How to get a grant: step-by-step action plan. How to get a grant for a socially significant project Documents for grants to farmers

The economy of the Russian Federation has recently experienced enormous international pressure, which is expressed in various types of sanctions. In connection with this, the government, among other things, decided to develop a program aimed at developing the agricultural complex and increasing the level of peasant (agricultural) farming. The State Program for the Development of Agriculture provides, among other measures, for the issuance of grants to farmers.

State program for agricultural development

The state program, developed in connection with sanctions rhetoric, sets the main goals:

  • ensuring food security and independence of the Russian Federation;
  • increasing the attractiveness of the industry (including the investment attractiveness of agriculture);
  • optimization of the structure of the agro-industrial complex;
  • creation of the most favorable conditions for conducting activities;
  • increasing the competitiveness of Russian agricultural products in both foreign and domestic markets;
  • sustainable development of rural areas.

Types of grants for farming development

Government assistance to beginning farmers allows them to build an economically successful farm. Measures to support and develop peasant farms include the following types of assistance:

  1. Grants for peasant farms (peasant farms). Finance is allocated for the purchase of land, construction of necessary facilities, and communications at enterprises.
  2. Subsidies for loans, the purpose of which can only be the development and modernization of one’s own economy.
  3. Subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery.
  4. Compensation for funds used for the construction of family farm facilities.

Basic requirements for applicants for a grant

How to get a grant for farming development? Firstly, the candidate must fully satisfy the requirements of the state program, and secondly, it is required to collect the necessary documents, develop a business plan and provide all papers to the project coordinator at the local level. Then all that remains is to wait for the commission’s decision.

The conditions for receiving a grant for agricultural development include the following points:

  1. The farmer has a higher education diploma (preferably in an agricultural field or practical experience in farming with at least three years of experience).
  2. Having your own farm, which the candidate has been running for at least the last three years. Receiving a grant for agricultural development is available only to experienced farmers.
  3. It is advisable that the applicant for a grant have a letter of recommendation from the authorities, be a member of a cooperative, etc.
  4. The farmer must not have previously received grants or other types of government support for agriculture.
  5. The candidate must not be a private entrepreneur, founder or member of any commercial organization for the last three years.
  6. Farming is the only place of employment for a farmer.
  7. The program participant must have at his own disposal at least 10% of the planned grant amount.
  8. At least 24 months must have passed from the date of registration of the peasant farm, the number of employees for the previous year must not exceed 15 employees, and the revenue excluding VAT must be less than 60 million rubles.

List of papers for participation in the state program

Receiving a grant for agricultural development involves collecting and submitting a package of papers to the appropriate authorities, such as:

  • completed application for participation in the state program;
  • identification document and its copy;
  • diploma of higher (secondary, specialized secondary) education and its copy;
  • work book and its copy (to confirm experience in agriculture);
  • business plan;
  • estimate;
  • application form for a grant applicant;
  • recommendations and other applications (if available);
  • a certificate confirming the presence in the applicant’s bank account of an amount equal to at least 10% of the grant;
  • consent to the processing of the applicant’s personal data;
  • a certificate confirming that the applicant is a small business entity (entrepreneur).

The list of documents may vary depending on the requirements of committees in different constituent entities of the Russian Federation, so it is worth checking the data with the local coordinator of the state program.

Structure of a business project to receive a grant

The commission studies the business plan quite carefully, so the drafting of the project should be approached with all seriousness. The document should include the following pages and sections:

  1. Title page. You must indicate the name of the agricultural enterprise, address, telephone number and other contact information of the applicant. Just below you should write the planned duration of the project, the size of the investment, and the payback. All information should be presented very briefly.
  2. Description of the agricultural activity of the applicant for financial assistance. In this section, it is necessary to characterize the business in detail, describe the development paths and indicate the role that this FHC plays in social development. It is also worth posting information about the number of animals, the area of ​​soil for sowing, the amount of personal funds that the applicant is willing to invest in the project, the required grant amount, etc.
  3. Detailed description of the chosen area of ​​activity. Attention should be paid to analyzing the development of the industry over the past five years, as well as determining what social and economic significance it has for the region.
  4. Detailed production plan. This section should describe all actions aimed at developing agricultural production, the financing of which is planned with grant funds.
  5. Marketing part of the business plan. It is necessary to describe the potential consumer of the product, determine the pricing policy, the sales market, and evaluate the profitability of the farm.
  6. Description of the organization of the economy. In this part of the business project, it is necessary to mention the creation of jobs on the farm, indicate their number, determine the farm management system, wages of workers, and list the rights and responsibilities of employees.
  7. Financial part of the project. Regarding the financial part, the commission will evaluate the capabilities of the applicant and the viability of the plans. It is necessary to provide an optimistic and realistic forecast of the costs and income of the enterprise.
  8. Possible risks and protective developments. In this paragraph, possible risks should be identified, as well as list the measures that will be used to protect against adverse external factors and other risks.
  9. Additions. The business plan must be accompanied by materials related to the design of peasant farm activities. They can be photographs, diagrams, drawings, recommendations, a license for a legal entity and other papers.

The sequence of receiving assistance for farm development

How to get a grant for agricultural development? In general terms the procedure looks like this:

  1. Preparation of necessary documents.
  2. Submitting a package of papers to the local coordinator of the state program for agricultural development.
  3. Receiving a decision and, if it was positive, financial assistance. Instead of cash, the farmer may be provided, for example, with a plot of land or equipment if the funds received were planned to be spent on their purchase.

Purposes of using state aid

You won’t be able to spend government aid on your own needs, since you have to report on the expenses. With a grant for farm development, the recipient of funds can purchase:

  • farm animals;
  • seeds and planting material for perennial plants;
  • fertilizers and chemicals;
  • equipment and agricultural machinery;
  • buildings, warehouses, premises, structures and land plots;
  • engineering networks that are necessary for the production of agricultural products.

Other opportunities to receive financial support

In addition to the grant, beginning farmers can receive one-time government assistance. The decision to issue funds is made by the same commission, and the funds can be spent on purchasing furniture, equipment, Internet and other communications, repairs or purchase of housing, and so on.

Receiving financial assistance from private investors

A grant for agricultural development can be issued to a beginning farmer not by the state, but by a private investment fund. Such organizations rarely support small projects, so turning to private investors for help only makes sense if the farmer thinks globally and can justify his plans.

Receiving a grant for agricultural development involves several stages. The successful implementation of each of them determines the likelihood of receiving financial assistance. Thus, based on the experience of farmers who have already participated in the competition, future applicants can be given practical advice:

  1. Each region has specific features of the competition, which should be taken into account when developing the project and preparing a package of documents.
  2. You should take into account the validity period of the certificates, otherwise you will have to collect the documents again.
  3. As already mentioned, the commission studies the business plan very carefully, so the preparation of the document should be taken very seriously.
  4. Even before preparing to participate in the competition, you should carefully study all the conditions for providing financial assistance in a particular region.
  5. It is important to strictly adhere to all reporting deadlines.

Responsibility for misuse of funds

Receiving a grant for agricultural development and then misappropriating funds may be regarded as fraud or misuse of budget money. The latter already entails criminal liability.

The Russian government is taking measures to expand the agricultural industry and support domestic entrepreneurs in this area. There are state programs for the development of peasant farming, within the framework of which farmers can receive financial assistance. Today we will tell you .

Based on the plan for the complete replacement of imported agricultural products with domestic ones, socio-economic measures were developed aimed at supporting private business in the agro-industrial sector:

  • Grant for the development of peasant farming (hereinafter referred to as peasant farms). A limited amount of funds issued for the purchase of land, construction of agricultural facilities, and installation of communications. Having received such a grant, the entrepreneur must provide reporting documentation on the funds spent.
  • Subsidization, provided that they were issued for the development of a peasant farm or its modernization.
  • Possibility of reimbursement of financial expenses associated with the construction of agricultural facilities.
  • Issuance of funds to pay the first installment paid upon the acquisition of agricultural property.
  • Competition for the title of “Best Farmer”.

