Publications. Publications How to work in a thin client 1s

After you have installed the platform, created an empty configuration (or installed some kind of educational demo configuration), then when you start the 1C starter, you will see two buttons: "1C Enterprise" and "Configurator" (for this you need to select some kind of base from the list, see Fig. 1.1.1).

Rice. 1.1.1. Starter 1C

By and large, these are the two main types of client applications.

What is a client application anyway? A client application is a program installed on the user's computer that interacts with the user's 1C:Enterprise system. In fact, we have two main types of programs in which the user can work: this is the configurator, where the programmer is developing applied solution, and an enterprise where the user works with data and algorithms developed by the programmer. This was the case in platforms 8.0 and 8.1. With the advent of the 8.2 platform, and then the 8.3 platform, the number of client applications increased.

After the release of platform 8.2, 1C:Enterprise in the user application mode can work in thin and thick clients, and a web client has also appeared that allows you to work with 1C:Enterprise from a web browser.

In total, at the moment there are four types of client applications:

  • "Thin client"
  • "Fat Client"
  • Web client

Why did it become necessary to separate the ordinary client application into three types: "thin", "thick" and web-client? This is due to the development of technology in general and the Internet in particular. Very often, the need to work with "1C: Enterprise" via the Internet began to appear, and this began to impose certain restrictions, since throughput the Internet is much narrower than the usual local network. Therefore, those platform technologies that existed during editions 8.0 and 8.1 have become inapplicable in the new realities. As a result, platform 8.2 was developed, in which it was divided into three types: "thick", "thin" and web-client.

We will analyze all types of clients in more detail.

"Thin client"

Let's start with the thin client. A "thin client" is a type of 1C:Enterprise client application that allows you to work on the Internet. At its core, it only displays data on a form or in a report, there is no access to object types from the “thin client”, and queries cannot be executed under it. The resources of the device on which the thin client is running are used only to display data on the display screen, all calculations, queries and algorithms must be performed on the server side. You cannot work under this type of client in the configurator.

This kind of client application comes as a separate distribution called « Thin client 1C:Enterprise for Windows», downloaded from the 1C website (if you have an ITS subscription) and installed on the local machine. executable file in operating system Windows is called 1Cv8с.exe.

The "thin client" can communicate with the database via TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS protocols. In order for the thin client to work over the HTTP and HTTPS protocols, a Web server, such as Apache or IIS, must be installed and configured on the server side. And the most interesting thing: the web server can interact with 1C-Enterprise both in file and in client-server mode.

Let's analyze the work of the "thin client" using different protocols. First of all, let's start with the usual TCP / IP (who does not know, this is the most common protocol for the Ethernet local area network). There are two options for working with a thin client over an Ethernet network: client-server variant and working with a file base.

Consider both of these options for the work of "1C: Enterprise":

File option applicable when one or more users work within a small network, as well as when large amounts of data or cumbersome calculations are not used. In this version of work, all data is located in one file. 1Cv8.1CD, which is called “1C: Enterprise” file database. Schematically, the work of the file version can be represented as follows:

Rice. 1.1.2 Schematic representation of the operation of the file version

Client-server option has a more complex structure. It is designed for the work of a large number of users and for cumbersome calculations of massive amounts of data. In total, this option has three links: the client is the application on which the end user works; a 1C:Enterprise server cluster is a program that provides interaction between the client and the database management system; SQL - server (database management system) - a special program designed to organize a database and store it. Schematically, it can be represented as follows:

Rice. 1.1.3 Schematic representation of the operation of the client-server version

Let's return to the "thin client". As mentioned above, this is a client application through the protocol TCP/IP can work both with the file base variant and with the client-server architecture variant.

With the file version of work (Fig. 1.1.4), the “thin client” interacts directly with the file database. At the same time, a specialized server environment is organized on the “thin client” side, which, in fact, emulates the operation of a server. This specialized server environment is not allocated as a separate process in the operating system, but is included in the "thin client" process. It takes care of loading the application configuration and other server actions necessary for the normal functioning of the "thin client".

In the case of the client-server variant (Fig. 1.1.5), the “thin client” directly interacts with the 1C:Enterprise server cluster via the local Ethernet network. In this option, the principles of operation are exactly the same as for the "thick client".

Why is it necessary to use a "thin client" when working on a local network, when for this you can work under a "thick client"? Not always good fast machines capable of taking on some calculations are used in the local network of an enterprise. Very often, these can be "killed in the trash" computers, and in this case, working under a "thin client" is fully justified. When working in thin client» smaller amounts of data pass through the local network, all calculations are performed on the server, and not on the local machine, and therefore there are lower performance requirements for computers running this type of client application (in the case when client-server version of the database).

