How to start trading things on the market. Trading business. Using a bulletin board on the Internet

  • The choice of goods for trading on the market depending on demand
  • The choice of goods for trading on the market depending on the location of the outlet
  • The choice of goods for trading on the market depending on the size of the outlet
  • The choice of goods for trading on the market depending on the size of the starting capital
  • Selection of goods for trading on the market depending on seasonal factors
  • Selection of goods for trading on the market based on existing suppliers

the task of a novice entrepreneur who does not yet know what to trade on the market is to conduct research, study supply, demand and make a choice.

The state helps the unemployed, who are registered at the labor exchange, and provides them with free funds for business development. In addition, now it is not a problem to contact the bank and get money there.

After the future entrepreneur has decided on the sources of funds, it is necessary to agree on renting a place in the market and choose a suitable product for himself.

Not everyone makes the right choice, only 1-2 out of 10 newbies trade successfully.

The choice is actually very large, but often we see the same thing on the shopping malls. More often than not, newbie entrepreneurs, noticing what salespeople who have been working for many years, want to follow them and copy the range of products sold. This is a big mistake.

The fact is that if, for example, the number of meat traders increases, the number of buyers of this product will not change. Before you appeared on the market, there was a certain balance between the number of outlets selling a certain product and the number of buyers of this product.

you just join the existing stream and, at the same time, do not have regular customers, you will receive only a small share of the revenue. The income can be so small that there is not even enough money to pay the rent for the premises.

In addition, most likely, the merchants of this product will treat you unkindly.

Three reasons why shoppers go to the retail market:

  1. Any product can be found here.
  2. Here you can bargain (ask for a discount).
  3. There is a trusted seller for every product here.

The choice of goods for trading on the market depending on demand

It is necessary to catch on to the first point and understand what kind of product is missing on the market.

Look around, pay attention to which places a large number of people gather and why, see how many points with similar products.

Determine what is the reason for the great interest: in the uniqueness of the product, its quality or the professionalism of the sales assistant?

Each person has his own unique taste, but in order to become a successful trader and make a large number of sales, you need to focus on what the majority of market visitors will like.

In general, you may not like the desires and preferences of buyers, and here you should make a choice, what do you want more: satisfaction of personal opinion or a good income?

When choosing a product, you need to take into account the location of your trading place and adequately assess its features. There is a group of products in the market that are not assigned to a specific location (for example, homemade meals that are distributed to market traders).

Usually, the entire territory of the trading area is divided into sectors: in one sector they sell footwear, in the other - fish, in the third - the office, etc.

Coming to the market, for example, for shoes, the buyer deliberately goes to a certain sector, where the entire range is presented to him, and is determined with the choice. Therefore, it is not economically feasible to trade slippers in the outerwear sector, and vice versa.

But there may still be exceptions. For example, on the rows with children's clothes and shoes, you can open a point selling fresh pancakes or cupcakes, which children love so much.

The market is also subdivided into places that are considered to be passable and non-passable (located at the end of shopping arcades, along the periphery of the market, in side and dead-end aisles). Good passages are always occupied, so those starting their own business in the market will most likely have to deal with places with not very high traffic.

You should be aware that you cannot trade in everyday goods (for example, cigarettes, bread, etc.) on impassable areas. Here, special-purpose and narrow-range goods are more successfully promoted (for example, hunting knives, pet cages, etc.).

It also takes into account the area of \u200b\u200ba retail outlet; it is simply inappropriate to trade fur coats or spare parts for cars on three square meters: you will not be able to provide the buyer with the necessary assortment, and not everyone likes to choose from the catalog. Most prefer to touch, hold the product in hand before buying. But on such an area you can provide a good selection of tea, cigarettes or other small goods.

Selling imported tights or Italian footwear is, of course, up to you, but whatever you choose, you should have a good assortment in this category.

It should be borne in mind that you cannot invest all funds in the purchase of goods.

Perhaps you will receive an order for something else that is currently not in stock, and you should have the money to purchase.

Trade, for example, fast food, involves, in addition to purchasing basic products, the purchase of special equipment and inventory. At the same time, the cost of purchasing equipment is much higher than other costs.

From this it should be concluded that you need to choose the product that you can present in the maximum assortment. A customer visiting your retail space should not be tempted to look elsewhere.

When selling, for example, winter fur clothing, you should understand that in the warm season, the demand for this product will significantly decrease and you may even suffer losses.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide for this and change the assortment depending on the season. It will be best if you do not radically change the product for the purpose of destination.

If, for example, in the cold season at your outlet you sell winter hats, then in the summer you can sell hats, caps, etc.

Having decided on the category, it is necessary to study the offers of wholesale suppliers. It should be borne in mind that at present there are a lot of dealers, so it is most profitable to establish direct contacts with manufacturers.

For example, when choosing suppliers of hot dogs and sausages, you need to reconsider all possible suppliers.

In addition, many of them, with a certain purchase, are ready to make significant discounts and lease refrigeration equipment for a small conditional price.

When negotiating the terms of a wholesale purchase, it is necessary to foresee in advance the issues of expected returns, exchange, quality assurance.

This is especially important when selling power tools (they are finally checked only after some time of operation), as well as goods that cannot be immediately checked for quality.

You should avoid large bulk purchases in spontaneous markets in which you are poorly oriented.

Avoid goods that do not have the necessary quality certificates - selling them can result in large losses in the form of fines, up to the termination of business and confiscation.

Do not make your choice of goods based on the advice and general ideas of your neighbors in the mall. Thinking outside the box, you will be able to buy exactly the product that will have the greatest demand.

By choosing what to trade in the market, you define your business. Therefore, think in advance how you can develop and improve it (opening new outlets, expanding the range, accompanying trade through online stores, etc.).

Below is a partial list of goods and services that you can trade in the market.

Main directions in the market:

  1. Business for the sale of women's clothing and footwear.
  2. Business for the sale of men's clothing and footwear.
  3. Business selling children's goods: clothes, shoes, toys.
  4. Business selling goods for home and interior.
  5. Sports goods business.
  6. Business selling perfumery and cosmetics.
  7. Business for the trade of watches, accessories.
  8. Workwear trade business.
  9. Business selling goods for the car.
  10. Business for the trade of goods for the garden and vegetable garden.
  11. Pet and pet supplies business.
  12. Business for the provision of repair services (repair of clothes, shoes, watches, mobile phones, etc.).
  13. Business selling goods for repair.
  14. Business selling plants.
  15. Business selling office supplies.
  16. Business selling books, atlases, maps and other printed materials.
  17. Food business.
  18. Business selling telephones and other electrical goods.
  19. Fast food service business.
  20. Business selling paintings.
  21. Business selling wallets and bags.
  22. Business for the installation of satellite dishes, doors and plastic windows.
  23. Antique business.
  24. Business selling goods for outdoor activities.
  25. CD sales business.
  26. Business selling wigs, hairpieces and hairpins.

Study it carefully, think about what is missing in your future job.

It will be very good if you visit the central markets of large cities and see how the assortment of goods differs.

