How to start your own business growing potatoes. Business plan for growing potatoes for sale

We offer you another business plan: growing potatoes. Such a business is one of the most profitable if it is carried out in favorable conditions for the crop being grown. This business will be a big plus for residents of warm areas in the winter, when in the middle zone the price of potatoes doubles. Find more business ideas in the article:

Business plan “Growing potatoes for sale” - costs for seed potatoes

Our business plan is based on 30 acres of land (3,000 m2). To sow one hundred square meters you will need about 30 kg of seed potatoes. You need to use potatoes that are the size of a chicken egg or a little larger. We do not recommend taking very large potatoes.
So, for our 30 acres we will need 900 kg of seed potatoes. The price of 1 kg of this crop is on average 20 rubles, that is, to sow the entire area you need to spend about 18,000 rubles.

We buy fertilizers

Without fertilizers, the mass cultivation of potatoes can be reduced to nothing. Since favorable black soil for cultivation is not present everywhere, you need to fertilize the soil with the following components:
Potassium superphosphate
Potassium permanganate
Ammonium sulfate
Superphosphate and potassium sulfate
All this will require about 17 rubles per square meter, and for 3,000 m2 - 51,000 rubles.

Colorado beetles are your business's enemy No. 1

The main pest of potato crops is the Colorado potato beetle. We do not recommend spraying potatoes with chemicals ahead of time. But you will still have to monitor the growth of the crop and periodically check it for the absence or presence of pests. Means to combat this insect will not cost much - about 2,500 rubles for 30 acres.

Let's summarize all expenses

So, our business plan for growing potatoes for sale requires 30 acres of land. Since you are wondering about this kind of business, we assume that you already have land. Therefore, we do not include land costs in our calculations.
To sow 30 acres you will need:
900 kg of potatoes – 18,000 rubles
Fertilizers – 51,000 rub.
Drug against Colorado potato beetles – 2,500 rubles
Total: RUB 71,500

Income and profit

Planted potatoes take about 3 months to grow. After this time, from one hundred square meters you will dig up about 200 kg instead of the planted 30 kg, and from the entire area - 6 tons.
The retail selling price of 1 kg of potatoes in summer is 20 rubles per 1 kg, in winter – 40 rubles. It turns out that in the summer your income will be 120,000 rubles, and in the winter – 240,000 rubles. Net profit, respectively, is 48,500 and 168,500 rubles.

It is worth noting that each of the farmer-businessmen in such a business has his own approach. Every year, new and improved potato planting techniques and preparations for enhanced crop growth appear. Each of them, in practice, selects their only secret method for increasing potato yields. Pick it up too, and then your profit will double or triple!

Turkey rearing. Profitable business with minimal investment! Growing champignon mushrooms as a business. A profitable, fast-paying investment.

Various types of business in the field of agriculture are among the most promising today. Growing potatoes is a promising and highly profitable project, but when implementing it, it is important to take into account all the nuances and strictly adhere to the developed business plan.

Business relevance

Growing potatoes is a relevant and profitable business. Receiving high income from the project is due to the popularity of the root vegetable - almost all citizens of the country eat it regularly. At the same time, even if a family grows potatoes on their plot, they are not always able to meet their own needs, so they buy root crops.

This business has certain advantages:

  • Growing potatoes is simple and does not require special skills;
  • the demand for the product does not depend on the season - it is consumed in large quantities all year round;
  • low financial barrier to entry into business;
  • quick profit generation - with proper organization, income will be received after the end of the first season;

and cons:

To implement the project, material investments will be required. The investment amount includes the following items:

  • plot rental - from 200,000 rubles;
  • purchase of tubers for planting - 300,000 (at a cost of 15 rubles per kilogram of potatoes per 10 hectares of land);
  • purchase of fertilizers - 100,000;
  • organizational issues - 100,000;
  • purchase of agricultural machinery - 2,500,000.

Important! You should also include in the list of expenses money for the construction of a vegetable storage facility - from 2,000,000 rubles and the amount for payments to employees.

The minimum investment amount to open your own agricultural business will be 5,200,000 rubles. Since the investment is quite large, you need to competently approach the implementation of the project and study the technology of growing vegetables.

Step-by-step algorithm for organizing a business

At the decision-making stage, it is important to assess your financial capabilities - growing potatoes requires certain investments, and also think through the algorithm for opening an enterprise.

