Book: A. Bogomolova “Pronunciation disorders in children. Bogomolova A.I. Impaired pronunciation in children - file n1.doc Impaired pronunciation in children Bogomolov

Other books on similar topics:

    AuthorBookDescriptionYearPriceBook type
    Bogomolova A.I. The manual contains material on correcting sound pronunciation and provides methodological recommendations for producing sounds in children of preschool and primary school age. Training exercises... - Yoyo Media, -1979
    1691 paper book
    A.I. Bogomolov The manual contains material on correcting sound pronunciation and provides methodological recommendations for producing sounds in preschool and primary school children. Training exercises... - Book on Demand, (format: 84x108/16, 208 pages)2012
    1902 paper book
    Dunaeva Natalya Yurievna, Zyablova Svetlana Viktorovna The textbook discusses violations of the syllabic structure of words in children with general speech underdevelopment (GSD) and methods for their elimination in order to instill correct literary pronunciation. In… - Vlados, (format: 84x108/16, 208 pp.) Corrective pedagogy 2017
    361 paper book
    N. Yu. Dunaeva The textbook discusses violations of the syllabic structure of words in children with general speech underdevelopment (GSD) and methods for their elimination in order to instill correct literary pronunciation. In… - VLADOS, (format: 84x108/16, 208 pp.) Speech therapist library (Vlados) eBook2017
    199 eBook
    Oksana Aleksandrovna Malgina In preschool children, violation of the pronunciation of the sound [P] (absence, replacement, incorrect pronunciation) is very common. The methodological manual contains a list of recommendations for parents on ... - LitRes: Samizdat, (format: 84x108/16, 208 pages) e-book2017
    249 eBook

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      Acute cerebrovascular accident- Stroke Section of the brain of a person who died from a stroke ICD 10 I60. I...Wikipedia

      Dysarthria- I Dysarthria (dysarthria; Greek dys + arthroō to dismember, make articulate sounds) a disorder of articulation, a violation of the pronunciation of speech sounds, caused by paresis, spasm, hyperkinesis of the speech muscles, ataxia or apraxia.... ... Medical encyclopedia

      Dysarthria- (from other Greek δυσ prefix meaning difficulty, disorder + ἀρθρόω “join, connect”) pronunciation impairment due to insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus, resulting from lesions of the posterior frontal and ... ... Wikipedia

      Speech disorders- decomposition deviations from the norm in the process of formation of speech function, or the collapse of already established speech. R.n. arise under the influence of various organic and/or functional causes. nature, having a congenital or acquired nature and associated with ... Psychology of communication. encyclopedic Dictionary

      Dislalia- Dyslalia is a violation of sound pronunciation with normal hearing and intact innervation of the articulatory apparatus. In practice, the pronunciation of any of the phonemes of the native language can be impaired (dyslalia) or difficult (paralalia). Contents 1 Forms ... ... Wikipedia

      SPEECH- SPEECH. Vocal speech represents the highest form of symbolically expressive functions; more elementary manifestations of these expressive functions are affective exclamations, facial expressions and gestures. In contrast to these latter, who have... Great Medical Encyclopedia

      Speech- a form of communication (communication) between people through language. Speech communication organizes the joint activities of people, promotes knowledge of each other, and is an essential factor in the formation and development of interpersonal relationships. R. is issued... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

      This term has other meanings, see Ё (meanings). Cyrillic letter E... Wikipedia

      Children with hearing impairments- Deaf children suffer from profound, persistent bilateral hearing loss. They cannot master speech on their own without special skills. learning become deaf and mute. Most deaf people have residual hearing, which allows them to perceive only very... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

      F80.2 Receptive language disorder- A specific developmental disorder in which the child’s understanding of speech is below the level corresponding to his mental age. In all cases, expansive speech is also noticeably impaired and a defect in verbal and sound pronunciation is not uncommon. Classification of mental disorders ICD-10. Clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines. Research diagnostic criteria

