How to earn money for a schoolchild: basic ways to earn extra money. How can a schoolchild quickly and easily make money on the Internet without investments: real ways How and where can a schoolchild make money

It would seem that it is unrealistic for a schoolchild who has not reached the age of majority to earn money. After all, he has no chance of getting a profitable job. This is true, but unlike adults and students, schoolchildren have much more free time. In this article we will tell you how to spend it correctly and get a decent income.

Don't underestimate the entrepreneurial spirit of schoolchildren. Many people have been trying to make money since elementary school, but they repeatedly come across deceivers. Yes, many adults lower the behavioral bar so much and deceive hardworking children who lose all faith in independent income and independence from parental subsidies.

Don't despair. Adults often take the place of deceived victims, because they too tend to succumb to deception. However, earnings for schoolchildren are quite realistic.

Earn in the following ways:

  • occupying a workplace;
  • remotely.

We will consider both of these methods of work in the article, because they are equally effective.

Video – Official work at 14 years old

Following a schedule

While talking about work, many children forget that their main activity is not intensively earning money, but going to school and doing well in their studies. To ensure that school grades do not suffer from excessive independence, it is necessary to follow a routine.

  1. Work only in the evenings and weekends. Upon arrival from school, homework is done first, then work time begins, not vice versa. Otherwise, a tired schoolboy will not touch his notebooks - he is very tired.
  2. Discipline is the key to success. Before and during work you should avoid:
    1. Internet surfing;
    2. sitting on social networks;
    3. eating. The first two points are clear. Why can’t you eat while working, especially without having time to have a snack after school? It's simple: eating food provokes a drainage of blood from the brain. As a result, drowsiness and reluctance to work occur.
  3. It is necessary to take breaks of 15 minutes every hour, as performance gradually decreases and the brain requires rest. A break doesn't mean it's time to sleep or play on the computer. It is more effective to do exercises or just warm up.

Tips: how to make money for schoolchildren 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 years old and older

First of all, we will consider possible options for work that require the direct presence of the student at the workplace.

A promoter is a person specially hired by an organization who distributes advertising in the form of bright leaflets containing information about the customer company and the promotion taking place on its basis.

Distribution occurs in two ways:

  • in the form of distribution;
  • using stickers.

Naturally, the vacancy of a promoter does not imply official employment, so the salary will not be too high. You can earn from 80 to 300 rubles per hour, depending on the intensity of work.

Courier at delivery service

Today, couriers are required in almost every organization. They are hired to deliver:

  • documents;
  • postal items;
  • clothes;
  • medicines and much more.

The more important the package, the higher the cost of delivery. There are no strict requirements for applicants for the position. You can get around by public transport or bicycle, easily getting to anywhere in the city.

It is important to remember that the position implies a certain degree of responsibility for the applicant. Each parcel is valued at a certain amount of money. In case of loss or damage, its full cost is deducted from the salary of the courier, who is immediately fired.

To successfully move around the city and not get confused in the houses, you should have a navigator or perfect knowledge of the city. Since the latter is rather rare, do not refuse technical support.

Car washer

Schoolchildren get paid well at car washes, where they always need an extra pair of deft hands. It's rare that adults agree to work as car washers from morning to evening on a regular basis, so children and teenagers are happy to take on evening shifts.

Of course, the participation of older children is preferable, but a small age can easily be compensated by their height, allowing them to reach the top of the machines. The offensive word “kalancha” is transformed into a pleasant bonus, have you noticed?

For one hour of work as a car wash, a schoolchild can earn up to 400 rubles. The evening shift lasts from 3 to 5 hours, therefore, the revenue per day is quite decent.

Mandatory conditions for employment at a car wash are:

  • parental or guardian consent;
  • no allergic reactions to cleaning liquids;
  • age from 14 years.

Office cleaner

You shouldn’t expect that a schoolchild will be hired to clean multi-story office buildings of venerable companies, but small companies will be happy to pay for their work, just so as not to hire a cleaner on a permanent basis and not have to deal with her employment.

Cleaning a small office space takes from 1 to 2 hours, during which you need to do the following:

  • wash the floors;
  • wipe the dust;
  • to throw out the trash.

Sometimes customers ask to do additional work, for example, wash windows, perform a general cleaning of shelving, etc. Of course, such a load comes at an additional cost. If you do all of the above at once in a small office, you can get up to 1000 rubles.

Walking dogs for money

Even the smallest dog, which is called “decorative”, must walk in order to receive information about the world around it and at the same time do its business. There are a lot of people who are not able to walk their pets as often as they would like due to lack of time and constant busyness.

It is you who must come to the aid of the owners and make the dog happy. Walking one animal for an hour costs from 150 to 200 rubles. If you were given not one, but two animals, the amount doubles accordingly.

Provided that the pets you walk are healthy, they can all walk together at the same time. Then just for an hour of work you can earn about 600 rubles

Important to remember! According to the law of the Russian Federation, a dog is the property of the owner. Among other things, she is still a living being, loved by man. If the animal gets hurt, gets lost or gets sick, you will be to blame, therefore, you will have to shell out the money you earn to compensate for the damage caused. Be careful and attentive.

Upgrading game accounts and selling

A method for those who dream of becoming an e-sportsman. Do you know well the computer game that is at the peak of popularity? Help others win a place of honor in the virtual world or pass an “impossible” level. Orders for boost-ups of gaming accounts are usually made by schoolchildren and teenagers. It happens that older people can pay to complete a level.

