What rules of hygiene mental activity should be adhere to. Personal hygiene rules. Catering workers

You can distinguish three types of mental activity. TO firstthere is a light mental job: reading fiction, conversation with an interesting interlocutor. Such activities can continue for a long time without the appearance of fatigue, since, with its implementation, psychophysiological mechanisms are functioning with a low degree of voltage. Secondthe type of mental activity can be called "operational thinking", as it is characteristic of the labor of operators, dispatchers. Students have a repetition of the material passed, solving mathematical problems on a well-known algorithm, translation of foreign text into Russian. In this case, the psycho-physiological mechanisms of the brain work with great tension. Effectively, such activities may continue 1.5-2 hours to thirdthe species include work, characterized by the highest intensity. This is the assimilation of new information, the creation of new ideas on the basis of old. With this kind of activity, the most active functioning of physiological mechanisms carrying out the processes of thinking and memorization.

Knowledge of the given classification should help students properly organize their curriculum. Specialists in mental hygiene believe that during operational thinking it is advisable to take breaks after 1.5-2 hours, and in the third form of mental activity - in 40-50 minutes. It should be emphasized that the thinking processes in the brain will fade slowly. Therefore, 5-10-minute pauses assigned to rest will not violate the effectiveness of the subsequent execution of mental work, and will only help restore the energy of neurons of the brain.

During such a break, the body is useful to give physical exertion in the form of a walk or a small complex of gymnastic exercises. Scientific research has proven the effectiveness of such an active recreation. Muscles, as it were, "recharge" the brain.

Physical factors have a considerable effect on the productivity of mental labor external environment. It has been established that the optimal air temperature should be 18-22 ° C, and relative humidity is 50-70%. Long stay of students in a room with a temperature of 25-27 ° leads to a significant voltage of the physiological functions of the body. This adversely affects the quality of work performed, as well as on vegetative functions: activity of cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems.

Brain cells, as already noted, differ in particular intensive energy exchange. Therefore, for successful mental work, it is necessary to be indoors with a normal content of oxygen.

Sanitary and hygienic studies helped to establish that after the first lecture, the content of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) in the audience reaches 0.15-0.45%, i.e., increases 5-15 times compared with the norm. In addition, in the audiences, reading rooms, especially if they are overflowing, the air oxidation increases 2 times, the concentration of ammonia, carbon monoxide or carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and a number of other substances harmful to health increase. All this indicates the need to air the audience. Unfortunately, many students neglect this rule.

The presence of noise significantly affects the quality of mental activity. Usually in the audiences its value is 40-50 dB. According to labor hygiene, noise up to 40 dB does not affect the condition of the body, the excess of this indicator reduces the ability to work, harmful affects human health.

A lot of disputes arise around the issue of using music in the process of mental labor. The Hungarian diamond scientist categorically argues that during mental work, listening to even a quiet music is inappropriate. He believes that the impact of music contributes to a more rapid depletion of nervous centers and increases the consumption of "mental energy".

According to Soviet scientists, the uncomplicated melodic music somewhat increases the productivity of mental work. An interesting experiment was held at Kazan University Yu. A. Tsagarelli. The initial level of emotional state was estimated. Then the students were subjected to stressful influence - check by the teacher of their knowledge in a foreign language with an empty of assessment. The level of emotional excitement increased dramatically. After that, students were offered for 2.5-3 minutes. Listen to classic and jazz music.

After listening to classical music, a decrease in the level of emotional excitement was observed in 91% of students. Moreover, it was most noticeable for those who had been unfamiliar with her before. Under the influence of jazz music, emotional arousal decreased only in 52%) students. It was also noticed: the higher the human musicality, the faster the level of emotional state was restored.

From our point of view, the music is best used during periods of rest. In addition, when solving the question of the inclusion of music in the process of mental activity, it is advisable to take into account the specifics of the upcoming work. Performing complex work requires silence that helps to focus. If mental activity is simpler, such as, for example, solving problems on a well-known algorithm, translation from a foreign language with a dictionary, rewriting an abstract, etc., then the music can accelerate it. It should also be noted that the influence of music on the quality of mental work depends on individual habits.

Hygiene mental labor places requirements and clothing. It is important that she freely fitted the body, a collar of a shirt or sweaters should not compress the neck vessels (a close gate makes it difficult for the blood supply of the brain).

It is necessary to control and posture. Often you have to watch how students are sitting at the table with a bent back, sliding the head low. In this position, the lungs function worse, the heart, the spine is twisted, the carotid arteries are squeezed. Sitting should be sitting with a slightly inclined torso (at 75-80 °) and a raised head, which should be a straight line. Watch a few days for the correctness of your posture, and it will become familiar to you.

On the table it is desirable to have a web-stand for the book. Instead of a stand, you can use a stack of books. This will allow less to tilt the body and weaken the tension of the muscles of the eyeball.