      Rhinolalia- (nasality, palatolalia) defect in sound pronunciation. The term has a specific, slightly different interpretation and interpretation in general medical and speech therapy vocabulary and specialized literature. Contents 1 In medical terminology ... Wikipedia

    annotation: The full development of a child’s personality is impossible without educating him in correct speech. However, performing this task is associated with certain difficulties.
    The child masters the speech function gradually, by imitating the pronunciation of sounds and words by adults: he does not know how to correctly pronounce most sounds right away. This is the so-called physiological period of age-related tongue-tiedness. The sooner parents pay attention to the child’s correct sound pronunciation, the faster it is formed and normalized. It is a mistake to hope that pronunciation deficiencies will spontaneously disappear as the child grows, since they can become firmly entrenched and turn into a permanent disorder.

    Any speech deficiencies limit a child’s communication with peers and adults and negatively affect the formation of his emotional and intellectual sphere, and can also lead schoolchildren to failure in many disciplines.
    Work to correct violations of sound pronunciation, despite a certain specificity, is built on the basis of general pedagogical principles, first of all, the gradual transition from easy to difficult, the consciousness of mastering the material, and taking into account age characteristics.
    The proposed method for correcting pronunciation problems is characterized by the following features:
    1. When staging any sound, work begins with reproducing individual elements of articulation of this sound.
    2. Instead of the usual, continuous pronunciation, a long pronunciation of the sound being placed is introduced, and in exercises for words, their syllabic pronunciation is also introduced, which makes it possible to highlight the desired sound by articulation and facilitates pronunciation, which is generally difficult at the first stage.
    3. Training exercises for some types of work have been streamlined in order to simplify and more strictly adhere to the gradual transition from easy to difficult. For example, first words are pronounced in which the sound is placed only in the stressed syllable, and then words that are more difficult to pronounce are pronounced. Sounds in forward and backward syllables are automated separately.
    The works of L.N. Tolstoy, S.Ya. Marshak, A.L. Barto, K.I. Chukovsky and many other authors were used as material for speech exercises. To exclude words with sounds that interfere with the development of the desired sound, some texts have been adapted by the author of this manual.

    book review: A classic work that has gone through many editions.
    An extensive selection for automating sounds, an abundance of small texts for reading, and lexical material.

    Other books on similar topics:

      AuthorBookDescriptionYearPriceBook type
      Bogomolova A.I. The manual contains material on correcting sound pronunciation and provides methodological recommendations for producing sounds in children of preschool and primary school age. Training exercises... - Yoyo Media, -1979
      1691 paper book
      A.I. Bogomolov The manual contains material on correcting sound pronunciation and provides methodological recommendations for producing sounds in preschool and primary school children. Training exercises... - Book on Demand, (format: 84x108/16, 208 pages)2012
      1902 paper book
      Dunaeva Natalya Yurievna, Zyablova Svetlana ViktorovnaViolation of the syllabic structure of words in children with ODD. Notes on speech therapy sessions for children with special needs developmentThe textbook discusses violations of the syllabic structure of words in children with general speech underdevelopment (GSD) and methods for their elimination in order to instill correct literary pronunciation. In… - Vlados, (format: 84x108/16, 208 pp.) Corrective pedagogy 2017
      361 paper book
      N. Yu. DunaevaViolation of the syllabic structure of words in children with ODD. Notes on speech therapy sessions with children with general speech underdevelopmentThe textbook discusses violations of the syllabic structure of words in children with general speech underdevelopment (GSD) and methods for their elimination in order to instill correct literary pronunciation. In… - VLADOS, (format: 84x108/16, 208 pp.) Speech therapist library (Vlados) eBook2017
      199 eBook
      Oksana Aleksandrovna MalginaSetting the sound RIn preschool children, violation of the pronunciation of the sound [P] (absence, replacement, incorrect pronunciation) is very common. The methodological manual contains a list of recommendations for parents on ... - LitRes: Samizdat, (format: 84x108/16, 208 pages) e-book2017
      249 eBook