The following games are currently at the peak of popularity:

  • CS:GO;
  • League of Legends;
  • Overwatch;
  • Prey;
  • World of Warcraft;
  • Grand Theft Auto, etc.

In addition to pumping up other people's game accounts, don't forget to collect points on your own. Once you reach one of the highest levels, put your account up for sale. The cost of a successful account can reach 1000 euros, but it is much more realistic to get from 70 to 100 euros.

Reselling items

You can resell both the student’s personal belongings, donated or purchased by him for himself, and those purchased in stores.

To make money on your existing property, carefully disassemble the cabinets and mezzanines. Select items in good, preferably excellent, condition and put them up for sale on online message boards. Of course, you won’t be able to sell the item at its original price, but you can get quite decent money.

The second way is to raid second-hand stores and social markets in the city, where good things are sold at a reduced price. Buy whatever looks really good and take it home. Afterwards, display them on the bulletin board as new, unworn items and charge a small amount for each item. By increasing the price in this way, you can not only recoup the expended capital, but also significantly increase it.

Another place where you can buy quality items for reasonable money is the Aliexpress website. This is a platform that offers cheap products from Chinese manufacturers with good quality.

The most convenient way is to purchase and sell phone cases on Aliexpress. Surf the Internet and see which models are the most popular right now. Typically this is:

  • Iphone;
  • Samsung Galaxy;
  • Xiaomi Mi;
  • Meizu;
  • Alcatel, etc.

You can also make a selection by popularity on the site itself. Then, identify specific models and order a package of covers for each of them. They can be made of plastic, silicone, metal, wood, etc. It is important to order covers for two categories of audience – female and male, since on both sides the demand will be quite high.

Having bought several packages of covers, mark them up by 300-400%. Don't think that this is a lot. For comparison, stores inflate prices exactly 10 times. It is best to sell goods through message boards, such as:

  • Avito;
  •, etc.

In addition to cases, you can order any trinkets, such as pendants, earrings, spinners, lasers and much more.

Newspaper boy

The positions of newspaper delivery men from editorial offices in Russia are held tenaciously by women aged 60 and above. The work is calm and not dusty, so it’s not easy to compete with this fraternity. However, many editors would rather give preference to a nimble and efficient student who will get the job done much faster and more efficiently.

The gender of the applicant does not matter. Girls and boys, starting from 10-11 years old, are equally willing to hire newspaper delivery boys.

You can find a job as a newspaper delivery person through online bulletin boards and job directory sites. Another way is to call the editorial office directly and leave your phone number in case your services are needed.

Selling vegetables from the dacha

Great part-time job for the summer. Every grandmother will be happy to give her grandson kilograms of grown vegetables, fruits, and berries, which he quickly sells on the market. It is important to set the cost of the product per 1 kilogram lower than in stores. Focus on the prices of the traders located next to you, and set similar ones.

Remember, the goal is to sell profitably. But there is no need to inflate the cost. It is better to make it lower than that of other traders. The product is guaranteed to be sold out first, because this is how the human brain works, clearly capturing even a tiny difference in cost.

Doing homework

You can offer to do homework for money to classmates or children from parallel classes. Choose subjects that you understand well.

Homework assignments on:

  • drawing;
  • algebra;
  • geometry;
  • physics;
  • chemistry, etc.

There are also “techies” who are completely unable to write essays or analyze text. Therefore, good knowledge will also come in handy:

  • literature;
  • Russian language;
  • world artistic culture, etc.

In addition to homework, answers to difficult tests and laboratory tests are flying like hotcakes. Some schoolchildren not only share their answers, but also prompt their friends during tests using micro-earphones.

Selling lunches

This is not about selling food on the street, but about selling your school lunches to classmates or other kids from school. Yes, some children eat in school canteens, others do not, hoping to run to the nearest store during recess. Sometimes it’s impossible to buy food, and the student is guaranteed to end up with a bad mood and a rumbling stomach.

This is where you appear - a saving helping hand, having made several ordinary sandwiches with butter, cheese and sausage at home. You can sell for 30-40 rubles apiece. The amount is tiny by today's standards, but for four sandwiches, which will cost a maximum of 1/5 of a stick of sausage, you will recoup the full price of the product.

The more beautiful the sandwich is designed, the higher the likelihood of buying it. Make variations for boys and girls, adding ketchup or mayonnaise for the former, and lettuce for the latter.

Taking out trash for money

This method is the easiest of the ones presented. We are talking about small amounts, but, as they say, “a penny saves a ruble.” Look who is constantly putting trash out the door at the entrance and doesn’t take it out for hours. Gently knock and offer your services. Pick up trash from your neighbors every day. If you charge 50-70 rubles per apartment for a service and negotiate, for example, with 10 of them, then simply going on business you can earn 500-700 rubles in a week.

Where can a schoolchild work in the summer?

Where can the average student get a job to take up the entire summer vacation period and earn really good money? Let's look at a couple of current options.

Animator in city parks or children's rooms

Have you seen people dressed in life-size doll costumes in parks? A girl portrays a princess, a boy a prince, etc. The task of these dressed-up schoolchildren is to entertain younger children by organizing various competitions.

Animators organize leisure time for children in children's rooms:

  • coffee shops;
  • coworking spaces;
  • specialized game rooms;
  • airports, etc.

Work for schoolchildren is psychologically pleasant, since at such a young age it is easy to communicate with children; they themselves have recently overcome this age limit. Plus there is somewhere to spend the irrepressible energy of youth.

