at work, prepare the maximum number of all kinds of competitions and funny games. If you think that several games will be enough to have fun at the corporate festive event, then you are mistaken. There must be a lot of them. It is very necessary that all games are associated with military topics. The main thing is that they are cheerful.
Almost all men like the spirit of the competition. Stripping from this fact, choose only those games in which you can win. In such contests, men's half of the team will participate much more active.

1. Knights and hussars - compliments masters
Real men are capable not only to protect their homeland, but they also know how to make beautiful compliments to women. Remember, at least, Don Quixote, who, at one point, quickly fought with his enemies, and in the other - sprinkled with women with compliments. So why don't you hold a competition for identifying a complimination master among your colleagues?

To carry out this competition, prepare pieces of paper with the names of all representatives of the women's part of the team. Put them in the box and offer each man to pull on one piece of paper. The task of men is to come up with the most beautiful, interesting and original compliment for that woman whose name is written on a piece of paper elongated. Who is best to cope with this task, I won.

2. Who am I?
To carry out this competition, you also need to prepare a certain amount of paper. However, this time they need to write the names of not women, but all sorts of well-known characters. The task of a man is to attach a paper with the inscription on the forehead and with the help of leading questions to learn about who he is. The charm of this competition is that it can be carried out during the feast.

3. Air Battle
If you want on February 23, your male colleagues have been having fun from the whole soul, spend this competition. To do this, it is enough for you to buy packaging of balloons and cook seruous threads. Before the start of the competition, tie one-sided ball to each hand and the leg of all men who want to play. When everything is ready, let the team of men whose task is to burst the balls of colleagues, but at the same time save their own. The warrior will win, whose expiration of a certain period of time remains the most balls.

4. Bezless bartender
Each man should be able to properly pour beer. February 23 You have a great opportunity to find out who of your colleagues has such a skill. To do this, you can hold the contest "Bezless Barman."
Prepare a few identical glasses and beer bottles. Call colleagues wishing to participate in this competition, and offer them to pour beer into a glass, not shedding or a drop. However, immediately specify that they will have to pour beer without help. Usually, in this case, most men clamp a bottle between the legs and slowly pour fluid into a glass. That "Bezless Barman", which is faster and gentle by all the napple beer in a glass, he will win.

5. One-handed shredder
This competition is ideal for spending it at a festive event in the office. To do you need to buy a newspaper. This attribute is quite enough.
Call all those who want men and build them in a row. Each of them distribute on a newspaper sheet. The task of each man is to take a newspaper in the right hand and pull it forward. According to the team of the lead, the participants are trying to break the newspaper sheet with one hand. In fact, this task is quite complicated. Therefore, that man who first cope with her will win.
Of course, this is not all games that are suitable for celebrating February 23 at work. In fact, you can come up with a huge number of most different entertainment for this event. So if you are seriously suitable for the selection of games and contests, then your corporate festive event dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland will be truly merry and memorable.
It is not necessary to carry out all the games in a row. Alternate them with drinks and snacks. Only in this case is the holiday on February 23 at work will be held truly fun. If during the holiday you will see that men are tired of games and contests, then reduce the entertainment program. There is nothing terrible in this.

Completion of the holiday
At the end, the presenters once again congratulate all those present male colleagues and give them gifts. The holiday is over. Now men are forced to spend something like on March 8.

Scenario on February 23 for a large team

Create your caring festive festive decoration of the room where the festive table will be covered. At the chairs of the defenders of the Fatherland, attach helium balls. Meld funny pictures on the subject of February 23 (the mass of pictures to choose from the Internet). In general, this space is not limited to this space. Greeting cards to locate in all offices, even in the male restroom.

Both presenters: Good evening! Holiday solemnly consider open!

Lead 1:
This day is not approved in vain!
There are no reasons for sadness today!
Sick today beautiful ...
No, do not give, and our men!

Lead 2:
February 23 is a special day when our men on legitimate grounds take congratulations, complements and gifts from the weak half of humanity.

All men from Mala are great today are surrounded by women's attention and care. We will start holiday with the throwing of our men gifts.

