Business selling jewelry reviews. Stages of opening a jewelry store. How to profitably submit jewelry online

The jewelry store is a business that has stood the test of time. Despite the extremely high competition in this niche, we still see the opening of new outlets. Some of them are turning into a full-fledged business with a developed network throughout the city and even outside the region. The reasons for success lie not only in the organizational skills of a businessman, but also in the specifics of the product. There is a great variety of jewelry and costume jewelry, ranging from classic factory items to unique design solutions. Therefore, almost every store can create its own original assortment, thereby attracting the attention of even the most sophisticated customer.

How to run a successful jewelry store? We present to your attention a step-by-step guide to starting a business.

Step 1 - Selecting the outlet format

The first thing to start with is to decide on the format of the business. There are plenty of options for opening a profitable jewelry trading point. Here are just a few of the well-known profitable destinations:

  • Piercing jewelry store
  • Men's Jewelry Store
  • Artificial stone jewelry store
  • Jewelry store
  • Shop of exclusive jewelry
  • Jewelry store
  • watch store

Each of these directions has its pros and cons. You must first look at the presence of competition in the place where you plan to open a store. If there are already a couple of watch stores in the mall, then opening a third one is already inappropriate. But men's jewelry can be successfully sold here: rings, pendants, bracelets, chains, etc.

Step 2 - Finding Project Funding Sources

To open a point of sale of jewelry, depending on the format of the store, it may take from 450,000 rubles:

  • Deposit for renting premises (6 - 15 sq. m.) - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Acquisition commercial equipment(racks, economy panels, stands for jewelry, KKM, etc.) - from 100,000 rubles.
  • Creation of an assortment of goods - from 250,000 rubles.
  • IP registration and other expenses - from 50,000 rubles.

Step 3 - Selecting a room

Most successful this business depends on the location of the outlet. The most profitable and "brisk" places are shopping centers. Such places are visited by wealthy people who are ready to spend tens of thousands on beautiful jewelry.

At the same time, it is optimal to be located as low as possible - on the first or second floors. The most accessible format is a shopping island for 4-6 sq. m. Retail space in the popular shopping center of the city will cost at least 5000 rubles. per sq. m. The main difficulty when opening in such places lies in the high financial costs of the design of the store. Each shopping center requires retail outlets to have appropriate design, which must fit into the overall design of the shopping center.

More budgetary retail space - the first floors of apartment buildings, as well as underground passages. In the first case, it is important to choose premises on the first line of houses, in close proximity to the roadway, sidewalks and bus stops. Here we are counting on a less solvent buyer, so it is advisable to trade inexpensive goods in such places.

Step 4 - Finding suppliers of goods

You need to decide on the key suppliers of products to your store. It is not necessary to buy Chinese goods. In our country, there are many manufacturers, including the plant "Etalon", "Colibra", "Red Song", "Privolzhsky Plant", "JOKER", "Infiniti" and others. Although there is one big "but" - direct manufacturers work with large batches of orders (at least 50 pieces of each product of a particular color). Entrepreneurs with one outlet per 10 sq. m. manufacturers are not interested.

A simpler, but less profitable option for individual shops is to purchase at wholesale depots in Moscow. Here you will find mostly Chinese goods, which is often sold under the guise of elite Italian or French jewelry.

Some of the goods can be purchased from private craftsmen. Today there are many people who are engaged in the production of exclusive jewelry at home. As raw materials, they use natural stones and leather, 925 sterling silver, topazes, mother-of-pearl, zircon and so on. Some make very beautiful things, while the price may not be so high. A big plus of cooperation with private masters is that many of them are ready to give the goods for sale. That is, you simply allocate shelf space to them and do not pay for the purchase. As soon as the goods are sold, you transfer money to the master (for example, to a bank card), and keep part of the margin for yourself.

“In order to maintain the volume of revenue, in the future it will be necessary to update the assortment of goods at least twice a month,” market players advise.

Step 5 – Business Registration

The next step is business registration. For a small store, the best option would be to register an individual business. Such an event costs only 800 rubles. state duty. If the case is organized in partnership, then it will be necessary to register a legal entity (LLC). This is a more expensive option (costs from 20 thousand rubles), but with its own advantages. Status legal entity allows you to open branches. And selling a business, if such a need arises, will be much easier.