      See also in other dictionaries:

        Stroke Section of the brain of a person who died from a stroke ICD 10 I60. I...Wikipedia

        I Dysarthria (dysarthria; Greek dys + arthroō to dismember, make articulate sounds) is a disorder of articulation, a violation of the pronunciation of speech sounds caused by paresis, spasm, hyperkinesis of the speech muscles, ataxia or apraxia.... ... Medical encyclopedia

        - (from other Greek δυσ prefix meaning difficulty, disorder + ἀρθρόω “join, connect”) pronunciation impairment due to insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus, resulting from lesions of the posterior frontal and ... ... Wikipedia

        Speech disorders- decomposition deviations from the norm in the process of formation of speech function, or the collapse of already established speech. R.n. arise under the influence of various organic and/or functional causes. nature, having a congenital or acquired nature and associated with ... Psychology of communication. encyclopedic Dictionary

        Dyslalia is a disorder of sound pronunciation with normal hearing and intact innervation of the articulatory apparatus. In practice, the pronunciation of any of the phonemes of the native language can be impaired (dyslalia) or difficult (paralalia). Contents 1 Forms ... ... Wikipedia

        SPEECH- SPEECH. Vocal speech represents the highest form of symbolically expressive functions; more elementary manifestations of these expressive functions are affective exclamations, facial expressions and gestures. In contrast to these latter, who have... Great Medical Encyclopedia

        Speech- a form of communication (communication) between people through language. Speech communication organizes the joint activities of people, promotes knowledge of each other, and is an essential factor in the formation and development of interpersonal relationships. R. is issued... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

        This term has other meanings, see Ё (meanings). Cyrillic letter E... Wikipedia

        Children with hearing impairments- Deaf children suffer from profound, persistent bilateral hearing loss. They cannot master speech on their own without special skills. learning become deaf and mute. Most deaf people have residual hearing, which allows them to perceive only very... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

        F80.2 Receptive language disorder- A specific developmental disorder in which the child’s understanding of speech is below the level corresponding to his mental age. In all cases, expansive speech is also noticeably impaired and a defect in verbal and sound pronunciation is not uncommon. Classification of mental disorders ICD-10. Clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines. Research diagnostic criteria

        - (nasality, palatolalia) defect in sound pronunciation. The term has a specific, slightly different interpretation and interpretation in general medical and speech therapy vocabulary and specialized literature. Contents 1 In medical terminology ... Wikipedia

      The full development of a child’s personality is impossible without teaching him correct speech. However, fulfilling this task is associated with certain difficulties.

      The child masters the speech function gradually, by imitating the pronunciation of sounds and words by adults; He cannot pronounce most sounds correctly right away. This is the so-called physiological period of age-related tongue-tiedness. The sooner parents pay attention to the child’s correct sound production, the faster it is formed and normalized. It is a mistake to hope that pronunciation deficiencies will spontaneously disappear as the child grows, since they can become firmly entrenched and turn into a permanent violation.

      Any speech deficiencies limit a child’s communication with peers and adults and negatively affect the formation of his emotional and intellectual sphere, and can also lead schoolchildren to failure in many disciplines.

      Work to correct violations of sound pronunciation, despite a certain specificity, is based on general pedagogical principles, first of all, a gradual transition from easy to difficult, conscious learning of the material, and taking into account age characteristics.

      The proposed method for correcting pronunciation problems is characterized by the following features:

      1. When staging any sound, work begins with reproducing individual elements of articulation of this sound.

      2. Instead of the usual, continuous pronunciation, a long pronunciation of the sound being placed is introduced, and in exercises for words, their syllabic pronunciation is also introduced, which makes it possible to highlight the desired sound by articulation and facilitates pronunciation, which is generally difficult at the first stage.