The first step is legal registration - the entrepreneur needs to decide on the scale of the business and choose the form of business:

  1. If you decide to grow root crops on your own plot, then such activity is considered part-time personal farming and does not require official registration. But the farmer can only sell the goods himself.
  2. If the scale of cultivation is large and industrial, then it is advisable to register the activity with the Tax Authority as an individual entrepreneur, choosing the Unified Agricultural Tax system and indicating the OKEVD code 01.13.31.

Important! Retail chains and large buyers cooperate more actively with entrepreneurs, rather than with farmers who sell their products privately.

Selection of area and soil preparation

To grow vegetables in sufficient quantities for sale, you need to buy or rent a plot of land. In particular, in the municipality you can lease a plot of land for a period of 49 years. The minimum area must be 10 hectares.

Soil preparation begins in the fall - at this time, weeds are removed from the field, the soil is plowed and organic fertilizers are applied. It is important to strictly observe the amount of fertilizer, otherwise, instead of a large harvest, the opposite result will be obtained. You should also prepare planting material:

  • purchase tubers for planting;
  • select average specimens;
  • Cut large tubers in half and sprinkle the cut with ash;
  • the potatoes are laid out in an even layer and left for three weeks, but it is important to prevent sunlight from falling on them;
  • after this time, the tubers are moved to a storage location - the optimal indicators for preserving potatoes are humidity up to 85% and a temperature of about 3 degrees Celsius;
  • a month before planting, the material is taken out into the light (but not into direct rays) and left until the “eyes” appear.

Important! The optimal soil temperature for planting root crops is 8 degrees.

To optimize the process of planting, caring for and harvesting vegetables, you will need to purchase the following equipment:

  • tractor - from 900,000 rubles;
  • potato planter - from 320,000;
  • harvester - from 430,000;
  • machine for inter-row cultivation of land - from 300,000;
  • sorting line - from 410,000.

You will also need to equip a room for storing equipment and a vegetable store - it must be dry and have good ventilation.

Hiring staff

To ensure smooth operation, you will need to select suitable personnel. As a rule, to cultivate the land, care for plantings and harvest crops, you need:

  • machine operators - 2 people;
  • mechanic - 1;
  • security guards - 3 people, work in shifts;
  • general workers - 10 people for the harvest period.

The business owner can take on certain functions, such as accounting and searching for suppliers.

To obtain a high-quality harvest, it is important to follow the technology of planting and caring for vegetables. Potatoes are planted in rows, the distance between which should be at least 70 cm, while there should be a free space of 15-18 cm between the plants.

From the moment the tubers are planted until the sprouts appear, it takes from two weeks to a month, during which time weeds appear, the presence of which reduces the yield by 30-40%. To harvest a large harvest, you need to carry out measures to cultivate the land:

  1. Agricultural implements and cultivators are used to form soil ridges, loosen the soil and remove weeds. The soil is cultivated to a depth of 5-9 cm. This treatment is carried out when the first shoots appear.
  2. The second stage of treatment takes place a week after the first. The main task of these measures is to create a favorable water and air balance in the soil.

Important! Timely processing and well-formed ridges help increase plant resistance to drought, heat and diseases - late blight, rhizoctonia and others.

When processing, it is important to strictly observe the proportions of the preparations; the speed of the spraying unit should not exceed 15 km/h, and the weather should be almost calm - the maximum wind speed is 4 m/s.

Important! Watering of plantings should be regular; in the absence of rain, it should be done every 3-4 days.

A couple of weeks before harvesting, desiccation is carried out with Basta or Stomp. This procedure will allow the assimilation of nutrients from the tops into the tubers, which will improve the quality of the crop. Then:

  • the dried vegetative mass is mowed down;
  • loosen the soil - such measures will allow you to get a high-quality harvest and improve its characteristics.

Video. Potato growing technology

Sales market

You should think about the possibilities of selling a product at the stage of developing a business plan. As a rule, farmers sell their products:

  • independently - selling in markets, from hands;
  • through intermediaries - they sell the product to wholesale buyers, enter into supply agreements with retail chains.

Important! To increase the value of the product, it is washed, packaged, and vacuum packed in its purified form.

