The name of the room fund maintenance service. Room fund maintenance service: tasks, functions, values. The main services of the hotel enterprise

The most important function of the room fund maintenance service is to maintain the required level of comfort and sanitary and hygienic condition of hotel rooms, as well as public premises (halls, foyers, passages, corridors).

In terms of the number of personnel, this service is the largest in the hotel. As a rule, up to 50% of all employees work here.

The room maintenance service is headed by a manager; maids, floor attendants, supervisors, stewards and some other categories of workers are subordinate to him.

The maids are cleaning. This is their main responsibility. Rooms are cleaned regardless of whether they are busy or free.

Rooms are cleaned daily, and after the guest's departure - general. Every day, the maid performs routine and (if necessary) intermediate cleaning of rooms.

Rooms are cleaned in the following sequence: first, work is carried out in the booked rooms, then in the rooms that have just been vacated from the guests staying, and last of all, in the occupied rooms. Cleaning should be done in the absence of the guest. If the guest is in the room, you must first obtain a cleaning permit from him.

The current cleaning process consists of airing the room, cleaning and washing dishes, cleaning beds, bedside tables, tables, removing dust, cleaning the bathroom. The maid's duties also include checking the safety of the room equipment.

If the room consists of several rooms, the cleaning process always begins in the bedroom, then continues in the living room and other rooms, and ends with cleaning the bathroom. Daily interim cleaning of rooms is done as needed and subject to the availability of cleaning conditions.

When cleaning the room after the guest has checked out, the maid's functions include acceptance of the room, change of bed linen and towels, replacement of information materials available in the room. General cleaning of the room stock and the entire residential part of the hotel is carried out at least once every 10 days.

Depending on the type of hotel, each maid cleans and tidies up from 16 to 20 rooms a day. The time spent on cleaning depends on the ratio of vacated and occupied rooms (it takes longer to clean vacant rooms).

The Floor Duty Officer (shift supervisor) oversees the work of the maid shift to ensure that the premises are cleaned to standards. The duties of the supervisor also include sending information about free and occupied numbers to the reception service. This position is not provided in all hotels.

Stewards are available in high-class hotels (luxury hotels). They start their work in the afternoon. The duties of the stewards include providing each room with fresh towels, giving the room an elegant look, and installing (if necessary) a retractable bed.

The room service, together with the service of reception and accommodation, booking, and guest service in the premises of the lobby group, belongs to the main divisions. Cleanliness and order, in accordance with the expectations of the client, is the main sign of the comfort of hotel enterprises. An important function of the service concerns the provision of services in rooms, ensuring the necessary sanitary and hygienic condition and comfort of rooms, common areas (lobby, hall, corridor, staircase, elevator zones, etc.), monitoring the condition of room equipment, bed linen, uniforms of employees hotels. Around the circle of employees in the hotel, the room service is numerous - about 50% of all service personnel.

Room service personnel are the main contributors to the hotel's revenue generation. Selling rooms accounts for a large share of the company's entire revenue: for every $ 100 a customer pays for a room, $ 60 is net income, and $ 40 will offset the cost of maintaining the room. For comparison: in another significant subdivision of the hotel complex - a restaurant, income for every $ 100 paid by a client for food, only 20 is net income, and 80 is spent on buying food, equipment, staff salaries, and others.

In order to effectively perform production duties, the staff must be responsible, sociable, punctual, show courtesy in relations with clients, fulfill their wishes according to professional obligations (this is advisable to do in the absence of a client in the room.

Accommodation hospitality in room service operations should be noted as well as other contact services. The guest in the hotel is only in the room, so he tries to get from the living conditions, not worse than home, to forget the problems and enjoy new experiences. The service staff should always politely meet guests, maintain a conversation (at the request of the client), make them feel ready to help in a financial sense, such services have no price, but contribute to the growth of the authority of the institution.

In the activity of the service of the room fund, a significant role belongs to the moral qualities of the personnel - honesty, indifference to other people's things. Customers trust the staff and they must live up to that trust. Constant contact with guests' personal belongings, including precious ones, should not lead to the temptation to abuse. In European hotels there is a bureau or a lost and found office, where the staff transmits all the speeches left by the guests.

And although the room service does not sell rooms, it buys equipment, but is responsible for replenishing and updating inventory, equipment in rooms and non-residential part of the hotel. The responsibilities of this service and - planning of their expenses, which should be consistent with the total costs and submitted to a separate budget plan of the planning department.

The room service is headed by a manager in large hotels - the deputy director of the hotel for service. The service manager is subordinate to those on duty on the floors, the head maid, the head of the linen room, the maids, the castellan, the supervisor, the steward, the seamstress, the cleaners (Figure 62) 2):

Fig. 62. Organizational and functional structure of the room fund service in hotels of significant capacity

Room Fund Service Manager. Functional responsibilities of the head of the service associated with:

Control of the quality of service, the condition of equipment and comfort in rooms, public and office premises;

The necessary measures aimed at maximizing the income from payment for hotel accommodation, increasing the occupancy of hotel rooms;

Monitoring the system of tariffs for room services, determining in cooperation with the economic department and commercial service the optimal tariff;

Effective use of subordinate personnel and control for the timely performance of duties;

Organization of control and management of the operation of security systems in the hotel to ensure the safety of guests and staff, their property;

Selection of personnel capable of effectively performing functional duties in the service;

Preparing and analyzing reports on checking and predicting the use of the room fund within 3 days, 10 days, 3 months and 12 months, which cover the research of booking, non-arrival, blocks No. Omer, "suite", special offers for the purpose of constant monitoring of the rooms, which ensures a high proportion of their occupancy at the most average cost of a room;

Careful control over consumables (detergents, bed linen, dishes, etc.), monitoring the market for consumables, concluding agreements on their supply;

Supervising and managing hotel laundry operations to ensure the efficient preparation of clean linen required to maintain a high standard of rooms and restaurants;

Coordination of work with other services (reception and accommodation, reservation, engineering and operational, commercial);

Ensuring the improvement of the professional and qualification level of subordinates;

Regular inventory taking;

Maintaining the principles of high culture and morality in the team

Scientific qualification and personal requirements for the position of a room service manager for:

Professional training for the required profile of activities in specialized educational institutions and internships in a hotel institution for at least a year;

Knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bof international communication;

Perfect knowledge of the technology of room service, public areas of the hotel, standards for the performance of functional duties by the service personnel;

Possession of hotel security skills

The working day of the service manager often runs from 07:45 to 18:00. The working day begins with a night shift check of the cleanliness of the lobby, recreation areas, corridors, and the state of readiness of the rooms to receive guests. After checking the hotel premises, the service manager checks the technical documentation - records in. The service log, reports for the previous day, analyzes the forecast of the occupancy of hotel rooms and specifies the number of guests who are leaving, arriving recently, interested in arrival. KGR-guests in order to ensure the necessary preparation for the reception. In the morning, the manager of the service organizes a meeting with the participation of the floor superiors, the head of the linen room, the castellan, and other service personnel, determines the problems of the service, gives orders. After the meeting, the head of the service will check the budget of the service, agree on an order for the purchase of the necessary production materials, equipment, and adjust repair work by the engineering and maintenance service. He also monitors the status of the inventory of free numbers and orders coming from the maintenance services. The manager must take care of the educational and qualification level of subordinates, participate in personnel training, hired, organize and training programs for managers of individual production units of the service, meet with applicants who want to get a job. In the course of working hours, the manager must constantly keep in touch with the reception and accommodation services, reservations to agree on problems with filling and emptying rooms, the commercial department, the laundry, on which the comfort in the rooms depends.