      3. Training exercises for some types of work have been streamlined in order to simplify and more strictly adhere to the gradual transition from easy to difficult. For example, first words are pronounced in which the sound is placed only in the stressed syllable, and then words that are more difficult to pronounce are pronounced. Sounds in forward and backward syllables are automated separately.

      The works of L. N. Tolstoy, S. Ya. Marshak, A. L. Barto, K. I. Chukovsky and many other authors were used as material for speech exercises. To exclude words with sounds that interfere with the development of the desired sound, some texts have been adapted by the author of this manual.

      1. Examination of the sound side of speech

      In order to correctly understand and effectively influence a child’s speech defect, it is necessary to examine his speech.

      For each specific case, the speech examination is carried out individually. During a conversation with a child and listening to a fairy tale, story, or poem being told to him, the speech therapist develops an idea about the sounds that are disturbed in him.

      When examining speech, the speech therapist must sit the child so that the child’s lips, teeth, and tongue are clearly visible and the exhaled stream of air is felt.

      The conversation should be conducted in question-and-answer form on everyday topics: “What is your name? Where do you live? Do you have a brother, sister? Tell me about them...” Then you can invite the child to tell a fairy tale, a story, a memorable incident, a poem.

      Conversation and storytelling allow the speech therapist to preliminary (or even completely - if single sounds are disturbed) identify the disturbed sounds. However, in order to more accurately and completely determine the degree of pronunciation impairment, the speech therapist needs to examine in detail the pronunciation side of the child’s speech, and conversation and storytelling will be needed to relieve tension in the child.

      The actual test of sound pronunciation begins with pronouncing (either independently or by imitation) isolated sounds: w, s, c, g, z, h, sch, l, r.

      To check the pronunciation of sounds in different positions, specially selected subject pictures are used. For example, sounds w:“Scarf”, “Roof”, “Pencil”, “Closet”; and:“Beetle”, “Skis”, “Scissors”; With:“Sledge”, “Beads”, “Nose”, “Elephant”, etc.

      In conclusion, the speech therapist invites the child to pronounce specially selected words and sentences by imitation. This technique makes it possible to include in the task words with a combination of consonants, with differentiated sounds, words with different positions of sounds (speech material based on pictures is more limited in this regard).

      Recommended words and sentences for the task: for sounds w-With: sun, fluffy, dry, six;and -h: iron, ran, light;w -and -With -h: deserved it. listened, snowyetc.

      Incorrect pronunciation of sounds in words and sentences is compared with deficiencies in the pronunciation of isolated sounds.

      If a child cannot reproduce a sound (isolated, in a syllable or in a word) even by imitation, he needs a full cycle of sound correction - production, automation and differentiation. For example, with the following defects:

      1) sound skipping: pit, ama(frame), kaowa, kaowa(cow);

      2) sound replacement: lama, gama(frame), kalova, kagowa(cow);

      3) distortion - uvular, velar or single-impact R;

      4) softening: ryama(frame).

      Of course, all these defects are not equal. Some are corrected relatively quickly, by imitation, others require long-term work.

      If a child reproduces a sound (isolated and in a word) by imitation, but does not use it (or uses it little) in

      Independent speech requires automation and differentiation of this sound.

      2. Sound correction technique.

      The use of one or another technique for correcting sound defects depends on the age of the child.

      So, for a child from two to four years old, the general development of speech is initially important, i.e. accumulation of vocabulary, understanding the semantic meaning of words and grammatical connections. In a playful way, you can correct defective sounds and reinforce correct sounds, using his ability to reproduce what he hears.

      Correcting pronunciation in children over four years of age requires their awareness of the operation of the articulatory apparatus, which is achieved by appropriate demonstration and explanation. If it is not possible to obtain articulation of the corresponding sound by imitation, the speech therapist can use mechanical influence on the speech organs.