Look for animator vacancies on the following Internet sites:

  •, etc.

In addition to searching for vacancies online, pay attention to paper advertisements posted at bus stops, coffee shop doors, road lamps, etc. Another option is to directly contact the institution of interest.

Advice - be sure to have a resume. Yes, a student without work experience has nothing to write, but you can indicate your first name, last name and contact information. Among all the applicants for the role of animator, the management of the establishment will remember the most persistent one and call immediately.

Counselor at a children's camp

Many summer recreational institutions are experiencing a serious shortage of responsible personnel performing the easy work of a counselor. This is because the pay for one shift (from 2 to 4 weeks) is not serious for an adult, but it is quite suitable for a schoolchild.

It should be immediately mentioned that this vacancy requires compliance with a certain age limit. Camp counselors are accepted from 16 years of age and above; accordingly, only high school students can legally work in the position.

What are the mandatory requirements for job seekers:

  • love for children;
  • patience;
  • active life position;
  • absence of bad habits.

If some schoolchildren can cheat with the last point and their deception will not be detected, then the lack of other qualities will be noticeable from the first day. You should not deceive yourself and the employer, otherwise the counselor risks being fired with a complete loss of reputation.

The responsibilities of the counselor include conducting organizational control and pedagogical work, for example:

  • organize collective creative activities;
  • monitor compliance with discipline;
  • instill morality in students;
  • provide assistance in expressing civic position, etc.

If a high school student likes such responsible work, this is a good start.


Summer continues for children, but adults are forced to continue working. It happens that some nurseries and kindergartens are closed for several summer weeks to carry out renovations to the premises. At this time, parents simply go crazy, because there is no one to leave the child with. Problems at work, bad mood, all this forces you to take extreme measures - look for a nanny.

You can find a good nanny:

  • at the agency;
  • according to recommendations.

However, both options are guaranteed to result in high costs, since an experienced professional charges a lot of money for his services.

This is where a hardworking schoolboy or schoolgirl will come to the aid of parents. Let's not lie, preference is most often given to girls, since society believes that even at a young age they have a certain degree of maternal instinct.

An excellent option would be to sit with the child from the morning until the parents arrive. The work is very responsible and difficult, but they pay well for it. Thus, a non-professional nanny receives from 50 to 150 rubles per hour when performing the following duties:

  • feeding;
  • maintaining hygiene;
  • going to bed;
  • entertainment, etc.

So, we looked at as many as 14 ways to make money for schoolchildren from 10 to 14 years old and above, not related to the Internet. Now let's turn our attention to online ways of earning money.

Making money on YouTube

To earn quite decent money, you need to start a video channel on YouTube. You can make money on it if:

  • the channel has collected at least 1000 subscribers;
  • each video had at least 1000 views;
  • The channel must have at least 20 videos.

By observing all the above conditions, you get a completely profitable enterprise. For schoolchildren, this way to earn money is also good because it stimulates self-expression.

You can talk about a variety of things on the channel, the main thing is that there is a sufficient number of people interested in the topic.

In addition to creating your own channel, you can make money on YouTube by creating screensavers for videos of other bloggers. This is done by combining images in editors such as:

  • Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator;
  • Corel Draw, etc.

Participation in surveys

Participating in online surveys is another popular way for schoolchildren to earn money. For one survey they pay from 10-30 rubles. If you do at least 5-10 tasks a day, you will get quite an impressive amount of money for a student.

The essence of surveys is this. The company places an advertising video, picture, and product description on the website, which you must study carefully. Then a questionnaire with questions is presented, within which you must select the answers that most agree with your opinion.

Here is a list of the most popular services for participating in surveys:

  • questionnaires.rf, etc.

Open it, register and start earning money by answering questions.

The money received is transferred to an electronic wallet previously created by the student. The following payment systems are suitable:

  • Yandex money:
  • Webmoney, etc.

Let's like and subscribe

Yes, you can also earn a decent amount of money from such a simple activity. The fact is that some users of social networks, for example, VKontakte, want to have a truly huge number of subscribers and likes. They turn to intermediaries for help. For money, they promise to give the customer a substantial amount of live subscribers (not bots).

You will become one of these subscribers. You will find tasks and a list of people to follow, as well as a list of posts for likes, on intermediary sites, for example, VKtarget.

Install the AppCent application

This application is installed on phones with the Android operating system from the Google Play application. Inside AppCent there is a task feed that contains a list of applications available for download. For each downloaded application, from 3 to 30 rubles are credited to your account.

Money is withdrawn from AppCent through electronic wallets. Without downloading your hard-earned money, you can buy paid applications or pay your cell phone bill.

Recognize captchas on Rucaptcha

A surprisingly simple way to make money. It consists of solving captchas that the Rucaptcha website provides to the employee who registers on it. The only negative point is the length of work and low pay - a student will receive only 30 rubles per hour. However, if he is not 16, but 10 years old, earning 100 extra rubles a day in such a simple and legal way is just right.

The bonuses of working on Rucaptcha include:

  • instant payments;
  • ease of captcha recognition.

The money you earn can be withdrawn to your account through electronic payment systems or immediately top up your mobile phone account.

We write reviews on the Internet

A profitable way to make money on the Internet. Orders to leave reviews are received on various online freelance exchanges, for example:

  • allwrite;
  • textsale;
  • advego;
  • etxt, etc.

When receiving an order, you must leave reviews for various products on the websites of stores, manufacturers, etc. The originality of the review must be high. It is advisable to write in a relaxed manner, since users can easily recognize lies in “squeezed” texts.

