Dramatization of a fairy tale house with parents. Staging in the middle group according to the tale: Teremok. Musical and creative game: "Take your place"

Dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Teremok" (with the participation of parents).

About me: The work of the educator is both complex and creative, and therefore very interesting. Someone may consider me insincere, but I cheer for every child, and this “illness” fills my life with meaning. Communicating with children, I try to make every child feel part of a large and friendly family, so that he is waiting for a meeting with the children and the teacher and is sure that they are waiting for him here with joy. To achieve this is not an easy task for the educator! A teacher who respects the personality in his students is always respected and loved. Children feel respect, and, seeing the example of their teachers, begin to reciprocate. Do not skimp on praise, compliments and kind words. “Share your smile, and she will come back to you more than once” - is sung in a famous song. But sometimes a smile is not enough if you smile fake. The most effective, in my opinion, educational tool is a personal example of a teacher. It is not enough for the teacher to know what needs to be done “well”; he needs to be the first to do it every day. It is children, and only they who know how to love disinterestedly and to inspire, inspire and inspire confidence with their love. I look forward to talking with them, prepare for them, select the right words. All that I do is only for them and for their sake! And this communication gives me joy and pleasure, because I feel that they need me, and I need them. And most importantly, the main assistants in my work are the parents of my students. They participate in theatrical productions, we go fishing in the winter, hiking with them. They come to our group to talk about their hobbies. Organize excursions to the place of work. Participate in competitions for the best design of the winter site. They take an active part in drafts tournaments. And I am glad and pleased that not only mothers participate in the life of the group, but also fathers, grandmothers, and grandfathers. In this reciprocity lies the happiness of any teacher, because communication with children and their parents is a kind of balm for the soul, a drink of vivacity and eternal youth. I keep a chronicle of the life of our group, which reflects the most interesting moments. Educator, be the sun. Radiate human warmth, be fertile ground for the development of human feelings and this knowledge, not only in the memory and consciousness of your students, but, first of all, in their souls and hearts.

  Creating comfortable conditions for attracting parents to joint activities with children in kindergarten.

1. To promote emotional rapprochement of children and parents during joint games and exercises.
  2. To teach children the ability to listen and expressively pronounce individual sentences and phrases.
  3. To develop in children an interest in participating in theatrical games, together with their parents.
  4. Educate love for fairy tales.

Methodical techniques:
  Art word, finger games, round dance, musical rhythmic exercises.

  Teremok, costumes, rattles.

Preliminary work:
  Reading R.S. "Teremok", viewing illustrations for a fairy tale, showing the puppet show "Teremok".

The course of entertainment.

Children to the music come into the hall.

The Storyteller (C).
  Hello kids!
  Girls and boys!
  Glad to see everyone now.
  After all, I have been waiting for you for a long time.
  I am a good storyteller.
  Here came the fairy tale hour.
  He calls us to the theater
  You sit down don't be shy
  Make yourself comfortable.

  Is everyone visible, is everyone heard?
  Cook the ears, the eyes
  I’ll tell you a fairy tale now.
  And I’ll tell you a tale about the tower,
  Which animals found in the forest.

S. (sings)
  It’s in the field of the teremok, teremok-
  He is not low, not high, not high?
  Who, who lives in a small tower?
  Who, who lives in a low?

A mouse comes out to the music, mom, dances, saw a small tower, approaches, knocks.
Mom Mouse (M.)
  Pee Pee.
WITH.   Who are you?
M.   I am a mouse - a louse. And who lives in the tent?
WITH.   Probably no one, just do not answer.
M. Then I will live in it with my mice.
  Mouse run rather toward me.

The mice are dancing, running up to the mouse.

M.   Mousy look, what a beautiful tower,
  We will live here with you, put things in order here,
  We’ll sweep the floor now, wash the dishes, wash all the handkerchiefs, all
  We will pour flowers, we will bake pies. (Imitation of movements).

  And Masha began to live with the mice in the tower.
  Here on the field, field, the frog is jumping.
  Music sounds, the frog jumps, dances, walks to the tower, stops at the door, knocks, asks.
Frog (L.)