      The optimal age for correcting sound pronunciation using the proposed method should be 4-5, and when setting the sound R even 6 (as an exception 5) years. Correcting sounds earlier is not advisable due to the child’s limited capabilities (lack of understanding of the task at hand, lack of persistence, attentiveness, etc.).

      The book summarizes the experience of using a unique technique for correcting sounds in children of primary school age. It differs from previously published ones in that it provides instructions for teaching the articulatory structure of the required sound. As you know, in practice, a widespread method of staging sounds based on existing sounds, for example, staging a sound w from R or With, sound R from T, sound With from T etc. Experience has shown that it is easier and more effective to develop the directly required articulatory pattern. At the same time, the possibility of staging some sounds based on the kinship of the articulatory structure is not excluded. So, the sound is based on the sound w, sound h- based on sound With.

      Articulatory pattern of sounds w And and(and accordingly sounds With And h) is the same, the only difference is in the functioning of the vocal cords.

      The sounds are played in the following sequence: w-f, s-z, sch, c, h, l And R. Sounds l And R are the most difficult to set and are placed after all those indicated. Africates sch, c And h can only be performed if you have the ability to pronounce sounds w(For sch), T And With(For ts) And T(For h).

      1) the articulatory structure of hissing and whistling sounds is different;

      2) pronouncing sounds s - z requires greater pressure of exhaled air (you need to blow with force) than when pronouncing sounds w -and;

      3) sound production scheme s - z is more extensive due to the presence of soft options, i.e. it contains more stages of work and, accordingly, requires more time.

      The book does not provide a method for producing soft variants of sounds. s", z", l" And R", Only material for exercises is given, since soft versions of sounds require more subtle coordination of movements of the articulatory apparatus and have some differences. For example, the tongue is more tense and moves forward, the exhalation of air is stronger, the influence of the subsequent soft vowel i, yu, e, yo, And. Otherwise, the articulatory structure, as well as the development of the muscles of the speech apparatus and their coordinated movement, are the same. With dyslalia, after developing the articulatory structure of hard variants, children easily learn the articulatory structure of soft variants by imitation.

      Moving directly to the description of the work methodology, we should especially emphasize the importance of the principle of gradual transition from easy to difficult, from simple to complex. The influence of this principle is found throughout the process of correcting sound pronunciation and at each stage is expressed in a specific form. So, for example, the implementation of this principle finds its expression in the analytical-synthetic method, i.e. in the decomposition of a word into syllables and sounds, automation of the desired sound and reverse synthesis of sounds to form a word.

      It is very promising to extend the principles of this method to the last link - the sound itself. At the same time, from the act of sound pronunciation, individual, most necessary and important elements are identified, which are gradually worked out. At the same time, these exercises develop the corresponding groups of speech muscles. This is followed by the synthesis of these elements into a whole, that is, obtaining the necessary articulation and sound reproduction.

      In preparatory exercises, by developing the organs of articulation (especially the tongue) and producing a certain pressure of the exhaled air stream, we thereby create the prerequisites for the successful production of the corresponding sound. Preparatory exercises provide for a slightly different position of the articulation organs compared to normal pronunciation. Let's give two examples for clarity.

      With normal pronunciation of the sound w the teeth are closed or brought together, and in preparatory exercises they are open to a given distance to control the position of the tongue. When pronouncing a hard sound normally l the tongue is raised to the palate, and in preparatory exercises the teeth are open to a given distance to control the position of the tongue. When pronouncing a hard sound normally l the tongue is raised to the palate, and in the preparatory exercises the tongue should not just be raised, but made into a “cup” and the curved tip rest against the palate at the alveoli.

      Thanks to this technique, the parts of the articulatory apparatus of interest become accessible to the speech therapist for observation. Ultimately, opportunities are created for the child to understand the essence of sound production, and the learning process is greatly facilitated.

