Presentation on literary reading odoevsky moroz ivanovich. Presentation on the theme "V.F. Odoevsky" Moroz Ivanovich "". The main idea of ​​the work

Fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich"

Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky

Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky

1803 – 1869

Odoevsky Vladimir Fedorovich - Russian writer, philosopher and music critic

  • Vladimir showed his interest in literature in early childhood. He firmly knew that his calling was to write. In 1882 he successfully graduated from the Moscow University Noble Boarding School. It is customary for historians to divide the work of Vladimir Odoevsky into three periods - Moscow, St. Petersburg and Moscow again. The second period of Odoevsky's creativity began in 1826.
  • In St. Petersburg, Vladimir found himself a wife, Olga Stepanovna Lanskaya, and entered the service of the imperial chancellery. He wrote romantic stories, various articles for magazines famous at that time. In 1833 he published a collection of satirical tales. After that, for over ten years, he regularly published fairy tales for adults and children. The period of the 30-40s is considered to be the brightest period in the literary activity of Odoevsky.

Fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich"

1841 collection of fairy tales


"Tales of Grandfather Irenaeus".


Free of charge to us, without difficulty

nothing is given, -

It is not for nothing that the proverb has been kept since ancient times "

Characteristics of heroes

  • Where does the hero live?
  • What actions does he do?
  • What is the character of the hero?
  • Your attitude towards the hero.

The main idea of ​​the work

  • "Evil and laziness should be punished, and diligence, modesty, kindness should be rewarded"

Today in the lesson

  • I was surprised ...
  • Made an impression ...
  • I like it…
  • I am amazed ...
  • I admire ...
  • I liked it ...
  • I remember ...
  • I think that…

Municipal educational institution... Secondary school number 48 in Tver

Lesson on the topic "Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky" Moroz Ivanovich "".

Developed by: OI Solovyova, Tver.

Topic: "Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky" Moroz Ivanovich "".

Lesson objectives.

  1. Continue working with the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich".
  2. Teach children to divide the tale into parts; give characterization to heroes; develop the ability to transfer visual information to verbal information; develop speech, memory, imagination.


Interactive board;
- a computer.

During the classes

Organizing time

The floorboard creaks about something,
And the spoke again cannot sleep.
Sitting on the bed, pillows
Ears have already perked up.
And immediately the faces change
Sounds and colors change.
The floorboard creaks quietly
A fairy tale walks around the room ...

2. Setting the goal of the lesson

Today in the lesson we will continue to work with the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich" by Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky. We will try to draw up a quotation plan that will help retell the whole tale. Let's characterize the heroes.

Slide 2. Lesson topic: “ Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich" ".


3. Verification homework Slide 3.

Test. Slide 4.
- Speech warm-up. Slides 5, 6.
- A question about a fairy tale. Asking the questions you have prepared for your classmates.

4. Physical education

Slide 7.

Let's get some rest and do some eye exercises. We keep the head straight, look up, left, right, down. Draw a circle, triangle, square with your eyes. Close your eyes. Now we open our eyes and continue working.

5. Drawing up a quotation plan for a fairy tale. Slide 8, 9.

Today in the lesson we will try to make a quotation plan that will help us retell the whole tale.

The outline is the title of the parts of the text.

A quote is a verbatim excerpt (sentences) from the text.

This means that we will determine the sequence of events in the fairy tale, taking the necessary lines from the text of the fairy tale.

P. 196. Look where the tale begins. What did the author want to tell at the beginning of the tale?

Find the corresponding lines in the text.

Retelling the tale according to plan.

  • "Two girls lived in the same house - the Needlewoman and the Leninist, and with them a nanny."
  • “You’ll be smart, you’ll be better off; you will be lazy, you will be worse off. "
  • "I will not stay in your debt."
  • "Go to the old man and serve him, work."
  • "What is your job, such will be your reward."

Needlewoman and Leninist (comparison of the two main heroines of the tale).

There are two main characters in this tale. Who is this?

Let's remember the general description of girls. Tell about the Needlewoman and the Sloth. Figure and description.

Let's compare their attitude to work, requests of others, their curiosity, intelligence, modesty.

Let's fill in the table. Slide 10.

What does this tale teach? What is her wisdom?

How is Moroz Ivanovich shown in the fairy tale? Explain. Slide 11.

(If it is wrong, the word is output, if it is correct, the size is changed.)

Lesson summary. Slide 12 - 17.

Work on proverbs.

Collect the proverb:

  • What you sow ... ... that is the reward.
  • What a job ... ... you reap.
  • It is not enough to want ... ... do not expect good.
  • Having done something bad ... ... you have to be able to.

At all times they were appreciated in people ...

