Human Resources Department. Human resources department at the enterprise: functions, responsibilities, structure

The formation of the personnel department at the enterprise begins with the approval of the Regulation on the structural unit, which contains a description of the personnel service:

  • how job responsibilities are distributed among employees;
  • what is the responsibility of the personnel department;
  • main functions of the unit;
  • the procedure for interaction with other structural units of the enterprise.

This document is optional. However, it is he who makes it possible to form a personnel service that meets the requirements of the enterprise and has a high level of official responsibility. For the model provision on the personnel department at the enterprise, you can take the sample, which is in Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Federal Archive of June 27, 2018 No. 71. You can also use our sample.

What are the job responsibilities of the personnel department

Currently approved and enforced. The professional standard contains a description and characterization of the functions included in the personnel management activity, on the basis of which job requirements for specific specialists can be formulated.

The Qualification Directory of the posts of managers, specialists and other employees is also in force (Decree No. 37 of August 21, 1998). It contains qualification characteristics intended for the correct selection, placement and use of employees, ensuring unity in determining the job functions of personnel officers and the qualification requirements for them.

These documents are the basis for determining the functions and duties of the personnel department and for determining the qualification requirements for service employees.

In general, job responsibilities can be divided into separate functions:

  1. Maintaining documentation on accounting and movement of personnel:
    • registration of admission, transfers, dismissal, granting leave, sending on business trips, disciplinary proceedings;
    • formation and management of personal files of employees;
    • maintenance and storage of work books;
    • maintaining a time sheet;
    • accounting for the provision of staff vacations, monitoring the compilation and observance of schedules for regular vacations;
    • registration, verification of the correctness of the design of disability certificates;
    • providing information on the present and past work activities of employees.
  2. Staffing activities:
    • collecting information about the needs of the enterprise in employees;
    • search, attraction, selection and selection of personnel.
  3. Activities for the assessment, certification and development of employees:
    • organization and conduct of staff assessment, certification and training;
    • organizing and conducting events to develop and build a professional career for employees.
  4. Formation and submission of established reporting to the relevant authorities.
  5. The implementation of military registration and booking of citizens staying in stock.

What is the responsibility of a staff member

The definition of what the personnel officer does, the duties assigned to him for execution, determine the requirements for applicants. To implement the professional activities of the personnel department at the enterprise, the distribution of duties among employees is possible according to the functional principle, that is, the duties of a personnel employee at the enterprise correspond to a specific function.

Or the employee is assigned all personnel work in a certain area.

The effective work of the personnel service largely depends on the correct distribution of work between its specialists, which is the responsibility of the head of the personnel department.

Requirements for qualifications that are included in the duties of the personnel officer of an organization, rights and responsibilities are defined in job descriptions developed for each specialist. When developing job descriptions for each specialist, the list of works is specified and the requirements for the necessary special training are established.

How to determine the size of the personnel department

What is done in the personnel department, whose responsibilities may be different, affects the staff and structure of the unit. The current modern standards do not contain instructions on calculating the number of personnel of the personnel department at an enterprise, but you can use Decree of the USSR Ministry of Labor dated November 14, 1991 No. 78 “On approving inter-industry aggregated time standards for staffing and accounting”. The employer has the right to independently determine its number, based on the number of personnel of the enterprise, as well as the volume of functions assigned to the department.

Separately, there are standards for employees who carry out military registration in organizations (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 719):

  • 1 part-time employee - for 500 staff units;
  • 1 exempted employee - for the number of employees from 500 to 2000;
  • 2 employees with the number of employees from 2000 to 4000 and further - for each subsequent 3000 plus one more employee in this direction.

Rights and Responsibilities

The basic rights of a personnel employee include:

  • submitting proposals for improvement to the head for consideration;
  • obtaining information and documents necessary to perform job functions.

The personnel officer is responsible for causing material damage to the property of the employer, for disclosing personal data of employees, non-observance of the internal labor regulations, as well as failure to perform or improper performance of those actions that are part of the functional personnel employee.

Personnel service (COP) of the organization - a structural association that performs responsibilities for the control of personnel. The initial task is to optimize the labor process.

The level of competence of the COP and the limits of authority are divided as follows:

  • Complete subordination to the administrative manager (all coordinating schemes are in a single subsystem).
  • Direct submission to the director of the enterprise.
  • Has the status of the second step in the vertical after the head.
  • The management of the enterprise includes the COP.

The organizational chart of a service depends on:

  • activities;
  • number of employees by state;
  • level of managerial potential of the COP.

The organizational structure of the personnel department

  • Quick response to changes, additions.
  • Optimization of the functions of employees with the transfer of direct control to the lower management link.
  • Distribution, consolidation of appointments within the organization.
  • Regulation of the rational number of employees subordinate to the manager.
  • Respect for the rights and obligations of workers.
  • Clear distribution of organizational authority.
  • Minimization of spending management structure.

This is an incomplete list. The scheme of work is influenced by groups of factors:

  • Features of the organization device.
  • Technologies, type of production.
  • Corporate ethics style.
  • Design or follow effective existing schemes.

One or more factors can influence the design of the organizational structure of a service.   For the initial data take indicators:

  • The number of steps in the manual.
  • State.
  • Type of management.

The structure of the personnel department combines two levels - functional and linear. The first type of management displays the separation between the management team of the enterprise and other links. For its construction, fixing the technological sequence of production for each manager (or authorized person), the matrix principle is applied.

Personnel Responsibilities

  The job responsibilities of these specialists are formulated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The main attention is paid to the effective management of regular resources:

  • Building relationships.
  • Conformity assessment of the applicant for the position.
  • Development of training programs and social projects for company employees.

These functions require regular internal innovations, training of specialists for the service, development of programs, and trainings.

