How to become a professional lawyer

It is not enough to learn the laws. It often happens that each of their points can be interpreted differently, depending on the situation. How exactly - you can only find out in practice. Therefore, law students who plan to build a career in this field are advised to start working while still studying. And get a job not where there is “free cash!”, but in a law office, in legal departments at large enterprises, in courts, as an assistant to a notary - in general, where you would like to work after receiving your diploma.

You need to start your career from the first basic stage, gradually gaining experience, acquiring a network of professional contacts. It’s okay if your career starts as a courier in a law firm or as a junior legal assistant (often these positions are combined). This work will allow you to see and understand all aspects of the profession: how this or that government body works, how to communicate with representatives of government agencies, with employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.

Don’t be afraid to offer some innovations in your work, don’t be shy to ask questions. It is better to admit that you do not know this aspect or are not strong in this category than to correct it after the work has been done. Honesty and frankness will play into your hands, since the employer will see in your work an interest in the profession and a desire to go deeper into it, mastering more complex matters.

In the legal field, this could be a good start. The ideal option is when, after successful completion, the candidate receives a permanent job offer. But if they only promise an internship, you should not immediately reject this offer. They may say this so that applicants do not have false hopes about finding a job. If you establish yourself as a responsible, purposeful employee, join the team, and cope with tasks, it is likely that you will sign an employment contract.

It would be a good idea to agree in advance on a written recommendation after completing the internship. If you don’t get the job, you will have a testimonial in your hands - building a career with this document will be easier.

How to get an internship

The path is standard: decide on the area, make a list of companies, send out your resume.

Choose a direction

Experienced lawyers recommend first thinking about the direction in which you would like to develop. As practice shows, it is their work that is paid higher than the work of colleagues with a broader profile. Study the judicial practice in the chosen area, review laws, amendments - you should be aware of the latest changes.

Find your dream company

The first resumes should be sent to those companies where you would like to build your career. If you are denied an internship, find out when the position will open. Perhaps interns are hired only in certain months (for example, during vacations) or they take on one person per month. This way you will know when to contact us next time.

If you weren't accepted

If the issue is not the lack of a vacancy, clarify why you were not suitable, what work experience is important, and whether you have a chance to get a job in the future. This way you will show clear confidence in your desire to work for this company. If it’s still impossible to get an internship here, ask them to recommend a company that needs assistants.

How to choose “your” direction

I would like to act as a defense attorney in court, regulate family relationships, or become a notary, and they also say that resolving land issues brings good dividends... How to choose the very direction in jurisprudence that will bring not only profit, but also moral satisfaction?

The choice can be made based on individual psychological factors.

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Chairman of the Arbitration Court of Construction Organizations of Moscow

If a novice lawyer - introvert, then he can be an excellent analyst, study judicial practice and develop a position on the case. Such specialists prepare legally significant documents: claims, statements of claim, analytical reports, legal opinions.

If the trainee - extrovert, then he can be a participant in court proceedings, where the ability to convey the essence of the issue to the court and form an emotionally correct attitude towards the legal position is extremely important.

I gladly hire interns! I'm looking for new talents. At the same time, of course, I take into account that my intern has no practical experience. At best, he has a theory, but, as they say, “faith without deeds is dead.” Therefore, for a trainee lawyer, it is important to have the zeal and desire to master the profession: to participate (at least as a listener) in practical activities - court hearings, consultations, preparation of documents, communication with clients.

Over the course of several months, the direction of the trainee becomes clear, as well as whether he will be good or not.

It is important for novice specialists to try themselves in different directions in order to choose their own. And improve in it. The transition from one company or industry to another is currently not difficult: free competition allows the existence of tens and hundreds of law firms, notary offices, legal entities, etc.

An aspiring lawyer can choose. However, if this choice lasts for decades, maybe it makes sense to change your specialty?

If future lawyers are afraid of being disappointed in the specialization they have chosen, they can always change direction after an internship or even a period of work. Difficult, but real. You can even change the field of law - for example, move from real estate to judicial practice.