Academician N.S.Vedensky has developed general recommendations important for successful mental labor.

1. Retract and work gradually; Both after night sleep and after vacation.

2. Choose a convenient individual rhythm of work. The optimal scientist considers uniform, average pace. Tirings the neulty and excessive speed of mental labor. In this case, fatigue comes faster.

3. Comply with the usual sequence and systematics of mental work. The performance is significantly higher if you adhere to the planned routine of the day and change the types of mental work.

4. Install the correct, rational alternation of labor and recreation. This will help more rapid restoration of mental performance, maintaining it at the optimal level.

We add to the listed few more tips, the execution of which will contribute to the success of studies:

Do not start working without a solid plan and establishing its approximate volume.

Do not try to cover and remember the material from the first time. Have time to repetition.

Conduct your own abstract of the material being studied, not to use other people's abstracts.

Widely use bookmarks, colored ink, with which you can select important material to absorb.

Organize short-term rest. Actively include in the mode of exercise day.

Fruitful work - an important element healthy image Life. On Health56.

human is influenced by biological and social factors, the main of which is labor.

The rational mode of labor and recreation is the necessary element of a healthy lifestyle. With the right and strictly observed mode, the clear and necessary rhythm of the functioning of the body is generated, which creates optimal conditions for work and recreation and thereby contributes to health improvement, improvement of working capacity and improving labor productivity.

Production activities are an integral part of the life of an adult able-bodied person. At the same time, the production process and factors of the production environment have a multilateral effect on the human body. The scientific direction of preventive medicine in the field of hygienic aspects of human labor activity is engaged in human hygiene or (in recent years) - labor medicine.

Production factors affecting working may include:

Chemical, physical and biological harmful factors of the production environment;

- features of production processes andequipment;

Nature and organization of labor;

Organization of jobs;

Condition and hygienic efficacy of sa norti-technical devices and personal protective equipment (PPE);

Household provision of manufacturing work;

Psychological climate in the work collective.

In modern forms of labor activity, purely physical work does not play a significant role. However, while the generally recognized physiological classification of labor activities remains, in accordance with which there are varying: labor forms requiring significant muscular activity; mechanized forms of labor; Labor forms related to semi-automatic and automatic production;

group forms of labor; Related remote control; Forms of intellectual labor.

True forms Yes, requiring significant muscle activity. Currently, this type of labor operations takes place in the absence of mechanized tools for work. These works are characterized primarily by increased energy costs from 17-25 MJ (4000-6000 kcal) per day and above.

Physical work, developing muscular system and stimulating metabolic processes, at the same time has a number negative consequences. First of all, it is the social inefficiency of physical labor, associated with its low productivity, the need for high voltage of physical forces and a long-term need (up to 50% of the working time of the rest).

Group forms of labor - conveyor. The features of these forms of labor are determined by the crushing of the process on operations specified by the rhythm, a strict sequence of operations, automatic feeding parts to each workplace using a moving conveyor belt.

The conveyor workforce requires synchronized work of its participants in accordance with the specified pace and rhythm. At the same time, the smaller the time interval spent by the employee for the operation, the monotonous operation and simplified its content. Monotonia is one of the leading negative features of conveyor labor, leading to premature fatigue and rapid nervous exhaustion. The basis of this specific phenomenon is the predominance of the braking process in cortical activities, developing in the action of monotonous repeated stimuli. At the same time, the excitability of analyzers is reduced, attention dissipates, the rate of reactions is reduced and fatigue occurs.

Mechanized forms of labor. With these labor forms, the energy costs of workers are within 12.5-17 MJ (3000-4000 kcal) per day.

A feature of the mechanized forms of labor is changes in the nature of muscle loads and the complication of the action program. The profession of mechanized labor often require special knowledge and motor skills. In the context of mechanized production, there is a decrease in the volume of muscle activity, the minor muscles of the distal limbs are involved, which should provide greater speed and accuracy of the movements necessary to manage mechanisms. The monotony of simple and mostly local actions, monotony and the small volume perceived in labor information leads to monotony of labor.

Labor forms related to partially automated production. In case of semi-automatic production, a person turns off from the process of direct processing of the object of labor, which fully performs the mechanism. The human task is limited to the implementation of simple machine maintenance operations: to use the material for processing, to put the mechanism, extract the processed part.

Specific traits This type of work: monotony, elevated pace and rhythm of work, loss of creative start.

The physiological feature is largely automated forms of labor is the readiness of the employee to the action and the rapid speed of the response to eliminate emerging problems. Such a functional state of "operational expectation" is different in the degree of tiriness, depending on the relationship of work; urgency of the necessary action, responsibility of the upcoming work, etc.

Labor forms related to the management of production processes and mechanisms. With these forms of labor, the person is included in the control system as the necessary operational link: the less the control process is automated, the more its participation. From a physiological point of view, two main forms of production management are distinguished. In some cases, the control panels require frequent active human actions, and in others - rare. In the first case, the employee's continuous attention receives discharge in numerous movements or speaking

acts, in the second, the employee is mainly in a state of readiness for action, its reactions are small.