Actions are due to the need for high-quality implementation of a number of functional tasks:

  • Establishment of a qualification level in accordance with current economic requirements.
  • Control the increase in spending on the workflow.
  • Formation of corporate policy taking into account the established multinational combination of employees.
  • The personnel department is engaged in the settlement of working relations with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Implement remote access to organization resources.

Conventionally, there are two functional areas of the COP:

  1. Control of relationships in the team.
  2. Documentation of an employment contract.

  The first paragraph means:

  • Staff planning.
  • Staffing of the enterprise.
  •   position held.
  • Training, career growth of employees.
  • Incentive system in the social sphere.
  • Compliance with safe working conditions.

The conditions of the labor agreement must be recorded in the documents of the personnel department:

  • Orders, orders.
  • Filling in established accounting information forms.
  • Registration and maintenance of labor documentation.
  • Formation.
  • Consulting services.
  • Calculation of the schedule of working hours.
  • Issuance of documents for payments (benefits, allowances).

The functional range of the COP requires a high-quality selection of its employees.

Organization of the work of the personnel department

  The number of specialists for the COP is justified by the rational delimitation and stabilization of the labor process of each individual enterprise. To do this, use the "Qualification Directory", in which the positions are indicated:

  • managerial staff;
  • specialists;
  • technical performers.

For each there is a characteristic that includes the requirements:

  • range of duties;
  • special knowledge;
  • qualification requirements.

Organization of work occurs in accordance with the level of complexity and the volume of tasks. Each employee must have knowledge and skills:

  • Full knowledge of the specifics of the enterprise.
  • Managerial and leadership qualities.
  • Learning ability.
  • Possession of the basics of financial formation.
  • Diplomatic skills.

  CS organizations provide the following vacancies:

  1. Head of Human Resources.
  2. Manager:
    • on personnel work;
    • social benefits;
    • compensation;
  3. Specialist:
    • on work with job seekers;
    • learning;
    • job placement;
    • hR records management.

The availability of posts is determined by the specifics of the enterprise and the functional tasks of the personnel service.

Human Resources Department   - This is the structure in the organization that deals with personnel management.

The personnel department is not only a functional unit, it is also the face of the company, since it is in the personnel department that any applicant begins to get acquainted with the organization.

HR objective

The purpose of the personnel department is to contribute to the achievement of the goals of the enterprise (organization) by providing the enterprise with the necessary personnel and the effective use of the potential of employees.

The selection of employees is carried out using specially designed strategies: submitting information about vacancies in the media and employment services, applying selection methods, testing, adaptation procedures for specialists and subsequent advanced training.

HR tasks

The main task of the personnel department is to correctly take into account the work of employees, to determine the number of working days, days off and sick days for calculating salaries, holidays and submitting information to the accounting department of the organization.

The main tasks of the personnel department are:

    organization of selection, recruitment and hiring of personnel of the necessary qualifications and in the required volume. The selection of employees is carried out using specially developed strategies: from the submission of information about vacancies in the media and employment services to the application of selection methods, testing, adaptation procedures for specialists and subsequent advanced training;

    creating an effective system of full-time employees;

    development of career plans for employees;

    hR technology development.

In addition, the personnel department must submit information on employees to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, insurance companies, the Tax and Migration Services.

HR functions

The main function of the personnel department at the enterprise is personnel selection.

The main functions of the personnel department at the enterprise include:

    determination of the organization’s needs for personnel and personnel selection together with the heads of departments;

    staff turnover analysis, the search for methods to combat high turnover;

    introduction of labor motivation systems;

    preparation of the staffing of the enterprise;

    execution of personal files of employees, issuance at the request of employees of certificates and copies of documents;

    operations with labor books (receiving, issuing, filling out and storing documents);

    keeping records of vacations, scheduling and arranging vacations in accordance with applicable labor laws;

    organization of employee certification;

    preparation of staff development plans.

HR structure

The structure of the personnel department of the enterprise and its number is determined by the director of each company, depending on the total number of personnel and the characteristics of the activity.

In small companies (up to 100 employees), one or two personnel service employees are sufficient.

At the same time, in small enterprises there can be no separate employee, and then such work is carried out by the chief accountant or the general director.

In medium-sized organizations (from 100 employees to 500 people) it is advisable to create a personnel service of personnel of three to four personnel specialists

In large enterprises with 500 or more employees, the human resources department may have from 7 to 10 employees.

HR Relations with Other Departments

To effectively carry out its functions, the personnel department needs to constantly and closely interact with other departments of the enterprise:

Interaction with organization accounting

The personnel department interacts with the accounting department of the organization to resolve issues related to remuneration.

So, in the organization’s accounting department, the personnel department presents documents and copies of orders on dismissal, admission to work, business trips, vacations, rewards or penalties for employees.

Interaction with the legal department

The legal department provides the personnel of the personnel department with information on the latest changes in the current legislation, and provides comprehensive legal support.

Interaction with other company departments

On personnel matters, the personnel department constantly interacts with all structural divisions of the company.

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Human Resources: Accountant Details

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The first, most important function of the department is in accordance with the requirements of labor legislation. If the organization does not have records management, it is always under the sword of Damocles. In no case should you ignore this activity. In addition, there is still - it is even more strictly regulated by law function, which is often imputed to the duties of the personnel department.

The remaining tasks are optional. The personnel service of the organization is engaged in the following areas:

  • accounting and regulation of labor;
  • staff recruitment;
  • assessment;
  • development, training;
  • staff motivation;
  • the formation of the corporate culture of the organization.

What functions does the HR department perform, is decided by the head of the organization, based on strategic objectives and development plans of the company.