Follow the fashion, often in six months you can determine the demand for a particular product. Preferences are often shaped by the media as well.


What is profitable to trade during the 2018 crisis: What to sell?

During the crisis, many trade enterprises suffer serious financial losses, as the purchasing power of the population drops sharply, and many goods remain unclaimed.

But despite this, experts believe that economic instability is the best time to start your own profitable business. To get good income, you need to know what to trade during the 2018 crisis.

This is what will be discussed in this publication.

Anti stress products

Thinking about the best way to trade during a crisis, many entrepreneurs for some reason forget about products that help get rid of stress.

In order not to become depressed due to financial problems, people use different methods that allow them to relax and forget about all the troubles for a while.

Some citizens prefer to relieve stress with alcohol, while others buy sweets to cheer up.

There are also people who buy various sedatives from pharmacies.

If you cannot decide which product to trade during a crisis, try to focus on such products.

Funeral paraphernalia

It sounds sad, but funeral services in our country are in demand in any economic conditions.

People see off their loved ones and relatives on their last journey, regardless of their financial situation, so the trade in funeral accessories does not stop even in times of crisis.

When choosing an assortment, rather than trade during a crisis, give preference to goods of the economy segment.

Fancy funeral supplies are too expensive, so too expensive for beginners. At the stage of business formation, they can be completely excluded from the range.

Environmentally friendly products

Recently, many people are trying to buy only natural, organic products. On this addiction, rural residents can build a profitable and fairly promising business. So, what to trade during a market crisis?

The experts have compiled a list of the most sought-after home-made products:

  • Meat;
  • Milk products;
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Smoked products;
  • Pickles and preservation.

This is the most sold in a crisis in any region of our country.

If you are looking for sources of additional income, choose any products from this list and feel free to go to the market with them.

The property

Many citizens who have additional living space are thinking about whether it is worth selling an apartment in 2018? Experts believe that a crisis is not the best time to sell real estate, but if you don't see any other way out, you can try to make money from it.

Let's talk in more detail, how to sell real estate during the crisis and get a decent income from it? First of all, try to sell your apartment as profitably as possible. Invest the proceeds in the purchase of housing in new buildings during the construction phase. When the house is put into operation, the cost of square meters will rise by 20-30%, respectively, the sale of an apartment will bring you a good profit. You can also buy housing in disrepair, make major repairs in it and sell it at a much higher price.

Online trading

Recently, online trading has become very popular. Newbies are often interested in what is profitable to sell on the Internet during a crisis?

You can trade any product online:

  • Food;
  • Appliances;
  • Shoes and clothing;
  • Children's products;
  • Flowers;
  • Auto parts and more.

At first, choose 2-3 product categories and gradually expand the range. For example, you can add watches or jewelry to an online shoe and clothing store.

This will allow you to increase the profitability of your business.

Children's products

Parents try to give their children all the best. They make every effort to provide their child with a comfortable life. Therefore, children's toys and clothes are a commodity for which demand never falls.

If you are attracted to this market segment, before opening a store, you need to decide what is profitable to trade in a crisis.

Experienced businessmen do not advise focusing on children's clothing, because in difficult economic conditions people are trying to save money, so they often buy used things.

In addition, babies wear their clothes after their older sisters or brothers. Therefore, in the assortment of a children's goods store, clothes should not occupy more than 10% of the total production volume.

Hot baked goods

Can't decide what to trade during a crisis in a small town? All ingenious is simple. The easiest way to make money in 2018 is to sell hot baked goods on the street. Such a business does not require large financial investments and, at the same time, is highly profitable.

In order to open one stationary retail outlet, you need 1-2 thousand dollars. The main cost is the purchase of equipment. From one point per month, you can get $ 300-500 in net profit.

If you expand trading on holidays in places of mass festivities, you can get a monthly profit in one day.

This is a great business idea without investments for Crimea, which can be implemented during the summer vacation season.

Second hand

Cheap used clothing is the best option for people who can't decide what to sell during a crisis. Such a business is distinguished by high profitability and quick payback.

In order to open a second hand store, large financial investments are not required. Rent a small room, buy a small batch of goods and get to work.

To understand what is profitable to sell in a small town, at first, buy a cheap product and sell it by weight. Over time, you can add several high-value positions and open a stock.

Competent pricing policy is a guarantee of the success of your company.

Coffee machines

During the crisis, many people save money, so they try not to visit cafes and other catering establishments.

They prefer to drink a cup of coffee from a coffee machine located near their place of work or study.

Coffee machines are the easiest and most profitable option to trade during a crisis.

To open such a business, you need to purchase vending machines. If financial capabilities do not allow you to make such a purchase, at first you can rent equipment.

In addition to the coffee machine, you will also need a selection of coffee, sugar, powdered cream, and disposable tableware. The next important step is choosing a location.

The coffee machine can be installed in a shopping center, any educational institution, clinic, hospital, etc.


Since recently the economy of our country has been focusing on import substitution, before deciding what to trade during the crisis, pay attention to domestically produced products, in particular pasta.

These are inexpensive and tasty food products that are bought by almost all citizens of our country. The greatest demand is observed for products of the middle price segment. Typically, customers are not attached to a particular brand.

For them, quality and affordable price are much more important. Buy pasta from the manufacturer and sell it in bulk at your own markup to supermarkets, canteens, cafes and companies that prepare and deliver hot meals.

According to experts, reselling goods as a business can generate decent profits, especially when it comes to inexpensive food products.

Educational courses

During the crisis, many people lose their jobs, so they have to look for other sources of income. To do this, they have to master new professions that are in demand during the period of economic instability.

In this regard, the demand for various educational courses begins to grow. If you are thinking about what is profitable to sell in a crisis, try offering your knowledge to consumers.

Foreign language courses, playing the guitar or cutting and sewing are always in great demand, so you will not be left without income.

In addition, you can offer your services to friends and acquaintances who may become your first students.

Educational courses are one of the most promising areas of small business in 2018, which opens up great opportunities for beginners.

Goods from China

Previously, many people believed that any Chinese product is a consumer goods that is not of high quality. But the situation has changed and now you can build a profitable business on goods from China. As you know, in the Middle Kingdom, you can buy products 50% cheaper than in our country.

It produces everything from clothing and children's toys to high-tech medical equipment. Before starting a business with China, you need to decide what to trade in a crisis.

Experienced entrepreneurs are advised to pay attention to the following product groups:

  • Shoes and clothing;
  • Electronics;
  • Accessories;
  • Textile;
  • Kids toys;
  • Mobile phones.

The easiest way to make money reselling goods from China is dropshipping. This is a great option for those who are looking for something to do at home when boring and make money from it.

Create your own online store, post photos and descriptions of products from Chinese sites in it and wait for buyers.

When the customer pays for the purchase, use that money to buy the product from suppliers in China at a lower price and send it to the buyer's address. The difference in prices is your net income.

Do not forget that the best-selling goods during a crisis are essential goods. Expensive goods that are not in great demand may remain unclaimed for a long time, therefore they will not bring you a good income.