Lead 2:
Please get and sign. From all our female soul let you give you the latest news in the world.

Lead 1:
Only you will have the exclusive release of the newspaper ".." (name popular in the newspaper region).

On each instance of the newspaper to draw a heart (or attach the cut out of colored cardboard) with the name of a particular man.

There is a solemn presentation of newspapers for men.

Lead 1:
The newspaper is not simple, but the speaker.

Lead 2:
On the angry windings of his wife, the newspaper is answered by your peaceful voice: "I'm busy, please do not disturb."

Lead 1:
But do not think that we are separating only spiritual food.

Lead 2:
Your relatives and relatives pledged to buy a new sofa you like.

To give each man a homemade booklet sofa samples (from the Internet to print different pictures of sofas and copper with a stapler).

Lead 1:
Today from women words of gratitude sound
In honor of the defenders of the Fatherland Salutes thunder!

Lead 2:
So, let's at this holiday hour
We raise a friendly glasses for you!

Raising glasses.

Lead 1:
The people are among the people that women and men think and feel differently.

Lead 2:
We will not agree with this opinion, as we will not refute it. Just spend your test.


Materials for the contest (2 sheets of paper, color pencils or markers). One sheet of paper for women, another leaf for men.

Lead 1:
Using the proposed inventory, each group of floors will reproduce the image of an ideal woman in their opinion.

Lead 2:
We ask each colleague on the leaflet to draw one element.

Leading during the competition provide post assistance (feed pencils; if necessary, they remind the main attributes of clothing in women - a handbag, a hat, jewelry, etc.).
After portraits are ready.

Lead 1:
Shows the portraits present. What kind of beauties turned out!

Lead 2:
So we learned the perfect external data of the girl's dreams of our courageous half of the team.

Lead 1:
And also learned what kind of rival female half of our team represents.

Lead 2:
And so we give this portrait (drawn by men) to the personnel department. I ask you to keep like Zenitsa Oka, and under no circumstances to prevent women with similar external data under work.

Lead 1:
Portrait (women drawn) also for eternal storage is transferred to the personnel department. The rivals are here for nothing. Any attempts to get into our good-natured team of similar ladies, convincingly please stop the root.

Lead 2:
We continue to throw our defenders with gifts.

Lead 1:
In the selection of gifts, centuries-old observations of the tastes of men were taken into account.

Lead 2:
With trepidation, we give you these socks!

Lead 1:
These socks are not just a textile product, you can even say magic.

Lead 2:
The socks of up to 100 operates the option "Antidarka", that is, the spokeshot of the product is guaranteed for the same age.

Lead 1:
Along with the anti-Russian, the AntiTON system was successfully implemented, five perfumes are presented to the finger clicking on the choice.

Lead 2:
One click and sock makes an orange, mandarin, neroli, cedar, pepper and musk in the Chanel Allure Homme Sport. We advise this fragrance to apply during sports and during the conquest of high goals.

Lead 1:
Two clicks - and you conjugate the smell of green apple, mint, needles, cedar, jasmine, lavender and sage from Hugo by Hugo Boss This feature is recommended to use if you wish to feel independence and enjoy freedom.

Lead 2:
Three clicks, and in the air is a resistant fragrance with apple and plum notes, as well as bergamot and scarlet grapefruit according to Lacoste Pour Homme. This pan is needed for sexual adventures.

Lead 1:
Four click and here it is Prada Man by Prada - a mixture of music vanilla, patchouli, geranium, lavender, abmra, musk, cardamom, saffron and sandalwood. This smell is applied in cases of passionate behavior for adamant and decisive men.

Lead 2:
And finally, five clicks - and you surround the sophisticated aroma of the fruit-spiced group from Calvin Klein Be. This fragrance of Bergamot with juniper, mandarin with lavender and peach with magnolia. This smell is recommended to be applied only with very close communication.

But this is not all functions of the miracle of socks.

Lead 2:
On whistle, socks themselves are shuffled to the owner. So fall, hurry, wrinkled for a gift!

