Accounting info. Module "Production Accounting" in "1C: Trade Management" solution for Integration with other software products and systems

This article will focus on the ERP-system "Manufacturing Enterprise Management". When automating manufacturing companies, this product often turns out to be the best solution, and more than once I have been involved in the implementation of 1C SCP for different organizations.

In the course of work, I noticed that there are practically no reviews of this software product. There is technical documentation, some advice to programmers on solving specific problems in this system, training courses. But for users there is no clear description of the entire system. And very often, before implementing this software product, I have to explain the features, advantages and disadvantages of the "Management of Industrial Enterprises" practically "on the fingers".

Even on Habré, in the ERP section, there was still no information about this system. This is the gap I decided to fill. In addition, I hope that my article will help entrepreneurs and IT professionals at the stage of choosing software for factory automation and prepare them for the features that need to be considered when implementing this system.

In this review, I want to tell you what the SCP ed. system is. 1.3 so that those who decide to buy and implement it are more aware and more conscious in choosing this expensive product. I will try to give an objective assessment of the system, based on my experience with it and the experience of my clients. This review will help someone make a positive decision regarding the acquisition of the program, and someone - the decision to abandon it.

In order to understand the features of the software product, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the system, what tasks are set for it.
  2. To what extent is this system capable of performing its tasks?
  3. Identify the pros and cons of the system.
The first thing that is very important to understand: 1C. Manufacturing enterprise management is not just an accounting system; modern methods enterprise management, and therefore this product is offered for use, including as an ERP system. Further, from the name it follows that this particular product is intended for the operation of industrial-type enterprises. It is from this point of view that I intend to consider the 1C SCP software product.

What is an ERP system?

The ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is a corporate Information system, which is designed to control, record and analyze all types of business processes and solve business problems on an enterprise scale.

Simply put, the ERP system combines all types of accounting that are present in the company. With the use of ERP systems, information is exchanged and interaction is carried out between different departments, etc. In the case of the ERP system "Manufacturing Enterprise Management", the software product offers the implementation of all these functions for a manufacturing company.

When implementing the product "Manufacturing Enterprise Management", the developers tried to combine the maximum possible list of functions in the system. If you look at the documents, you can count as many as 15 subsystems. The fact is that in 1C documents are grouped into subsystems:

  • Manufacturing control
  • Cost management
  • Purchasing management
  • Planning
  • Tax and accounting
  • Wage
  • Personnel accounting, etc.
Those. they tried to include in this system all the functions that may be required for the operation of a manufacturing enterprise. This is exactly how the 1C company positions its ERP system: it already has everything you need to automate any processes without using other software products.

The screenshot I made clearly shows that a very small part of the documents relates directly to production. All other documents are additional subsystems designed to make "Production Enterprise Management" a universal solution for the work of all departments. I see no point in considering all these possibilities in detail, but it is important that each of the subsystems work efficiently and fully and be able to solve the needs of a particular business. In this article, we will dwell in detail on the block that distinguishes SCP from other 1s solutions - Production Management.

1C SCP: more about the product

1C Company positions "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" as one of the flagship products. This is a typical configuration from 1C, i.e. the software product is fully released by 1C itself, and any improvements in the system must be made by official 1C partners. SCP is one of the configurations that is constantly supported by 1C, updates are being released for it, etc.

For this typical configuration, a lot of modified, so-called industry versions have been created: 1C. Mechanical Engineering, 1C. Meat Processing Plant, 1C. Furniture Production, 1C. Polygraphy, etc.

Industry solutions are created by 1C partner companies based on the basic configuration. Usually this happens as follows: improvements are made for a specific customer, after which a new version is “assembled” from them, designed for the selected industry. The modified configuration is named after the industry for which it was written, and is sold as a "boxed solution".

Product cost

In order to work with this configuration, you must purchase the product itself. The recommended price from 1C is 186,000 rubles. And the licensing of this software product is carried out according to a common feature for 1C, i.e. users of other 1C products may not purchase any separate licenses for this system.
Any license, for example, from 1C Accounting or from 1C Trade and Warehouse, will fit this system. Naturally, the cost of licenses for these products is the same.

It is important to understand that industry solutions from 1C partner companies may require their own separate licenses. And here the price may differ from the basic version.

As with other products, licensing is carried out according to one of the options adopted in 1C: for a computer (device) and for a user (connections from any device). Here I will not dwell in detail, since all the information is on the 1C website. You can get acquainted with it at the link:

A lot has been written about the 1C program itself. I also already wrote about this platform, for example, in the article “Why 1C is bad and why 1C programmers are so disliked”. Taking into account the fact that the system "Production Enterprise Management" works on the basis of 1C. Enterprise 8.3, all the advantages and disadvantages of the basic software are also present in it.

Let's take a closer look at the configuration.

In the book Production and Operations Management by R. B. Chase, F. R. Jacobs, N. J. Aquilano, I liked the list of tasks that are set for ERP systems for a manufacturing enterprise:
  1. Keep a record of new orders and inform about them in a timely manner production unit.
  2. Provide the opportunity for the sales department to see at any time the status of the execution of the customer's order.
  3. Provide the purchasing department with the opportunity to see the need for materials in production at any time.
  4. Timely provide the state with data on the work of the company, i.e. maintain accounting and tax records.
Let's take a closer look at each of these points. For clarity, as an example, I will cite one of my clients - a sewing enterprise that uses the SCP system and is a classic and visual model of production. This enterprise has many different departments: design, engineering, production, fabrics and accessories storage department, storage department finished products, management Department.