How to stand out among internship candidates

For an internship, they will hire someone who is active, but not impudent, diplomatic, but not pushy, expresses his thoughts clearly and concisely, is not shy about asking, and if he asks a question, he should already have at least two answers - then the employer will understand that the person is knowledgeable in the intricacies of what is happening and knows how to make decisions.

Why, when asking a question, do you need to immediately prepare answers? If the intern offers options for the development of events (having previously studied the topic), then the boss concludes that his time is valued and that the future employee is inclined to analytical work and forecasting, and in legal work this is one of the main qualities.

I recommend not to neglect volunteer work. I know a real case: in 2007, a young man I knew began working as a public assistant in the prosecutor’s office. He tried very hard and established himself as an efficient, competent, purposeful employee. Two years later, he was recruited based on all the rules of the competition, which he passed successfully. Now he is a deputy prosecutor of one of the districts of a large region of our country.

Going up the career ladder from the very bottom is a prerequisite for becoming a professional in the field of law, so you need to agree to the role of a legal assistant with minimal legal responsibilities, but with access to documents and work of senior lawyers.

How should an intern behave at work in order to be hired? Attentiveness, efficiency, learning ability, minimal disturbance from management are the main principles of work in the first month. Choose a time convenient for the manager, accumulate questions and ask or solve them together once a day. Initiative is welcome, but only if you are 100% confident in your proposal or idea. The attitude “I decided to do it this way” is not very welcome, since first the trainee is required to be diligent, and only then – to be innovative.

Within a month, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the likely professionalism of the intern. First of all, in terms of the preparation and execution of documents, the thoroughness of preparing answers to assigned tasks, the selection of documents and judicial practice.

    Attend legal conferences, exhibitions, master classes, book launches and similar events. Choose highly specialized ones, for example, in the field of transactions, real estate, etc. - those that relate to your work topic. Don't miss talks from legal authorities, even if their talks are not directly related to your topic.

    Take training programs provided by bar associations. Lawyers without lawyer status and students can come there. You can refer to such events in a conversation with a potential employer, which will increase your “expertise” in his eyes.

    Enroll in advanced training courses, which also take the form of conferences, master classes, seminars, round tables, etc.

    You already know that you need to monitor news regarding changes in legislation.

    Don't go straight for a huge salary. No one will ever pay you big money until you prove that you are really worth it.

    Learn to listen and clearly formulate questions and conclusions.

    Train your perseverance and watch your eyes: you will have to read a lot.

A lawyer must be an excellent speaker, fluent in the art of persuasion and “capturing” the attention of the audience. This is not about eloquence - this is aerobatics, but about the skill of clearly and clearly expressing one’s thoughts, being able to identify arguments and facts from a windfall of chaotic phrases and storylines, and building a cause-and-effect relationship. Since lawyers often have to take part in cases of public concern, media representatives often turn to them for expert commentary. You need to be prepared for public speaking.

Every young specialist has a chance to succeed if he regularly engages in self-education, studies specialized literature, law enforcement and judicial practice, and takes an interest in the latest changes in legislation.

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I want to dedicate this article to my colleagues, aspiring lawyers. At the beginning of his career aspiring lawyers many questions arise. Go to category aspiring lawyer may apply to both students and people who are just planning to become lawyers. Read a separate article about that.

For reference, I note that a lawyer is a qualification. Therefore, a university graduate without work experience is a lawyer, a prosecutor, a judge, and an unemployed person can also be a lawyer.

All the questions they ask me aspiring lawyers, touch several blocks. These are questions about where to start learning to become a good lawyer, how to become a good lawyer, where to start working as a lawyer what measures need to be taken to self-education.

Let's look at these questions in blocks for convenience.

Where to start learning to become a good lawyer or how to become a good lawyer?

Initially, you need to understand, is it necessary? After all, there are many lawyers, and there are also many educational institutions. And maybe it’s worth choosing a different profession. I know that technical specialties and specialists are valued. If your intention is to become lawyer everything is great and after weighing all the pros and cons, you are confirmed in your intention, then start with education.

You can only get a quality education at a quality university. Unfortunately, I have to note that the level of education is falling every year. Therefore, your diploma will need to be accompanied by self-education and the first legal experience.