UTII is most often chosen as the taxation system for small shops. This is the most favorable special taxation regime, when the tax is paid depending on the size of the sales area. The smaller the area, the lower the tax.

A few words should be said about the product documentation. Jewelry and bijouterie are not subject to mandatory certification, however, in order to avoid problems with regulatory authorities, ask the supplier for a declaration of conformity or a hygiene certificate. Each product must be accompanied by at least one of the specified documents.

Step 6 - Acquisition of commercial equipment and purchase of goods

After registering a business and concluding a lease agreement for premises, you can start buying commercial equipment and creating an assortment of goods. Depending on the size of the outlet, furniture for displaying and storing goods may be required: shelving cabinets, display cabinets, as well as auxiliary equipment. Do not skimp on the purchase of high-quality backlight: halogen, metal-halogen or LED. Such investments pay off handsomely. The arrangement of the outlet will require at least 100,000 rubles.

Step 7 - Advertising

Active advertising for a jewelry store is required only when the outlet is located in a very busy place. Then 99% of the goods will be bought on impulse (saw - touched - liked - bought). In other cases, you need to try hard so that the client goes to you. In the era of Internet development, advertising on social networks and through your own sites is very effective. Promoting your page is easy. Each buyer should be given a business card with the address of the group and site and provide a discount on the next purchase.

Regular holding of promotions is also a mandatory tool for increasing sales. inform about new promotion it is possible through groups in social networks, as well as by sending SMS messages (client numbers can be collected by filling out small questionnaires).

And do not forget about the seasonality of the business. The "dead season" in the jewelry trade traditionally falls on the summer period. Traders begin to make a profit only from October. Advertising in the off-season is money down the drain.

How to open a jewelry store - jewelry business

The weak half of humanity just loves Jewelry, their soul is eager to pamper themselves with a new "trinket". Yes, and what can I say, many men also have a weakness for quality jewelry.

But modern realities are such that it can be expensive to buy a good piece of jewelry. What is the way out of this situation - to buy jewelry - as the people say - "cheap and cheerful."

Is it profitable to open a business selling jewelry?

Definitely yes! The fact is that jewelry is often a product of the so-called “impulsive demand”. That is - he came - he saw a very beautiful brooch - he won, that is, he bought it.
Another important factor, especially through the prism economic crisis: demand! And it is always available for inexpensive jewelry. As they say, beauty will save the world.

So why not capitalize on this by opening a jewelry store?

What kind of business is this?

A store specializing in the sale of jewelry is an ideal women's business. It is colorful and interesting - but most importantly - PROFITABLE! And the scale in the very formation of a business is not necessary - it can be a small showcase. It will become a unique catalyst for joy and improve the material condition. And it's doubly nice!

Guide to action.

In order to open a small point focused on the trade in jewelry, you will have enough retail space of 5 meters squared. You will have to pay about 40,000 rubles and more on display cases for jewelry.

It is best to choose a shopping center in terms of the cost of rent. If the center is new, then the price will be lower, but then you risk having a minimum of buyers who simply do not know about the existence of a new outlet. Place in the popular shopping complex it costs an order of magnitude more expensive, yes, and it will take a long time to search.

Legal points.

All work begins with a very important detail - registration of an Individual Entrepreneurship or a Society with Limited Liability. A lawyer will be able to advise you in more detail on the intricacies of registration in order to avoid misunderstandings.

The young shop will get acquainted with the collection of bijouterie.

And finally, Eureka! The time has come for buying jewelry. This is a separate conversation: in order for your store to look decent in the eyes of customers, that is, solidly, you will have to spend about 100,000 rubles or more.

How is the purchase of a collection of jewelry? Usually the owner bypasses several wholesale companies, chooses for himself the most attractive collection (tions), is determined by the ratio of appearance, price and quality. It remains only to purchase goods!

Good friend - statistics.

According to statistics, the buyer, having entered a jewelry store, as a rule, leaves there from 500 Russian rubles. And it’s not worth talking about women: if she liked a trinket, she won’t especially look at the price. In this regard, the conclusion follows: the margin on the assortment of jewelry starts from a “modest” 300%, sometimes reaching “cosmic” 1000%.

Fundamentals of a successful business.

Stock up on patience. But, at the same time, a successful jewelry business requires creativity, that is, the ability to put even a not-so-favorable situation in a favorable light for yourself. Someone will ask - why and why creativity is needed in business!

