Job description for a newspaper designer. An advertising designer should know. I. General provisions

An interior designer designs interiors to provide an aesthetically pleasing environment for a room in accordance with its intended purpose. In addition to performing an aesthetic function, the work of an interior designer is aimed at optimizing indoor work and improving navigation within its territory. At the same time, the arrangement of furniture is only the final stage, which is preceded by the layout of the room, the alignment of lighting, acoustics and ventilation systems, as well as the finishing of the walls.

The profession of an interior designer is most suitable for creative individuals with artistic abilities and good aesthetic taste.

Places of work

The position of interior designer is in demand in architectural companies, design bureaus and studios. Also, this specialist can work for himself, independently creating a “name” for himself and searching for clients.

Responsibilities of an interior designer

The main job responsibilities of this specialist will help you better understand who an interior designer is:

  • Development of architectural space-planning solutions.
  • Formulation of technical specifications based on the client’s wishes.
  • Development of project documentation.
  • Independent management of the facility at all stages of work.
  • Selection of finishing materials and equipment.
  • Author's supervision of all interior design work.

Requirements for an interior designer

Main requirements for an interior designer:

  • Higher specialized education.
  • Knowledge of legislation on redevelopment.
  • Experience working with customers and foremen.
  • Experience in programs such as ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, MS Office (it is also advisable to know CorelDraw, 3Ds max, Vray, Adobe Illustrator).

In most cases, an applicant for the position of interior designer is required to have a portfolio of completed work.

Sample resume for interior designer

To become an interior designer, you need to obtain a university degree in architecture. If you have innate talent and good aesthetic taste, interior design courses may be enough to successfully work in this position.

Interior designer salary

The salary of an interior designer varies from 30 to 85 thousand rubles per month. In large cities, the salary may be higher, since there are higher requirements for original design. In many ways, how much an interior designer earns depends on his skill and ability to feel and understand the wishes of the customer. The average salary of an interior designer is 60 thousand rubles per month.

Posted On 05/24/2018

Job description of a web designer (graphic designer, computer graphics artist)

Last name I.O.________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. A web designer belongs to the category of technical specialists.
1.2. A web designer is appointed and dismissed from the position by order of the director of the enterprise in agreement with the head of the Internet marketing department (IT department).
1.3. The web designer reports directly to the head of the Internet marketing department (IT department).
1.4. During the absence of a web designer, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the order of the organization.
1.6. A person with a professional higher education and work experience in the specialty of at least one year is appointed to the position of web designer.
1.7. A web designer is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- The company’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other regulations of the company;
orders and instructions from management;
this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a web designer

A web designer performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. creates informational, commercial objects perceived by human senses, hereinafter referred to as the Work, guided by the task;
2.2. exchanges information, gives recommendations when creating Works, participates in their adaptation to the place of exhibition;
2.3. accepts all requirements and wishes for execution;
2.4. takes targeted actions to obtain all information about the placement of the Work on the Internet;
2.5. directly participates in the preparation of Works for production, including, if necessary, involving third-party specialists;
2.6. carries out author's supervision, personally decides to start posting the Work on the Internet;
2.7. controls the placement of the Work on the Internet;
2.8. analyzes the experience of competitors and puts forward their proposals for discussion;
2.9. does not disclose information and information that is a trade secret;
2.10. does not give interviews, does not hold meetings and negotiations related to professional activities, without the permission of the immediate superior;
2.11. informs management about existing shortcomings in work and possible measures to eliminate them.

3. Rights of a web designer

A web designer has the right:

give orders and take appropriate actions to eliminate the reasons that create obstacles to the implementation of their functional duties;
3.2. make suggestions to the Customer for improving work related to the functional responsibilities of a web designer;
3.3. count on encouragement, including financial, in case of timely and high-quality performance of functional duties;
3.4. a web designer, to ensure his activities, is granted the right
signing organizational and administrative documents regarding his functional responsibilities.