Packaged potatoes cost 2 times more than those sold by weight. You can pack root vegetables yourself, for this:

  • potatoes are sorted, spoiled tubers are removed;
  • the product is washed - the tubers are placed in a container, filled with water for an hour, after which the water is drained, this procedure is repeated 3 times;
  • after washing, the root vegetables are laid out in 1 layer until completely dry;
  • dry potatoes are packaged in bags, and it is important to maintain a certain weight - for example, 2 or 4 kilograms;
  • a label indicating the manufacturer and the weight of the product is attached to the package;
  • The package is closed and fastened with a stapler.

Since these options do not allow you to make a big profit, it is worth thinking about organizing your own production - for example, you can make chips from potatoes. You can also increase the amount of profit received by opening your own catering enterprise, where all kinds of dishes made from root vegetables will be served.

Business plan for growing root crops

An entrepreneur starting his own business must take into account possible risks - dependence on weather conditions (in dry and rainy years, productivity decreases), problems with sales of products and high competition. You should also think about how to cope with these difficulties, whether it is possible to cope with competitors, for example, by offering the consumer a better quality product or the same product, but at a lower price.

When drawing up a business plan, it is important to take into account annual investments separately from the initial costs. These include:

  • payment of land rent - 220,000 rubles;
  • wages and tax deductions - 730,000;
  • costs for maintenance and repair of equipment - from 100,000;
  • fuels and lubricants - 190,000;
  • purchase of chemicals and fertilizers - 170,000;
  • ensuring normal storage conditions for the crop - 150,000;
  • other expenses - 60,000.

Accordingly, the total amount of expenses for the year will be 1,620,000 rubles. With a yield of 25-30 tons per hectare, a harvest of 250-300 tons will be obtained from an area of ​​10 hectares.

With the average market price of potatoes being 20 rubles per kilogram, the profit received will be from 5 to 6 million. Accordingly, under favorable circumstances, the minimum profit will be more than 3 million rubles.

These calculations show that growing potatoes is a cost-effective and profitable business that will recoup the funds invested in it in the shortest possible time.

Growing potatoes is one of the most profitable business options. But it will bring profit only if the project is properly organized and managed. An entrepreneur should familiarize himself with growing technologies, legal aspects and the specifics of the business, and only after that decide whether this business model is suitable for him.

Video. Business idea for growing potatoes

In this material:

Potatoes are the first most popular food product for 90% of the population of our country. The root vegetable is used to prepare a huge number of dishes, from soups to unique recipes for boiling and frying the fruit. That is why the demand for root crops exceeds supply. Stores are forced to purchase goods from abroad, so farmers have huge potential for selling their own products. A business plan for growing potatoes involves serious analytical and organizational measures, which will ultimately lead to a quick return on investment and labor.

Description of the potato growing business

The potato business is relevant because it provides for the cultivation of a universal product consumed by all segments of the population. The absence of problems with the distribution channel implies unlimited income, depending only on the area of ​​the site and the capabilities of the entrepreneur.


Positive aspects of potato growing:

  • demand - potatoes are consumed by everyone, from small children to elderly people;
  • high profitability - indicators are always higher than similar types of business, including retail trade in essential food products;
  • minimal investment - a serious waste of money is implied only at the initial stage of the business, when the business is developing from scratch, the acquisition (rent) of a land plot, special equipment, storage space and much more is required. But these are only one-time expenses that pay off in the future due to the lack of investments other than maintaining equipment and paying employees;
  • lack of special and expensive technologies - potatoes are grown in ordinary soil using a minimum amount of fertilizers;
  • 100% sales - you don’t need to think about the fact that some of the products will spoil, and even more so include risks in the cost of sales. There will always be buyers for root vegetables;
  • the possibility of doubling capital by selling potatoes in winter - this is explained by the fact that in winter and closer to spring, the price of vegetables increases significantly due to the end of stocks from most suppliers. If you equip the storage room properly or grow potatoes in greenhouse conditions, you can make a profit all year round.

Reference: there are no disadvantages to the potato growing business, unless we talk about high competition, which ultimately seriously affects the value of purchase prices. There are two ways out of the situation - correctly calculate the financial plan so that profit is present in any case, or find a reliable supplier who purchases the entire batch at once.

The listed advantages are only a small part of what the potato business will bring to the entrepreneur. Depending on your needs, you can remain a successful farmer who has enough proceeds to provide for himself and his family. An alternative is to expand the business and supply products to near and far abroad.


Growing potatoes does not require special technologies or features, although there are many of them. For example, the Dutch system involves creating high furrows during the growth stage of the bush, so that it is covered as much as possible with soil.