Accounting for new orders in the sales department

Accounting for orders is an integral part of the work of any sales department. Any order consists of several parts:
  1. Accounting for customers (to whom the sale is carried out);
  2. Accounting for goods (what will be sold to the client).
Buyers (clients) are entered in the directory of Counterparties. Clients can be like individuals as well as legal ones. In the counterparty card, you can specify everything Bank details companies, phone numbers, delivery address and other information necessary for paperwork and sale.

And detailed information about all goods that can be sold is stored in the Nomenclature directory.

The nomenclature is a directory that is designed to store information about goods and services that can be provided to the buyer. And in this system, the nomenclature is one of the most complex reference books.

Here can be stored:

  • Product Name
  • Series
  • Photo
  • Technical documentation files
  • Description and almost any other information about the product.
Using these directories, a sales department employee creates a Customer Order document, where he indicates the counterparty and the list of items with prices.

For example garment production work on the order is divided into the following stages:

  1. Accept the order and fix the customer's need.
  2. If necessary, purchase material for the order.
  3. Make cutting, and then tailoring products.
  4. Carry out inspection (quality control) of goods.
  5. Transfer finished products to the warehouse.
  6. Carry out shipment or delivery to the buyer.
So, the first stage of work has been completed: the Buyer's Order document has been created, which reflects the customer's data and the goods that he needs. Now we need to transfer the information to production.

Notification of production about new orders

Production should see new orders as soon as they arrive. The configuration of 1C UPP, in general, copes with this task. But a counter task arises: production should see only those orders that need to be produced. Those. if the order document specifies goods that are already in stock, the production is not interested in such an order, and its appearance in the list of documents available for production can introduce additional confusion.
Production should see orders immediately after they are received, but only that part of the orders for which products need to be produced.

In order to avoid such problems, 1C developers offer the following solution: on the basis of the Buyer's Order, the sales manager must create a new document - the Production Order, which will list the commodity items that need to be produced.

But this option cannot be called very convenient, since there is one more step in the work, completely dependent on the human factor. Those. after creating an order, the manager may forget to create a production order, make a mistake, and so on. As a result, the necessary goods will not be delivered in time to production plan and the customer will not receive the ordered products on time. Naturally, with full automation of the enterprise, such situations are unacceptable. On the other hand, this problem can be completely solved by creating additional processing.

For a sewing company, we have created the following solution. An additional plug-in was written that creates an order for production automatically, based on a certain list of different conditions.

This processing determined whether the required items were in stock. If not, then the next step was to analyze free items in production. If there are no such products or they are scheduled for a date later than specified in the order, a production order is automatically generated.

Output: the system has everything you need to store information about products and customers. It is possible to create an order and transfer it to production. But for full automation of work, it will still require refinement to the needs of a particular enterprise.

Status of an order in production

As already mentioned, after the order has entered production, it is necessary to provide the sales department with the opportunity to observe the status of the order in real time. It is important for the sales department manager to know at what stage the work is: whether the already ordered product has arrived at work, when it is planned to be completed, etc.

This is done in one of two ways:

  1. The sales manager can track which technological stage there is work on the order: planned, entered work, quality control, etc. Thus, the sales specialist can constantly monitor the work on each of the orders and notify the client about the deadlines.
  2. For the goods, a sales period is set, i.e. the date when the list of the required item will be made, will be checked and will be ready for shipment.
To implement the first option, the necessary tools are not provided in the system. The reports that are available reflect only the status of orders and goods in stock. For production, if it is necessary to implement a phased notification, improvements will be needed.
Unfortunately, in the second case, there are no ready-made tools for cases where production can change the date of the order. Any changes to the date of shipment can only be made by the sales department, moreover, upwards. Usually, the manager can reschedule the shipment to a later date, but the production will have to be notified of the possibility of changing the terms for the creation of goods manually. Also, production, if necessary, cannot postpone the date of shipment, even if it became possible to complete the order faster.
In the basic configuration, any changes in terms and determination of the stage of order fulfillment are performed manually by employees, as a result, an unpredictable human factor is included in the work. But here improvements will help to solve the issue.

So, for the clothing industry, we created a summary report that showed which batch of goods (from which orders) is in production, including from the report you can see which batch is in cutting, which is in tailoring, and so on. Those. we shared production processes into stages, and the report displayed the overall picture - which goods from which orders are at which stages of production, which are in the queue (with an indication of the start date), which are under quality control, which are sent to the warehouse.

Initially, this report was created for production workers so that they could control their work and make adjustments if necessary. But in the future, we opened the same report for the sales department, so that managers could also see the status of this or that order.

Output: the configuration does not provide for automatic data exchange between the sales department and production after the order is transferred to work. But it is possible to implement such solutions based on this configuration by creating additional reports and processing.

Communication between production and purchasing department

A very important point is the provision of production with the necessary materials. At the same time, for correct operation, it is necessary to provide production with everything necessary to fulfill orders and create goods for free sale from the warehouse, and on the other hand, it is necessary that excess materials do not accumulate in the warehouse. Therefore, the supply department must have access to up-to-date information on the amount of materials in stock and current production needs, including a list of materials for orders that are just planned for production.

How this work should be done:

  1. A list of needs is formed.
  2. Based on this list and product specifications, a list of materials necessary for the production of products is formed.
  3. Based on the list received, a procurement plan is formed.
  4. In accordance with the procurement plan, the system generates orders to suppliers.
An important flaw in the system: the purchasing department is unable to see what materials, from which suppliers and at what prices to be purchased. Those. the reports show only the general current needs of production, and to get more detailed information further improvements are needed.
The system has a document called Procurement Plan. It collects information about needs, i.e. about what needs to be purchased to ensure production and in what quantity, as it should be in a classic MRP system.

MRP (Material Requirements Planning) - this automated planning the needs of the enterprise in raw materials and materials for production. Planning is based on specifications.

Specification (Bill of Material)- This is a reference book that describes all the parameters of a particular material, its quality, features, tolerances. For a finished product or "semi-finished product", the specification indicates what the product consists of.

For the production of each product, certain materials and semi-finished products are required. Materials can be ordered immediately based on specifications. For semi-finished products, it is necessary to take the next step - to figure out what materials, in turn, this or that semi-finished product consists of. And also add the necessary materials to the order.

Thus, each finished product is automatically broken down into materials in a few steps. For example:

The suit consists of trousers, a jacket and packaging (package). Pants and a jacket are semi-finished products that need to be decomposed in the next step; to create a package, the material can be immediately added to purchases. At the second step, the trousers are “divided” into different types of fabric, threads, zipper, buttons. Similarly, the jacket also consists of different types fabric, thread and buttons. All these materials are added to the procurement plan.

Now you can proceed to the selection of a supplier for each of the materials and create an order. All the steps listed above in the SCP system are not automated, and therefore some improvements will be required to solve the problem. At the same time, the configuration provides the ability to store all requirements, it is also possible to collect information on purchases. But in the basic version, they all require human participation, which reduces the level of convenience and reliability. Therefore, external processing will also be very useful here, especially since all the data and access to them are available in the system.

For the sewing industry, we solved the issue as follows. Based on the report developed for production, as well as information on orders, the need for the necessary materials was automatically calculated. Further, the materials stored in the warehouse were subtracted from this list, and a report was created with which it was possible to make purchases. Next, suppliers report how quickly they can deliver the materials. And this information is already manually entered into the system, on the basis of which sellers will be able to notify customers about the timing of the production of orders.

Accounting and tax reporting in a "boxed solution"

The typical configuration of “Manufacturing Enterprise Management”, according to the developers, should collect all the information necessary for accounting and tax reporting and create all the reporting necessary for the work of accounting.
And here this configuration has a very large "Achilles' heel". The fact is that in each document there are three checkmarks:
  • UU - a document passed through management accounting;
  • BU - the document passes through accounting;
  • NU - the document passes through tax accounting.

Since the documents are not divided into different systems, the human factor comes into play. For example, an employee of the purchasing department or a storekeeper, after receiving materials, posts an incoming document. The material is taken into account. But if at the same time he did not put a “tick” on the BU, then the accountant does not see the document, and he himself posts the receipt invoice on the basis of the tax invoice received by him. As a result, the document is corrected twice by different authors. And if there are any errors, it will be very difficult to identify the culprit.

How is this problem solved in different occasions, I don't know. So far, I have come across options where the management agreed with this shortcoming and preferred to rely on employees. The only method of protection against the human factor that has been implemented is setting the default checkboxes. In principle, in the small and medium business with which I usually work, this is really enough.

Integration with other software products and systems

Integration is an important step that is necessary when automating the work of any company, including production. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that integration is an expensive process that takes a significant amount of time and effort. Since we are talking about a complex multifunctional ERP system, for high-quality process automation, you will need to obtain a large amount of various data from different sources.

If you look from the point of view of production, then you will definitely need to upload data on the timing of production, semi-finished products and materials into the system. The purchasing department uploads invoices and other incoming documents to the system. The sales department needs to upload order information and so on. In addition, different situations are possible in production, and it is very important that the system receives timely information about the consumption of material, the percentage of defects, the postponement of production due to some difficulties that arose during the work, etc.

For example, at a sewing enterprise, integration with a cutting machine was carried out. Also, integration with any CAD, with the company's website, with other solutions is often required. And this stage of work often takes up to 30% of the budget.
At the same time, without such integrated solutions, the use of the EPR system will not be effective, you will not be able to reach a new level of control and automation of the enterprise. This is very important to understand.

Any system is only as effective as its weakest link. And if, during implementation, integration is abandoned in one case or another, and rely on the human factor, errors will definitely accumulate, and the whole system will become unstable.
For example, if we are talking about the design of a new product, then all project documentation should be uploaded from the design system (CAD) to the ERP system automatically. And then, in case of any questions and difficulties, it will always be possible to understand what specific product is being discussed. And designers will be able to make the necessary changes quickly and without errors.

When it comes to production, it is very important to receive information about incoming orders (for example, from a website or from a special order form) that need to be produced in a timely and error-free manner, as well as to transmit information about actually used materials in a timely manner and without errors, which will allow you to continue working. without downtime.

I have already mentioned above that at the sewing enterprise it was necessary to carry out integration with a cutting machine that cut 36 layers of fabric at the same time, it was necessary to obtain information about trimmings, the amount of scrap, and distribute this scrap to the cost of the entire batch of products. Accordingly, an add-on was required that integrated directly with the machine so that the system understood the data that came out of it and sent the data to the machine in a format that it could understand. In addition, processing was required for the data received from the machine to calculate the marriage and the cost of products.

Also, in many other cases, relying on the human factor is unacceptable, since errors, inaccuracies in the system, untimely entry of information lead to disruptions in work. Therefore, integration is a process, of course, not fast and expensive, but necessary to improve the quality of work.

Industry Solutions

In addition to the basic configuration 1C. SCP there is a significant number of industry solutions. They are created by 1C partner companies based on the basic configuration. Most often, such solutions appear as a result of the introduction of 1C.UPP for a manufacturing enterprise. After that, the modified version of the configuration for a particular industry is slightly improved and offered as a ready-made industry solution to customers.

Now on the 1C website you can find such configurations for almost any industry. But it is very important to understand the following points:

  1. The configuration was finalized for the needs of a particular enterprise. And there is no guarantee that this approach will work for your company. For example, dairy production can be engaged in the creation of weight cottage cheese and sour cream, or it can pack these products in certain containers. It can produce milk, kefir and ryazhenka, and can specialize in yoghurts and desserts. In each of these cases, different improvements will be required. And it’s not a fact that the ones offered in the basic version from partners will suit you.
  2. Industry-specific configurations are performed by partner companies on the basis of the main one, while significant changes are made to the configuration itself. Therefore, updates for the basic version of 1C. SCP for the industry configuration will not work. Users will have to wait until the 1C partner company also updates the industry version.

A few words about 1C. SCP ERP 2.0

There is also a separate 1C configuration. UPP ERP 2.0, which was made significant improvements and additions necessary to automate the management of a manufacturing enterprise. Those. this configuration is positioned not just as a complete solution, but as a universal solution for a manufacturing enterprise, which includes a complete ERP system.

This system is also created on the basis of 1C, the configuration is also complex, not modular. Therefore, all the features of 1C products in principle, as well as the problems encountered when implementing complex 1C configurations, are also inherent in this system.

On the one hand, version 1C. SCP ERP 2.0 is really distinguished by an extended set of functions, primarily related to automation and control issues. But this software product was created relatively recently. And I believe that it is too early to switch to this version due to the fact that it has not yet been fully developed.

It is constantly updated with new features, new directories, documents, reports, unlike 1C. UPP, to which the updates include only the correction of identified bugs and updates of accounting and tax reporting related to changes in legislation.

In addition, the system 1C. SCP ERP 2.0 is much more expensive than the 1C configuration. SCP.

Pros and cons of the 1C SCP system

The system is indeed complex and, with appropriate refinement, it can perform the functions of managing a certain type of manufacturing enterprise. It is also important to understand that each industry will require different improvements. If the system was created for tailoring, it will not be suitable for a dairy production plant. Of course, you can also use industry-specific solutions, but I personally do not recommend using such solutions.

Simply because if the typical configuration of "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" does not suit you in many ways, then industry solutions will not do either. In this case, it will be easier to choose another product or actually order a customized solution. And if the typical configuration suits you for the most part, then the number of improvements and settings for the specifics of a particular business for a typical solution and an industry one will not differ much.

An important disadvantage of the system is the lack of modularity. Those. to solve certain problems, you can create certain processing or reports, "add-ons" on the system. They will work, but the basic solutions will remain intact. But if for some purpose you need to make changes to the work of documents or directories, you will need to make changes to all subsystems that exist in the configuration.

Due to the lack of modularity in this system, it is impossible to make any significant adjustments to the accounting department or, for example, to the work warehouse accounting without significant changes in documents and reference books intended for other departments. They are all connected and work with the same directories and documents. However, this feature is widely known, as it is inherent in all software products from 1C.

That is why no one usually makes significant improvements in this system, they try to get by with external processing, reports and other add-ons. Industry solutions are most often just a variation of such a set of add-ons that was created for a particular enterprise related to a specified area. And you will still need certain improvements, the cost of which differs little from the refinement of the basic configuration. And the reliability of a typical solution is always higher than products from partner companies.

Output. If you are satisfied with the basic configuration of the system, it is best to buy and install it. But at the same time, it is very important that experienced specialists who will be able not only to configure software, but also make all the necessary improvements for your business, reports, integrate with other software products and systems.

With a competent approach, the 1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management system becomes an excellent tool that will allow you to get a high level of automation of business processes and coordinate the work of different departments of the company.

As a conclusion, I want to give some advice to those who decide to purchase and implement the program “1c: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 ed.1.3”:
1. Choose a strategy
SCP is a complex and large product that claims to be universal. The product is expensive, and I'm talking here not only about the cost of acquisition, but also about the cost of owning the program - qualified specialists are expensive, and there are very few of them. Choose a strategy and determine why you are buying this particular program and how you will use it, what you are going to do with it next.

What are the strategies? A client of mine chose this configuration because "it's the only system that has it all." This enterprise worked in several systems: 1s, Excel, etc. - they decided to take one system for accounting consolidation.

Another company, which was developing production, wanted to control work in progress - they were worried about accounting for materials in production. This is also a strategy.

2. Consider integration
Integration must be thought through initially in order to assess what financial and time resources will be spent on its implementation. An objective assessment of this fact can influence the decision to purchase this program or give preference to another product.
3. Assess the need for SCP in terms of company size
Not for every company, SCP is suitable. I saw a company that employed 15 people. The SCP system was somehow “inherited” to them, but at the same time, implementation and refinement cost big money, and in the end they never switched to SCP. You need to understand that if your company is not ready enough to work with such a complex product, then there will be no effect from it. I do not recommend this configuration for a small company.
4. Assess the need for SCP from an industry perspective
Although 1s writes that SCP is a universal solution, it must be understood that it is only suitable for assembly production, which involves the assembly of several parts of one whole product. For release, for example, building materials, mixtures, this configuration did not fit.

Standard solution for factory automation

The “Production + Services + Accounting” configuration for the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system is a standard solution for automating medium and small enterprises, the main activities of which are the production of products, the provision of services, and wholesale trade.

Distinctive features of this configuration:

  • wide experience of use in enterprises various kinds activities;
  • maintenance of the main sections of the operational management accounting and all sections accounting;
  • high degree of automation and accounting detail
  • close integration of operational and accounting;
  • wide possibilities of data analysis for managers and accountants.

Operational accounting

Operational accounting is carried out with a high degree of detail and automation of accounting processes


  • Maintenance of cost standards per unit and preparation of a planned cost estimate for manufactured products
  • Production cost control includes material costs, returnable waste, semi-finished products, technological operations, third-party services and indirect costs (general production, general business and others)
  • Unbundling of complex products. Target cost tree
  • An arbitrary number of cost specifications for one type of product
  • Planning of production volumes and control of execution of plans
  • Determining the need for raw materials based on planning and regulatory information
  • Automatic calculation of the actual cost of manufactured products based on the results of the month
  • Comparison of actual and planned cost
  • Accounting for production costs by origin, product type and cost element
  • Automatic calculation of work in progress balances (with the possibility of manual adjustment)
  • Accounting for the release of finished products based on cost standards, as well as individual specifications for each release
  • Accounting for the cutting (disassembly) of materials and output
  • Accounting for semi-finished products and support for multi-stage production
  • Accounting for the processing of tolling raw materials
  • Transfer of raw materials for processing to third parties
  • Payroll for individual and team orders
  • Accounting for work performed and services rendered

Settlements with counterparties

  • Accounting for sales of products, goods, works and services
  • Accounting for the transfer for sale of products and goods
  • Accounting for import operations
  • Flexible pricing mechanism
  • Accounting for mutual settlements in the context of contracts, as well as individual deliveries and payments
  • Accounting for orders for the supply of products to customers and control of execution
  • Reservation of products in the warehouse on request
  • Formation of orders to suppliers and control of deliveries
  • Flexible system for tracking mutual settlements and offsetting advances
  • Carrying out offsets
  • Automatic construction of books of purchases and sales with the possibility of manual formation of entries, if necessary
  • Detailed analytical reports on mutual settlements

Inventory control

  • Accounting for inventory and movement of products, materials and goods
  • Batch accounting of the cost of materials and goods, write-off according to the LIFO, FIFO, "average" methods
  • Accounting for balances imported goods, in the context of cargo customs declarations(GTE)

Accounting and tax accounting

Accounting is supported for all sections of accounting


  • New Chart of Accounts
  • Operational support for the latest changes in tax and accounting legislation
  • Detailed analytical accounting (multidimensional and multilevel)
  • Multilevel synthetic accounting
  • Automatic generation of postings according to primary documents
  • Possibility of generating arbitrary manual postings
  • Formation of accounting and tax reporting

Main sections of accounting

  • Accounting for settlements with accountable persons
  • Accounting for accrual and payment of wages
  • Accounting for operations on a foreign currency account and exchange rate differences
  • Settlements with the budget
  • Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets
  • Accounting for bank and cash transactions

The relationship between operational and accounting

Accounting data is used to automatically calculate the total cost of production (including indirect costs) and determine the financial result. All operational accounting operations are automatically reflected in accounting for an arbitrary period. It is possible to generate detailed entries for each business transaction and consolidated entries for the period

Tax accounting is implemented in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation


  • the procedure for determining and classifying income;
  • the procedure for determining and classifying expenses;
  • order of organization tax accounting income and expenses;
  • the procedure for determining and calculating the tax base;
  • maintenance (formation) of analytical registers of tax accounting.

When registering business transactions in tax accounting, the program uses accounting data. This avoids manual re-entry of data. In addition to reflecting individual business transactions for tax accounting purposes, the configuration implements automatic execution of many routine operations. The formation of tax registers in terms of the maintenance procedure and the composition of indicators complies with the recommendations of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation. The configuration includes a corporate income tax return, which is automatically filled out according to tax accounting data. At all stages of preparation, tax accounting and declaration formation, manual data adjustment is possible. The implementation of tax accounting is focused mainly on enterprises that keep accounting on an accrual basis.


The configuration includes a variety of reports designed to obtain both management and accounting information. Operational accounting reports allow you to quickly obtain information such as inventory balances, work in progress, counterparty debts, as well as conduct a detailed analysis of production costs, mutual settlements, plans, etc.

The configuration includes the following management reports:

  • Product cost analysis
  • Production costs and work in progress
  • Material shortage sheet
  • Warehouse accounting of inventories
  • Mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers
  • Execution of customer requests
  • Production plan
  • and others

A set of reports for analyzing balances and movements on accounting accounts allows an accountant to easily navigate through transactions. These reports include:

  • Turnover balance sheet
  • main book
  • Account card
  • and others

A full set of accounting and tax regulated reports makes it much easier to submit reports.

Application features of the configuration

  • Work in progress is valued at cost, taking into account the share of indirect costs, and completely remains with the enterprise
  • The sale of finished products is carried out from the warehouse of finished products
  • Accounting for the cost of products (works, services) and balances of work in progress is carried out in the context of types of products (works, services), divisions, orders for production (in case of order accounting), items and names of costs
  • In one infobase, records are kept for one organization, records for several organizations can be kept in different infobases

Additional features

Flexibility and customizability The configuration can be adapted to any accounting features at a particular enterprise. This means the ability to enter your own accounting mechanisms into the configuration, set up the reflection in the accounting of any specific business transactions. It is also possible to create the necessary additional analytical reports for the needs of the enterprise. Data exchange For a more complete and detailed payroll calculation, it is possible to exchange data with the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 "Salary + Personnel" configuration. This allows you to obtain from the configuration in which the full payroll is maintained, the necessary information for calculating the cost of production. Internet support The mechanism of Internet user support allows you to quickly receive exchange rates and the classifier of banks in the Russian Federation. With it, you can send a question to the consultation line or your opinion about using the program. For ITS Disk subscribers, configuration updates and new reporting forms are available.

System requirements

To use the "Production + Services + Accounting" configuration, you must have two components of the "1C:Enterprise" system: "Operational Accounting" and "Accounting". The configuration itself and the specified components are part of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7. Set for small firm» and integrated delivery of 1C:Enterprise. If the “Production + Services + Accounting” configuration is purchased separately, you must additionally purchase two 1C:Enterprise products, which include the Operational Accounting and Accounting components.

Each employee of the company will be able to improve their results with the help of the program.

With the module "Accounting for production" you can:

  • Increase the profitability of the enterprise
  • Standardize output
  • Save raw material costs in production
  • Reduce the percentage of rejects and waste in the production of products
  • For a batch of products, obtain information from which batch of raw materials is made
  • Take into account the working hours of production workers
  • Increase labor productivity
  • Reduce downtime of machines and equipment

Video review of the "Production Accounting" module in "1C: Trade Management"

"Production accounting" in "1C: Trade Management" is:

The cost of the module "Production Accounting" for 1C: Trade Management"

21 thousand rubles, VAT exempt

Implementation and launch of "Production Accounting"

When purchasing the "Production Accounting" module, we will install it in your "1C: Trade Management" program.

Many users perform this operation themselves.

In the early stages of working with the program, you may need support, improvements for your production.

If you do not know exactly what you need in advance, but want to plan your budget, we offer the following service packages.

Works, services





Cost (rub, including VAT) - 14 400 55 680 285 600
Creating a database or installing into an existing one + + + +
Set up accounting parameters + + + +
Entering Users and Setting Permissions - + + +
Transfer of directories Nomenclature, Counterparties, Recipes from other databases "1C:Enterprise 8" - - + +
Development and consultations (hours included in the price) 2 8 32 170
Technical support(months) 1 1 3 6
The cost of additional hours is RUB/hour. (including VAT) 2 000 1 800 1 800 1 800

The proposed division is based on our experience with productions of various sizes - from 5 to 30 employees.

Rate "Base" suitable for companies that have a full-time 1C specialist who performs a significant part of the work, and our specialists participate in the implementation as needed. If the company does not have specialists, but the solution we offer is suitable without special modifications and there is no need for support. In this case, our specialists perform work within the selected tariff and all work is performed at the specified cost.

Tariff option "Standard" suitable for those companies that see the need to implement minimal changes in the production accounting module in accordance with the specifics of the enterprise. And they also want to plan further changes that can be implemented at a discount in cost.

Tariff options "Optimal" And "Pro" choose companies that need regular and systematic work to optimize production accounting processes. Such companies understand the need to support automation in order to work more efficiently.

The choice of implementation plan depends on the characteristics of each customer. Give us a call and we'll create a plan that's right for you.

Field implementation of production accounting in 1C

For companies outside the Moscow region, the implementation and launch of production accounting is usually performed remotely.

But if you need the visit of our specialist, then in addition to the cost of the 1C solution itself, the implementation includes:

  • The cost of travel to the Customer and back.
  • Cost of living if you plan to stay more than one day
  • The cost of a working day at the rate of 2000 rubles per hour (including VAT) and 8 hours

Maintenance "Accounting for production"

We support the "Production Accounting" module in "1C: Trade Management" in one of two modes:

  • Under the ITS agreement.
  • We conclude an ITS agreement at a tariff not lower than ITS PROF (2h)(Support under the ITS:PROF contract)

    We install the latest updates "1C: Trade Management rev.11". If a new update interferes with the work of the "Production Accounting" module, then we configure joint work new version"1C: Trade Management rev.11" and module "Accounting for production".

  • One-time provision of services with hourly payment.
  • You independently install updates "1C: Trade Management rev.11"

    If necessary, we provide services for adapting the "Production Accounting" module to new versions of "1C: Trade Management rev.11". Practice shows that usually such a need arises once every three to four months and it takes 2-3 hours.

More than 5 years of experience in the implementation of accounting in production.

Implementation examples

In this article, we will look at the instructions for simple example reflection of production operations in 1C 8.3 "for dummies", starting with the receipt of materials and ending with the release of finished products.

In our this step-by-step example, we will release products in 1C 8.3 - a chair.

Before we can produce anything, we need to purchase materials (boards, nails and varnish). In 1C: Accounting, this operation is reflected in the document "Receipt (acts, invoices)". The type of operation in this case will be “Goods (invoice)”. Materials arrive on the tenth account.

We will not fill out this document in detail. If you have any difficulties, we advise you to read or watch the video:


You can go to the specifications of the item from its card in the reference book (“More” submenu).

From the list form, you can create a new specification and specify an existing one as the main one.

Let's create a new specification and fill in its tabular part.

By default, the first created specification will automatically be set as the main one for this product. In our case, the production of one chair requires 1 board, 100 grams of nails and 800 milliliters of varnish.

Write-off of materials

Most often, materials in 1C 8.3 are written off to production either, or:

  • TN is usually used in cases where there is no reference to a specific finished product. For example, we write expendable materials, general business expenses, etc.
  • The production report for a shift writes off materials for a specific product.

Invoice claim

This document is located in the "Production" section.

In the header of the document, fill in the organization and department. Next, add all write-off items and their quantity to the table of materials.

The expense account when posting the document will be substituted automatically. If you need to change it, for example, instead of the main production, specify general business expenses, set the flag in the "Cost accounts on the "Materials" tab" item. In the appeared column of the table of materials, make any necessary changes.

In our example, we will write only three of our own materials. We will not use customer materials.

When carrying out this requirement, the invoice will generate three movements along.

Detailed article for this operation, read the article or watch the video on the example of stationery:

Release of finished goods using the Shift production report

Now let's look at how to make a similar write-off, but with reference to a specific product. This is usually done using the Shift Production Report document. It is also located in the "Production" section.

In the header, select the organization, department, and cost department. Default cost account 20.01.

On the first tab "Products" add a line and select our "Carved Chair". Immediately after that, the main specification and accounting account will be automatically substituted. You can change the values ​​in these columns if necessary.

On the services and returnable waste tab, we will not fill in anything. Let's move on to filling out the materials.

On the last tab "Materials" click on the "Fill" button and all the data will automatically get here from the specified specification. In our case, three materials were added: board, nails and varnish.

This document generated four postings: one for the production of “Carved Chair” products and three for the write-off of materials (boards, nails, varnish) into production.


If we compare the movements of the requirement-invoice and the production report for the shift, then it is easy to see the difference between the purpose of these documents.

  • The invoice requirement generates only postings for the write-off of materials to production (Dt 20.01 - Kt 10.01).
  • The shift production report makes absolutely identical write-off entries, but also releases finished products (Dt 43 - Kt 20.01).

In this regard, do not write off materials for production with an invoice requirement if you already write them off with a production report for a shift. Otherwise, this material will simply be written off twice.

The 20th account itself is closed at the end of the month by the corresponding routine operation to close the month.

We briefly reviewed the process of releasing finished products and accounting for production costs in 1C 8.3. Further, it is possible to sell these goods and materials to our customers using the document.

The correctness and timeliness of determining the cost of manufactured products is one of the key factors that create competitive advantages any production. Production accounting, implemented in programs based on 1C:Enterprise, not only allows you to quickly obtain complete information about the cost of manufactured products, but also calculate the profitability of the production itself. These data may serve as a basis for making management decisions planning, attracting investments, etc.

Stages of production in 1C 8

The production of any kind of goods can be divided into several conditional cycles:

  • Procurement and posting of materials;
  • Transfer of materials to production;
  • Output;
  • Calculation of the cost of finished products.

Today we will tell you in detail how in 1C production is taken into account as a process, as well as how all its stages are reflected. Our tool will be the most popular program of the company 1C - "1C: Enterprise Accounting 3.0", and as an example we will use light industry, more precisely - the production of leather goods.

Creation of a product range in 1C

Accounting for production begins with the definition of the range of goods produced. To do this, in the 1C system, go to the "Directories" menu, then in the "Goods and Services" section, click the "Nomenclature" pointer. When you click the "Create" button, the "Nomenclature (creation)" window pops up, in which you need to fill in the fields characterizing the name of the product, its full and short name, article number and unit of measure. In the future, this will greatly simplify the accounting of our products. In our example, this is a black bag from genuine leather.

After entering the nomenclature into the system for at least one type of material, the system activates the "Specification" tab.

In the conventional sense, a specification is a document that establishes requirements. The specification of the goods produced is an approved list of materials and accessories for tailoring a unit of goods. In our example, the specification includes the following list of materials:

  • Genuine black leather/40 cm;
  • Black threads / 20 m;
  • Zipper long / 30 cm / 1 piece;
  • Short zipper/15cm/1pc

Purchase and posting of materials in 1C

Accounting for production in 1C must begin with the definition of cost estimates. Further, the purchasing department concludes a number of contracts for the purchase of the necessary materials. Production accounting in 1C allows you to register all contracts, as well as invoices from suppliers in relation to specific contracts. To do this, in the "Purchases" section, select the "Invoice from the supplier" or "Invoices received" tab.

After paying the invoice, accounting in 1C allows you to accept materials to the warehouse without re-entering the purchased list of goods into the system. 1C automatically posts to the debit of account 10 “Materials” from the credit of account 60 “Suppliers and contractors”.

Transfer of materials to production in the 1C system

We have the materials we need in stock. Now 1C allows the formation of an electronic document "Requirement-invoice". Why do we need it? This document allows you to write off materials from the warehouse to production. We can find it in the "Production" menu. Next, using the "Create" button, enter information on the necessary materials, their quantity, as well as the write-off account.

Holding this document in 1C will formulate the posting of the write-off of materials (credit of account 10) for production (debit of account 20). The requirement-invoice can be generated both for one type of material, and for all materials necessary for production. Please note that accounting in 1C allows you to write off for production only those materials that were previously credited to the warehouse, which creates additional control, both in terms of accounting for materials in the warehouse and the actual write-off to production. In its turn, right choice nomenclature will avoid the write-off of materials that are not directly related to this type of product. That is, if an organization, for example, is engaged in the production of two or more types of products, control according to the “nomenclature” mode will help to avoid inaccuracies in accounting.

To sew a handbag, it is necessary to write off the following materials for production:

  • Leather;
  • Threads;
  • Fittings;
  • Lining material.

These costs form the variable costs of our production.

For reflection fixed costs production, it is necessary to uncheck the box “Cost accounts” on the “Materials” tab in the “Requirement-invoice” document. This operation will allow you to create a new tab "Cost Account". Since in our example the organization is only engaged in sewing handbags, all other costs associated with the maintenance of management personnel can be immediately written off to production.

