A scene about road signs for schoolchildren. Scenario extracurricular activities on traffic rules for middle school students "Green Light". Scenario performance agitation brigade on traffic rules

MBOU "Secondary school number 25"

Game program

Primary school teacher:

M.V. Borisenkova

Objectives:   consolidate the knowledge of traffic rules among the children; to deepen students' knowledge of the rules of the road; to form representations of younger schoolchildren about road safety when moving along the streets and roads; to develop skills to fulfill the basic rules of behavior of students on the street, road, in order to prevent child traffic injuries.

Equipment: traffic signs, traffic lights, pictures.

The participants of the game:   two teams.

Game Plan:


2. Quiz “Green Sign”

3. Game “Three lights of a traffic light”

4. The game “Allowed - prohibited”

5. Game “Draw signs”

6. Game with the audience “Crossroads of puzzles”

7. Game “Collect signs”

8. The game "Cyclist"

9. Summing up

10. Rewarding


Leading:  Guys, today we are going to remember here the rules of the road. The law of streets and roads is strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks along the street, as he pleases, not following the rules. But this law is also very kind at the same time: it saves people from terrible misfortune, saves their life. Therefore, only excellent knowledge of the rules allows us to confidently cross the street. Today we show how we know these rules.
And so that none of you are tired, we will conduct our lesson in the form of a game. To do this, you need to split into two teams, come up with a name and choose a team captain. For each correct answer, the team receives a token. For violation of discipline, one token is removed. Who has more tokens will win.

1. Warm up

Now I will check how careful pedestrians you are and whether you are ready for the game. I ask you a question, and you say yes or no.

What do you want - say, sweet water in the sea? (Not)
- What do you want - say, red light - there is no passage? (Yes)
- What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement? (Not)
- What do you want - say, but if you are in a hurry, then run before transport? (Not)
- What do you want - say, we always go forward only where the transition is? (Yes)
- What do you want - say, we are running forward so soon that we do not see a traffic light? (Not)
- What do you want - say, on the sign "there is no passage" is a person drawn? (Not)
- What do you want - say, on round signs the red color means "here is the ban"? (Yes)

2. Quiz “Green light”

- What is the name of the pedestrian path?

What does the red, yellow, green traffic light mean?

What should be done before starting to cross the street?

Where can I cross the street?

Can I play on the pavement?

How to walk along the sidewalk?

Why is it forbidden to cling to trucks and their trailers?

Where should a pedestrian stop when he has not finished crossing?

Where can I ride a bike?

3. Game “Three lights of a traffic light”

Teams are given home-made traffic lights.

Do you know how to execute traffic light commands? Now we will check it. I will read you poems from the "ABC of Security" by Oleg Bedarev, and you show the right light with your traffic lights.

1. There are traffic signals,

Obey them without argument.

Boils in pavement traffic -

Cars run, trams rush.

Say the correct answer:

What kind of light for a pedestrian?

Right! The red light tells us:

Wait! Dangerously! The path is closed.

2. Special light - warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

Say the correct answer:

What is the light on?

Right! Yellow light is a warning!

Wait for a signal to move.

3. Go ahead! Order you know

You will not suffer on the pavement.

Say the correct answer:

What is light for pedestrians?

Right! Green light opened the way:

The guys can go over.

4. The game “Allowed - prohibited”

Play on the pavement ... (prohibited)

Cross streets with a green traffic light ... (allowed)

Cross the street in front of a nearby transport ... (prohibited)

Walking along the sidewalk ... (permitted)

Cross the street at the underpass ... (allowed)

Crossing the street with a yellow traffic signal ... (prohibited)

Helping the elderly and old women cross the street ... (permitted)

Cyclists cling to passing cars ... (forbidden)

Walking around the front of the vehicle on the sidewalk ... (prohibited)

Walking on the sidewalk on the left ... (forbidden)

Run out onto the carriageway ... (prohibited)

Riding a bike without holding the wheel ... (prohibited)

Chatting and laughing out loud in vehicles ... (prohibited)

Respect traffic rules ... (permitted)

5. Draw signs

Players are invited to draw traffic signs for a certain time.

The team that not only correctly draws signs for a certain time wins, but also explains them.

6. Game with spectators (fans) “Crossroads of puzzles”

This horse doesn’t eat oats,

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit astride and race on it.

Only better control the wheel.


What a miracle this house is!

There are many passengers in it.

Shoes wears rubber

And eats gasoline.


It rushes and shoots

Grunts a tongue twister.

Tram not keep up

For this chatter.


Does not fly, does not buzz -
Beetle running down the street.
And burn in the eyes of a beetle
Two brilliant lights.

To help you, my friend,
The path is dangerous
Day and night the lights are on -
Green, yellow, red.
  (Traffic light)

What horse plows the earth,
Doesn’t eat hay?

Running far away - no pain

He is friends with the legs.

For harvesting

I go to the fields

And for a few cars

I work alone there.


Four brothers are running -
They will not catch up with each other.

Quietly obliges us to go
Turn near will show
And remind you how and how,
You are on the way ...

(Road sign).

What kind of zebra is on the road?
Everyone stands with open mouth.
Waiting for the green to blink
So that’s ...


Auto multi

Questions from cartoons and fairy tales that mention vehicles.

What did Emely ride to the king in the palace?

(On the stove)

Favorite two-wheeled mode of transport of the cat Leopold?


What lubricated his motor Carlson, who lives on the roof?


What gift did Uncle Fedor's parents give to the postman Pechkin?


What did the good fairy pumpkin turn for Cinderella?

(To the carriage)

What did old Hottabych fly on?

(On the carpet - airplane)

Personal transport Baba - Yagi?