The learning process in an educational institution must be approached with full responsibility and diligence. I often hear from representatives of non-legal professions that in practice they have to hear the phrase: “forget everything you were taught...”. This phrase is absolutely not applicable to legal specialties. You will have to put into practice exactly what you have been taught. One of my teachers on this subject put it in the sense that a lawyer does science in his student years, then practices at work, and then returns to science in the process. And this is extremely true and fair. Therefore, training must be taken seriously.

In good universities, teachers, as a rule, are engaged in practice in addition to science, so they can always teach you something. Take advantage of these opportunities. Read legal literature, not just laws. Understand the laws, read comments, legal articles.

It will be very useful to participate in the social life of the faculty. This is also part of the learning process. After all, a lawyer is a person who communicates often and a lot with people. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to develop communication skills with people.

Where to start working as a lawyer?

It is advisable to start your legal career while still a student. I would advise you to worry about this possibility from the third or fourth year of study. For practice, it is better to select a commercial structure with high qualifications and diverse interests. Of course, this must be done without compromising the learning process. Legal practice will open up lawyers without work experience new horizons for understanding legal science and will give impetus to learning. I would not hesitate to work even for free, since the experience will be invaluable and will dramatically increase the level of your competence. Working on a voluntary basis in some state or municipal government body will also be extremely useful.

I'll tell you about my case. In my time, it took five years to study to become a lawyer. There was a specialty system back then. As a fourth-year student, I began my career on a voluntary basis by collaborating with a large consulting firm. Despite the fact that I worked with this company for about a year, I have the warmest memories of that period. It was during this year that I made a significant leap in my level of competence. This was largely due to the very talented and competent head of the legal department, from whom I learned a lot. Studying at the faculty became somehow easier after I started practicing.

Therefore, dear colleagues, start dealing with practical issues as early as possible. If your mentor has exposure to and interest in different areas of legal knowledge, you will be able to learn a lot. By working, for example, with a lawyer and carrying out small assignments, you will gain significant experience. Without this experience, your learning will not be complete.

Self-education of a lawyer

To get started, you can subscribe to the Lawyer's Portfolio channel.

A few words about self-education. “Learn and study again” is the motto of all good lawyers. Take my word for it, ordinary knowledge of the rules of the Russian language and a general outlook are very highly valued. Therefore, increasing the overall cultural and educational level, you will undoubtedly become a more successful and competent lawyer. My advice - read classical literature, love mathematics and logic, train your brain. Sometimes, in order to navigate some “legal issue”, it is enough to master the rules of the Russian language and elementary logic. Therefore, pump up your brain in the “general civil” sense. It would be enough. But that's my personal opinion. In addition, it will be useful to begin the consideration of any legal case with judicial practice. I do this in order to quickly understand the features of legal qualifications and evaluate the range of applicable legislative acts. First of all, this is relevant for arbitration practice, which is in the public domain. The level of qualification of judges of arbitration courts is, as a rule, high and reading decisions on arbitration cases is very pleasant and useful.

If you have any questions, write. I will answer everyone as much as possible.


Nowadays, there are a large number of higher educational institutions that graduate specialists in jurisprudence. Some of them are specialized - for example, legal academies, but most of them are legal and departments of various humanities. Educational institutions offer full-time and part-time courses, as well as accelerated training faculties, which have recently entered the system - they usually accept applicants who have graduated from specialized colleges and technical schools.

How to become a lawyer?

Getting a quality education is a fundamental factor in a career as a lawyer, but obtaining a diploma from a prestigious university does not always provide an opportunity to become a good lawyer. In order to achieve success, you need to always be aware of events taking place in the field of jurisprudence. Need to:

  1. Decide as early as possible on the specialization you want to do and study everything with which it will come into contact thematically.

  2. Learn to filter information, namely, understand what is actually relevant today, follow news in legislation, know about the entry into force and repeal of regulations.

  3. Be precise, like in mathematics. Be able to confidently refer to specific facts and excerpts from legislation. But remember - this should not at all mean memorizing all versions of laws and numbers in the law. You just need to learn to think systematically and know the answer to the right question.