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I. General provisions

  1. The designer belongs to the category of specialists.
  2. The designer must know:
    1. 2.1. Methods and means of performing artistic and design work.
    2. 2.2. Current standards and technical conditions, design methods for various publications.
    3. 2.3. Basics of print design.
    4. 2.4.
    5. 2.5. Technical aesthetics.
    6. 2.6. Materials used in the work and their properties.
    7. 2.7. Drawing technique.
    8. 2.8. Graphics programs (Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPress, PageMaker, CorelDraw, etc.).
    9. 2.9. Fundamentals of economics, labor organization and production organization.
    10. 2.10. Fundamentals of labor legislation.
    11. 2.11. Labor protection rules and regulations.

II. Job responsibilities


  1. Carries out timely and high-quality execution of artistic and design work on orders from enterprise departments (clients).
  2. Develops projects for artistic and technical design of publications based on information received from the immediate supervisor or client (about the target audience, the purpose of the publication, deadlines, required quality, etc.).
  3. Draws up sketches and performs artistic design work for publications of various types (in magazines, books, other publications), projects, reports, information and advertising materials; develops sketches of packaging, trademarks, etc.
  4. Consults his immediate supervisor (client) on the principles and options for solving assigned design problems.
  5. Coordinates sketches (projects) with the immediate supervisor (client) and prepares final layouts of information publications (press releases, announcements, newsletters, statements, price lists, directories, etc.), identifying materials (business cards, labels, packaging, forms, etc.), reference books (address books, educational and other aids, etc.), artistic and journalistic publications (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.).
  6. Creates illustrations for texts (drawings, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, etc.), develops new fonts, design styles, etc.
  7. Makes corrections to art and technical design projects as directed by the art editor.
  8. Provides design supervision over the implementation of artistic and design solutions by enterprise personnel (layout designers, art editors, etc.).

III. Rights

The designer has the right:

  1. Count artistic and design solutions into your personal portfolio as original designs.
  2. Require the management of the enterprise to provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.
  3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.
  4. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for consideration by the management of the enterprise.

IV. Responsibility

The designer is held accountable for:

  1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job Descriptions

Designer job description

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1. General Provisions

1.1. The designer is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the General Director.

1.2. The designer reports directly to the General Director (Deputy General Director, Head of Advertising Service, Senior Copywriter).

1.3. A person who has a secondary vocational education without requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the specialty of at least 2 years is appointed to the position of designer.

1.5. The designer must know:

  • basics of advertising organization;
  • the procedure for decorating premises and shop windows;
  • resolutions, instructions, orders, other governing and regulatory documents relating to the work of the organization;
  • rules and methods for organizing customer service;
  • fundamentals of aesthetics and social psychology;
  • labor legislation;
  • rights and obligations of employees and their work schedule;
  • Internal labor regulations;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection, safety regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety, civil defense.

2. Functions

2.1. Accepting orders for the development of the graphic part of the original layouts of advertisements and elements of the original layouts, as well as the wishes and requirements necessary for their creation; together with the customer and the responsible manager, agreeing on the timing of their production.

2.2. Creation of the graphic part of the original layouts of advertisements and other materials and documents.

2.3. Creation of a graphic part of commercial advertising designed to present advertising opportunities to potential advertisers.

2.4. Monitoring the compliance of produced original layouts of advertisements and graphic elements of original layouts with the requirements of the Law on Advertising, the requirements of the customer, the responsible employee of the advertising service, internal requirements existing in the organization, and quality requirements.

2.5. Creation and transmission of plans, progress reports and other documents to the immediate supervisor and receipt of necessary documents from him.

2.6. Interaction with advertising service employees to perform joint tasks.

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The designer creates:

3.1.1. Informational, commercial, trade advertisements.

3.1.3. A web page in a given style, arranges page elements, and also designs them accordingly*.

3.2. The designer develops:

3.2.3. General style of the site*.

3.3. The designer carries out:

3.3.1. Pre-press preparation of original layouts in accordance with the technological requirements of printing production.

3.3.2. Carrying out design work on the premises of the organization.

3.3.3. Studying the requirements of customers for the designed products, the technical capabilities of the organization for their manufacture.

3.3.4. Selection and analysis of scientific and technical information necessary at various stages (stages) of artistic design.

3.3.5. Comparative analysis of similar domestic and foreign products, assessment of their aesthetic level.

3.3.6. Analysis of the experience of other organizations in the decoration of premises and advertising.

3.3.7. Interaction with technical service in order to maintain computer equipment used by the advertising department in working condition and ensure the modernization of equipment and software.