      Along with the listed techniques, mechanical impact on the organs of articulation is also used using fingers or devices (for example, a spatula, a teaspoon), which significantly speeds up the process at this stage (It is, of course, necessary to observe hand hygiene and the cleanliness of the objects and devices used) .

      After the preparatory exercises, work is carried out to automate the sound in syllables, words and sentences. At this stage, adherence to the principle of gradual transition from easy to difficult is also of great importance. In this case, sounds, syllables and words can initially be pronounced using mechanical action.

      Let us first consider the features of pronunciation, which consist in observing the following rules:

      1. The sound being placed is pronounced for a long time, and in reverse syllables the preceding vowel is also pronounced for a long time. Sounds ts And h are an exception - they are pronounced briefly (but the preceding vowel in reverse syllables is pronounced long). The longitude of the sound will be denoted by the symbol -, for example: s -, f -, l -, c, ch. sh - a, tsy, chi, u-s-, a- sch-, i-, c, u - ch.

      2. Words according to the difficulty of pronunciation are divided into three groups: with stress on a syllable with a sound, without stress on a syllable with a sound, and difficult words (The term “difficult words” should be understood conditionally, since these words are difficult only during the period of sound correction) ..

      Words in which the sound being placed is in a stressed or unstressed syllable are pronounced syllable by syllable and in compliance with the previous rule, for example:

      f-a-ba, a-r-miya, ko-ne-ts, mighty, mya-s - oh, bo - h-ka,


      Difficult words include words with a combination of consonants in a syllable, with several syllables containing a becoming sound. They are pronounced after working through easier words in which the sound is in a syllable without a consonant cluster. Difficult words are pronounced with a significantly shorter duration of the sound being placed: in reverse syllables, the preceding vowel is pronounced briefly; There is also no syllabic pronunciation of the word. Thus, the defective pronunciation is, as it were, brought to a normal, continuous pronunciation, for example: w - cola, z - building(words with a combination of consonants), with - amos - val(there are two s sounds in the word).

      3. In exercises for pronouncing sentences, words with a sound are pronounced in compliance with the previous rule, but without syllabic division, for example:

      His-r-ko-r.-mit ku-r-. At Mish-i mash-in. There is a topo-l- at the place.

      These pronunciation rules help focus attention on the sound of interest to us and therefore make it easier to pronounce. So, for example, when pronouncing words steam And Vasya (pa-r-, Va-s-ya) When pronouncing the sound a (the tongue lies flat on the bottom of the mouth), the tongue should rise to the palate with the sound r, and with the sound c, pull up and rest against the lower teeth. Prolonged (in the first word) and syllabic (in the second word) pronunciation of the sound a gives the child time to prepare for the next sound. With normal, quick pronunciation, the child does not have this opportunity.

      Prolonged pronunciation of the placed sound in syllables, words and sentences helps to train the language and develop a stable stereotype. The placed sound is much easier to pronounce in words where it forms the syllable under stress.

      The air is exhaled stronger and longer on the stressed syllable. After consolidating words with stressed syllables, words with unstressed syllables and difficult ones are learned more easily and quickly.

      When practicing the pronunciation of sounds, syllables and words in the initial period, it is necessary to use hand conducting, which helps to maintain the duration of the sound. Slowly moving his hand from right to left, the speech therapist pronounces the sound, syllable and word, and the child repeats. Subsequently, the child learns to pronounce syllables and words himself.

      To avoid a gap between the words being memorized and everyday speech, it is necessary to follow the rules of literary pronunciation, the most important of which are:

      A) the unstressed vowel o is pronounced like A, For example: carts(vases), cow(karova), Boris(Baris);

      B) voiced consonants before voiceless ones and at the end of a word are deafened, for example: spoon(loshka), leg(toe), short(low) knife(nosh), really(ear), eye(voice), etc.;

      C) voiceless consonants are voiced before voiced ones, for example: burned down(burned up) do(make) from the side(from the side) request(request).