All technologies come down to a single algorithm of actions:

  1. Purchasing seeds for planting - potatoes must be large, of the same variety and compatible with the selected soil type. For example, one type of root crop shows excellent results on sandy soil, while another - only on black soil. It is not forbidden to grow several varieties at the same time if they are compatible with the soil. The area requires demarcation.
  2. Cultivation of the land - the soil is plowed, treated to remove weeds, pests and fertilized. To increase the yield, it is recommended not to use the plot for any crops for 1 year.
  3. Planting potatoes is a simple process that involves placing seeds in the soil using special equipment.
  4. Root crop care - the first shoots appear after 3-4 weeks. At this time, the period for weeding begins. Subsequently, the bushes are hilled up and treated to remove Colorado potato beetles and weeds.
  5. The final stage is harvesting and transportation to storage.

Help: despite the fact that the technology for growing potatoes does not involve any difficulties, it requires constant monitoring and care of the plants. During the dry period, it would be useful to organize an irrigation system.

Risk assessment

There are not many risks in the potato business, but they are present:

  • low-quality seed material - at the procurement stage it is extremely difficult to distinguish a good product from a bad one. The result is a low harvest and a loss-making start to the business. The solution is to cooperate with trusted suppliers who have a good reputation in the market and recommendations from other manufacturers;
  • weather conditions - drought or a long period of rain lead to a decrease in harvest. And if during a drought it is possible to organize at least a minimal irrigation system, then there is no escape from excess moisture during a prolonged rainy period, which leads to rotting of root crops;
  • competition is a serious risk that leads to a decrease in the cost of goods. The solution is to find regular customers at a fixed price that does not depend on the market.

Reference: the problem of competition can be solved by growing high-quality potatoes using special technologies. The product is sold at an inflated price to factories producing baby food and chips; in a network of cafes and restaurants.

How much can you earn by growing potatoes?

If we ignore the stages of investing and starting a business, we can calculate the approximate cost of earning money from potatoes:

  • the bush grows from one planted potato;
  • bush harvest volume – 2-2.5 kg;
  • seedling weight – 100 g;
  • the estimated cost of seeds is 40 rubles/kg;
  • the cost of purchasing 1,000 kg of seedlings is 40,000 rubles;
  • income from one bush (seedling) – 80 rubles;
  • gross profit from the harvest is 3 million rubles.

Calculations are approximate and do not take into account the error in product spoilage at the time of growth and the costs of equipment and work. By purchasing a kilogram of potatoes for planting for 40 rubles, an entrepreneur receives income in the form of 20 kg of harvest, which in terms of money is 500-700 rubles, depending on the cost of sale.

Business registration

First, you need to decide on the status of your business activity - individual entrepreneur or LLC. In a situation where you intend to grow potatoes on your own for retail sale, you can do without any paperwork at all. But you should understand that this type of business is not entirely legal, and also requires minimum volumes of 10-20 bags of potatoes for sale at the fair.

An individual entrepreneur is the best option for small and medium-sized businesses. The status is easy to obtain and has a low state fee.

A limited liability company is a legal entity that provides for serious business with large product turnover.

Help: if growing potatoes is your first experience in the field of entrepreneurship, then it is better to choose an individual entrepreneur. In the future, you can always switch to another form depending on preferences and scale of activity.

Choosing a tax system

Agricultural tax can be used by those entrepreneurs whose profits exceed 70% of gross income. In this case, the fee is only 6% of the difference between clean and dirty earnings. Considering that this is a single tax, contributions such as personal income tax, VAT, income tax and property tax are excluded.

The single imputed tax differs in that the amount of profit and production costs are not taken into account, since contributions are determined by the state based on the data provided. Due to this, you can save money when the actual profit is much higher than the potential one. However, next year the tax will be revised, so it is recommended to submit approximately the same information.

OKVED codes

When registering a business activity, you should select OKVED codes. “01.11.2” is suitable for growing potatoes. It includes not only the specified type of employment, but also other root plants, as well as seeds and luxury products.


To open an individual entrepreneur, you only need an application, passport and TIN. After contacting the tax service, you need to wait 5 days and pick up the completed documents for doing business.

In the future, examination of products, premises for storing potatoes, as well as certificates for processing agents will be required. All documentation is issued by Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Organizational plan

The main aspect in organizational activities is the selection of land and its preparation. In the future, you need to take care of technology, personnel and the search for sales channels.