3.4. The designer complies with labor and production discipline, labor protection rules and regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements, fire safety requirements, and civil defense.

3.5. The designer carries out the orders and orders of the organization’s administration.

The designer informs management about existing shortcomings in the organization’s work and possible measures to eliminate them.

3.7. The designer is prohibited from disclosing information and information that is a trade secret of the organization.

4. Rights

4.1. The designer has the right:

4.1.1. Give orders and take appropriate actions to eliminate the reasons that create obstacles for the designer to carry out his functional duties.

4.1.2. Make proposals to the enterprise administration for improving work related to the functional responsibilities of the designer and the entire organization as a whole.

4.1.4. Get acquainted with the decisions of the immediate supervisor and senior management regarding the activities of the advertising service and the designer himself.

4.1.5. Contact managers and employees of all structural divisions of the organization for information necessary to perform tasks, functions and job responsibilities.

4.1.6. Require immediate supervisors and senior management to provide assistance in performing tasks, functions and job responsibilities.

4.1.7. Demand from the technical service the timely purchase of technical equipment, components and software necessary for the functioning of computer equipment in the department.

4.1.8. Within the allocated budget, independently purchase the necessary literature and specialized software.

5. Responsibility

5.1. The designer is responsible for:

5.1.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of one's official duties.

5.1.2. Inaccurate information about the status of fulfillment of received tasks and instructions, violation of deadlines for their execution.

5.1.3. Violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising, regulations, regulations, instructions and other governing documents relating to advertising activities.

5.1.4. Failure to comply with orders and instructions from the organization’s administration.

5.1.5. Actions and inactions committed in the process of performing tasks, functions and job responsibilities, resulting in the loss of advertisers, transactions, damaging the reputation of employees and departments.

Violation of internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established in the organization.

5.1.7. Disclosure of trade secrets.

5.1.8. Failure to comply with the rules of business communication, norms of official etiquette, and official subordination.

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1. General Provisions

1.1. The designer is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order

Directors in agreement with the Head of Marketing and Advertising Department.

1.2. The designer reports directly to the Head of Marketing and Advertising.

1.3. A person with secondary vocational or higher specialized education is appointed to the position of designer without presenting any work experience requirements.

1.4. The designer must have computer skills at the level of a confident user.

1.5. The designer must know:

The procedure for decorating premises and shop windows;

Resolutions, instructions, orders, other governing and regulatory documents relating to the work of the organization;

Fundamentals of aesthetics and social psychology;

Labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Procedure for work planning and reporting;

Basic design programs

Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety, civil defense.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the designer (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order

director, who is responsible for their proper use.

1.7. The designer constantly improves his professional level.

1.8. The designer carries out one-time assignments from the company's managers related to the activities of Versiya LLC.

1.9. The designer must have good communication skills, must be energetic and have a positive attitude towards fulfilling his goals.

functional responsibilities, have communication skills, and contribute to the creation of a favorable business and moral climate in the company.

2. Main tasks and functions

The designer is assigned the following functions:

2.1. Creation of the graphic part of the original layouts of advertisements and other materials and documents (catalogs, leaflets, labels, stickers, business cards, commercial proposals, etc.)

2.2. Monitoring the compliance of produced original layouts of advertisements and graphic elements of the original layouts.

2.3. Creation and transmission of plans, progress reports and other documents to the immediate supervisor and receipt of the necessary documents from him (technical specifications).

2.4. Interaction with employees of the marketing and advertising department to perform joint tasks.

What is design?

The job description of a designer cannot be presented without defining what this specialty and the field of design are as an area of ​​human employment in general. A designer is a person who is primarily engaged in development and design. Due to the fact that design is a multifaceted and broad concept that includes a huge number of the most diverse industries, designers can choose any direction for themselves.

What types of designers are there?

Thus, professionals in a certain field can be engaged in the creation of jewelry, men's, women's or children's clothing, shoes, and hats. If all of the above provisions are in one way or another connected with wardrobe items, this does not mean at all that this is the end of the usefulness of designers for the modern world. Not at all! They also develop landscapes (landscape designer), the interior of an apartment or house (interior designer), and many of them are actively involved in the world of computer technology (3D design). In this article we will look at some of these areas, based on their uniqueness, relevance and prospects.