Everyone knows that drugs are essential goods. Anyone who feels unwell goes to the doctor who prescribes the necessary medications.

After that, he goes to the pharmacy and even buys medicines with the last money in order to improve his health. Therefore, if you are wondering what to sell during a crisis, open your own pharmacy.

In difficult economic conditions, drug sales are not falling. On the contrary, they can even grow if you replace expensive drugs with cheap domestically produced ones.

Thanks to this, consumers can save money, and you will receive a good profit.

Naturally, opening a pharmacy is not easy. It is necessary to obtain an activity permit (a license to trade in medicinal products), as well as register your type of activity.

It will be quite problematic for novice entrepreneurs to open such a business because of the large start-up capital required to implement this idea of \u200b\u200bearnings. The way out of the situation is to search for investors. You can read about how to find an investor on our website.

Internet commerce: business in crisis Internet commerce: business in crisis

Personal hygiene and cosmetics

Thinking about what to sell in the 2018 crisis, many entrepreneurs opt for hygiene products.

These are goods for daily use, which are always in demand among the population.

To raise the level of sales, just as in the case of drugs, it is necessary to focus on the sale of inexpensive domestically produced products.

Let's take a closer look at what products to sell during a crisis:

  • Oral cavity care products;
  • Shampoos, balms and conditioners;
  • Washing powders and bleaches;
  • Cleaning and detergents;
  • Inexpensive perfumery;
  • Natural cosmetic.

Before choosing what is better to sell in a crisis, you need to first research the market and objectively assess the level of competition.


If you organize your business correctly, it will bring in decent income even in times of economic instability.

Entrepreneurs who decide to go into trade should remember that the best-selling product during a crisis is budget counterparts of essential products.


Trade is one of the pillars of the economy and the most popular types of activities in private business. It is often difficult for novice businessmen to decide what to sell in order to get the maximum profit without risk.

There are a huge number of positions and directions in which you can develop a trading network. Some of them are attractive for their large turnover, others for their high interest markup, others for their one-time profits, and others for their relative stability.

Many sellers are let down by the desire to get the maximum profit without considering other significant factors. Meanwhile, it is necessary to take into account not only the figures of the net profit from the sale, but also the requirements for the storage of goods, customer demand, seasonality.

In addition, a lot depends on the start-up capital that you can spend on the purchase of the first batches of goods.

Which store to open?

You don't always have to chase high markup opportunities. For example, in retail chains selling food products, the retail margin rarely exceeds 10%, however, due to the fact that the products are always well bought, even such a margin is quite profitable.

Naturally, when planning to trade in food, one must not forget that this is a perishable product, demanding on storage conditions. Therefore, you must take care of the storage space and dispose of the surplus goods in the warehouse in time.

To some extent, this also applies to household chemicals, although the shelf life is much longer here.

Unlike food products, clothing and footwear provide the seller with a high profit, due to the possibility of a significant (up to 200%) markup relative to the purchase price.

Here, too, it is worth focusing on the average buyer, because elite clothing brands, although they provide a larger one-time income, are sold much more difficult.

In addition, the start-up capital required to buy clothes in the middle price segment in the required range is much less than if you work with the premium segment.

The undoubted advantage of the clothing trade is the lack of expiration dates, but this comes at the cost of seasonality. Particular attention should be paid to children's things: it is profitable to sell them, while buyers will come again and again as their children grow up.

As for the low one-time profit, then you should not be intimidated if your product is popular enough to be bought in large volumes. For example, a package in a supermarket rarely costs more than one or two rubles, but given that its wholesale price does not exceed 20 kopecks, it turns out that the margin is up to a thousand percent. The main thing is to ensure the required demand.

Look for profitable options

In general, if there is enough consumer interest, you can find many “compromise” product categories that cost five to ten times the selling price without having to sell several thousand units to generate an acceptable income. In this respect, children are ideal consumers. Even a small retail outlet next to a circus or an amusement park can bring huge profits. You can sell cheap Chinese toys, cotton candy, or popcorn. For example, the cost of an average glass of popcorn is 4-5 rubles (of which 3 rubles is actually a paper cup), and the selling price is about 50 rubles.

An entrepreneur engaged in trade dreams that his goods do not lie on the shelves, but quickly find demand. But during the crisis, the financial situation of the population deteriorates. Accordingly, people are less likely to shop for non-essential goods.

It would seem that those businessmen who trade clothes, they may not worry about this: they say, the crisis is a crisis, and every person needs to not only eat something, but also wear something every day.

However, the changed conditions force them to be especially careful when deciding which clothes it is profitable to trade, and which one will almost certainly not find demand. The summer period of the year is approaching.

What clothes is it worth trading so that it quickly finds demand and brings profit to the businessman? Take a look at this question in terms of basic common sense.

What kind of clothes will people most likely buy, even in conditions when their financial situation has become noticeably difficult? Of course, first of all - inexpensive. But the word "inexpensive" should by no means be synonymous with words such as "bad", "outdated", etc.

That is, if a businessman focuses on inexpensive summer clothes - light trousers, shorts, shirts, T-shirts, blouses, light windbreakers - and at the same time the clothes are of quite acceptable quality, his goods will almost certainly be quickly sold out.

For reliability, it is worth offering customers about the same assortment as last season, of course, taking into account the fashion requirements, and if the goods were quickly sold out last summer.

As for expensive, especially exclusive, clothing - during the crisis, the demand for it drops sharply, this is inevitable. Therefore, the share of such a product in the assortment should be minimized or abandoned altogether for some time until the financial situation improves.

What about the nursery clothes? On the one hand, loving parents will in no way leave their baby without the necessary things, especially considering that in the summer babies spend a lot of time on the street.

On the other hand, in a crisis period, the sad saying is more than ever true: "I don't have time for fat - I would live to be!" Practice shows that during a crisis, parents are much more willing to accept worn-out, but still quite normal, children's clothes from relatives, friends and acquaintances who have older children than go to the store to buy. Therefore, focusing on the children's range is simply risky. Of course, you should not completely abandon children's clothing, but its share in your store should not exceed 10-15% of the total.

  • how to profitably sell baby clothes


Profitable niches for trade: pilaf via the Internet, knives, optics and much more.

Since the establishment of commodity-money relations, trade has been one of the most profitable types of business.

However, during a crisis, the question of what is profitable to trade becomes especially relevant.

Which product will be in demand for sure: already well-known and "promoted" or innovative? Low or high price bracket? Domestic or imported?

To understand which product to choose for promotion, one should analyze the market situation in various segments, the prospects for its development, assess sales channels and the level of competition.

Market situation

Nowadays, citizens' incomes are declining, and this entails a decrease in their purchasing power. According to Rosstat, in 2015 the real disposable income of Russians fell by 4%, and in the 1st quarter of 2016 - by another 3.9%.

According to research by "Romir", approximately 70% of our compatriots in 2015-2016. began to save up to 10% on the most essential: groceries, clothing, shoes, other non-food items of daily demand.

Sociologists distinguish four types of buyers, depending on the strategy they have chosen to save money (see Table 1).