HR structure

The structure of the department depends, firstly, on the size of the company (staff size), and secondly, on the tactical tasks assigned to HR specialists. In small companies, HR management is assigned to an accountant or even a secretary. If the company is large, actively developing, interested in quickly and efficiently filling vacancies, retaining personnel, and developing it, then individual specialists or groups of specialists should work in each area of \u200b\u200bwork, for example:

  • hR department (paperwork);
  • labor protection service (a dedicated specialist is required if the organization has more than 50 people);
  • recruiting department;
  • adaptation department;
  • assessment center;
  • the educational center;
  • compensation and Benefits Department.

The Director of Human Resources is in charge.

Sometimes office management and labor protection are displayed in separate structural units that are not subordinate to the HR Director.

How to shape personnel policy

The functionality of personnel services personnel includes not only personnel records management. They have to be either secretaries or lawyers, and sometimes form personnel policies.


The current job is tired; it became boring a couple of times a year to send people on holidays and submit reports quarterly, and the same episode from the movie “Three Musketeers” constantly popped up in my head. More precisely, not an episode, but the phrase: "Gentlemen, we are dumb in this war." So Alina, numb from the eternal routine, decided to change her job. Yes, in the same personnel sphere (not returning back to secretaries), but differing in content.

She saw an interesting vacancy almost immediately: a small company, but the candidate is expected to organize corporate events (something lively and creative already), participate in filling the corporate website and ... develop personnel policy. The latter was a little embarrassing: Alina had not heard of such a thing before.

“Almighty Google” immediately gave her the right article: with a table that includes the stages of the organization’s development, types of policies depending on interaction with the external environment, organization of personnel processes, and management reactions. Brains began to boil from the abundance of terminology, for which it was not possible to discern the essence of the described subject. And Alina decided to consult with a friend - she worked as a personnel director and could tell what the personnel policy is in practice.

- First of all, remember: personnel policy is not a written document, but management’s actions regarding personnel. If the leadership believes that you will develop a policy in which everyone will work joyfully and well, but the bosses themselves will not change anything in their work, do not agree, because your mission will be impossible and you will be declared guilty.

Secondly, a person is designed in such a way that he is not able to radically change behavior, even if he has his own desire. So you still have to first fix the current personnel policy, and then gradually change it, focusing on the economic situation and business development plans.

The organization’s personnel policy is a well-thought-out system of interaction between management and employees. All company executives are responsible for its implementation - from line managers to the CEO. The directions of the personnel policy of the organization are passive, reactive, preventive and active.

In the first case, the leadership is practically inactive, eliminating the consequences of negative actions (often resulting in the punishment of the “switchman”), without trying to find out their reasons. For example, the search for a new employee begins immediately after the dismissal of the previous one, without formulating and specifying clear search criteria and accusing the recruiter of poor work.

In reactive politics, negativity is not only actively and timely eliminated, but they are also trying to analyze the causes of its occurrence ..

A preventive policy allows not only to pre-calculate the possibility of conflicts, poor-quality performance of work, but also to minimize their manifestation. Employees are trained in advance to work on new equipment, find productive use for informal leaders, and they plan in advance to increase staff while expanding the business.

Active policy implies forecasting medium-term and long-term development of business, personnel and active, conscious and purposeful management of these processes.

Management of the organization’s personnel policy can only develop in stages, it is impossible to jump from passive to active immediately. The development of personnel policy consists of several stages.

  1. Analysis of existing policies.
  2. Development of specific actions to move to the next level.
  3. Leadership training in the new environment.
  4. Introducing staff to the new rules.
  5. Monitoring compliance with the principles of personnel policy.

Human resources technology in the civil service

All personnel procedures relating to employees of state bodies: from hiring to dismissal, are regulated. The main specificity is that you can enter the civil service only by competition (with rare exceptions); requirements for qualifications and education are clearly spelled out. There are a number of restrictions and prohibitions for this category of workers (for example, loss of trust or citizenship of another state). A public servant cannot be engaged in entrepreneurship, purchase securities and open accounts in foreign banks.

HR Regulation

Such a document is not mandatory - but its presence will help to structure the work of the department: to identify the tasks to be performed, the functions performed, the rights and obligations of specialists, their interaction within the department, the rules of communication with other departments of the enterprise.

After approval of the Regulation by the head of the organization, it becomes a local regulatory act - a kind of job description for the entire department. It is necessary to approach the drafting of the Regulation with all responsibility: in the future, the effectiveness of the department is evaluated based on how well the tasks formulated in this document are performed.

All employees of the department should familiarize themselves with the contents of the Regulation and put a signature.

It is interesting to compare two documents: the Regulation on the personnel department and the Regulation on the personnel department. The differences in function are obvious.

Personnel Website " Personnel»Covers a wide variety of issues related to personnel management of the organization and the work of personnel services. Its target audience is employees and employers, employees and employees of companies, recruitment agencies, labor dispute resolution lawyers, labor law experts and labor protection inspectors. Useful information presented on the resource in the form of articles and news publications will help those whose job responsibilities include personnel administration and paperwork, personnel accounting and management. Our directory is addressed to the personnel officer, employer, mid-level manager, company employee who wants to know more about their rights, HR specialist (as it is commonly called the company's labor resources). But the main specialization - “Personnel” - is a personnel business, staff and staff, personnel management of the enterprise, documentation of labor relations in accordance with the code of the Russian Federation on labor.