It is best to start practicing and mastering a profession while still in the process of studying: even if you will not yet be able to express yourself normally and demonstrate your abilities, you will gain invaluable practical experience and test the waters in the environment in which you will plunge after graduation. And most importantly, you will already have a certain amount of work experience, which will play a big role in your specialty after completing your studies.


Try to communicate more often with established lawyers, move in their circle, listen to stories from their practice, analyze everything, adopt their invaluable experience. This will help you get into the legal field faster. All kinds of forums on the Internet and specialized blogs will also help you.

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The profession of a lawyer has recently become both prestigious and popular. University graduates who have received this specialty are in demand in politics, in public life, and in production.


It is impossible to become a lawyer without special higher education and extensive knowledge in the field of legal sciences and law. The main activity of a lawyer of any typology is monitoring compliance with the law and protecting rights. This presupposes a thorough knowledge of all laws and other regulations, as well as the ability to competently apply existing knowledge in practice. And this, in turn, means the presence of such personal qualities as a good memory, the ability to think logically and also express one’s thoughts, perseverance, scrupulousness, communication skills, the ability to trace cause-and-effect relationships and behave well in public. Without these qualities, a law degree is merely proof that you have acquired basic knowledge of the law and legal organization. To become a highly qualified and therefore highly paid and in-demand lawyer, you need to practice hard.

As healthcare professionals, lawyers specialize in different areas of the law. The typology of this profession is quite extensive; it includes notaries, lawyers, legal advisers, judges, specialists practicing in various fields: tax, criminal, civil, military, etc. In addition, lawyers are in demand at enterprises, where they practice not only in the field of labor law, but also protect the commercial interests of the organization. Depending on the typology, their job responsibilities also differ.

For example, lawyers provide legal protection of the interests of citizens in courts or other authorities. These people are independent representatives of the Law and in their activities they are guided and obeyed only by it. Lawyers are prohibited from serving in any government or commercial structure, with the exception of creative, scientific or teaching activities.

To become a lawyer, first of all, you need to choose the right educational institution.

  • Civil law (civil law and its sub-branches and civil procedure).
  • Public administration (constitutional law, municipal law).
  • Forensics (criminal law and criminal procedure).

    Recently, it has become very common to receive a legal education in parallel with a specialized one. The output is economists-lawyers, managers-lawyers, etc. However, training of this kind provides rather superficial knowledge and affects only the basic concepts of jurisprudence.

    What qualities should a lawyer have?

    To become a real professional lawyer, you need to have a certain number of qualities that can be cultivated in yourself:

    The legal profession has a lot of advantages - from the opportunity to be useful to society and people and interesting work to decent remuneration for one’s work and the right to use state guarantees given to every working lawyer.

    • The main disadvantage of the legal profession is huge competition in the labor market. The popularity of the profession led to the fact that the country's universities began to graduate more specialists than was necessary. As a result of this, now every more or less experienced lawyer will have to prove his professionalism throughout his entire career.
  • Studying the rules of law– another pitfall of the profession. The point is that it is not enough to familiarize yourself with the regulatory framework or learn it (which is almost impossible). You need to truly master it, namely, be able to analyze the rules of law, having studied all the notes and references, and for this you need to have real talent.
  • Moral side. Working in the public service obliges a lawyer to calmly make the most responsible decisions, which can sometimes radically change the lives of many people.
  • Moral side. When choosing the profession of a lawyer, a person must understand that now he is an example of decent behavior for the whole society. Any mistake or misconduct can cost your career and business reputation.
  • Some types of legal activity (especially criminology) are associated primarily with risks to life and health.
  • Profession forever ties the lawyer to his home state. Immigration to another country becomes a very complex matter, since each country has its own legal framework and system (including legal activities). To work in another country, you will need a lot of time to study, as well as study the rules of law of a particular state.

    Despite the many negative aspects of the profession, many still choose law. Every day the scope of activity of lawyers is expanding with the emergence of a new type of legal relationship. But the main attractive side of the profession is the protection of a person, his rights, as well as the restoration of justice.

