Which side of Chinese chopsticks should you eat with? The riddle of ancient China: how to hold Chinese chopsticks? Historical information about Chinese chopsticks

Do you know how to use chopsticks like a real Japanese, or do you feel afraid every time you have to pick them up? Fortunately or unfortunately, you will definitely have to use them at least once if you go to Japan.

Some restaurants may offer you a fork or spoon as an alternative, but it's best to be prepared to eat everything with chopsticks in Japan, from traditional dishes like noodles and rice to European dishes like pizza or pasta. Even if you know how to hold chopsticks, it is advisable to know certain rules on how to do it correctly.This article provides a guide in a few simple steps to help you understand how to use chopsticks. In addition, we will talk about the history of their appearance, the difference between Japanese, Korean and Chinese chopsticks.

How to use

The standard method is to hold the chopsticks between your thumb and forefinger and move the top stick like a lever. This way you can grab the piece so that it still ends up in your mouth. When using the chopsticks for the first time, you may need to adjust them a little to make them feel more comfortable. And remember that without practice, you won't be able to eat with chopsticks quickly without losing all the food, so before traveling to Japan, practice picking up small items like nuts or beans at home.

How not to hold chopsticks

Although the rules for using chopsticks are not as strict as they once were, there are still guidelines that should be followed to this day. Ignorance of the rules of etiquette can cause inconvenience not only to you, but also to the people around you, so there is nothing left to do but perfect your skills and be ready to use them both at a formal dinner and in your home circle. Learning the basic rules for using chopsticks is not that difficult, but remembering what not to do is much more difficult. Once you master the rules, believe me, you will be admired by your Japanese friends and colleagues.

What not to do:

1. You cannot stick chopsticks into the food you want to take;

2. Don't hold the chopsticks as if you were eating with a spoon or fork;

3. Do not use chopsticks to cut food into smaller pieces;

4. Don't lick the chopsticks.

History of sticks

Chopsticks originated in China about 5,000 years ago and may have evolved from the practice of using sticks and twigs to remove food from hot pots. By 500 AD, the custom had spread throughout Asia, including Japan.

The earliest mention of chopsticks was found in texts from 712 AD, but they most likely appeared much earlier. Chopsticks were originally used for ceremonial purposes, such as when people offered food to deities. But eventually the tradition carried over into everyday life.

Nowadays, chopsticks are common throughout Japan. You can find handmade chopsticks made from ebony and decorated with gilding or decorative patterns, and disposable ones, which are given out in stores or inexpensive restaurants.

There are even special sets of sticks. For example, meotobashi is a gift set designed for husband and wife. 祝い箸 iwaibashi- New Year's sticks, which are given in special envelopes.りきゅうばし rikyu:bashi- chopsticks used during kaiseki (traditional Japanese multi-course dinner), 菜箸 saibashi- chopsticks that are used during cooking.

A key feature of Japanese chopstick culture is 箸置 Hasioki is a chopstick holder needed to keep your chopsticks clean if you decide to interrupt your meal. These coasters can be made of porcelain, wood, metal, glass or precious stones and come in a variety of shapes.

The difference between Japanese, Korean and Chinese chopsticks.

Although the sticks are used for the same purposes, there are still slight differences. They can be traced by comparing Japanese, Chinese and Korean chopsticks.

Japanese chopsticks are most often made of wood and have a round shape. If you compare the length, they are shorter than Chinese and Korean ones.

Chinese chopsticks are the longest of all. The reason for this is the Chinese practice of serving, during which dishes are placed in the center of the table on a rotating stand. In this situation, it is much more convenient to use long chopsticks, because with their help it is easier to reach the food.

Chinese chopsticks are usually made of bamboo, plastic or porcelain. They can be decorated with patterns or inscriptions. They are usually rectangular in shape with a slightly rounded end.

Korean chopsticks are between Japanese and Chinese in length. They are made of stainless steel. They have a slightly rough end to make it easier to hold food. It is said that for the royal family, the wands were made of silver. So, if someone tried to poison His Majesty, the sticks would change color from contact with the poisonous substance.