In addition to exchanges on the Internet, there are review sites, where people are also paid for reviews. This is first of all:

  •, etc.

For one review they pay on average from 100 to 200 rubles, sometimes more. It all depends on the amount of text, placement resource and other nuances.

We write and sell texts

Searching for texts to write is based on the same principle as searching for assignments to write reviews. The same freelance exchanges listed earlier also provide orders for writing original texts on a specific topic. An example is the text that you are reading in front of you.

Table 1. Characteristics of copywriting and rewriting

well paidCopywriting pays less
you need to write original texts yourselfexisting texts are rewritten
given a lot of workthe amount of work given is large
need to study the topicthere is no urgent need to study the topic
assignments are offered to people with experienceexperience doesn't matter
requires literacyrequires literacy

As for copywriting, its essence is different from rewriting. The concept comes from the English language and consists of two parts: copy, manuscript, and writing, writing. Initially, a copywriter was understood as a person specializing in writing advertising and PR texts, but in Russia the concept of copywriting has expanded significantly. So, let's take a closer look at each type of activity.

Rewriting is the rewriting of an existing text. The word itself consists of two parts: re (English re) – re, writing (English writing) – to write. It turns out that the essence of the work is not in writing a new unique text, but in modifying the one given to you. Yes, as a rule, texts for correspondence are issued by the customers themselves and you do not have to look for information on the Internet, which is a huge plus for beginners. In addition, there is absolutely no need to study the topic of the text on which you are writing. Although it is advisable to understand what we are talking about here. No experience is required to rewrite texts, but you need to know the grammar and rules of the Russian language, otherwise the first mistakes of the author of the text will not be treated leniently.

When talking about working as a copywriter, it is assumed that you have some experience in rewriting, since in addition to technical issues such as literacy, composing an original text involves both imagination and the talent of harmonious writing. Among other things, it is necessary to study the topic before starting work, otherwise the customer will refuse to buy the article. The cost of 1000 characters of the original text is significantly higher than the rewritten one.

The average payment that a schoolchild can receive starts from 15-20 rubles per 100 characters for rewriting and somewhere around 30-50 characters for copyright. To begin with, take easier topics.

Articles must be submitted on time. When receiving a task from the customer, ask how long you have been given to complete the work and hurry to send it before the deadline.

Transcribe audio files

The resource contains a catalog of tasks. One of the categories is transcribing audio files into printed text. The student listens to the audio track carefully and several times, then creates a file in doc or docx format, and thoughtfully retypes the text he heard inside. They pay up to 100 rubles for an hour of copying. Not much, but no one requires adulthood, good grades, exemplary behavior, etc.

The tracks usually contain interviews recorded by journalists, which they do not have time to reprint due to their busy schedules. It’s easier to pay a student, and besides, the editors often allocate money directly to pay for such a remote assistant.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, earning money for schoolchildren is not just real. It can become quite significant, especially if you combine several of the above methods. It doesn’t matter what you choose: physical or mental work, in reality or on the Internet, the main thing is to be hardworking and success will not keep you waiting. A pleasant bonus will be complete independence upon reaching adulthood. While classmates with substantial amounts of pocket money will begin their career path, a young man working as a schoolboy will already have built a successful business.

Work for schoolchildren - a start to a professional future

Having your own money, not depending on the income and mood of your parents, earning money on your own - this is the dream of many teenagers. Often teenagers 10-16 years old try to earn money in the summer. The development of technology allows you to receive money without investment, without leaving your home and even while relaxing in the countryside - through the global network. We will tell you how to do this when you are only 11-15 years old in this article.

Today, every schoolchild can have his own money by earning it on the Internet

Is it realistic for a 10-15 year old student to earn money while sitting at home?

On the Internet you can find useful information and buy something you need (or not so much). However, the global network has long ceased to be a place where money is only spent - it is quite possible to make money here. A schoolchild aged 12, 13, 14 and older is well oriented in the virtual space and may well find a job to his liking and abilities. How can a schoolchild make money on the Internet? Is it possible to start from scratch and make a profit without investment?

How can a schoolchild make money online without investment? On the one hand, there are known methods such as clicks, viewing letters, entering captchas, games, copywriting, making money on advertising, file hosting services, and special programs. But on the other hand, wallets and services only work with adults. What should schoolchildren who want to make money on the Internet do? Let’s take a closer look at what types of earnings there are and where you can actually get money without investing.

Working on the Internet for schoolchildren: clicks, captcha, letters

There are services that offer a few cents for a short time. What should be done?

  • register for the service;
  • select a task;
  • execute it;
  • wait for money to arrive;
  • earn the minimum threshold;
  • withdraw income to an electronic wallet.

In principle, there is nothing complicated: follow the link, read the letter to the end or enter the captcha. However, such a simple action is very expensive. Many customers install two limiters (timer and captcha), which take up time.

That is, one click will take thirty seconds; if you leave the page, then the task is considered uncompleted, and the money will not be credited to your account. In this case, viewing the letter where you need to conduct a captcha can take from forty seconds to one minute. Then one task will take one to three minutes, along with studying the conditions.

Theoretically, in a day you can earn on the Internet from ten dollars on clicks. In fact, the “highly paying” tasks are dispersed to the white list and the “privileged old people”, and newcomers are left with a dozen tasks with a payment of five to ten cents.

Disadvantages of making money from clicks

What is good about this part-time job for schoolchildren?