Today we will look in detail at a grant aimed at supporting beginning farmers and developing existing enterprises. Financial assistance is provided not only to farmers, but also to other participants in the agricultural industry.

The allocated funds in the form of a grant must be spent on:

  • construction, reconstruction or improvement of agricultural buildings or individual workshops;
  • acquisition of specialized equipment for quality control and veterinary examinations of manufactured products;
  • improvement or equipment of workshops for processing meat, fish, dairy products and vegetables, as well as their storage areas;
  • purchase of transport for transporting agricultural products.

The amount of financial assistance is determined individually for each application, and depends on the type of agricultural activity and the assistance provided. The maximum grant amount as of 2018 is 1.5 million rubles, the minimum amount of one-time assistance is 250 thousand rubles.

Conditions for receiving a grant for agricultural development

A farmer who meets certain conditions can apply:

  • Professionalism. The businessman submitting the application must have a higher specialized education and positive recommendations from local authorities. The applicant must have experience in agriculture and a registered operating peasant farm.
  • Business plan. The main point in achieving success in receiving government assistance is a correctly compiled document that reveals in detail information about the type of activity, project goals, strategy, deadline for implementation, calculations of economic indicators, marketing research on the effectiveness of the chosen direction of peasant farming, ways to attract investors, etc.
  • Start-up capital. It is mandatory that a businessman’s current account must contain an amount equal to at least 30% of the cost of the business plan, or there must be natural reserves in the form of a herd of livestock or birds.
  • Availability of a farm. The applicant must own a peasant farm that has been operating for more than 2 years, with 15 people, and revenue for the last reporting period of 60 million rubles. without VAT.
  • Sales market for finished products. It is best to provide evidence of the existence of real buyers, for example, a supply agreement with a large trading company. If they are not there, then you need to analyze the market and calculate the importance of the products produced for the end consumer.

The winners of the competition are determined by a special commission created by the Ministry of Agricultural Affairs. When making a decision, all of the above criteria are taken into account.

The commission also puts forward certain requirements not only for businesses, but also for the applicant for state aid:

  • Only a citizen of the Russian Federation can participate in the competition;
  • the applicant must hold the post of head of a peasant farm and have experience in the agro-industrial sector;
  • a competition participant is disqualified if he has received grants or subsidies previously;
  • the farmer must live and carry out agricultural activities in the region in which he is applying for a grant.

Having received financial assistance, the entrepreneur and a representative of the Ministry sign an agreement, according to which the farmer is obliged to:

  • use the acquired funds within 1 year;
  • when purchasing any goods, pay 10% of the cost of each item with personal money;
  • for every 500 thousand grant, create 1 job;
  • spend the funds provided only on the acquisition of assets intended for running an agricultural business;
  • After receiving government assistance, work in this peasant farm for at least 5 years.

Conditions may change over time. The agreement also specifies the final results that the business owner strives for, the deadlines for submitting reports on the intended use of funds and responsibility for inappropriate spending.

List of documents for participation in the program

If you decide to participate in a grant competition, you will need to find a State Program Coordinator at the local level. Usually such information is posted on the local administration website. The coordinator is provided with the following documents:

  • application for participation in the competition;
  • applicant's application form;
  • duplicates of documents confirming specialized education (diploma of secondary specialized education or certificate of successful completion of courses in one of the agricultural fields) and work experience in this field (copy of work record book or extract from the business ledger);
  • a business project drawn up taking into account all requirements;
  • a copy of the Farm Registration Certificate;
  • a document confirming the participant’s Russian citizenship;
  • detailed estimate;
  • bank account statement confirming the availability of the required amount;
  • an agreement for the sale of manufactured products worth more than 30 thousand rubles;
  • certificate from the Federal Tax Service on the availability of assets;
  • recommendations and reviews about the farmer.

You also need to provide consent to the processing of personal data. The commission has the right to require other additional documents.

