How to check if a watermelon is ripe or not. How to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon: signs of maturity. How to choose the right watermelon

Many do not know, but according to experts, watermelons are divided, relatively speaking, by gender.

There are "boys" and "girls". Who of them who can be found out when you cut a watermelon.

Those that are sweeter and contain fewer seeds are "girls".

Others are also professionals in their field, they say that all this is fiction, in fact, watermelons are hermaphrodites.

We are simple gardeners, these disputes are of little interest, the most important thing for us is to find out ripe watermelon or not.

Gardeners - amateurs who grow these large berries in their summer cottages have long known how to determine ripeness. These symptoms are described below.

A watermelon is ripe if:

  • A good ripe watermelon, usually of the correct shape, that is, it has a slightly elongated ball shape.
  • The fruit should not be small, an average of about 8-12 kg is better. Small ones are usually not very sweet. If you choose a watermelon on the market, large specimens, more than 12 kg., Do not take, they may contain a large amount of harmful nitrates.
  • Also, the maturity of a watermelon is indicated by its tail. For ripe and sweet, it is dry. On the shelves, these appear after mid-August. If the tail is greenish and not dry, then it was removed unripe.
  • The crust must not be damaged (dents, cracks, spots). Such a watermelon, even if ripe, loses its taste. Can get sour.

  • Well, the last sign is the well-known knock on a watermelon. The sound of a ripe watermelon, ringing, as if crunchy. A dull sound indicates that the fruit is lethargic and stale. In addition, storage conditions were violated.

By the way, watermelons can be stored for a long time. For this, watermelons are selected without external damage, and if possible without a macular spot on the side, or so that it is as small as possible. By weight about 7kg.

We place it in the net and hang it in a dark place with a temperature not higher than + 5C. The watermelon should not be in contact with the wall or anything else.

With proper storage, you can eat watermelon for the new year.

If anyone else is interested in the sex of a watermelon, then it is determined by the bottom. In the “girl's” watermelon, it has a flatter and larger speck, while in the “boys” there is a depression inward, and passes into a small dot.

After choosing a ripe watermelon, it is just right to prepare a cocktail for the guests called “ drunk watermelon».

Cut out a round hole in the watermelon, about the size of a bottleneck and about 7cm deep. After that, turn the bottle of vodka over and insert it with its neck into this hole.

Make sure that the depth is sufficient so that the contents do not spill out. We wait until everything is absorbed.

Seal the hole and place in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

After the expiration of time, the watermelon cocktail is ready for use, it remains to cut into slices. The watermelon must be ripe.

Determining the ripeness of a watermelon in the garden - tips, proper care

Watermelon is most often consumed fresh, but it is also pickled, fermented in tubs, candied fruits are prepared from the rinds, and the so-called "watermelon honey" is prepared from the juice. The juice and pulp of watermelon perfectly quench thirst, and the seeds of the ripe fruit and the oil made from them are used for medicinal purposes.

Harvesting is carried out as the watermelons ripen. It is believed that it is easier to determine the ripeness of a watermelon in a garden than in a store. It is easy for a layman to make a mistake, however, as a rule, signs indicating that a watermelon is ripe are quite accurate.

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Selection of ripe watermelon

You can determine the degree of ripeness of a watermelon using the following tips:

  • You should not pick or buy watermelons too early. As a rule, they do not reach mature condition before mid-August;
  • Ripe fruit stops its growth, and "wax" plaque disappears from its surface;
  • The side that lies on the ground in a ripe watermelon should be yellowish, but not white or green;
  • If the watermelon is not very thick, you can bring it to your ear and squeeze it lightly with your hands. If it is ripe, then crackling will be heard;
  • Ripe watermelon is lighter than green and does not sink in water;
  • The peel of a ripe fruit is even, smooth, without cracks, with a characteristic shine. If you hold it over its surface with a fingernail or a sharp object, the top layer (zest) should be easily removed;
  • You should pay attention to the place where the tail grows. In a ripe watermelon, this area is usually convex and with calloused, lightened edges;
  • When tapping on a ripe watermelon, a characteristic clear, sonorous sound will be heard.

A dry tail is often considered a sign of maturity. However, you should not rely only on him: the tail could dry out after the fruit was picked.