  • Does not require investment.
  • Choose orders “for yourself”.
  • Withdraw money without problems within ten days.
  • Strengthen your knowledge of the Russian language.

Many exchanges require cooperation with adults, then there is only one way out - to involve parents in the work, who will show all the basics of this income.

Writing articles outside of copywriting exchanges

How can a schoolchild make money online without the participation of moms and dads? Please note the following sites:

  • Blogs of famous information businessmen who organize monthly giveaways for the best commentator of the month. For writing more comments you can get from one hundred rubles.
  • Blogs with competitions. By participating in various competitions, you can receive a prize or cash reward. Pay attention to children's craft competitions.
  • Blogs with advertisements for writing articles. The student simply writes and fills the site with posts, and the blogger pays for the work of the performer. Just make inquiries about this information businessman and his solvency.

Such work on the Internet for schoolchildren will allow you to earn from one and a half thousand rubles monthly. As soon as you gain experience in writing articles and increase your typing speed, your income can average 7-10 thousand rubles. But to do this, you need to devote all your free time to part-time work.

Earning money on websites, magazines

You can develop your copywriting skills on your own blog. There are many services with free blogs and diaries (the popular Bloger or “Live Journal” - livejournal). Share your experience, increase the number of subscribers, achieve success (thousands of visitors - brand).

How can a schoolchild make money online in this case?

  • Earning money from Google or Yandex advertising. Install their banner and get paid for clicking on the ad.
  • Earning money from advertising from private users. Many novice webmasters will want to be featured on a well-promoted blog.
  • Income from your services or goods. Many schoolchildren share their experiences in handicrafts, photography, plant growing, etc. Having gained subscribers and earned your brand, you can receive money for selling custom-made goods or making detailed master classes.

In any case, this type of income will require cooperation with parents.

What if you don’t want to start your own blog?

Studying blogging and making money from advertising requires certain knowledge, which can bring in monthly from one hundred thousand rubles, otherwise you can get your one hundred dollars (the minimum threshold from Google) in three years. If you don’t have the time and desire to study this area, then pay attention to another opportunity to make money on the Internet.

This is a Web-3 portal. Register, write articles, cards, insert advertising blocks. And the service accrues money by displaying advertisements and clicking on them. The higher the rating, the more accruals. If you place a link to your articles on social networks, forums, websites, then your earnings will be higher (from a thousand rubles per article).

With passive writing without attracting traffic, you will earn an average of 250 rubles per month with a rating of four hundred points. The portal provides a lot of useful training articles on working with the service. You will earn even more income from affiliate rewards if you invite partners.

Social networks, YouTube, Subscribe, communities

How can a student make money online if writing articles and blogging are difficult to understand? Pay attention to social networks and communities. Create your own thematic group, write interesting posts there, post interesting photographs, dilute thematic and business information with personal thoughts, questions, congratulations, jokes, attracting people to the discussion.

The task in this case is to attract as many like-minded people as possible, make the group active, popular and start making money by displaying advertising, affiliate links or your products. If you select the target audience, then the income will not be long in coming.

But here, like other ways to make money for schoolchildren on the Internet, it requires the involvement of adults. Serious organizations do not deal with minors. Even when recording popular videos on YouTube, working under the affiliate program is possible with adults. Consequently, income will depend on competent and interesting posts, smart reasoning, authority, traffic and analytical skills.

Brief summary

There are plenty of places where schoolchildren can make money online. This article describes only the most popular methods. Students should pay attention to something else.

  • Do not enter into places that require investment of money.
  • Don't look for "easy" money.
  • Take up maintaining free blogs, groups, diaries, developing your style of presentation, author's approach, and professionalism.

Spend six months improving and start looking for income. Or involve your parents in your activities. There are many examples where 11-year-old teenagers, together with their parents, wrote blogs and made money from master classes.

Regardless of age, everyone wants to have personal money to spend exclusively for their own pleasure. The stereotype that only adults can work has long been debunked. And the question - how to make money for a schoolchild - has not been surprising for a long time.

In the age of technological progress, the powerful development of the Internet and related resources, absolutely anyone can start earning money. Including, there are various ways for schoolchildren to make money online or offline!

Even if you just 10-12 years, you can still get paid. The main thing is to choose an interesting field and a comfortable option for earning money.

Below we will tell you about possible ways to earn money on:

  • to a concert of your favorite band;
  • cool sweatshirt;
  • delicious chocolates in unlimited quantities;
  • or even with a little more effort and patience, a new mobile phone!

After reading the article, you will understand that working on the Internet is not a boring job of sitting in the office, as you might have heard from adults, but an exciting quest with cool rewards after each completed task.

From this article you will learn:

Is it possible for a student to earn money?

How can a student earn personal money and what is needed for this? You will need the bare minimum.

  • First, if you plan to look for jobs to make money on the Internet, then decide on what device you will work. It could be an iPhone or Android, laptop, tablet or computer. Any of the listed devices will become your faithful assistant in earning your first money on the Internet. Think about what will be more convenient for you to work on, or go with what you have at home.
  • Second point of preparation– is to give yourself time to work. On average, it will take you 1-3 hours. At first, your employment will be longer, because you need to gain experience, sharpen your skills and get used to new responsibilities. Then, even in the second week, you will get involved in the process and complete tasks at an increased speed.

IMPORTANT. Working on the Internet should not interfere with your main activity – studying. Earning personal money should become an exciting activity, one might say, a kind of hobby. But under no circumstances overwork yourself or take on unnecessary burdens. First of all, you are a schoolchild, and your parents need you healthy and cheerful!