What went to Leningrad the man scattered from the street Basseinaya?

What did Baron Munchausen fly on?

What did Kai ride from the tale of G.Kh. Andersna?


Spectators (fans) can give earned tokens to the team they support.

7. Game “Make a sign”

Very often, traffic violations violate road signs, and now we have to repair some of them. You need to assemble a road sign from the proposed components and correctly name it.

8. The game "Cyclist"

Two teams are participating. Each team has a 3x3 playing field, divided into 9 numbered sectors. The teams take turns choosing the sector and receive questions from the host regarding the rules of cycling. If the correct answer is given, then the sector is turned over, and a cyclist is drawn on the back of the field (i.e., with the correct answer, a part of the figure appears). The winning team is the one that gathers the cyclist faster on the playing field).

Question options:

At what age can I ride a bike to the roadway? (From 14 years old)

What should I check with a bicycle first of all before riding a bicycle?


How far from the curb can I ride a bike along the road?

Players are shown the sign “Bicycle path”, they must name the sign and explain what it means.

Is it possible to carry a passenger on a bicycle? (Only for small children with a special extra seat).

What sign prohibits the movement of a bicycle?

Should a cyclist stop at the sign “No travel without stopping”? (Yes)

How should a cyclist warn of a right turn? (Outstretched with the right hand or bent at the elbow with the left)

Should a cyclist stop at a red light intersection if there are no vehicles and does not create an emergency? (Yes)

Does the bike belong to horse-drawn transport? (Not)

Why in the dark can I ride a bicycle without the light on? (Question with a catch, you can not ride in the dark without a flashlight, even on a bicycle).

9. Summing up

10. Rewarding

Municipal budgetary institution of continuing education

"Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth"

Prepared by:

cultural methodologist

Sibileva Yu.P.


Sibileva Yu.P.

Place of work, position:

MBU DO "CRTDiU", methodologist for cultural work


Rostov region, the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky

Resource Characteristics

Education Levels:

primary general education

Class (s):

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade

Item (s):

Extracurricular work

Extracurricular Work


The target audience:


Resource Type:

event scenario

Short description of the resource:

In this resource is a scenario of cognitive-game events

Children's age: 7-11 years old

Psychological and pedagogical features of modern children of primary school age.

    Younger school age is a sensitive period for the formation of a cognitive attitude to the world, the skills of educational activity, organization and self-regulation.

    There is an intensive development of the intellectual sphere. In primary school age, the “backbone” function is thinking, and this affects other mental functions that are intellectualized, realized and become arbitrary.

    The motivational-need sphere and the child’s self-awareness are actively developing.

    The development of higher feelings: aesthetic, moral, moral (a sense of camaraderie, sympathy, indignation from a sense of injustice).

    To develop communication skills, to overcome the difficulties of adaptation and anxiety, younger students need various forms of teamwork.

    The development of randomness of attention.

    Memory is becoming more organized, regulated, and controlled by mental activity.

    Verbal-logical memory, emotional and motor memory are actively developing.

    The small differentiation of perception, the weakness of analysis in perception are compensated by the pronounced emotionality of perception.

    Creative imagination is characterized by novelty, originality, independence in creating images that contribute to a higher development of cognitive interests.

The scenario of cognitive-game events (events)

for the study of traffic rules and the prevention of traffic accidents

for primary school children

“The rules of the movement are our respect!”


    creating conditions for the development of higher feelings in children: aesthetic, moral, moral (a sense of camaraderie, sympathy), creating an atmosphere of mutual assistance during a mass event.

    development of communication skills, overcoming anxiety through various forms of teamwork.


    to increase children's interest in knowing the rules of the road through the development of creative imagination, through independence in creating images that contribute to a higher development of cognitive interests.

    to form skills to apply the acquired knowledge in a non-standard situation;

    develop verbal-logical memory, mental activity, the ability to observe, draw conclusions, verify results.

The event is held for students in grades 3-4 in the amount of 30-40 people. The event participants are all children present.

Required requisite: two rope machines, skittles, flat daisy flowers with questions, two sets of letters, two hoops, 4 sheets of white paper, winners medals with the inscription “Best Traffic Expert”, participants' badges with the inscription “I know traffic rules”.

Evaluation of the results:   for a complete correct answer, the team receives 2 points, for an incomplete answer - 1 point, and for an incorrect answer - 0 points). In relay competitions, the team that came first and completed all the tasks correctly receives 1 point, the team that came second - 0 points. At the end of the event, the points of each team are calculated, the team with the most points wins.

Event progress:

The song "Road Alphabet" sounds

Leading: Hello guys! Glad to see you all in our room today. Why do you think we are here today?

Children: When we entered the hall, music was heard about the rules of the road, so we can assume that our event today will be devoted to the rules of the road.

Leading: All right! And tell me, where do we live?

Children: We live in the beautiful city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky. At any time of the year there is a lot of traffic. Cars and trucks are rapidly moving along the roads, buses are driving, and we and pedestrians are walking along the pedestrian paths.

Leading: Right! But what do you think, why, with such a heavy traffic, no one bothers anyone?

Children: And this is all because there are clear and strict rules for drivers and pedestrians. And in order to calmly cross the street, you need to know the rules of the road.

Leading: What good fellows you are! Well then, we have to start our event. I suggest you warm up a bit and tune in a positive way. Let us play a game called "It's Me, It's Me, It's All My Friends!" I will read out the questions, if you agree with the statement, then shout loudly and amicably the phrase “It's me, it's me all my friends”, and if you don’t agree, shout “No, no, no” and stamp your feet. Ready? Get started!