Kwa-kwa-kwa! Who, who lives in a small tower?

  Who! Who! lives in a low?
  I am a mouse, a mouse with mice, and who are you?
  I am a frog, a frog, and these are my frogs.
  They love to sing, have fun.
  Frogs run quickly towards me.
  Frogs dance, run up to the frog.
  Frogs with mother frog, sing a song.
  We are funny frogs, kva-kva-kva
  We are funny girlfriends, kva-kva-kva
  We are not afraid of anyone, kva-kva-kva
  We have fun all day, kva-kva-kva.

  Oh, how funny, come live with us!

  A frog with frogs jumped into a teremok, began to live together, sing songs together.
Mice and frogs sing together the song "The Sun."
  Looks at the sun through the window
  Shines in our room.
  We clapped our hands
  Very happy sun.

  Here in the field, the field runs a hare.
  Music sounds, a bunny dances, jumps, goes to the tower,
  stops at the door, knocks, asks.

Hare (Z.)
  Who! Who! Does he live in a teremochka?
  Who! Who! In low lives?

  We are mouse mice!

  We are frogs, frogs.
  And who are you?

  Me, Bunny - long ears, short tail,
  And this, my rabbits, rabbits run rather toward me.
  Bunnies dance, jump, run up to the bunny.
  M. and L. Together:
  Welcome, come to us
  We will live together, play.

  We are happy to live with you:
  Let's play the game "Bunny" with you

All animals go to the clearing, mother Zaychikha conducts the game "Bunny".

The little bunny is sitting,

  He moves his ears.
  Like this, like this.
  He moves his ears.
  Bunny is sitting cold.
  You need to warm the paws.
  Clap, clap, clap, clap.
  You need to warm the paws.
  Bunny is cold.
  You have to ride the bunny.
  Lope, lope, lope, lope.
  You have to ride the bunny.
  Someone scared a hare.
  Bunny jumped and rode off.

After the game, all the animals sit in place.

  They began to live together, live, not to bother.
  Here in the field, field, the wolf is walking.
  Sounds music, the wolf dances, goes to the tower, knocks, asks.

Wolf (V.)
  Who! Who! lives in a tent?
  Who! Who! In low lives?
  I answer Wolf all the time.
  They ask all together:
  " And who are you?".

  I, the top of the gray barrel.
  And this, my wolf cubs, wolf cubs run to me, wolf cubs dance, run up to the wolf.
  All: You are welcome!

V. and the cubs:
  We love to dance.
  With rattles to play
  Rattles we take
  We’ll start a dance.
  Wolf and wolf cubs perform a rattle dance.

  Beasts began to live together in a teremochka,
  Good to make money.

Here in the field, the field the chanterelle runs.
  Sounds music, the fox is dancing, comes to the tower, asks.

Fox (L.)
  Who! Who! Does he live in a teremochka?
  Who! Who! In low lives?
  All in a row correspond to the fox.
  They ask all together:
  "And who are you?".

  I, little fox, sister.
  And, these are my foxes, foxes run to me, foxes dance. Run up to the fox.
  All: You are welcome!

  I invite you all to play the finger game "Fox".
  She ran a forest,
  Fox with a body,
  What’s in the box?
  Forest mushrooms.
  Mushrooms, little breasts.
  For the son, for the daughter.
  All animals pass into place.

S. Sings.
  It stands in the field of the tower, the tower.
  He is not low, not high, not high.
  Who! Who! Does he live in a teremochka?
  Who! Who! In low lives?
  All animals go out, become in a circle.

  Dear animals, who forgot to come to our fairy tale?

All animals:
  - Bear. (At this time, the bear sits on a stump and sleeps).

Round dance game "Bear".
  The teddy bear sat on a stump
  And he fell asleep for an hour

Children:   (threaten with a finger)
- Come on, bear enough to sleep.
  Better we play.

Children:   (clap hands)

Bear:- pulls up, yawns

Children:- You, get up, and do not yawn us soon
  catch up.

  That’s how fun we have, let’s go on a merry dance,
  Guests come to us, we are very glad to friends.
  Sounds music. General dance.