What should work be like for schoolchildren?

Looking at adults, one may think that work is hard labor. But this is not so, and in 2018 there are many options for how a student can make money on the Internet or through other work.

Even if you are in school and you are 11, 12, 14 or 16 years old, you can earn money just like your parents, without even leaving home! The Internet gives us simply amazing opportunities to develop our own potential and make money.

But before you get started, please remember the following rules:

  1. The work must be legal. This means that you must not perform any illegal activities. This applies to the dissemination of extremist information, calls for violence, distribution of personal photos/videos/audio files without the owner’s permission, hacking of personal accounts, and plagiarism. If you have any suspicions about certain advertisements on the Internet, be sure to consult with adults.
  2. The work should be simple. This means that even without special education and any specific skills, you can complete it and earn your first money. You are still only a schoolboy, and a minor at that. You shouldn't be given difficult tasks.
  3. Work should bring joy. While you are a student, your main task is to absorb basic knowledge and get good grades. Work should take you a minimum of time and bring maximum benefit. If you put your studies on the back burner, it will negatively impact every area of ​​your life.

Think about it - conflicts with your parents will begin, teachers will scold you and give you bad marks, and you yourself will find yourself broke and in a disgusting mood. Agree, the picture is not very happy. That is why work a maximum of 3 hours a day and only after you have completed all your homework and homework.

What do you need to start earning money?

First, create an email on your computer. Perhaps you already have it. If not, then use Yandex or Google.

Choose according to your personal preferences - which resource is more convenient for you to work on, what you use more often.

Electronic mailbox you will definitely need:

  • they will send you assignments there;
  • through it you will contact employers;
  • You will enter its data when registering on various sites.

ADVICE. To be on the safe side, write down your email login and password in your phone or notepad.

The next stage of preparation is creating an electronic wallet. Get yourself at least one wallet, into which you will receive money earned by honest labor.

If you don’t yet know what exactly you want to do, in what area to earn money, you don’t have to rush to create a wallet. The fact is that each customer has his own preferences regarding which wallet to transfer the payment to. Therefore, you can first get acquainted with what ways a schoolchild can easily earn money, find out the terms of cooperation, and then create an electronic wallet in accordance with the requirements of the employer.

So that you are savvy in this matter, we list for you the most popular payment systems on the Internet:

  • WebMoney.
  • Yandex money.
  • Qiwi.

Example with WebMoney. The shaded fields will contain your wallet numbers.

Creating an electronic wallet couldn't be easier. The procedure will take 5 minutes. You will need to indicate your login, email, full name. and a valid telephone number. Each created wallet is assigned a unique number. This is what you will tell your customers so that they can send you money transfers.

IMPORTANT. To be sure, it would be good to create a couple of online wallets, for example, on Yandex.Money and WebMoney. Remember that your customers can live in Russia, Ukraine, CIS countries and even in Europe or America. In each case, a commission is added to the amount sent for transferring money. And for some it will be more profitable to send a transfer to Yandex, and for others - to Qiwi or WebMoney. If you have several accounts at once, you will be able to please any employer.

How can a schoolchild make money on the Internet without investment - 10 ways

If you are serious about making money and want, while still in school, to lay the bricks for your future on the Internet, then choose a job that will help you develop and improve, and not just bring you some money.

Pay attention to offers that offer the opportunity for growth, the prospect of learning something new and useful for yourself. When thinking about how to make money on the Internet, choose areas such as copywriting, administration of groups on social networks, and design duties.

Earnings in social media networks

This is what a personal account looks like on the Etxt exchange

To work, you will need to register, then you will have access to orders. The price on exchanges is set for 1000 characters with spaces (or sometimes without them). Average cost - 20-40 rubles for the specified volume.

Personal experience. According to my experience, in the early stages, for one article you will receive on average 200-350 rubles. Everything depends, as you understand, on the final volume. Earnings depend on your speed. On the day it is quite possible. Then we will be able to take on more expensive orders to make good money.

Earnings from games

If you love computer games and spend a lot of time on mobile apps, consider making money from it. The most popular direction is eSports. There are even entire competitions that have their own celebrities. What schoolchildren don't like games?

E-sports involves completing various types of games with minimal mistakes and maximum results. But becoming a celebrity is quite difficult, and it will take a lot of time. But how to make money from games?

HEALTHY. You can also upgrade your characters and sell them. But you won’t be able to earn a lot, since such services are not in great demand. And if they buy a Persian, it will cost 8-10$ .

And also remember the possible consequences:

  • development of addiction to games;
  • blurred vision.

IMPORTANT. If you notice one of the listed signs in yourself, it is better to refuse such work. In addition, keep in mind that some games require personal financial investments, so part of the small earnings you receive will have to be invested in this business.

Earnings from your phone

A telephone is a convenient tool for performing various tasks at 10 years old, at 13 years old, and indeed at any age. Payment is usually transferred to your mobile phone account. But you can also receive money via electronic wallets.

The most common tasks for money:

  • liking;
  • posting;
  • following;
  • commenting;
  • writing reviews.

Your final earnings will depend on the chosen method. On average you can earn 50-100 rubles per hour of work .

Completing simple tasks

If you are not yet interested in some kind of global earnings on the Internet, and you just want to have a certain supply of personal funds, then think about completing simple tasks. They take minimal time and require absolutely no additional skills.

This is a job where a student can earn money on the Internet without investment. You only need a device in the form of a phone, tablet, laptop or PC.