How to get a grant for agriculture from private investors

Today people invest capital more willingly, but it must be taken into account that small projects are unattractive for them. If you intend to receive support from a private foundation, please note the following nuances:

  • study the peculiarities of farming in the region in which you operate;
  • when drawing up an estimate, clearly indicate the items, names, quantities and expected purchase price;
  • specify the cost items; if this is the purchase of special equipment, then be sure to indicate the model, manufacturer and technical characteristics; if livestock is purchased, then indicate the breed, sex and age;
  • provide investors with up-to-date documents; you are unlikely to receive financial support if you show expired certificates;
  • be sure to justify the demand for the products produced; investors are not interested in theoretical hypotheses.

Global, well-designed projects are always a priority. The funds willingly provide assistance to farmers with promising farms. Financing takes place in stages, if the first part of the funds is successfully spent and the reporting documentation does not contain violations, then the next part of the funds is transferred.

Misuse of a grant

Providing a grant implies strict targeted use, that is, the money must be spent on the acquisitions or buildings stated in the business plan.

All assets purchased with government assistance are registered in the name of the farmer and must be used in the territory of the region in which the grant was received. These are the main aspects of intended use.

If during the audit it turns out that the capital was spent on one’s own needs or used for other purposes, part of the monetary assistance must be returned to the budget, and the farmer will be held administratively or criminally liable.

If the prosecutor proves that the businessman did not plan to spend the subsidy received for its intended purpose, or did not report on time for the funds spent, then the culprit will face the article “Fraud.” And if guilt is proven under the article “Misuse of budgetary funds,” then criminal liability cannot be avoided in accordance with the provisions of Articles 159, 159.2 and 285.1 of the Criminal Code.


To summarize, I would like to say that it is difficult to obtain government assistance today, but it is possible. To successfully participate in a grant competition, you must strictly comply with all requirements and draw up a detailed business plan, including all calculations of costs and expected profits. The presence of a sales market also plays an important role. Subsidizing farmers is beneficial to all participants in the event: a businessman has the opportunity to develop his business and increase profits, residents of the region can buy local products (the price of goods will be slightly lower than that of imported products), and the state receives a gradual replacement of imported agricultural goods with domestic ones.

The housing issue is an expensive matter. All families strive to live separately. Some are taking out a mortgage, others are waiting for an inheritance, and others are thinking about building their own home. The problem becomes especially urgent when children appear.

Not all citizens know that the state provides subsidies for home construction. This is a type of social, free assistance. But not everyone can get it.

What is it about

Assistance from the state is funds allocated exclusively for the construction of a new residential premises or compensation for previously incurred expenses by the family.

The subsidy is a targeted payment, which is worth understanding. It is not taxed, but is strictly controlled. It is impossible to receive funds in your hands; this is prohibited by current legislation. Financial transactions are carried out in non-cash form.

Support is not available to everyone who wants it. To obtain it, you must meet the criteria discussed below. In addition, it should be understood that the state will not pay for the “royal mansions.”

Housing standards are strictly regulated by regional and federal standards, depending on which social program a person is entitled to participate in. Thus, in particular, the following standards apply in certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

  • per person 36 sq. m;
  • for two - 50 sq. m;
  • if there are more than 8 people in a family, then they will be given 18 square meters. m for each.
Regional authorities have the right to set their own standards determined by the federal program, only increasing them. It is recommended to take an interest in details and nuances in the local administration.

Who receives assistance from the budget?

Subsidies for housing construction are available exclusively to citizens of the Russian Federation. This type of benefit does not apply to foreigners. The exception is persons officially recognized as forced migrants.

The applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • live permanently in the region from whose budget money will be allocated;
  • belong to one of the groups of persons who can become participants in the relevant state program.

In 2019, these include:

- young families, if the age of each spouse is up to 35-36 years;

— forced migrants;

- military, police and employees of other law enforcement agencies;

- former military personnel and security forces registered as in need of housing;

— victims of radiation exposure due to disasters at the Mayak enterprise and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

— former residents of the Far North;

- awarded the titles of Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation, full holders of the Order of Glory;

- awarded the titles of Heroes of Socialist Labor, Labor of the Russian Federation, awarded the Order of Labor Glory of 3 degrees;

- veterans and persons equivalent to them: specified in Art. 23.2 Federal Law “On Veterans” and former minor prisoners of concentration camps;

— disabled people, families with disabled children and persons equivalent to them (families with HIV-infected minor children);

- citizens who lost their housing as a result of emergencies and natural disasters, or a terrorist attack.