The service manager controls the maintenance of technical documentation related to the circulation of linen, chemicals for room care, hygiene products, inventory, technological household appliances, coordinates the work of service workers, evaluates their work, draws up work schedules, is responsible for the condition of furniture, room equipment, public and office space, takes care of the aesthetic appeal of the rooms comfort.

The head of the service is obliged to ensure in the work of the service the necessary measures to avoid theft. In some hotels, the maids are given a subscription to control clients and do not allow them to enter other people's rooms. According to the subscription, violation of this norm threatens the maid with urgent release.

The senior maid delegates production tasks to the head of the service, coordinates the work of a team of maids, and controls the condition of the premises. The duties of the senior maid include:

Distribution of production tasks according to professional requirements;

Organization of cleaning of rooms, common areas and office premises, keeping them clean and tidy;

Reception of rooms upon departure of the client;

Control over the safety of property and inventory in rooms and common areas assigned to it, over the storage of linen, its condition, the technical condition of equipment in the rooms and their office premises

Cooperation with the duty personnel of the engineering and technical service to eliminate technical faults;

Accurate control over the status of filling rooms, promptly informing the reception and accommodation service, booking;

Acceptance of orders for additional paid services;

Regular inventory of property and inventory (at least twice a year) in assigned premises;

Maintaining technical documentation for monitoring and evaluating the work of subordinate personnel and accounting for material and technical resources in assigned premises

The senior maid must have experience working in a hotel, and be fluent in the technology of service. In European hotels with their own established standards of service, the prestige of the senior maid is very high, she teaches, transfers experience to new generations of resting places.

It is the responsibility of the head maid to ensure a high level of comfort in the rooms. In some cases, her responsibilities include resolving conflict situations between subordinates and clients. In special cases, service is provided. IN /. Only the head maid can R-person.

Maid. The staff of maids is numerous in the structure of hotels. The maid cleans, ventilates rooms, bathrooms, changes bed linen, monitors the availability of necessary hygiene products in the bathrooms, translates the state of furniture, technical condition of household appliances, etc. The main task of the maids concerns cleaning the rooms regardless of their status - whether they are busy or free.

Professional and qualifying duties of a maid:

To know perfectly the cleaning technology in compliance with the instructions and the procedure for changing the linen has been established;

Be able to use technical cleaning equipment, know chemical agents and the procedure for their use for washing and cleaning;

To be tolerant, kind, honest in relations with clients, sociable and accurate, not to damage the equipment of the rooms and the technical means that are used in work;

To carry out instructions from the head of the service, the person on duty on the floor, guests in accordance with the list of services;

Know one foreign language of international communication in four-five-star hotels;

Control the logistics in the rooms, urgently inform the senior maid or the head of the service about conflict situations with guests (theft, damage to equipment, inadequate behavior of guests in the room, etc.);

Inform the senior chambermaid or the head of the service about technical malfunctions in the room that can threaten the life, health, property of guests;

Monitor the use of paid room services, register them and notify the senior maid or receptionist to issue an invoice;

Check the filling of numbers and urgently inform the reception and accommodation service about changes in the status of the number

Requirements for the individual characteristics of the maid:

Impeccable appearance (to have a hotel uniform, always clean, ironed, neat hairstyle, make-up, etc., use a personal identifier indicating the last name, first name, position)

Age: significant physical activity and the amount of work determine the age limit of 20-50 years, the average age in European hotels is 20-40 years;

Physical data: regularly undergo a medical examination, be healthy (in case of infectious diseases, the maid is not allowed to work);

Psychophysical data: be balanced, affectionate, neat, quickly carry out professional orders of guests

To work in a hotel in. Europe ,. A US maid must complete a special training course. In some states -. Great Britain,. Switzerland and other maids are trained in specialized self-learning institutions. To get a job in a hotel, a maid must have a compulsory internship for 6 months. In luxury hotels, they are hired on the recommendation from the previous place.

depending on the type and class of the hotel establishment, each maid cleans from 16 to 20 rooms during the working shift. The number of rooms and the time for cleaning a room is determined by the standards of the country, the trade union or individual hotel corporations, hotels. For example, in. The US cleaning rate for the maid is 17 rooms per day. Greece - 14. According to the regulations. Swiss Union of Hotel Owners, the time of arrival in the room in which the guest lives is 20 minutes, the free room -. ЗО х хв.

The standards in the work of the maid are significantly influenced by the type of building, category, room equipment. Service in an apartment leads to twice as much effort and time, so the rate for cleaning such rooms is half as much. It takes a lot of time to clean rooms in old hotels and suites.

In some hotel corporations, in order to save the salary fund and encourage staff, permanent rooms are assigned to the best maids. This approach to the organization of the technological process allows you to better study the rooms, organize service more efficiently, and reduce the number of supervising personnel.

The duty of the maids is to ensure the safety of guests and their property in the rooms. Life safety is associated with constant monitoring of the state of life support systems and household appliances. To avoid theft of valuables (jewelry, money, works of art, etc.), guests are offered, as already mentioned, special safes in the rooms. The maid should inform about the likelihood of preserving valuables when necessary, she monitors the guests' stay in the room to avoid (in case of inadequate behavior) threats to the property of the hotel company and to the life and health of other guests.

The maid's working day begins at 8 am and lasts 8 hours. Before the start of the work shift, she registers with the service manager or his deputy, receives a sector in the hotel, keys to the rooms for which she reports to. Keys register, and at the end of the working day returns the keys.

According to current labor standards, a maid's working day lasts 8 hours over a 5-day work week. The maids work in three shifts and have an annual monthly leave. In room service, by their various changes, the standards of maids can have significant deviations. Housekeepers on the evening shift provide bedtime preparation, significantly less work, and can maintain 2 to 3 times more rooms than a morning shift that focuses more on routine cleaning. The night shift is the least numerous in terms of the number of attendants and provides cleaning services for new premises and common areas. Functions of the night shift associated with cleaning and cleaning carpets, curtains, dusting, wiping furniture, doors, window sills, perennial silt and ita in.