What is the essence of these tasks:

  • link transitions (clicks);
  • registration on forums and websites;
  • writing reviews.

IMPORTANT. Moderators monitor the progress of the work. They clearly display how many times a person clicked on the link, where he registered, and what reviews he wrote. You won't be able to freeload here.

If the employer sees that you take such an easy job carelessly, then they won’t pay you any money. Even the simplest tasks must be completed responsibly.

Making money with design skills

If you are a creative person and, in particular, love to draw, then learn basic graphic design skills. The Photoshop program will help you with this. There are other developments:

  • CorelDraw;
  • Adobe Illustrator;
  • Canva.

This is what the CorelDraw panel looks like

The first two are more serious, and the third is rather amateurish and uncomplicated even for schoolchildren. You can start with Canva. You will need the skills of creating graphic images to design posts on social media. networks and so-called community headers.

Real examples. Group owners are willing to pay 300-1500 rubles for a high-quality header or picture for a thematic post. You can complete an unlimited number of orders per month and, accordingly, earn good money. The main thing is to find those willing!

To search for customers, use freelance exchanges on the Internet:


By working in this way, you improve your professional skills and also realize your creative potential!


If you love taking pictures of everything around you, then monetize your favorite hobby. You can sell your photographs for money, because this is an author's product. Thousands of employers need unique photographs that they can use for advertising or other purposes. Moreover, photographs can be taken on a mobile phone, because now almost every phone is equipped with a decent camera.

HEALTHY. Photos can always be processed - cropped, adjusted brightness and contrast, applied a filter, adjusted sharpness. These manipulations will improve the quality of the photos and, as a result, sell them at a higher price. This is exactly the answer to the question of how to make money for a schoolchild 12 years old or even younger. Everyone takes pictures now, age doesn’t matter here.

You can sell photos on the following resources:

  • Press photo;
  • Laurie;
  • Fotolia;
  • Dreamstime.

The first two sites are Russian-language, the rest are foreign. The terms of cooperation vary slightly, but on average you can earn 50 rubles from the sale of each photo. Try it now!

Real examples. If your photographs are in demand, think about doing it professionally later. You can organize photo shoots and work as a freelancer on the Internet. According to our observations, photographers earn 50,000 rubles and above . The exhaust depends on the number of surveys carried out and the price of them.

File hosting services

File hosting services are resources for downloading files on the Internet. These can be pictures, songs, videos or text files. To make money quickly, you need:

  1. Register on one of the resources.
  2. Select the category of downloaded files (movies, music, games, texts).
  3. Upload the selected file.

Then you will need to place a link somewhere to download the file in order to earn money. For these purposes, it is better to choose popular sites, news outlets, and extensive groups on social networks. Your main task is for as many people as possible to download the file you uploaded. You can do this kind of work at least at 12 years old.

This is work without investment with withdrawal of money to electronic wallets. Payment will be made for a certain number of downloads. As a rule, this is a thousand downloads, for which 5-25$ .

HEALTHY. To get the required amount as quickly as possible, select the most viewed resources on the Internet. And also write an attractive description for the link so that people want to download your file. Popular and proven file hosting services are depositfiles, turbobit and datafile.

Earning money on video

Many schoolchildren love Youtube channels and hang out on them for a long time. Did you know that you can start your own channel and earn income from it?

You will need to choose the topic of the channel and make interesting videos. You can choose anything you like - beauty reviews, stories about books, travel, life hacks for all occasions. Gradually you will gain an audience, and then you will be able to advertise the products of some companies through your channel for money. On average they get paid for advertising 2$ each .

Another option is to watch the videos through the links. Many bloggers or companies need to gain a certain number of views on YouTube, so they are looking for all sorts of ways to achieve this goal. You can help them with this and earn money for yourself. Watch the video how it's done and get paid.

IMPORTANT. Payment is made for a specific number of views. It is not very high and varies in each specific case. But if you are a video lover, then why not try this option to earn money.

Participation in affiliate programs

Participation in affiliate programs on the Internet involves promoting the goods or services of certain companies. This option does not require investment and is available to schoolchildren. You just need to post links to products or services on your social accounts. networks. Sometimes you will need to write small reviews or appeals to get other people to follow the link and buy the product.

Earnings depend on how many sales are made through your link. You receive a percentage of sales, which is 5-80%. The exact figure depends on the generosity of the partner.

HEALTHY. Take a look at the website - it’s an aggregator that hosts hundreds of affiliate programs.

How a schoolchild can make money in the summer without the Internet – 7 cool ideas + one more

Many children are interested in the question of how a schoolchild can make money in the summer, especially if there is no access to the Internet. There are also plenty of options for you to choose from.

Methods for high school students:

  • animator for children's parties;
  • camp counselor;
  • courier;
  • newspaper distributor;
  • Poster of advertisements;
  • nanny (babysitter);
  • promoter.

However, the listed professions are available to those who are already 14 years old. If you are younger, then try to earn money from your hobby. Surely you have a favorite activity. For example, embroidery, modeling, drawing, maybe cooking. All this can be turned into money. Sell ​​things you have created or creative items, create a personal account and promote it. With due diligence, you can gain a client base and tell the world about your talent, and at the same time earn money.

Animator for children's parties

An animator is someone who entertains children during holidays and events. If you have a younger sister or brother, then you know exactly how to communicate with children. So make money from this!

In both large and small cities, various holidays are constantly held, and leading guys are always needed. Animator is an excellent part-time job for 11th grade students. Order online, through friends, acquaintances.