Let's start with the fact that an impeccably selected collection, which visitors will "sweep" off the shelves, can be picked up by a person with a good sense of style and impeccable taste. And these are creative people.
- And one more thing: almost any collection needs to be “brought to mind”. There's no way around this without creativity.

Skillful hands can easily add originality to finished jewelry, which often suffers from it. total absence. Moreover, over time, a true master of his craft learns to create his own works that easily fit into the finished collection. Familiar to everyone: beads, fasteners, all kinds of pebbles, ribbons, beads and other "pleasant little things" - all this is more magical items in the hands of a craftsman. Yes, and you can purchase such source material at any hardware store. Such a non-standard author's approach makes your store unique, not fitting into the concept of "consumer goods". As a result - a good rumor, individuality, which is already the first and very confident step towards success.

Profitable or not profitable?

A business based on the sale of jewelry can fully pay off in 6 months with skillful and competent work. The assortment of the store can be farsightedly expanded with additional accessories. It can be: caps, hats, glasses, scarves and much more.

Meet Franchise.

A franchise is one of the most common ways to open a jewelry store. Average, Russian companies for the sale of franchises require from 30-40 thousand US dollars. They convince that this amount is fully justified, since within a year you will be able to fully recoup your costs. The profitability of the business will monthly be from $ 3,000 "net" per month.

Indeed, as mentioned above, in order to open such a shop, only 5 m2 of retail space is enough, on which about 2,000 various products can be easily placed. If selected for rent a good place, then 100,000 Russian rubles is quite an adequate "net" profit every month. At least this can be done gradually. And the margin, fluctuating within at least 300%, will only help with this.

Staff, I've been looking for you.

When opening a jewelry store, a logical question arises about finding employees. Of course, at first, many are limited to their own person as a seller.

In addition, it all depends on the size of the campaign: if it is a small stall, then it would be at least silly to think about a large staff.

Cleaners are usually employees of the shopping center where the retail space is rented. So you have to take care of a competent seller - if he changes - two of those.

A few more secrets.

It is important to understand that the business of selling jewelry is somewhat seasonal. The most profitable time starts in December and ends in April. It will be great to predict the opening of the outlet by December. Perhaps then you will hit zero in six months, or even earlier.

The most basic rule that is necessary for someone who decides to open a shop with jewelry is the observance of harmony in the choice trading place, the presence of good taste, a flair for truly good and exclusive things, the ability to independently produce author's products - this item is optional, but it helps the promotion process a lot.

Finally, about patience.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the profitability of this business in Russia is quite high, there is always a demand for jewelry. It sells quite well all year round, and in some periods - especially actively - but this has already been mentioned above.

Remember the saying - patience and work will grind everything. Do not expect incredible profits in the first month. It makes sense to study the experience of competitors, to choose your own work strategy. Business is a small war where tactical tricks and "combat" techniques are needed. Especially in such a beautiful and promising business!

Women of all ages from time immemorial have loved to adorn themselves and everything around them. Jewelry itself, in such quantities as today, appeared not so long ago. The fact is that precious stones, gold and other precious metals have become available not to many of the fair sex.

More recently, handmade jewelry and jewelry have come into fashion. Massive and bright costume jewelry made of different materials attracts with its originality and beauty. In addition, there is an opportunity to get something special that will stand out from the crowd.

The sale of jewelry is carried out by both small sellers and large retail outlets. Both sides create serious competition to each other. Therefore, you should take market research seriously before you start investing in starting your own business.

Jewelry: handmade, or bulk purchases

With the growing demand for jewelry, a fashionable direction has appeared - creating jewelry with your own hands. In this case, the material, shape can be any. The Internet is replete with an abundance of master classes with a detailed description of how to create your masterpiece. Anyone who has the desire and time can master these skills. At the same time, the costs are minimal. Among the most incredible products:

  • broken crockery necklace;
  • glass shard earrings;
  • beads made of liquid resin (any memorabilia can be put inside each bead, while the bead itself can be of any shape).

No less popular:

  • earrings, rings, headbands, decorated with artificial flowers made of felt, foamin, gypsum, porcelain;
  • necklace, bracelets made of ribbons, they can be decorated with artificial stones;
  • all kinds of brooches using any improvised decor.