In the management structure of the service, the maid is directly subordinate to the senior maid, in general to the service manager

The cleaning lady ensures that common areas are kept in proper sanitary condition - lobby, hall, corridors, staircase areas, elevators, toilets, service premises of the territory adjacent to the hotel. The duties of the cleaners also include washing walls, windows, doors, cleaning and disinfecting equipment in public sanitary facilities.

Cleaners should not create inconvenience to guests, their presence should be inconspicuous, and cleaning of common areas should be carried out with the least disturbance of guests. In the cleaning mode, the morning and evening hours are considered optimal.

Some large hotels in the structure of the economic service distinguish structural units - specialized cleaning brigades that perform certain functions in the maintenance of common areas: carpet cleaning; care of curtains; sometimes - cleaning products from fabrics, furniture, etc.

Cleaning ladies are subordinate to the senior maid and the floor attendant

The head of the linen is responsible for the safety of linen, uniforms and other products made from fabrics used in the hotel, changes linen - gives out clean linen to the maids and accepts used linen, changes the state of linen, ensures its repair, restoration, hands the linen to the laundry and accepts it after washing ...

The linen manager is a financially responsible person. Of great importance in its work is the control over circulating resources, and it must be used. The register of the main circulating resources (bilis of numbers, uniforms, linen of restaurants, etc.). The service director should periodically check the manager of the laundry.

The technological process of servicing the head of the linen requires constant communication with the commercial service, which provides the hotel with expendable resources, service departments - laundry, dry cleaning, a workshop for sewing and repairing linen.

The castellan is subordinate to the head of the linen, prepares the used linen for washing, changes the linen upon delivery and receipt from the laundry, takes into account the type and quality of the linen

Seamstress repairing, mending and labeling linen. In the management structure, she is subordinate to the senior linen, if necessary, she helps the castellan in preparing the linen for washing, sorting and issuing cam for maids.

Supervisor. In some European hotels, there is a supervisor in the room service structure, who monitors the maids' compliance with cleaning standards. His responsibilities also include transferring to the reception and posting service information about the state of the room stock. The supervisor is subordinate to the head of the service department.

Steward. A steward position exists in selected hotels. USA high category (luxury, business hotels). Its task is to provide rooms with clean towels, replace fresh flowers, provide a neat appearance on the walls, and an attractive aesthetic appearance for the room. Often the position of a steward is occupied by specialists in design, interior design. Stewards begin work in the afternoon.

Laundry and dry cleaning. Medium and large-sized hotels in a functional structure must necessarily have a modern laundry dry-cleaner using computerized machines for washing, dry cleaning, drying and ironing linen and clothes. This link is managed by the director of the laundry, who is more often subordinate to the manager of the room service.

In small hotels, the maintenance of laundry and dry cleaning is not economically efficient. The need for a special room or the conversion of a room into a laundry is financially costly. Often, the premises are preferable to use for conferences, entertainment events, etc. The conclusion of a contract with a laundry on cooperation also stipulates the rental of bed linen in separate batches or by the piece. However, the experience of renting linen is not always justified: washing - often supply low quality linen. The best option for small hotel businesses is to buy linen on their own and conclude a contract for it. Scratching and ironing. In any case, the responsibility of the room service manager concerns the strict control of the hotel bedding.

Leading hotel corporations use automated systems to control the quality of bed linen. The economic effect of their use lies in a significant saving of financial resources, the mechanization of heavy physical labor, and the multifunctional nature of functions. For example, the American hotel "Chicago Hilton and Towers" (there are 1620 rooms in the hotel) has a semi-automated system for monitoring the quality of bed linen, sorting it and taking inventory. This system saves between $ 70,000 and $ 100,000 annually. If earlier there were 47 staff in the hotel laundry, then due to the use of automated machines - only 1 machine - less than 17.

In the technological infrastructure of a hotel enterprise, the functions and place of laundry and dry cleaning are generally similar. For example, for the activities of these structural units, spacious premises are required, special equipment - washing, drying and ironing machines, equipment for automated sorting, assembly, computerized accounting, etc.

Complications of the technology of production processes due to the use of modern automated systems, chemical agents increase the requirements for the position of the head of this link in hotels. He must know the technology and use of household chemicals, find typical problems and be able to localize them. Laundry and dry cleaning personnel should have similar knowledge.

Hotel dry cleaners use special equipment for labeling clothes, accelerates the sorting process, eliminates misunderstandings with customers. The guest puts their linen in a special package d along with a completed form with a list of all the items that will be dry cleaned.

A blank list of things that are sent to a laundry or dry-cleaner is a significant document for registering clothes. Behind it, a laundry or dry cleaner checks a list of the contents of the package. In addition, in dry cleaners, an informant with a client code is often attached to things. In large hotels there is a special category of employees who receive and register an order, provide delivery, determine an invoice, etc. The head of the laundry and dry cleaning should always initiate proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of these departments to increase the company's profits. Innovations may also concern the introduction of new services - express washing for an additional fee, starching clothes and food.

Laundry and dry cleaning are closely interconnected with other services and departments of the hotel, including the reception and accommodation service, where customer accounts are transferred in the technological process, these production fields are subordinate to the room service, in financial transactions - to the financial and economic services.

Room cleaning technology. Distinguish between daily cleaning of rooms, after departure of guests and general. Every day, the maid carries out routine and selective cleaning of the rooms, in the following sequence: first of all - in the booked rooms, then - in the rooms that are vacant, and last of all - in the occupied rooms they clean when the guests are not in the room, for this in advance agree on the cleaning time with the clients. If guests are in the room, a cleaning permit must be obtained.

Ongoing cleaning includes airing the premises, cleaning and washing dishes, making beds, cleaning the table, bedside tables, bathroom, wiping dust, taking care of flowerpots. The duty of the maid is to revise the condition of the furniture and equipment of the rooms. If the room consists of several rooms, first of all, you need to clean it in the bedroom, then in the living room and other rooms, and finally remove the bathroom.

Daily selective cleaning of the room is most often carried out in the afternoon at the request of guests for a fee or if it is a cleaning specified in the work schedule. The maid is responsible for taking out the garbage from the room, cleaning and washing dishes, wiping the dining table, changing bed linen, changing bed linen, cleaning the bathroom, preparing a bath, replacing pads, washing or mechanized floor cleaning.

All types of cleaning in the hotel rooms are performed with the obligatory use of cleaning equipment and necessary supplies. It is technologically expedient to use cleaning equipment, to keep them in proper condition - important measures in compliance with the standards of the sanitary and epidemiological regime.

If the guest has left the laundry for washing, the maid transfers it in a special bag to the senior maid, and she - to the laundry. The head maid draws up a receipt with a list of linen, notes the cost of washing, and then puts a clean order form on the table and hangs a new laundry bag in the bathroom. If faults in the plumbing equipment, electrical equipment, water supply, household appliances are found in the room, you must submit an application to the dispatching office of the engineering and operational service, write it down in the log and follow the execution of the application.

When guests leave, the maid must check if they have forgotten things, as well as the condition of the equipment in the room, change the bed and towels, information material, after that the room is cleaned

General cleaning of the entire living area is carried out at least once every 10 days in the absence of guests in the room. It is associated with wet cleaning, wiping furniture, removing stains on the floor, hernia and imov covering, upholstered furniture, washing bathrooms with a special solution.

According to generally accepted standards in the hotel industry, the room cleaning scheme covers the following stages:

Airing (opening windows for 20-30 minutes or using air conditioning systems), comfortable aerodynamic characteristics of the premises must be provided half a day before the guests arrive in the room

Removal of large debris;

Removing dirty linen from bedding;

Clean linen - next to the bed; the bed with bedding remains for a certain period of time for ventilation;

Towels, bathrobe, etc .; taken from the bathroom;

Wash sinks and glasses; bath and toilet;

During the drying period, the baths and sinks make the bed;

Vacuum the floor, balcony (if provided in the room);

In the living room dust is wiped on all objects;

In the bathroom, they wash the floor, replace towels, bathrobes, etc .;

Restore and replace used inventory (soap, matches, toilet paper, etc.)

The work of the maid is checked by the person on duty on the floor during the work shift, according to the norm, he must inspect 100 rooms, and during a thorough check, the norm is 35 rooms. In the process of a quick check, lasting 3-5 minutes, the person on duty should find out if the room was ventilated (special attention should be paid to extraneous odors in the sanitary and hygienic rooms of the room), the quality of cleaning in the living area and toilets (removal of plaque, stains on the sink, facing tiles, in the toilet, shower, bathroom, like a cleaned bed, shabby gunpowder) a thorough check (7-10 min) concerns a detailed study of the quality of cleaning, changing linen, towels in the bathroom, replenishing used related materials, removing stains on carpet, soft furniture, replacement of information material, technical condition of household appliances. Any comments regarding the quality of the maid service must be taken into account in the future.

The room service should have premises for production use for the head of the service to organize coordination work, training, trainings, corporate events, etc. In the general servicing room, the maids are given tasks and report on their implementation, discuss the issue of further work in the hotel sectors too ...

On each floor in hotels, there should also be technological rooms for service personnel, where inventory, room care products, personal items, etc. are stored.

There are divisions for the implementation of repairs, washing the uniforms of hotel employees. In especially large hotels there is a structural unit of nannies for childcare. She works sporadically, in her work the staff of other services, who in their free time has the opportunity to earn extra money. Guests in such situations pay for the services directly to the staff.

Consequently, the amount of work and the distribution of responsibilities among the personnel of the economic service significantly depends on the size of the hotel, its location, the adjacent territory, is included in the structure of the hotel company. A complex, for example, a green area, then the function of this service may include maintaining order and cleanliness of its territory.

Each issue has a special description in the form of a separate card. Here you can find data on the state of the room - inventory structure, malfunctions, missing items, etc. In European hotels, it is common practice to conduct an inventory twice a year - inside and at the end of the year. In the process of inventory taking into account bed linen, blankets, towels, dressing gowns and other fabric products, linen, which are used in a restaurant, on keeping a castellan, in a laundry. Dishes, interior items, etc. are taken into account in the same way. According to the experience of the functioning of the room service in hotels, it is necessary to replace or restore about 10% of the total inventory every year.

Material base and standards of room service. In European hotels, a standard set of inventory in a living room consists of: a bed, a table, two armchairs, a sofa, a table for coffee, a floor lamp, two nightstands, two lamps by the bed (table or wall), a TV, a telephone (fax), wardrobes ( chest of drawers), minibar with drinks and snacks. The bathroom is equipped with: a bathroom (a jacuzzi bathtub - in the suites of luxury hotels) and / or a shower cabin, a bidet and a toilet bowl, a lamp, a mirror. Additionally, the room may offer related materials: a match and (a box in the living room and one in the bathroom), 15 valves (6 regular valves, 6 for skirts, 3 with a trouser clip) a plastic bag for dirty linen or clothes with information enclosed in it Laundry and dry cleaning services and prices; shopping bags with the hotel logo imprinted on them; bags made of fabric with lavender against moths and for scenting clothes in the closet; safe (if there are special rooms in the hotel) for storing valuable things; writing set; envelopes; fax paper pen; pencil; folder and other stationery; postcards with a photo of a hotel, city or country; telephone directory of the main hotel services; telephone directory of additional hotel services; the phone has a notebook with a pen. The bathroom per person should have: 2 bath towels, 2 face towels, 2 small body towels; mat; bathrobe; slippers; shampoo for body and hair; body and hand soap; lotion for rubbing the body after taking a bath; hair conditioner, bath cap; sticks for cleaning ears; make-up removal tampons; sewing kit; shoe polish; Toothpaste; Toothbrush; shaving cream; machine for shaving; eau de toilette after I shave pislya shinnya.

The list of inventory of the main functional rooms of the room is an arbitrary minimum, the hotel will adjust it. The volume of related services can be increased. This entails additional costs, but at the same time attracts guests and encourages the use of a large volume of services. For example, some hotels and rooms offer a coffee maker, free coffee and tea, while others offer ironing boards and irons. The latter is widely used in the servant. USA, however in. Europe - with caution through the fire hazards of food.

The rooms with. IN /. R-persons. Guests of this category mainly book comfortable suites (presidential suite * 1). In addition to the safe, the room has a mini-bar with a wide selection of alcoholic drinks and snacks, a refrigerator, etc., service is provided by several people, often the maid under the supervision of the person on duty on the floor on the ground.

In the bathroom, in the event of an emergency power outage, there should be a candle with a candlestick, as well as an evacuation plan in several languages, posted in an accessible place. In expensive hotels, in high-class rooms, audio equipment is used, its use confirms luxurious living conditions, while simultaneously requiring compliance with the conditions of comfort specified in the hotel. Sometimes in the general structure of the inventory, spare pillows and a spare blanket are provided. Feather pillows are used, and in case of guest allergy - reserve foam pillows.

The minibar must be closed before guests check in. The client receives the key to the minibar together with the keys to the room. The minibar should have a price list for the food. Today, the service of providing a bar service and billing for its use is predominantly computerized. In some hotels, the assortment of drinks in the bar in all rooms is supervised by a responsible employee who determines the check.

The use of detergents and cleaning products. A wide range of detergents and cleaners are used in the room service activities today. There are the following types:


For cleaning the floor (separate for cleaning marble, concrete, ceramic tiles);

Air fresheners;


For cleaning metal surfaces;

Alcohol (white (medical) for rubbing metal surfaces, giving shine; blue (technical) for cleaning and disinfecting various surfaces, including the floor);

Furniture polish, floor, rubbing of copper surfaces;

Shampoos for cleaning carpets; refrigerators, ceramic tiles, plastic products

On the floors with numbers, special linen rooms are used, where all consumables, household appliances, auxiliary equipment, etc. are stored.

The maid's trolley is an important element in the cleaning process, it has a special design, adapted for movement in small rooms and transportation of the necessary tools. It consists of two tiers for her - on the upper one they carry clean linen, inventory that needs to be replaced or restored in the rooms, on the bottom - funds and inventory, the maid uses the robot in the process.

The use of electronic locking systems in hotels is primarily associated with a complex of security measures in the hotel, ensuring a high efficiency of the technological process (first of all reception services and times of displacement), comfortable premises for clients and staff.

The electronic lock consists of two parts - mechanical and electronic. The first is similar to a typical mortise lock with a mechanism with two (external and internal) overlays, which have, in addition to functional, and decorative value. The electronic component is connected with a built-in microcomputer and a clock mechanism for correcting work in time with an electronic card. Another electronic component - an electronic plastic magnetic card with an individual code - acts as a key. The electronic key card is made using a special technology, which guarantees absolute accuracy and compatibility with the information identification device for each lock. The substance from which electronic keys are made does not accumulate static current, is not exposed to moisture, dust, and is resistant to mechanical stress. The use of an electronic card is controlled from a central console located at the reception.

The so-called time window is recorded on the client's electronic card - his stay and the use of hotel services. After the end of the stay or non-payment of services, the client is not able to get into the room without the intervention of the hotel staff. Simultaneously with the electronic card in modern hotels, locks are used with the simultaneous opening of doors with a mechanical key.

Each electronic lock stores information about all door openings with a card with a mechanical key, most electronic lock systems remember information about unsuccessful attempts to use the lock. Locks from modern manufacturers store an average of 250-5900 lock uses (5900 is the latest version of Saflok flok locks).

The locks can work in autonomous mode (off-line) or be combined into a general power supply network (on-line). In any case, for power outages, they work in an autonomous mode, we receive a charge from finger batteries.

In addition to the function of an electronic lock, an electronic card is used in non-cash payments within the hotel. All points of sale (POS - Point of Sale) install special devices to identify information on the card. Such devices, in particular, are used in the sales areas of a restaurant, bar, fitness center, etc. The information entered on the card is protected by non-standard recording methods that are not available to them for other systems, including POS terminals.

Hotel lock systems also use smart cards, where more information can be recorded, they provide a high degree of security. The main disadvantage of smart cards is that they are significantly higher in price. New models of electronic locks from leading manufacturers allow the use of magnetic and smart cards. In this version, magnetic cards are used by customers, while smart cards are used by Goth Ale staff or. K /. R-guests. To put information on magnetic smart cards, a special device is used - an encoder.

The system of electronic locks is controlled by the reception using the following special equipment:

Mini-terminal - ensures the prompt production of electronic key cards of any security level with a personal code;

Electronic key encoding device - writes the newly created code to a new electronic key;

The information transfer device is used as an interface between the encryption device and the door lock if the codes match;

Electronic key confirmation system - for checking keys

With the first use in a certain lock, a new electronic card made at the reception will automatically change the code of the previous one. So, stolen or lost keys cannot be used if the client of St. He timely announced the attacks.

Electronic keys are used in different modes of operation - "client", "maid", "complex service", "mini-bar", "engineering service", "administration", "emergency", "spare key", "one-time key part" , "emergency", "spare key", "disposable key".

The hotel guest receives a key in the "client" mode, the code of which is compatible with the lock of his room. In the chambermaids, room service staff with minibars, card keys are coded for access only to the premises assigned to this staff. For employees of the engineering and technical service, the numbers for which the application was received are specially encoding the key. The director and other representatives of the administration use a key with a code and provide access to every room of the hotel. In emergency situations, the "emergency" operating mode is used, when locks are locked within a floor, a building, or the entire hotel corps, or the entire hotel.

In an emergency related to power outages, preventive maintenance of the technical condition of a computer network, etc., pre-made key cards are used for guests who have arrived at the hotel. These keys are kept in the hotel's safe. For one-time access to the room, disposable key cards are issued.

The information system of electronic locks is controlled using special software that provides different levels of access, personal password and other security systems. According to the level of accessibility and job duties, the receptionist only issues guest electronic cards, the personnel manager produces cards and under. At the same time, all actions of the operator are entered into the protocol in order to obtain at the necessary moment information about the electronic lock card, number, operator.

Lock systems are also used in common areas - conference hall, swimming pool, fitness center, parking lots, etc. Access parameters are set by software. It allows you to set up a list of access points for a specific user, and also fixes the time during which access will be carried out.

The most important function of the room fund maintenance service is to maintain the required level of comfort and sanitary and hygienic condition of hotel rooms, as well as public premises (halls, foyers, passages, corridors).

In terms of the number of personnel, this service is the largest in the hotel. As a rule, up to 50% of all employees work here.

The room maintenance service is headed by a manager; maids, floor attendants, supervisors, stewards and some other categories of workers are subordinate to him.

The maids are cleaning. This is their main responsibility. Rooms are cleaned regardless of whether they are busy or free.

Rooms are cleaned daily, and after the guest's departure - general. Every day, the maid performs routine and (if necessary) intermediate cleaning of rooms.

Rooms are cleaned in the following sequence: first, work is carried out in the booked rooms, then in the rooms that have just been vacated from the guests staying, and last of all, in the occupied rooms. Cleaning should be done in the absence of the guest. If the guest is in the room, you must first obtain a cleaning permit from him.

The current cleaning process consists of airing the room, cleaning and washing dishes, cleaning beds, bedside tables, tables, removing dust, cleaning the bathroom. The maid's duties also include checking the safety of the room equipment.

If the room consists of several rooms, the cleaning process always begins in the bedroom, then continues in the living room and other rooms, and ends with cleaning the bathroom. Daily interim cleaning of rooms is done as needed and subject to the availability of cleaning conditions.

When cleaning the room after the guest has checked out, the maid's functions include acceptance of the room, change of bed linen and towels, replacement of information materials available in the room. General cleaning of the room stock and the entire residential part of the hotel is carried out at least once every 10 days.

Depending on the type of hotel, each maid cleans and tidies up from 16 to 20 rooms a day. The time spent on cleaning depends on the ratio of vacated and occupied rooms (it takes longer to clean vacant rooms).

The Floor Duty Officer (shift supervisor) oversees the work of the maid shift to ensure that the premises are cleaned to standards. The duties of the supervisor also include sending information about free and occupied numbers to the reception service. This position is not provided in all hotels.

Stewards are available in high-class hotels (luxury hotels). They start their work in the afternoon. The duties of the stewards include providing each room with fresh towels, giving the room an elegant look, and installing (if necessary) a retractable bed.

Catering service

This division is an integral part of the hospitality business, since there is no hospitality without a table. Hotel restaurants are not only the prestige and face of the hotel, but also the main source of profit (about a third of the income of the hotel complex). A hotel without a restaurant is just a "shelter", a person must first eat deliciously, and only then sleep.

When organizing service in restaurants (cafes) of hotel complexes, the following food conditions are usually offered: full board (three meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner); half board (two meals a day - breakfast plus lunch or dinner); breakfast only (one meal a day).

All hotels pay special attention to breakfast service. The day of the guests begins with breakfast, and its organization largely determines whether the beginning of the day will be good or bad for guests. Unlike lunch and dinner, almost all guests staying at the hotel come for breakfast. There are the following types of breakfast:

· Continental breakfast. It includes coffee, tea or hot chocolate, sugar, cream (milk), lemon, two kinds of jam, jam or honey, a selection of baked goods, butter. On Sundays, breakfast is complemented by a cold egg. In many European countries, continental breakfast is included in the price of hotel accommodation;

· Extended breakfast. In addition to the continental breakfast, guests are offered juices (orange, grapefruit, tomato), a dish with chopped ham, cheese and sausage, egg dishes, yoghurts, cottage cheese, dry cereals. During breakfast, most often a buffet service is organized or the waiter brings a platter with cold cuts, puts the guests on plates and leaves the dish on the table. Egg dishes are prepared according to individual orders;

· English breakfast. The classic English breakfast starts with morning tea or coffee (possibly hot chocolate) brought to your room. It also includes sugar, baked goods, toast, butter, jam, honey, preserves. It can be supplemented with egg dishes (scrambled eggs with ham or bacon, fried eggs on bread, omelette with ham or mushrooms, etc.), fish dishes, cereal dishes (oatmeal or soup with milk or water with sugar or salt). The English breakfast is served in the same way as the extended breakfast;

· American breakfast. Additionally, we offer regular drinking water with ice cubes, fruit juices, fresh fruits (grapefruit, watermelon, berries with milk or cream) or fruit compote (plums, peaches), cereal dishes (corn, rice flakes), a small portion of meat, pie ; · Breakfast with champagne. This breakfast is served from 10.00 to 11.30. We offer coffee, tea, alcoholic drinks (champagne, wine), small cold snacks and hot dishes, soups, salads, desserts. Offer form - buffet. Champagne breakfast is usually served on an official occasion;

· late breakfast. Provides an alternative to breakfast and lunch. The time of delivery is from 10.00 to 14.00. The ingredients are used, which are included in both breakfast and lunch: hot and cold drinks, rolls, butter, jam, sausage, cheese, soups, hot meat dishes, desserts. Offer form - buffet.

When organizing breakfasts, lunches and dinners, various methods of service are used: a la carte, a desks, table d'hote, buffet, buffet service, hotel room service.

There are special rules for serving guests in the rooms:

Orders (breakfast, lunch, dinner) should be served either on a tray or on a mobile service cart or table. The waiter must carry the tray in his left hand. Keep your right hand free to open or close a door, move an object on a tray, etc. When moving along the corridor or passages, the tray is held at the shoulder and only before entering the room is it lowered to chest level;

You must first knock on the room and enter after obtaining permission;

You should say hello to the guest (s);

If the guest is going to have breakfast in bed, the tray must be served from the side. If two people have breakfast in bed, a separate tray is provided for each;

When serving an order (breakfast, lunch, dinner) for one person, all items are placed on a tray in the same order as on a table in a restaurant;

If the guest is going to sit at the table in the room or on the balcony, then the table should be covered with a tablecloth. The tray can be placed on the table or all items can be rearranged from the tray to the table; the waiter should not stay in the room longer than required. You can talk to a guest only if he asks about something himself. In any situation, the waiter must be delicate.

The specificity of a hotel restaurant, in contrast to a city restaurant, is that its work is closely linked not only with the restaurant service itself, but also with all other divisions of the hotel. Generally, the hotel restaurant, which is empty during lunch and dinner, is a major concern for many managers. And in Russia the days are gone when the public catering network was poorly developed. Now the guest tends to go out into the city, especially when it is a fairly large city, where there is something to see and where to eat. And if breakfast can be sold to a guest "forcibly" by including it and the accommodation service in one package, then special programs should be developed for lunch and dinner. For example, if breakfast is organized as a buffet, then you can offer the same at lunchtime. True, before introducing the buffet, you need to carefully calculate everything. Practice shows that 30 visitors is enough to offset the costs of the buffet. Anything over 30 people goes to "profit", less to "loss". However, these figures are real, provided that the cost of the menu and the average amount of food consumed by visitors when organizing a buffet are correctly calculated. This, in turn, depends on the level of professionalism of the key figures of the restaurant - the director and the chef.

If the hotel is located in a high traffic area, you might consider setting up an outdoor terrace. A summer cafe will not only bring income, but also serve as a good advertisement for a hotel restaurant, attracting outside customers there. The hotel restaurant service should not forget about the banquet service. If the restaurant does not have banquet halls, you can organize off-site banquet service at various venues in the city, offering high-quality service and a varied menu, which will bring significant additional income.

It is necessary to decide in advance who will clean the room: the hotel service Housekeeping or specially hired people. The same can be said about the staff of cooks and waiters: either human resources are redistributed within the existing restaurant service, or personnel are recruited from outside. In the latter case, it is necessary to provide time and money for training.

When solving the personnel problem, one should not forget about the productivity of employees. A simple calculation of the "efficiency" only for waiters may surprise: 10 waiters work 5 days a week for 8 hours. Each of them receives a weekly salary of $ 100. If during this time the restaurant served 500 visitors, then the productivity of one waiter is 0.8 hours per visitor, which in monetary terms will amount to $ 2 per visitor. If we evaluate the productivity of waiters during breakfast, this indicator will undoubtedly be higher, but during lunch and dinner, it is most likely the opposite. This means that it is necessary to look for ways to reduce costs. It is most advantageous to introduce hourly wages for personnel, i.e. send several waiters home for lunch and dinner.

Security Service

The security service ensures the maintenance of order and the safety of hotel clients.

In recent years, the issue of security has become very urgent, especially in the hotel business. International conflicts, a wave of crime and terrorism, illegal circulation of weapons and explosives - all these factors cannot but affect the level of safety of guests and hotel staff in all countries of the world.

The hotel complex is characterized by threats of natural, man-made, ecological, terrorist, and criminal nature. The most dangerous now is the threat of a terrorist act, which can lead to a large number of victims, create an atmosphere of fear, disruption of the hotel's normal operation, loss of a positive tourist image of the hotel or the region as a whole.

Particular attention should be paid to the professionalism of the security personnel, as well as the technical means of protection at the facility.

To have a constant influx of tourists, to successfully conduct business, it is necessary to improve the security system of the hotel, i.e. regularly carry out a set of organizational, methodological, technical and other measures to ensure full autonomy of the hotel in addressing security issues, including in the event of terrorist threats.

The daily work of the security personnel includes a thorough inspection of the protected area (every 2 hours), constant communication with all the duty services of the hotel complex, the exchange of information about suspicious persons and objects, etc. It is also important to establish active cooperation with territorial law enforcement agencies. When holding mass events, concerts, the premises must be examined by a dog handler with a dog trained to search for explosives.

It is necessary to constantly improve the technical means of protection. It is desirable that video surveillance be organized in the central hall, as well as on the hotel floors.

It is imperative to develop instructions on fire safety measures. All employees should be allowed to work only after passing the fire-prevention briefing (which is marked by their signature in a special log). Equipped smoking areas, the procedure for de-energizing electrical equipment, plans for evacuation of people, a fire warning system, etc. - all these are elements of the fire safety system. It is also necessary to know about the features of fire safety at facilities with a massive presence of people. In particular, in rooms with one emergency exit, 50 or more people are not allowed to stay at the same time. It is prohibited to obstruct evacuation routes and exits.

In the room of the hotel control room, an instruction should be posted on the order of actions of the personnel on duty when receiving a signal about a fire and a malfunction of fire automation systems. Recently, requirements have been introduced for the installation of thermal sensors that respond to an increase in temperature (up to 30-35 ° C) and smoke. In the hotel rooms, it is impossible to arrange various kinds of industrial and warehouse premises in which there are explosive and fire hazardous substances. All hotel clients must be familiar with the fire safety rules.

The hotel's security system will be effective only if all the staff take part in this work, and also the specific features of the enterprise are taken into account.

B. Service

From the point of view of the guests, this service is the most important in the hotel, since the personnel of this particular service work with clients in constant contact and perform all the functions related to their direct service. 3

The service is headed by a manager who is subordinate to the doormen, bellhop, baggage carriers, elevators, concierges, messengers, drivers (serve rented cars and park guests' cars). Due to the importance of the customer's first impression of a hotel, this service has a special responsibility.

Doormen should have information about the services provided in the hotel, hotel events (conferences, banquets), the location of the hotel and its surroundings.

It is recommended to keep a conversation with the guests while being escorted by the bellhop. At the same time, it is especially important to provide information about the services provided by the hotel, about the availability and operating hours of a restaurant, cafe, bar, laundry, dry cleaning, swimming pool, gyms. In the room, the bellhop should to some extent help the guest to be accommodated, i.e. explain (and at the same time check the serviceability) what and how it works (lighting, radio and television sets, air conditioning, telephone, mini-bar).

Concierges provide many important services to guests. They can be seen at a special table in the lobby or directly on the floors of the Grand Avenue Hotel.

Service functions:

Meeting and greeting guests (Doormen)

Escorting guests to their rooms and luggage delivery, as well as assistance in placing in the room (Hallways)

Concierge functions:

Purchase and delivery of tickets to theaters

Table reservations in city restaurants

Order and delivery of railway, bus and air tickets, certificates of the work of international, intercity and domestic transport

Reservation of places in a hairdressing salon, beauty salon, appointment with a doctor

Information about local attractions, museums, exhibitions, shops

Emergency assistance (for example, calling a doctor, lawyer, notary)

Execution of personal orders of clients (making purchases, obtaining visas, etc.

D. Room Fund Maintenance Service

In terms of the number of personnel, this service is the largest in the hotel. As a rule, up to 50% of all employees work here.

The room maintenance service in the hotel of JSC "Grand Avenue" is headed by a manager; maids, floor attendants, supervisors, stewards and some other categories of workers are subordinate to him.

The maids are cleaning. Appendix # 4] This is their main responsibility. Rooms are cleaned regardless of whether they are busy or free.

Rooms are cleaned daily, and after the guest's departure - general. Every day, the maid performs routine and (if necessary) intermediate cleaning of rooms.

Rooms are cleaned in the following sequence: first, work is carried out in the booked rooms, then in the rooms that have just been vacated from the guests, and last of all, in the occupied premises. Cleaning should be done in the absence of the guest. If the guest is in the room, you must first obtain a cleaning permit from him.

The current cleaning process consists of airing the room, cleaning and washing dishes, cleaning beds, bedside tables, tables, removing dust, cleaning the bathroom. The maid's duties also include checking the safety of the room equipment.

If the room consists of several rooms, the cleaning process always begins in the bedroom, then continues in the living room and other rooms, and ends with cleaning the bathroom. Daily interim cleaning of rooms is done as needed and subject to the availability of cleaning conditions. General cleaning of the room stock and the entire residential part of the hotel is carried out at least once every 10 days.

The Floor Duty Officer (shift supervisor) oversees the work of the maid shift to ensure that the premises are cleaned to standards.

Functions of the room fund maintenance service:

Maintaining the required level of comfort and sanitary and hygienic condition of hotel rooms, as well as public areas (halls, foyers, passages, corridors).

Reception of the room, change of bed linen and towels, replacement of information materials available in the room (additional function of maids).

Transfer of information about free and occupied numbers to the reception service

(floor duty officer).

E. Food service

This division is an integral part of the hospitality business, since there is no hospitality without a table. Hotel restaurants are not only the prestige and face of the hotel, but also the main source of profit (about a third of the income of the hotel complex). A hotel without a restaurant is just a "shelter", a person must first eat deliciously, and only then sleep. 4

When organizing service in restaurants (cafes) of the Grand Avenue Hotel, the following food conditions are usually offered: full board (three meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner); half board (two meals a day - breakfast plus lunch or dinner); breakfast only (one meal a day).

The hotel pays special attention to the breakfast service. The day of the guests begins with breakfast, and its organization largely determines whether the beginning of the day will be good or bad for guests. Unlike lunch and dinner, almost all guests staying at the hotel come for breakfast. There are the following types of breakfast:

Continental breakfast. It includes coffee, tea or hot chocolate, sugar, cream (milk), lemon, two kinds of jam, jam or honey, a selection of baked goods, butter. On Sundays, breakfast is complemented by a cold egg.

Extended breakfast. In addition to the continental breakfast, guests are offered juices (orange, grapefruit, tomato), a dish with chopped ham, cheese and sausage, egg dishes, yoghurts, cottage cheese, dry cereals. During breakfast, most often a buffet service is organized or the waiter brings a platter with cold cuts, puts the guests on plates and leaves the dish on the table. Egg dishes are prepared according to individual orders;

English breakfast. The classic English breakfast starts with morning tea or coffee (possibly hot chocolate) brought to your room. It also includes sugar, baked goods, toast, butter, jam, honey, preserves. It can be supplemented with egg dishes (scrambled eggs with ham or bacon, fried eggs on bread, omelette with ham or mushrooms, etc.), fish dishes, cereal dishes (oatmeal or soup with milk or water with sugar or salt). The English breakfast is served in the same way as the extended breakfast;

American breakfast. Additionally, we offer regular drinking water with ice cubes, fruit juices, fresh fruits (grapefruit, watermelon, berries with milk or cream) or fruit compote (plums, peaches), cereal dishes (corn, rice flakes), a small portion of meat, pie ;

Breakfast with champagne. This breakfast is served from 10.00 to 11.30. We offer coffee, tea, alcoholic drinks (champagne, wine), small cold snacks and hot dishes, soups, salads, desserts. Offer form - buffet. Champagne breakfast is usually served on an official occasion;

Late breakfast. Provides an alternative to breakfast and lunch. The time of delivery is from 10.00 to 14.00. The ingredients are used, which are included in both breakfast and lunch: hot and cold drinks, buns, butter, jam, sausage, cheese, soups, hot meat dishes, desserts. Offer form - buffet.

When organizing breakfasts, lunches and dinners, various methods of service are used: a la carte, a desks, table d'hôte, buffet, buffet service, hotel room service.

There are special rules for serving guests in the rooms:

order (breakfast, lunch, dinner) should be served either on a tray or on a mobile service cart or table. The waiter must carry the tray in his left hand. Keep your right hand free to open or close a door, move an object on a tray, etc. When moving along the corridor or passages, the tray is held at the shoulder and only before entering the room is it lowered to chest level;

you must first knock on the room and enter after receiving permission;

should greet the guest (s);

if the guest is going to have breakfast in bed, the tray must be served from the side. If two people have breakfast in bed, a separate tray is provided for each;

when serving an order (breakfast, lunch, dinner) for one person, all items are placed on a tray in the same order as on a table in a restaurant;

if the guest is going to sit at the table in the room or on the balcony, then the table should be covered with a tablecloth. The tray can be placed on the table or all items can be rearranged from the tray to the table; the waiter should not stay in the room longer than required. You can talk to a guest only if he asks about something himself. In any situation, the waiter must be delicate.

Each department in the service has its own manager, including a room service manager.

The restaurant, as a catering unit, serves its guests according to the menu, which is the basis of any restaurant concept. An important role is played by the professionalism of the headwaiters and waiters who are in direct contact with customers.

The head waiter is an official in a restaurant, whose duties include guiding the work of waiters, meeting guests and giving them a place at the table, monitoring their service, etc.

A buffet or bar service is mainly about providing customers with alcoholic beverages. The bars can also prepare drinks for use in the restaurant. Such a bar is called a “service bar”.

The kitchen is the production center. Orders for the production of specific products come from the restaurant from the waiters (based on the menu compiled and offered to customers), as well as from the banquet hall, which works by prior order. The chefs prepare the necessary dishes, and the main responsibility of the leadership in this sector is to control the price and quality of the final product. In this case, the main person who is in charge of the production of food in the hotel, as a rule, is the chef - a person who has received special education, qualifying him as a professional cook.

Due to the length of the working hours, the work is carried out in two shifts: from 7.30 to 15.00 hours and from 15.00 to closing.

While management personnel do not need to be present at all times when eating places open and close, some key employees (cashier or chef) must take responsibility for opening and closing food storage areas, turning on lights and equipment, setting up a cash register, etc. .P.

Food service functions:

Serving guests in restaurants, bars, cafes, as well as organizing and serving banquets, presentations, etc.

Menu compilation

Ensuring the supply of the required starting products

5 Room Fund Maintenance Service

The most important function of the room fund maintenance service is to maintain the required level of comfort and sanitary and hygienic condition of hotel rooms, as well as public premises (halls, foyers, passages, corridors).

In terms of the number of personnel, this service is the largest in the hotel. As a rule, up to 50% of all employees work here.

The room maintenance service is headed by a manager; maids, floor attendants, supervisors, stewards and some other categories of workers are subordinate to him.

The maids are cleaning. This is their main responsibility. Rooms are cleaned regardless of whether they are busy or free.

Rooms are cleaned daily, and after the guest's departure - general. Every day, the maid performs routine and (if necessary) intermediate cleaning of rooms.

Rooms are cleaned in the following sequence: first, work is carried out in the booked rooms, then in the rooms that have just been vacated from the guests staying, and last of all, in the occupied rooms. Cleaning should be done in the absence of the guest. If the guest is in the room, you must first obtain a cleaning permit from him.

The current cleaning process consists of airing the room, cleaning and washing dishes, cleaning beds, bedside tables, tables, removing dust, cleaning the bathroom. The maid's duties also include checking the safety of the room equipment.

If the room consists of several rooms, the cleaning process always begins in the bedroom, then continues in the living room and other rooms, and ends with cleaning the bathroom. Daily interim cleaning of rooms is done as needed and subject to the availability of cleaning conditions.

When cleaning the room after the guest has checked out, the maid's functions include acceptance of the room, change of bed linen and towels, replacement of information materials available in the room. General cleaning of the room stock and the entire residential part of the hotel is carried out at least once every 10 days.

Depending on the type of hotel, each maid cleans and tidies up from 16 to 20 rooms a day. The time spent on cleaning depends on the ratio of vacated and occupied rooms (it takes longer to clean vacant rooms).

The Floor Duty Officer (shift supervisor) oversees the work of the maid shift to ensure that the premises are cleaned to standards. The duties of the supervisor also include sending information about free and occupied numbers to the reception service. This position is not provided in all hotels.

Stewards are available in high-class hotels (luxury hotels). They start their work in the afternoon. The duties of the stewards include providing each room with fresh towels, giving the room an elegant look, and installing (if necessary) a retractable bed.

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