Beware of scammers!

Unfortunately, schoolchildren are more susceptible to deception by unscrupulous employers than adults. Due to your lack of experience and knowledge of the law, you can easily be deceived and cheated out of money. Fraud is especially common on the Internet. In this regard, never start work until you are convinced of the customer’s honesty. Collect as much information as possible about him:

  • real social media accounts networks;
  • mobile phone number (and check if it is working);
  • E-mail address;
  • Skype (to make a video call);
  • if this is not a private person, but a company, then find the official website, groups on social networks. networks or legal address of the company.

IMPORTANT. If the customer refuses to provide any of his contacts other than a fake profile, then do not take risks and do not cooperate with him. If a person is hiding, then there is a reason for this. Why do you need such an employer? Honest people have nothing to hide, so they will always provide you with all the requested information without unnecessary excuses.

What else is typical for scammers on the Internet:

  • dubious vacancies with easy work and huge pay (50,000-100,000 rubles each);
  • no prepayment;
  • the presence of several sites of the same organization or with identical offers;
  • please deposit money before starting work (supposedly insurance for the employer in case you do not cope with your duties well).

IMPORTANT. Remember that you never have to pay anything to your employer. At work, only you get paid. All explanations about “insurance” premiums, which will then supposedly be returned, are complete nonsense. You will simply lose money and time, and besides, you will simply be offended for such a vile deception.

An honest customer will always competently tell you about his responsibilities and clearly answer questions about the timing of the work, payment and method of receiving money. Cooperate only with honest people, then you can make money.


So, after reading our article, you learned that a schoolchild can earn money, at least for pocket expenses, without any strain. Choose an activity you like, don’t be afraid to learn new things and receive monetary rewards for it.

Don't put work before school. Everything has its time, and you still have time to work on it. While making money should not take up the lion's share of your free time. Just think of it as a hobby that will pay nice dividends (a little adult language).

I also advise you to watch a video about how much money an ordinary schoolchild managed to earn. Who said it won't work out for you?

And don’t be shy to seek advice from your parents or those comrades who have been working for some time. This will save you from unjustified risks and loss of precious time. You can also ask anything in the comments.

Good luck in everything!

How can a schoolchild make money?

Pocket money is needed from childhood, but not everyone has the opportunity to receive it from their parents. Well, let’s take this as an opportunity to learn how to earn money yourself much earlier than your peers, as an opportunity to quickly gain experience, accumulate useful connections and make your way in life. So, how can a schoolchild make money?

Work for a schoolchild

  • Post advertisements. The job, of course, is not highly paid, but it will do for first experience and first money. Moreover, employment will depend on the student himself. That is, for some, 3-4 hours a day will be enough, while others will have to work faster, it all depends on the speed of the work. Please note that posting advertisements is not as easy as it might seem at first. Firstly, there will be a lot of advertisements, and secondly, running around with glue, a brush and a pile of leaflets is physical labor. That’s why many schoolchildren, after working like this for a couple of days, realize that they can’t stand it and quit.
  • Deliver weekly newspapers to mailboxes. For some, such work may seem easier, because you will only need to work 2 times a week - on weekends. The student will be given an area for which he will be responsible, that is, a list of houses located in the same area. There will be a lot of newspapers, they will be heavier than leaflets, this is not suitable for everyone, since in this case it will be physically difficult for a student to earn money. It is impossible to take everything with you at once; you will have to make several visits. This may take 4-5 hours a day. Although everything will depend on the number of houses entrusted to you.
  • Being a promoter is a great way for a teenager to make money. This is a person promoting a certain product or service in the form of advertising. Here you can earn a lot more, and the work is not dusty, the main thing is to keep your mouth shut and have a smile on your face. It is a fairly common job for schoolchildren these days. This work differs according to the principle: indoors - outdoors. Most often, schoolchildren are asked to work on the street, but you can persistently ask to go to a store for an event. On the streets, work usually involves handing out flyers to passers-by. To be accepted, you must give the impression of a decent person who will not throw the leaflets into the next bin. Also, schoolchildren can stand on the streets at the counters of mobile operators and offer to connect, talk about any ongoing action. As for the premises, these are usually promotions: a gift for a purchase, tastings, lotteries. Where can a student earn money in this field? Open a newspaper ad with vacancies and find where a promoter is needed. You can also go to an advertising agency in your city, they usually hire all the promoters so that they have a base. They will offer jobs to those who actively show themselves, strive to work and call every day with questions about the promotion that has appeared.

How to make money on the Internet for schoolchildren

Study in the morning, training in the afternoon, sections, clubs. In such a frantic pace, you also need to have time to earn money. Where will a schoolchild be allowed to work in the evenings and at night? Besides, you still need to sleep sometime... I suggest considering the option of working on the Internet for a schoolchild.

  • Surfing. The income is cheap, but if there is no way out, then you need to register on sites that work on advertising other projects. Type in the search engine “SAR”, that is, active advertising systems. Some people type “postmen” or “sponsors”. The essence of the work: follow links, read letters, browse websites.
  • If you often communicate on forums, you can always put a modified advertising link at the bottom of your message (in your signature). The student earns money when this link is clicked on. To do this, you need to register in an affiliate program that sells links.
  • And, of course, a very profitable way to make money on the Internet for a schoolchild is to create a website. Here you need to choose an interesting topic, then place an advertisement and promote it. The matter is far from easy, it requires certain knowledge and skills, so work with the theory first.


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