Similar trends are observed in online sales (see Figure 1).

Fig. 1. How e-commerce is growing in Russia *

* The data is presented without taking into account online orders of ready-made food, tickets, digital goods, bulk purchases

In 2015, according to Vedomosti, they grew by only 3%, taking into account inflation (excluding - by 16%).

This is 2.5 times less than in 2014 (8% adjusted for inflation). In the average online store, the check “grew up” by 8% and amounted to 4,050 rubles.

The number of orders also increased by 8% (up to 160 million)

According to Data Insight statistics, buyers' interest has shifted from electronics and household appliances to budget goods: inexpensive clothing and consumer goods. At the same time, the share of premium brands and expensive goods decreased. The leaders include sports goods, products for animals and a range of children.

Summary: the situation on the market makes one think about the formation of a fairly wide range, designed for an audience interested in saving.

At the same time, the quality should be acceptable, since the competition in the low and medium segments has been and remains high.

The marketing strategy should be focused on different categories of citizens and take into account their preferred ways of saving.

What do buyers want?

Let's consider what product is profitable to trade today, using the example of successful startups and the most popular franchises (according to Forbs 2016).

Food: pilaf via the Internet

Food products are categorized as essential. Even with austerity, shoppers will never exclude them from the shopping basket.

This means that you can take your place in this niche. This is exactly what the young entrepreneur Ilkhom Ismailov did. In 2014, he opened an online Uzbek food store Plov.

The start-up capital - 1 million rubles from our own savings - was spent on arranging the kitchen and creating an order acceptance site.

At first, the entrepreneur and his partners sold only pilaf, in 2015 they expanded their assortment and began to offer sweets, salads, manti, baked goods: sales increased by 88%. The online store's revenue in the period from January to April 2016 doubled compared to the same period last year.

The nearest plans are to create a franchise (there are already about 200 requests from potential franchisees) and to open a business offline: “We understand that we need to go offline,” says Ilkhom Ismailov. - In summer, people try to spend more time outdoors, in parks. We have to be where our client is. "

At the end of 2015, I. Ismailov became the winner of the “School of the Young Billionaire”, held annually by Forbs, and his project was recognized as one of the most promising.

Cooking at home: knives for hobbyists

During the crisis, people began to visit cafes and restaurants less, but at the same time they still want to eat deliciously and beautifully.

This tendency was noticed by the entrepreneur Alexey Yakovlev and entered into an agreement with the largest manufacturer of steel and ceramic knives "Samura Cutlery". By promoting the products of this company in the middle price category, you can interest the amateur cooks in it.

The idea paid off: today there are 250 points of sale for the Samura franchise (TOP-5 of the Forbs rating in 2016) (23 opened in 2015).

Initial investment - 250,000 rubles: involves the cost of equipping a retail outlet and purchasing a starting batch of knives. The franchisee's revenue is 3.75 million rubles, the profit is 2 million rubles (knives are sold at a 160% markup).

Good vision is valuable

The demand for health products is consistently high.

This explains the success of Ikraft Optics, a federal retail chain of stores that sell ready-made glasses and make them to order (it has its own lens turning workshop).

Business geography - more than 100 cities. There are no royalties and lump-sum payments. For the entry fee (1.4 million rubles), franchisees receive retail, lighting, medical equipment and a basic batch of goods.

The franchisor offers partners the opportunity to make up to 300% of the retail mark-up and, as a bonus, gives 50% compensation for advertising costs.

Revenue - 6 million rubles, franchisee profit - 3 million rubles.

For children's creativity

Investing in the younger generation is considered by most parents to be the most important and most profitable, therefore, among everything that is now profitable to trade, goods for children occupy one of the first places. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

If we talk about the offline format, then the franchise for the sale of creative kits "Orange Elephant" (TOP-15 of the Forbs rating) is successfully moving forward: 10 of its own and 422 franchise outlets.

The franchisors have their own production in China of sets for painting, modeling, design, decor.

Today it is one of the most recognizable and fastest growing chains of goods for children, represented in 61 cities of Russia, as well as in the CIS, Europe, Asia, South Africa. In 2015, 85 new Orange Elephant outlets were opened.

Initial investment - 250 thousand rubles. Estimated revenue - 7.5 million rubles, profit - 1.9 million rubles.

What is profitable to sell online?

Today, almost everyone can create their own online store. But not everyone knows how to fill it.

The Segodnya editors invited experts to clarify this issue.

Table 2. What is profitable to trade on the Internet? Product "Pros" What to look for
Souvenirs, gifts
  • great demand (seasonal holidays, birthdays, memorable dates, etc.)
  • you can sell goods of your own production with a wrap up to 300%
Goods for pets
  • the ability to order delivery of the most popular items - feed and filler, which usually have a large volume, so it is inconvenient to pick them up from the supermarket
  • a good solution for those who do not have a pet store near their home
  • goods with a long shelf life, so they are ordered at a significant interval: you will have to engage in active promotion
  • in a crisis, many switch to feeding animals by-products
Hobby goods (diamond mosaic, felting wool, paints, brushes, decoupage paper) and collectibles (stamps, coins, antiques)
  • passionate people - a grateful audience: they will always find funds for their hobby
  • keeping a store offline on this subject is unprofitable, since the goods are not essential, but in the online version it is profitable (less overhead, lower price, higher demand)
  • many people hesitate to purchase collectible goods online due to the risk of counterfeiting
  • goods are not cheap, so demand for them during a crisis will be limited
Goods for recreation and tourism
  • more and more people are guided by active and suburban recreation
  • delivery of bulky and bulky goods to the apartment is attractive
  • it is difficult to find suppliers (China does not suit everyone)
  • a lot of imports - currency risks
  • seasonal demand
  • many competitors

But not everything depends on the popularity of this or that product. In order for trading to be successful, professionals recommend selling what you yourself are well versed in.

If the seller is an expert in his product, the buyer treats him with confidence and quickly passes into the category of permanent ones, recommends him to his friends.

This must be taken into account when choosing your trading niche.

A profitable business is a business that is built on the sale of high-margin goods or services. The supply should be in high demand and the maximum markup. High-margin products provide good returns. Margin is the profit generated by the difference between the purchase price and the selling price. So, what goods are profitable to trade at retail? How to start a profitable business?

Product markup on sale

Profitable sales will not only help keep the company afloat, but will also bring good returns. To make a profit, each seller must make a list of the most demanded and popular products, which are distinguished by the maximum demand and high mark-ups. Today there are several types of margin: market, banking, unit, investment. A market markup is used to sell goods.

As a rule, the mark-up on a product set by an entrepreneur can vary and be very high. Such markups are set due to the fact that there is no limit threshold and no one controls them. But here you need to clearly understand that the goods will not be bought at an overpriced price. Usually, the standard mark-up on a product is set in the region of 40-50%, but there are some products for which the margin can be about 1000%, but they will still be purchased.