However, it must be remembered that the provision of housing to the above persons can also occur in kind, that is, through its issuance.

Legal entities cannot participate in the program as recipients of subsidies; it is intended for citizens.

Regions may have their own programs to assist certain categories of citizens in providing housing, including through subsidies.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

What are the subsidies?

Assistance for building a house is provided in two ways. They are described in regulatory documents.

A person has the right to apply for a subsidy before or after construction work is completed. These are two different types of subsidies for the construction of residential premises. There are targeted and compensatory assistance.

A targeted subsidy for the construction of a house is issued to developers before the start of work on the construction of housing. The basis for its calculation is the estimate. The maximum size is determined by the federal subject where construction is taking place.

Compensation payments are due to people who spent money on the construction of new housing. Their specific sizes are also regulated by the authorities of the subject of the federation. There is only one condition stipulated by law: You must apply for them no later than 24 months after receiving a construction permit.

Conditions for receiving assistance

To qualify for government support, you must meet certain criteria. This must be remembered by every person interested in how to receive a subsidy for the construction of a residential building.

Each of the following points should be documented:

  1. Link to the subject of the federation. The application should be written to the administration in whose jurisdiction the construction is planned.
  2. You must have permission to erect a building. The document must be valid.
  3. Development land. It is necessary to confirm that the site is owned by the family or is in other legal use.
  4. Long-term rental is allowed. In addition, it is necessary that the land has the appropriate category: for development or for private farming.
  5. Government agencies can accept and approve only one application per house.
  6. The provided documentation is checked for compliance with modern technical and sanitary requirements. They are approved by local authorities on the basis of current legislation.
  7. The area of ​​the building must comply with the standards.
  8. The applicant must reside (have registration) in the region of application for more than one year.
Administration specialists will check each of the above points. If they find errors in the papers and consider them to be fraud, they will refuse to provide a subsidy.

Where to apply for an appointment

A subsidy for the construction of a house is not issued immediately. Government authorities must first review your application, study the grounds, and find out whether the expenses will be targeted.

That is, a citizen must indicate his problem to the local administration.

This is where you should go.

Action plan:

  1. Go to your local government office.
  2. Find out who is responsible for the work of the housing commission.
  3. You should already have a package of documents with you.
  4. Show them to a specialist, ask him to advise you on how to get help.
  5. If the papers comply with the law and there is a social program suitable for you in the region of your residence, write an application.
  6. The specialist will find something to complain about - find out how to fix it.
  7. Collect missing papers.
  8. Try again.

The local administration does not make financial decisions on our issue. The specialist prepares a package of documents and sends them to the region. There, a special commission working under the Department of Construction and Housing and Communal Services will consider them. 30 days are allotted for this.

When the decision is made, the applicant will be notified. The response must be provided in writing within five days from the date of the decision.

Please check that your home address is spelled correctly on your application so that your response letter is not lost.

We create a package of documents

For a citizen counting on government support, this is the most important point. It is necessary to collect and check all the papers so as not to be refused.

Since there are two types of subsidies, we will describe the same number of sets.

For targeted assistance provided before construction begins, please prepare copies of:

  • identification documents (passports, birth certificates for children under 14 years of age);
  • extracts of their house register, certified by the local branch of the Federal Migration Service;
  • development permits;
  • document for the right to use land (ownership or lease).

Technical documentation for construction:

  • site diagram, detailed building plan, approved by local authorities;
  • a house project in a sketch, executed by a special organization that has a license for such work;
  • estimate for construction work.
The cost estimate cannot include the wages of workers and administration of the developer. These expenses are not paid from the budget.

Attach the first copies (not copies) of the consent of all adults to the processing of personal data to these documents. Parents or guardians sign this document for children.