Our project can also be considered as a free allowance for the personnel service of the enterprise. Any personnel department (OK) and the accounting department of the employer inevitably encounters the problems that we discuss on this site: hiring, dismissal, wages, holidays, sick and maternity leave, absenteeism and absenteeism, disciplinary sanctions and rewards for distinguished employees. The work of the personnel officer consists of such everyday issues, and it is imperative that the personnel service solve them competently and competently, avoiding conflicts and dismissals of valuable specialists. We give answers to questions that are important for any person, and it doesn’t really matter who he is: a human resources employee of a company or a job seeker for a job, or even an unemployed person from a labor exchange. Work - it is important for everyone! It is not without reason that it is said: “cadres decide everything.” Our web-project covers the following topics:

  • labor law and the labor code of Russia (TKRF)
  • personnel policy of the organization, work with personnel
  • hR management, HR management
  • work of the personnel department of the organization, personnel records
  • hR record keeping and document management
  • personnel selection and hiring, employment
  • education, training
  • labor organization, collective labor contract
  • salary and bonuses
  • holidays and sick leave, sick leave and benefits
  • business trips to perform production tasks
  • disciplinary practice, employee control
  • dismissal of employees, search for a new job
  • protection of workers' rights in court in labor disputes

Personnel management, or personnel management, is the subtle art of standing on the edge between the employer and the employee, taking into account the interests of both sides, and to the mutual satisfaction of achieving success in business: high salaries, prestigious positions, pride in working for a successful company. However, any personnel department already understands this, without our explanations ... we need to search and select qualified specialists, hire only those who can bring real benefits to the company, train the personnel hired by the staff, train them, improve their qualifications, and prevent labor from breaking out disputes ... but how? How to achieve this - we will talk about this on the pages of our project.

Personnel and staff, personnel management basics

Personnel management is an area of \u200b\u200bknowledge and practice that is aimed at providing the organization with high-quality personnel and at optimizing its use. HR management (HR is short for English Human Resources, human resources), or personnel management, is aimed at the effective use of human resources by the enterprise in order to achieve the goals of the organization and individual individuals, through the use of various management methods, such as economic, organizational and socio-psychological. This management activity is focused on the quality use of staff capabilities, their development, is engaged in the search and adaptation of employees, the development of conditions and strategies of the employer organization as a whole.

What does the personnel service do? Organization HR personnel

The personnel management process of the company is carried out by the personnel department (if it is a large organization), or the personnel inspector (in a small company). What is a personnel service and what exactly are people doing in it? This is staff recruitment, hiring and dismissal, staff training in the form of trainings, monitoring labor discipline, rationing and accounting for working hours, transfers to new positions, changes in salaries, bonus payments and encouragement for distinguished employees, registration of sick leave, interaction with company accounting providing paid holidays and time off, and much, much more. Let's dwell on these issues in more detail.

Personnel service is a group of people in an enterprise who are engaged in management and personnel policyaimed both at the leader and at specialists, in order to achieve the best result of their joint activities. One of the most important functions of the personnel service is the regulation and documentation of labor relations: hiring and dismissing employees, as well as transferring to another place of work or to a separate branch of the enterprise, sending and providing sick leave, leave and time off.

Search and selection of personnel, reception and dismissal

The success and development of the enterprise’s activity depends on the correct selection of personnel. When searching for future employees from among job seekers, an employer can use various methods, from simple interviews and acquaintance with the resume of a potential employee of the company to various psychological and professional tests. The areas of personnel search are also diverse - these are employment centers, recruitment agencies and recruitment companies, online ads, etc.

When hiring between the employee and the employer, a written labor contract   with a package of documents from a potential employee (passport, work book, military ID, education certificate). The contract should indicate the size of the salary, the position of the employee and, preferably, the terms of employment. For example, if a trial period is set, then its duration and salary for the duration of the test must be documented. It is very important that the employment process is in line with the basic law of Russia on labor - the labor code.

Dismissal of an employee is carried out at the enterprise under the articles of the Labor Code (Labor Code), on the basis of a submitted application for dismissal or in connection, for example, with the expiration of the labor agreement. Also, a violation of labor discipline at the enterprise — absenteeism, frequent delays in work, and frequent failure to fulfill official tasks — may also serve as the reason for dismissal. Dismissal is made out by order of the personnel. At the same time, the article of the Labor Code must be indicated, according to which the dismissal of an employee of the organization occurs.

Holidays, business trips, sick leave, maternity

The provision of leave is based on a vacation schedule, which is compiled by personnel officers and drawn up by an order for personnel. If the vacation must be transferred to another period, then the employee must write hR application   indicating the reason for the transfer of the vacation period. When applying, the type and timing of the vacation should be spelled out. When drawing up a vacation schedule, the features of the organization and the personal wishes of employees should be taken into account. Day off is a vacation that will be provided to the employee as compensation for duty on non-working hours or on a day off for him.

To perform a job outside the workplace, an employee can be sent on a business trip. The employee’s business trip should be justified in the manager’s memorandum and drawn up by order of the personnel. The order indicates the terms of the trip where the employee will be sent and the name of the enterprise. The expenses during a business trip are paid by the employer; this money is called a business trip. Travel allowances are issued to the employee for a report. At the end of the trip, the employee submits a report on the completed task and on the expenditure of the money issued to him.

The sick leave is taken into account on the basis of an employment contract. The personnel service, together with the accounting department, calculates the amount of sick leave payment for employees of the enterprise. Hospital patients are associated with injuries in the workplace or in connection with an occupational disease, after being reinstated due to unlawful dismissal, temporary disability, caring for a sick child, etc. Maternity leave also applies to paid. The right to receive a salary based on sick leave   have citizens who are insured and officially registered in the personnel department of the enterprise.

Salary, bonuses and compensation payments

Speaking about personnel management, one cannot ignore salary as a very important factor and a tool for personnel management. Salary is a material (monetary) remuneration for the labor of an employee in an enterprise. Salary is the most effective way to motivate employees to work efficiently and efficiently. This also includes bonuses, various social and insurance packages, interest on profit, even remuneration in the form, for example, of a won ticket to the resort, thirteenth salaries based on the results of work over the past year.