Types of goods with different margins

To figure out which products have what margin, you must first familiarize yourself with its types. There are three types of goods on margin:

  1. Low margin products. They are in high demand among consumers, but they can be bought at any store. They have a 10-20% mark-up. With such a sale, you can get income not due to large markups, but due to the high turnover. Products of this type include personal hygiene products, baby food, and detergents. The real value of this type of product is very low.
  2. Average margin products. This group includes products that are not essential. Here the margin can be set slightly higher. But they are sold much less often. These include electronics, building materials, home appliances, etc.
  3. High-margin products. Items that customers buy for special occasions or holidays. This category also includes branded products that connoisseurs cannot refuse.

When calculating the markup for a product, it is necessary to take into account the cost price, salaries to sellers, advertising costs, expenses for renting premises, take into account excess profits and set a minimum price.

Choosing the right niche

For an effective sale, you need to know and take into account all the nuances. When choosing a niche for a business, an entrepreneur should focus on certain points:

  1. You need to choose a niche that is familiar and promising. It is better to choose the direction in which the businessman understands and knows the market.
  2. To generate a good income, the cost of the product must be low and the selling price high.
  3. The study of the level of demand must be carried out without fail, this will allow you to find profitable high-margin goods.
  4. It is worth focusing on those products that will bring regular customers.
  5. You should pay attention to the seasonality and location of the store (promotion is important for online stores).

Usually, when choosing a niche, they choose products that are in great demand, and high-margin products, or stop at what will always be in demand. For example, today watches that sync with a mobile phone or fitness bracelets are very popular. On the other hand, stable demand for Apple products can bring good profits. Therefore, a profitable business primarily depends on the correct choice of a niche and accurate miscalculations.

What goods are profitable to trade at retail

Since a beginner entrepreneur is usually limited in finances, he should carefully choose his niche and the best-selling product. This will help in the future to bring your company to a high level of profit.

Today trade is very developed. On every corner there are shops or markets with a large selection, where you can find products for every taste. You should not exclude market trading from your list, since it is on the market that there is a lot of traffic, especially on holidays or weekends. There is an active sale of inexpensive goods, since expensive products are simply not in demand.

The store is different from the market. It can be opened on the ground floors of a residential building, in a large shopping center and in any other suitable space. Usually in stores there is little traffic, but targeted customers bring income. Here you can sell goods of different price categories. During the opening of the store, it is necessary to determine the expected demand and need for the goods of the residents of the area. You need to offer exactly the product that is not in this district.

The choice of a retail product for your business depends on certain factors. But experts believe that with the right choice of a retail outlet, food products are the most popular goods and a win-win business. Income from the sale of products will be at any time of the year. The disadvantages are the short implementation time and high competition.

The sale of household chemicals is also a demanded category of goods that have a long shelf life. Since this product is in great demand, you can also make good money in this niche. The department can be opened in any store and sell household chemicals as a related product.

A win-win retail option is shoes and apparel. But here you need to take into account the financial ability of customers and the relevance of this product (fashion). In residential areas, sales will be low, but customers will be regular. In large shopping centers, the opposite is true. Here you can sell branded items with a large mark-up.

Don't forget about stationery. With the right choice of outlet, this business can bring a good profit. Shops should be opened near educational institutions or offices. This niche is relevant and has no seasonality. Also, the store can offer additional services in the form of a photocopier, printing documents or photographs, etc.

Another retail option is flowers. Today it is customary to give them with or without reason. Well-designed bouquets can make good money. When choosing a niche, this beautiful and pleasant kind of business also deserves attention.

When choosing an assortment for sale, one should take into account the location of the outlet, the needs of the consumer, and the financial capabilities of the population. At the initial stage of implementation, any business needs a competent business plan.

Online store

Today it is very important to run your business on the Internet. An online store does not need premises and staff. This helps to save money on rent, on employees' salaries, and advertising on the Internet is much cheaper. Due to the fact that such a store is not geographically tied, business can be conducted throughout the country by sending goods by mail.

What high-margin products for e-commerce to choose? Now there are many online sites that offer a large assortment of goods. It is difficult for beginners to compete with the giants of online stores Amazon, AliExpress or Ozon, whose assortment starts with clothes and ends with precious jewelry. In order for an internet business to bring good money, it is necessary to correctly choose a special niche and a group of trade items.

You can sell everything in an online store, but first you need to opt for 2-3 categories. If the products are sold, then over time you can expand your assortment.

The most requested products in the online store

Having studied the market and demand in the Russian Federation, experts have compiled a list of the most popular products in the Global Network. This will help at the initial stage to make your choice in a particular area. List of in-demand products:

  • flowers, souvenirs, gifts;
  • toys and goods for children;
  • auto parts;
  • clothes, bags, shoes;
  • special equipment for sports and tourism, sportswear;
  • home Appliances;
  • computers and accessories for them;
  • materials for construction and repair;
  • household chemicals and personal hygiene products;
  • mobile phones and accessories to them;
  • alcohol and food;
  • medicines;
  • products for animals;
  • jewelry, watches and bijouterie.

When choosing an assortment, you need to understand that the more demand, the more competition. To take its rightful place among competitors, you need to carefully analyze each of the above categories.

To open an online store in a small town, it is necessary to take into account that the population here has a lower income than in a metropolis. In small towns, the population is smaller, and the needs are completely different. It should be noted that expensive goods will not be in demand. Customers will be looking for inexpensive but average quality products. Examples of goods for trade in a small town:

  • inexpensive shoes and clothing;
  • food products (except for delicacies);
  • second-hand goods;
  • cheap alcohol and cigarettes;
  • auto parts;
  • medicines at low prices.

These categories of goods will be in great demand in a small town. By creating an internet business even in a small town, you can find regular customers, the main thing is to sell quality products and maintain a reputation.

High-margin products from China

How do you choose the right product that will make a profit? Purchasing goods from Chinese sites should be deliberate. Products should not be heavy and bulky, and you should also choose products that do not deteriorate. This will save you money on shipping. For implementation, you can use social networks, one-page sites and online stores.

When choosing a product for sale, you need to think about what you can make a high mark-up for, which can recoup your expenses and make a profit. Such products may be unremarkable, disposable, but will always be in demand. For example: plastic bags, plastic jar lids, disposable hats, slippers, raincoats. They cost a penny and do not take up much space, but they can bring a good profit.

The purchase of goods in a crisis should be well thought out. At this point, offering the consumer cheap analogue products from China, you can get a good income. Even if the quality is lower, the low price will be a pleasant bonus. It is important to find here an assortment with a low price, but of good quality.

When searching for a suitable assortment, you need to analyze the market. Every day world trends and fashion create new demanded niches. Entering the market with this particular group of products will initially bring a good income due to the lack of competitors.

How and where to find Chinese goods

Today there are many popular Chinese sites where you can purchase goods. They do retail and wholesale. Main sites:

  1. GearBest - This site has Russian support. Usually the newest products appear here.
  2. AliExpress - this site is also available in Russian, a huge number of products are presented, including at a low price.
  3. Alibaba.