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    How to become a competent lawyer

    How to become a competent lawyer

    The profession of a lawyer today is one of the most saturated professions on the labor market, so to speak, everywhere you look there is a lawyer. The peak demand for this profession was in the 90s, as soon as the Soviet Union collapsed, the seceding states needed people who had competent knowledge in the field of law.

    Jurisprudence is a rather complex, but at the same time necessary, science. Having legal competence is not only useful, but also important for resolving many issues. It is impossible to collect a package of documents on your own, go to court, register a company, enter into an inheritance, draw up an agreement and perform other legal actions on your own without special knowledge.

    How to become a good lawyer?

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    How to become a competent lawyer

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    How to become a good lawyer

    the science of mental reality, how an individual experiences, perceives, feels, thinks and acts. To gain a deeper understanding of the human psyche, psychologists study the mental regulation of animal behavior and the functioning of artificial systems such as computers. The definition of the subject of psychology has always depended on what the representatives of one or another of its schools understood by it.

    The question is asked by Nikolaev A.S. Moscow: Tell me, please, who is a lawyer?

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    Legal career: where to start?

    Where does a career as a lawyer begin?

    To become a good lawyer, it is not enough to learn the laws. It often happens that each of their points can be interpreted differently, depending on the situation. How exactly - you can only find out in practice. Therefore, law students who plan to build a career in this field are advised to start working while still studying. And get a job not where there is “free cash!”, but in a law office, in legal departments at large enterprises, in courts, as an assistant to a notary - in general, where you would like to work after receiving your diploma.

    You need to start your career from the first basic stage, gradually gaining experience, acquiring a network of professional contacts. It’s okay if your career starts as a courier in a law firm or as a junior legal assistant (often these positions are combined). This work will allow you to see and understand all aspects of the profession: how this or that government body works, how to communicate with representatives of government agencies, with employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.

    Don’t be afraid to offer some innovations in your work, don’t be shy to ask questions. It is better to admit that you do not know this aspect or are not strong in this category than to correct it after the work has been done. Honesty and frankness will play into your hands, since the employer will see in your work an interest in the profession and a desire to go deeper into it, mastering more complex matters.

    In the legal field, an internship can be a good start. The ideal option is when, after successful completion, the candidate receives a permanent job offer. But if they only promise an internship, you should not immediately reject this offer. They may say this so that applicants do not have false hopes about finding a job. If you establish yourself as a responsible, purposeful employee, join the team, and cope with tasks, it is likely that you will sign an employment contract.

    It would be a good idea to agree in advance on a written recommendation after completing the internship. If you don’t get the job, you will have a testimonial in your hands - building a career with this document will be easier.

    How to get an internship

    The path is standard: decide on the area, make a list of companies, send out your resume.

    Experienced lawyers recommend first thinking about the direction in which you would like to develop. Now highly specialized lawyers are in greater demand: as practice shows, it is their work that is paid higher than the work of colleagues with a broader profile. Study the judicial practice in the chosen area, review laws, amendments - you should be aware of the latest changes.

    Find your dream company

    The first resumes should be sent to those companies where you would like to build your career. If you are denied an internship, find out when the position will open. Perhaps interns are hired only in certain months (for example, during vacations) or they take on one person per month. This way you will know when to contact us next time.

    If you weren't accepted

    If the issue is not the lack of a vacancy, clarify why you were not suitable, what work experience is important, and whether you have a chance to get a job in the future. This way you will show clear confidence in your desire to work for this company. If it’s still impossible to get an internship here, ask them to recommend a company that needs assistants.

    How to choose “your” direction

    I would like to act as a defender in court, regulate family relationships or intellectual property, become a notary, and they also say that solving land issues brings good dividends... How to choose the very direction in jurisprudence that will bring not only profit, but also moral satisfaction?

    The choice can be made based on individual psychological factors.

    If a novice lawyer - introvert, then he can be an excellent analyst, study judicial practice and develop a position on the case. Such specialists prepare legally significant documents: claims, statements of claim, analytical reports, legal opinions.