Accounting for the release of finished products in 1C

Based on the results of the shift work, the document “Production report for the shift” is created in the “Production” menu.

This document reflects the number of bags sewn per shift. To do this, press the "Create" button in the menu, then in the "Nomenclature" reference book, select the type of bags made of genuine leather sewn for the shift, set the quantity and the estimated planned cost (since actual cost calculated at the end of the month, after all scheduled operations). Please note that the document "Report of production for a shift" can also be generated on the basis of the "Requirements-invoice".

Important! In this document, you must select account 43 "Finished products", and also link the specification of a specific type of bags, since they may differ in color, with other identical production costs.

In the "Materials" tab, pressing the "Fill" button will allow 1C to automatically transfer everything from the specification necessary materials for the production of a unit of a product, while the quantitative characteristics can be edited. At the same time, materials for production will be written off: leather, threads, accessories, lining material. This operation is accompanied by posting Debit 20 of the account "Main production" / Credit 10 of the account "Materials". Accounting in 1C allows you to simultaneously, when posting this document, generate a posting for the release of products from production: Debit account 43 “Finished products” / Credit account 20 “Main production”.

Calculation of the cost of finished products in 1C

The documents "Requirement-invoice" and "Report of production for a shift" form the same postings for writing off materials for production (Dt-20 sch. Kt-10 sch.). In order not to write off the same materials for production twice, you need to post one of the specified documents - “Production report for a shift”, since in addition to writing off materials, it generates a posting for the release of products from production.

The calculation of the actual cost of finished products is carried out in 1C by carrying out a routine operation to close the month. To do this, in the menu "Operations" you need to select the section "Regular operations". By pressing the "Create" button, a list of routine operations is formed: "depreciation of the cost of fixed assets", "calculation of taxes" and so on. We choose to create an electronic document "Closing accounts 20, 23, 25, 26". Recall that the debit of account 20 "Main production" reflects the costs attributed to production, and the credit takes into account finished products from production. The difference between the debit and credit of account 20 is the actual cost of the goods we produced.

Accounting for work in progress in 1C

Thanks to 1C, production accounting is greatly simplified and allows you to control the production process at each of its stages. However, please note that the end of the month and the performance of routine operations do not always coincide with the production process, and at the end of the reporting period there may be work in progress. For solutions this issue accounting in 1C is supplemented by the module "Inventory of work in progress". The importance of this operation is due to the fact that accounting for work in progress is directly related to financial results activities of the organization for reporting period. In addition to meeting the requirements of accounting, a periodic inventory of work in progress allows you to assess the quality of products, compliance with its nomenclature, the presence of defects or surpluses in production.

In order to properly register work in progress in 1C, you need to select the “Inventory of WIP” section in the “Production” menu. The document is designed to account for balances by cost divisions, as well as cost accounting accounts. By clicking the "Create" button, we form electronic document"Inventory of work in progress (creation)". Next, we sequentially fill in the details of the document: number, date, amount of the balance in the context of item groups, etc.

When forming the cost of finished products, it may include the cost of WIP of the previous month. It is important to remember that work in progress is a product that has not passed all the stages (stages) of production on a certain date. When accounting for work in progress, account 21 “Semi-finished products” is also applied own production».

Accounting for semi-finished products of own production in 1C

The use of account 21 “Semi-finished products of own production” in accounting is necessary for organizations that have established the release of semi-finished products as a separate production cycle, other companies keep records of semi-finished products as part of work in progress. The debit of this account in correspondence with account 20 “Main production” reflects the amounts of actual costs for the manufacture of semi-finished products, the credit is used to write off the cost of used semi-finished products to the same production accounts.

The production of semi-finished products is documented by the document “Production report for a shift”, created in the menu “Production” / “Product output”. The fields are filled in sequentially: write-off account (as a rule, 20/1 "Main production"), the production unit that produced the semi-finished product, quantity, planned cost, accounting account 21 "Semi-finished products of own production". Posting this document is the basis for accounting for semi-finished products in stock.

Closing cost accounts in 1C

Closing of expense accounts (20/21/25/26/29) is carried out by carrying out the scheduled operation "Closing the month". If everything is relatively clear with direct costs (these are materials, wage workers engaged in the production of a particular type of product), then with overhead (indirect) costs, everything is much more complicated. For the correct distribution of indirect costs, the accountant needs to carefully work out and reflect in the "Accounting Policy" section the method of cost distribution. As a rule, this distribution is proportional to either the output of finished goods or wages.

If the cost accounting method is incorrectly or incompletely reflected, the 1C system provides information indicating a specific error in the accounting policy, as well as a proposal for its elimination.

Indirect costs are debited to account 20 "Main production" or immediately charged to account 90 "Sales". Closing of accounts for accounting for indirect costs is carried out before the closure of account 20 "Main production".

With the correct setting of accounting for indirect costs, the amounts on accounts 25/26/29 will be distributed among the product groups of manufactured goods in proportion to the selected method. In our example, the organization produces only a handbag, and therefore, all amounts of indirect costs are written off only for the production of this product. Account 20 "Main production" is closed by account 40 "Finished products".

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that the accounting capabilities implemented in the 1C: Accounting program cover all stages of production and provide ample opportunities for monitoring, analyzing and tracking their progress. Naturally, production accounting in the program we have considered has a universal, and therefore somewhat “superficial” character. The most complete accounting automation capabilities for manufacturing plant are offered in such solutions as "1C: UNF", "1C: Integrated Automation", as well as for the most large industries- "1C:ERP".


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