      The next stage of automating the sound being played is to select a specific system for practicing pronunciation. Depending on the type of sound being played in one case (staging sounds w - and, With -z, sch, l) straight syllables are taken first, for example sha, shi, she, tu etc., and then the reverse, for example ash, ish, osh etc. When staging sounds ts, h and r First, reverse syllables are practiced, and then straight ones. Moreover, the production of a solid sound R begins with pronouncing words that have combinations tr and others, where are the sounds T And d are a support for pronouncing sound R.

      In its most detailed form, the work scheme can be illustrated using the example of sound production With -h:

      1. Preparatory exercises - practicing the elements of the act of sound pronunciation, the synthesis of these elements in the pronunciation of an isolated sound.

      2. Pronunciation of a dull hard sound:

      A) in straight syllables,

      B) in reverse syllables.

      3. Pronunciation of a dull soft sound:

      A) in straight syllables,

      B) in reverse syllables.

      4. Differentiation of dull hard and soft sounds.

      5. Pronunciation of a ringing hard sound:

      A) in straight syllables,

      B) in reverse syllables.

      6. Pronunciation of a ringing soft sound:

      A) in straight syllables,

      B) in reverse syllables.

      7. Differentiation of voiced hard and soft sounds.

      8. Differentiation of deaf and voiced sounds.

      When practicing elements of articulation, as well as during exercises on pronunciation of sounds, syllables and words, it is absolutely necessary to use a tabletop mirror (mirror size no less than 200 X 300 mm or 300 mm in diameter). You cannot use wall mirrors, mirrors in cabinets, etc. for work, as they do not provide good visibility of the organs of articulation.

      Control over the position of the organs of articulation can be achieved using two small mirrors. In a table mirror, such important points of articulation as the alveoli, the position of the tip of the tongue when exhaling, the gap for the passage of an air stream, the distance from the upper teeth to the upward-curved tip of the tongue are not visible or are not visible at all. All this can be seen with the help of two mirrors. But control with the help of two mirrors can be introduced only after mastering the preparatory exercises, that is, after practicing the position of the organs of articulation. They use it like this. One mirror is installed, as usual, in front of the face, and the other is placed horizontally on the lower lip (lower teeth) with a slight inclination of the mirror side towards the first mirror. The angle of inclination is selected so that the upper and lower parts of the articulatory apparatus of interest to us are visible.

      When controlling sounds w, w, w and h The mirror is placed on the lower teeth. The angle of inclination is such that in another mirror the upper and lower parts of the articulatory apparatus of interest to us are visible.

      When controlling sounds w, w, w and h The mirror is placed on the lower teeth. The angle of inclination is such that in another mirror the front part of the tongue, the gap in the middle of the tongue, the alveoli, as well as the upper teeth and lips are visible. In this case, the teeth are opened to the width of a finger, and the upper lip does not cover the upper teeth (it is pulled up).

      When controlling sounds s, z and c The mirror is placed on the lower lip and presses it down a little. The angle of inclination is selected so that in another mirror the front part of the tongue, its lateral edges, the gap in the middle of the tongue, as well as the upper lip and lower teeth are visible. In this case, the teeth should be open to the width, a quarter or half of a finger. The upper lip does not cover the upper teeth, it is pulled up.

      After staging and automating a particular sound, the stage of its differentiation (discrimination) with the most frequently mixed sounds follows. If you do not differentiate, the child will confuse the pronunciation of the given sound with the existing ones. For example, a child was given sounds w - f, and the sounds s - z were. He began to pronounce the given sounds well in all tasks, but confused them with the sounds s - z. Instead of a word fur coat speaks Saturday, instead of the word soup speaks shup. It is difficult for children to distinguish sounds because the tongue has not yet learned to quickly change its working position when pronouncing words with mixed sounds. Therefore, differentiation of these sounds is required. First, sounds are practiced in exercises, and then introduced into everyday speech.