    If the trainee - extrovert, then he can be a participant in court proceedings, where the ability to convey the essence of the issue to the court and form an emotionally correct attitude towards the legal position is extremely important.

    I gladly hire interns! I'm looking for new talents. At the same time, of course, I take into account that my intern has no practical experience. At best, he has a theory, but, as they say, “faith without deeds is dead.” Therefore, for a trainee lawyer, it is important to have the zeal and desire to master the profession: to participate (at least as a listener) in practical activities - court hearings, consultations, preparation of documents, communication with clients.

    Over the course of several months, the direction of the trainee becomes clear, as well as whether he will be good or not.

    It is important for novice specialists to try themselves in different directions in order to choose their own. And improve in it. The transition from one company or industry to another is currently not difficult: free competition allows the existence of tens and hundreds of law firms, notary offices, legal entities, etc.

    An aspiring lawyer can choose. However, if this choice lasts for decades, maybe it makes sense to change your specialty?

    If future lawyers are afraid of being disappointed in the specialization they have chosen, they can always change direction after an internship or even a period of work. Difficult, but real. You can even change the field of law - for example, move from real estate to judicial practice.

    How to stand out among internship candidates

    For an internship, they will hire someone who is active, but not impudent, diplomatic, but not pushy, expresses his thoughts clearly and concisely, is not shy about asking, and if he asks a question, he should already have at least two answers - then the employer will understand that the person is knowledgeable in the intricacies of what is happening and knows how to make decisions.

    Why, when asking a question, do you need to immediately prepare answers? If the intern offers options for the development of events (having previously studied the topic), then the boss concludes that his time is valued and that the future employee is inclined to analytical work and forecasting, and in legal work this is one of the main qualities.

    I recommend not to neglect volunteer work. I know a real case: in 2007, a young man I knew began working as a public assistant in the prosecutor’s office. He tried very hard and established himself as an efficient, competent, purposeful employee. Two years later, he was recruited based on all the rules of the competition, which he passed successfully. Now he is a deputy prosecutor of one of the districts of a large region of our country.

    Going up the career ladder from the very bottom is a prerequisite for becoming a professional in the field of law, so you need to agree to the role of a legal assistant with minimal legal responsibilities, but with access to documents and work of senior lawyers.

    How should an intern behave at work in order to be hired? Attentiveness, efficiency, learning ability, minimal disturbance from management are the main principles of work in the first month. Choose a time convenient for the manager, accumulate questions and ask or solve them together once a day. Initiative is welcome, but only if you are 100% confident in your proposal or idea. The attitude “I decided to do it this way” is not very welcome, since first the trainee is required to be diligent, and only then – to be innovative.

    Within a month, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the likely professionalism of the intern. First of all, in terms of the preparation and execution of documents, the thoroughness of preparing answers to assigned tasks, the selection of documents and judicial practice.

    Attend legal conferences, exhibitions, master classes, book launches and similar events. Choose highly specialized ones, for example, in the field of transactions, real estate, etc. - those that relate to your work topic. Don't miss talks from legal authorities, even if their talks are not directly related to your topic.

    Take training programs provided by bar associations. Lawyers without lawyer status and students can come there. You can refer to such events in a conversation with a potential employer, which will increase your “expertise” in his eyes.

    Enroll in advanced training courses, which also take the form of conferences, master classes, seminars, round tables, etc.

    You already know that you need to monitor news regarding changes in legislation.

    Don't go straight for a huge salary. No one will ever pay you big money until you prove that you are really worth it.

    Learn to listen and clearly formulate questions and conclusions.

    Train your perseverance and watch your eyes: you will have to read a lot.

    A lawyer must be an excellent speaker, fluent in the art of persuasion and “capturing” the attention of the audience. This is not about eloquence - this is aerobatics, but about the skill of clearly and clearly expressing one’s thoughts, being able to identify arguments and facts from a windfall of chaotic phrases and storylines, and building a cause-and-effect relationship. Since lawyers often have to take part in cases of public concern, media representatives often turn to them for expert commentary. You need to be prepared for public speaking.