Now let's move on to working with the "thin client" via the Internet. Working with this type of client application via the Internet is possible both in the file version and in the client-server version.

But in both cases, for its full functioning, a web server (Apache or IIS) must be installed and running on the server side. At the same time, the following chain works: the “thin client” interacts with the web server via the HTTP and HTTPS protocols, and the web server already interacts either directly with the file database (see Fig. 1.1.6) or with the 1C: Enterprise server cluster , and the server cluster, already familiar to us, interacts with the SQL server.

In this book, we will not analyze in detail the mechanisms for configuring the "thin client" andweb client for working via the Internet, but we will only touch on general points so that you can understand the principle of operation.

And the last important feature of the "thin client": under it you do not have the opportunity to work with the configurator. When you start the “thin client”, then the “configurator” button in the 1C starter will be absent (see Figure 1.1.8). In principle, this is logical: it makes no sense to give access to the "heavy" configurator when you have limited network resources.

Rice. 1.1.8. View of the thin client launch window

Web client

The next interesting type of client we'll look at is the web client. This type of client application is required to work only over the Internet. Moreover, if for the work of the "thin client" on the local machine it was necessary to install software, then you do not need to do this to work under the web client. All work with this client can be carried out through an Internet browser (Mozilla, Opera, Internet Explorer and etc.). This is a very convenient type of “thin client”: any user, anywhere in the world from any device, can launch an Internet browser, enter the address of the web server where the database is published, and access this very database. There is no need to download or install any software.

The web client can work both with a regular file base and with a client-server architecture. The only thing is that in both cases, as in the case of a “thin client” working through the Internet, it is necessary to install special software on the server side - a web server (usually Apache or IIS).

The principles of operation of the web client in the case of a file base and client-server architecture are shown in fig. 1.1.9 and 1.1.10

"Fat Client"

"Thick client" is the main type of client under which you can carry out normal work with "1C: Enterprise". Under this type of client, almost all the functionality provided by the built-in 1C programming language is available. For example, you can work with queries and application types under it.

One of the features of the "thick client" is that it supports normal operation, i.e. under the "thick client" you can run applications developed under platforms 8.1 and 8.0. - general applications. And also in managed applications, run regular forms, which naturally cannot be done in a “thin client”.

We will discuss regular and managed applications in detail in the next chapter.

The "thick client" is installed by a regular distribution kit and is launched by an executable file in the Windows operating system 1cv8.exe.

Since working with a "thick client" requires significant computing power, you can communicate with the database either directly or via an Ethernet local area network. This kind of client application can work both with a file database and with a client-server architecture (via the TCP/IP protocol).

In the case when the client-server version of the “thick client” operation is used (Fig. 1.1.13), the “thick client” connects to the 1C:Enterprise server cluster via the local network, and the server cluster interacts with the SQL server ( DBMS). Moreover, the server cluster and the DBMS can be located on different computers, the administrator has the ability to separate them in order to optimize the performance of the servers.

The “thick client” can work with the file base both directly: the database file is located on the same computer where the “thick client” is installed, and via the local network (Fig. 1.1.12). In the event that there is interaction with the file database over the local network, full access must be granted to it through a network share.

And as it should already be clear, the "thick client" is the only user application from which you can freely open the configurator and develop. No other 1C:Enterprise user application allows you to do this. When you launch the “thick client”, you will see the “Configurator” button in the launch window (see Fig. 1.1.11).

Rice. 1.1.11 "Thick client" launch window

And in conclusion, here is a table that clearly makes it clear how these three types of client applications differ: "thick client", "thin client" and web client.

"Fat Client" "Thin client" Web client
Working with the configurator +
Operation via Ethernet + + +
Work on the Internet + +
Distribution installation required + +
Working with the file base + + +
Working with sql server + + +
Working with common applications +
Working with Managed Applications + + +
Opening Regular Forms in Managed Applications +

Tab. 1.1.1 Differences between different client applications.

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The main difference between thin and thick client 1C is where the main calculations are carried out - on the server or at the user's workplace. This imposes some restrictions on the use of one or another variant of work.

In this article of the Integrus blog, we will look at various client applications of the 1C system - what does a 1C thin client mean, a 1C thick client, what it is and what are the differences, and also in what cases it would be better to use each of them.

Thick client 1C

If you use 1C in thick client mode, this means that all data operations are carried out directly at the user's workplace, and the data itself is stored on the server, where the client application accesses it.

Such a client can perform almost all functions and work with application data types.

The installation of the 1C thick client is carried out from the general distribution kit of the system, where it is listed as a separate component. There should also be no difficulty with the question of how to launch a thick client 1C 8.3 - it is launched by the 1cv8.exe executable file.