What is a designer's job description?

Once it has been established in general terms what the design field is, it is necessary to dwell on the documents that accompany any employee in his working life. A designer's job description is a specific document that has a standard established form and assigns to each person the functionality assigned to him. The general provisions for any document of this kind will be the points listed in the section below, but their content will vary depending on the specialty.

What does such a document include?

The provisions must be competently drawn up by specialists from human resources departments and organizational remuneration services, written out in full, clearly and clearly. Job description items include:

  1. General provisions - so-called. theoretical basis, indication of the basic working conditions of the designer.
  2. In his work, an employee is guided by the following knowledge, skills and abilities... - here the company presents to the applicant a list of certain requirements, with which the candidate agrees and thereby confirms his own competence. Typically, this item includes knowledge of the organizational principles of advertising and marketing, methods and means of performing and designing artwork, the basis of printing design, the properties and characteristics of materials used in the work process, various computer graphics programs (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, etc. .), rules of interaction with clients and customers, etc.
  3. Job responsibilities - here the organization defines a set of points that will regulate the daily work of the designer. The responsibilities of the designer include the development of artistic and technical projects on the topic specified by the manager in compliance with the standards established for the task, consulting the manager and team on options for solving local design problems, coordinating product options created by the designer with other project developers, making corrections and adjusting the vector of design development of the product, etc. d.
  4. Official powers - this section includes items regulating work with documentation, information and superiors.
  5. Job responsibility. Here the requirements for the profession of designer as such and for a specific person are indicated, and it is also determined what consequences will result from the designer’s failure to fulfill the tasks assigned to him, violation of the internal regulations of the organization, careless attitude to duties, provision of false information to management, etc.
  6. Working conditions, where, among other things, the designer’s travel system (regional and local) is prescribed.
  7. Final provisions, which indicate that additions and changes may be made to these instructions (of course, only after agreeing on all innovations with the employee already hired for the position).

This instruction is signed by the manager and the employee, who must carefully read all the points and conditions offered to him. The responsibilities of the designer, his rights and the general functionality of the activity are thus considered. Now let's move on to more narrowly focused areas and establish what features can be encountered in one direction or another.

Profession interior designer

One of the areas of environmental design is interior design. It represents the design of commercial and residential premises, design development and practical implementation of harmonious, comfortable and modern interiors of halls, hotels, rooms, studios, galleries, corridors, bedrooms, offices, etc. The profession of an interior designer to some extent requires a person has the skill of understanding human desires (there is contact with psychology). This is due to the fact that a designer in this field is often forced to work with abstractions that exist only in people’s heads: these extremely unclear desires must be able to be correctly interpreted, coordinated with customers, and clarified all the subtleties and nuances in order to create the products that customers wanted get initially. The functional responsibilities of an interior designer, as well as the requirements for him, are very wide. Here are the most important of them:

  • receiving an order, understanding and processing all the client’s wishes;
  • familiarization with the layout and technical parameters of the premises;
  • creating a concept, style, general direction of the project;
  • development of an initial sketch, discussion with the customer and finalization of details;
  • modeling the room design in computer programs;
  • selection and purchase of necessary materials;
  • development of engineering drawings, plans, calculation documentation;
  • bringing the project to life, regulating the work of the team;
  • purchasing or creating unique designer furniture (at the client’s request);
  • decorative stylization of the finished interior: adding accessories, paintings, vases, figurines, etc., adding finishing touches.

Job description of a furniture designer: what does such an employee do?

Another interesting area of ​​design follows from the section above - the development of furniture. According to some reviews, anyone can enter this profession, regardless of their education; What is paramount is not the starting skills, but the attitude towards the profession and interest in it, the level of communication skills and the willingness to continuously learn. The general provisions of routine activities can be comparable to the work routine of the same interior designers: acceptance - discussion - development - delivery. Most often, furniture designers work on creating cabinet or kitchen products for residential premises - this is the most popular area in this area. This profession especially requires stability, both in terms of existing skills and in terms of overall physical and emotional well-being. The quality of work in this case strongly depends on the momentary mood (the designer can be angry, sick or, conversely, joyful, happy), although knowledge of basic design skills is also necessary.