Growing watermelons

Growing a sweet watermelon in the garden is not so difficult if you know biological features of this culture, its requirements for light, heat and mineral nutrition:

  • In the southern regions, varieties can be grown from different groups ripeness, in forest-steppe and woodland - only early ripening and mid-early;
  • Watermelon prefers uniform heat without sudden changes (20-30 degrees), a sufficient amount of warm moisture in the soil and at the same time dry air;
  • Watermelon seeds intended for sowing are stored at 18-22 degrees Celsius. In addition, you need to use only two-three-year-old seeds, otherwise the plant will have few "female" flowers;
  • Immediately before sowing, the seeds must be warmed up in the sun for a week. The soil temperature at the time of sowing should be at least 12-14 degrees at a depth of 10 cm;
  • Sow a watermelon under a hoe to a depth of 5-6 cm, put 3-5 seeds in each hole. Then cover with fresh soil and press down slightly;
  • It is necessary to leave the aisles large - 120-200 cm, and the distance between the holes in one row should be 70 cm;
  • As weeds appear, the beds need to be weeded out. After the appearance of true leaves, it is necessary to leave only one, the most developed leaf;
  • Fruits of early maturing combs ripen 30-35 days after setting, mid-ripening ones - after 40-45 days, and late-maturing ones - after 50 days.

Exhausted from the summer heat, you so want to quench your thirst with something fresh and tasty. Watermelon is perfect for these purposes. Large berry beckons with crumbly pulp full of vitamins.

Alas, recently there has been a tendency towards a decrease in the quality of this product. An unripe pulp can also be an unpleasant surprise. How not to bring home a "pig in a poke"? In this article, we will look at all the tricks that answer the most important question for the buyer - how to choose a watermelon. Tips will help you buy the safest, ripe berry that will certainly cheer you up, while bringing a lot of benefits.

Benefit and harm

Before making a purchase, let's get to know the fetus. The most delicious and ripe pumpkins contain the following substances:

  • vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • trace elements;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin;
  • lycopene;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates.

Low calorie content - 27 kcal per 100 grams of product - allows the fruit to be used in therapeutic diets. Tidbits are used in vegetarian cuisine. Useful substances will help to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract, replenish the water-salt balance, strengthen the immune system, remove toxins, cholesterol from the body.

Even diabetics can eat sweet pulp.

Risk factor

Unfortunately, manufacturers quite often use hazardous chemicals for cultivation, and traders do not follow the rules of transportation, storage, and sale of goods. In pursuit of money, they do not think about the end consumer. In order not to fall into the trap, you should know how to choose the right watermelon.


Looking at the grocery shelves in the supermarket, it is so easy to succumb to the temptation to buy summer fruits during an uncharacteristic season for them. The first thing to remember before choosing a watermelon is the seasonality of the heat-loving culture.

Meanwhile melons ripen in mid-August. Having made a purchase earlier than this period, you risk not only acquiring immature fruits, but also getting serious poisoning. Producers try to harvest early by hitting the jackpot on the first wave of sales. For these purposes, the berry is plentifully pumped, treated with chemicals for long-term storage of goods. The sooner you succumb to the temptation, the higher your risk of getting chemically poisoned.

Mass ripening of melons begins in mid-August and continues until the end of September. This time period is the best time to buy a sweet watermelon without unnecessary chemicals.

Market vs. Supermarket - Trade Rules

Choosing a watermelon is not easy. Where is it better to buy sweet melon - in the market or in the supermarket? The answer to this question lies in the seller's compliance with the rules of trade.

The berries should be bought in places specially designated for sale - in the market or in a closed pavilion. Most supermarkets carefully monitor the observance of trade rules, requiring the appropriate documents from suppliers.

You can buy goods on the market if following rules trade:

  1. the presence of a canopy from the sun and rain;
  2. remoteness from the carriageway;
  3. availability of documents for each batch of goods;
  4. the presence of a pallet with a height of 15-20 cm.

Trading melons from the land is a violation of the law.

Where you can't buy melon

Making a purchase on a spontaneous market or from a car by the road is not best idea... The fruit easily absorbs harmful substances from environment... The slightest microcrack in the peel and pulp will become a nutrient substrate for the growth of microbes. A watermelon lying on a counter by the side of the road will easily absorb heavy metals from exhaust gases.

Which fruit is better to completely abandon

Supermarkets are also dangerous. Often cut fruits are sold in a closed shopping area; in the market you are unlikely to succumb to the temptation to try a piece of juicy pulp. And the ostentatious cleanliness of the store can lure the buyer into a trap. The risk of acquiring an unripe watermelon is reduced, but it becomes possible to catch an intestinal infection.

Never purchase cut fruit.

It is not known why the berry was cut. It may have started to deteriorate. If dirty tools were used in the cutting process or the fruit was not washed, pathogenic bacteria have probably penetrated inside. To prevent the pulp from getting dirty, sellers pack it in plastic wrap. Such material will only contribute to the rate of reproduction of microorganisms.

Show your documents!

Before choosing a watermelon in point of sale, ask the seller for documents. By law, each product is subject to mandatory or voluntary certification. Traders must have a certificate of conformity for each batch of melon.