Presentation of socks.
If you give real socks, then the master's phrase: "The connection of options occurs at ul. Filk cartilage, 13.

If the purchase of socks is not possible, then give drawn products with the phrase of the lead: "Due to the fact that the socks are super-slip, then you will receive the originals at ul. Filk cartilage, 13. Gift issuance occurs according to these cards. "

According to the old tradition, the new clothes are subject to a thorough wash.

Lead 2:
Male shoulder so secure
With you cute live difficult
Let wine in the glass splash
For our defenders of the Fatherland!

Second raising glasses.

Lead 1:
In order for you, our dear men did not forget the service RATE ...

Lead 2:
We propose to pass a few standards, of course, with amendment to the civil service.

Lead 1:
The first thing we can offer is a standard for dressing.

Lead 2:
Please exit, that is, the tables and disassemble the props.

It is possible to get different military uniforms in advance which only you can get. The main thing is to be present a complete set of clothes (pants, you can simply take the trico only large size, large family pants, a headdress, you can have any caps, even pioneers, uniform, vests, boots, or home slippers, strap, hook a large number of icons on the uniforms Can be paper, put straps with incomprehensible stars and stripes). It is better for the competition to choose a couple of candidates of a slender constitution so that they can wear the offered clothes on top of their. The more diverse the set will be, the funnier. Clothes mix in a bunch. Competitors should fit into it, a generally accepted standard in the army of 45Scunds. Of course, this time is not able to invest. In the time of dressing, the leaders comment on circumstances: "Once 45Seconds, two 45 seconds," serve clothing.
After the rudents of the contestants.

Mother is honest, and you guys in what troops served then?

Not in vain in the people they say, the age of living and learn. What titles are you?

Warriors are needed. Let's proceed to the second standard.

Lead 2:
A minute of the common fun running on the spot.

It is better to include funny music if possible (you can song V.leontyeva "Green Traffic", especially part, where the phrase "all run" is to make the "cutting" of these words for a minute).

Well done! Well fled! Without stops!

Lead 2. Takes pulse:
You look, running or did not affect. This is a physical preparation!

Lead 1:
And now let's see how things are with throwing.

Lead 2:
Again, as they say in the people, that for a good soldier and grenade mittens.

At a certain distance to the chairs to put the goal (you can have toy tanks or something else). To determine the distance of the goal from the contestant in advance, try to leave the "grenades". Note three "grenades" (mittens, gloves). Leads give the command: "OL". Next comment on what is happening by circumstances. If, the goal is amazed, then: "The goal is destroyed." If not, then "nothing is native, hard when passing a standard, easily in battle. We will train after work. "

Lead 1:
In general, our female hearts are protected by reliable hands.

Lead 2:
We are proud that there are such valiant warriors in our team!

Lead 1:
We have worked out nicely today. A man is not capable of having fun on an empty stomach.

Lead 2:
Therefore, we suggest to continue the celebration of the festive table!

Scenario February 23 on corporate

Corporate Begins with the presentation of gifts to men and congratulations. It is desirable that congratulations are not too tightened and official. It is better to fulfill it in a poetic or song form. Preferably, the congratulation is named for each man and say a few nice words about it.


After congratulations, everyone sit at the table. When making a menu for this holiday, it is advisable to take into account the tastes of men and not limited to sweet and fruit, and cook something more significant.

Comic test "Who is who"

As an entertainment at the table, you can offer men comic test. For tests on cards, various titles are written, and then each man does not look pulling one card.

Examples of inscriptions: intellectual. Kazanova. Sex giant. Ideal husband. Secret agent. The strongest. Psychic. Magician and wizard. Commander. Lord. Erudite. Most temperamental. Best fighter. Most clever. Professional.

It is even more interesting not easy to make inscriptions, but cut out of magazines and stick pictures corresponding to inscriptions.

During the preparation of the cards, it is necessary to be extremely correct and ensuring that invented inscriptions do not reverse the dignity and no one offended.

Competitions of real men

Another entertainment corresponding to the theme of the holiday can be the competition between men for the title of the best. There are the following contests between those who want to compete for this title.