Experienced needlewomen got used to using any material at hand, leaving a minimum of waste. Which makes the manufacturing process quite profitable.

It is worth noting that making jewelry at home as a hobby and as a business require completely different approaches:

  • You can make jewelry for yourself in your free time from work and other worries. Whereas custom-made requires full dedication. It is worth thinking, evaluating your time and willingness to devote it to the cause.
  • Materials. Completely different volumes and costs.
  • Workplace. Creating your own masterpiece as a hobby, you can get by with an old desk. But when working to order, you should think about a serious workplace, because this is the business card of every master.
  • A more professional approach to the process of making jewelry to order, each client should be satisfied with the quality of not only the materials used in the manufacture, but also the quality of the jewelry itself.
  • When working with jewelry at a professional level, you need to take care of the availability of professional tools that will greatly simplify the manufacturing process.

The increase in demand gave impetus to an increase in the production of jewelry and in production. which made the sales process much more difficult. finished products small handmade merchants. This fact is explained by the significantly lower cost. Cons of such jewelry:

  • standard appearance. Such jewelry is produced according to standard sketches, often these are ordinary copies of expensive jewelry;
  • use of cheaper materials;
  • there are frequent cases of marriage, low-quality products.

Having decided to open your business of selling jewelry via the Internet, you should rest against your capabilities. If you have needlework skills and a lot of free time, you can create and sell your own jewelry. If either one or the other is missing, it is better to find a good wholesaler.

Creation of advertising and recruitment of clients

Having decided which goods it is possible to trade, it is necessary to study the demand market. For this, it is necessary to bypass specialized stores, view more than one site, fashion catalogs. Only after that it will be possible to either place an order for the supply of jewelry, or create several of your own products.

You should not buy many units of the product at once for the first time. No one can guarantee a successful sale and profit. It is worth starting with small volumes in order to establish yourself. With the growth of customers, you can expand the volume.

  • Ad units on third-party sites and groups in social networks are perfect. Naturally, you will have to pay for advertising, but these are forced expenses. To create such an advertisement, several good photos goods, from different angles and a minimum of description. Do not forget to add to the text of the advertisement how to view the full catalog of products.
  • Create your own page or group in social network. In it, you can lay out the full catalog and add extensive descriptions, indicate the price. Be sure to add the ability to leave customer reviews, which will give new customers confidence in the integrity of the seller. It is this group / page that can be advertised on blogs, on sites that are popular.
  • Despite the fact that sales are carried out on the Internet, advertising can be real. These are flyers and business cards. It is worth distributing them in places of accumulation of potential buyers. On the business card there can be photos of products and a link to the place where the sale is carried out.
  • And, of course, word of mouth. This is the most reliable and proven way of advertising. However, it is available only when particularly satisfied customers appear. Friends can help here too.

Distribution of jewelry at first

There are several ways to sell jewelry online. At first, the business will be difficult, as it is necessary to establish yourself as a seller. After some time, people themselves will be interested and create orders.

Possible ways of selling via the Internet:

  • Marketplaces in the city. Surely there are the most popular sites through which sales are carried out in the city. Here you can estimate the demand and set the average price for similar products.
  • Social media. Most of the population spend a lot of their time communicating on social networks. All sorts of thematic groups have also been created here. But you should not look exclusively for groups that make sales. Among all women, there are those who want to look beautiful, but unfortunately do not have time to go shopping. An excellent advertisement will be ads in groups for mothers on maternity leave. This also includes groups for children. Little fashionistas will be happy to purchase bright elastic bands, hairpins, headbands, bracelets and other jewelry.
  • ads, in the form of advertisements on third-party sites.
  • Sale through online stores. It is not necessary to create your own online store when you start trading. Initially, you can do with third-party. With the growing demand for jewelry, you can invest in creating your own shop.

Each point can be described as a place with increased competition. Therefore, a novice entrepreneur will have to take a “blow”. Worth luring potential clients special offers and nice bonuses. You need to think through them carefully and in advance so as not to go at a loss. Our goal is to make a profit.

  • If this is handmade jewelry, then you should add up the entire amount of materials spent and add the amount in which the master evaluates his work. However, it is worth keeping an eye on the average price in the market. Do not exaggerate it too much, but also too low price can cause mistrust and unnecessary doubts.
  • If these are purchased products, then it is necessary to add a percentage to the wholesale price, which includes transport costs and the work of the seller. Usually this amount does not exceed 10%. When setting the price, you need to focus on many factors: the average price on the market, demand (if it is a fashionable product that has just appeared on the market, the price can be raised, if the product is not for sale, arrange a sale), exchange rates and others.