    Every young specialist has a chance to succeed if he regularly engages in self-education, studies specialized literature, law enforcement and judicial practice, and takes an interest in the latest changes in legislation.

  • Many people who have a liberal arts education and do not want to work for a rich guy face a huge number of problems that prevent them from working for themselves. In this article we will look at all the obstacles that stand in the way of a beginning self-employed professional, using the example of the legal profession.

    Where to begin?
    So, you are a person who has a higher legal education, as evidenced by a corresponding diploma, at least several years of experience in the profession (the more experience, the better), but you are tired of carrying out meaningless orders from your superiors, who do not want to hear that they the actions are illegal or the wife fully complies with the law. You want to earn money on your own, working only for yourself, but you don’t have enough money to open your own law firm, what to do?

    First, you need to register as a private entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as a private entrepreneur). To obtain the status of a private entrepreneur, you need to contact the relevant registration authorities located at your place of residence with an application for registration and a package of documents.
    Before contacting the registration authority, you need to complete the following steps:
    - fill out an application in accordance with the established form;
    - contact a notary to certify your signature on the application (on average, notary services will cost you 1,500 rubles);
    - pay the state duty (the state duty is 800 rubles).

    In addition to the application for registration of an emergency and a receipt for payment of the state duty, you must have with you the original and a copy of your passport (another document that proves your identity), as well as a copy of the certificate of registration of an individual (TIN).
    If you do not want to deal with the registration of an emergency on your own, you can contact the appropriate specialists who, for an additional fee (on average, the services of intermediaries will cost 4,500 rubles, taking into account the state duty), will do everything for you.

    After state registration of an emergency, with all the above documents, you need to contact the tax office, which is located at the place of registration.
    Additionally, you will need to open a bank account for a private entrepreneur, which costs approximately 1,000 rubles.

    How to attract clients?
    So, you are registered as a private entrepreneur who can provide legal services, now the most important thing is to find clients!
    One of the simplest but most effective ways to increase your customer base is advertising. It is best to place your advertisement in several places (local newspaper, internet, etc.). For beginners and little-known lawyers, in order to interest clients, the advertisement must indicate that you provide free consultations and only you have a system of social discounts on services provided for pensioners and less protected populations. Providing free consultations and discounts will help you develop and develop your communication skills with people, turn on the “radio”, which will advertise and accordingly attract clients.

    The next step you will need to take is to connect your contacts in the courts, police, prosecutor's office and other authorities who could advise you and the services you provide. People, especially older people, are accustomed to turning to government officials for help, because they believe that the entire system of government and justice is connected. For showiness, it is best to distribute several dozen of your business cards to your friends.

    Let's calculate possible expenses and profits for the first quarter of independent work.
    Costs for state registration of a private entrepreneur and related expenses (subject to self-registration):
    800 rub. (state registration) + 1500 rub. (notary services) = 2300 rub.
    Advertising expenses:
    Placing an ad in a newspaper - 300 rubles. for one publication. If the newspaper is published 4 times a month, then you will need to pay 3,600 rubles for the quarter.
    3600 rub. + 900 rub. (printing 1000 business cards) = 4500 rub.
    In total, the total expenses for three months of independent work are approximately 6,800 rubles.

    Possible profit for the first quarter of work.
    For calculation, let's take the simplest example - a civil case of a non-property nature (not a divorce) with one court hearing.
    Studying the case materials - 1000-1500 rubles.
    The average cost of drawing up a statement of claim is 2,500 rubles.
    One representation in court is approximately estimated at 3,000 rubles.
    Now let's calculate, 1000 + 2500 + 3000 = 6500 rubles. - this is the minimum cost of your services for one case.
    Considering that there can be about ten cases per month, your income for the first quarter of work will be 195 thousand rubles - and this is just the beginning. By improving your qualifications and increasing your client base, you can increase your profit tens, maybe even times.

    There are many lawyers, few good lawyers, and even fewer professional lawyers - everything is in your hands!
    It is important to remember that water does not flow under a lying stone. Don’t listen to anyone, if you see a goal, get up and take a bold step to meet it.
    I wish you success in all your endeavors!

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