Family members, according to the law, are the wife, husband, and minor children. Other relatives (parents or adult offspring) can also be included in the family if they live with the others at the same address (they will look at registration).

Package of documents for compensation of construction costs

If you have already erected buildings and want to get help, then collect copies of the following documents:

  • cadastral passport for the building;
  • certificates of registration of rights or extracts from the Unified State Register;
  • technical documentation;
  • bills and checks confirming expenses for the purchase of materials and work.

Don't include construction workers' salaries here.

An application for compensation is submitted within two months after receiving the passport from the cadastral organization. Deadlines are strictly fixed.

When and where will the money arrive?

When the decision to pay assistance is made, the applicant is issued a Subsidy Certificate within 10 days. You should go to the bank with this document.

The budget works with banking institutions participating in the state program. Local administration employees will tell you which one to contact.

The bank will open a special account in the applicant's name. The basis for this operation is only the Certificate of Assistance. The account will be special; funds cannot be withdrawn from it, only transferred to contractors. To carry out such an operation, you must provide the bank with an agreement with the builder or other papers.

Specifically, you will have to consult with specialists from the financial institution on this issue.

Budget money is strictly controlled. Follow the bank's instructions exactly.

How much can you expect?

State support for housing construction in 2019 is calculated based on the sum of the parameters. These include the following indicators:

  • standard living space per person;
  • how long did you have to wait for money;
  • price per square meter.

These parameters are established by the Government of the Russian Federation annually.

The applicant himself can estimate how much money he will receive from the state. Typically the amount does not exceed 70% of actual costs. But it can be significantly lower - from 10%. It depends on the composition of the family, the number of dependents and other factors.

The decision is made by local authorities, which take into account the degree of need for housing improvement and the characteristics of the area. In particular, there are cases when the budget takes on 100% of the costs of building a house.

How to report on budget money

The funds received by the citizen are earmarked. To confirm their use, you must provide relevant documents.

If a targeted subsidy is provided, this is:

  • copies of payment documents related to the construction of the house (a month is given to collect them);
  • cadastral passport for the building (after three months).

Control of the amount of compensation from the budget is carried out when submitting an application (see above).

If you cannot justify the intended use of the funds, you will be forced to return the entire amount. The inspection is carried out by local authorities. They are required to provide the results to law enforcement agencies. If the expenditure of targeted funds is not confirmed by documents, a criminal case may be opened.

Help from the state for building a house is not only a benefit, but also a huge responsibility. You will have to account for every ruble. It is necessary to collect all receipts and payment documents confirming construction expenses.

It is recommended to enter into an agreement with a special organization engaged in the construction of buildings. This will allow you to shift some of the responsibility to specialists. In this case, a copy of the agreement is attached to the report.

You will also have to ask the developer for copies:

  • certificate of completion of work (certificate KS-2);
  • documents on the cost of work (certificate KS-3).

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We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

To quickly resolve your problem, we recommend contacting qualified lawyers of our site.

Last changes

In 2018 and in the planning period 2019-2020. 20 billion rubles have already been distributed. federal subsidies for the development of housing and construction policy in regions participating in state programs to provide the population with affordable and comfortable housing. Among them: the Republic of Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia, Tatarstan, Belgorod, Sverdlovsk, Voronezh, Yaroslavl, Orenburg regions, Kamchatka Territory, etc.

In 2018, from April to November, there is also a federal program for allocating subsidies for the purchase of wooden houses. By August 2018, the exact mechanism for implementing this program did not exist. However, it was instructed to develop it in order to determine the conditions for Russian citizens to receive such a subsidy. There was also a proposal to develop a separate program to subsidize large-scale construction and purchase of such housing through preferential mortgage lending.

Currently, there is a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation providing for the provision of loans to individuals for the purchase of factory-type wooden houses from manufacturers at a preferential rate (5% discount), with subsequent reimbursement to credit institutions from the federal budget.

It is worth noting that as of 2019, the following social support measures exist for the purchase of housing:

— Mortgage with state support:

  • subsidized mortgage for families in which a 2nd or 3rd child was born from 01/01/2018 to 12/31/2022.