It is worth buying jewelry at the moment big discounts. Usually, large manufacturers arrange sales with discounts up to 70%. This solution will be the most beneficial.

Payment methods, how to create an atmosphere of trust among new customers

Not many buyers are willing to work with a seller on full prepayment. This is due to the sophisticated fantasy of scammers. At first, it may be worth considering other forms that will secure the buyer by creating a positive image for the seller. Payment can be made in the following way:

  • Full payment upon collection of jewelry from hand to hand.
  • Payment on a bank card. It can be either an advance payment of the entire amount, or it can be divided into 2 parts: before sending the goods, and after receiving.
  • Payment through 3 persons. This option is possible when using the services of mail, courier.

Help create an atmosphere of trust positive reviews people who have already made a purchase. You can do this in the guest book on the site, in the group where payment is made.

You can also ask your customers to add photos that were taken at the time of unpacking jewelry. These will be real photos that will help potential buyers evaluate the work of the seller.


When distributing jewelry via the Internet, special attention should be paid to the issue of delivery. This is a touchy subject. Unfortunately, widespread scams make the selling process difficult. The trust of buyers is quite difficult to earn, therefore, in the beginning, the business will have to make concessions, which can cause high costs.

Delivery of jewelry can be carried out in the following ways:

  • delivery by courier;
  • sending jewelry by mail;
  • use of other convenient delivery services;
  • pickup.

When choosing a delivery method, you should take into account all the percentages that the delivery service takes and warn the buyer in advance so that he can choose the most suitable option. This will help determine the amount of payment if the work is carried out on a full prepayment.

To avoid confusion and problems with delivery, it is important to organize the whole process correctly by distributing the days of the week. So, for example, in the first half of the week, you can collect orders, then form and sort and allocate any day for direct delivery. It is advisable to write all the rules regarding order fees and their delivery on the trading page. This will allow the buyer to prepare in advance, and the seller to save time by answering standard questions.

The more transparent the trading scheme, the more confidence the buyer has in the seller.

Wherein special approach requires the delivery of products made by hand, as it takes a certain time to make custom-made jewelry. Therefore, it is worth more carefully assessing your time, without creating an atmosphere of overload.

Business expansion

When the business has gained a lot of momentum, and there are so many customers that you can’t count, you can talk about expanding your business.

If from the beginning it would not be reasonable to create your own site, since this business is costly not only financially, but profit and success cannot be guaranteed. Now is the time to find a good developer who will create a beautiful site, with well-organized sections. The main thing is a professional appearance. It is worth remembering about advertising, and promoting your site on all possible sites as much as it is allowed there. City sites where trade is carried out, fashion and beauty sites, thematic forums are ideal.

It is possible that after the expansion, there will be a desire to open your own outlet. Pay special attention to the opening shopping centers. However, special attention should be paid to the premises that will function there: cinemas, playgrounds, cafeterias and other entertainment, without which the shopping center will not be able to provide a large flow of people.

The most important rule when choosing a room is a guideline for the number of people visited. The larger the flow, the higher the percentage of the sale, the less likely it is that you will have to spend on a new move.

With the expansion of the business, you can think about expanding the staff. So, if these are products made by one's own hands, then there will be a need for “additional hands”. This is a responsible choice, as products will be manufactured on behalf of. Handing out leaflets, business cards, creating advertising texts and their placement can also be entrusted to third parties. To manage a group created on a social network, you can find a responsible administrator who works for the result. All these are additional expenses, which, with a high desire and perseverance, make a profit.

You can offer your cooperation to “famous” seamstresses and online stores in the city, which will be able to advertise your products, naturally for a certain fee. If an outlet is open in a shopping center, you can try to negotiate with neighboring clothing stores. This will not only advertise the jewelry store, but also give more chances to sell the jewelry itself.

Like any undertaking, selling jewelry via the Internet requires not only money, but also time. To achieve a certain success, you need a large number of customers. It is quite difficult to gain a client base and keep it, due to the high competition in the industry. But, if you love your job, constantly improve your business, pleasantly surprising, customers will constantly increase.