The history of the appearance of Chinese chopsticks

Let's go back a little and find out how and when they were invented. Chinese chopsticks appeared more than 2,500 years ago, and initially they were used only by the emperor and some of his entourage. It was only many years later that ordinary citizens began to use them for food in everyday life. Every year, chopsticks became more and more popular, and gradually they began to be used in Japan, Vietnam, and also Korea. Traditional Chinese chopsticks were made of bamboo and were called "kuaizu". Outwardly, they looked like tweezers.

Today, split-type sticks, which can be made from various materials, are very popular. Wood remains the most common, but you can find sticks made of metal, bone or plastic. The wood from which the sticks are made can vary, and their processing can also vary significantly. Chinese chopsticks can be varnished, inlaid with various stones, with a wide variety of designs applied. Despite their appearance, it is important to know how to hold Chinese chopsticks correctly. Only in this case will you be able to use them successfully.

How to hold Chinese chopsticks correctly

Conventionally, the sticks can be divided into lower and upper. The lower one is fixed in the hand in such a way that it always remains motionless. Only the top stick moves, and with its help pieces of food are captured and held. If you still don’t know how to use this attribute, then from this article you can learn how to hold Chinese chopsticks correctly to make eating convenient.

In order for the lower stick to remain motionless, it is placed in the recess between the index and thumb of the right hand, and also rests on the half-bent ring finger. The upper stick should be parallel to the lower one and located 15 mm higher. There are two options for holding the top stick, and everyone can choose the one that is more convenient for themselves. The first involves holding the top stick like a ballpoint pen used for writing. In the second option, the stick must be pressed against the middle and index fingers, which should be located at the same level. How to eat with chopsticks? After you have taken the chopsticks using any of the methods indicated above, you need to adjust their length with your left hand so that when they touch, they touch each other only with their tips. In order to bring them together and grab a piece of food, it is enough to bend your index finger.

Using chopsticks while eating

In order to learn how to properly use Chinese chopsticks, you need to familiarize yourself with the provisions of etiquette. You should know that putting food on chopsticks is prohibited. If the food is in a common dish, you should not poke around in it, choosing the piece you like best. If the stick touches a piece, it must be eaten. Chinese chopsticks should not be stuck into food. And clenching them in a fist is perceived as a threatening gesture. Now you know how to hold Chinese chopsticks correctly and how to use them. We hope you will greatly enjoy your introduction to Eastern culture.

In fact, there is nothing difficult about eating with chopsticks! You just need to figure out how to place them correctly in your hand. In our article we will reveal all the secrets regarding this topic!

Many people eat so-called Chinese chopsticks in the modern world. There are those who eat food using them all the time, and there are those who eat with chopsticks only in Chinese or Japanese restaurants. In any case, many want to learn this, as it seems to them, tricky art. So, how to eat with chopsticks? First, let's dive into history. How did sticks come into being?

History of Chinese chopsticks

It is known for certain that Chinese chopsticks appeared before our era, but the exact years cannot be found out. Some historians believe that this happened in China during the reign of the Shang-Yin dynasty (1764 - 1027 BC). But there are documents proving that ivory sticks existed during the reign of the Han Dynasty (206 -220 BC). Be that as it may, only people of high rank could use them.

Ordinary people were able to eat food with chopsticks only in 700-800 AD. There is also a version that Chinese chopsticks used to be needed for cooking food, not eating it. They were used to turn hot food and the stones on which it was cooked. Later they started eating with chopsticks.

How to eat with chopsticks? Chopstick options: Japanese and Chinese

Now there are many options for sticks. After all, they are in use among many peoples. In the 12th century, the Japanese, Koreans, and Vietnamese adopted these kitchen utensils from the Chinese. In general, all are eastern neighbors. But each nation's sticks have undergone changes. Traditional Chinese chopsticks are made of wood and are called “kuaizu”. But earlier, from the name itself, it is clear that they were made of bamboo and resembled tweezers. They just weren’t separated like they are now.

Chinese chopsticks are either disposable or reusable. Disposable chopsticks can be found in restaurants. They are usually in paper packaging, made of sanded wood. And reusable chopsticks are sometimes a work of art. If they are made of wood, then usually such sticks are varnished or painted, and then painted or inlaid. Either way, they look great. Eating with these chopsticks is a pleasure. It happens that they are made from precious and semi-precious metals.