Forms of intellectual (mental) labor. This work is represented as professions relating to the sphere material production (Designers, engineers, technology, dispatchers, operators, etc.), and outside it (doctors, teachers, writers, artists, artists, etc.).

Intellectual work is characterized by the need to process a large amount of heterogeneous information with mobilization of memory, attention, frequency of stressful situations. At the same time, muscle loads are usually insignificant, daily energy consumption is 10-11.7 MJ (2400-2000 kcal per day). This type of labor is characterized by hy-Pokinezia, i.e. A significant reduction in the motor activity of a person, leading to the deterioration of the reactivity of the body and an increase in emotional stress. Hypokinesia is unfavorable production factor, one of the conditions for the formation of cardiovascular pathology in persons mental labor.

Forms of mental labor are divided into operator, managerial, creative. TRUT medical workers, work teachers, students and students. These types of labor differ in the organization of the employment process, uniformity of the load, the degree of emotional voltage.

Operator work. Under the conditions of modern mechanized production, the main functions of controlling the operation of machines are becoming the main distribution of operator activities.

The operation of the operator is of great responsibility and high neuro-emotional tension. For example, the labor of telephonist is characterized by processing a large amount of information in a short time and increased neuro-emoto |< наль-ной напряженностью.

Managerial laborthe work of the heads of institutions, enterprises is characterized by an excessive increase in the amount of information, an increase in the time deficit for its processing, an increased personal responsibility for making decisions, the periodic emergence of conflict situations.

Creative work (Scientific workers, writers, composers, artists, artists, architects, designers) - the most difficult form of work, requiring significant amounts of memory, stress attention, which increases the degree of neuro-emotional voltage.

Work of teachers and medical workers It has constant contacts with people, increased responsibility, often a shortage of time and information to make the right decision, which causes a high degree of neuro-emotional stress.

Labor student and students characterized by the voltage of the main mental functions, such as memory, attention, perception; The presence of stressful situations (exams, standings).

Primary functional changes in the human body with mental work occur primarily in the dynamics of changes in higher nervous activity. Local activation processes develop in many zones of the brain, capturing the left and right hemisphere. Crucial role In the implementation of mental functions play frontal brain departments.

The main task of labor medicine in the field of employment organization is to prevent the development of fatigue and overwork.

Fatigue - The physiological state accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, a decrease in performance caused by intense or long-term activities, expressed in the deterioration of quantitative and qualitative performance and ceases after rest.

In contrast to fatigue, overwork is a state of border with pathology. Moreover, the usual short-term rest does not restore the initial level of performance, and the change in the morphological, biochemical and other indicators of the body is pronounced and long.

Based on the essence of fatigue and given the well-known mechanisms that cause this condition, it can be achieved thanks to a wide range of socio-economic, psychophysiological, technical and other events. Ergonomics, technical aesthetics, engineering psychology and Scientific Organization of Labor (notes) are engaged in the development of such events intended for the implementation of production in the workplace, in addition to hygiene, physiology and labor psychology.

Ergonomics Deals with the solution of applied issues of physiology-labor: the rationalization of labor processes and jobs aimed at adapting them to human capabilities, taking into account its anatomy-physiological and psychological features, which is essential for preventing fatigue and improving performance.

Technical aesthetics It has two main types of use: color design of industrial premises and equipment and artistic design of equipment, i.e. Creation of equipment of a beautiful and rational form, providing convenience of operation.

Technical (or production) aesthetics dealt with the choice and use of optimal colors for industrial premises and equipment, i.e. creating a color climate. These are mainly a group of colors that have low saturation and a relatively large reflection coefficient.

: The color design of production facilities should be different depending on the nature of the work being performed. For example, "cold" color tones (green, green-blue), lowering the voltage of view and acting soothing, recommend applying when performing mental and physical work that requires large concentration.

Technical aesthetics events increase human performance not only by creating him have a good mood (positive emotions), but also due to the effects on the functions of the cardiovascular and central nervous system. Competently and rationally performed color design gives a large production and economic effect. Functional coloring of industrial premises and equipment increases productivity.

Engineering psychology Learning the connection of the designs of the control panels with the peculiarities of perception and processing of information by operators.

The purpose of engineering psychology is to design and design control panels, taking into account the capacity of human analyzer systems (visual, auditory, etc.) so that the flow of incoming signals does not exceed the psychophysiological capabilities of the person.

The connections of the operator with the machine are carried out by perceiving information, transferring it to the central nervous system, "recycling, decision making, transmission to executive bodies and execution. This last stage is carried out by influencing the controls of the machine.

There are other forms of interaction between the operator and the machine, which are characterized by a working position of the operator, the magnitude of effort, speed, trajectory, the number of movements.

Scientific organization of labor. AT present on all major industrial enterprises There is a work of the scientific organization of labor (notes), which is engaged in the development and implementation of measures aimed at optimizing the employment process. This activity should be based on the achievements of science, including hygiene and labor physiology, as well as in advanced experience, which will best organize techniques and people in a single production process that ensures the most effective use Material and labor resources, continuous increase in productivity. The introduction of hygiene measures by the system of notes contributes to the improvement of working conditions, preservation of human health.

However, not only overwork characterizes the possibility of adverse effects on the human body.

Human labor activity proceeds in a certain production environment, which, in non-compliance hygienic requirements It may adversely affect the performance and human health.

The production environment as part of the external environment, the human environment, consists of natural-climatic factors and factors associated with professional activities (noise, vibration, toxic couples, gases, etc.) who are called call harmful factors. The same factors can be dangerous.

Dangerous Called factors capable of changing the health and death of the body under certain conditions; Harmful - factors that have a negative impact on performance or causing professional diseases and other adverse effects.

Professional Harm:

Modern Requirements for Human Labor Hygiene Student

Student's work is, first of all, intellectual work. Is human labor dangerous for human health? If they are engaged, observing the rules of mental hygiene (ut), it even helps to maintain a high level, loading other organism systems. The best example This is the lives of many great scientists who lived in full health to a deep old age and who kept the ability to tense mental labor until the last days.

Currently, with high mechanization, automation and computerization of almost all types of human activity, UT occupies a significant place among other types of labor, and this is to some extent affects the number of cardiovascular diseases. They ceased to be the lot of the elderly, often cases of the disease aged 17-35 years. However, the dangers that lie a person engaged in mental labor are not related not to the specifics of the very difficulty, but with the conditions in which it usually flows: a sitting pose, staying in closed rooms and imperceptibly sining overwork. Therefore, all the rules of hygiene uti are aimed at preventing lessons in adverse conditions.

There are patterns on which labor productivity depends. These patterns still at the beginning of the century described the famous physiologist N.E.Vedhensky. He installed the following:

1. The amount of product produced during a certain period of time depends on what state is your body. If you are working in a certain rhythm and at certain time intervals are resting, the longer you work, the greater the productivity of your work: the body gradually acquires "inertia of work", in short breaks it does not lose this "inertia", restores strength, and from The cycle cycle is activated by all functions and organism systems. It is necessary to know that not only the brain is involved in the process, but also the whole organism, and in order for it to start work, you need time, that is, after each break, rest is required for some time "for work". The larger the break was, the more this time. Therefore, the break between the cycles of work should not exceed 10 minutes. After 4-5 cycles, a break is taken for 30-60 minutes, and after 10 hours of occupations in one type of labor - the termination of these classes. Duration of the cycle from 45 to 90 minutes;

2. If a person is due to a lack of time decides to abandon breaks, the productivity of it falls, "oppression" appears. The longer the person works in this way, the more harm he causes the body - the overwork appears, first sharp, and then chronic. The person, however, is harmful not only to his health: since fatigue from mental work is to dull attention, man is harmful to the whole matter. He begins to make mistakes, the correction of which is spent then much longer than he would spend on vacation.

In a period of a longer rest, such as in the evening free hours and on Sunday days, it is necessary to increase the physical exertion and be sure to be in the fresh air. Otherwise, from month to month, the productivity of UT will decrease and the session will be completely low.

Other: Full idleness during the semester will not give you the opportunity to purchase the necessary pace in work, trained properly your attention. The inevitable result of such idleness is the failure to comply with the required scope of work in the session, the failure in the exams (the exam preparations at 3-4 days are given, during which it is almost possible to learn the subject studied throughout the semester, duration of about 4 months) and What the most important thing is the acquisition of an unacceptable in the future work of life style:

Inability to distribute work in time;

Make yourself do what is important;

Distinguish the main thing from the secondary;


Dissatisfaction and negative emotions, etc.

Therefore, the first rule of mental hygiene is the rhythm of work. Special behavior is required:

the first phase is the beginning of work. It is necessary to work at a moderate pace, not to customize yourself, go into work. To work soon, you need to think over what is going to do, determine the sequence of operations, prepare workplaceSo that everything you need was at hand and then would not have to be off and reduced the pace of work. Starting work always from the average difficulties for you. So, actions in the first phase are a kind of human behavior algorithm.

the second phase - the most complex affairs or operations that require the greatest concentration of attention are solved. Here you should work at the maximum pace and do not be distracted.

the third phase - the easiest things are performed here. But try on the effort of the will to maintain a high level of attention. Remember that at this phase the level of attention is already reduced.

The erroneous view is that fatigue is harm to the body. Fatigue is inevitable. It is not dangerous not fatigue, but disregard for its body - continuation of work, despite the strong overwork. The main question is to notice fatigue. After 1-1.5 hours, the fatigue is such that it is advisable to take a break. But still it is useful to know some signs of the coming unacceptable overwork:

You re-read the same thing several times;

The eyes are "read", and the brain does not respond to the read;

A painful reaction appears to the sounds that you have not noticed before;

The handwriting became more intelligent, not even, the letters "dance", it is difficult to abide by the angle of their tilt and line line.

All this means that it is time to relax.

Productivity in the next cycle largely depends on how productive was a vacation. Rest is not idleness, this is a change of activity. For a mental labor worker, this is a physical activity in the fresh air even with a small break:

Go to the window, perform respiratory gymnastics;

Make exercises for fingers right hand;

Rotational movements head;


The second rule of mental hygiene is the presence of sufficient oxygen in the room where you are working. This requires regular ventilation within 10 minutes every 90 minutes of classes, as is customary at the university. In the breaks, you should leave the audience and arrange a draft. During classes in the audiences, on the contrary, open windows in the corridors.

The third rule of hygiene mental labor is the fact that due to the continuous session, the body is tired. In motion or standing mental processes proceed with greater speed. From here, draw a conclusion: if any opportunity it is better to play or walking, and the book stand in front of your eyes.

The fourth rule of mental hygiene is illumination. 40-60 watt lamp should be 30 cm from the manuscript on the left. Abazhur must definitely protect the eyes from the direct light bulb. It is recommended to have a surface surface of a matte, without glare, better - green.

The fifth rule of mental hygiene is a regularity of nutrition. It should be eaten at the same time, preferably with breaks for no more than 4 hours. Dinner light (dairy products, vegetables) no later than 2 hours before sleep. At the university after the first pair, a duration of 90 minutes (8.00 - 9.20) took a break in 25 minutes (9.20 - 9.45) the main purpose of which is the nutrition of students. To do this in each academic building There are buffets.

The sixth rule of hygiene mental labor is the need for a full sleep (7.5 - 8 hours a day).

The seventh rule of mental hygiene is an individual "peak form". Performance changes during the day. Many people have peaks from about 9.00 to 14.00 and from 18.00 to 23.00, during which mental activity is most productive. Watch yourself. It is necessary to determine the time of the individual "peak of the form." Plan an independent home job for this watch, and household engines, reading fiction, etc. Exercise at another time. This will save every day an hour - one and a half.

Hygiene mental labor

Mental work places high demands on the body and therefore. t. Includes a number of special recommendations. Successful mental activity is possible only under the conditions of mental operation of a rigorous schedule, with K-ROM, is given, a certain time for labor and for recreation. Nothing tires the nervous system as the lack of strict mode. The one who proceeds to work is not at the same time or postponing the most difficult until better times, faster tired and less productively works. The work forced, performed without interest, is boring. However, uninteresting work does not happen. They are not interested until the purpose of the task is found and is not recognized, a person performs. Interesting work is one of the main factors of high labor productivity. The result of any labor, and whether the features of mental depends on the mood, from the psychological climate of the family and the institution. In the atmosphere of envious and ill-wishing, the productivity of mental labor, of course, will be low, and the degree of fatigue will not correspond to the time of work. T about., The creation of a "favorable psychological situation, the conditions, in the reasons, each member of the team is full of benevolence and covered by the labor defense, is one of the most important requirements of psychohygienic, and including hygiene of mental labor. At the same time, it should be taken care of both favorable Conditions of the medium, the workflow is undergoing a workflow. The smoking room, a knock, noise, the root of the person has an adverse effect on the human body, lead to premature fatigue, cause mistakes and misses. work. All sorts of exciting means (non-valid consumption of strong tea and coffee). They give a positive effect very briefly, but the consequences are very bad - fast fatigue, insomnia, irritability, instability of attention " Prerequisite Successful creative work is constant mental and spiritual development, replenishment of knowledge. A person who chooses his intellectual activity with its specialty, must be ready for study ongoing all his life; This is the key to creative products that meet the requirements of time. It should be remembered that the unilateral development of the psyche, a narrow, stereotypical thinking skill is effective only in solving specific tasks, more often technical, with certain source data. Finding original ways to solve the ability to create concepts, hypotheses is celebrated only in people with a wide range, with a developed creative imagination.

All activities carried out by the person are subject to uniform physiological laws, a person to understand the peculiarities of mental labor should be made to an analogy with the well-known features of the physical labor. Improving the productivity of mental labor is achieved by the training, gradually increasing the load, maintaining its high level. Long periods of inconsistency are negatively reflected on performance. As an athlete, stopped training, and the schoolboy after the holidays with the beginning of classes are experiencing great difficulties. Therefore, rest in the process of mental labor is only in the form of a change in the form of mental labor or lower load. To improve performance, in addition to strict routine, it is advisable to alternate mental labor with physical. Physical exercises in the fresh air, a walk not only remove the voltage that occurs during the long-term preservation of monotonous poses, but also increase the total tone of the body. Sometimes it is effective even walking around the room when it is observing any task. Often strong skills, mental work compensate for lack of abilities.