The profession of a designer in the modern world is gaining wide popularity, and this is not surprising. The increase in demand for the services of specialists in this field (according to research, the annual increase in vacancies is several tens of percent) is due to the desire of companies increase the effectiveness of marketing strategies, sales volumes and revenue. Needless to say, the time of a dull and gray environment has passed; entrepreneurs are actively fighting for the attention of consumers.

It would seem that each of us has a good idea of ​​what design is. However, how well do we know about this creative and multifaceted specialty? You can find out the answer to this question by referring, in particular, to a document such as the “Designer Job Description”. This is not just a formalized, “dry” regulation, but a rather interesting list that reveals the features of this activity in its various directions.

Any self-respecting company that has such a specialist on staff should have a job description for a designer. This is not only a formal legal necessity caused by the requirements of labor legislation, but also a kind of guarantee that cooperation between the employer and the employee will not be associated with additional problems.

Designer is a creative profession, and many creative people tend to ignore the rules and behave, frankly, relaxed. A job description in this situation allows you to formalize relationships and direct them in the “right working direction.”

In practice, the content of the document can vary greatly depending on the wishes of the employer. There are, of course, standard clauses, for example, “General Regulations,” which establish the rules of subordination and a single requirement for an employee in this field as a specialist with the appropriate level of education.

In a similar way, the rights of the designer are determined, who can interact with other structural divisions and take initiatives towards management, as well as the extent of his responsibility for various violations (primarily failure to meet deadlines, disclosure of trade secrets, damage caused to the company).

The main differences usually include section of responsibilities. It lists the designer’s competencies depending on his specialization: “advertisers,” for example, must be able to develop advertisements, posters, stands, and “interior designers” must have good skills in arranging residential and non-residential premises.

As an analysis of currently used job descriptions shows, heads of architectural companies and design bureaus want to see their employees as multi-machine operators who will be able to do everything and combine various specializations.

Often in this document, the designer is assigned not only the obligation to develop a design project, but also to monitor its implementation at all stages - right down to communication with construction teams, purchasing materials and daily site visits.

This is especially true for small companies, from whose employees you can often hear complaints about an excessively wide range of tasks. In order to avoid getting into such a situation, it is necessary discuss the points of your job description in advance.

The list of job responsibilities of a designer, in addition to practical skills related to the ability to make sketches, sketches and pre-ordered layouts, always includes requirements who are responsible for the creative component of this profession. What is expected of a designer, first of all, is a creative approach to work, a sense of style and composition, and a broad view of things.

All these are very abstract categories, however, without possessing such talents (there is no other way to call it), it is unlikely that you will be able to become a good specialist.

It is significant that such special requirements are imposed custom clothing companies. The designers working in them must not only be able to cut and sew, know the history of costumes, but also have “a developed artistic taste, a sense of proportion and style” (this is a quote from the real job description of one famous fashion house).

Similar skills are expected from furniture designers. Developers of interior items are in constant creative search, since it is extremely difficult to find the best combination of ergonomics, convenience and aesthetics, not to mention satisfying the demanding needs of potential buyers. In Moscow, for example, the number of recognized “furniture” designers can be counted on one hand, and their success with the public is due to the fact that they have occupied their own unique niche.

However, in some cases, the creative approach is increasingly beginning to give way to the utilitarian. This trend is observed, for example, in the field of interior design. Now this trend is moving towards greater democracy, trying to expand the audience and showing that anyone can decorate their apartment beautifully and functionally.

An illustrative example is the Moscow design service Mbler, which, wanting to reduce costs for services and attract more clients, completely restructured the work of its team. Instead of the common scheme, when a specific specialist is responsible for the implementation of the project, we introduced conveyor principle, where the architect, visualizer and estimator are responsible for individual areas.

The success of this approach was largely facilitated by the appearance in our country of stores with inexpensive and high-quality furniture, which significantly simplified work with suppliers of interior and decorative elements.

There is one aspect that is often poorly reflected in job descriptions. It is directly related to human communication. To work successfully, a designer needs to act as a psychologist every day, coordinating the client’s wishes with the company’s capabilities and various technical aspects. In addition, a specialist in this field has to restrain his own ambitions when his view of things differs from the client's vision.