If there are changes in the terms of payment or the size of wages, then orders should be issued on the main activity, and personnel officers must ensure that employees familiarize themselves with them on receipt. Notification of a decrease in salary must be made no later than two months before this event. In the case of an increase in wages, it is not necessary to notify a worker in advance. The labor law distinguishes between wages and compensation payments, these are also different things in terms of taxation of personal income (PIT) and taxes from the wage fund (insurance contributions). On the issue of wages, HR personnel work closely with the accounting department of the enterprise

Job descriptions and duties of the employee

There should be a clear link between the salary and the duties that the employee performs. Responsibilities are prescribed in the instructions that are supposed to have for each workplace. Typically, job descriptions are created by the head of the organization or its individual department for employees when they are hired. The instructions give responsibilities, requirements for the employee and the relationship “manager - subordinate”. They should be made in triplicate - one is for the manager, the second is for the employee, and the third is stored in the personnel department. By the way job description   serves as a good tool for the personnel manager when searching for personnel - because it contains all the basic requirements for a job seeker.

Education and training, the role of personnel services in education

Adaptation of a hired specialist at a personal workplace is a very important element of managerial activity, which does not always take place, but, nevertheless, is an integral part of the activities of any successful organization. Using this procedure, a new employee can get acquainted with the work, working conditions, job responsibilities, goals and rules of the organization, and with the team too. The success of the labor debut is largely determined by how the training process in the company is organized. It is extremely important how the company respects the employee's labor rights: on vacation, on bonuses (incentives), on safe working conditions.

Personnel training is a set of methods that are aimed at obtaining new knowledge and skills for further more effective activities in the enterprise. The development of skills of personnel should not lag behind the pace of progress and new needs of the organization. Therefore, managers often direct their subordinates to further training, which is paid by the employer. Indeed, to some extent, the success of an organization depends on the preparedness of employees and their continued growth as specialists. There is also training within the organization, when more experienced employees teach the newly arrived employee how to work in this organization.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the conduct of trainings. It happens that personnel management service   invites corporate training specialists, trainers, they pay a good fee, and then everyone wonders why the return on training is not visible. The secret of failure is simple: if the personnel service does not train specialists on an ongoing basis, and the head of the organization does not see the point in improving the professional level of his subordinates, then occasionally conducted trainings will not help. First of all, managers from the human resources department are required to engage in staff training, and only in the second - invited trainers.

Thus, the work of the personnel service reflects, fixes and regulates the basic processes of the relationship between the staff and the manager and allows, thanks to timely adjustments and its operational actions, to maintain and improve the activities of the enterprise as a whole.

The specialist of the personnel department controls the vacancy, keeps a report

A specialist in the personnel department conducts vacancies, works with personnel, that is, with people who are finding jobs, leaving people, and those who are going on vacation. Only relevant specialists work in the department. All specialties, which are located in the personnel department, are included in the staff list and in the hierarchical structure. The department, as a rule, is located in the structure not so far from the head, in fact these are also senior positions. The personnel department specialist works according to a certain scheme, selects employees through the media, the employment service. A human resources specialist must have specific selection strategies. Specialists test, carry out adaptation, training, if they see employees who are not competent, who do not want to change their lives, then they say goodbye to them after the familiarization procedures. Each human resources specialist has his own responsibilities. Several employees can work in one department if the company is large. But if it’s small, then only one personnel agent is enough.

In order for all documents to be drawn up correctly, employees in the department are also monitored by higher authorities.

These are mainly labor bodies, that is, a labor committee. Sometimes he arranges checks to identify any inconsistencies. There are many documents and each is checked carefully. Especially those associated with work books and inserts to them. The company management draws up job descriptions for each specialty. Also instructions on technological standards and production. In addition, employees become familiar with the rules and regulations of other posts. When applying for a job, a personnel specialist is required to instruct, talk about the rights and obligations of the employee.

Human Resource Management: functions, tasks and structure

Familiarize yourself with the internal routine. For each position there is an instruction, it describes the responsibilities, safety precautions. The employee must keep and care for all the magazines with instructions, instructions.

A specialist in the personnel department sends vacancies to a pension fund

A specialist in the personnel department has such an obligation as submitting information to the Pension Fund, if necessary, to the migration service - if a citizen of another state gets a job. The personnel service also works with the tax office. She is an agent of the organization. A certain person in the personnel department has the authority to sign in separate papers on behalf of the director, the organization as a whole. I would also like to note that personnel officers are required to ensure that conflicts are excluded in the organization. In this way, the service helps improve staff manageability. Improves motivation and most importantly helps the company avoid such a problem as staff turnover. This problem is relevant today. The more competent hiring, adaptation, communication in the team, the higher the desire of employees to stay to work here.

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The role and place of personnel services in the personnel management system

In the public service system, an independent structural unit responsible for the development and implementation of the personnel strategy of government and management bodies, and the organization of a system for working with personnel (personnel) is the personnel service.

The main tasks of the personnel service

The personnel service of the state body serves as the personnel management center whose ultimate goal is the successful work of government and management bodies, increasing the professional and material satisfaction of each employee, maintaining the health and ensuring the safety of employees.

The personnel service is designed to ensure the implementation of universal and special functions of the personnel management system. Among the most important tasks of the personnel service of a state body:

Ensuring the implementation of personnel policy in the state
  military service;

Submission of proposals to the head of state
  body for the implementation of federal laws and other
  normative legal acts on public service;

Organization of preparation and execution of decisions of the state
  government body or its manager associated with the income
  by public service, conclusion of public
  th official contract, by appointment to the post of state
  military service, its passage, dismissal
  ty public service and dismissal of public

| civil servant; |

Documentation support of state
  | military service; |

Effective application of HR technologies;

Conclusion of training contracts, followed by
  stepping into public service;

Organization of vocational retraining, higher
  qualification (internship) of civil servants;

Organization of internal audits;

Organization of verification of compliance with public services
  living restrictions;

Advice to civil servants on the law
  other issues related to public service;

Providing methodological guidance
  personnel services of subordinate organizations, generalization and
  dissemination of best practices with staff
  analysis and adaptation to modern conditions of state
  management of the Russian Federation.

The list of tasks of the personnel service is not closed.

This is due to the fact that in the Russian Federation there is a reform of public service, its formation as a system, as the most important mechanism of public administration.

HR structure

The structure and staffing of the personnel service of a state body are formed differentially, based on the goals and objectives facing it, its structural and technological features, scope of authority, number of staff, complexity and volume of work performed.

The elements of the personnel service structure are individual Positions, personnel service divisions, the relations between which are maintained thanks to the vertical and horizontal

total connections. The approach is considered correct in which the structures of personnel services of state bodies are formed on the basis of general principles for the construction and design of organizations. The most important of them are principles: scientific, hierarchical, specialization, simplicity, progressiveness, autonomy and multidimensionality 1. The approximate structure of the personnel service of the federal government body, built on the basis of functional subsystems, is presented in Fig. 12.

Head of the federal government body

Fig. 12. The structure of the subsystems of the personnel service of the federal government body 2

Principle of sciencerequires that the functioning and construction of the personnel service structure be based on the achievements of science in the field of personnel management. According to specialization principle division of labor and professional activities of employees, the formation of separate units specializing in the performance of homogeneous functions are ensured. Upon implementation autonomy principle rational autonomy of structural units is ensured. Temporary retirement of individual employees does not interrupt the process of personnel work. Therefore, each employee must be able to perform the functions of a higher, lower employee and one or two employees of their level. Based multidimensionality hR services provide, within their competence and authority, personnel management both vertically and horizontally. Principle of hierarchy consists in the fact that in any vertical sections the structure of the personnel service ensures hierarchical interaction between structural divisions, individual managers or employees.

The aforementioned subsystems of the personnel service in federal state bodies correspond, as a rule, to such management units as departments. In government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as in municipal bodies, practically all subsystems of the personnel service are preserved. However, they are embodied in the scope of tasks and functions, most often in individual posts.

The current status of many personnel services is very low. This indicates that it is advisable to switch to new organizational and structural forms of building and managing personnel of state authorities.

It is important that the manager understands the role and purpose of the personnel department in the personnel management of the organization, builds his work taking into account his recommendations, and relies on the opinion of specialists in personnel services.

Personnel services should not only be a technical appendage of the governing structures, mainly engaged in organizational and design work, they should more actively help the leadership of the state body in determining its personnel policy, manage staff advancement, deal with problems

interpersonal relationships, improving the style of employees and many other issues.

Today, personnel services can no longer do without scientific support for the multifaceted activities of personnel management. It is the scientific approach that makes up the reserve that can turn personnel work into a powerful means of enhancing the professional qualities of workers in government and administration.

HR Specialists

Improving the activities of personnel services and increasing their role in staffing the apparatus of public authorities with managers and specialists who have modern forms and methods of work are directly dependent on the qualifications of the employees of these services. However, the qualifications of employees in many human resources departments and personnel management services do not correspond to their positions.

The relatively low organizing role of human resources departments is explained by the fact that the employees employed in them do not have sufficient knowledge in the field of theory and best practices in working with human resources, the scientific organization of labor, social psychology, labor and civil law, and modern office work.

The obvious inadequacy of the current level of education and qualification of personnel services was the result of the fact that for many years there were no educational institutions in the country that would train specialists in this field.

Opportunities and self-training were significantly limited, since there is little specialized literature on the problems of working with personnel. In recent years, the situation has changed significantly. In the early 90's. within the framework of the specialty "Management", the specialization "Personnel Management" was opened. The first departments of personnel management (State University of Management) appeared, which began to train specialists for personnel services (personnel management services) for enterprises in the sphere of material production.

For state and municipal services in 1992-1993. at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (formerly the Russian Academy of Management) and its branches within the specialty "State and municipal government

training ”, training was started on the specialties“ Social Work and Personnel ”,“ Social Management and Personnel ”,“ Social Management and Personnel Work ”,“ Public Service and Personnel Policy ”.

Since 1997, a new specialization “Personnel Management” was introduced. All this created the prerequisites for solving the issues of training specialists for personnel services at a qualitatively new level.

According to the qualification requirements of employees, the head of the personnel service must have a higher education and seniority in senior positions, including in the personnel service, for at least five years (Fig. 13).


HR service should

the conductor of personnel and social policy, the social leader of the team, its moral standard

high moral qualities, a pronounced focus on working with people, higher education and special psychological and pedagogical training, experience in personnel and managerial work of at least five teachers, developed cognitive, organizational, communicative abilities

management fundamentals, tasks facing the organization, prospects for its development, principles of personnel policy, forms and methods of planning and organizing work with personnel, fundamentals of labor legislation, fundamentals of pedagogy, fundamentals of organizing paperwork in ACS

methods of organization and personnel management techniques, methods for assessing the personal and business qualities of employees and the results of collective work, practical application of the fundamentals of legislation in working with personnel, methods of organizing educational work in a co-op perspective, ways of mobilizing influence on the team, methods and techniques of public speaking

on methods of research and analysis of socio-psychological processes, on the use of technology in the management of personnel and social processes in the workforce, on the principles of work with public organizations

Fig. 13. Qualification requirements for the head of the personnel department

In the absence of specially trained workers, there are certain difficulties in staffing HR services with specialists such as lawyers, sociologists and psychologists. Many government bodies proceed from the assumption that every competent employee is supposed to work with personnel.

But in fact, in order to successfully implement the modern functions of personnel services, this is not enough. Without modern scientific special training, only on the basis of personal work experience, many of these functions are almost impossible to perform today.