Mental labor is divided into many species, each of the to-rye presents various requirements for this difficulty person. There is mental work imposing exceptional performance requirements (dispatcher work), memory, etc. For its successful implementation, a friendly training of other intellectual functions is desirable. The harmonization of mental activity is as effective as the harmonization of mental and physical activity. In differentiated recommendations, every person employed by mental work needs. It should be borne in mind its individual features. People early and cheerfully waking up, one should go to bed early, and the responsible mental work will be carried out early in the morning and in the first half of the day. Another type of people is most productively working in the second half of the day, late in the evening. In accordance with these features, and should be planned to be planned. Most active people Reasonably difficult tasks to solve at the beginning of work, since the upcoming fatigue gradually reduces performance. Slow people, which are gradually enforced to work, it is advisable to begin mental work with the simplest tasks. When meeting with an increasing task, people can sit for hours to a victorious end and after the long-awaited decision feel empty, not capable of continuing. With such situations, it is better to postpone the challenge and fulfill the rest of the work. Often, when you return to an unresolved task after a period of time, it can be solved unexpectedly quickly. This observation gives reason to assume that some part of the mental work is carried out subconsciously. So, many mathematicians found decisions in a dream, in the form of a dream or at the time of awakening. Of course, persons easily excitable, with good switching to postpone the solution of tasks is not recommended, for them it is only self-deception. However, the subconscious work should not particularly count on. The acquisition of new knowledge requires clear consciousness.

Give comprehensive differentiated instructions in relation to G.. t. Excluding a variety of factors is difficult and hardly possible. In such cases, it is necessary to apply for help to the doctor - psychogenist, a psychotherapist or to a psychologist.

Similar information.

You can distinguish three types of mental activity. The first one relates easy mental work: reading fiction, conversation with an interesting interlocutor. Such activities can continue for a long time without the appearance of fatigue, since, with its implementation, psychophysiological mechanisms are functioning with a low degree of voltage.

The second type of mental activity can be called "operational thinking", as it is characteristic of labor operators, dispatchers. Students ~ This is the repetition of the material passed, the solution of mathematical problems according to a well-known algorithm, the translation of foreign text into Russian, in this case the psycho-physiological mechanisms of the brain work with a large voltage. Effectively similar activity can continue 1.5-2 hours.

The third type includes work that is characterized by the highest intensity. This is the assimilation of new information, the creation of new ideas on the basis of old. With this kind of activity, the most active functioning of physiological mechanisms carrying out the processes of thinking and memorization.

Knowledge of the given classification should help students properly organize their curriculum. Specialists in mental hygiene believe that during operational thinking it is advisable to take breaks after 1.5-2 hours, and in the third form of mental activity - in 40-50 minutes. It should be emphasized that the thinking processes in the brain will fade slowly. Therefore, 5-10-minute pauses assigned to rest will not violate the effectiveness of the subsequent execution of mental work, and will only help restore the energy of neurons of the brain.

During such a break, the body is useful to give physical exertion in the form of a walk or a small complex of gymnastic exercises. Scientific research has proven the effectiveness of such an active recreation. Muscles, as it were, "recharge" the brain.

The physical factors of the external environment have a considerable effect on the productivity of mental labor. It has been established that the optimal air temperature should be 18-22 °, and the relative humidity is 50-70%. Long stay of students in a room with a temperature of 25-27 ° leads to a significant voltage of the physiological functions of the body. This adversely affects the quality of work performed, as well as on vegetative functions: activity of cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems.

Brain cells, as already noted, differ in particular intensive energy exchange.

Therefore, for successful mental work, it is necessary to be indoors with a normal oxygen content.

Sanitary and hygienic studies helped to establish that after the first lecture, the content of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) in the audience reaches 0.15-0.45%, i.e., increases 5-15 times compared with the norm. In addition, in the audiences, reading rooms, especially if they are overflowing, air oxidation increases 2 times, the concentration of ammonia, carbon monoxide, or carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide and a number of other substances harmful to health increases.

All this indicates the need to air the audience. Unfortunately, many students neglect this rule.

The presence of noise significantly affects the quality of mental activity. Usually in the audiences its value is 40-50 dB. According to hygiene labor, noise up to 40 dB does not affect the condition of the body, the excess of this indicator reduces disability, it is harmful to human health.

A lot of disputes arise around the issue of using music in the process of mental labor. The Hungarian diamond scientist categorically argues that during mental work, listening to even a quiet music is inappropriate. He believes that the impact of music contributes to a more rapid depletion of nervous centers and increases the consumption of "mental energy".