- Maternal capital

— Young family program(families who do not have their own home or live in the living space of their parents can take part, if each person has less than 15 sq.m. Age should not exceed 35-36 years. For a partner bank, a prerequisite is the solvency of the borrowers, a stable monthly income).

The process of import substitution, which began after the imposition of sanctions against the Russian Federation, continues in 2019. A state program was adopted based on Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 14, 2012 No. 717. It is aimed at supporting farming activities. Duration of the program: 2013 – 2020.

In order to encourage private farms to expand and formalize, the state has taken measures to provide material support. This support consists of the allocation of grants for agricultural development. However, not all citizens can receive subsidies.

general information

Types of grants

Agricultural subsidies exist in several areas:

  • compensation for fertilizers;
  • funds for the purchase of farm animals;
  • compensation (not in full) for the construction of production facilities (for example, a plant for the production of dairy products);
  • funds for modernization on the farm (for example, for the purchase of modern equipment);
  • funds for acquiring land, establishing communication networks, constructing agricultural facilities (for example, a pig farm);
  • compensation for leasing payments (literally - rent for a fee).

A beginning farmer can count on several options for support from the state, provided that he meets all existing requirements.

Not only a beginning agricultural entrepreneur, but also an existing one who needs help in developing his business can receive a subsidy. The requirements for all candidates are the same.

How to get help

There are certain requirements that apply to beginning farmers.

If a person or family does not qualify for at least one of them, then it is impossible to receive a grant.

The state finances only those who can benefit society and the domestic market.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Primary requirements

The list of requirements is not too long, but not all farmers can meet them.

The main criteria include:

  1. Professionalism. Preference is given to those farmers who have higher education or farming experience for at least 10 years. That is, if a person has been running a subsidiary farm for more than 10 years, and can confirm this, but does not have a higher or special education, then he can receive a grant.
  2. Having your own funds to start a business. The state admits that a beginning farmer may not have the entire amount on hand. Therefore, the minimum threshold was set at 30% of all necessary funds.
  3. A competent business plan. Without planning for future business development, funds from the federal budget will not be allocated, since the commission will have no idea what benefits the developed agriculture will bring.
  4. Ownership of at least a minimum amount of land and production facilities. That is, a beginning entrepreneur must own a plot of land and buildings on it.
  5. A clear plan for marketing the resulting products. An entrepreneur must clearly understand how and where he will deliver or sell products obtained from agriculture.

If at least one of the conditions is not met, the grant will be denied until the citizen meets the criteria.

If the beginning farmer does not have enough professional experience, the grant can be approved with the permission of the municipal authorities. That is, representatives of the municipality can give recommendations for a citizen who begins to develop agriculture in the area and expects to receive subsidies.

Requirements for candidates

In addition to the requirements described above, there are a number of mandatory conditions. These include:

  • the applicant has Russian citizenship;
  • experience in agriculture (at least 3 years in any field);
  • failure to receive assistance from the state in this area;
  • residence in the area in which the peasant farm will be located.

In fact, a person can work as a tractor driver for 5 years and then start developing agriculture as a farmer. Work experience will be taken into account when documents are reviewed by the inspection commission.

Selection by competition

A special commission reviews the documents and makes a decision on whether subsidies will be allocated to help the entrepreneur or not. The selection is made between all participants who submitted an application. And preference is given to the candidate who is most useful to society and meets the requirements.

Refusal of one grant does not mean that subsidies in another area will be denied in the same way. Therefore, the candidate has the right to submit applications in several directions at once. The commission independently decides what to transfer federal budget funds to.


Agricultural subsidies can be allocated only if a person submits to the commission a certain list of documents confirming compliance with the requirements.

Such documents include:

  • application for participation (filled out directly when submitting documents);
  • copy of passport (all completed pages);
  • copy of diploma;
  • certificate of registration as a peasant farm (registration with the tax authority is carried out within 14 calendar days);
  • business plan (you can draw it up yourself or with the involvement of third-party organizations);
  • agreement for verification, processing and storage of personal data;
  • letters of recommendation from the municipality, if available;
  • agreement on the sale and marketing of finished products.