Thin client 1C

Working in 1C thin client mode means that, in addition to storing data, almost all program code, requests are executed on the server, temporary files and cache are stored. At his workplace, the user only enters the initial data and sees the display of the result on his monitor.

The 1C thin client is installed from the 1C distribution kit. If you do not have it, since, for example, you work with cloud 1C and rent it, then a separate distribution kit can be downloaded from the 1C website. Be sure to make sure that its version matches the version of the platform you are using.

The thin client for 1C:Enterprise is launched from the executable file 1cv8c.exe.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that for a thin client 1C 8.3, the file version of work is not recommended, client-server mode is preferable. Although file mode is possible, all code will be executed on the user's computer, which negates all the benefits of a thin client.

As you can see, the main difference between a thin and thick 1C client is where the main calculations are carried out - on the server or at the user's workplace.

This imposes some restrictions on the use of one or another work option:

  • an important difference between thin and thick 1C client - working with the "Configurator" and with the query console is possible only in thick client mode
  • a thick client works using the TCP / IP protocol, therefore, it is quite demanding on the communication channel, since for its operation it is required to exchange relatively large amounts of information with the server
  • 1C thin client works exclusively in the managed application mode, the functionality available to the user is limited compared to the functionality of a thick client, for example, you cannot operate with application data types
  • using a thin client, it is possible to work with 1C via the Internet - a thin client can connect to a web server via http or https
  • A thick client has a rather large volume of the distribution kit, there may be some difficulties with its installation and configuration - it is desirable that a qualified specialist does this. Whereas installation, setting up a thin client 1C 8.3, connecting an infobase is within the power of any more or less advanced user.

Web client 1C

Web client 1C- at its core, this is not a separate application, but rather a technology that allows you to work in the familiar 1C environment using a browser, simply by specifying the address of the corresponding 1C web server in the address bar. For its operation, you will need to first deploy a web server and publish an infobase on it, and the web client will only work with a 1C configuration that supports the requirements for a thin client.

The web client is good because it does not need to be installed on the user device at all, it can function in all the most common browsers. Of the minuses, one can note limited functionality and the fact that the presence of a web server does not always meet the requirements of information security.

What is faster thin or thick client 1C?

It is difficult to unambiguously answer the question: thin or thick 1C client, which is faster? It depends on the conditions of use.

  • The thin client has low requirements for the user's device and communication channel, while the system's capabilities are almost fully used, but the work may slow down if many employees use server resources at the same time.
  • A thick client can require significant power from the user's computer and a good data transmission channel, while it provides the user with a certain autonomy, his work is not affected by how many people work with the system at the same time, whether there is an Internet connection, etc.

Therefore, before choosing and setting up a 1C client, it is advisable to analyze who and how uses 1C in your company, what types of 1C clients you will need.

  • If this is an accounting department located in an office, which can be provided with sufficiently powerful computers and it is easy to organize their administration, if all these computers are connected to a local network, then a thick client will be more convenient.
  • If your employees often have to work remotely, via the Internet, because they have frequent business trips or they are simply located in other cities, because this is the infrastructure of your company, if they use low-power laptops or other mobile devices, then setting up a thin client is suitable for them 1C.

1C client update

And finally, a few words about how 1C clients are updated:

  • the thin client can be updated automatically via the Internet,
  • updates for a thick client must be downloaded from the 1C website or.

If you have questions about choosing a 1C client, installing, configuring, updating, administering 1C software products, you can contact Integrus specialists or look at the blog section of our company with instructions and recommendations on 1C topics.

Many people are familiar with the name 1C, but not everyone understands exactly how it works. 1C: Enterprise is software, which was originally designed to automate accounting. Today it is used for the operation of the entire enterprise. There are several options for interacting with the database, in this article we will look at the differences between a 1C thick and thin client.

A fat client is a long-familiar work option

The original view of the program view that existed in 1C: Enterprise from the very beginning is called thick. Before version 8:2, it was the only one, and now it is considered the simplest possible. It is worth noting that the application in question lives up to its name. Its functionality includes almost all possible commands, but it requires a very good network speed and fairly large computer resources. This is explained quite simply: most programs in the built-in 1C language are processed by the thick client on the user's computer.

How a thick client works:

  1. First, data is requested from the server;
  2. Server 1C sends a request to the database;
  3. The information is sent to the user's application;
  4. Next, the information is processed.

Thin client - a modern way of working

Introduced in the latest update, the "thin" application is fundamentally different from its predecessor. Now users can work from home without spending extra traffic and without overloading personal PCs. Such a change is caused by some change in the concepts of how such work should take place. The requested processes are processed not on the user's computer, but on the server computer, which then sends the received data to the requester. It turns out that users can breathe easy, but how to find a device that can handle the work of a whole huge enterprise? The manufacturer also provided for this issue - the server can be divided into several computers, having received as much machine power as needed.