According to Soviet scientists, the uncomplicated melodic music somewhat increases the productivity of mental work. An interesting experiment was held at Kazan University Yu. A. Tsagarelli, the initial level of emotional state was estimated. Then the students were subjected to stressful impact-verification by the teacher of their knowledge of foreign language with an empty of the assessment. The level of emotional excitement increased dramatically. After that, students were offered to listen to classic and jazz music within 2.5-3 minutes.

After listening to classical music, a decrease in the level of emotional excitement was observed in 91% of students. Moreover, it was most noticeable for those who had been unfamiliar with her before. Under the influence of jazz music, emotional arousal decreased only in 52% of students. It was also noticed, the higher the musicality of the person, the faster the level of emotional state was restored.

From our point of view, the music is best used during periods of rest. In addition, when solving the question of the inclusion of music in the process of mental activity, it is advisable to take into account the specifics of the upcoming work. Performing complex work requires silence that helps to focus. If mental activity is simpler, such as, for example, solving problems on a well-known algorithm, translation from a foreign language with a dictionary, rewriting the abstract, etc., then the music can speed up the CE. It should also be noted that the influence of music on the quality of mental work depends on individual habits.

Hygiene mental labor places requirements and clothing. It is important that she freely fitted the body, a collar of a shirt or sweaters should not compress the neck vessels (a close gate makes it difficult for the blood supply of the brain).

It is necessary to control and posture. Often you have to watch how students are sitting at the table with a bent back, sliding the head low. In this position, the lungs function worse, the heart, the spine is twisted, the carotid arteries are squeezed. Sitting should be sitting with a slightly inclined torso (at 75-80 °) and a raised head, which should be a straight line. Watch a few days for the correctness of your posture, and it will become familiar to you.

On the table it is desirable to have a web-stand for a book. Instead of a stand, you can use a stack of books. This will allow less to tilt the body and weaken the tension of the muscles of the eyeball.

Academician N. S. Vvedensky has developed general recommendations important for successful mental labor.

1. Retract and work gradually; As after night sleep, n after vacation.

2. Choose a convenient individual rhythm of work. The optimal scientist considers uniform, average pace. Tirings the neulty and excessive speed of mental labor. In this case, fatigue comes faster.

3. Comply with the usual sequence and systematics of mental work. The scientist believes that performance is significantly higher, if you adhere to the planned routine of the day and change the types of mental labor.

4. Install the correct, rational alternation of labor and recreation. This will help more rapid restoration of mental performance, maintaining it at the optimal level.

We add to the listed few more tips, the execution of which will contribute to the success in studies.

Do not start working without a solid plan and establishing its approximate volume.

Do not try to cover and remember the material from the first time. Have time to repetition.

Draw up their own abstract of the material being studied, not to use other people's abstracts,

Widely use bookmarks, colored ink, with which you can select important material to absorb.

Organize short-term rest, actively turn on exercise day mode.

Scientific and technical progress and acceleration of the pace of life inevitably leads to the need to master the large volume of scientific and other knowledge and skills. In this regard, throughout the world, the number of people engaged in mental activities in all spheres of production increases every year. In subsequent years, this trend will be maintained. Therefore, mental hygiene issues are becoming increasingly relevant.