The stereotype of the head of the personnel department that has developed over the years is quite far from perfect. Usually this is a conscientious and executive worker, accustomed from the experience of his past work to accuracy and vigilance. Apparently, it is preferable to select people with a higher legal or public administration education for the position of head of the personnel service. Existing practice confirms that in this case, work with personnel is organized in the most rational way.

For personnel structures to be able to competently solve their difficult and crucial tasks, retraining according to special programs of not only managers, but also employees of these units, providing them with training and teaching materials is necessary. This is a problem of paramount importance. The experience of solving such problems has developed at the Russian Academy of Civil Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, where a modern professional profile has been developed for a specialist in the personnel service of federal and regional executive bodies 1.

So, an analysis of the activities of personnel services of state authorities in the context of society reform indicates that their role and ability to provide state bodies with highly qualified, active, morally committed personnel is extremely small. Powers of personnel services of state bodies so far

defined excluding prospects, only for the transition period.

Of course, the tasks, functions and structure of individual organs in | public service system should be determined by the specific historical conditions and goals of the state, management needs. But it is important here to take into account the country's development prospects, the conclusions of science. Only then can they have an active impact on the staffing of reforms.

Personnel service of the enterprise

The real need for profound changes in the activities of personnel services for managing public service personnel will require a careful study of scientific achievements and best practices in this area, a careful attitude to domestic and foreign experience, and the decisive introduction of progressive forms and personnel technologies.

Improving the activities of personnel services of state and municipal bodies for personnel management is possible only as a result of solving the following tasks:

Development and implementation of the regulatory framework, from
  eternal to the modern needs of state reform
  donation service taking into account its strategic directions

Creation of federal, industry, regional banks
  personnel information;

Improving the status of personnel services of authorities, opti
  maximizing their structure, improving the qualifications of specialists
  socialists working in personnel departments;

Organizational and scientific-methodological support
  power to personnel services at the federal and regional levels

In the personnel management system of state bodies, it is necessary to increase the role of personnel services of administrations of the constituent entities of the Federation. This requirement is caused by the fact that these bodies are endowed with managerial and coordination functions, are closest to the population, local authorities, and carry out a very wide range of state powers. Ultimately, the successful implementation of reforms, their staffing, and the most efficient use of human resources largely depend on their efforts and fruitful activities.


Personnel management is a deliberate managerial influence of the management staff and personnel services of public authorities, aimed at solving multifaceted tasks related to the demand both in the interests of the organization and in the interests of the person of his professional capabilities.

In the context of modernization of public service, the responsibility of personnel services for the formation of a highly qualified apparatus of power and management, the effective use of the personnel potential of state bodies is increasing.

Personnel services of state bodies should have a higher status and have the ability to influence the formation of the structure of the apparatus, the states, make suggestions to the leadership of the authorities on improving the activity of the apparatus and the passage of service by public servants.

The personnel services of state bodies should have the most experienced specialists in the field of public service and work with personnel.

Their quality composition must meet the requirements of the time.

test questions

1. What are the universal and specific functions of the system
  topics of public service personnel management.

2. What is the organizational structure of the management system
  public service personnel?

3. List the factors that determine the need
  increasing the role and status of personnel services in modern

4. Describe the content of the basic principles of construction
  organizational structure of personnel service.

5. What are the main tasks of the personnel service federal
  governing body.

© Lukyanenko V.I., 2002

Management of organizational behavior of public servants

Formation of a new system

social order in Russian society increases the role and responsibility of public servants. In conditions when statehood based on strict centralization is replaced by management on the basis of serving the state to society, the importance of personal factors of the professional activities of public servants is updated. Knowledge of the style and forms of personal and group behavior of people in an organization, a system of behavioral norms becomes an important condition for increasing the effectiveness of the organization in general and personnel management in particular.


“Personnel service and personnel management of the enterprise”, 2006, N 7

Personnel structure: organizational, functional, role, social, full-time.

System analysis allows us to consider personnel as an interconnection of structures identified according to various criteria: organizational, functional, role, social, staffing.

1. Organizational structure of staff   - the composition and interaction scheme of elements of the management subsystem (management units and individual officials) of a particular enterprise. It consists of a set of interconnected management links that act as an independent part of the organizational structure at a certain level of management, management apparatus and production units. The organizational management structure is an organizational) form in which the production management process is implemented and is characterized by the hierarchy of the management subsystem (the number of levels or management levels), the number of elements of the subsystem or management units at each level, their possible specialization, degree of centralization (decentralization) of management on that or at a different level and in each unit, as well as the number of managerial personnel and potential managerial capabilities departments.

2. Functional structure personnel reflects the separation of managerial functions between management and individual departments of the enterprise and includes the following elements. Management functions - a special type of management activity, a product of the division and specialization of labor in the field of management, which is a part of the management process, highlighted by a special feature: by the commonality of the subject of management (quality, labor and salary, scientific and technical progress, labor protection); by the commonality of production resources (labor, material, technical, financial). Usually emit 10-25 functions. Part of the management function is a set of management tasks, which is a set of tasks that are different in terms of basic functions (standardization, planning, accounting, control, analysis, regulation) and implemented by a small functional unit (department, bureau, group). The number of task complexes can be no more than 200 for one managerial level of an enterprise. The management task is a set of interconnected information processing operations carried out by personnel using technical means, the result of which is the adoption of a management decision. For example, the calculation of the needs of staff for a year for the enterprise. The management task is the main element of the management process, and several management employees are involved in its implementation. In general, several thousand management tasks are solved in enterprise management. Management operation is a set of labor actions that are aimed at changing the form or content of information.