  That’s the end of the tale, and who listened well done.

Scenario of parent-child theater entertainment "Tale after Tale"

  Ivanova Yulia Vasilievna, teacher of the Moscow State Budget Educational Establishment "Kindergarten No. 83", the city of Cherepovets
Appointment:   I bring to your attention a scenario of joint parent-child theater activities. The material will be interesting to teachers and parents of children at the age of four. The script can be used as a final event in the second junior group or as a holiday dedicated to the beginning of the school year in the middle group.
Purpose:   Formation of friendly relationships in the team of the group, both among parents and among children.
Tasks:   Demonstrate to parents some game techniques that allow them to educate children by playing with them. To develop children's coherent speech and children's interaction skills with each other and with adults. To form such character traits in children as patience, friendliness, responsibility.

Entertainment progress:

Part 1. Gingerbread man.
Educator-1.   Today we are going to play and listen to fairy tales. I want to read you a tale about a bun. Here listen (begins to read, the second teacher interrupts at a glance).
Educator-2.   Well, it's not very interesting, it's just boring to just sit there. And all the children know this fairy tale. Let them tell you.
Educator-1.   Try it well. I'll start reading first, and you guys help me, show me. So: (the teacher reads the text for the author, in the roles of children, children-musicians voice the output of all the characters, the scenery is simple: a table, a chair, a doll pot, a bun, a doll, a stove or a toy oven)
  “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. That grandfather says.
  - Come on, old woman, scrape along the box, litter your gut, if you can scrape flour on a bun.
  The woman took the wing, scratched the box, drank the broomstick and scraped two handfuls of flour. Knead the flour on sour cream, cooked Kolobok, buttered it, and put it in the oven to fry. "
Educator-2.   While the gingerbread man roasts in the stove, we will play the game (finger game “Ladushki”, children and parents play, at this time the scenery changes: the Christmas tree and the chair are the forest).

  Trays, trays, bake pancakes (clap their hands, imitating the modeling of pancakes).
Put it on the window, make it cool (palms are turned up, swing them up and down).
  And, cool down, eat (one handful of handfuls, the second make a movement from a handful to the mouth - eat pancakes).
  And we will give sparrows (from a handful make a movement, as if throwing pieces to sparrows).
  Sparrows arrived, all the pancakes were eaten (with a beak with a finger, they knock on a handful).
  Kysh, kysh, flew (waving their palms, driving away sparrows).
  Flew, flew, sat on the head (wave their hands, like wings and press to the head).
  They sat down, sat down, sang a song (arms stretch forward and lower to your knees).
Educator-1.   “Gingerbread man baked, and the woman put it, it is freezing on the window. Gingerbread man lay down, lay down, took yes and rolled (a bun-child comes out, runs around the Christmas tree, musicians play bells)   - from the window to the bench, from the bench to the floor, along the floor to the door, jump over the threshold - yes into the canopy, from the canopy to the porch, from the porch to the yard, from the yard to the gate, further and further straight into the forest. Kolobok rolls along the path, and towards him the Hare:
(baby hare pops up, musicians play xylophone)

  - Do not eat me, Hare, I will sing a song for you:

  I'm a Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,
  I'm scrapped on the box
  A gallop is methen,
  On sour cream bagon
  Yes, in oil is a jaron,
  There is a cold in the window.
  I left my grandfather
  I left my grandmother
  From you, hare, do not cunningly leave!
  And he rolled along the road - only the Hare saw him! ”

Educator-2.   Bunny, don't be upset. Guys will treat you to delicious cabbage (the child-spectator comes out and treats the hare with cabbage - a fake, the musicians play the melody of the hare and he runs away to the audience).
Educator-1.   "Kolobok rolls, rolls, and towards him the Wolf (a wolf comes out, musicians play a tambourine):
  - Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you!
  - Do not eat me, Gray Wolf, I will sing a song for you:
(children viewers help to sing a song)
  I'm a Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,
  I'm scrapped on the box
  A gallop is methen,
  On sour cream bagon
  Yes, in oil is a jaron,
  There is a cold in the window.
  I left my grandfather
  I left my grandmother
  I left the hare
  From you, wolf, do not cunningly escape!
  And rolled along the road - only the Wolf saw him! ”
(kolobok runs away and gets up near the teacher-1, musicians play the kolobok melody)
Educator-2.   You, gray Wolf, do not be sad. Guys will treat you to delicious sausages (the child-spectator comes out and treats the wolf to sausages - a fake, musicians play the melody of the wolf and he runs away to the audience).
Educator-1.   "Kolobok rolls down the path, and the Bear (bear comes out, musicians play the drum):
  - Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you!
  - Where do you, clumsy, eat me. I’ll sing a song for you!
(children viewers help to sing a song)
  I'm a Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,
  I'm scrapped on the box
  A gallop is methen,
  On sour cream bagon
  Yes, in oil is a jaron,
  There is a cold in the window.
  I left my grandfather
  I left my grandmother
  I left the hare
  I left the wolf
  From you, bear, do not cunningly leave!
  And again he rolled - only the Bear saw him! ”
(kolobok runs away and gets up near the teacher-1, musicians play the kolobok melody)
Educator-2.   Bear, do not be sad. Guys will treat you with delicious apples (the child-spectator comes out and treats the bear with an apple - a fake, the musicians play the tune of the bear and he goes to the audience).

Educator-1.   “Kolobok rolls, and the Fox is facing him (a fox comes out, sad, sits down on a stool, musicians play on a metallophone):
  - Gingerbread man, Gingerbread man, where are you going?
  - I’m walking along the path, in a hurry, I have no time to talk with you.
  - Here, always! No one is friends with me. Everyone thinks I'm cunning and mischievous. Ah, I’m kind and affectionate, and I don’t like flour at all, the figure of the shore.

  Kolobok felt sorry for Fox and invited her with him to walk through the woods. ”
(fox and gingerbread man hold hands, walk around the Christmas tree, musicians play a melody of both foxes and gingerbread man)
Educator-2.   Guys, let's help Kolobok to go home to his grandparents. Get up rather in a round dance (all the children walk together in a circle and sing)
  I'm a Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,
  I'm scrapped on the box
  A gallop is methen,
  On the sour cream sack,
  Yes, in oil is a jaron,
  There is a cold in the window.
  I'm going to grandpa
  I'm going to my grandmother.
  Hare and Wolf
  I’m on a visit!
  And the Bear and the Fox,
  I’m also visiting!
Educator-1.   That’s the end of the tale, and who listened well done!
(everyone sits down, the scenery changes: the screen is floor, not big - an imitation of a tower, the actors playing in the next fairy tale are given toys - a finger theater or glove box)
Part 2. Teremok.
Educator-1.   And now it's time to listen to another tale. Are the actors ready? Will the audience help? Getting started!
Educator-2.   “It stands in the woods in the clearing of a small tower. He is neither low nor high. Runs by mouse (musicians play with a clear bell, a mouse runs out, gets up near the screen).   I saw the tower, stopped and asked:
  - no one responds. Mouse entered the tower and began to live in it, alone alone. "
Educator-1.   Guys on the fingers, how many residents in the tower? (viewers show the mouse runs into the tower, behind the screen)
Educator-2.   "I jumped into the clearing Frog frog (a frog runs out, musicians play a bell with a low or muffled sound, it is possible clay).

  I saw the tower, was surprised and asked:
  - Terem Teremok! Who lives in the tower?
  - I, the mouse-louse! And who are you?
  - And I am a frog frog. Take me to your life.
  - Come together more fun. We will have fun living, do not bother! - The frog jumped into the tower. They began to live together. ”
Educator-1.   Guys, how many inhabitants do we have in the tower? (viewers show a frog running behind a screen)
Educator-2.   "Jumped into the clearing Bunny-bouncer (a bunny runs out, musicians play a xylophone).   I saw the tower, stopped and asked:
  - Terem Teremok! Who lives in the tower?
  - I, the mouse-louse!
  - I, the Frog frog. And who are you?
  “And I, Bunny Bunny.” Take me to your life.
- Come in. We will be friends with you, there is enough space for everyone! - answer Mouse and Frog. A hare gallops into a teremok! They began to live together with him. "
Educator 1   How many residents in the tower? (viewers show a bunny running behind a screen)
Educator-2.   “There is a little fox-sister. I saw the tower and stopped (a fox comes out, musicians play on a metallophone).   She knocked softly on the window and asked:
  - Terem Teremok! Who lives in the tower?
  - I, the mouse-louse.
  - I, the Frog frog.
  - I, Bunny-bouncer. And who are you?
  - And I'm a little fox sister. Take me to live with you, I will be friends with you, help in everything, work around the housework.
  - Come in, there's enough room for everyone! - the animals answer her. The chanterelle climbed into the tower. They began to live, live, to make good. ”
Educator-1.   How many of them now live in the tower? Count no one to miss (viewers show the chanterelle running into the mansion).
Educator-2.   “He ran into the clearing with a Wolf-teeth click. Walked around, looked and stopped at the tower (a wolf runs out, musicians play a tambourine).

  He knocked and asked:
  - Terem Teremok! Who lives in the tower?
  - I, the mouse-louse.
  - I, the Frog frog.
  - I, Bunny-bouncer.
  - Me, little fox sister. And who are you?
  - And I, Wolf-teeth click. Take me to your life, I will guard the tower.
  - Come in and find a place for you! - the animals invited him. Wolf and climbed into the tower. They all began to live together in a teremk, to sing songs and not to bother.
Educator-1.   How many are now in the tower? (viewers show a wolf running behind a screen)
Educator-2.   “Suddenly, a club-footed bear walks past. I saw the tower, heard the songs, stopped (bear comes out, musicians play the drum)   and roared in all his might:
  - Terem Teremok! Who lives in the tower?
  - I, the mouse-louse.
  - I, the Frog frog.
  - I, Bunny-bouncer.
  - Me, little fox sister.
  - I, Wolf-teeth click. And who are you?
  - And I, the club-toed bear. I want to live with you. Let me go to your place.
  “Yes, we have no place here at all!” - the animals answer.
  “I'm not proud.” I’ll live on your roof.
  - Yes, you will crush us!
  - No, I won’t crush it.
  - Well, then climb! - and the bear climbed onto the roof. Just sat down, cracked the tower, squinted, and fell apart (the screen retracts to the side, animals squat, sad, cry).   Beasts jumped out of the tower and cry. Where will they live now? ”
Educator-1.   Do not cry animals, and you bear do not worry. It is possible to build a new mansion large, spacious, so that there is enough space for everyone, and guests could be invited.
Educator-2.   Guys, help, get up in a big circle soon! (audience-children stand in a circle, along with the actors who need to pick up toys, all perform movements in accordance with the text) We will cut logs, hammer in nails with a hammer, paint walls, weigh curtains, sweep dust, and wash floors. So they built a tower! Big, beautiful, better than ever! (all raise their hands up, then sit down)
Part 3. Turnip.
Educator-1.   Great to play. Already two tales have been told. Well done, we have children! Now it’s the turn of the parents to show a fairy tale (parents come out with whom the teachers agreed in advance, put on masks, you can distribute notes with the name of the hero and distribute roles in this way, the teacher reads the fairy tale, pauses, adults perform actions in accordance with the text).
  “Grandfather planted a turnip. Turnip has grown sweet ;, strong ;, big, big. The grandfather went to pull out a turnip from a bed: he pulls, pulls, cannot pull. Grandfather called grandmother. Grandma for grandfather, grandfather for turnip - pull-pull, cannot pull. Grandmother called her granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip - pull-pull, cannot pull. Granddaughter called a bug. A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip - pull-pull, cannot pull. The bug called a cat. A cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip - pull-pull, cannot pull. The cat called a mouse. Mouse for cat, cat for bug, granddaughter for granddaughter, granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip - pull-pull, pull-pull ... Pulled the turnip! Cooked porridge and fed everyone! ”

Group of the second year No. 8 “Sovyata” (2-3 years)

The participants:


music worker


children (Mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear).

Other children: frogs, hares.

Objectives:   to develop children's speech activity through the use of small folklore forms. Activation of positive emotions. Formation of interest and need for reading.

Storytellers:   Hello dear guys!

Educator: Hello, dear guests!

We want to invite you to a fairy tale.

Behind the forest, at the edge

Someone hid a hut

Not the hut of the mansion,

He is not low, not high.

Terem, Terem, show yourself

Spin, stop.

2 tutor:

And here is the tower. Sit back, we will see what happens next.

Stands in a field of teremok

He is not low, not high.

Here in the field, the mouse is running

At the door stopped and knocked

I knock on the door, knock

I want to get into the teremok

But the owners are silent

They don’t want to open me

I'm on the right, I'm on the left

Teremochek looked around.

The door opened - silence

Here I will live alone.


And the mouse began to live in a teremochka.

2 Educator:

It stands in the field of the tower, the tower.

He is not low, not high, not high.


Here in the field, the frog is jumping.

Frog: Qua qua


At the door she stopped and knocked.

I knock on the door, knock

I want to get into the teremok.

Someone who lives in a tower,

Someone who lives in a low?

Mouse:I'm a mouse, but who are you?

Frog:   And I'm a frog, a croak.

Mouse:   What can you do?

Frog:I can dance.

2 Educator:And they began to live together.

Here’s a bunny running across the field,

He stopped at the door and knocks.

I knock on the door, knock

I want to get into the teremok

Beasts:Who is knocking? Who is calling?

Bunny:   I'm a bunny runaway.

Beasts:   What can you do?

Bunny:I love to play.

A little gray hare sits and moves its ears

Like this, like this, stirs your ears   (show ears on the head)

Bunny sit cold, you need to warm your paws.

Like this, like this, you need to warm your paws

(kids rub their palms together)

Bunny is cold,

Gotta bunny ride

Like this, like this, you have to ride the bunny

(jump in place)

Someone scared a hare,

Bunny jumped, and ran away.

(The kids run off to the chairs.)

Educator:And they began to live together. Here, the little fox is running along the pole-field.

I'm a little fox - sister

I knock on the door, knock

I want to get into the teremok.

Beasts:   who's there?

Chanterelle:I am a fox - sister, I can guess riddles:


  • In summer it is gray and in winter white. (Hare.)
  • Which of the animals

    Is the tail fluffier and longer?

  • Lives in a mink, gnaws on crusts.

    Short legs; afraid of a cat.

2 Educator:

And they began to live in four.

Here is a top running across the field,

At the door he stopped and knocked.

I knock on the door, knock

I want to get into the teremok.

Animals: What can you do?

Wolf:Read the poles.

“Shadow is a shadow - a fading,

The animals sat on the wattle fence

Praised All Day


They began to live five of them.

Here we go a bear across the field.

I knock on the door, knock

I want to get into the teremok.

I can bear. Oooooo sing songs

Beasts and educator:

Bear Teddy Bear

Can't sing songs

Beasts and guys, let's teach the bear to dance.

Dance of the Forest Beasts.


So here's the tower - temerok!

He is not low not high!

A lot of animals live in it,

Living together is more fun.

He yen low not tall

Our funny little tower!

Here and the tales end

And who listened well done!


1) Russian folk tale "Teremok".

2) Skulina E. And the national game "The little hare is sitting."

3) Children's riddles about animals with answers, Russian folk riddles for children http://school-work.net/zagadki/pro-zhivotnih/page6.html

Purpose:   to improve children's artistic abilities in creating an artistic image through theatrical activities.


    to develop emotionality, intelligence, as well as communicative abilities of the child by means of the theater;

    to develop the artistry and skills of stage manifestations necessary for participation in the children's theater;

    stimulate the desire of children to seek expressive means to create a game image of the hero using dance movements, facial expressions, gestures, changes in intonation;

    reveal the creative potential of children;

    cultivate the desire for self-improvement through theatrical activities.

Leading:   There are many fairy tales in the world.

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We cannot live without them.

In a fairy tale, anything can happen

Our tale is ahead

A fairytale at the door to us is knocking.

Let’s say the guest: “Come in!”

All the girls and boys

We know that we love books very much,

They love fairy tales, they love songs ...

And to make it more interesting,

We will tell an old fairy tale

And we will show it in verses.

Is everyone seated? Good afternoon!

We begin our story ...


Characters :

On the left there is a tower. To the right are a few trees. In the background is a forest. A mouse with a knot enters a clearing from behind the trees and heads for the tower.


Everyone must live somewhere

Both in the winter, and in the summer.

How can you not push the mouse,

If not at home?

Everyone has to sleep somewhere

Stop wandering around the world

It will be warm for me in winter.

If no one is here

So this house is mine!

The mouse disappears in the window. A frog with a bundle enters the clearing from behind the trees and heads for the tower.


What a glorious tower!

Ah, what a miracle!

He is not low, not high

Near the dam!

Smoke comes from the chimney.

open the door for me!

Who lives here in the tower

Come on, say it!

A mouse peeps out of a window.


The mouse lives on here!

Who will you be, answer!


I'm a jumping frog

We will drink tea with you!

I can swim with brass

Water from the river to wear.

With her came a mattress

And please let me go!


There is a place for you

More fun to live together.

Now knead the dough,

And then we’ll have some tea!

A frog enters the house. The mouse disappears in the window. A hare with a bundle comes out from behind the trees into the clearing and heads for the small tower.


What a glorious teremok

Grew up among the woods?

A prince hare could live here

With the hare princess!

I will plant a garden

Near the lawn.

Who lives here in the tower

Tell Bunny!

Mouse peeps out of the window.


The mouse lives here.

The frog looks out of the window.


Who worries our peace?

I am a jumping frog.

Say who you are!


Open it's me

Runaway Bunny!

You let me live

I am a good Bunny!

I can wash floors

And wave your ears.

Mouse(To the frog)

Maybe let the Hare live?


Stay with us!

Bunny comes into the house. The mouse and the frog are hiding. A fox comes out into the clearing from behind the trees with a bundle and heads for the tower.

A fox

So here’s the tower-tower,

Okay, well-dressed!

I can smell apple pie ...

Where is the main entrance here?

Hey you dear honest people

Open the door!

Who lives here in the tower

Are people animals?

The mouse looks out of the window.


The mouse lives here. Bunny peeks out of the window.


And the eared Bunny!

A frog looks out of the window.


And a jumping frog.

Who are you, answer me!

A fox

About the beautiful fox

Hearing has been going on for a long time.

Everyone knows me in the forest!


She will find a place!


Come on, godfather, bolder

Here is lunch just ready.


Together will be more fun!

The fox enters the house.

A fox

There is no better house in the world!

All the inhabitants of the tower are hiding in it. A wolf with a bundle enters a clearing from behind the trees and heads for the tower.


Here are mansions so mansions-

There is enough room for everyone!

What are you silent? Is there anyone at home?

Do not be afraid, I will not eat!

From the tower in turn, its inhabitants timidly peek out.


The mouse lives here.

Bunny peeks out of the window.


And the eared Bunny!

The frog looks out of the window.


And a jumping frog.

A fox

And the Fox, the mistress!

I won’t understand something,


Let me into the house!

I'm not a scary wolf at all!

See for yourself!


Okay, Gray, come in,

Don’t bite!


Expel immediately, mind you

Kohl offend the Hare!

The wolf enters the house. All the inhabitants of the tower look out the windows.

All residents Teremka(in chorus)

We are now one family

And guests are welcome!

A bear comes out from behind the trees with a bundle and goes to the small tower.


I want to live with you too!

All(in chorus)

No, Bear, don’t!

Bear   (offended)

You shouldn’t be so. I come in handy!


It hurts you are huge.


Don’t be afraid, I’ll fit.

I am modest in requests.

The bear climbs into the teremok. The house begins to stagger and falls. Residents of the tower cry on the ruins.


What have you done, Bear?


We warned you.


Our tower collapsed!

A fox

Left without a corner!


Well, forgive me,

I’m not on purpose.

Though your house fell from a stump

You can live in it.


Where is the subfloor to store

For winter stocks,

In the hot summer - chill

A barrel with mint kvass?


Where is my big closet

Wet, with mosquitoes?

A fox

And little lamp so that there

Spin me in the evenings?


Where is the porch in the garden?


And the gatehouse is nearby -

Suddenly without asking who will come,

Are they not welcome to him?


Yes! And there’s no stove to warm

To me in the winter ...


Ah why are you bear

knocked over a house?

A fox

How are we going to live now?

Bear   (with a sigh)

I can not imagine!

Frog(To the bear)

If you did something wrong,

Then know how to fix it!


Though the bear is to blame

We will help him!


What to regret about the house,

Better a new one!

The bear puts the tower in place. Everyone screams cheers.

Mobile game - staging "Teremok"

(prepared by: instructor in physical education Altukhova L.S.)

Parents are invited - 6 people (both mothers and fathers).

Leading: Dear parents. Soon the most beloved and long-awaited holiday will come - New Year. We look forward to seeing Santa Claus, gifts, fun, fairytale magic. Your children love fairy tales very much. You often read them for your kids. But a fairy tale can not only be read, but it can also be shown. Ahead of a long vacation. You and your children will play, draw, watch cartoons. And you can make an unexpected surprise for children - show a fairy tale. And today we offer you to practice and stage a fairy tale. Russian folk tale - "Teremok".

Attributes are offered to choose (musical instruments can be used), costume details.

The house is exposed, the fairy tale begins.

It is discussed where the artists will be, where they will go to the small tower.


Now cook your ears

Together we will listen to a fairy tale.

Listen and tell

Show to the audience.


The mouse was running past

Teremochek saw

She stopped and says ...

Parent - the mouse runs to the tower:

Anchor: No one answered the mouse, she entered the tower and began to live and live alone.


It’s worth in the field of the tower-tower -

He is not low, not high, not high,

A frog rode past

Teremochek saw

She stopped and says ...

Parent - the frog runs up to the tower:Who, who lives in a small tower? Who, who lives in a low?

Mouse is responsible


It’s worth in the field of the tower-tower -

He is not low, not high, not high,

Bunny rode by

Teremochek saw

He stopped and said ...

Parent - a bunny runs up to the terrace:Who, who lives in a small tower? Who, who lives in a low?

Mouse, frog meet

Host: And they began to live together in a tower


It’s worth in the field of the tower-tower -

He is not low, not high, not high,

She ran past

Teremochek saw

She stopped and says ...

Parent - the fox runs to the tent:Who, who lives in a small tower? Who, who lives in a low?

Mouse, frog, bunny answer

Host: And they began to live together in a tower


It’s worth in the field of the tower-tower -

He is not low, not high, not high,

A wolf ran past

Teremochek saw

He stopped and said ...

Parent - the wolf runs up to the tower:Who, who lives in a small tower? Who, who lives in a low?

Mouse, frog, hare, fox respond

Host: And they began to live together in a tower

Leading:   Here a mouse - a louse, a frog - a croak, a bunny - a runaway, a fox - a sister, a spinning top - a gray barrel got into the tower. It became fun for them, they chew bread, they sing songs.

Sing "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" - 4 lines

Presenter: And suddenly ... At that time, a bear was walking by the tower. I saw the house, but how it started to roar.

Parent - bear: Who, who lives in a small tower? Who, who lives in a low?

Animals answer

Presenter: Come Bear in the tower, everyone will live together in it.

It’s in the field of a small tower, a small tower,

Very, very tall, oh, tall,

No fun here

Friends live in the tower!

Friends will dance, have fun and play!

Round dance “Little Christmas tree is cold in winter”

(stop, take off their hats - masks)


It's time to leave

And say goodbye to a fairy tale.

But no need to lose heart

The tale will come again again.

All the artists visited today,

The fairy tale "Teremok" was shown to you.

Everyone tried, they were great,

Clap each other with all your heart!

Our parents are wonderful artists !!!


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