Who is going to school every day with fun? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

Who always goes forward with his mouth wide open? (No no no)

Who misses cars, SDA observes everything? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends)

Who steps indiscriminately at traffic signals? (No, no, no)

Who is always on the tram close gives way to the elders? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends)

Who will cross the road only where the transition is? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends)

Who kicks the ball funny on the road in front of the school? (No, no, no)

Who, playing in the yard, explains to the kids “Remember the rules of movement, like a multiplication table!”? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends)

Katya S. (4 “B” class): Now let's dance a bit. I want to offer everyone a game dance! Listen to music and repeat after me.

Mass dance in a circle according to the show of the host "Forbidden-permitted." (The song "Allowed" sounds)

Leading: Wow, how great we have warmed up! Well, are you ready to show each other what kind of traffic rules you are?

Children:  Yeah!

Leading: All those present need to split into two teams, choose a captain in their team and come up with their own motto.

Each team selects a commander and performs a task; for a correctly completed task, he receives a token. The team with the most tokens will win. (The guys have a few minutes to divide the teams, select a commander, come up with the team name and motto).

Leading: And our wonderful jury in the face will evaluate our competition.


Teams are invited to say the name and shout out their motto.

Leading:   Our first competition is called"A fun trip."   (The rules of the competition are explained)

Teams line up in the back of the head. The first player starts the movement with a quick step (you can’t run), bypasses his landmark (a cube or a pin), returns to the team, holding his elbows, the second participant joins them, they reach the landmark together, and this continues until everyone team members will not pass in the "bus".

The winner is the team that arrives at the final stop first, and does not break the rules.

So, to the start, attention, march!

Song "Cars"

(The results of the relay are summed up, points are given to the teams. The team that came in first and did everything right gets 2 points, the second team - 1))

Leading: « Speed \u200b\u200band savvy are our friends »   - This is our next contest.

Guys, but answer the question: “What do you think is savvy?” How does it help people in life? And how can savvy today at our event help us?

Child:   I think that ingenuity is such a quality in a person that helps to find an unusual way out of any situation.

Child: And also ingenuity is the originality of any decisions and actions.

Leading: You all said the right thing. Well done. Now we’ll check whether you possess this wit. Look, there are letters on the opposite end of the hall, you need to use these toy cars to bring these letters to the finish line, and then make up a phrase from these letters.

On command, the players under the first numbers take a small machine, to which the rope is tied and go to the table with letters, take the letter, put the letter in the car and drive back, transfer the machine to the second participant, taking their letter, etc. After all the letters will be at the start, the team needs to make a combination of the proposed letter sets. You should get the phrase "Rules of the road." The winner is the team that will move the letters forward and figure out which phrase should turn out and, accordingly, make it up.

Do not drop the letter.

Sounds music "SDA are friends to us", there is a relay race.

(Evaluation of the results - the team that came first - gets 2 points, the team that came second - 1)

Leading :   Guys, tell me, do you like picking flowers? Yes? Excellent! So we are holding the next competition called "Riddles from Car »   for captains. Captains, please come here. See what you see?

Children: A whole glade of daisies!

Leading: Yes, daisies have bloomed today, but not simple, but magical! Some of them have questions under the petals, the task of the captains in 1 minute is to find daisies with questions, and after all the daisies with questions are found, the captains should give the correct answers to the questions. Get started! Time is running out!

During guessing riddles, captains can confer with their team.


At the landing sites

Passengers waiting for transport

Established order

You can’t break it here.

(“Bus Stop Place”)

This sign of this kind:

He is on guard of the pedestrian.

Going with together

We are on the way to this place.


On the roads to pedestrians

It has become easier with the transition.

Under the ground, even the area

Going a lot easier.

("Underground crossing")

Only cars drive here,

Tires flashed menacingly.

Do you have a bike?

So stop!

There is no road!

(“No bicycle allowed”)

The little man in the blue circle -

This is clear throughout the county:

Cars won't go here,

Pedestrians - good luck.


Lida s in dismay:

They need a doctor on the road.

Do not look with a sad look

Help is near! The doctor is near!

(“First Aid Center”)

Earth digs a man.

Why is there no way?

Maybe they are looking for a treasure here

And old coins

Are they in the big chest?

Probably get them here

Hid a very greedy king.

("Men at work")

We went home from school

We see a sign on the pavement

Circle inside the bike

there is nothing else

("bicycle lane")

I want to ask about the sign

A sign is drawn like this

In the triangle guys

run away from all legs.


If you put your foot

on the road

Pay attention friend:

Road sign - red circle

a man walking in black

crossed out with a red dash

And the road seems to be, but

It is forbidden to go here

("No Pedestrians")

Evaluation of the results (the captain who finds the most daisies with questions and gives the correct answers to all the questions gets 3 points, the second captain gets 2 points)

Leading: Our next relay race is called « Taxi ». And tell me, do you know what it is all about - TAXI?

(Answers children)

Leading: And you know that the first taxis were called FIACRA, and they appeared around the 17th century in France, but at about the same time England could also boast of such a service.

Well, now even every child knows what it is. You all answered correctly. Well, in our competition, your task is to split in pairs, the first two participants become one after another, the first - the driver, the second - the passenger. The second participant holds the first one with the help of a hoop (the hoop can be replaced with a jump rope), and they both overcome the distance, then pass the hoop or jump to the next two participants. The team that came first wins.

Music "Road Sign"

Leading: Guys, guess the riddle

Striped horse
  Through the street leads.
  Here we are very careful
  You can make the transition.

Children: This is a zebra! Or - a pedestrian crossing!

Leading: Right! And our next contest is called« Walk the zebra ».

Teams are given two sheets of white paper. The task of the teams is to get to the finish line and back using these sheets, laying them like a zebra.

Music is any fun for the contest

Leading :   Guys, at any age a person loves and remembers cartoons. This is true?

Children:  Yeah!

Leading: So our today's event will not do without everyone’s favorite cartoons. The next competition is called - "Avtomultipulti »

Children:  Hooray!

Leading: I will call a fairy-tale character or a cartoon character, and you must tell me their vehicle.

Questions are asked to the teams in turn, the jury monitors the correctness of the answers given and evaluates the competition. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

1. On which   Means traveled crocodile Gena and Cheburashka? (a train )

2. What did Emely ride to the king in the palace (on the stove )

3. Favorite two-wheeled mode of transport of the cat Leopold? (bike )

4. What did the good fairy pumpkin turn for Cinderella? (into the carriage )

5. What is the means of transportation that was controlled by the Baba Yaga. (stupa, broom )

6. What kind of transportation did the robber Ali Baba have? (horse )

(teams get tokens)

7. What did old Hottabych fly on? (on the carpet)

8. Which   did the parents of Uncle Fedor the postman Pechkin? (bike)

9. What did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate with jam? (your motor)

10. What did Baron Munchausen fly on? (At the core)

11. What did Kai ride on? (Sledging)

Leading:   Perfectly! They remembered the cartoons, and now it's time to move! The next contest is« Who is faster »

Speed \u200b\u200bTrack Competition. Each member of the team must jump the track on one leg with obstacles from the pins, leading a toy car along a rope and not hooking the pins.

The team that came in first gets 2 points, the second team - 1.

Leading:   Wonderful! And now let's try to turn into theater artists. And our next contest will be called« Where we were, we won’t say what we rode show ».

The task of the teams to consult and choose any transport, using only gestures to show what kind of transport, and the other team guesses.

Evaluation of the results.


Leading: In the meantime, our jury will calculate the points, we will play a game called« Pass the rod ».

All participants become in a circle, cheerful music is played, the players transmit the rod in a circle as soon as the music stops, the participant who has the rod in his hands should name some traffic rule or any transport.

Wonderful! Well, our esteemed jury is ready to announce the results of our competition today. So, we give the floor to the chairman of the jury __________________.

The announcement of the results and rewarding of winners with medals, and losers with tokens of the participant.


Leading: Guys, tell me, did today's event leave a mark in your hearts? (children answer)

What was especially memorable? (children answer)

What new have you learned today for yourself? (children answer)

What caused the greatest difficulties? (children answer)

Would you like to participate in any other traffic study event?

I was very happy to play with you today and I will be very looking forward to the next meeting with you guys. See you again !!!

The scenario of the event according to the rules of the road in primary school

Goal:   to consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road and the prevention of childhood road injuries among schoolchildren. Contribute to the development of thinking, reaction speed, cognitive activity, creating an atmosphere of mutual assistance.


increased interest in the subject through game activity;
the formation of skills to apply the acquired knowledge in a non-standard situation;
the formation of skills to choose rational ways of doing work;
fixing traffic rules;
formation of teamwork skills.
  Educational :
to educate a system of views on the world;
foster the ability to follow standards of behavior;
to educate the norms of social behavior of children;
foster respect for the subject.
development of speech, thinking, memory;
development of sensory and emotional-volitional spheres of personality;
developing skills in identifying hazardous road zones and situations;
the development of mental activity, the ability to observe, draw conclusions, verify results.

Board design: “Know the rules of motion, like a multiplication table.”

Leading . Hello guys! Today we are gathered to talk about the rules of the road, about road signs. We live in a beautiful city with wide streets and alleys. A lot of cars and trucks are moving along them, trams and buses go. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. And to calmly cross the street, you need to know the rules of the road.

All guys offer:

urgently learn traffic rules!

To keep your parents calm

And the drivers were not worried.

Today we will find out who is your expert in traffic, for this you will be divided into two teams, one “Zhiguli” team, the other “Moskvich”. Each team selects a commander and performs a task; for a correctly completed task, he receives a token. The team with the most tokens will win.

(The guys take a few minutes to divide the teams, select the commander.)

Warm up.

Now I will check how attentive pedestrians you are and whether you are ready for the game. I ask you a question, and you say yes or no.

What do you want - say, is liquid water always? (Not)
- What do you want - say, red light - there is no passage? (Yes)
- What do you want - say, we’re running home faster, playing on the pavement? (Not)
- What do you want - say, you always, when in a hurry, then run for transport? (Not)
- What do you want - say, the pedestrian goes forward only where the crossing is? (Yes)
- What do you want - say, we are in a hurry so soon that we do not see a traffic light? (Not)
- What do you want - say, but the steamer is painted on the sign "transition"? (Not)
- What do you want - say, only a smart pedestrian goes to the green light? (Yes)

Quiz . (teams respond in turn)


What are the transitions?

Why do you need traffic rules?

How to get around a standing trolley bus?

At what traffic signal can I cross the street?

What is the name of the part of the road on which pedestrians move?

Why can't you cross the street?

How to get around a standing tram, bus?

- How to cross a street for a cyclist?

Lead word .

There are many roads in our country. At any time of the year and in any weather, cars and buses rush through them. Trams, trolleybuses, motorcycles rush, cyclists ride, walk pedestrians.

Since ancient times, people dreamed of speeds. Cars are becoming more and more. But the car has awarded a person not only convenience, but also danger.

The flow of cars is growing, it is becoming unsafe in the streets. But danger lies in wait only for those who do not know the traffic rules, do not know how to behave on the street, do not follow the rules.

And for those who have studied the traffic rules well, who are polite and attentive, the street is not at all scary.

Traffic rules - laws of streets and roads. Everyone must know and fulfill them. Each of us has to cross the street or road. We use public transport, some of you are bicycle drivers - all this makes us road users.Everyone should know the rules and most importantly, they will be respected!   Therefore, today we will consolidate our knowledge in order to prevent childhood - road injuries.

"IT'S INTERESTING TO KNOW ..."   (from the history of traffic) - Pre-prepared children tell.

1 student : “In the old days, the streets were the same for those who were driving, and for those who were walking. This often led to accidents. Despite the royal decrees, which said that those traveling should be careful and not push horses on foot, the number of accidents did not decrease. Only then did they begin to build special paths in the cities, which they called the French word - pavement, which means “road for pedestrians”. And so that carriages or sleighs would not enter the sidewalk, they raised it above the roadway. ”

2 student: In Russia, the rules of the road on horses were introduced by Peter Iin January 1683   of the year. The decree sounded like this: “The Great Sovereign knew that many people took into account that riding a reins with large whips and riding on the street carelessly beat people, then from now on do not ride a reins in a sleigh.”

3 student: The first road signs appeared almost simultaneously with the emergence of roads. To mark the route, primitive travelers broke branches and made marks on the bark of trees, set stones of a certain shape along the roads. After the appearance of writing on the stones, inscriptions began to be made, usually the name of the settlement to which the road leads was written. The world's first system of road signs appeared in ancient Rome in the 3rd century. BC.

In Russia - in the XVI century. on the instructions of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich on the road leading from Moscow to the Tsar’s estate Kolomenskoye, verst pillars about 4 m high with eagles above were installed.

4 student:   “Later, with the advent of a large number of cars, people began to make road markings on it to restore order on the carriageway. Knowing its designations, a driver or a pedestrian can correctly navigate in traffic conditions and not get into trouble. ”

5 student.   "Reaching the intersection

We meet a traffic light

And he gets serious

Talk with a pedestrian:

Green light - come in!

Yellow - better wait!

If the red-way is dangerous!

We all know the traffic light. Do you know how he appeared?

6 student: Traffic lights originate from semaphores that were used on railways and had two colors - red and green. Such a semaphore was installed in London over a hundred years ago. With the help of a winch, an arrow was raised with a green or red disk. To avoid collisions, people came up with an intermediate yellow light. And in our country, the traffic light was installed in 1929 in Moscow. The first traffic lights were controlled by the traffic controller.

The task: Task for the commanders. They answer in turn.

The host reads mystery poems.

    Here are the stripes black and white

You can safely walk on themOn the other side leads - (crosswalk )

    They don’t drive here
    The path here is only for a thin tire

Because here we go

Only on ... (bike)

    If you don’t wash your hands,
    I ate vegetables on the road,
    Urgently need to find an item
    (medical care )

    If you need to call

Urgently to inform something
He will help us with this,

Well of course ... (phone)

    The direction will tell

How to point to where

And remind you how and how,
You on the way…(Road sign).

    Houses run on rails
    Everyone will be taken from the stop
    Hurry up and don't yawn
    Heading off…(Tram).

The game is a competition of road sciences.

The street law is very strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks along the street, as he pleases, does not comply with the rules. But this law is also very kind: it protects people from terrible misfortune, protects their lives. Now you show if you know traffic rules. We will hold a contest in the form of the TV show “Our game”.

(The table is on the screen.)

The table contains five types of questions of varying degrees of difficulty. Answering questions, you get the appropriate number of points for your team.


1) "Test"

1. Which fairy-tale heroes would not violate the rules of the road? Malvina



Winnie the Pooh

2. Best on which road does the car brake?

On wet

On icy


On dry

3. When the yellow light of the traffic light comes on, what will you do?

See if there is a fast-moving vehicle nearby and run

Run as fast as you can

Will you stay still

4. At what age can I ride a bike on the road?

Since birth

From 14 years old

When will you retire

5. How to cross the road, getting off the bus?

Go around the bus in front

Get around the bus from behind

Crawl under the bus

2) “Traffic signs”

1. In the middle of the road in a row

White stripes lie

On the road there is a passage-


2. Before us is a strange sign

In a triangle like this:

They run away from all legs

Hands holding guys

. ("Beware, children!)

3. The prohibition sign weighs there

It is unknown what reads

There is a bicycle in the circle

But there are no other hints.

(No cyclists allowed)

4. What kind of bridge over the road

Will help us and you

Leads across the street

Us ... (overpass)

5. A sign of some strange

In a triangle with a shovel.

Man digs something

Here ... (road works).

3) Questions from cartoons and fairy tales that mention vehicles.

What did the good fairy pumpkin turn for Cinderella?

(To the carriage)

What did old Hottabych fly on?

(On the carpet - airplane)

What did Emely ride to the king in the palace?

(On the stove)

Favorite two-wheeled mode of transport of the cat Leopold?


What did Carlson, who lives on the roof, run on?


A gift from Uncle Fedor’s parents to the postman Pechkin?


Personal transport Baba - Yagi?


What went to Leningrad the scattered person from the Basseinaya street?

(A train)

What did Baron Munchausen fly on?

(At the core)

What did Gerda and Kai ride on?


4) “Draw a road sign” (each team is given 2 templates)

1. (intersection with traffic lights)

2. (first aid station)

3. (movement without stopping is prohibited)

4. (stopping prohibited)

The game "Cross the street."

The host has two cardboard mugs. One is covered with green paper on one side and yellow on the other. The second is red paper, and the opposite is yellow. Two parallel lines are drawn in the hall, one from the other at a distance of 5-7 steps. This is the "street".

The players line up against each other below the line. Two teams.

Conditions of the game: when the leader waves a green circle, the players take a step forward, red - a step back, yellow - remain in place.

Those who make mistakes drop out of the game. The team whose player “crosses the street” first wins.

game "traffic signs"

Each team will be asked 5 questions, for the correct answers get tokens.

Questions for the Zhiguli team .

    Why can’t you cross the road in front of a nearby transport?

    How to get around a standing bus, trolley bus?

    At what age is cycling on the streets and roads allowed?

    Why is it dangerous to play ball on the roadway?

    What does the yellow traffic light mean?

And now questions for the Moskvich team .

    How and where is it better to cross the street?

    Why can’t you cling to trucks?

    Where to expect a bus, trolley bus?

    Where should pedestrians walk in the absence of a sidewalk?

    What does the red traffic light mean?

4. The game "Allowed - forbidden" (allowed - stand, forbidden - squat) for everyone.

Who will be our helper

On wheels or not

Who will tell you, will not deceive

Can all of us give advice

To know you yes how

Respect every sign!

Crossing the streets with a green traffic light ... (allowed)

Play on the road ... (forbidden)

Cross the street in front of a nearby transport ... (prohibited)

Walking along the sidewalk ... (permitted)

Walking along the sidewalk on the left ... (forbidden)

Cross the street at the underpass ... (allowed)

Crossing the street with a yellow traffic signal ... (prohibited)

Helping the elderly and old women cross the street ... (permitted)

Cyclists cling to passing cars ... (forbidden)

Walking around the front of the vehicle on the sidewalk ... (prohibited)

Run out onto the carriageway ... (prohibited)

Riding a bike without holding the wheel ... (prohibited)

Chatting and laughing out loud in vehicles ... (forbidden)

Respect traffic rules ... (permitted)

Musical Workout ” .

Leading:   You need to perform songs, or excerpts from songs that talk about roads, cars, pedestrians. (For each song or passage performed, the team receives a token).

Thanks so much guys!

The final song is performed based on the motive of the song “If I hit the road with a friend”. Together

If you hit the road with a friend
If you hit the road with a friend
More fun road
Do not forget about the signs
Do not forget about the signs
There are a lot of them on the road.


What is snow to me
What do I know
What do I need rain pouring
Road sign assistant my. (2 times)

Going on a long journey
Going on a long journey
Many rules are different–
Repeat you do not forget
Repeat you do not forget
Like a rhyme for a holiday.


And I'm friends on the road
And I'm friends on the road
I will go out without fear
Signs are all my friends
Signs are all my friends
No reliable friend.



Both adults and children should know

Traffic rules must be observed

If you trust them

You will be safe and sound!

We summarize and present the letters to the winners!

And now, each team will receive a memo “Passenger Responsibilities”.

Memo "Responsibilities of passengers."

1. Wait and get on public transport only at stops.
2. With an unregulated street crossing, the tram bypasses in front, and the bus and trolleybus in the back.
3. In transport, behave with dignity:
-Do not forget to pay your fare or present a travel document;
-Do not make noise and do not push;
-Do not talk loudly;
-to get places for the elderly and disabled, women with heavy bags;
- to hold on to the handrails while driving;
-Never try to get into the vehicle on the go (you can slide off the stairs and get under the wheels of the bus);
-Do not enter a crowded bus, trolley, tram;
-Sharp and inconvenient for other passengers items to pack well and neatly set so as not to interfere with anyone.
- Be polite and attentive to someone who is next to you.

School events and school holidays

The scenario of the meeting-competition "Know and Become" (SDA)


There are traffic signals
  Obey them without argument.

O. Bedarev

Competition Objectives

Advocacy of knowledge on the rules of the road;

Nurturing a safety culture;

Development of practical skills in traffic rules;

Development of creative abilities;

Involving parents, the public, high school students in cognitive and educational work with younger students.

Preliminary preparation for the competition

Invitation of guests (club asset);

Quiz preparation (teacher OBZh);

Dance warm-up (rhythm teacher);

Equipment for competitions (teacher OBZh, counselors, instructors);

Competition preparation (teacher OBZH, teacher-organizer, teachers GPA);

Training teams (teachers, counselors, instructors);

Song numbers (music teacher);

Registration of memos (laboratory assistant TCO);

Technical equipment (laboratory assistant TCO);

Musical equipment (accompanist, laboratory assistant TCO).


Quiz cards;

Equipment for competitions (given before each competition);


List of participants

Club members;

Traffic police inspector;

Rhythmic teacher;


Representatives of the high school club;

Parents, teachers.

Competition Progress

The host welcomes everyone and gives the floor to the guest of the meeting, traffic police inspector.

Inspector:  Humans are preoccupied and restless creatures. They always go somewhere, go, fly - in general, they are constantly in a hurry, in a hurry, running.

But rushing and rushing is unsafe, especially in a city where the flow of various vehicles on the streets and roads is terribly large.

Once upon a time, people just walked, but it was slow and uncomfortable. So they mounted a horse, and then in carts, sledges, carriages. Those who were traveling were in a hurry, and passersby interfered with them. The coachman shouted at passers-by and scattered them with whips. And the one who could not dodge fell under the hooves of horses. So began a traffic accident. I did not like the Russian tsars John Alekseevich and Peter Alekseevich. They decided to issue a decree, which later became the first rules of the road.

Modern life cannot be imagined without rapid movement, especially in the city. How to make this life more secure? You just need to know and be sure to comply with all traffic rules. Now there are many different rules for drivers of various vehicles and for pedestrians.

You should know and observe some of them today.

He offers to answer the quiz questions, distributes pre-prepared cards, everyone answers.

Quiz questions:

1. What does the word traffic light mean?

2. What is the name of a person who is outside the transport on the road and does not perform work on it?

3. Who are the passengers?

4. At what age can I ride a bike on the streets and roads?

5. Where are people who are under 14 years old allowed to ride a bike?

6. What do you know about the rules of conduct in the subway?


1. Traffic light - the Greek word, in Russian it means "carrying light."

2. The pedestrian.

3. People using any type of transport.

4. From the age of 14.

5. In the courtyards of houses, in school stadiums; in parks where there are bike paths.

6. On the escalator, you need to hold onto the handrails, not go beyond the restrictive line, seek help from a duty officer, you must not sit on the stairs. In order to get an object that has fallen on the rails, you do not need to run around the platform, you must follow all instructions of the metro employees.

Presenter:  While the jury sums up the quiz, a rhythm teacher and a junior dance group of the school invite you to a musical-dance workout.

They sing to the melody of the song "Top-Top, Baby Stomp."

Top-top, stamping, friends,


You and I boldly along the path.
  Why is the people so calm?
  Because it is a transition.
  Light, light is a traffic light.

(Perform movements with head, hands.)

Good assistant to us for a long time.
  Hurry, my friend, no use
  Wait, green wink.
  But suddenly my red eye

(Running, hand movements.)

Find faster "island".
  If a friend says to you: Let's go!
  Answer: Danger, wait.
  He, he bought videos,

(Arms, legs.)

Well, I forgot where to ride.
  Leave the central street
  There is a playground, go there.
  Everything, everything about the road to know
  Follow the rules of movement,
  And then, believe us, friends,
  You and I are safe.

The results of the quiz are summed up, the winners are awarded. The presenter announces that the gym is divided into 4 sectors:

1. You are a pedestrian.

2. You are a passenger.

3. You are a cyclist.

4. You are a schoolboy.

All the guys are also divided into 4 teams. Teams take turns in 4 sectors (each sector is simultaneously located on a team). The names of the teams: “Pedestrian”, “Passenger”, “Cyclist”, “Schoolboy”. Team captains draw lots - the number of the sector from which they start the competition. Clothing should be comfortable, and the distinguishing sign of the teams is a chevron on the sleeve with a picture of a pedestrian, passenger, etc. The role of the jury in each sector is played by the guys from the high school club. Advisor-instructors lead their teams from sector to sector.

Sector “You are a pedestrian”


Traffic light;

Zebra (black and white strips of fabric or paper);

Safety island (cloth, paper);

Transport (models or drawings of a bus, trolleybus, tram);

Street (symbol);

Underpass (symbol);

Special transport (children's controlled cars or conditionally 101, 102, 103);

Stop (poster on the counter).

The guys are introduced to the equipment sector.

Traffic light

The entire group or several people from the team perform movements according to traffic signals.


At the “street crossing” command, the guys should select a “zebra”, mark the transition and, looking to the left, go to the middle of the street, stop, look right and go to the other side.

Security island

The "island" is decorated on the "street" in advance. The guys begin to move to the green light of the traffic light, when they see red, they stop on the "islet of safety", after waiting for the green light, continue to move.


At the command “get around the bus” (trolleybus, tram), the guys start moving (the bus and trolleybus go around in front, the tram - behind).


At the command "we are walking along the sidewalk" the guys line up in a chain and walk along the right side of the sidewalk.


At the command “no sidewalk”, the guys move in a chain along the road towards moving vehicles (on the left side of the road).

Underground crossing

At the “underpass” command, the guys move on the right side, since the underpass is a continuation of the sidewalk.

Special transport

The guys begin to cross the street into a green light, suddenly an ambulance (police, fire) appears, the children must stop and give way to it.

Sector “You are a passenger”


Questions (to prepare in advance, a member of the jury of the sector asks questions, sums up points for answers, sets the total score);

  “Politeness” (the bus is equipped with two rows of chairs according to the number of team members);

Car (chair and seat belt, the words "road", "sidewalk");

Passenger transportation (stroller).


How is boarding and disembarking from transport?

Should the transport doors close?

If you are standing in a moving trolley, then ...

Should you drive late?


From the sidewalk.

You can not enter and exit, there may be injuries.

I firmly hold on to the handrails so as not to fall.

I sit down in a place that is closer to the driver so that you can call for help.


All the seats are occupied in the bus, suddenly an old woman (old man) enters. The guys have to get up. Everyone must offer their place.


A safety belt is attached to an ordinary chair. On the command “you are a passenger”, one of the participants takes the place of a passenger. He must immediately find the seat belt and fasten it. (The same can be done in a large plastic children's toy car and more participants). Correct behavior and speed of execution are taken into account.

On both sides of the car there are two words: road, sidewalk. At the command "you get out of the car," the participant must unfasten and go out of the word "sidewalk".

Passenger transportation

In the sector, the road is indicated. Plastic pins are zigzagged along the road. The passenger is seated in a plastic children's trolley (or a children's car or something adapted for the trolley). The driver must drive the passenger around all the pins and return back, trying not to touch the pins, not move them, and not push the passenger out of the vehicle. The speed and accuracy of the trip is estimated.

Sector “You are a cyclist”


Children's bicycles;

Two marked roads;

Inflatable or large plastic toys.

Stage 1

One of the participants (several can be) passes along the first road. Showing the command turn left (left hand to the side), turn right (right hand to the side), warning about braking (right hand up). The correctness of the execution of commands and the ability to keep on a bicycle are evaluated.

2 stage

On the second road, plastic and inflatable toys are arranged in a zigzag fashion. Representatives of the team (or one who can, but equally from each team) take turns going around all the toys on a bicycle. You can wear a helmet or cap. The speed and accuracy of travel is estimated.

Sector “You are a schoolboy”


Poem (prepared in advance, by the jury);

Posters "Home", "School", "Sidewalk", "School", etc .;

Traffic light;

Marked road.

Evaluated the correct movement and artistry.

"The road to school"

You're already awake? Hello!
  A twig is knocking on a window
  Wash, get dressed
  The sun arose a long time ago.

Everything woke up: forest and field,
  Waiting for you to study at school.
  Breakfast is delicious, do not forget
  Well, are you ready? So on the road!

From the home porch
  And to the school doorstep
  Waiting for you, my friend, believe me
  An interesting road.

You walk to the sidewalk ...
  Alone there and a couple
  People are all running, hurrying,
  They want to be in time in time.

Go right side
  Do not bother everyone, do not push.
  That's part of the road
  Ribbon wriggles

For the movement of cars
  She is meant.
  Used to ride-important
  On the road a truck.

Where is the passage for people?
  Look, there is a transition.
  Lines white
  It is designated

  "Zebra" is called.
  Do you want to cross the road?
  A lot of signs on the way.

There is such a sign - "Transition",
  And people hurry to him.
  Well, and there it’s both proud and important
  The traffic light is on guard.

Caution! Red light
  Bright sends you greetings.
  Red? So don’t go.
  It's dangerous there, wait.

See, the yellow one appeared?
  Knows you're already waiting.
  Yellow - wait a bit
  Wait for the green path.

You went to green.
  Did not have time? Didn't go over?
  Don’t be upset, my friend,
  There is a special island.

The island is safe.
  Not dangerous light there is red.
  Stop and wait.
  Green again? So go on.

Here is the school, finally.
  Int Are you healthy?
  Well done!

The jury collects cards and sums up the results of the competition, and at this time the second jury evaluates the song contest.

The Pedestrian team sings (to the tune of the crocodile Gena's song).

Here come the pedestrians, a lot of people,
  And suddenly they saw a red light.
  They stopped right away, and then they were surprised -
  There the boy ran for seven years.

They shouted together:
  "Boy, boy, wait,
  There's red, it's dangerous there
  Better not go. "

And the boy came back
  Was he, oh, little rascal -
  Scarf hanging, wide open coat,
  You say, boy Kolya,
  How do you study at school?

And what did you learn from the rules?
  Do you see red? It's dangerous there.
  Wait and yellow, wait.
  And the green will light up -
  Then go.

We want children
  These rules knew
Observed everywhere and always.
  Do not shawl on the road -
  The traffic light said strictly.

Otherwise, trouble will happen.
  Where red is dangerous
  Boy Kolya, do not forget.
  Only green permits
  Continue our way.

The “Passenger” team sings (to the tune of the song “We Are Going to Far Lands”).

We ride, ride, ride in cars and taxis,
  So fasten your seat tight -
  For this belts.

The doors are closed tightly
  Are you going quietly ...
  And they ate along the road,
  Buildings and flowers.

Passenger you and me.
  All my friends are coming
  To the camp and to the cottage,
  To the sea and to Vyachu.

Wish at the doorstep:
  You have a happy journey!
  Note, passengers can not make noise, play.
  It is dangerous to distract the driver on the road.

We are sitting quietly
  And we speak quietly.
  And if interested,
  Then we look out the window.

Passenger you and me. ( 2 times)

The team "Cyclist" sings (to the tune from the movie "Where the Asphalt Ends").

We love to ride bikes
  A vehicle, it is just a class!
  We can rush along bike paths.
  They are made especially for us.

Turn left, right we know.
  Raised his hand - it means now I'm braking.
  In the park and yard in the summer we disappear.
  I have been friends with cycling since childhood.

We grow a little we guys
  Then let's go to the bicycle section.
  We fly an arrow along the cycle tracks
  And beat the world records with you.

In the meantime, we are just girls, boys
  Learning to write, draw and dream,
  We carry smart thick books in our satchels,
  We want to live long and learn more.

The “Schoolboy” team sings (to the melody of the song “If I hit the road with a friend”).

If you went out with your mom,
  If you went out with your mom,
  That is an easy road.
  Well, if you're alone
  Well, if you are alone.
  That is a lot of questions.

A traffic light is on the way, the intersection is in front,
  You cross them right.
  The zebra is running fast
  She has a serious look
  Hurry here - he says.

Well, if you go, the traffic light is angry
  And blinks red
  Don’t go back, find the islet soon,
  He is safe.

You wait, look around, smile at the sun in the morning -
  Long live a great life!

Here is green again -
  So you can all walk
  And do not be late.

The overall result is summarized, prizes are awarded. The traffic police inspector gives the children memos with drawings and poems.

If the light blinks red,
  Don’t go, my friend, it’s dangerous!
  Do not ride on the road.
  Return to the site.

Don’t cling to cars
  To ride
  Have pity on your mom dad -
  You can break.

Children are better off the hill
  Ride in the yard.
  Did you find red light on the way?
  "Islet" is in front.

School must know the people
  A zebra is a transition.
  Follow the rules,
And there will be no “oh” and “ah”!

What are the rules of the road and what they eat with, children do not really want to know. For them it is boring and not clear. But another thing, if you show them, and even in an interesting way. Therefore, we offer you scenes on traffic rules that your children will definitely like, and they will not want to learn the rules of the road. Well, for the skits to go off with a bang, we have a surprise for you. These are our copyright works on traffic rules that will decorate your holiday and more clearly show what and how.

1. Do not play on the roadway!

For a sketch, prepare a small room design. Make borders, mark the roadway with a pedestrian crossing.
  The scene involves from 3 to 5 children. Use a balloon as a ball.
  Children are playing football near the curb. Everyone shouts something from himself, for example: “Come here!”, “Pass me!”, “Now I will score a goal!”, “Throw the ball to me! I want it too! ”Etc.
  And suddenly the ball hits the road.






