  • What I liked and remembered the most from the lesson.
  • Marking.

Literary reading lesson in 3 "B" class
Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich" Teacher - N.M. Kotenko MBOU "Sosh No. 2" of Sosnogorsk

Writer, philosopher, teacher, music critic. Born in Moscow, in the family of an ancient princely family. He studied at the Moscow University Noble Boarding School, moved to St. Petersburg, was the director of the Public Library and the Rumyantsev Museum. He was a senator. Un participated in the creation of the St. Petersburg and Moscow Conservatories. He wrote several textbooks and died in Moscow at the age of 66.

Fairy tales are:

Fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich" This tale is based on the Russian folk tale"Morozko"

Read it.
Nothing is given to us for free, without labor - it is not for nothing that the proverb has been carried on since ancient times.

Needlewomen Sloths hardworking lazy caring arrogant kind indifferent sympathetic rude smart ungrateful humble envious respectful disrespectful

What 3 questions did the Needlewoman ask Moroz Ivanovich?
1.Why do you keep green grass under a snowy feather bed, don't let it out into the light of God? 2. Why are you sitting in the well? 3.Why do you, Moroz Ivanovich, walk the streets in winter and knock on windows?

The main idea of ​​the tale:
To live and serve is the difference, and work is not the same; mind this: going ahead is useful. But, however, if your conscience does not catch your eye, I will reward you: and what your work is, such will be your reward.

Proverbs about labor:
Business - time, fun - an hour. Patience and work give wondrous shoots. You can't take a fish out of the pond without difficulty. Where there is work, there is happiness. -If you develop patience, perseverance and hard work from childhood, you can achieve a lot. Kindness and work live side by side.

And you, children, think, guess what is true here, what is not true; what is said really, that the side; as a joke, as a guide ...

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Slide captions:

1803 - 1869 V.F. Odoevsky

A fairy tale is an oral story about something unusual, fantastic, wonderful. Literary tale- a fairy tale written by a writer or several writers.

folk tale, literary 1. The author is the people. 1. The author is a specific person. 2. It exists orally 2. It is created in writing 3. Each fairy tale exists in several versions. (The creator can make changes) 3. Changes are not allowed 4. It is impossible to determine the time of creation. 4. The time of the creation of the tale is known. 5. A folk tale is limited to a specific genre: Magic Household - About animals 5. Not limited to a specific genre; includes features of both everyday and fairy tales, and fairy tales about animals, and even fantasy.

Epigraph "For free, nothing is given to us without labor, - It is not for nothing that the proverb has been carried on since ancient times"

Characteristics of the heroes Where does the hero live? What actions does he do? What is the character of the hero? Your attitude towards the hero.

The main idea of ​​the work "Evil and laziness should be punished, and diligence, modesty, kindness should be awarded"

Today in the lesson I was surprised I was impressed I liked I admire I admire I liked it I was remembered I believe that

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Scenario of the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich" for staging in elementary school

Scenario based on Odoevsky's fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich" for New Year's or any other performance in grades 1-4 primary school... Can be used both in the classroom and in extracurricular, extracurricular work, for school ...

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Slide captions:

VF Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich" Umarova A.E. Grade 3 School of Russia

Proverbs. What is it about? Two friends - he and a blizzard. He tears iron and beats a bird on the fly. He grabs the lazy one by the nose, and takes off his hat in front of the nimble one. FREEZING

What books about frost you read do you remember? N.Nekrasov "It is not the wind that rages over the forest .." Russian folk tale "Morozko"

Biography Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky is a Russian writer and public figure. He was born in Moscow in 1803. The father came from an ancient princely family. Odoevsky was fluent in French, German, Italian, English, Spanish, knew Latin and Ancient Greek. Vladimir Fedorovich was friends with Pushkin, Krylov, Zhukovsky, Lermontov, Gogol.

VF Odoevsky is known to modern readers primarily as the author of the fairy tales "The Town in the Snuffbox" and "Moroz Ivanovich", published under the pseudonym "Grandfather Irenei". Odoevsky was one of the first to write especially for children. He even created a whole small children's library containing, in addition to fairy tales, also recommendations for arranging all kinds of curious devices and instructive explanations of various natural phenomena. He also dealt with the organization of village schools. Vladimir Fedorovich wrote articles on music, and also created several pieces of music. V.F.Odoevsky died on February 27, 1869 in Moscow.

What misfortune happened to the Needlewoman?

Who met in the magic well and what asked her?

How could the Needlewoman return the bucket?

How did Moroz Ivanovich thank the Needlewoman?

What did the nanny punish Leninice?

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "What is your work, such is the reward" Compare the main characters. Uch. with. 207 task number 2

Sources http : //

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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