Finding a high-margin product on AliExpress, for example, is quite simple. You just need to select the category of goods of interest and view the offers. You can turn on a filter to show only items under $ 1 or items that are eligible for free shipping. Convenient little things for home, T-shirts, unusual jewelry, interesting and original souvenirs will be in demand (now spinners are popular, a few months ago everyone was buying My Bottle water bottles, and a couple of years ago talking hamster toys were shot).

All that remains is to buy a batch of such goods, set your own price or use the dropshipping scheme. Such a product should in any case be in demand. The main thing is to find your niche, and then everything will follow a proven scheme.

The most popular products in the Russian Federation for 2017

Today, during the economic crisis, newcomers to business have many questions. What are the products in demand in 2017? Which direction will generate income? You can answer these questions by analyzing the market, demand and competitors.

In 2017, experts advise selling cheap products. Products with average quality and low price are popular now. The rating of high-margin products for 2017 is represented by the following product groups:

  1. Quadrocopters and the necessary equipment for them. Now this product is at its peak. They use quadcopters for aerial photography.
  2. Mobile phones and additional gadgets (power bank, original headphones).
  3. Appliances.
  4. Green teas. This business does not require a lot of start-up capital, but it is in high demand among consumers who lead a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Products that cleanse the body. Herbal tinctures, detox, etc. are popular today.
  6. LED lamp. The demand for such lamps is growing every year. They are economical and work for a long time.
  7. Books. Now many people prefer to read electronic literature, but printed publications also find their own category of consumers. It is very convenient to buy books through online stores, since there it is much cheaper and you can familiarize yourself with the annotation of the book you like.
  8. Clothes and footwear.
  9. Gift items and toys for children.
  10. Cosmetics.

A modern businessman is obliged to build a strategy for his work, keeping pace with the times. You need to be able to completely change your style at a time of crisis and significant competition, radically change direction.

Trade is one of the most profitable sectors of the economy. You need to start your business with a detailed monitoring of the market, studying the buyer, determining demand and taking into account the seasonality for specific categories of goods. Retail trade is a large field for entrepreneurial activity, but all niches in it have long been occupied. This does not mean that you need to give up, on the contrary, you should study the specifics of your regional market and precisely determine the group of goods with which you will work. The product market has many positions that are suitable for a start-up business. You need to choose those where the risks are minimal, a high percentage margin and a large volume of trade. The stability of consumer demand, especially for essential goods, is also important. These products include food, personal care products and household chemicals. They are in steady demand and are always relevant. There is also a category of seasonal goods, the demand for which is greatest during a certain period. The rest of the goods have a less pronounced trade specificity and are secondary, on which demand depends solely on the needs of the buyer in certain conditions and environment.

To know what is profitable to trade in the market, you need to carefully study the market, develop a business development strategy and plan all the factors that can reduce demand. Also, you should carefully consider the indicators of start-up capital, the specifics of the selected group of goods and calculate the possible margin. So, for food products in retail chains, the margin is 10-15%, household chemicals and hygiene products can be sold from 20-30%, but clothes, especially seasonal clothes, can have a profit of up to 200% per unit.

Where to start trading?

First of all, you need to decide on the trade segment. If you intend to sell products, you must take care of storage conditions and equip storage facilities. Limited shelf life of dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, etc. requires the supply of refrigeration chambers in sales areas to create suitable storage conditions.

Set goals ahead of time. Do not purchase goods in unlimited quantities if you are not sure about their implementation. Find contractors and suppliers right away to work with. Discuss the possibility of changing the volume of purchased goods, depending on the sale.

You need to start trading on the market with the organization of a retail outlet. Depending on the specifics of the trade, plan what suits you best: a container in the market, a pavilion or a trading floor. Rent must be agreed in advance, since good points do not stagnate for a long time. It is better to rent premises closer to the center of the market than to settle for distant locations. Please note that the most profitable are the places with the highest customer traffic: the beginning of the shopping lane, the market exit and the first row.

Before you start trading on the market, decide on the form of doing business. There are three main forms: individual entrepreneurship (individual entrepreneurship), partnership and corporation. Each form has several modifications.

The optimal solution for trading on the market is individual (private) entrepreneurship with simplified taxation. Register all documents with the tax service and issue an individual entrepreneur, which will help avoid problems with the business in the future. Official registration allows you to establish relationships with suppliers and minimize risks. It is prohibited to trade on the market without registration of an individual entrepreneur and this is fraught with a fine and administrative liability.

What to choose for trading?

Everything is sold in the bazaar and a potential buyer knows what is more profitable to buy, for example, meat or vegetables in the market than in the supermarket. The first thing you need to do in order to trade in the market is to select a category of goods to sell. The type, volume and name of the product are of great importance for effective business conduct. The most popular products for sale on the market are:

  • clothing and footwear;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • meat and fish;
  • milk products;
  • personal hygiene products;
  • household chemicals;
  • non-food products (for home, garden, vegetable garden, etc.).

If you have decided for yourself that I want to trade in the market, then analyze the scope of activity of each of the areas of trade in food, non-food construction. Essential goods are in constant demand. These include:

  • bread and bakery;
  • toilet paper;
  • potatoes, carrots, onions;
  • meat and offal;
  • intimate hygiene products;
  • milk, cheese and cottage cheese.

The rest of the products are seasonal. For example, winter clothing and footwear are most popular on the eve of the season, and the meat trade has virtually no waste or costs.

Which products are profitable to sell on the market depends on its location. If this is the central market of a large city, then everything that you sell will make a profit. If this is the outskirts of the city, then it is better to give preference to clothing, shoes, pastry shop. In a small village, only basic and basic goods are in demand, so you shouldn't sell any dried fruits, tea shops and gourmet sweets. For coastal areas, the optimal solution is fast food: ice cream, hamburgers, hot dogs and low alcohol drinks. The latter require a license.

What is better to sell in the market?

The market is popular because you can buy everything here, much cheaper and, in the opinion of many consumers, of better quality. The best way to trade in the market depends on what kind of capital you expect to make a purchase with. Selling clothes requires a significant investment in the product, and until you know your potential client, then half of the things will be poorly implemented. You need experience in selling things. If you are targeting a certain client, for example, young people, then always follow the latest fashion, track the taste preferences of the buyer and his financial capabilities.

It is most profitable to trade in meat and fish, but there are many nuances. First of all, you need to create conditions for their storage. Plan in advance who you will buy meat from, check the quality of goods from suppliers, documents and licenses. You are responsible for the quality of meat and fish. Fish requires a freezer, but it is less problematic in terms of implementation than meat. The fish sells well, both frozen and chilled, and the meat is only fresh.

Another thing that can be sold on the market is seasonal vegetables and fruits. In the summertime, cherries, watermelon, strawberries, etc. will bring a lot of profit. Here it is important to organize storage conditions and promptly sell the goods, as they are perishable. The same cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes are better sold in summer. But milk, cheese, sausage products are popular all year round.

What are the benefits of trading in the market?

Whether it is profitable to trade on the market is the primary question of concern to entrepreneurs. Every business has advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of trading in the market:

  • low rent per point;
  • the ability to trade several types of goods at the same time;
  • constant flow of buyers;
  • the possibility of business expansion;
  • a large selection of areas for trade;
  • good profit with minimal investment, etc.