This document contains the following information:

  1. importer;
  2. the country in which the crop was grown;
  3. harvest date;
  4. compliance with quality standards (content of harmful substances);
  5. term of sale of goods.

The presence of a blue seal is a guarantee of the quality of the product.

If the seller does not present the relevant document, it is better to refrain from buying.

Folk omens

Folk signs will help you choose a ripe watermelon. People have long ago learned to determine the degree of maturity of the fetus by characteristic features. An experienced buyer pays attention to the following parameters:

  • the presence of damage;
  • peel exterior;
  • sounds made when tapping and compressing;
  • the size of the earthen spot;
  • the degree of drying out of the "tail";
  • weight of goods.

It is better to rely not on specific signs, but on their totality.

Crust characteristics

Determining the ripeness of a watermelon by external signs includes a thorough examination of the shell. The peel should not have dents, cracks, visible signs of damage. Even tiny cracks will become “gates” for bacterial flora. Microorganisms will cause fermentation, damage to the pulp.

If the cut fruit smells sour, do not eat it.

Choosing the right ripe watermelon will help appearance crusts. It hardens after the whip dries out, since water stops flowing through the "umbilical cord". If the peel is easily injured by nails or smells like mowed grass, this is an unripe fruit.

Peel exterior

When choosing a watermelon, pay attention to the color scheme of the peel. The shell of a ripe berry is glossy. The exterior of the peel is of considerable importance - the brighter the contrast between the stripes and the background, the higher the chance of acquiring ripe melon. Small light specks, evenly scattered on the surface of the crust, are welcome.

The presence of an earthen spot

In the process of maturation, the minke whale constantly lies on one side. The place where the crop touches the soil is called an earthen spot.

It is colored yellow or light orange. Its diameter is 5-10 cm. This section of the bark must correspond to the parameters described above, that is, it must not have dents, cracks, traces of damage. The absence of stripes indicates that the melons did not move during the ripening process. A white earthen spot indicates the immaturity of the fruit..

How to check the degree of maturity by the state of the stalk?

A ripe watermelon must have a tail. Through it, the culture received nutrition throughout the growing season. After ripening, the lashes dry out. If the stalk is green, it has not yet fully formed.

A dry tail is also present in a long-harvested berry, so you should not rely entirely on this sign.

A yellowish and dry stalk indicates that this is a juicy, sweet watermelon.

Knock knock who lives under the crust?

Perhaps the most popular way to select a treat is by tapping the shell. Experienced buyers will listen to the fruit's “musicality” with knowledge. To choose a delicious watermelon by sound, just a couple of nuances will help you:

  1. ripe berry will respond to tapping with a ringing sound;
  2. when the poles are compressed, the mature pumpkin emits a characteristic crackle, bends slightly.

Girls and boys

Determining the sex of melons is a favorite choice factor among buyers. Watermelons are not divided into "boys" and "girls" - this berry is same-sex. But, according to folk myth, in order to choose the most delicious specimen, you need to adhere to the following rules:

"Boys" have a bulging ass with a tiny circle. They are more watery and contain less sugar. The bones of males are black, there are quite a few of them. The "boy" is slightly elongated relative to the vertical axis.

The female sex is more compact, rounder, sweeter, has fewer bones. In addition to the shape, pay attention to the structure of the bottom - in the “girl's” watermelon, it is flatter with a large circle.

Weight category

Some varieties are striking in weight - sometimes it reaches 18-20 kg! It is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of eating to the full, so among the "giants" try to choose individuals with less weight.

And it is better not to get carried away and follow the rule of the "golden mean" - let your chosen one be a copy with a mass of 5-7 kg.

Safety first

Buyers have long heard about. Watermelons are fed with nitrogen to accelerate growth and maturation, so you need to choose the right specimens with a minimum of hazardous chemicals.

Unfortunately, it is possible to determine the presence of chemistry only in a cut berry. Try to refrain from eating pulp if you find the following factors:

  • the pulp contains a large percentage of yellow or white elastic fibers;
  • lilac tones are a dangerous sign;
  • the cut surface does not crumble into grains, the cut is smooth with a glossy shine.

Sometimes the purchased watermelon has red flesh, and the berry itself is not sweet. This can be either a natural process or indicate the presence of chemistry. When ripe, sugars accumulate solely when exposed to sunlight. Cloudy, damp, cold weather could interfere with the natural accumulation of carbohydrates. For the same reason, voids are sometimes hidden under the crust.

Knowing how to choose the right watermelon, you do not have to worry about the quality and safety of the purchased product. Let the advice of experienced buyers help you make right choice, enjoy the juicy pulp of a tasty and healthy berry.