Selling jewelry is a business that brings both profit and pleasure. The jewelry business is especially pleasant for the beautiful half of entrepreneurs, but men can also run it. The main thing is not to be indifferent to various accessories and sincerely love jewelry, with pleasure choosing the right options for each new client.

How to open a jewelry store?

This is perhaps one of the easiest tasks. A similar outlet can be created anywhere:

  • in a super or hypermarket
  • in the mall
  • in the wild market
  • in the subway passage
  • on a busy city street
  • next to the beach
  • in tourist centers

For work, it will be enough to have the smallest trading area, on which you can place as many different products as possible. At the same time, the store can be both stationary and mobile - a jewelry business can be done in an ordinary tent or in an “island” type outlet: the goods are simply placed in a conspicuous place, and the seller has at his disposal only a small counter or showcase. However, for those who are serious about work, there is also such an option as a jewelry supermarket - this is a large retail outlet that sells both jewelry and various accessories (hats, scarves, umbrellas, gloves, etc.) .

In any case, in order to start official trading, you will need to create an IP by registering it in tax office and having passed the approval of the city administration, the health station and the fire inspection. However, for those who want to trade in an ordinary tent, obtaining these permits will not be mandatory.

The next important step is to find jewelry suppliers. The answer to the question of whether it is profitable to open a jewelry store will directly depend on them, and it is best to immediately target local manufacturers who are ready to offer customers something special. Original, high-quality jewelry is popular handmade, and it is better to purchase it from local craftsmen. It is also very profitable and convenient to sell accessories made by yourself. Such jewelry will be in demand, and the craftswoman who opened similar business, can even save on office expenses - at first, jewelry can be sold in a virtual store.

Korean and Chinese accessories, which are abundant on the market, are much cheaper, but their quality is very low, and often customers who have chosen such jewelry once will not return for it a second time. The task of the entrepreneur is to do everything possible in order to acquire regular customers. If he certainly wants to sell imported jewelry, it is better to find suppliers from Italy, France or the USA. At the same time, care should be taken to ensure that the collections of jewelry offered are constantly updated.

Is it profitable to open a jewelry store?

In general, this type of business allows you to spend not so much, but earn decently. One of the main expenses is the rent of retail space, and for this purpose it is worth planning expenses at the level of 20-30 thousand rubles if you plan to rent a small retail space, and up to 100 thousand rubles if the store is quite large. In addition, you need to spend:

  • about 100 thousand rubles - for a special module for placing jewelry (more expensive models are also on sale, and one such module will be enough for a start, but in the future it is necessary to provide for the possibility of buying 1-2 more)
  • about 25 thousand - for the purchase cash register and computer for work
  • at least 15 thousand rubles - for the salary of the seller (the jewelry business allows for only one assistant, and if desired, the entrepreneur can save on this item of expenditure and take on all the work)
  • 3-5 thousand - for various current expenses ( public Utilities, operating costs, etc.)

However, the main expense item is the cost of acquiring the initial product range. For these purposes, it is necessary to allocate at least 200-250 thousand rubles. For this amount, you can purchase goods in the amount of 2 thousand units, and this amount will be enough to get started and attract the first customers.

Thus, a jewelry business will cost about 400 thousand rubles if the entrepreneur is as restrained as possible in his spending. You can earn much more. Already at the very beginning of work, it will be possible to receive at least 50 thousand rubles of net profit every month, and this amount will increase with each month of work. But even if you stop at such an income, it will be possible to recoup the initial costs in the first year of operation. After that, it will be possible to develop and even open a jewelry store in another place and receive from it additional income. And if you constantly replenish your collections, you can increase your profits to 120-150 thousand per month and eventually create a whole network of outlets that will be very popular.

  • Required amount of investment
  • Business payback
  • The nuances of work
  • Which OKVED code to choose?

A jewelry store is not seen as a serious activity that can bring in serious income. This is partly true, but at the same time, such a business has a number of advantages. For example, the relative simplicity of its organization, the opening does not require impressive investments, a fairly quick payback and the absence of perishable goods. This step-by-step instruction will help you quickly organize a successful business that brings good profits. Next, we will tell you in detail how to open a jewelry store from scratch and how much money you need to start.