3. Staff role structure   determines the composition and distribution of creative, communicative and behavioral roles between individual employees and is an important tool in the system of work with personnel. Creative roles are characteristic of enthusiasts, inventors and organizers. Such people are characterized by variability of thinking and the ability to solve problem situations. Communication roles determine the content and level of employee participation in the information process, the process of making managerial decisions and interaction in the exchange of information. Behavioral roles characterize typical patterns of human behavior in the workplace, at home, on vacation, at work, in conflict situations. To determine the role structure of personnel, socio-psychological methods, testing, analysis of biographical and personnel data, personnel certification materials, and the results of role-playing games are used.

4. Social structure characterizes the labor: the team on social indicators (gender, age, profession and qualification, nationality and education). The social structure is analyzed according to the following data:

Personnel records;

The results of sociological research;

Materials of certification commissions;

Orders on personnel matters.

To obtain reliable and comparable data, the most suitable is a personnel registration sheet, since it contains the largest number of information that is confirmed by other documents (passport, copy of educational documents, work book, list of scientific papers, marriage certificate, etc.).

5. The staffing structure determines the composition of units and the list of posts, the size of the salaries of the payroll. The staff structure is determined by the management of the enterprise and is determined by the organizational structure of the enterprise. The staffing table is developed to determine the structure of the management apparatus of the organization and includes the name of the positions of all managerial employees, the number of employees in each structural unit. The staffing table is adjusted and approved annually.


Thus, in this test work, it was considered that the Linear-functional schemes of organizational structures historically arose in the framework of factory production and were a corresponding “organizational” reaction to complicated production and the need for interaction under changing conditions with a large number of environmental institutions (mass consumer , financial organizations, international competition, legislation, government, etc.).

The positive aspects are the clarity of the system of interaction between the units, unity of command (the head takes control of the general management), delineation of responsibilities (everyone knows what they are responsible for), the ability of the executive units to quickly respond to instructions received from above. The lack of structure is the lack of links that develop a common work strategy. Leaders of almost all levels primarily solve operational problems, not strategic issues. There are prerequisites for shifting responsibility and red tape in solving problems that require the interaction of several departments. Enterprise management has poor flexibility and does not adapt well to change. The organization and units have different criteria for evaluating the effectiveness and quality of work. The current tendency to formally evaluate these indicators usually leads to an atmosphere of disunity and fear.

The disadvantages of management in this structure are the large number of intermediate links that are located between employees and the manager making decisions. Top-level managers are subject to overload. The relationship between work results and qualifications, business and personal qualities of senior management is increasing. Thus, we can conclude that in modern conditions the linear-functional organizational structure has more disadvantages than advantages. With this system of organization it is difficult to achieve high-quality work of the enterprise. The disadvantages of the linear scheme is designed to eliminate the linear-staff organizational structure. It allows you to eliminate the main drawback, which is associated with the lack of links intended for strategic planning. This structure provides for the reduction of the workload of senior managers, there is the opportunity to attract external experts and consultants. However, the distribution of responsibilities remains unclear. - Lectures. No - 2014-2018. (0.008 sec.)

Tasks   personnel management services are formulated in accordance with the main purpose of its activities and, as a rule, are fixed in the Regulation on this unit (department).

HR service and HR management

The purpose of the service: providing the organization with employees who are able to implement the organizational strategy at the present time and taking into account its changes in the future. In an enlarged version, the tasks of the service are as follows:

- development and implementation of the personnel policy of the organization in accordance with modern concepts of human resources management, legal and ethical standards, and taking into account intra-company standards;

- the formation and updating of an information-analytical base for making organizational decisions on personnel management issues;

- ensuring safe conditions for decent work, adaptation in the organization, motivation and development of the organization’s personnel.

Functions   HR management services are determined by the tasks assigned to it:

- participation in the development and implementation of the goals and policies of the organization in the field of personnel management;

- the implementation of predictive and planned calculations of staff requirements. Development of plans and programs for providing the organization with personnel, its movement, development and release;

- participation in the design of jobs, the implementation of marketing activities to search for and attract candidates for employment, the implementation of (primary or final) assessment of their professional and personal suitability;

- development and implementation of a program for the adaptation of new employees in the organization;

- participation in the preparation and implementation of a competent approach to personnel management (development of a package of individual competencies of employees, diagnostics of their presence, acquisition and evaluation);

- organization of employee development through training (selection of personnel for training, selection of teaching staff, forms and methods of training and monitoring its effectiveness, determination of costs);

- participation in the development of plans for professional and job promotion of employees, the organization of their implementation in the organization;

- the formation of a personnel reserve for filling management positions and the organization of work on the development of its employees;

- organization of the procedure for evaluating the activities of workers in the organization in accordance with the standards developed in the organization and the category of certified personnel;

- participation in the development and improvement of the organization of remuneration and incentives for staff of the organization (development / selection of forms and systems of remuneration, compensation package);

- organization of the procedure for identifying the state of staff satisfaction with work in the organization (development of questionnaires, selection of survey forms, information processing, determination of dynamics), participation in solving problems ensuring the reduction of discrepancies between realities and employee expectations;

- monitoring and ensuring social balance in the organizational units: development and implementation of measures to form a psychological climate, and to prevent mobbing and bossing in the organization. Ensuring compliance with labor laws in working with staff;

- organization of protection of life and health of employees. Participation in monitoring working conditions, organizing preventive medical examinations and medical examination of employees, developing effective measures to identify and treat alcohol and drug addiction;

- implementation of social functions in working with personnel (participation in catering, the work of the library, first-aid post, sports and recreation units, etc.);

- conducting continuous monitoring of labor markets, business and vocational education, the main competitors and system partners of the organization;

- improving the efficiency of staff based on the rationalization of the model, structure and staff service staff, discipline management;

- continuous improvement of the forms and methods of personnel management based on the use of new technologies for document management, unification of documentation on HR administration, efficiency in the profile (personnel) awareness of employees and candidates for vacancies;

- the implementation of representative functions in external organizations, public relations, the media on issues that are core to the unit.


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