The history of domestic and world science and culture gives many examples of how properly organized creative work allowed people of old age to make great discoveries and create masterpieces of art, at the same time it is known that with the wrong organization of mental work, disregard for recreation mental activity is difficult, declining Labor productivity, creative activity, conditions are created for the occurrence of violations of health.
Mental work has a number of features. Most often it is associated with long work in a closed room and a seating lifestyle. The reinforced brain work requires a large inflow of blood to it, which in turn is due to the increase in the tone of the brain vessels. This physiological increase in the tone of the vessels in the wrong organization of labor can go into pathological, which can lead to a resistant increase in blood pressure. The work is sitting, often in a semi-bent position leads to a long squeezing of the chest, which worsens the ventilation ability of the lungs and leads to the development of chronic oxygen deficiency. With long-term work, it is also sitting conditions for stagnation of blood in the abdominal organs and pelvis, the engine activity of the intestine is reduced, which can lead to a violation of their function.
As any intensive work, mental work is inevitably associated with fatigue, which leads to the fact that a person has to spend more energy to the usual work. Despite this, he admits mistakes, and finally, fatigue leads to the impossibility of continuing to work. When inability to properly organize mental work occurs the state of chronic fatigue, which can end the depletion of the nervous system or the development of the vascular disease.
The first signs of chronic fatigue are rapidly coming fatigue, reducing attention, weakening memory, deterioration of appetite, irritability, or apathy, periodic headaches, sleep disorders, which in some cases are drowsiness, in others - insomnia. Insomnia is usually heavier tolerated by a person. In the morning, after a sleepless night, the overall weakness, the feeling of "breakdown", irritability, decreases performance. In addition, worried about the next sleepless night.
In order to prevent diseases associated with chronic fatigue, first of all, it is necessary to resolve sleep. To do this, it is recommended to go to bed always at the same time. For 1 hour before sleep, stop the hard work and, if possible, devote this time to walk in the fresh air. It is useful before bedtime to take a warm bath or make a 10-minute warm foot bath. It follows to sleep in a well-ventilated room. An adult man needs to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day (recent studies show that some individuals are recommended to sleep at least 9-10 hours). In the morning it is recommended to make a gymnastic charging, at the end of which it is desirable to take a cool shower or be confused by a wet towel. A set of exercises passed on the radio can perform people of any age. You can make an individual exercise complex, designed in relation to its physical training.
For the most intense and difficult mental work, it is better to get the morning clock. Getting Started, it is necessary to take care that the room in which to work is sufficiently ventilated. It is desirable that the air temperature in the room is in the range of 18-20 ° C. The source of lighting the workplace must be left and not to be too bright, so as not to cause fatigue. Noise interferes with work, so it is possible to exclude it.
From time to time you need to remove the muscles voltage, for which it is necessary to change the position of the body. Every 1-2 hours it is recommended to take breaks of 10-15 minutes, during which it should, leaning back on the back of the chair, make some deep breaths and exhale or do the same, taking a room, then sitting in a chair, to relax muscles for a few minutes Torso and limbs. After that, it is recommended to do several gymnastic exercises, to warm up. Experience shows that in those institutions where production gymnastics, labor productivity is introduced above (the successful experience is remembered for more Soviet times, when the program of production gymnastics was transferred under production radio at 11 o'clock in the afternoon, an innovation analysis showed that labor productivity rose at 1.2 - 1.5 times , depending on the manufacturing industry).
Mental activity is often conjugate with a large load on the visual analyzer (reading, letter). In order not to cause eye fatigue, it is necessary to close your eyes periodically during operation for a few seconds and cover their palms. For a short time, the muscles of the eyes relax and rest. Completely unacceptably smoking during work.
Positive emotions are playing a major role in the prevention of mental fatigue. Labor flowing in a favorable psychological atmosphere gives a much greater economic effectthan work in an unfavorable setting. Positive emotions cause a restructuring in the body that contributes to improving the blood supply to the brain, an increase in the tone of the brain cortex, activation of the activity of the vegetative nervous system. As a result, the reserves of perception increase, the memory improves and the creative possibilities of the brain are increasing. There is evidence that the use of functional music (according to a specially developed program) allows for a long time to maintain a high level of performance of persons engaged in mental activity. Music acts as an irritant forming positive emotions. However, during a period of intense mental work, music is often a distracting factor and creates interference in the work.
Under the influence of negative emotions, attention is dulling attention, the quality of thinking is reduced. In order to compensate for the loss of working capacity, a person makes additional efforts that eventually lead to rapid fatigue.
A peculiarity of mental labor is that a person after the expiration of the time allotted for this work cannot deny the problems associated with it, which causes neuropsychic overvoltage. For the prevention of fatigue, conditions are needed to help "repay" continuing mental work and remove neuropsychic tension. To this end, at the end of the day work, you can make a pedestrian walk, play sports games, to do moderate physical work. All healthy people are quite available such sports as running, cycling, a game of volleyball. Now it is already firmly established that a sedentary lifestyle leads to the development of many diseases and primarily cardiovascular. Employees of mental labor Weekend spend better in motion, in air. These days are recommended to fully switch to the mental for other forms of activity. During the vacation period, it is recommended to give preference active recreation, combining it with sports activities and moderate physical labor in the fresh air.
A fundamental role in the organization of labor regime also plays food. Power must be 3-4 times. It is necessary to ensure that food is diverse, rich in protein substances, vitamins. In the morning you should have breakfast tightly. Food in the first half of the day should be more calorie than in the second. Dinner should not be abundant, it should be included with milk-vegetable dishes. Do not have dinner immediately before bedtime. It is necessary to use raw vegetables and fruits. Do not abuse sharp seasoning to food. It is recommended to somewhat limit the amount of sugar, since specific gravity Carbohydrates in nutrition and without it takes a great place. Harmful reading during food.
It often arises the question of the feasibility of improving performance during the period of fatigue using special funds. It is known for a long time that coffee and tea containing caffeine are stimulants of mental activity. In moderate doses, they do not harm. Taking tea and coffee is recommended to reduce in the afternoon and do not take them at all overnight. Highly active ingredients are not recommended. Alcoholic beverages should not be taken. It has long been known that after taking even small doses of alcohol, performance decreases and the number of errors in the work produced is increased. In some cases, the reception of the vitamins of the group B and C.
Proper alternation of the rhythm of labor and recreation is the most rational method of organizing mental activities, which contributes to the preservation of a person's creative forces and its physical opportunities.
The fulfillment of all these simple recommendations will contribute to an increase in the productivity of mental labor and will help to avoid violations in the human health state associated with its fatigue in the process of mental activity.


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