Required amount of investment

You should immediately decide how much money you need to open a jewelry store from scratch. To do this, you need to deal with the lease of the premises. Often this is a shopping center, where it is enough to rent 10-15 m 2.

Attention! According to logistical studies, 2000 costume jewelry samples can be placed on an area of ​​​​5 m 2. But at the same time, do not forget about the need for space for buyers and the seller. Therefore, the optimal store area is 15-20 m 2. It is best to open such a business in places with high traffic. These are shopping centers or crowded places, for example, the central streets of the city.

The average cost of renting retail space in Moscow is 2,500 rubles per 1 m 2 , in the provinces - 500 rubles per 1 m 2 . The weighted average cost of space is 1500 rubles. Accordingly, for 20 m 2 you need to pay 30,000 rubles a month.

Also, to open a store, you need to buy specialized equipment - a branded module for jewelry. Its cost is 100,000 - 200,000 rubles. You will also need:

  1. Additional stands, furniture 100,000 - 150,000 rubles.
  2. Household appliances necessary to ensure appropriate working conditions 40,000 - 50,000 rubles.
  3. Signboard, decoration up to 100,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising campaign - 500,000 rubles.
  5. Starting purchase of goods (jewelry and accessories) - up to 300,000 rubles.

May be of interest: Investing in cars - how to get 6,000% per annum

It turns out that the opening of the store will require from 1.3 to 1.5 million rubles. At the same time, do not forget about running costs: rent, payment wages, payment for accounting services, tax deductions. On an average business, its content will take 50% of the profits.

To get more detailed indicators of payback and initial investment, we recommend download jewelry store business plan from our partners. You will be provided with all the necessary data, risk assessment, competition.

Business payback

Successful business, which is properly organized, pays off in as soon as possible. This minimum period for a jewelry store is 1 year. But practice shows that on average it takes about 18 months.

A normal indicator of the store's activity is a turnover of 100,000 rubles, where the net profit is 50%. At the same time, the client buys an average of 500 rubles. It follows that the average attendance of the store should be about 67 people per day.

The nuances of work

Opening a store does not mean ensuring its success. To do this, you need to know some of the nuances of doing business:

  • It is necessary to love jewelry and understand it so as not to buy consumer goods and outright bad taste that will not be in demand.
  • It is advisable to conclude individual supply contracts with suppliers. This will ensure the receipt of exclusive samples of goods. Such terms of cooperation are offered by European manufacturers. It will not be possible to ensure high profitability on Chinese products. Although its cost is not high, the market is literally littered with costume jewelry from the Middle Kingdom, which significantly reduces demand for it.
  • The assortment of the store should be diluted with handmade jewelry. You can make them yourself using accessories: stones, beads, locks, ribbons, and more. About, how to make money with handmade jewelry, you can find out in our related article.
  • The sale of accessories, such as neckerchiefs, umbrellas, gloves, women's hats, belts, ties, will go well with jewelry. This trading scheme has proven itself quite successfully in European countries.
  • Bijouterie and accessories are in the greatest demand in December, February and March. Therefore, it is better that the opening of a jewelry store takes place during this period, which will reduce the payback period.
  • It is necessary to look for reliable suppliers who will provide favorable conditions - discounts in the range of 30-70%. At the same time, the normal level of cheating leaves 300% of the initial cost of the goods.
  • New jewelry collections appear every 3-4 months. You should not cling to stale goods, you need to sell them by arranging promotions. This will attract buyers and will contribute to the regular renewal of the range, which is the key to success.

Which OKVED code to choose?

According to the latest species classifier commercial activities for a jewelry store, code 52.4 is best suited. It allows you to trade any goods except food and medicine. Additionally, you can specify the code 54.42.8. This retail clothing accessories, i.e. scarves, umbrellas, women's hats and the like.

To open a store, you must register it with the state tax authorities. To do this, you must submit documents at the place of registration, a list of which can be found on the official website of the fiscal authorities. Special attention should be given to the choice of taxation system. The choice is confirmed by a separate application, but first everything must be carefully calculated, and it is better to get the advice of a specialist - a lawyer or an accountant.

So we looked at the stages of starting a business. Additional information You can find out by watching this video:

Now you know how to open a jewelry store from scratch and how much money you need to start! We hope the information was useful and interesting for you!

  • Women's handbag business
  • How to open a women's clothing store
  • How to make money selling Chinese goods


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