For a competitiveness, it is best to use the game "Darts" - factory manufacturing.

A simpler version - from a distance of 3-5 m throwing markers or markers (with an open cap) to a target drawn on a piece of paper attached to the wall. The most fertile party receives a prize point.

The marker must be designed for drawing only on paper, then random traces will easily wash off with alcohol.

Best toast

The presenter reports to participants that, no doubt, a real man should be able to drink properly. However, the task of the competition is not to drink more others, but in making it most elegant.

After that, each participant gets a glass with a strong drink. Competitors in turns pronounce toast and drink the contents of a glass. The one who fulfills the task is best of all receives a prize point.

Best compliment

Since a real man should be gallant and be able to find an approach to the female heart, in this competition participants compete in pronouncing the compliments of the beautiful floor.

He whose compliment is more different to women, gets a prize point.

Competition "War of Floors"

In order for not only men, but women had the opportunity to take an active part in the holiday, several competitions are held, in which teams of men and women compete with each other.

Speed \u200b\u200bspeed

Representatives from each team are called for the competition. They are offered for 30 with pronounce as many words as possible. The team, whose representative utters more words, receives a prize point.

For the competition, it is necessary to assign several controllers that consider pronounced words.

Right throw

From each team is called by one representative. Their task is to quit a playing card as much as possible. It is possible to allow participants several attempts. In order not to confuse abandoned cards, you can offer one of the participants to throw red suites, and the other is black.

The team, whose representative will learn the card further (with several attempts, the best from the throws is counted), it receives a prize point.


Each team is called another representative. Their task is to fulfill the most original and exciting dance. At the same time, the tempo of music is constantly changing.

The team, whose representative will fulfill the best dance, gets a prize point.

Knowledge is power

All team players are involved in this competition. The lead alternately sets questions questions. At the same time, the team of women ask men's questions, and the team of men is female.

Examples of issues for women:

Compound part of what is the carburetor? (Motor)

What can I hit Pyrez? (On the ball)

Hood on the car is located in front or rear? (Front)

What is a bullet? (Penalty in hockey)

In which direction when working the saw is applied by force: to yourself or from ourselves? (Push)

Brothers Burea play football or hockey? (In hockey)

Where was the 2002 World Cup? (In Japan )

What company does the company have an emblem in the form of a "tick"? (Nike)

Examples of issues for men:

Why are women dripped on torn tights nail polish? (So \u200b\u200bas not to go the arrow)

When inwing a thread in a needle, what should be still: needle or thread? (Needle)

What is Melting? (Coloring individual hair strands)

Why can a woman need acetone? (Wash off old varnish with nails)

What is the name of a small handbag, in which the items necessary to make makeup are stored? (Cosmetics)

Are the yeast in the sandy dough? (No)

Do I need to wash off the paint from the hair after their staining? (Yes)

Wax, cream, mechanical devices, laser devices can be used for this process. What is this process? (Depilation)

For each correct answer, the team receives a prize point.

A team that scores more points gets a prize - a cake or a bottle of champagne.





Lead 1:

Lead 2:

Lead 1:

Lead 2:

Lead 1:

Lead 2:

Lead 1:




Lead 1:

Lead 2:


Lead 1:

Lead 2:

Lead 1:

Lead 2:

Lead 1:

Lead 1:

Lead 2:

Lead 1:

Lead 2:


Lead 1:

Lead 2:

{!LANG-33520981f7170484cc59edf72de0357e!}{!LANG-52c23139a4f83b3d2809dd9e80c635a9!} {!LANG-704ccad0ef5a179d703a6b1f98ba14f1!}


Lead 1:

Lead 2:

Lead 1:

Lead 2:





Lead 1:

Lead 2:


Lead 1:

Lead 2:







Lead 1:

Lead 2:

Lead 1:

Lead 2:

{!LANG-0da8c3f45a42e548d2a2ee5f227927a8!} {!LANG-e30db94f17b33836ceecbf58ac95ac2b!}

Lead 1:

