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Industrial rail transport

The organization of external and internal transportation of enterprises of various forms of ownership is engaged in industrial transport. The predominant role in the transportation of industrial transport is occupied by rail (70-80% of the total).

Industrial railway transport, on the one hand, is an integral part of production (technological transportation), and on the other hand, it is the most important link in the unified transport system of the Russian Federation (operations in the sphere of circulation).

Industrial railway transport provides for four main forms of maintenance of non-public railway tracks: railways, organizations of inter-branch industrial railway transport, sectoral united transport facilities, transport workshops of the enterprise. Industrial railway transport is a transport and technological complex that ensures the systemic movement of objects, products and means of labor in the production process, as well as interaction with the mainline railway transport. Together with other modes of transport and means of movement, industrial railway transport implements technological links within the enterprise, and is also used to provide technological links between enterprises and to move workers within the enterprise. It is subdivided into external and internal.

External industrial transport ensures that the enterprise receives raw materials, fuel, equipment and workpieces from the mainline transport and the transfer of finished products to the mainline transport.

Internal (or intra-production) industrial transport performs technological transportation, moving objects of labor from one workplace to another within the boundaries of the workshop and from one workshop to another within the enterprise.

Operations performed by all types of industrial transport should be considered as integral elements of the production process of the enterprise.

The total length of normal gauge railway tracks (1520 mm) of industrial transport exceeds the operational length of main roads. The extended length of the tracks of individual enterprises of the metallurgical, chemical and coal mining industries is 300 kilometers or more.

The peculiarities of industrial railway transport employed in a particular production are determined by the nature of this production. In the mining industry, for example, its work depends on the depth of occurrence of minerals, the method of stripping work, the mining equipment used, the stages of production, the lengths of trenches, etc. In ferrous metallurgy, ingots are transported in molds on special trolleys, liquid iron - in ordinary cast iron or mixing type. The shunting nature of the movement prevails, the transportation range is 2-5 km.

In addition to rail transport (wide and narrow gauge), industrial automobile and conveyor transport has become widespread.

Along with the mainline transport, there is an industrial transport that carries out transportation at industrial enterprises, construction sites, quarries. Industrial transport is a complex complex of technical means and technologies designed to carry out transport, loading and unloading operations and warehouse operations in the field of production. By and large, industrial transport provides initial and final transportation.

Non-public transport, which directly serves individual enterprises - agricultural, construction, etc. - ensures the normal functioning of their production.

As part of industrial transport, there are:

· Intrashop technological transport;

· Interdepartmental technological transport;

External industrial transport (located at the junction with public transport - it imports raw materials from the main transport and transfers finished products from the shops to it)

At each enterprise, the means of industrial transport can be very different: we can use railway, automobile, sea, river, air, conveyor and other types of industrial transport. These funds are used either separately or jointly.

Currently, enterprises widely use special technological conveyors (for bulk cargo), belt and roller conveyors, electric cars and autocars, overhead cable cars (in mines and workshops), etc. These devices are more related to intrashop industrial transport. Interdepartmental transport often includes road and rail industrial transport. Enterprises located on the banks of rivers and lakes use river or sea industrial transport, having their own berths, ships, storage and cargo equipment. More than 80% of all industrial transport is carried out by rail and road industrial transport.

The share of costs in industrial transport, production costs are very high and amount to up to 20% (in the food industry - 7%, and in open pit mines - 60-65%, in the processing areas - 20-25%). Industrial transport employs about 8 million people.

Transportation of goods by industrial transport is 3 times more than by mainline railway transport. For example, for the production of 1 ton of finished products - 1 million tonnes of steel, it is required to transport 17 million tonnes of cargo.

The average distance of transportation on industrial transport is short - on average 6.5 km, on mainline railway transport - 1000 km. For this reason, the indicator of freight turnover is not used to characterize industrial transport. The main estimated indicator for industrial transport is cargo transportation.

At present, only 20% of the tracks are electrified in industrial transport, and 60% in the main one.

Industrial transport plays a leading role in the work of enterprises of ferrous metallurgy, coal, chemical, construction, timber, wood and oil refining industries. Industrial transport is part of the infrastructure of the enterprise.