Site selection and soil preparation

A plot of land is selected taking into account its distance from a populated area and fertility. And if it is practically impossible to check the second option (the problem is solved by fertilizing the soil), then the distance to the plot plays an important role. This is explained both by the fuel consumption of equipment and the duration of delivery of finished products to a storage facility or point of sale.

Land can be purchased or rented from the state, which is much preferable. The minimum area is 10 hectares with a lease term of up to 49 years.

Soil preparation begins in the autumn, when the area is plowed and weeds are removed. Fertilizers are applied according to the instructions, otherwise the opposite effect will occur instead of yield.

Potatoes are planted in the spring in April-May at a constant soil temperature of 8-10 degrees.


An entrepreneur cannot cope with a large plot of land alone, so workers are needed in any case. It is recommended to hire permanent staff for the season instead of people who want to earn extra money for 2-3 weeks. It will be a little more expensive, but you will be assured of quality work.

The number of employees directly depends on the area of ​​land. In any case, you will need:

  • mechanic-driver of equipment – ​​2 people;
  • general workers – 6-8 people;
  • security guards – 2 people.

The administrative part goes to the business owner.


List of required equipment:

  • tractor for arable land;
  • potato planter;
  • harvesting machine;
  • equipment for periodically treating bushes from weeds;
  • sorting machine.

You can use rented premises or build your own building as a storage facility.

Search for potato sales channels

It is necessary to look for buyers for products almost from the moment the seeds are planted, because this is a long and labor-intensive process.

Sales channel options:

  1. Wholesale centers are the optimal solution for large harvests. The downside is low prices.
  2. Resellers – there are advertisements for wholesale purchases of potatoes online and in newspapers. It makes sense to contact some representatives and find out about the terms of cooperation.
  3. Personal suggestions – cafes, restaurants, catering places. Owners of all sectors are interested in purchasing quality goods at a low cost.
  4. Retail trade - with large volumes of harvest, it is impossible to sell it entirely at retail, but it would be useful to take part in fairs and agricultural markets. In a short time, you can sell up to half of the entire harvest at a price that differs from the wholesale price by 1.5-2 times.

Information: before sale, potatoes are cleared of soil and packaged in bags of the same volume. A net is best to allow the root crops to “breathe.” Storage temperature – no higher than 4-6 degrees.

Financial plan

When organizing a potato growing business, it is necessary to calculate in detail the costs at each stage. The largest investments are expected at the start, since the business is opened from scratch.

Initial business investment and operating expenses

Spending at the start (in rubles):

  • paperwork – 20,000;
  • renting a plot - if the plot is rented from the state, then it is enough to pay the land tax. Otherwise, the land must be purchased, because renting from the owner will be too expensive;
  • equipment – ​​1.5 million;
  • seedlings – 50,000;
  • storage rental for a year – 100,000;
  • additional expenses – 50,000.

Result: 1 million 720 thousand rubles.

Subsequent expenses include only paying salaries to employees, maintaining equipment and purchasing fuel and lubricants. From May to September (5 months) it is necessary to pay workers (12 people) 300,000 rubles (based on 25,000 per person).

Spending on other needs will amount to 200,000 rubles.

Result: 500,000 rubles.


Profit depends on the area of ​​the plot. For example, if we take the standard size of 10 hectares, then the yield will be 15-20 tons per hectare. In total - 200 tons per site.

Gross profit when selling potatoes at a price of 15-17 rubles reaches 3.4 million rubles.

Net income – 3,400,000-1,720,000-500,000=1,118,000 rubles.

The amount is approximate because taxes must be subtracted from it. Moreover, if we imagine that half of the harvest is sold at retail at a price of 25-30 rubles, then the net income will increase to 2 million.


In the first year, the business can only cover the costs of equipment and gain a little profit. But starting from the second year, expenses will concern only staff salaries and minor expenses, and income will remain at the same level or will grow.

Profitability is the ratio of net profit to dirty profit, multiplied by 100%.


Potatoes are one of the most successful and profitable types of plants for growing for sale. Undoubtedly, the preparatory stages require serious investments, but the business prospects are much brighter than in any other industry.

  • Market attractiveness
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Risk assessment
  • Financial plan
  • Which taxation system to choose for business registration
  • Growing technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for growing potatoes on a sown area of ​​10 hectares.