Lead 2:


Lead 1:

Lead 2:


{!LANG-a8ee1d76f4b93d7dc03c49f6ba77f51b!} ({!LANG-8f399560ceaa308821860d57e03d818b!})



{!LANG-f7bdc7ca9b2b1ed94a0ab8c4e6b18eeb!} {!LANG-715bd15086a7c9027bf5822bf0eb3bc1!}{!LANG-7ad3f2db531a101f4b3a2793e47ef28b!}


















{!LANG-aee26eef8e5cccffba1091b226674940!} {!LANG-b44351d3256720794f95b09e7e2558ba!}

{!LANG-2f595d14db924ac34086dfe8cd574dab!}{!LANG-5c12eef551a7aaa687b86d4e6b073ba9!} {!LANG-1cf6e17baf035d88a2eae4971b73d3c6!}{!LANG-b8f22f8fdff4322588f83680c2f780d3!} {!LANG-167a0580ae19e6823d8531d3c65b36b3!}







{!LANG-31efc9caccdda6dc9f132f51fe76e4e9!} {!LANG-3cc4bcbcd54be318c4064b60b567856a!}{!LANG-0595c567e23119396be162ef318de993!}



{!LANG-3ab43ab0c53a7420c208d3d9568e2d5b!} {!LANG-ba00623461097492afbe0827a24c38cd!}



{!LANG-c2a249f7b6c03d6defd8ff6240501b0b!} ( {!LANG-77dead5e542056a2ec833864c55d1dd8!}{!LANG-0a32043f4f0a58a462cb0475f16643d7!}


















{!LANG-0b83ed6787a819b276d2c7a5b2dd9929!} {!LANG-49ed2d440ec45152de2d0bacf1185deb!}{!LANG-43995e7b8a05d817377b9fc36d586c57!}





{!LANG-4ee8e5b7baa9d63017bce2a6979a682d!} {!LANG-7d0f6d35ec175e15a01fb5856cde7fb8!}{!LANG-75073929912d554be76ad4248f99c5f4!} {!LANG-7990c1cab20945ef273ef58d407102bd!}


{!LANG-63c6e3b8e06bff295876612ba8b093f4!} {!LANG-dda664bf77bf07afe19326f7c5866a7b!}{!LANG-20e8c9b898be86de7a60221005261965!}










{!LANG-5bf094794d793a24da3447936f3a7269!} {!LANG-71880e5f9f317782a2d03107b84087ae!}{!LANG-9e4f4bdb61db7e26c7c250bf2aab815c!}










Leading 1:{!LANG-6a20c44c98e42bc1450cbc7f383eb38d!}


Leading 1:{!LANG-5257cb1acf6eefbef475f7ad41284f4d!}













Leading 1.{!LANG-91e5bc2b15df866007cb78c754ad86f0!}

Leading 2:


Leading 1:


Leading 2:{!LANG-ba2c0d164e38cc17b9b7f66d24a4cff7!}

Leading 1.{!LANG-e91a7505e25036da3f826d55a32143f0!}














{!LANG-aee26eef8e5cccffba1091b226674940!} {!LANG-b733de6eda581f24a3670e78c79dbeba!}

Leading 1:{!LANG-fc876bc33236bda6f34f8b8436c024a3!}

Leading 2:{!LANG-3db220634b25b57b5722dc03702c12bf!}

Leading 1:{!LANG-4f16dc8d4758e95c284af473eb6c5d09!}

Leading 1:{!LANG-d6753d4aced07979098512cbdcd56612!}

Leading 2:{!LANG-972edc56d5eaedaac322cdd5b43d7c2d!}

Leading 1:{!LANG-1837a2b95af3726b6d58510ae49cdf01!}


Leading 2:{!LANG-f0fae340698808751ac06cd0bfedaf7c!}





Leading 1.{!LANG-63461b8e82883698f61538a575225b44!}

Leading 2:{!LANG-1be085f69b889f97f84cf1e6b39f1534!}

Leading 1:{!LANG-3b152913aad2749ad52f63f950b5da43!}