Industrial railway transport.The total length of all types of gauge of this type of transport is 62 thousand km, while the share of types with a normal gauge - 1520 mm exceeds 90%. For the most part, this type of transport serves enterprises of the timber and metallurgical industries. Industrial transport uses electric locomotives, which differ from the mainline design features: the only central driver's cab is raised above the body; the electric locomotive can move in curves with a radius of up to 60 m (current collection is carried out by side current collectors); most of the wagons are specialized for certain types of cargo; low speed (up to 40 km / h); a large number of arrows and turnout crossings.

Over the past 15 years, investments in the development of industrial railway transport have been sharply reduced. As a result, 40% of all rolling stock is operated outside the standard service life and requires replacement. Some of the enterprises were corporatized and the access roads passed into private hands.

Industrial road transport occupies an important place in the total volume of industrial transport. Automotive industrial transport has the following advantages:

1) high versatility and maneuverability (delivery of goods throughout the entire enterprise);

2) the ability to overcome large slopes of the path;

3) has small turning radii, thus the need for large areas for carrying out cargo operations decreases.

Disadvantages of road industrial transport:

1) high cost of transportation in comparison with rail transport

2) dependence of fuel consumption on climatic conditions;

3) the structure of the use of the car park is imperfect - special vehicles are little used, and the service life of trucks is sharply reduced.

The effective use of various types of transport is created due to the combined car - railway transport systems, as well as the involvement of special vehicles - forklifts.

In industrial transport, pipeline transport, monorail cableways, freight aerial cableways in inter-workshop and intra-workshop transportation are also applicable.

The main indicators of industrial transport.The qualitative indicators of industrial transport operation characterize the level of use of transport and handling equipment in terms of time and power. A generalized assessment of the quality of operational work is obtained when determining the average productivity of a carriage, locomotive, automobiles, special types of industrial transport, means of mechanization of cargo handling. The quantitative indicators of the work of industrial transport include the volume of traffic performed at the enterprise by one or another mode of transport for a set period (volumes of external dispatch and arrival of goods, interdepartmental and intrashop traffic volumes, volumes of loading and unloading and warehouse operations).

Own industrial railway transport at an enterprise engaged in serious economic activities for the transportation of products, raw materials, production waste, etc. is not a luxury, but an urgent need. Today, the activity of industrial railway transport covers more than 10,000 enterprises of all industries.

The interaction of mainline railway and industrial transport consists in the transportation of goods from one economic facility to another, most often - from a specific industrial organization to a station that is part of the Russian Railways structure. At the same time, the activity of industrial railway transport accounts for about 90% of the total number of freight traffic carried out on public railways.

Industrial railway transport at an enterprise of any industry has the same infrastructure as the railway transport of Russian Railways, namely:

1) Access roads, the track width of which is 1524 mm almost everywhere, and the length ranges from 100 m (for small enterprises) to over 400 km (for industrial giants);

2) Traction rolling stock - traction rolling stock includes:
locomotives, in most cases - diesel, since industrial access roads (non-public roads) are not equipped with a contact network: diesel locomotives, traction modules, railcars;
wagons of the most varied configuration: covered, open-top wagons, hoppers, platforms, dump cars, tanks, refrigerators, etc.

3) Specialized service organizations, in whose competence such types of work as and, service, etc.

All work on industrial railway transport is regulated by the same regulatory and technical documents and instructions as work on public railways.

have colossal experience on a large piece of hardware. That is why we are pleased to offer you a full range of our own, from and ending with your railway facilities.

Our traction train - diesel locomotives ChME3, TEM-2 (7, 15, 18), TGM-4 (6, 23), etc., under the control of first-class machinists, will transport any of your cargo to any distance. At the same time, you do not have to worry about or loading wagons - that is also.

In addition, we will coordinate all possible issues with the relevant services of Russian Railways, thus establishing the interaction of mainline railway and industrial transport for your enterprise.

Railway industry concept

The term "railway industry" is extremely rare. Therefore, sometimes there is confusion with its interpretation. Sometimes it is identified with the railway transport, sometimes with the engineering industry. But the truth is in the middle.

Definition 1

The railway industry is a set of industries that support the construction of railway lines, their operation and the branches of railway engineering.

Thus, we are dealing with an intersectoral complex. Its industries belong to both construction and engineering and transport. The sectoral structure of this complex has the following composition:

  • railway engineering;
  • railway transport;
  • road construction;
  • service industries (energy, communications, electrical engineering, etc.).

The railway industry begins with the invention of the steam engine and its installation on the locomotive.