Now, people are ready to stuff food with chemistry, just to give them a marketable appearance, and immediately put them up for sale. But who wants to go to the hospital after eating their favorite fruit or vegetable? For this, it is worth reading the articles to distinguish a good watermelon from a watermelon stuffed with chemical additives.

The more colorful and contrasting the watermelon, the better and juicier it will be.

An important indicator of the condition of a watermelon is the color of the veins inside the flesh of the watermelon. If their color is white, then the watermelon can be sent to your stomach with confidence. If streaks of yellow or purple color are seen, then this is a bad sign - such a watermelon is either not fully ripe, or the result of a pest invasion, but in most cases this is the effect of nitrates.

Immediately I remember the hippo from "Well, wait a minute"

But oddly enough, this method almost always works, if you have the strength, of course, to squeeze the watermelon.

Gloss check

Also pay attention to the seeds - they must be ripe!

Fresh, snowy, soft crunchy

I will cut, I will cry into scarlet sweetness.
This is a miracle, moreover, a real one -
Our Baskunchak, Liman watermelon!

What a twist

It is usually said that there is little nitrate in the middle, and a lot closer to the peel. As it turned out, this is not always the case.

Water test

And you can also check this: throw a piece of watermelon pulp into the water, if it drowns - the watermelon is saturated with nitrates, and if it remains to swim - good!

By the way, read about how to choose the right melon and what to cook from it here!

Torn from melon

When the watermelon ripens, it is separated from the melon by means of the fact that its tail dries on its own. If you do not see the tail or it is somehow tucked away, most likely the seller is hiding something from you.

The ripeness of a watermelon and the naturalness of its origin can be determined by the earthen spot

One of the barrels of the watermelon must have a brownish-yellow or orange-yellow spot - this is the side of the watermelon lying on the ground. But keep in mind that the stain must not be white!

Oh, this sound

The sound of a watermelon depends on whether the pulp has softened inside or not. It is the green fruit that will ring, and the ripe watermelon will make a dull sound.

Checking how the bees worked on the watermelon

These nets appear because bees touch the ovary during pollination, respectively, the more often pollination occurs, the sweeter the fruit will be.

Touch the peel for firmness

When the watermelon ripens and separates from the melon, it is no longer able to absorb water, so its rind hardens. If you can easily pierce the skin with your fingernail, this is an unripe fruit.

Girl or boy?

Watermelon is a bisexual berry: the "male" individual is more elongated, has a convex bottom and a small circle, while the "female" berries have a wide circle. "Girls" are considered tastier: they have fewer seeds and more sugar.

If you do get on nitrate watermelon, then you will be concerned about the following symptoms

2-6 hours after eating watermelon:

  • nausea, less often vomiting;
  • diarrhea (up to 10-15 times a day);
  • abdominal pain, cramps;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • temperature increase.

What to do in case of watermelon poisoning:

  1. Rinse the stomach with plenty of warm, salted water or a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Take enterosorbents - drugs that neutralize poisons in the intestinal lumen. Most Popular: activated carbon, "Polysorb MP", "Enterosgel", "Smecta".
  3. Drink as much fluids as possible to enhance the elimination of poisons from the body, as well as prevent dehydration.
  4. Drink sweet lemon tea after the nausea stops.
  5. Do not take antidiarrheal drugs and painkillers, they mask the true state of the body.
relaxes the expression muscles, smoothing the skin around the lips, eyes and on the forehead. Serum peptide complexes reduce the depth of wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones. And marine ingredients instantly lift and smooth the skin, making it more elastic.

Juicy, sweet berry is the second favorite product after the gone strawberries and raspberries. Fresh watermelon is good in hot weather. But it is appreciated not only for its refreshing properties. Watermelon pulp is a storehouse of nutrients necessary for our health. The low-calorie fruit, saturated with water, quenches thirst, saturates, and heals the body of both an adult and a child.

The nutritional value

100 g of watermelon juice contains 89 g of water and dissolved inorganic substances. In a 100 g piece of pulp:

  • Calorie content - 27-30 kcal,
  • Carbohydrates - 6-10 g
  • Fat - 01 - 0.2 g,
  • Proteins - 0.6.

Watermelon contains a complete group of vitamins. In the first place is vitamin C (7 mg), in the second - PP (0.2 mg), in the third - vitamin A (0, 1). Also, the berry contains macro and microelements. More potassium and magnesium, followed by sodium, phosphorus, iron and other substances.

Organic acids, folic acid, lycopene. In addition, pectin, fiber, easily digestible ash, soft insoluble dietary fiber - make watermelon a valuable health product.

B vitamins tidy up the nervous system, prevent dandruff and acne.

Vitamin C gives strength to the immune system, delays aging.

Vitamin PP helps to eliminate fatigue, improve sleep and mood.


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