The disadvantages of trading in the market are the wrong location for the outlet, lack of advertising skills and effective sales, costs and illiquid assets, etc. It is important to know how to learn how to trade correctly. To do this, do not use too high a markup, advertise the product and use the discount method to reduce losses.

In the modern world, the idea of \u200b\u200bworking for oneself finds more and more response in the minds of people.

Thanks to the internet, the availability of books and business seminars, like others, future entrepreneurs realize that anything is possible.

Success goes not only to the moneybags and those who have the right connections.

And first of all, those who are ready to devote time and effort to tirelessly move towards their goal.

Mostly beginners are wondering where to start your business in trade.

This is because this area is well known to everyone, and also has many options for choosing a niche, among which anyone can find something to their liking.

But no matter how simple a trading business may seem, in order to properly open it and competently conduct business, certain knowledge is required.

The most important secrets will be briefly revealed in this article.

How to choose the right niche for your trading business?

To properly filter out ideas of what kind of trading business to start, an entrepreneur must ask himself two questions:

    What kind of trading business would you like to actually do?

    Indeed, it is very important that the entrepreneur likes his chosen business.
    Only then will it be possible to establish the process fully, when the businessman will trade in what is interesting to him.

    What products are needed and especially popular in the selected area?

    Of course, no matter how you are fond of fishing or tennis, opening a store of relevant goods where there is no demand for them is simply stupid.
    Therefore, you need to pay a lot of attention to analyzing the needs of your potential customers.

Analysis of the current state of affairs in the trading business

So, an important question that will allow you to filter out popular ideas for a trading business is what areas are currently in demand in your region.

In Russia, the trade sector occupies about 50-55% of all activities of small business entrepreneurs.

Ideas for opening a store can be emphasized by examining the demand diagram according to Yandex.Wordstat data:

Step-by-step instructions on how to start a trading business

Don't learn the tricks in trading - learn to trade.
Folk wisdom

Theoretical information and analysis gives only a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhich trading business is worth starting and which ideas can be properly developed.

For practical actions, step-by-step instructions are useful for novice entrepreneurs.

  1. You need to register yourself as an entrepreneur, choose the form of taxation, and obtain all the necessary documents to conduct legal trading activities.
  2. If you decide to implement your business outside the market, you cannot do without a cash register.
    It is necessary not only to buy it, but also to register it.
    Also, don't forget about the second popular payment method - payment cards.
    You need to create and register a terminal, having previously selected the bank that will serve it.
  3. Another type of documents, without which it is impossible to conduct a trading business is licenses for certain groups of goods.
    First of all, this concerns alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.
  4. When all the necessary permissions and documents have been received, it remains to choose a place where you can open a sales outlet.
    You can buy a piece of land and put a pavilion on it.
    But it is better to first rent a ready-made outlet, establish the trading process, and then make such large investments.
    Do not be lazy and look for special offers from the city administration.
    Sometimes it is possible to open a point cheaper due to the benefits from their side.
    And you, as gratitude, equip a public transport stop adjacent to the outlet.
  5. After resolving the issue with the trade pavilion, you can negotiate the necessary utilities and obtain permits from the SES and Rospotrebnadzor.
  6. When the organizational issues are over, two relatively simple but crucial steps remain.
    You must find worthy employees in your sales outlet, and also equip it with everything you need.

How to properly conduct a business in trade: choosing premises

In the step-by-step instructions on how to open a trading business, there is not much space devoted to the choice of location.

Although this step is very important and a competent decision will significantly increase the number of potential customers.

So, the most popular ideas for a good place to trade look like this:

  • in order to establish a stable flow of visitors, the store should be located in crowded places (near stops, metro, crossings, intersections, train stations and bus stations);
  • you can save on accommodation if you do not strive to establish a point in the central part of the city - there, of course, demand is higher; but you can trade successfully in residential areas;
  • if you do not want to bother with the security of a retail outlet, you can rent a place in a shopping center; but be careful when choosing it - not everyone can boast of a high level of attendance.

What state can you start a trading business from?

To open a sales outlet, it is enough to hire an administrator and two sellers to work in shifts.

Of course, the size of the staff will completely depend on the expected volume of business.

Traditionally, a piece-rate system of payment is established - this is an additional incentive for sellers to perform their functions well.

The work schedule is in shifts: week after week, or day after day.

Sellers are required to have a health book, sociability, and the ability to win over people.

Perhaps, for such a position it is better to hire a person without experience, but with enthusiasm and a positive character. Than a rude woman "in years", but with more experience.

After all, work skills can be quickly acquired in practice - there is nothing difficult about it. But the attitude towards customers means a lot.

According to surveys, more than 50% of people are ready to go to a more distant store for themselves if they like the people working there.

They will also refuse purchases at the point where they are rude or simply not served politely enough. Even if this store is closer and more convenient for them.

You will also need security and cleaning services.

For the first purpose, it is worth contacting a security company and installing an alarm, as well as a surveillance camera. It is not so expensive, but it can save a lot of nerves and money later.

But the cleaning lady can be hired for an hourly rate. In the dry season, cleaning every other day is sufficient, in the wet - daily.

Ideas on how to properly promote your trading business

A successful trading business is possible only if you are ready to invest in its promotion.

With the amount of investments, moreover, you need to decide at the start.

Large-scale business ideas will require significant investment and it is better to outsource this business to an advertising agency.

But a small business can get by with "little blood" using the following methods:

  • nowadays, few companies do not have their own website, because online promotion is considered one of the best ways of advertising; of course, this is not suitable for all areas of the trading business - this is also worth considering;
  • use contextual and banner advertising;
  • promote through social media - it is much more budgetary and allows you to increase brand awareness;
  • set a high bar for customer service: it's important that people want to come back to you again;
  • introduce a system of discounts for regular customers, discount cards, coupons.

How much capital is needed to open a trading business?

If a novice entrepreneur has only a great desire to open a business, but there is no start-up capital, there are two ideas where you can get it:

  • Taking out a bank loan, which is fraught with difficulties, but still possible.
  • Attract sponsors who are ready to invest in a project with a certain benefit for themselves.

In both the first and second cases, you cannot do without such a document as. In it, you will need to carefully calculate the potential revenue and payback period of the trading business.

In order to invest money in you, people must see the potential of the idea not only in words, but also in the form of numbers and specific calculations, analysis.

Depending on what exactly you decide to do, the amount will differ significantly.

But an indicative list of opening costs looks like this:

  1. The cost of purchasing land and a retail outlet or renting premises.
  2. Remuneration for hired personnel.
  3. Registration of all necessary permits, licenses, registration.
  4. Renovation and decoration indoors.
  5. Installation and configuration of the necessary equipment.
  6. Creation of inventory.

And the video below shows unusual stores,

who sell ordinary goods.

Take note, stand out!

Monthly contribution to business on trade

In addition to the costs that are required to launch a trading business, you need to invest money to run it.

Let's consider an indicative list of costs using the example of a point selling alcohol and cigarettes.