Currently, some design companies are trying to minimize communication with clients, trying to approve all the nuances of the project within one or two meetings. However, it is obvious that the issue of resolving emerging disagreements and establishing a close dialogue with the client will remain key in the designer’s activities and requires clear reflection in his job responsibilities.

Goals of work:
  • 1. increasing the total sales volume of the Factory’s products in accordance with planned indicators;
  • 2. ensuring the specified parameters of the company’s financial indicators;
  • 1. development of the salon’s image;
  • 2. maintenance and development of Internet commerce;
  • 3. maintaining and developing sales of third-party goods passing through the company’s sales channels;
  • 4. participation in the development of new types of company products;
  • 5. maintaining high labor discipline
  • 1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the designer-consultant.
  • 1.2. A designer-consultant is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by current labor legislation by order of the General Director.
  • 1.3. The designer-consultant reports directly to the salon director.
  • 1.4. The designer-consultant may receive additional instructions from the general director.
  • 1.5. If necessary, the designer-consultant can replace the salon director.
  • 1.6. Reception and delivery of cases upon appointment and dismissal of a designer-consultant are carried out in the prescribed manner.
  • 2.1. A person with secondary education and experience working with kitchen furniture for at least 1 year is appointed to the position of designer-consultant.
  • 2.2. The design consultant should know:
    • regulatory acts regulating trade activities Internal regulatory documents (orders, work standards, forms, instructions and methods) of the enterprise regulating the activities of the retail network.
    • Requirements and content of the functions of a cashier-operator
    • Rules for communication with the end consumer.
Consulting designer:
  • 3.1. Starts and finishes work according to the salon daily routine and weekend schedule.
  • 3.2. Does not leave the workplace without the permission of the salon director.
  • 3.3. Ensures the safety and integrity of salon equipment and eliminates cases of unauthorized removal of goods from the salon.
  • 3.4. Provides and controls customer service, creating comfortable conditions for them when visiting the salon;
  • 3.5. Advises visitors on the availability of available goods and services;
  • 3.6. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations;
  • 3.7. Monitors the provision of ideal cleanliness and order in the premises;
  • 3.8. Complies with the rules of industrial discipline established for employees and the rules of communication with visitors and clients;
  • 3.9. Ensures the safety of inventory items entrusted to him;
  • 3.10. Provides operations for the reception, accounting, issuance and storage of funds and material assets with mandatory compliance with the rules ensuring their safety;
  • 3.11. Processes pre-orders for kitchen manufacturing received from the online store website via the Internet via email messages or through a dynamic website update system.
  • 3.12. Knows and performs the functions of a cashier-operator;
  • 4.1. When carrying out official duties, the designer-consultant interacts with the following company employees on the following issues:
Executive Interaction on issues
Salon director
CEO implementation of plans of the retail sales department aimed at organizing the sale of products on time, in quantity and assortment provided for by the sales plan, work standards, reporting, measures to improve the quality of the trading process
Order Reception and Processing Department registration and transfer of orders to the technological department
Transport logistics department delivery of orders
  • 5.1. Report to the salon director about all identified deficiencies within your competence.
  • 5.2. Submit proposals for management’s consideration to improve the efficiency of customer service, as well as improve the company’s image;
  • 5.3. Make decisions within your competence;
  • 5.4. Make suggestions for improving the salon's operations.
  • 5.5. Use the rules and benefits established by the internal labor regulations in force in the enterprise.
  • 6.1. The designer-consultant is responsible for unclear and untimely performance of job duties provided for in these instructions, negligent attitude towards customer service;
  • 6.2. The designer-consultant bears full financial responsibility for the safety of the inventory items entrusted to him;
  • 6.3. The designer-consultant is responsible for violation of the correct execution of documents and disclosure of confidential information.
  • 6.4. For improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties as provided for in this job description, the designer-consultant is responsible within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • 6.5. For offenses committed in the course of his activities, the designer-consultant is responsible within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • 1. Fulfillment of the annual sales and development plan for the salon.
  • 2. Compliance with the company's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.
  • 3. Improving your qualifications (trainings).
  • 4. Compliance with standards of work with the end client.
  • 8.1. The designer-consultant is given the right to sign regulating the economic activities of the entrusted department, documents on issues within his competence.


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