How much money do you need to start this business?

According to preliminary calculations, to open a potato growing farm you will need to invest at least 6,950,000 rubles:

  • Registration of a land plot, making a deposit - 200,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment and machinery - RUB 2,450,000.
  • Construction of a vegetable storage facility - 3,000,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of planting material - 800,000 rubles.
  • Primary tillage, application of fertilizers - 100,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other organizational expenses - 100,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 300,000 rubles.

Market attractiveness

Potatoes have become an integral part of the modern human diet. This is the second bread that can be found on almost every table. For some, especially rural residents, potatoes are the main product and the first among all vegetables. The average Russian eats no less than 80 kg of potatoes per year. This suggests that the demand for potatoes remains consistently high, so marketing the products will not be a big problem.

Step-by-step plan for opening a potato farm

Our farm plans for the current year include the following sequential actions:

  1. Search and rent a plot of land from the municipality with an area of ​​10 hectares. The lease agreement is planned to be concluded for a period of 49 years with the right to purchase.
  2. Business registration and collection of necessary documents. As an organizational form, it is planned to register a peasant farm (peasant farm) and switch to a single agricultural tax (Unified Agricultural Tax, 6% of profit).
  3. Purchase the necessary equipment.
  4. Hire staff.
  5. Purchase planting material.
  6. Till the soil and prepare it for sowing.
  7. Carry out sowing work.
  8. Monitor the growth of plantings, carry out all necessary measures for watering and processing plants.
  9. Harvest
  10. Carry out a number of marketing activities and sell the entire volume of grown products.

Description of products and technology

The crops on our farm will be grown according to the Mittlider method. According to this technology, planting material is planted in ridges half a meter wide, with wide (up to a meter) passages. The perimeter of the site is fenced with earthen beads in order to save water. Plants are subject to regular watering and fertilizing three times a season. Hilling potatoes using this technology is not required. This technology makes it possible to reduce the size of the area under potatoes by three times, while significantly increasing the yield of the crop. It is planned to produce up to 30 tons of marketable potatoes from one hectare (part of them will be used for planting material). Potatoes will be sold in bulk at an average annual price of 15 rubles/kg. In total, it is planned to produce and sell up to 300 tons of potatoes per year. The approximate annual turnover of the farm will thus be 4,500,000 rubles.

Download a business plan for growing potatoes

Production plan

To grow potatoes, the business plan provides for renting a land plot of 10 hectares. The land plot will be located 70 kilometers from a major city, which, on the one hand, allows for a guaranteed sales market, and on the other, significant savings on rent. Rental payments will amount to 240 thousand rubles per year.

What equipment to choose for growing potatoes

The use of technology will significantly reduce labor costs and increase farm efficiency. Therefore, it is planned to purchase the following machines:

  • Tractor MTZ-80 (900 thousand rubles);
  • A machine for inter-row tillage (350 thousand rubles);
  • Potato planter (350 thousand rubles);
  • Potato harvester (450 thousand rubles);
  • Sorting line (400 thousand rubles).

In total, about 2.45 million rubles will be spent on the purchase of equipment and machinery. It is planned to purchase the elite mid-late potato variety “Golubizna” as planting material. The price per kilogram will be 40 rubles. About 800 thousand rubles will be spent on purchasing planting material. The construction of a modern vegetable storage facility will allow storing potatoes until the high season (spring), when the price of vegetables increases 2-3 times. Investments in the construction of a vegetable storage facility will amount to at least 3 million rubles.


As labor force, the farm will employ machine operators (2 people), general laborers for the harvest period (10 people), a mechanic (1 person), security guards for the summer period (3 people), a sales manager (1 person). ). Accountant services are planned to be provided under an outsourcing agreement. The total annual wage fund will be 550 thousand rubles.

Risk assessment

The risks of running this business are as follows:

  1. Characteristic of all agriculture is complete dependence on weather conditions (drought);
  2. Competition in the market, dumping;
  3. Problems with selling products during the low season.

Financial plan

Fixed annual expenses

  • Rent - 240,000 rub.
  • Salary + insurance contributions - 715,000 rubles.
  • Costs for soil treatment (fertilizers, watering, pest protection) - 150,000 rubles.
  • Fuel and lubricants - 200,000 rub.
  • Depreciation of equipment - 120,000 rubles.
  • Equipment repair - RUB 80,000.
  • The cost of storing the crop is 150,000 rubles.
  • Accounting - 60,000 rub.
  • Other expenses - 50,000 rubles.