"Kuaizu" can also be of completely different shapes. The tips are blunt, round, square, flat, oval or triangular.

Japanese chopsticks are called "hashi". They are traditionally made from wood - most commonly pine, cypress, plum, maple, cedar, willow and various types of sandalwood. Reusable “hashi” are painted or varnished. Their appearance is slightly different from the Chinese “kuaizu”: namely, with more pointed ends and length.

In Japan, chopsticks are shorter. Their cross-section can be square or round. But disposable “hashi” are interesting because there is such a variety as breakable ones - “varibashi”. The bottom line is that during manufacturing, the sticks are not completely separated from each other, but are only separated by a cut in the middle. In a restaurant, the visitor independently separates the sticks, breaking them a little. That's why they are called that.

Japanese chopsticks are also interesting because they have a special stand called “hashioki”. According to etiquette, you need to place the chopsticks on it with thin ends, turning them slightly to the left. Most often, hasioki is also made of wood. It has multiple meanings.

In Vietnam, chopsticks are also made of wood. But in Korea they are quite thin and usually made of metal. Now sticks are also made from materials such as plastic, ivory, and deer antler. But they eat them the same everywhere. Now let's try to master some techniques for eating with chopsticks.

Everyone knows that fine motor skills contribute to the development of mental abilities. This is why the Chinese teach one-year-old children how to use chopsticks. Scientists have even derived a special formula, from which it can be seen that if an inexperienced person is given Chinese chopsticks, then after eating 1000 meals, he will be able to use them as well as with his own hands.

How to eat with chopsticks?

The main thing in eating with chopsticks is to relax your hand. Otherwise, nothing will work. So, let’s conditionally call the sticks upper and lower, because this is how they will be located in the hand in the future.

  1. Let's take the bottom stick first. The little finger and ring finger are motionless; we press them together. The middle and index fingers are of no use to us now.
  2. We place the lower stick between the thumb and hand and fix it so that its thin edge rests on the ring finger.
  3. Now take the top stick. We take it in the same way as we usually hold a pen or pencil.
  4. When you want to take any food, the main movements are made with the upper stick. The lower one always remains motionless.

It is better to perform training on small objects. Then you are much more likely to cope with larger pieces of food. Once you have mastered these simple skills, you can safely go to a sushi bar and order rolls!

By the way, Japanese women, for example, do not have the right to eat national sushi with their hands. But Japanese men can choose to eat them with their hands or with chopsticks. But, fortunately, this does not apply to Russian women. Therefore, even in Japanese restaurants, do not hesitate to ask the waiter to bring ordinary cutlery. It’s better to honestly admit that you can’t eat with chopsticks than to find yourself in an awkward position.

How to eat with chopsticks? How to hold chopsticks correctly? Video

Chopstick etiquette

The Asian dinner table consists of large plates of food, which everyone sitting at the table shares among themselves. That is why they never put their individual chopsticks into such plates. You can select a dish in two ways:

  • take your chopsticks with the other side and scoop up food with the wide ends;
  • use common chopsticks that no one eats with.

Things to consider when the meal is over:

  • Chopsticks should never be stuck into a dish. Asians consider this a bad omen, reminiscent of incense sticks lit at funerals;
  • food is not pierced with the tips of chopsticks;
  • do not point your chopsticks at people;
  • do not pass the dish from chopsticks to chopsticks
  • At the end of the meal, you should not cross your chopsticks. They are simply placed on the left side near the plate.

Do you know how to eat with chopsticks? If yes, how quickly did you master this science? Write to us!

Recently, Asian cuisine has become increasingly popular. There is hardly a person among us who would not like to try exotic cuisine. Who doesn't love sushi? But it’s difficult to use them without the help of chopsticks. Well, remember the first time you picked them up and tried to grab the rolls with them? How to hold Chinese chopsticks correctly?

How to hold Chinese chopsticks

There are instructions for mastering this cutlery:

  1. 1. You need to relax your hand, straighten your index and middle fingers and bend your little and ring fingers.

As you can see, it's not all that complicated. Improve your chopstick technique.

Food sticks. And now a little history

According to scientists, the use of chopsticks began even before the Shang-Yin Dynasty, which is 1764-1027. BC, and only the emperor and his entourage used them. In 700-800 AD, chopsticks also appeared among mere mortals.

