Business plan for a temporary stay center for the elderly. New business ideas

Caring for elderly relatives is not an easy task, some are forced to leave work in order to look after their grandparents. They require care and may even harm themselves in the absence of loved ones. Living with people who have acute illnesses can be dangerous. Moreover, a person without special education is not always able to help an elderly relative and organize his day. The way out of this situation is to send them to a specialized institution (nursing home, private boarding house), where they will be under constant supervision. Against this background, interest in social business and the opening of a private nursing home is increasing. Let's consider.

Business registration

As with any type of social business, difficulties begin with documentation and obtaining permits to carry out activities.

Advice: Since the business plan is based on human care and drug business, registration on behalf of a sole proprietor is not possible. First you need to open a legal entity. The optimal form of doing business is a limited liability company.

After choosing a legal form, you need to obtain a medical license. To do this, you need to have staff with medical education. In order to open a nursing home, you can establish cooperation with the Department of Social Protection and the Pension Fund, through which money will be transferred to the account of a private organization. If you plan to finance services at the expense of relatives, then an agreement with social security authorities is not needed.

Selecting a room

The scale and prospects for the implementation of the business plan largely depend on the future premises and its area. In order to open a private nursing home, you can rent or purchase the building of a former boarding house, sanatorium, or recreation center.

When planning a room, each room should be designed for two people. Each room should have a refrigerator and comfortable furniture. Also, a nursing home must have a medical office, a treatment room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a dining room. It is necessary to equip a place for leisure activities - a room for exercise, dancing, playing chess, checkers, lotto, etc.

You should not equip a separate room for visiting (as older people associate it with a maximum security colony). All guests must meet with their loved ones in their rooms at a convenient time. If this project seems expensive, consider simpler ideas and plans, for example.

Recruitment for a private nursing home

In order to open a private nursing home, you need to hire qualified and responsible employees. The success of the future enterprise largely depends on the professionalism of the personnel. In addition to medical education and relevant skills, workers are required to be caring, punctual, and respectful of older people. Every resident of a private nursing home wants to feel the warmth and joy that the staff can provide. To recruit the appropriate personnel, you will have to organize more than one interview.

In order to open this establishment, you need to hire:

  1. doctors who must monitor the health of patients;
  2. nurses who will work in shifts;
  3. orderlies, whose responsibilities include maintaining cleanliness;
  4. caregivers who will care for the elderly;
  5. instructor for exercises;
  6. cooks;
  7. manager for reporting, delivery, purchasing products, negotiating with clients.

Equipment purchase

To make guests feel comfortable and cozy, you need to equip the room with everything necessary. Opening a nursing home is much easier than opening a private hospital or sanatorium, since large investments are not required to purchase expensive equipment for treatment. But it’s also not worth saving on the comfort of residents.

Beds should be adjustable to accommodate bedridden patients. There should be a button for calling service personnel near each bed. You should not make the bathroom too cramped, since in addition to the guest, there may also be an orderly there. Some will wash themselves, so the shower counter should be low, the water temperature control should be intuitive, and the floor should have an anti-slip coating.

In order to open a private nursing home, handrails must be installed along the entire perimeter for safe movement. You also need to purchase wheelchairs, canes, walkers and other devices that help you move. Choose your flooring carefully. A slippery floor in any room is dangerous for an elderly person. Therefore, instead of linoleum, tiles or parquet, it is better to give preference to carpet, which should be securely fixed with a baseboard.

If the building is multi-story, an elevator is required, since it is difficult for such people to move up the stairs. An important aspect is the equipment of the leisure room. There should be a large TV, a shelf with different books, cozy sofas, armchairs, tables, sets of board games. The medical office needs appropriate medications and basic medications, a pressure measuring device, etc.

Leisure organization

The most difficult component in the plan is not even the physical condition of a person, but the moral one. It is difficult to adapt to a nursing home; many of the residents feel abandoned and unwanted. To cope with difficulties, it is important to properly organize your leisure time. To do this, you need to periodically hold entertainment events (for example, a lotto tournament, a competition for the best

According to information provided by many statistical companies, over the past 20 years the number of citizens whose age exceeded 70 years has increased by more than 40%. Experts in the field of social services argue that state-supported nursing homes are severely overcrowded, and the very living conditions in them for people of retirement age are far from a home environment. In addition, it is almost impossible for older people with health problems or minor mental disorders to get into such a nursing home.

Based on this situation, some businessmen began to explore this unfilled niche. Thus, many entrepreneurs had the idea of ​​opening a nursing home as a business that could generate some profit. But it would not be possible to create a profitable enterprise using the operating scheme of existing state houses of this type. For such experience, you have to turn to foreign colleagues, since this type of business has existed in developed countries for a long time.

What is needed to open

1. It is necessary to obtain permission and coordinate the requirements for the organization and operation of this institution with the regional department for social protection of the population, and determine the number of places in the institution for elderly citizens.

3. Obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection and fire service, equip the premises taking into account all sanitary standards provided for by legislative acts.

4. Rent or purchase premises and adjacent land.

5. Purchase all the furniture necessary for life, appropriate household equipment, and household equipment.

6. Select service personnel. At this stage, it is necessary to exercise special care in choosing specialists, since the normal functioning of the nursing home will directly depend on this.

6. Organize all necessary promotions and events provided for in the marketing part of the compiled business plan. At the same time, it is necessary to know the exact number of places in the institution so that there are no misunderstandings when filling out applications.

7. Study the existing experience of such institutions in developed countries, and bring the work organization system in accordance with the requirements of all norms and rules provided for by Russian legislation.

Work organization

After receiving all permits to open a boarding house, and the staff has been recruited and trained, you can begin searching for clients. To do this, it is better to use the Internet, local media, and other sources of information. It is better to entrust organizational work to an experienced specialist who has experience working in similar government institutions. As for the main personnel who will directly provide for the everyday needs of older citizens, it is better to recruit them from employees of kindergartens or hospices. It will be easier for people who worked in such institutions to care for elderly clients and provide them with the necessary living conditions.

As for the equipment of residential premises, it is necessary to create conditions as close as possible to those at home. Clients should not feel like temporary visitors who can be picked up by children at any time. To do this, you should not place more than three beds in each room, and the bedside tables should be spacious enough, not the same as in general hospital wards. Sanitary rooms should be equipped with modern, convenient plumbing fixtures that will not create inconvenience. Also, the boarding house should be equipped with premises for various leisure and hobby activities. It would be a good idea to organize a gym for physical education and equip it with simple exercise equipment.


The dining room should be equipped based on the number of residents, so as not to create queues, as in hospitals. Meals should be provided three times a day, and evening kefir or jelly should also be provided. You also need to take into account the health status and all the characteristics of the body of each resident, and, if necessary, create personal diets. The dishes should be chosen like home ones, with an interesting design. A good option would be to create a kind of buffet where you can sell fresh confectionery and drinks, and in this sense, the nursing home as a business will be able to generate additional profit. And on holidays and birthdays, you can provide a special menu, which will not leave any client indifferent, and the boarding house will receive additional advantages in the rating.

Attention: Since a nursing home is an institution where citizens permanently reside, the entrepreneur needs to be prepared for regular scheduled and unscheduled inspections. Representatives of the sanitary and epidemiological, fire and medical services will be frequent guests of the private boarding house. And constantly changing norms and rules, brought into line with changes in legislation, will become the reason for even more visits from inspectors of these services. Medical care for residents of a boarding house will require an appropriate license. True, some entrepreneurs do not have their own medical workers, but use the services of doctors who have their own license.

Estimated Costs and Profits

Opening a private nursing home requires considerable financial investments, but such a business can guarantee a stable income, since no one has canceled the aging process. Depending on the size of the boarding house and the number of residents, profit margins may vary. Using the example of a small boarding house created in the premises of a large apartment or house, the numbers will be approximately the following:

1. The costs associated with obtaining the necessary permits will amount to approximately 20 thousand rubles.

2. Rent of premises – 10 thousand rubles per month.

3. Salary for staff consisting of two people – 20 thousand rubles per month.

4. A small boarding house, created on the basis of a small house, can accommodate about 6 people. The approximate cost of maintaining one person will be about 3,500 thousand rubles.

5. Unforeseen expenses - 5 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses will be approximately 56 thousand rubles.

The cost of living for one person in a nursing home with full board is from 1000 rubles.

Therefore, the expected monthly profit can range from 100 to 120 thousand rubles.

In recent years, the number of elderly people in Russia has been rapidly increasing, and therefore the services of private nursing homes have become relevant. This market segment still remains untapped, and demand significantly exceeds the available supply. Meanwhile, government agencies are often overcrowded or closed, but the problem remains. The solution is to open a private boarding house that provides professional services for those who really need round-the-clock help and support.

Features of elderly business

Before you start opening, study all the risks, local market conditions and the level of competition, estimate the necessary costs, and decide on sources of financing. In short, draw up a detailed business plan. Analyze the demand for services in the city where you live. Study the regulatory framework thoroughly, since legislation in this area of ​​activity is still being created, and the requirements of various authorities are particularly picky.

Main risks

Conducting such a business is accompanied, first of all, by a negative attitude that has developed since the USSR. Conditions in Soviet shelters were sometimes appalling, while older people needed special attention and extra care. Controlling government bodies closely monitor compliance with sanitary standards - from the availability of special equipment to the condition of the premises and proper qualifications of personnel.

The next risk is the lack of the necessary experience, which can lead to an underestimation of the profitability of the project. The solution is to study the work of private institutions in foreign countries and conduct activities taking into account Russian specifics. Low competition makes such a business profitable and profitable even in the conditions of today's global crisis and instability.

Exemplary services, creation of the most comfortable conditions for guests, compliance with all sanitary requirements are the key to the success of a private boarding house with a solid reputation.

What is required to open a private nursing home

The initial stage is registration of a legal entity. Then you will need to coordinate the nuances of the establishment’s work with the district department of social protection and determine the number of places for guests. After equipping the premises and hiring qualified personnel. At the final stage, obtain the necessary permits from the SES and fire service. Don’t forget to conduct an advertising campaign, highlight the high social significance of the project, and enlist the support of government agencies.


The list of registration documents can be clarified at the tax office at the place where the business is opened. The list is standard, but to simplify the procedure, you can hire a law firm. Please note that the managers and/or founders of the boarding house must have a medical education in order to obtain a license to conduct medical activities from the Department of the Ministry of Health. Or, full-time employees must have appropriate permits. Additionally, registration will be required with the funds - the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, with Rosstat and the Department of Social Services. protection.


The building of a former sanatorium or rest home is ideal for a private shelter. If the boarding house is located in a quiet, environmentally friendly and beautiful place, this will be an additional advantage. Calculate the number of seats, taking into account 1-2 people per room.

Do the redevelopment by allocating areas for:

  • dining room;
  • personal toilets and bathrooms;
  • leisure and recreation rooms;
  • guest area;
  • medical office.

During the repair process, carefully equip the sewerage, ventilation and heating systems, taking into account sanitary standards.


The purchase of equipment is carried out according to the following principles:

  • beds – with position change function;
  • mattresses – with the function of protection against bedsores;
  • in bathrooms - with floor insulation and anti-slip coating, with everything necessary for water procedures;
  • wheelchair equipment - handrails, strollers, walkers, canes and other means to ensure reliable movement;
  • an elevator is required if the building has several floors;
  • emergency system for calling medical personnel - necessary for urgent assistance;
  • a refrigerator is needed in every room, a TV is allowed to be placed on the floor.


When choosing personnel to work with the elderly, pay attention to the qualifications and human qualities of the employees. Conduct interviews in person, check references and profiles of applicants. It is also desirable that the staff include professional psychologists, cooks, nutritionists and health workers. If you hire foreign workers, make sure you have the necessary work permits.


Carry out marketing activities in cooperation with medical and social institutions. If you plan to place it in the media, choose a wide range of publications - from free mass media to reputable ones, as well as the Internet. As a rule, advertising costs are highest at the start of a project, then reputation will begin to work for your business, ensuring a continuous flow of clientele.


Drawing a conclusion, it should be noted that, like any other business, opening a private house requires continuous attention, cash injections and an impeccable level of service. Despite the presence of certain risks, a free market niche makes it possible to “promote” a project into a profitable and successful one with proper management and disposal of funds. According to statistics, the average payback period is about 5 years, the minimum amount of starting capital is 100 thousand dollars.

Caring for the elderly is not an easy task; often people have to give up work to look after their grandparents, who can harm themselves in the absence of relatives. Moreover, living under the same roof with people suffering from insanity or other forms of acute illness can become dangerous. Therefore, many people seek to place their elderly relatives in nursing homes and boarding houses, where they will be under the supervision of doctors and staff. Against this background, the interest of entrepreneurs in social business, namely opening their own nursing home, is growing. How to open a nursing home? We'll talk about this and much more in our article today. We will also discuss the business plan for a nursing home.

As in any business, the troubles begin with registering your business. First of all, you need to open a legal entity. Registration as an individual entrepreneur will not help in this case, since the businessman will have to deal with medical drugs and carry out activities to care for people, which may become impossible when running a business as an individual entrepreneur. Therefore, you can choose the LLC form.

After the legal form has been chosen, it is necessary to obtain a medical license, for this it is necessary to have on staff people with special education, or to have it yourself. After this, it is necessary to settle matters with the Department of Social Security and the Pension Fund, in which transfers of pension funds to the account of the nursing home will be recorded. If children themselves pay for their elderly relatives, then social security and the Pension Fund need not be disturbed.


Buildings that were previously occupied by boarding houses, sanatoriums, and recreation centers are suitable for opening a nursing home. The area will depend on the scale of the planned business. But it is necessary to take into account that no more than two guests lived in one room. Also in the house there should be a leisure room, a dining room, a gym, and a first-aid post with a treatment room. Experienced entrepreneurs advise starting a similar business with a premises of 400-500 square meters, which can accommodate 30-40 guests.

Country cottages, recreation centers and boarding houses with an area of ​​400-500 square meters are perfect for a private nursing home.

A boarding house can be located not only in the city, but also outside it. It will be even better if the house is closer to nature, where the air is cleaner and the atmosphere is calmer. The main thing is that all the conditions are in the house, and not in the yard. Because the house will have to undergo compliance checks from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service.


Since a nursing home is not a sanatorium or a hospital, the entrepreneur will not need to buy equipment for treatment. However, you will have to spend money on the arrangement and comfortable accommodation of guests. For example, it is necessary to purchase special beds, with the ability to adjust, this will help feed and serve bedridden people who may also be in your boarding house. The mattresses on the beds must be special, which do not allow bedsores to appear and cause discomfort.

Beds in a boarding house for the elderly should be adjustable, this will help feed bedridden residents

The bathroom should have an area that allows several people to enter there, for example, a guest with the help of orderlies, and it should also be equipped so that guests have the opportunity to wash themselves (low shower counters, easy adjustment of water temperature, non-slip floor, shelves for hygiene products) .

The choice of flooring throughout the room must be approached very seriously, since a slippery floor can cause injury and even death to older people. Therefore, you need to exclude tiles and linoleum; it is better to choose a low-wool carpet that does not have a sliding surface, and is also secured with baseboards and does not move.

It is necessary to install handrails along the entire perimeter of the boarding house for ease of movement of guests. It is also necessary to purchase several wheelchairs and special walkers that will allow people with disabilities to move. If the boarding house has two or more floors, it is necessary to equip the house with an elevator, because the guests will not be able to go down on their own.

An alarm button must be placed near each elderly person’s bed, which will notify the staff that the person needs help. It is necessary to install refrigerators in the rooms for the convenience of guests, as well as, if possible, televisions so that they have something to while away the evening.

An alarm button must be installed next to each bed in case a person needs help.

In the case of meetings between relatives and clients, it is necessary to allow meetings in rooms; there is no need to allocate separate areas in the room where they will communicate, this is not a prison.

In the leisure room you need to install a large TV, install shelves with books, buy board games and equip it with sofas and armchairs. In this room, guests can chat, watch movies and discuss books they have read.

In the recreation room it is necessary to install a large TV, comfortable furniture, and also equip it with books and board games

In the gym you need to install several exercise machines for the strongest guests, as well as buy mats for health-improving gymnastics. The classes should be taught by an experienced instructor, who can be found for a piece rate.

The medical office must have first aid medications, as well as basic medications and blood pressure measuring devices.

The medical office must be equipped with instruments and first aid supplies, and must also be replenished with basic medications.

In order to sometimes take your guests to the cinema or museums, you need to take care of transport; you can buy or rent a minibus for this. Such actions will have a positive impact on the image of the boarding house.

Elderly people need attention, so it is necessary to organize their leisure time and conduct various events


For high-quality operation of a nursing home, it is necessary to assemble professional staff. To do this, you need to conduct dozens of interviews and choose the best.

To work you will need:

– 2 doctors who will monitor the physical health of the guests;

– 4 nurses working in shifts with night shifts;

– 2 nurses who will keep the boarding house clean;

– 4 nurses who will care for the guests;

– instructor for physical exercises, possible on a piecework basis;

– accountant, for reporting, can be outsourced;

The total salary fund is about 300 thousand rubles monthly.

Beds in a boarding house for the elderly should be adjustable, this will help feed bedridden residents.

Nursing home in Ukraine

Oddly enough, in Ukraine the niche of such a business as private nursing homes is almost empty. This is largely due to the poverty of pensioners who cannot pay for their stay in such boarding houses, as well as the negative opinion of older people about such houses.

That is why today, for the development of such commercial projects with social goals in Ukraine, it is possible to rent premises at a discounted price and conclude a profitable agreement with product suppliers.

In order to start organizing a private nursing home in Ukraine, you also need to go through several authorities to obtain permission: the tax service, obtaining a license to conduct medical procedures, establishing contacts with social security authorities and the pension fund.

Income and expenses

Let's calculate the costs of opening a private nursing home with an area of ​​500 square meters, and then correlate them with the planned income of the organization.

Table 1.1

One-time expenses.

NameAmount, rub.
1 LLC registration4 000
2 Room renovation100 000
3 Beds, 40 pieces200 000
4 Cabinets, 40 pieces40 000
5 Small refrigerators, 20 pieces140 000
6 Refrigerator for the kitchen30 000
7 TVs in rooms, 20 pieces160 000
8 Plasma in the rest room25 000
9 Dining room tables, 10 pieces50 000
10 Dining room chairs, 45 pieces45 000
11 Kitchenware30 000
12 Installation of panic buttons80 000
13 Fitness equipment50 000
14 Board games and books30 000
15 Bookcase15 000
16 Wardrobe, 40 pieces160 000
17 Stove for the kitchen20 000
18 Wheelchairs and walkers, 10 pieces100 000
Total: 1 279 000

Table 1.2

Monthly expenses.

NameAmount, rub
1 Renting premises at a reduced price200 000
2 Employee salaries300 000
3 Food purchasing200 000
4 Purchase of medicines50 000
5 Payment of utility services50 000
6 Internet, TV5 000
7 Entertainment50 000
Total: 855 000

The cost of a monthly stay for a guest in such a boarding house is 30 thousand rubles; if it is fully staffed with guests, the monthly income is = 40 X 30,000 = 1.2 million rubles. However, it is possible to completely fill the house only after 2-3 months of work.

The payback period for such a nursing home ranges from 9 months to 1.5 years.

Social business is always not only a concern for income, but also responsibility for the people whom the entrepreneur helps. Therefore, if you want not only to earn money, but also to provide all possible assistance to the state and people in need, then a private nursing home is a great idea for starting a social business.

It's always painful to see older people alone. And I really want to give my closest people a decent old age. But in the everyday hustle and bustle of work and affairs, sometimes you forget about meeting your needs, not to mention others. Therefore, relatives of elderly people often have thoughts of going to a private nursing home. They are popular both in big cities and in the provinces. How to make money in this area will help you figure out a business plan for a boarding house for the elderly with calculations.

Input data

According to statistics, 4% of all pensioners are in state nursing homes. And only 0.5% of pensioners live in commercial geriatric centers. Unfortunately, the quality of service, repairs and personnel qualifications in government agencies leave much to be desired. However, here the issue of financing arises very acutely: not everyone can afford to stay in an elite boarding house, because the cost of monthly services can reach 3-5 times the size of monthly pension transfers. Therefore, this area can lure only 25% of all patients of state geriatric centers, but this is also a lot, more than one and a half million people. There is still a free niche that you can manage to occupy.

Before moving on to the description of a business plan for a boarding house for the elderly, we will determine the necessary information for its preparation. It is assumed that the boarding house will combine the functions of the geriatric department of the hospital and a classic boarding house. The following services will be provided here:

  • Permanent residence.
  • Nutrition.
  • Laundry.
  • Cleaning rooms.
  • Organization of leisure time.
  • Basic medical support - day hospital and physiotherapy.

The boarding house will have the following characteristics:

  • Form of ownership – LLC.
  • Type of taxation – simplified tax system (income minus expenses 6%).
  • Room – 450 sq. meters.
  • The yard area is 1 hectare.
  • The type of ownership of real estate is rental.
  • Number of rooms – 20 (10 rooms for two residents and 10 rooms for 1 guest).
  • Number of guests – 30.
  • OKVED-2 code 86.21 “General medical practice”.

The building must have an elevator, ramps and handrails for comfortable movement of people with disabilities. In addition, all rooms must be equipped with a special button for quickly calling staff.


To open a nursing home, you need to obtain a special license for medical care. For these purposes, it is necessary to carefully study the relevant SanPiN, purchase special equipment and hire medical personnel. Otherwise, the procedure for registering a business does not differ from other types of activities:

Organizational stage Amount, rubles
LLC registration (state fee) 4 000
Authorized capital 10 000
Seal 1 000
Registration of a current account 2 000
Purchasing a cash register 32 000
Registration with the tax office
Conclusion of a lease agreement for a year* 675 000
Conclusion of engineers on internal infrastructure 20 000
Ventilation maintenance contract for one year 50 000
Security contract for a year 120 000
Contract for disinfection and deratization 30 000
Agreement for solid waste disposal 30 000
Obtaining medical licenses
Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor
Obtaining permission from the SES
Obtaining a fire inspection permit
Notification from Rospotrebnadzor about the launch of the project
Total 929 000

In addition to all organizational expenses, the entrepreneur needs to make repairs to the premises. It is worth allocating about 700 thousand rubles for these purposes. In total, at the preparatory stage you will need 1,619,000 rubles.

Technical equipment

For a geriatric center for 30 people, you will need specialized equipment and a lot of furniture:


A large number of guests require constant attention. This requires a large staff of employees.

Employee Number of individuals Number of bets Salary Total for all employees Payroll with deductions
Nurses 3 3 23 000 69 000 89 838
Nurses 4 4 23 000 92 000 119 784
Cleaning woman 6 6 18 000 108 000 140 616
Cook 2 2 20 000 40 000 52 080
Gerontologist 1 1 35 000 35 000 45 570
Psychotherapist 1 0,5 35 000 17 500 22 785
Accountant 1 1 25 000 25 000 32 550
Total 18 17,5 386 500 503 223

Also, from time to time you will have to seek help from loaders and drivers using your own vehicles, which can lead to an increase in the monthly wage fund by 10 thousand rubles. In total, 566,605 rubles will be required to pay employees and contribute to state and non-state funds.


To successfully and quickly fill a boarding house, it is enough to advertise in:

  • Newspapers.
  • Clinics and hospitals.
  • Internet.
  • Banks.
  • Large corporations (to attract relatives of potential guests).

All these needs will require about 60 thousand rubles. Events are held once and are not repeated.

Volume of capital expenditures

Name of expense item price, rub.
Organizational expenses 919 000
Room renovation 700 000
Technical equipment and purchase of furniture 3 710 000
Marketing 60 000
Other unforeseen expenses 30 000
Financing activities until self-sufficiency 2 000 000
TOTAL 7 419 000

Work schedule

This area of ​​business is not seasonal. However, it is better to open in summer or spring. This is due to the fact that in the warm season it will be easier for old people to get comfortable and get used to the new environment. And opening, for example, on holidays will make it easier for elderly family members to move for their relatives. Therefore, it is better to begin work on preparing the premises and opening a business in July of the previous year.

Financial indicators

The expenses for maintaining a boarding house for the elderly include the following items:

  • Rent – ​​225,000 rubles.
  • Utility bills – 50,000 rubles.
  • Meals – 160,000 rubles.
  • Payroll – 503,223 rubles.
  • Cleaning products – 10,000 rubles.
  • Expenses for organizing entertainment events – 15,000 rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 5,000 rubles.
  • Taxes – 10,000 rubles.

In total, monthly costs will be 978,233 rubles.

The profitability of the shelter will consist of the following parts:

  • Stay of 1 person in a double room for a month – 35,000 rubles.
  • Stay of 1 person in a luxury room for a month – 45,000 rubles.

According to calculations, the house in question can accommodate 20 people in double rooms (35,000 x 20 = 700,000) and 10 people in single rooms (45,000 x 10 = 450,000). The total monthly profit will be 1,150,000. Net profit will be 171,767 rubles, profitability - 15%. If the boarding house is fully occupied, the initial investment will pay for itself in 3.5 years.


  • Project start: July 2017.
  • Opening of a shelter for the elderly: May 2018.
  • Full occupancy of the nursing home: August 2018.
  • Reaching projected income: August 2018.
  • Payback period: January 2022.


Today's realities ruthlessly dictate their own rules. The age of the average Russian is growing, and already more than 60% of all citizens of the country are pensioners. More and more elderly people are ending up in nursing homes. A young entrepreneur can turn statistics to his advantage and build an entire business on it. In addition, a permanent residential geriatric center may qualify for subsidies from the federal or regional budget, since it is a socially oriented project.


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