Total - 1,765,000 rubles.

How much can you earn from growing potatoes?

Thus, the net profit of the farm for a year of operation will be 2,570,900 rubles, subject to 100% sales of all grown products. Under the most favorable circumstances, the return on the initial investment occurs already in the third year of operation. However, in practice, taking into account all the risks (weather, problems with sales, etc.), the return on investment will not occur earlier than in four years.

We recommend download business plan for growing potatoes, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

To grow potatoes, you must indicate OKVED 2, Section A: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and fish farming: 01.1 Growing annual crops, 01.13 Growing vegetables, melons, root and tuber crops, mushrooms and truffles, 01.13.1 Growing vegetables, 01.13.12 Cultivation protected soil vegetables.

What documents are needed to open

Growing potatoes for sale in retail outlets will require registration of a peasant farm. Documents that will be required in this case:

  • Registration application written by the entrepreneur and certified by a notary.
  • Photocopies of passport and taxpayer ID code.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

If you are starting a business with partners, you will also need to draw up an appropriate contract, which specifies: telephone numbers, the responsibilities of each entrepreneur, the procedure for accepting and leaving the business of its members.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

Growing potatoes gives you the right to pay a single agricultural tax, the rate of which is 6%.

Do I need permission to open?

Growing technology

To increase the efficiency of growing potatoes, you must be guided by the features of the technology:

  • Use only productive potato varieties with a high yield, from 30 tons per hectare.
  • Compliance with the correct planting technology with a density of no more than 30 stems per square meter and a hole depth of less than 4 cm. The width between rows is from 60 to 80 cm.
  • Timely control of pests and viruses, treatment and spraying against late blight 5 or more times per season.
  • Dig up potatoes for seeds at the beginning of August, and for sale at the end.
  • Maintaining crop rotation with alternating planting of potatoes and winter grains in the same place.

Potatoes are a popular agricultural crop, familiar to us since childhood. The advantage of this vegetable is that any novice farmer can grow it without the use of special equipment. Of course, processing potato fields with special equipment saves time significantly, but, unlike other agricultural crops, potatoes can be planted and harvested manually, without intermediate manipulations, that is, harvesting occurs immediately at the final stage and the potatoes, after drying, can be stored .

Thanks to these advantages, novice farmers have a question - Is the potato business profitable or not?? You will find the answer in this article.

Features of such a business

Potatoes can be grown profitably in various areas, but for a beginner, the best option would be a field of up to 2 hectares. Causes:

  1. The specified area can be served by a family or even one person;
  2. In this case, the initial costs will be relatively small - up to 350 thousand rubles. This takes into account the purchase of a mini-tractor (motoblock) with a set of appropriate equipment (hiller, plow, body, harvesting unit). The cost of all of the above will be at least 200 thousand rubles. If the cultivated area is relatively small (several tens of acres), then the family will be able to do without a tractor, relying on their own strength, but understanding that all manipulations will take more time;
  3. With small volumes, growing potatoes can be done without interrupting your main job. That is, the sale of this vegetable will be an additional pleasant income, and the main job can become an excellent place to sell the finished crop;
  4. This area will be enough to gain experience in growing potatoes on an industrial scale.
Start-up costs

As mentioned above, the main expense item will be a mini-tractor (motoblock) with the necessary set of equipment; in addition, in the first year of the formation of this business, the beginning farmer will also have to shell out money for:

  1. Seed material- These are potatoes intended for planting. There is no need to save on it, as this will affect the quality and quantity of the harvest. On average you will have to spend 100 thousand rubles. This is a one-time expense; next year the entrepreneur will be able to use his own potatoes as seed material. We recommend purchasing seed material from specialized nurseries, where they will give you a guaranteed variety. Since in the market, even with the appropriate documents, they may sell you something that is not what you need in the form of seed material;
  2. Land lease. If you don’t have your own field, then for 2 hectares you will have to pay up to 7 thousand rubles annually (in many regions it is less);
  3. Fertilizers, protection from diseases, pests. On average it will cost 10-25 thousand rubles. Moreover, taking into account that the procedures necessary to protect the vegetable will be carried out by specialists. If a farmer wants to save money, then you can keep it to a modest 6-7 thousand rubles and do all the work yourself.
How to save money

If you don’t have the required amount for a tractor and equipment, then the financial burden can be reduced by purchasing everything you need on lease. In this case, you will immediately have to pay a third of the full cost. The remaining amount can be paid over several years.