It is believed that at first this cutlery was needed when preparing wrapped food: it could easily carry hot pebbles or turn over pieces of food. Later, even the scoop was replaced with chopsticks.

The first chopsticks were made from bamboo. Nowadays they are made of plastic, metal or bone, but more often wood of different species is still used.

Chopsticks can be either disposable or reusable, and they have different shapes. They are also decorated, so the sticks can turn into a real work of art.

In the 12th century, other eastern peoples also began to use chopsticks.

Code of conduct at the table with chopsticks

  1. 1. Do not knock them on the table or other objects;
  2. 2. Don’t try to “draw” with them;
  3. 3. Don’t pick at your food with chopsticks, just take a piece and eat it;
  4. 4. Chopsticks are not a fan; you should not shake them to cool the food;
  5. 5. Do not lick or hold them in your mouth just like that;
  6. 6. You shouldn’t compact food with them; you can simply choose a smaller piece initially;
  7. 7. If you do not use chopsticks, place them with their sharp ends on the left side;
  8. 8. Do not give your chopsticks to other people;
  9. 9. Do not point or wave them, chopsticks are not weapons;
  10. 10. Don't use chopsticks to pull the plate towards you, you have your hands for that;
  11. 11. You cannot clench chopsticks in your fist: the Japanese perceive this as a threat;
  12. 12. Do not stick chopsticks into rice: this is what is served to the dead at funerals;
  13. 13. Don't put them on the cup;
  14. 14. When you have finished your meal, place your chopsticks on a special stand.

The Chinese learn to use chopsticks from infancy, because fine motor skills contribute to the child’s mental development. Scientists have even derived a formula: if an inexperienced person eats at least 1000 dishes with chopsticks, then he will be no worse at using chopsticks than using his hands.

Follow these simple tips, and then you won't be afraid of any Chinese restaurant!

Chinese chopsticks are used not only in China, but in many eastern countries. And more recently, they have begun to be often used when eating food in the West. This is all because of Chinese exotic cuisine, which has become widespread recently. And especially such a popular dish as sushi, which is difficult to eat without using chopsticks. Often people learn to use Chinese chopsticks for the first time when they encounter rolls, or if they are planning a trip to a Chinese restaurant (to feel more comfortable and confident there).

There is nothing difficult in learning to use this cutlery. You just need to understand how to hold Chinese chopsticks correctly and how to pick up food with them. It's really simple. This is no more difficult than learning to use ordinary cutlery: a spoon and a fork. Even when using these familiar devices for the first time, many may experience slight difficulties. You can even see this in a child when he scoops up food with a spoon a little awkwardly. The same will happen with Chinese chopsticks. But gradually you will get used to it. And if you often eat Chinese food with them, then after 1000 times of using them you will become a real ace in this matter. In this article, in addition to the question of how to properly hold Chinese chopsticks, we will look at their history, learn about what they are, what they are made of, and also get acquainted with some rules of etiquette.

The Chinese themselves begin to teach their children to hold chopsticks at the age of one, because such fine motor skills contribute to better development of the child’s mental abilities. And scientists even managed to derive one formula, which says that if an inexperienced person is given 1000 meals to eat with Chinese chopsticks, then he will learn to use them as well as using his own hands.

1. The hand in which you hold the chopsticks should not be tense. Otherwise, using them will become real hard labor for you. Remember this and relax your hand. Next, straighten your index and middle fingers on your right hand, and slightly bend your little finger and ring finger.

2. Chinese chopsticks are placed in the hand parallel to each other. One is at the top (let's call it the top), and the other is at the bottom (bottom).

3. Place the bottom stick between the thumb and ring finger. Its thin edge should rest against the ring finger. The lower stick is fixed in this position. When taking food, it always remains static, that is, motionless.

4. But the upper stick, on the contrary, is movable. When capturing food, all movements are made by it. The upper stick should be positioned parallel to the lower one and held in the same way as we usually hold a pencil or pen. It is located between the thumb and index finger.

5. With the help of slight bends of the index finger, you can both bring the chopsticks together and pinch the food you want to put into your mouth with them. And even if you get a too large piece of food, you can carefully separate it with chopsticks.


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