This is how the algorithm works:

  • First sends a request to necessary information;
  • The server communicates with the database;
  • 1C server processes the received data;
  • The server sends the requested information to the user.

The information received is enough to understand that there are differences between the applications, so it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with such descriptions before starting work.

Does it make sense to use a thick client?

As already mentioned, many users do not want to accept innovations, and remain faithful to the old application. But is it only a matter of devotion? No and no again.

Whenever possible, you should connect through a thick client. To date, its functionality remains the most ambitious and convenient. For example, the 1C configurator only works in old version, and the file database is accessed exclusively through the “thick” version of the client application.

But no one argues that the idea of ​​a thin client sounds tempting, and everyone will benefit from the full implementation of this plan, especially large enterprises for which it is all conceived. Rumor has it that in the coming years the entire software product will be transferred to a new client, but no one talks about the fate of the fat one. Perhaps, as unnecessary, it will go down in history, but at the moment the time has not come to get rid of such convenience.


Many users of the G8 have already heard such terms as "Thick client" and "Thin client". But few people know what it means.

fat client is the usual way of working with the program. We have long been accustomed to it (since the time of 7.7 and 8.2). In details .

Thin client- this is the 1C launch mode for working via the Internet, when the accounting database is not on our computer or even on our network, but somewhere thousands of kilometers away on a remote server (perhaps in another city or country). In details .

Simply put, for an ordinary accountant who works with the database directly on his computer or in the company's network, there is no difference between a thin and thick client.

But it often happens that some errors appear in one client and are absent in another. As, for example, with the display of transactions in 1C Accounting 8.3.

In this case, it can be useful to find out in which client we are currently working and change it to another.

How do you know which client you are working with? Look at the window with the version of your 1C (on the article):

There, in the "Application" item, your client will be indicated:

About how to change the client is written.

Sincerely, (teacher and developer).

for platform 8.2:

for platform 8.3:

Comment. Automatic thin client update under Windows XP and Windows Vista via 1C: Link may not work. This is not very convenient and we recommend that you consider upgrading to a more modern operating system.

Setting up a 1C Thin Client to work with the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform version and higher

Install the root certificate of the "1C: Link" service in the Windows certificate store according to the instructions for the Internet Explorer browser.


Select "Windows Certificates" as the way to verify the server certificate

Click "Finish"

Setting up automatic authorization on the web server

  • Select the required IB in the 1C Thin Client and click the "change" button
  • Click on the "Additional" link (located under the infobase address field)
  • In the "Select a Web Server User Authentication Method" section, select "Select Automatically" and click "Next".
  • In the certificate settings window, click "Next".
  • In the "Additional launch options" section, specify the line: where login is the login of the web server user, and password is his password.

Click the "Finish" button and check the connection to the infobase.

More details about the settings of the Thin Client on the ITS website.

Setting up a 1C Thin Client to work with the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform version and higher

To work in a thin client, download . Save instead <1C>\bin\cacert.pem , where<1C> - 1C Thin Client installation directory. This will prevent the "Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates" SSL error.

Enter the name of the infobase, select the "Web server" item and click the "Next" button

Enter the address of your infobase: https://<ваш-сайт> where xxx is your web application path.

Click "Finish"

Setting up a 1C Thin Client to work with the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform of versions that are not included in the list of recommended

If you want to use a thin client version other than those recommended above to work in the 1C: Link service, you may need to configure the work according to http or installation STunnel.

Configuring the Thin Client to work via HTTP

The Link Agent has the ability to work in a thin client using the HTTP protocol. However, the preferred protocol for working in a thin client via 1C: Link is HTTPS. It is not recommended to use the http protocol, since when using it, the data is transmitted in unencrypted form and can be intercepted by an attacker.

If you are sure that you need to use this protocol to work in a thin client through the 1C: Link service, you can use the instructions below:

    Open the link agent control panel and enable HTTP (section 4.4 of the 1C: Link user guide).

    Set up the thin client:

Start the thin client and click the add button.

Enter the name of the infobase, select the "Web server" item and click the "Next" button

Enter the address of your infobase: http://<ваш-сайт> where xxx is your web application path.

Click "Finish"

Installing and configuring Stunnel

Install the Stunnel program on a computer with a 1C Thin Client. After installing the program, launch it.

In the window that opens, select the item "Configuration"

In the drop-down menu, select "Edit stunnel.conf"

Notepad will open with a configuration file. Replace the text in the file with the following lines.


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