Trade business Is an ideal choice for beginners who decide to try their hand at working for themselves.

It is important to understand that entrepreneurial activity is not only about organizing a trading business. It is important to fully establish it and conduct business competently.

In this case, you will receive a source of stable income. And do not replenish the lava of those who were looking for where you can easily catch a goldfish from a pond and sit in a puddle.

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Before investing their money, energy and time in the business, any novice businessman asks this important question. How to occupy exactly that market niche, where at the same time there will be a good demand for its products and a sufficient number of solvent consumers. Every newly-minted entrepreneur dreams of this, but these dreams come true very rarely and, more often than not, remain dreams. And the reason for this is the most common - competitors.

It was about competition that was dreamed of during the Soviet Union, when there was a shortage of goods. Today, if someone finds a profitable, unoccupied industry, they will almost immediately find out about it. And tomorrow there will be two or three entrepreneurs in this industry who will start multiplying like mushrooms after rain. And in a short time this niche will be filled with militant competitors.

There is, of course, a better situation, provided that somewhere in a large state organization your uncle works as a director, who, out of family feelings, will transfer orders for services and the purchase of goods only to you. And since this is only your uncle, there will be no competitors. But this is fraught with an article about monopoly and corruption in state enterprises. Therefore, it is better to consider the ideal version of a competitive market with the condition that in this industry there are simultaneously a large number of approximately the same competing entrepreneurs and enterprises that use similar technologies or sell a similar range of goods.

All market niches today seem to be occupied and completely filled. But in fact, not because the market is steadily growing and developing, technologies and products are changing, the demand for them is changing. Because of this, new product industries are emerging, quickly filling with the most active and competitive entrepreneurs. And also those who just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

And now a few examples of how it is possible and necessary to use the uneven development of the market, and how to play on the changing situation in order to gain a local advantage over competitors in an overcrowded product niche.

Once in the distant past, there were no cockroach pencils in Russia. And the cockroaches themselves in the houses were innumerable. A commercial organization learned that this miracle cure is already on sale in China. And this very company has entered into a contract for the supply of a huge amount of goods. The first shipments were snapped up like hot cakes for several months, despite the fact that prices were two to three times higher than the purchase.

Then, when other firms after some time found out about this and also began to import pencils from cockroaches to Russia, prices fell along with the amount of profit. A year later, this product was no different from an ordinary commercial one, and there was the same markup of 20-30% of the purchase price.

Or another situation from the relatively recent past. A good communicator Palm Treo 650 was released in the USA. For a time it was the best one. But progress does not stand still. They began to produce more advanced communicators. But Palm Treo650 still continued to be in demand, because it was a very successful model. In this regard, it was released in a very large batch.

In one year, this communicator managed to become the best-selling communicator in the United States. Then, of course, the fashion for him ended, he was outdated. But a significant remainder of the batch remained on the market. And the change of fashion has not yet reached Russia. And there were enterprising people who figured out, counted and began to import these communicators in containers to our markets. For comparison: since the United States recognized this model as obsolete, its purchase price was reduced and amounted to $ 100-120. Our Palm Treo650 cost 350-400 dollars as a novelty. This went on for over a year. Several large companies, seeing this situation, also decided to make money and began to import these communicators in very large quantities.

And the boom is over. Once there was a surplus of goods on the market, then the price quite naturally fell. Just by that time, the cost of newer models began to decline in our market.

Therefore, in order to really make money, you need to constantly look for various options for earning money, new goods and services.

Now let's see what goods and services are in demand now.

As elsewhere, you can choose here. For example, the consumer goods market. Every day or quite regularly, people buy bread, potatoes, kefir, cereals, sugar, salt and other products. But since these goods are constantly needed, there are very, very many manufacturers of this assortment, respectively, you can not count on the profitability of this trade. In order to have more than competitors and always have a demand for the products of its production, you need to constantly introduce some new technologies that will reduce the cost of goods, or rely on large volumes of sales. Here it is already impossible to talk about small and medium-sized businesses, since you will have to create large supermarkets, shopping centers and chains.

There is another option - to look for completely new products and services. You will be the only ones on the market, and for a while you will be able to work without competition. If we talk about such a product that can be quickly found and that it is suitable for any region, then these are constantly changing fashionable styles of clothing and shoe models.

Designers and marketers work hard to create these products every year. If you have already opened the sale of clothing and footwear, you can contact the suppliers of popular fashion brands in their price category, and every season to delight your customers with an assortment of new collections. All this will be in demand, but only for a certain time.

Then competitors will find out about the profitability of your company and will start importing and selling similar models. Demand and margins will inevitably fall. Therefore, take care in advance about purchasing new models that are relevant for the next season, and customers will always come to you.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that constantly developing progress can not only create new business areas and market niches, but also destroy old ones. More recently, the sale of cassettes for cassette recorders was widespread. It was very profitable. But then the development of technology stepped forward, laser discs appeared, and cassette recorders became obsolete and disappeared from production. The cassettes are no longer needed by anyone.

Or let's turn to another similar industry. Every year our market is massively replenished with novelties of mobile phones, laptops and netbooks, tablets, electronic gadgets and other equipment.

Batteries for these devices have time to wear out faster than the device itself deteriorates or becomes outdated. Therefore, many entrepreneurs were able to arrange the supply of batteries and other spare little things and accessories for electronic equipment directly from Chinese or Taiwanese manufacturers. They help people and do not forget their profits - everyone is happy. Or they buy in the largest online stores known all over the world, for example, It is possible to purchase spare parts and various components for existing equipment there much cheaper than from the supplier of this equipment.

The circuit is very simple. A communicator supplier purchases batteries from a direct battery manufacturer and imposes a markup on them. Then the supplier of the equipment makes purchases of electronics together with spare parts, brings it to its warehouse and again makes a markup for delivery and separately for storing the equipment in the warehouse. Alternatively, you can buy batteries directly from the manufacturer in an online auction. It is clear that in this case you save a lot of money, which also increases depending on the quantity of goods in the supplied batches.

Modern means of communication and delivery make it possible to receive the ordered goods quickly and easily. And there is always effective demand for it, which is constantly growing with the acquisition of equipment

Here a natural question arises as to whether a novice businessman should do everything in the same way as those who already have many clients, large sales volumes, turnover and good income. The answer may be simple: if someone invented and created a successful business, then that someone is an intelligent person. And this means that the same business can be reproduced only if, for some reason, the enterprise is closed, or to expand in another, less busy place. For example, there was a certain company that successfully worked in the clothing market in one city. You are from another city. We arrived, got acquainted with the assortment, with how to find suppliers and clients. In your city today there is no such product and such trade. And you copied this type of business and transferred it to your city. In this case, the option will be successful.

The likelihood of success will become even higher, and you will be especially pleased if you manage not only to do the same thing, but to bring some other idea of \u200b\u200byour own - new and original. But at the same time, it is necessary to realize that any undertaking on the market is primarily a commercial risk, and not only profits and opportunities. And the more profitable the business, the greater the risk for a businessman.


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