If any documents are missing, the commission will not accept the application for consideration, and participation in the competition will be canceled.

You can resubmit your documents at any time. Therefore, if the application does not pass the selection the first time, then submission at a convenient time after correction of errors is not prohibited. The development of agriculture is a priority, which explains the unlimited number of attempts to participate.

How to implement funds

In 2019, it is not meant to be a one-time allocation of funds from the state in a single amount, but the conclusion of a government contract as part of the support program.

That is, an agreement is concluded between the farmer and government officials, according to which funds are allocated for the benefit of the business throughout the year.

The contract specifies the following aspects:

  • subsidy amount;
  • reporting deadlines;
  • types of reporting;
  • target purpose of subsidies;
  • the procedure for returning funds that were not disbursed during the year;
  • liability for violation of contract clauses.

If a farmer does not spend the allocated funds in full for 2019, then he will be obliged to return the rest to the budget.

The subsidy period is exactly one year. During this period, the state provides financial support to the entrepreneur, after which the business either gains momentum or shows its insolvency.

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Last changes

In 2017, the maximum grant amount was 1.5 million rubles. In 2018, it is planned to increase this level taking into account inflation and rising prices. The subsidy program is designed for a long period.

Since 2019, a new program to support agribusiness has been implemented. According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2018 No. 204 “On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024,” the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia is developing a federal project “System for supporting farmers and developing rural cooperation” within the framework of the national project “Small and Medium entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative.”

The federal project involves the implementation of measures for grant support for peasant farms, the provision of subsidies to agricultural enterprises and the achievement of performance indicators of competence centers in the field of agricultural cooperation and support for farmers.

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How to get a grant for agricultural development

February 12, 2017, 12:46 March 3, 2019 13:50

One of the most important directions of the state’s domestic policy in the 2010s is support for small businesses. The most effective incentive to start farming is a farming grant, which allows you to start and develop your own business with virtually no capital investment. Let's try to understand this material on how to get a grant for farm development in 2017.

Foreign policy influence

The development of agriculture is one of the priority areas of state economic policy. The problem of agricultural development became especially acute after Russia introduced an embargo on agricultural products from Europe and the United States. That is why state support for national agricultural producers has become a key task. For this purpose, the State Agricultural Development Program for 2013-2020 was developed.

The experience of Western countries shows that the most productive form of organizing agricultural enterprises is small farms, therefore the state is trying to attract (beginning farmers) to this type of activity (beginning farmers) with agricultural education or experience in this field.

The state is trying to attract individual entrepreneurs (beginning farmers) with agricultural education or experience in this field to this type of activity.

Criteria for receiving a grant

To receive a grant for opening a peasant farm, the following conditions must be met:

  1. You have a secondary/higher education in agriculture or formal work experience in the industry for more than three years.
  2. You already live or plan to live in rural areas of this region.
  3. You have not carried out any entrepreneurial activity during the last 3 years.
  4. Grants and subsidies for the development of peasant farms (peasant farms) have not previously been received.
  5. The peasant farm of which you are the head is registered on the territory of the subject of the federation, and the period of its activity does not exceed 3 years.
  6. Peasant farms fall under the characteristics of a micro-enterprise (no more than 15 employees).
  7. You have presented a detailed cost plan for the creation and development of a peasant farm producing agricultural products that are a priority for this region, and you also undertake to pay at least 10% of the costs.
  8. You undertake to create 1 job for every half a million budget funds received.
  9. You undertake to operate the peasant farm for at least five years.

Documents confirming compliance with all of the above criteria must be submitted to the regional competition commission that distributes grants for peasant farms.

The farmer can use the funds received exclusively for the creation and development of peasant farms: for the purchase of land, construction of industrial buildings, fences, laying roads, laying utility networks (water, electricity, gas).

Farmers can also apply for a grant for the construction of housing and the purchase of furniture for its arrangement.

However, it should be noted that the state cannot support everyone who wants to create a farm due to limited financial resources. Therefore, your project must stand out from the crowd and correspond to the priority areas of agriculture in the region.


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