Purchasing a used tractor will also significantly help reduce costs. If there is no money at all, then you can do without mechanical means, but the area of ​​the plot should be small (up to 10-100 acres). Instead of special equipment, you can hire general workers; their services are valued at 100-200 rubles per hour. If you attract them to harvest potatoes, then payment can be replaced in kind, that is, a new harvest.

Growing technology

Proper growing technology includes the following:

  1. Purchase and preparation of seed material;
  2. Soil preparation;
  3. Landing;
  4. Hilling;
  5. Fertilizer;
  6. Protection from all kinds of pests;
  7. Harvesting;
  8. Storage.
Seed material

Potatoes for planting should be purchased in the fall. Moreover, the seller is obliged to attach documents confirming high reproductive rate and absence of diseases; if there are none, then the buyer assumes all risks.

Seed material– these are medium-sized potatoes (3-5 cm in diameter), without signs of disease or damage. All tubers must belong to the same variety.

Before planting, all purchased seed material must be “greened”. Why is it placed in a cool (temperature should be between 1-3°C), humid room, where there is diffuse sunlight. The tubers should remain there for 20 days.

Also, before planting, potatoes need to be allowed to germinate. Why is it moved to a warm (temperature should be between 12-15°C), bright room. Tubers are considered ready for planting after the appearance of strong, thick shoots, the length of which is at least one and a half centimeters.

To prevent various diseases, the farmer must place the seed material in a boric acid solution. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Soil preparation

The soil in which potatoes will be planted must be loose, which will allow the tubers to easily develop and receive the required amount of oxygen. To do this, starting in the fall, the soil must be dug up, plowed or loosened. Moreover, the last option is the most correct way. You also need to add to the soil:

  1. Wood ash, which not only nourishes potatoes, but also protects them from wireworm larvae, the Colorado potato beetle;
  2. Humus that nourishes the potatoes and also warms the soil.
Planting potatoes for subsequent sale

This procedure is carried out when the ground warms up to 8°C, and to a depth of 10 cm. An important indicator is planting density, so the optimal scheme is 75X50 cm. This means that the distance between rows should be 75 cm, and the same indicator between bushes of the same row - 50 cm. But optimal patterns for different varieties may differ. especially if they are early. For example, the popular type of domestic potato Ryabinushka is planted according to the 60X30 pattern.

The planting depth of tubers is 4-8 cm.


A week after planting the potatoes, weeds appear and this is a signal about the need to hill up. This procedure prevents the growth of all kinds of weeds, and most importantly provides sufficient ventilation for roots and tubers and gives them the opportunity to develop. Which helps to increase the yield. Hilling is performed at least twice during the growing season. Each time the layer of soil under the potato bush needs to be increased by 10 cm.


When planting, manure should be added; when it is necessary to save, then it is replaced with bone meal, chicken manure, and other organic fertilizers. If the land is not depleted, then everything indicated will be enough for the entire season. But when the soil contains a small amount of nutrients, then you need to be prepared to use chemical fertilizers.

Protection from pests and diseases

Treatment with insecticides is a mandatory procedure; it is performed after the bushes begin to flower, and later if necessary. It is also necessary to combat late blight, for which spraying is performed. In total, 5-6 such procedures may be needed per season.


Drying tops, which should be mowed, indicate that it is time to harvest the potatoes. And after 2 weeks, the tubers themselves are removed from the ground.


For long-term storage, potatoes are dried in the fresh air for two weeks and then stored in a ventilated basement.

How to get maximum profit by growing potatoes for sale

Russian potato growers are accustomed to violating existing growing technologies; this is done in order to save money. In fact, in our country, the only necessary procedures that are often performed are planting, subsequent hilling, and collection. Diseases are combated by removing affected bushes. And unsuitable tubers are used as seed material. It is no coincidence that they do this; such savings still allow us to obtain 18-20 tons of potatoes from each hectare. That is, cutting down on the amount of work is one of the growing methods.

But still, modern technologies provide the maximum profit, for example, such as the Dutch method, which involves creating ridges from the soil where potatoes are planted.

Another effective way of growing is mulching with straw, which protects against weeds, creates the necessary microclimate, and prevents dehydration.


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