Railway engineering in Russia

Definition 2

Railway engineering is a branch of transport engineering that produces various types of railway equipment (locomotives, wagons, transport platforms, etc.).

For a long time, due to its economic backwardness, Russia was forced to purchase railway equipment abroad. The main trading partners of Russia were Great Britain and Germany. In the 19th century, it was Britain that was the world leader in the development of capitalism in general and railway transport in particular.

Railway engineering in tsarist Russia was represented by car-building and car-repair enterprises of St. Petersburg (Petrograd) and Moscow. Locomotives were purchased mainly from Great Britain. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Lugansk steam locomotive plant began its work, and a plant began to be built in Kharkov. Locomotive repair enterprises were opened in Moscow, Kiev, Kolomna and St. Petersburg.

After the October Revolution and the Civil War, the young socialist state found itself under the conditions of an international economic blockade. To restore the economy destroyed by the war and to boost the economy, the development of railway communication was required. The government managed to conclude an agreement with German firms for the supply of the first batches of steam locomotives. In the future, a course was taken for the priority development of heavy engineering (including railway).

During the years of Soviet power, the ones destroyed by the war were restored and new railway engineering plants were built. The construction of the Moscow metro should also be attributed to the new buildings of the first Soviet five-year plans. Steam locomotives were the main driving force. The railway network and railway engineering plants located on the territory of the European part of the Soviet Union were thoroughly destroyed during the Great Patriotic War.

The second half of the 20th century is characterized by the development of railroad electrification. For this, electric locomotive factories were built in Novocherkassk and Tbilisi. Passenger cars were built in Riga and Kalinin, freight cars in Kremenchug, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Abakan and Barnaul. Part of the rolling stock was imported from the countries of the socialist camp (diesel locomotives from Czechoslovakia, wagons from Poland). But this was caused not by the lack of domestic machine-building capacities, but by political interests (supporting the economy of the socialist countries of Europe).

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the railway complex, like the entire economy, experienced a crisis. But the development of the economy and the scale of the territory of Russia served as the basis for the formation of an internal market for products of railway engineering. Currently, the railway engineering in Russia includes the following sectors:

  • locomotive building (diesel locomotive building and electric locomotive building);
  • car building (production of freight and passenger cars);
  • production of track equipment.

The largest railway engineering companies are currently: Transmashholding (factories in Bryansk, Kolomna, Novocherkassk), Uralvagonzavod, Altayvagonzavod, Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant, Armavir Heavy Machine Building Plant. They provide supplies to the domestic market of all types of required products - freight and passenger cars, gondola cars, platforms, tanks, insulated cars, diesel locomotives and electric locomotives. With regard to locomotives, the Russian engineering industry produces both mainline locomotives and shunting and shunting-export locomotives. The latter are used in various metallurgy, mechanical engineering, mining and logging enterprises.

Railway engineering is characterized by high material consumption. Therefore, machine-building enterprises in this industry are gravitating towards metallurgical bases. At present, the geography of railway engineering is represented by the Central Region, St. Petersburg, the North Caucasus, Nizhny Tagil, Altai, Abakan.

An important component of the considered complex is the production of track equipment. The leading enterprises in this industry are the Kaluga plant "Remputmash", the Abdulinsky and Vereshchaginsky plants of railway equipment. It should be noted that the railway machine building in Russia currently requires significant investment.

Railway construction and railway transport in Russia

Due to the vast territories of the country, railway transport has played and plays an important role in the Russian economy. The country has one of the largest rail networks in the world. Its total length exceeds 124 thousand kilometers. More than a third of them are currently electrified. In terms of the length of railways, Russia is second only to the United States.

Rail transport in Russia accounts for 27% of passenger traffic and almost 45% of freight traffic (excluding pipeline transport). Unfortunately, the railway transport in Russia is characterized by a relatively low competitiveness. In terms of the quality of railway infrastructure, Russia is only in 23rd place (and in terms of the quality of general transport infrastructure - in 74th).

The first railways were built in Russia in the 19th century (Tsarskoye Selo road, Odessa-Balta road). The country's railway network is characterized by territorial disparity. The most developed railway network is in the European part of the country. For a long time, the only mainline in the Asian part of Russia was the Trans-Siberian Railway. During the years of Soviet power, new highways were laid. Electrification of roads has been carried out. In the XXI century, high-speed locomotives of domestic production were put into operation. The leader in Russian railway transport is the Russian Railways OJSC.


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