      Each stage of pronunciation exercises: production of dull and voiced, hard and soft sounds, as well as differentiation, can be represented by the following types of speech activity in their transition from simpler to more complex: reading (pronouncing - for those who cannot read) words, naming pictures, reading ( pronouncing) sentences, texts of riddles, jokes, nursery rhymes, etc., completing sentences based on pictures, composing answers based on pictures, reading stories, memorizing poems, retelling texts, composing a story based on pictures.

      The use of pictures in the book increases children's interest in classes. However, the importance of this type of exercise is not limited to this. The task of naming pictures and completing sentences based on the pictures helps to control the degree of assimilation of sounds in words and sentences. Compiling answers from pictures, in addition, develops the child’s ability to think and construct phrases independently. Compiling a story based on a series of pictures accustoms the child to independent speech.

      Questions for composing from pictures can be of several types, and they, without revealing the essence of the answer, should help the child to compose it correctly. The most common question: What is the boy doing(girl, grandmother, Misha, Zhenya, Rimma, Lena, etc.)? Depending on what sound is being used, the speech therapist must choose the appropriate name in the question.

      When setting the sound l in reverse syllables the question is asked in the past tense. Accordingly, the answer will also be given in the past tense, for example: What did Mikhail do? - Mikhail put the saucer on the shelf.

      In other cases (when no name is given), the question is asked: Who (what) is this? What is drawn here?

      Examples of answers to this type of question include the following:

      There are reeds and a hut near the river. Near the puddle there is a toad and a beetle. Lemon and orange. They are on the table. This is a forge. Blacksmiths work there.

      Memorizing poems and texts for retelling plays an important role. First, individual words with a sound are learned, then independent phrases. After speaking and memorizing phrases, the child memorizes the entire poem and text. The child narrates the text in his own words, and the speech therapist must ensure that he uses placed sounds in the words. In case of difficulty in pronunciation, as well as to consolidate the sound, the speech therapist asks questions about the text.

      The exercise of composing a story based on a series of pictures is carried out like this. The speech therapist tells the text, and the child listens and then repeats it from memory.

      Another method is also possible. The child recites the text independently, and then the speech therapist recites it. After listening to the text, the child tells it a second time. In both cases, it is necessary to ensure that the child does not miss the sound in the words when telling the story. For control, the texts of these stories are given in the appendix.

      The process of correcting deficiencies in sound pronunciation largely depends on the implementation of methodological guidelines, the most important of which are the following:

      1. The child must be prepared for work, since his conscious desire to correct sounds is of great importance.

      2. When producing the appropriate sound, no attention is paid to other defective sounds. So, if when setting the sound l the child came across the words Lara, then you can’t adjust the sound along the way R. It should be corrected later.

      3. The material must be processed sequentially and in no case selectively. You cannot skip individual stages of work, as omissions and shortcomings affect the quality of the correction.

      4. The transition from one stage of work to the next should be carried out only after mastering the material covered.

      5. Each sound introduced must be immediately introduced into everyday speech.

      6. The child should study daily for 30-45 minutes. in one or two steps, and perform all preparatory and partially speech exercises (pronunciation of syllables and words) in front of a table mirror - to control the position of individual parts of the articulatory apparatus.

      7. While working on making sounds, parents should actively help the child (even if he is a schoolchild) and require him to complete tasks.


      Normal setting when making a sound. The tip of the tongue is raised to the front of the palate (at the alveoli), but not pressed; The lateral edges of the tongue are adjacent to the upper molars. The tongue muscles are not too tense. The lips are rounded and pushed forward. The teeth are closed or brought together.

      The air is exhaled evenly in the middle of the tongue; a warm stream of air is felt in the palm of your hand brought to your mouth. Sound and pronounced with the voice turned on.

      Sounds w And and hard; w deaf, and voiced.


      It might be useful to read: