How to make money from copywriting. How to make money from copywriting for a beginner. How much do specialists earn at different stages?

They are in demand on the market today, as we described in previous materials. It's time to back up the theory with practical skills. Let's figure out step by step how to start working and make your first profit as a copywriter. We will also answer the most important question, how much you can earn at each stage of your career path in this field.

What should aspiring authors do?

Have you decided to try yourself as a copywriter and don’t know where to start? The main thing for a beginner is to be where those who order texts are concentrated. Such a place is located on content exchanges.

To get a good start you need:

  1. Register on . There are a lot of them, and there are hundreds of orders there: different in volume and subject matter. A serious advantage of such services is a guarantee of payment for the copywriter’s labor. The exchange takes a certain (small) percentage, but for this it completely eliminates the risk that your article will be taken away and not paid.
  2. Create an electronic wallet to which payment will be received. The most common option is the Webmoney payment system wallet.
  3. Select a task. It’s better if it’s not very complicated and on a topic you have an idea about.
  4. Complete it strictly according to the technical specifications (TOR) and within the specified time frame. Timely and high-quality work will increase your rating on the exchange, which will allow you to move on to more expensive orders in the future.

After several written articles, you will, firstly, have your first works in your portfolio, and, secondly, you will have an idea of ​​whether you really want to do copywriting. If not, then you can always move on to making money online.

Prices for copywriting. How much can you earn

How much can you earn from copywriting, constantly developing and gaining experience in the profession? Copywriting rates are calculated per 1000 characters of text (with or without spaces). At the initial stage, this amount will be very small, 8-15 rubles per 1000 characters. Therefore, if you write 3 medium-sized articles of 5,000 characters per day, you can earn about 6,000 rubles per month.

This, of course, is not much, but during the starting period the amount of income can always be increased by increasing the amount of work. In addition, you not only build your portfolio, but also create a positive reputation by completing orders with high quality and on time.

Yes, reputation is not measured in monetary units, but it brings significant dividends: in the form of regular orders and loyal customers.

With due diligence, any novice author reaches an average level in a couple of months, when the price is 80-100 rubles per 1000 characters. That is, with a constant total volume of articles of 15,000 characters, earnings per day will be from 1,200 to 1,500 rubles, which will bring about 40 thousand rubles per month. As shown in the example, 80-100 rubles is far from the limit for a motivated person.

In-demand authors who know how to present any material in an original way, and have also mastered the formats of selling texts, landing pages, commercial offers, boldly quote prices from 300 to 500 rubles for 1000 characters and have no problems with orders.

High-ranking copywriters evaluate their work based on the complexity and specificity of the order and move away from the system of payment for the number of characters in the text. The price for the work is determined based on how much time it takes to collect and process data and what results the customer expects. 5-6 articles can be written in a month, but the income will ultimately significantly exceed 100 thousand rubles.

How can you earn extra money?

If you don’t like working on technical specifications, then you can sell ready-made articles. It is quite possible to offer thematic texts directly to the owners of websites, public pages, or place them in special stores on the same exchanges in order to have payment guarantees. In this case, you set the price for your product yourself, however, to increase the chances of a quick sale, you should take into account both the relevance of the topic and the price range in which your competitors operate.

“What should I write about?” - novice authors ask. Write about what you are good at. Expert articles are a popular niche in copywriting. You repair cars, sew, take photographs - what seems simple to you may be of great interest to others. Tell us about the basics of craftsmanship, dwell on the nuances, describe the individual stages of work.

Hobbies: fishing, experiments in the country, handicrafts - provide endless scope for the author. The choice of materials, comparative analysis of manufacturers, unexpected results of experiments can be presented in the form of an article on a website, magazine, or blog.

Have you recently bought a vacuum cleaner? Wonderful! Here's a topic for you: “How to choose a vacuum cleaner. Step-by-step instruction". The world around us is filled with information; all that remains is to process it and teach it in an original form.

Sometimes it’s worth giving away an article for free: for a good review, a recommendation, or for posting on a well-known resource, in order to give weight to your portfolio, which becomes both a business card and a resume for finding a job. Don't forget about reputation too!

Main results

Copywriting is serious work. You should not expect that from the first days of work the fees will be calculated in huge amounts. As in any business, it is important to constantly develop. Professional growth and experience make it possible to regularly increase prices and increase earnings by reducing the volume of written texts.

If the author studies not only the craft of writing competent articles, but also masters related skills: marketing, psychology, design, layout, the return on the effort will not be long in coming and will be expressed in high fees, regular clients and a stable income.

In addition to earning money from texts, a copywriter can simultaneously earn profit from other sources. Materials from LookFreedom will always help with this. The ones we recommend have been thoroughly tested and are guaranteed to bring you money.

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Copywriting is one of the many opportunities to make money on the Internet. Writing texts is in demand today more than ever before. Thousands of owners of websites and blogs, online stores and simply businessmen whose goods and services are presented online need unique, high-quality or simply selling content that can attract the attention of the target audience, keep them on certain resources and make purchases.

In this article we will look at how, where, and how much copywriters earn.

  • Job: Copywriting ( copywriting) - writing texts.
  • Why is it needed?: Texts and articles are required by all websites (except for author's blogs), in business they are used for presentations, brochures, descriptions of goods and services, presentations, product descriptions.
  • How much do they pay for it? Copywriting is priced differently, from 20 rubles to several thousand dollars per 1000 characters.

How to make money from copywriting? how much can you earn on the copywriting exchange? How can a beginner make money from copywriting? Is it possible to make money from copywriting? These are fair questions for anyone considering copywriting or a career change.

The good news is that copywriting is a fairly well-paid field that doesn't require a ton of training or expensive certifications.

What is copywriting

Copywriting is the process of writing copy for anything from brochures, billboards and websites to emails, advertisements and blogs, with the goal of increasing brand awareness and ultimately persuading a person to take a certain action.

With more than 27 million pieces of content distributed across the Internet every day, a copywriter's content must stand out to attract more customers and create a strong and unique brand. Apart from providing quality content, copywriting is also more effective than outbound advertising methods.

By creating unique, relevant, and high-quality content on a web page, blog, or social media platform, you can quickly and easily build an audience and build a solid reputation.

Copywriting in simple words is the work of writing unique texts. The process includes:

  • Sales pages
  • Mail funnels
  • Landing Pages
  • Blog Posts/Articles
  • Articles on social networks
  • Case studies

Despite the name, copywriters are more than just writers. They are writers, salesmen and behavioral psychologists, all rolled into one. To be a good copywriter, you need to master all of these elements.

What are the differences between copywriting and rewriting?

Copywriting and rewriting: what are the differences?

In the ears of newcomers in the field of online employment who plan to connect their work activities with writing texts, two terms constantly appear: “ copywriting" And " rewriting». Under copywriting Usually this means writing the text “ from scratch" The author performing this work has nothing but his own knowledge, experience and reference sources.

Sometimes, to write high-quality text, a copywriter needs to process 7-15 sources of information, from which he receives reliable facts necessary to create text of the required quality.

Example of an order for copyright: The customer needs to write an article about how to care for horses, the article length is 7 thousand characters. You must find a lot of information yourself and write an article on this topic.

Rewriting in simple language is a retelling from only one source, only in your own words.

Example of an order for rewriting: The customer gives you a ready-made text or a link to an article on the Internet. All you have to do is rewrite the finished article in your own words so that the new text does not coincide with the original, that is, write the same information in other words. ( For example, instead of buy, write purchase).

What is SEO copywriting

SEO copywriting is a specialized form of writing texts on the Internet that:

  1. Contains key phrases - words that your target reader enters into a search to find the information they need.
  2. Helps online content rank higher in search results (eg Google)
  3. Introduces qualified traffic.

Key phrases should not make the article difficult to read.

How is SEO writing different from traditional copywriting?

The main difference is this: SEO writing contains key phrases. For example, [blue cashmere sweaters] is a key phrase.

Typing keywords into is something we do every day, right? We type words into the Google search box to get answers to our questions.

But the point is that SEO copywriting There's much more to it than just inserting keywords into your content: Google also wants to see authoritative content that fully answers your readers' questions and stands out from competing content.

Some people believe that you can insert a few key phrases into your content and still get high rankings. Not anymore.

Google got smarter and everything changed. Now your content must be high quality so that Google can rank it at the top.

On the one hand, your readers should like the article. Your content should be relevant and appealing to your readers - something that educates, entertains or enlightens them.

On the other hand, Google needs to see content written in a certain way in order to understand what the article is about. Understanding how to do this helps your content “compete” with other pages in the rankings.

How to make money by copywriting on the Internet

Anyone who is interested in the possibility of making money on the Internet is concerned about the question of whether it is possible to make money with copywriting. You can make money from copywriting and there are several more or less effective ways to do this:

  1. Creation of custom texts. The direct owners of Internet resources can act as customers ( creators, developers and owners of websites, blogs, social media accounts, online stores, editors of online publications) or intermediaries between the direct customer and the contractor.
  2. Writing texts for sale. In this case, the author creates texts without a specific technical specification, focusing, most often, on his experience, expert knowledge or on the most popular topics in the Internet sphere.

Both are done on special copywriting exchanges, where authors and customers find each other. I will talk about this in more detail below.

The cost of works for sale depends on the demand for the topic, the qualifications and experience of the author, the degree of complexity of the work performed, as well as on how much the author himself evaluates his work. In this case, the last point is of least importance, since hundreds and thousands of similar works are presented on the most popular and popular exchanges ( with rare exceptions) and there is almost always an author offering an article of the same quality or better for less money.

Note that: However, many “article stores” provide such identifying features as the author’s rating and reputation. So, the higher the rating and the better the reputation, the more willingly his works are bought up, the more the author earns from the sale of his articles.

Thus, it is quite possible for both an author just starting his career and a professional writer with experience, reputation and regular customers to make money from copywriting on the Internet.

How much can you earn from copywriting?

The average annual salary for copywriters in the United States is $47,838, while 80% of copywriters earn from 35 to 65 thousand dollars per year, according to data compiled by Payscale and

The two main factors that influence salary levels are location and experience.

Average earnings of copywriters in Russia and how much a beginner can earn:

  • Beginner copywriter – 1,000 – 10,000 rubles per month
  • More experienced copywriter – 20,000 – 40,000 rubles per month
  • Experienced copywriters – more than 60,000 rubles per month.

Income data is for reference only.

As you can see from these numbers, copywriting can offer a comfortable life. And while some employers will require on-site employment, many businesses are comfortable hiring remote workers these days, allowing some copywriters to make money while living where they want.

Of course, the question “how much can you earn from copywriting” is one of the main ones. To the delight of beginners, we can say that there is no upper limit for earnings. Of course, within reasonable limits. You can’t make millions just by writing texts.

If you devote yourself to work 8-9 hours a day, then you can make money by writing texts 30 - 70 thousand rubles per month.

As an example of more likely earnings, consider the most ordinary copywriter with the most average performance. So, according to highly averaged data, when writing texts daily:

  • 5,000 characters without spaces,
  • simple and popular topics,
  • with an average cost of approximately 50 rubles per 1000 characters

an absolutely average copywriter, without any outstanding data, talents and regular very generous customers, can, without much effort, 2-3 hours a day earn an income of 1750 rubles per week and approximately 7500 rubles per month. Yes, it's not a lot of money. But with larger volumes and greater employment, earnings are correspondingly higher.

Rewriting, as a rule, is rated significantly lower, since labor costs are lower there. However, under certain circumstances, a dedicated and hardworking rewriter can easily reach the bar in 20 – 30 thousand rubles per month.

If this doesn't seem like enough to you, don't despair, as this is just the beginning.

Even on copywriting exchanges, which I will discuss in more detail below, you can find orders with price tags at 100-150 rubles per 1000 characters.

Since I myself had to order texts for different sites, ( at one time he made money by creating and selling websites), then I can say that I am familiar with the work of copywriters firsthand.

I knew copywriters who earned 100 dollars per working day, they really wrote a lot and the price was $4-6 per 1000 characters.

Not every customer will provide such a price, but judging by what I observed, any copywriter is able to earn more than he thinks, and for this you just need to write really good texts. Only then will regular customers begin to appear, who themselves will begin to pay more for quality.

Any customer knows the main problems - turnover,

since it is very difficult to find a person who will not hack, but write useful articles. So, having ordered texts for one person, the customer receives average quality and begins to give the next orders to another. This process continues until the same performer is found.

A couple of years ago I read a book on copywriting by a foreign author and was dumbfounded!

The author talked about how he managed to earn more 50 thousand dollars on copywriting for a month of work. The book showed examples where the same product was sold with different selling text on websites and the result was simply stunning. With the original text, sales did not exceed $100 per month, but when the author wrote another text, sales exceeded $100,000!

  • Unfortunately, I don’t remember the title and author of the book, if I’m not mistaken it was the book “How to Write So That They Trust You.”

But I realized that the copywriting industry is quite large and always necessary. In America there are almost departments of copywriting and at least six-month training programs.

Income depends on many factors, and the main ones include:

  1. Cost of completed orders.
  2. The total amount of work performed (the number of texts written and their size).
  3. Demand level of the author.
  4. The level of his professional skill.
  5. Ability to find and receive interesting and highly paid orders.
  6. Level of ability to work and degree of determination.

Copywriting sites where you can make money

Currently, there are a huge number of copywriting exchanges - these are copywriting sites where almost everyone can find a suitable job for themselves. Finding these exchanges is not difficult, just use a search engine. Below is an overview of the most popular copywriting exchanges in RuNet.

  1. Advego - there are many orders of varying levels of complexity, its own program for checking the uniqueness of the text, a program for semantic analysis, spell checking, and the opportunity to sell your finished texts. You can withdraw your earnings through the online payment system WebMoney, Yandex Money, QIWI and others.
  2. ETXT is an excellent copywriting exchange. A huge number of orders at a decent price can provide work and income for hundreds of copywriters. You can increase your income by selling ready-made texts in the article store. The exchange is loved by many for its more than democratic and loyal uniqueness checking service, in which, for one thing, you can check spelling, punctuation and even stylistic errors. A service for SEO text checking and even a dictionary of Russian synonyms is also available. Earned money is withdrawn to WebMoney, Yandex Money, QIWI and others, The minimum amount for withdrawal is 100 rubles.
  3. – The exchange is popular and in demand by both customers and performers. The cost of work on average on the exchange is estimated at 20 - 110 rubles per 1000 characters without spaces and depends on the rating and qualifications of the performer. A nice bonus for the performer - commission fees in favor of the resource are taken only from the customer, unlike other exchanges, where the commission is paid by all active users of the exchange. You can withdraw your earnings to WebMoney, Yandex Money, QIWI and others, The minimum amount for withdrawal is 20 rubles or 2 $.

How to make money from copywriting for a beginner

In this difficult task, beginners have the hardest time. And there are many reasons for this:

  • There is too much competition among representatives of this layer of Internet workers;
  • The processes for finding customers are unclear;
  • Low pay for newcomers or a complete absence of any pay;
  • Collisions with inadequate customers (this also happens) and inflated demands on the quality of work;
  • Complex and incomprehensible mechanisms of interaction through freelancing and copywriting exchanges;
  • Penalties for non-fulfillment or partial fulfillment of order requirements;
  • And etc.

However, only the most hardworking, persistent and self-confident newcomers sooner or later become “ mastodons“and they never again have questions related to whether it’s really possible to make money by copywriting on the Internet.

The road to advertising and digital is open to the most courageous, lucky and talented newcomers ( digital) – agencies. There, under the guidance of a more experienced mentor, he will be taught how to write sales, “ delicious” and bright texts. In addition to invaluable experience, the newcomer will receive regular wages for his efforts and successes.

If the option of full-time employment does not suit you, and you are looking for an alternative with free employment and a schedule, then, like most mere mortal beginners, you will most likely have to get acquainted with copywriting exchanges and specialized sites for freelancers.

This is a great opportunity to study the kitchen from the inside, gain experience, create a portfolio, and figure out which areas and topics for writing texts are easiest and most successful.

The fate of almost all freedom-loving newbie copywriters is almost the same: the first orders are estimated at the lowest cost. But with the growth of professionalism, portfolio and rating, the cost of a newcomer’s services also increases - more expensive orders begin to be entrusted to him. As the price tag for services increases, so does the income. Thus, by registering on several exchanges at the same time and shouldering the heavy burden of several orders at the same time, beginners have the opportunity to earn quite a reasonable or even decent income. But this and this will depend on the degree of his efficiency, perseverance and on his ability to produce good material.

Newbies are different

If you are lucky and have expert knowledge in some areas and areas of life, you can immediately count on well-paid orders. Naturally, provided that the topic of your expert knowledge is in demand and relevant, and that in addition to expert knowledge, you have the ability to competently express thoughts and transform them into words and sentences. Such a person can earn more or less a decent amount from copywriting already in the first month of work, since expert opinion is valued more highly and is paid more expensively.

How to make good money from copywriting

There are different ways to make money online from copywriting:

  1. “Catch” orders on exchanges and websites for freelancers.
  2. When there are no orders, you need to continue writing and putting your finished works up for sale on the same resources.
  3. Create your own website, social media account or blog and offer your services professionally.
  4. Register on all possible exchanges and look for customers through all channels.
  5. Present yourself as a valuable and professional writer working on large projects.
  6. Expand your field of activity by adding to the list of prices such types of copywriting as slogans, naming, selling texts, product descriptions and others.
  7. Post and regularly update your resume on popular job sites in the “freelancing” section. Quite often, employers who are ready to cooperate with freelance copywriters are looking for specialists who can write high-quality selling texts. Constant cooperation with a couple of such customers can provide the author with high, stable income.
  8. To write really good texts - people who do their work efficiently are always needed.
  9. Copywriters who know foreign languages ​​and can competently express thoughts in them in writing are highly valued. The cost of such work can be estimated starting from 1,000 rubles. per thousand characters without spaces and only increases.

And finally, who knows what your future destiny as a copywriter will be. It is possible that after going all the way from beginner to writing guru, you will write a book or develop a training course called “ Copywriting: is it really possible to make money?" And then have no doubt - your income will skyrocket.

  • Tip 1. Choose your niche

You can write on one topic, but write better than others. This way you can strengthen your reputation and become a regular author for several customers at the same time.

  • Tip 2: Reading

Read books on copywriting, there aren’t many of them, but they help a lot. In your information about yourself on the exchanges, you will also indicate which ten books you have read, this will set you apart from ordinary self-taught people.

  • Tip 3: Create your personal website/online presence

To attract the trust of clients, you need to show that you are not an ordinary person and this is a professional job for you. Add a portfolio section to your website and include your best work in PDF format or as images to ensure the uniqueness of your clients' published work. Only before publishing works that have already been sold, you should ask permission from the customer.

  • Tip 4. Ask for feedback

Ask the client if he liked your article, and if so, you can hint to leave a review about the work you have done on the exchange. The more positive the reviews, the more attractive you will be to potential clients, which will help you make money from online copywriting.

  • Tip 5: Know your audience

This advice cannot be overstated. In order to write a great article, you must understand your audience both internally and externally.

This means truly understanding their hopes, dreams, fears and aspirations. What makes them act? What turns them on? What do they expect from you?

One of the most common mistakes is that copywriters write for themselves. They talk all about their business and how great it is, without thinking about whether their audience wants to hear it.

If you can't understand your audience's desires, you won't be able to connect with them. If you can't reach them, your article is pointless. And it will be lost in a sea of ​​marketing messages.

  • Tip 6: Practice creative concept

Copywriting is creative. This means that no matter what you write—whether it's copy for a website homepage, an Instagram post, or a blog post—you need to spend time on the creative concept.

Creative concept is a way to come up with creative ideas.

Give yourself time to brainstorm several options for your article. Then start writing.

Write 20 headlines instead of one. Try 10 advertising concepts instead of 2. Come back later and make changes! You'll be amazed at what space and time will do for your creative ideas.

  • Tip 7. Sell solutions to problems, not products

People want information, solutions and history.

Your audience doesn't want to hear about the exercises in your weight loss program - they want to hear about the results they'll get.

Let's take something seemingly boring: a frying pan.

You're not selling the pan itself - you're selling the delicious breakfasts that can be made with it...the ones that make the whole family happy! It's not about the non-stick surface... it's about the time saved for mom because the non-stick surface won't make it difficult to clean later.

It's easy to talk about products, services and opportunities. But really, you should talk about the benefits - that's what the customer really cares about.

Questions to help the copywriter:

  • How can you help your target audience?
  • Why do they choose you?
  • How do the functional benefits of your product or service translate into emotional benefits?

If your article can answer these questions, you are on the right track!

Copywriting as a job: benefits

A lot of work

Companies, organizations, small businesses - everyone needs the services of copywriters. Most business leaders are too busy to write or simply don't like to write and are bad at writing. That's why they hire freelance copywriters.

Variety of work

You can write a text about healthcare, politics, travel destinations, finance or the purple frog. All types of organizations need good writing. Most copywriters end up finding a niche that develops skills and a portfolio in a specific area.


Even the most mundane copywriting projects are fun, as long as you love writing. Additionally, the market continues to grow and change, providing copywriters with the opportunity to develop the skills needed for new types of writing projects. Ten years ago, social media was in its infancy. Today, businesses dedicate every position to social media copywriting employees.


Businesses hire full-time writers for their creative departments, making copywriting a full-time job with benefits for many. But just as lucrative (sometimes even more) is freelance work. Freelancers have the freedom to work from home or office on their own schedule for the clients they choose.

Copywriting as a job: disadvantages

Copywriters must continue to produce a good article for their employer or client, even if the “writing muse” is absent. Shredding texts day after day can become tedious. Smart writers know that they can't write for hours every day without filling their creative aquarium. This is banal burnout.


Most writers work alone, producing texts, even when they are part of a creative team. For some people, this is not a disadvantage; rather, they are naturally most productive when alone. Regardless of personality type, copywriters need to balance solitude and interaction with others.

Creative Limitations

A client (or your boss) needs content for a brochure. You have a great idea for a new approach, but he wants to stick to the organization's usual slant. A good copywriter figures out how to meet the client's needs using their parameters, not their own. Copywriters should channel their individual preferences into personal projects.

Instead of output

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw a disappointing conclusion: how much you earn from copywriting depends entirely on your dedication, perseverance and hard work.

Of course, professional writing, like any other type of activity, has a lot of advantages, but in order to earn really good money, you will need to make gigantic efforts and smash more than one keyboard into pieces. But this is a joke - you don’t need to hit the keyboard, it’s your working tool.

If you decide to do this, I recommend starting by reading books by foreign authors. Reading specialized literature not only broadens your horizons and provides you with the knowledge necessary for work, but also allows you to improve your qualifications, which means you will be in demand in the online industry. I still have writing advice excerpted from several books and stick to it.

Not everyone can achieve success and recognition, and therefore high earnings, in copywriting. Professional copywriting is not only the ability to correctly express your thoughts and write without errors. This is a whole complex of skills and abilities ( a high level of responsibility, the ability to competently plan and manage time, the ability to negotiate, the ability to assess one’s capabilities, etc.) thanks to which you can achieve great success, recognition, and decent earnings.

Copywriters are needed everywhere and there is a severe shortage of good specialists. As long as people use words to communicate, copywriters will have a full-time job.

But among other things, this is also an opportunity to get a position in a well-known publication or online resource, and then earnings will not only become indecently high ( above market), but also constant. And if you decide to connect your life with copywriting, then remember that this is one of the professions where there is no place for laziness, optionality and irresponsibility. Otherwise, it will be simply impossible to achieve recognition and any acceptable earnings.

Remember that copywriting is a skill. It takes time, practice and dedication to get better.

Welcome, dear friends, to the blog. website. If you started reading this article, it means that you are interested in the opportunity to make money with copywriting. Why such a desire arises is another question. Are you tired of being an office plankton, are you unhappy with your “early person” schedule, and do your creative juices flow only at night? Perhaps your texts are not appreciated enough, and yet it seems that you could very well achieve more? Or, perhaps you have already studied the basic information and know that the simplest type of work on the Internet is rewriting and copywriting.

My experience, codenamed “How to work as a copywriter at the first stage,” was formed under the sign of inconsistencies between illusions and reality in the process of mastering this, at first glance, “easy writing business.”

Visible benefits of working as a copywriter

The first thing that hooked me, the thing that hooks any intellectually developed person, is the opportunity to receive normal money for quality texts. it seemed simple and easy. Yes, we know how to write texts, but the number of characters that need to be typed daily seems negligible to us. Surely, just half a page - and a dollar in your pocket. But at work I earn many times more, spend a lot of time and get less.

My personal achievements in the number of characters created in a week at a permanent job, on a task that I later defined as rewrite 330 thousand characters. And I also managed to work as a copywriter there - urgent tasks of 20-30 thousand characters a day. And these are not simple, but profile-oriented texts, with complex terminology. I was always told that it is possible to go down from the scientific to the popular level, but not to go up. So, after devoting several days to pricing on freelance exchanges, the amount of payment for texts for the site, getting acquainted with job offers in the field of remote work, calculating my possible future monthly income, I quit my official low-paid 5-day job, with a social package, an increase for experience and summer vacation.

Content exchanges or labor exchanges: where to make money with copywriting?

The first thing I did was register on one of the freelance exchanges. On the Internet, I realized that this is not only a starting point for an aspiring copywriter. For many, exchanges are becoming available in other areas (layout and design, search engine optimization). Registration on exchanges is useful and profitable. In addition to the fact that I generally saw the situation in the area of ​​interest to me, I was able to analyze popular topics and the most common orders for texts for the site. And, of course, how much and for what they pay.

The basis of work on exchanges is writing articles, placement for sale and “hot orders” that require fairly prompt execution. There are a great many content and copywriting exchanges; it is quite possible to make money with copywriting on them. The most famous of them:

  • Textsale;
  • Advego;
  • Etxt;
  • Copylancer;
  • Neotext;
  • Textbroker;
  • Smart-Copywriting;
  • Contentmonster;
  • WPComment.

There is also an option for regular online labor exchanges, where vacancies for copywriter, rewriter, and content manager are posted. But, most likely, you will not find a promising job with decent pay right away. Why? You need experience, a copywriter’s portfolio, and, after all, just to discuss the topic in one language. But after practicing, it is quite possible to remotely become attached to one organization and earn extra money in your free time.

Specifics of writing texts for the site

Writing your own articles for a content exchange is the best choice for those who like to work quietly and determine the topics of articles themselves. If you are interested in specific topics, consider yourself a professional, and disdain popular topics that seem accessible to everyone - this niche is yours. But here the question of finance arises - you cannot know who and when will buy your texts for the site.

Buy - they will buy, but there may not be enough to live on. Therefore, get ready for the fact that at the first stage you will still have to step on your ambitions, develop increased efficiency, constantly be online, and sometimes sacrifice your concept of the quality of work.

In addition, it is not so easy to receive an order on the exchange. There is real competition, “white lists” of copywriters, and on some exchanges access to orders is generally opened only after the successful sale of a number of articles. But, when completing even simple tasks, your rating gradually increases. With patience, you can earn a good income over time.

The most popular topics for articles were and remain those that are naturally related to business:

  • tourism;
  • construction,
  • health, beauty;
  • psychology, business;
  • Job;
  • creation and promotion of websites;
  • various texts for the holidays.

From the first steps to optimizing text for the site

How boring... I thought that this would be a salvation from the swamp of my past life. Yes, at first it was the same type of work. Test, uniqueness check, edits again, uniqueness check, error checking. After some time, this text is no longer hated. Here you have to learn, just like in any other business. Unlike traditional text, copyright does not involve quoting. Compilation is also cancelled. In fact, you need to write from your head. This approach is completely contrary to what is generally known. Uniqueness checking programs check using different methods and often what is unique on, not unique on Advego. But if you have rewritten texts in new words in your life, it will naturally take you a little time to understand the principle of their operation.

You can work as a copywriter and really make money only by creating. “Keywords”, “seo content”, “seo texts” - these and other concepts are mastered quite quickly, assembling keywords into text requires certain skills, but for a person with logical thinking it is quite accessible. The basic essence of text optimization is:

  • Keys. The text of the article must contain certain specified words in a certain quantity. These keywords are given to you by the customer. If you write the material yourself, you determine the keywords based on search queries;
  • Description. Description of the article in a coherent sentence that covers the main information. The main task of the description is to lure the visitor to the page. According to the “old” one, this is an annotation. Just not boring;
  • Title. The original page title containing keywords;
  • Nausea and water in the text. Nausea shows the degree of saturation of an article with keywords; search engines take its level into account and reduce the ranking. Water is determined by the number of so-called stop words (mostly complex phrases, ornate sentences, etc.). The beauty is that there are many programs, for example, (TEXTUS PRO, Copywriter's Notepad) and online services for determining these indicators. The check is instant, and you can immediately remove and replace the excess. The same services are provided by content exchanges (, Advego).

On the issue of text uniqueness

The uniqueness of the text is checked by specialized programs, as well as online services. Each of them, naturally, has its own specific specifics. However, they can easily be divided into two groups. The most popular and advertised programs (Advego plagiarism and TXT anti-plagiarism) are downloaded from exchanges and check your text using the shingle method (compilation of a certain set of words, for example, no more than three in a row).

Checking on online services, for me personally, has become an endlessly exciting adventure. Especially on I pasted text and checked, then re-checked, then cut and pasted again to check. But the results were different. Tired and overloaded online services often produce an erroneous 100% result.

It is worth saying that if the text is really written “from the head” the result will always be 100%. Verification methods like are not very suitable for texts filled with special terminology or technical characteristics. It is, of course, possible to find synonyms for some generally accepted constructions, but this simplifies the text itself.

About the salary of a copywriter

About the main thing...The first prices you see will probably be like this: 0.9 -1$ per thousand characters. Don't flatter yourself too much. Competition on copywriting exchanges gives indicators of $0.6 and below. At the beginning of your Internet career, you should not rely on the level of pay of proven online writers. Over time, you will be able to offer a competitive product and expect higher pay. Perhaps much higher if you really feel that this path is yours.

The origins of the profession of copywriter go back to the times of ancient clerks. Therefore, she will always live. Only today, you no longer need to write on paper.

This job is definitely not for everyone, you have to love it. Naturally, invest and develop. You can always try. Unlike “easy money on the Internet,” this does not require investment. Of course, you will be paid something anyway. That is, the risk is minimal - and the benefit can be maximum.

I hope the material will be useful to my dear readers. Subscribe to blog updates and don't miss out on new useful things for your business.

I would be grateful for pressing the buttons and reposting this material. See you in the next articles. Good luck to everyone and high-quality development of your own business.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

Copywriting is a very profitable, convenient and interesting way to earn money. True, it is not suitable for everyone. Only literate people with a decent level of language proficiency, good presentation style, and the ability to present information in an accessible and interesting way. After all, copywriting involves writing unique text material on a particular topic. That is, in essence, this is a journalistic field of activity. It’s worth talking in more detail about its specifics, as well as how to make money from copywriting.

About basic concepts

If a person skillfully speaks words and wants to try himself in this activity, he first needs to understand what exactly its meaning is. Before you start making money with copywriting, you need to decide which type suits you best.

Beginners usually start with rewriting. Nothing complicated - just a competent retelling of someone else's text in your own words in order to make it unique. When rewriting material, it is necessary to preserve its general idea and logic of construction. But, since rewriting does not involve anything complicated, the payment for it is low. However, this is a good start for those who have no experience in this matter.

Advertising is another way to make money on the Internet. Copywriting also involves writing custom texts that interest readers in purchasing a particular product/service. This is more difficult than rewriting. After all, creating a good text of this nature requires a creative approach, excellent knowledge of the product/service, as well as the ability to influence the audience unnoticed, on a subconscious level (native advertising method). In addition, a beginner without a portfolio and experience will not be able to immediately find a serious customer.

And finally, SEO copywriting. It is considered the most difficult type of this activity. After all, it implies the discreet, non-harmful entry of key search queries, aimed at increasing traffic to the site on which the material will be posted.

Where to begin?

Now we can talk about how to make money from copywriting. First you need to register on freelance and content exchanges. Or look for a suitable vacancy among job advertisements. But this option is the least effective. Because every employer asks for a portfolio. It is important for him to familiarize himself with the material written by the potential employee, study his style and understand whether it is suitable. The likelihood that a person’s candidacy will not even be considered is quite high in such cases.

But on the exchanges there are all the conditions for beginners to try themselves in this activity and earn money. Copywriting can be different, and on such resources there are orders of small volume (up to 1000 characters), which are very convenient for a new author to gain a rating and acquire the appropriate skills.

Advantages of exchanges

I would like to dwell on them in more detail. It’s quite easy to make money on the copywriting exchange, since there are hundreds and even thousands of orders of various topics and volumes. And every good resource is equipped with a reverse search, through which everyone can find the most interesting task.

It is also convenient that each order already comes with a detailed description of what the author must do. The deadlines, the keywords required to be used and their number, stylistic restrictions, sometimes even examples to be guided by, and sources of “starting” information are indicated.

Another advantage of such resources is the absence of direct superiors. Of course, there are customers, but the performers contact them through correspondence. Or, in rare cases, via video conference.

By the way, the commission percentage on exchanges is also low. When withdrawing cash, a person loses several times less money than when making contributions to various funds.

Where to try yourself?

Etxt is considered the most convenient exchange. Several hundred thousand performers and slightly fewer customers are registered there. Both beginners and experienced authors work on this resource. Registration is as simple as possible; immediately after completing it, you can find your order within a minute and start fulfilling it.

The auto-accept function is especially convenient. This or that order can be given to the contractor immediately after submitting the application, if it meets the criteria previously noted by the customer (rating, number of positive and negative reviews, literacy test results, etc.). And in some tasks, all these criteria are zero, so the one who was the first to submit a request is appointed as the executor.

True, the payment in such cases is very small - 3-5 rubles for 1000 characters without spaces. But it is through such orders that you can understand how to make money from copywriting. We must understand that this is temporary. After gaining points, rating and portfolio, the payment will increase. So such orders should be treated not as a source of income, but as an internship or practice.

The main commandments of a copywriter

They are also worth noting. How to make money from copywriting? You need to become a highly qualified specialist. Everyone knows that professionals are highly valued. Therefore, from the very first orders you need to prove yourself at the highest level. Which will be noticeable immediately, even when looking at the first sentence of the text created by the author.

Professionalism is determined by the logic and competent construction of the text. It should not contain stylistic, spelling and grammatical errors, as well as typos. The text should also be well and pleasantly designed. One font, semantic highlighting of paragraphs, underlining key words - this and much more makes it easy to understand and readable.

The realities of our time are such that almost each of us deals with the Internet every day. Some people just use email or Skype to communicate, others get the necessary information from numerous Internet resources, and others simply kill time on social media. networks and forums. And everyone, perhaps, at least once wondered: is it possible to make money on the Internet and, most importantly, how much.

In our economically unstable situation, there may be enough reasons to look for an answer to this question. And most importantly, many have heard that making money on the Internet is real, and there are examples of real people who have achieved success on this path. But, as a rule, the first attempts end in failure. Either we, out of inexperience, contact scammers, or we are offered payment that is far from justifying the time spent on doing the work. And at this moment, many despair, realizing that any decent earnings on the Internet are nothing more than a myth.

Is there a prospect?

There certainly is. Nowadays, the Internet has become a source of constant, and very stable, income for thousands of people around the world. These are developers, web designers, programmers, video and advertising creators, and journalists. But, as a rule, these are quite high-level specialists who have come a long way before their work began to bear very tangible fruits. And we will not talk about these professions today. Because, first of all, I would like to talk about how and whether a person who is not only very far from programming or web design skills, but also cannot even count himself among the army of confident Internet users, unless they are beginners, can make money. .

Is it possible to start earning money from scratch? Are there options for those people who, for whatever reason, are looking for home work or part-time work? Eat. And, as always, there are several options. We will not dwell in detail on earnings from clicks, referrals, captchas, and social networks. There are enough such proposals today, some of them seem dubious, others may deserve attention. However, I propose to consider the most reliable and interesting, and most importantly, simple, from my point of view, option - writing articles to order or for sale, or, as they often say now, copywriting. And also find out how and where you can start making money by writing texts, without having such experience behind you in principle.

What is copywriting

In fact, the professions of a copywriter and a journalist have a lot in common. Both specialists are busy searching for information on a given topic and presenting it in an interesting way in the form of articles that attract readers. But there is, of course, a difference - there are specifics in each profession. A copywriter, for example, has no need to travel around the city in search of information or conduct interviews. He draws all the necessary information exclusively from the World Wide Web, without leaving the computer monitor. But to understand who a copywriter is and what his responsibilities are, you need to start with the concept of “copywriting” and find out what is meant by it today.

So, copywriting is a professional activity related to the creation of presentation and advertising texts. In other words, with writing materials that directly or in a veiled way popularize or advertise companies, services, products, ideas or individuals. However, this is only a classical definition. In relation to the Internet today, copywriting is understood as writing any articles for websites or creating custom texts.

And if we proceed from this concept, it is easy and simple to come to an understanding of the essence of the copywriter profession. This is a person who writes reviews for online portals, including online stores, and custom texts. But there are also related specialties that such a specialist usually has - rewriting, SEO copywriting. When talking about copywriters, many people also mean these skills. And before we talk about how to make money from copywriting, so as not to get confused, let’s find out how these specialties differ.

Rewriter or copywriter?

At first glance, it may seem that these professions are not much different. But only at first glance. A copywriter, as we have already said, is a person who creates texts on the instructions of the customer. It is the creator. That is, a specialist writes an article based on his knowledge and his vision of the topic. If he is not very familiar with the topic, then he will have to thoroughly understand it, perhaps studying information from several sources on the Internet, and then draw his own conclusions. And here the question arises: should this person have writing talent? No, you don’t need to be a writer at all.

A copywriter must have creative thinking, because, first of all, he is a specialist in creative, “advertising” thoughts, who is often ordered to sell texts. Perhaps many people can write an article on a given topic, even a competent and beautiful one. But it is the copywriter who will be able to write a selling text, placing the emphasis correctly. In other words, this specialist is more of a marketer, salesman, or even a businessman than a writer.

Unlike copywriting, rewriting on the Internet involves lexical changes in given texts. That is, the author receives an original article along with the assignment, he must rewrite it in his own words, make it unique, while maintaining the original meaning. True, it is advisable to do this in such a way that the article, even at first glance, does not resemble the original one. How to rewrite it like this? It's not hard to guess. You need to write a summary. Remember how you wrote summaries in school? The usual presentation on a given topic, leaving the most important, in your opinion, points, slightly modifying the structure of the text, replacing some words with synonyms, where possible. All. Difficult? The answer suggests itself: nothing complicated if you practice.

SEO copywriter

And finally, a SEO copywriter. What kind of specialist is this? Here the differences are small. He differs from a copywriter in that he knows how to competently and organically enter given keywords into an article that he creates to order. If we turn to concepts, SEO copyright is the editing and creation of articles for websites, that is, texts that are optimized for search engines. What is it for? I think everyone knows that most sites on the Internet are commercial, that is, they exist to sell goods, services, etc. Internet users, before buying the desired product, search for information about it. Using the search, entering the same keywords into the search bar (for example, “buy a refrigerator”), each of us receives many (sometimes millions) of answers. And the most relevant (corresponding) to the request are usually on the first page of the search results. It is on this page that commercial and other resources are trying to get to using text optimization.

In practice, almost every professional copywriter knows how to optimize articles for search queries. It’s easy to guess that these skills are valued higher than just writing custom texts.

How to become a copywriter

We talked about what qualities a copywriter should have. But what education should he have, what skills should he have at the initial stage, can everyone become good specialists? It’s great, of course, if you have a degree in philology or journalism, it will be easier for you to take your first steps. But copywriting is one of those modern professions where it is not diplomas that are assessed, but skills and experience. And if you do not have the appropriate education or even a higher education in principle, but at school you got an A or a B in the Russian language, you may well become a successful rewriter or copywriter. This is a profession where a year of experience is worth a hundred times more than several years of training. And if you are on maternity leave or retired, looking for a job, or just want to get additional income, you can easily master this specialty. And you don’t even need to be an advanced Internet user; basic knowledge is enough to get started.

The only thing that is important is that the copywriter must be literate. It is clear that school knowledge is forgotten over time. It doesn’t matter, you will have the opportunity to update them, remember the rules of spelling and punctuation; there are enough reference books and manuals on the Internet. These resources, as a rule, are constant companions of many copywriters.

But in this profession other qualities are significant. From the very beginning, you cannot do without discipline, without the ability to organize your day, without the desire to earn money. And, of course, you need determination - as in every business, you need to take the first step.

And now about where to start and how to make money from copywriting. Where to look for customers, what topics to write on, where to sell your first articles? There are enough opportunities in RuNet - there are numerous freelance exchanges and article stores where you can post texts for sale. However, it will not be easy for a beginner to immediately navigate using these resources. You need to practice and find regular customers. All this can be done only by collaborating with one of the copywriting exchanges. In addition, exchanges regulate the relationship between customers and performers in a legal manner and guarantee payment for your work, which reduces the risk of an unsuccessful attempt to nothing.

There are plenty of such exchanges today, and new ones appear every year. And it can be difficult for a beginner to choose his first job. My opinion: you need to start with a proven resource that has a good reputation and is at least one of the top three among its peers. Therefore, I propose to consider all the nuances of work using the eTXT exchange as an example. This resource receives mostly positive reviews from both employers and authors; it has a consistently high rating and a very good reputation.

In addition, anyone can start working as a copywriter here; on this exchange you do not need to pass a certification test in order to register. Which, in fact, is what a beginner, a person with no experience in writing texts, needs. And this does not mean at all that copywriters here are not qualified, quite the contrary, but tests here are taken only at will, often not in the first days of work, in order to increase their earnings in the future.

How to make money on the copywriting exchange, how to start

In order to start working, you just need to register. Registration on the eTXT copywriting exchange is a completely standard procedure, not much different from that on other sites. Fill out the column with your first and last name, create a username and password, and enter your email address. Then select the “performer” status, since the author of articles on this exchange has exactly this status, indicate the types of work you want to perform: copywriting, rewriting, SEO copywriting, translations. The last point can be indicated if you speak a foreign language well. If so, that's a big plus. Earnings from translating texts are usually much higher. Be sure to indicate which language you speak.

In principle, that’s it, the standard procedure has been completed, now you can go to your account on the exchange. Here you can immediately see the orders offered by employers. They are already available to you. By opening any of them, you will find the job requirements. This is the topic of the article, length, uniqueness, possibly keywords, as well as special wishes of the customer. In addition, the type of work (copywriting, rewriting, SEO copywriting, translation) and its cost are indicated. Here it is customary to indicate the price for 1000 characters of the finished text. But while you are a beginner, you are unlikely to be able to take an order with good payment, since you do not yet have a rating in the system. What to do? First of all, don't panic. If you spend some time submitting many applications, one of the customers will definitely choose you as a contractor. Of course, at first you will have to count on a price no higher than 10-15 rubles per 1000 characters. But this time will not be wasted either, you will earn a rating in the system, which is increased by every article you write. And with a rating, you can count on a gradual increase in the cost of work - the higher it is, the higher the payment for your work.

So, I’ll explain once again point by point what your actions are if you entered the stock exchange for the first time. You need to register, optionally fill out a field with information about yourself, then enter your personal account and select the “New orders” section right under your name. Available orders will open, where you can choose a topic to write about that is close to you. You submit an application by pressing a button, wait for the employer’s decision and proceed to fulfill the first order, having first found the necessary information on the Internet using search engines.

It is clear that you need to be patient from the very beginning in order to earn your reputation on the stock exchange. Otherwise, you shouldn’t expect to receive an initial rating without qualifications. But even a small rating will allow you to qualify for payment of 20-30 rubles per 1000 in order to move on. Those who immediately want to receive higher pay are also offered options. From the very beginning, you can try to get an assessment of your own qualifications. Writing a test task to check your skill level is available to all users upon request. To do this, you need to go to the appropriate section directly in your account. You will select a task and receive requirements for it (as when receiving a paid order). But this task is not paid. The result will be assessed by exchange moderators. As a result, you can get a level from beginner to high (from one to three stars). In order to successfully pass the tests, you need to write the text correctly and clearly and consistently express your thoughts. You also need a desire to spend a couple of hours to receive more profitable orders in the future. If you successfully pass the qualification tests, serious clients will prefer you as a performer for their tasks. What if not? What if you fail to pass the test with the desired result? It doesn’t matter, customers won’t see your work. But you can draw conclusions, practice and take the test again at any convenient time.

Copywriter career

So, by completing customer tasks, day after day you will increase your author rating. This indicator affects the cost of your work in the future. What else does the rating give? Stable employment, over time you will have regular clients. Customers who liked your work will leave positive reviews on your page, this is how it is done here, and they usually influence the decisions of other customers regarding your candidacy as a performer. Many will be able to add you to their “white lists”. Every employer here has a similar list; authors included in it can take orders automatically, without waiting for the selection of an artist. How to get on the customer’s “white list”? Not so difficult - you need to do the work efficiently and submit it on time.

And one more point that needs to be addressed. The exchange regulates the relationship between the author and the customer. First of all, it guarantees wages. When you receive an order, the amount to pay for your work is blocked on the customer’s account. And when you place an order, you receive payment automatically, already from the exchange. And all controversial issues, if any arise, you can resolve here, in arbitration. We looked at the question of how to make money from copywriting. What other skills can be useful on the stock exchange?

What other professions are in price on the stock exchange?

We have already said that you can make very good money with translations on eTXT. Moreover, knowledge of a variety of languages ​​is in demand. In addition, there is enough work for proofreaders and editors. If you have a philological or linguistic education, then making money editing texts can be quite good. In addition, the exchange has an articles store. Writing texts for sale is available to all users in the system. Gradually their cost will increase. And each article sold, as well as one written to order, will increase your author rating, and therefore influence the cost of subsequent works.

Price issue

And here we come to the most interesting question: how much can a beginner earn from copywriting, how much is the work of such specialists valued at? A good specialist with decent experience, who has regular customers and a name in this environment can earn quite well. However, we are talking about beginners, and in order to “grow” to such heights, you will have to work hard. An average-level copywriter, after a couple of months of internship, can easily earn 10-15 thousand rubles a month, and then more. And, who knows, perhaps in just six months this activity will become your main source of income.

Working as a copywriter: reviews

Of course, you can find very different reviews about this work. Some people stop trying to move forward at the first failure. But this is probably only due to ignorance of how to make money from copywriting. Purposeful people, after just a couple of months, can receive orders on the exchange for 60-100 rubles per 1000 or more, and also successfully sell their own articles in the store.

The Internet knows many successful copywriters; the career of any of them can become an excellent example and incentive for beginners. Finally, I would like to advise beginners not to stop halfway. And for those who are just thinking about a career as a copywriter, remember: a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


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