Cosmonautics Day scenario for elementary school. Astronautics Day at School - Primary School Activity Script and Quiz. What topics should be considered with school students on Cosmonautics Day

Space celebration for students primary grades(material for the holiday in honor of the flight of the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin)

April 12, ___, marks _____ years since the flight of the world's first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin.

Cosmonautics Day is a big nationwide holiday in honor of pilots, cosmonauts, designers, employees, workers who create rockets, spaceships, artificial satellites of the Earth.

Cosmonautics Day can be marked with a variety of forms of work. These can be: literary and musical composition; travel game "Schoolboy, do not forget, you are on your way to astronauts"; game program "The door is open for everyone into space, well, check yourself!"; a drawing competition on the theme “An astronaut is flying and is carrying his baton to his homeland over the entire planet!”; competition of poems and songs about space; conversations on the topics "From student rocket to space rockets", "A fairy tale becomes a reality."

We offer an approximate version of the holiday with the use of literary and musical composition and game contests-competitions.

The holiday can take place in the assembly or sports hall of the school. The design of the hall uses the slogans: “You can't live well, you need to live with enthusiasm” (S.P. ".

On the stage there are portraits of Y. A. Gagarin, K. E. Tsiolkovsky, S. P. Korolev. Portraits of other cosmonauts are in the hall. Children have a sports uniform, it is advisable to arrange the chairs in a semicircle in order to leave the area in front of the stage free.

Holiday progress

The presenters take the stage.

1st presenter... We dedicate our holiday to the first flight of the world's first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin.

On the screen - frames from a movie or filmstrip.

2nd leader. Moscow is speaking! All radio stations are working Soviet Union! Moscow time - 10 hours 2 minutes. We transmit the message about the world's first manned flight into outer space.

On April 12, 1961, in the Soviet Union, the world's first spacecraft-satellite "Vostok" with a man on board was launched into orbit around the Earth.

Astronaut pilot spaceship- satellite "Vostok" is a citizen of the Soviet Union, pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.


Dawn doesn't mean anything yet

The usual "Latest News".

And he already flies through the constellations,

The earth will wake up with his name.

“My native land is wide” ...

We start our summaries with them.

And I remember it for a reason.

Without asking for help from anyone,

Itself rose from the ashes and from the dust,

My country that knows no fear

Sends his son into space now!

K. Simonov

Leading... The world held its breath. The world listened to the voice of a man flying over oceans and countries, and people in these countries repeated: "Ga-garin", "Yuri", "USSR". The earth recognized the man who paved the way to the stars. A simple, charming person. He became the hero of the whole earth. This is how the word "cosmonaut" appeared. (A portrait of Yuri Gagarin is on the screen.)


We live on our planet

In such a wonderful age.

And the first of the first in the rocket

Soviet man is flying!

Not for the purpose of military intelligence

On a bullet ship

He flew alone across the universe,

To return to Earth again!

Skillful hands have not worked in vain

For the glory of the people, for the glory of the country!

Working people and people of science

Peaceful Commonwealth Strong!

S. Mikhalkov

The song "IN A GUEST TO THE STARS"(lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by S. Tulikov)

1. Distant stars in the sky are burning,

They call the October guys to visit.

Getting ready for the road is not long for us -

And now we are ready for flight.

2. The announcer will command: "Attention - take off!" -

And our rocket will rush forward.

They will blink goodbye and melt away

The golden lights of the beloved Earth.

3. We want to make friends with you, Luna,

So that you do not get bored all the time alone!

Mysterious Mars, wait for us a little bit

We will be able to look at you on the way!

1st presenter... Yu. A. Gagarin paved the way to the stars. He was the first, which is why he is called the pioneer of space.

2nd presenter... Many years have passed since the start of Yu. A. Gagarin. During this time, much has changed in astronautics: technology, crew training, and the in-orbit work program.

3rd leader. Work in space now takes a long time. New ships are launched, orbital stations are circling the planet. One expedition leaves for the sky, another prepares for flight. Courageous people, heroes work in space!

4th host. Look, guys, at these faces! (Portraits of astronauts are projected on the screen, their names are called.)


Rockets rush to distant worlds,

The heart is torn to exploits ...

Who believes winged, like a song, dreams,

He will achieve his goal!

N. Dobronravov

1st presenter... Pilot pilots were the first cosmonauts. Then the designers and doctors continued to work in space. Now space calls out to those who know how to operate electronic computers, melt metal, carry out assembly and unloading work.

2nd presenter... And the working conditions of the cosmonauts have changed. “On my first flight, I couldn't even shave, and there was a real bath on board the Salyut” (from the story of A. Nikolaev).

3rd presenter... Today, work in space is Scientific research and daily work in the name of progress throughout the world. That is why international crews began to fly into space.


The roads are clear to our scientists

Will be in the cosmic darkness

But then these roads are only needed

So that you live better on Earth.

Let's make roads to distant worlds

We'll fly in rockets in the moon,

And if we meet peers there,

Then we will invite you to our place.

From the song "Star Road" (lyrics by G. Selyanin, music by A. Fattakh)

1st host. If you ask our cosmonauts what the road to space began with, you will certainly hear the answer: "From a dream."

2nd presenter... A dream comes true if a person is hardworking, inquisitive and persistent.

1st student.

We hurry to school,

To our favorite class.

Many things big and new

Are waiting for us.

There will be a day, dear light

We will fly too -

To secret, fabulous planets,

To distant worlds.

2nd leader. Guys! Do you want to go to space? (Yes.)

2nd student.

If we want to go to space,

So, we will fly soon!

The friendliest will be ours,

Our cheerful crew!

Reader(on the microphone backstage). Attention! Attention! The control panel is speaking. We are in the vicinity of the launch pad of the Druzhba cosmodrome. The first passengers arrived here, the participants of the first passenger flight "Earth - Mars - Moon - Earth". The participants of the voyage passed difficult tests and now they will show us their readiness No. 1.

(Groups of guys (teams) in turn amicably pronounce the name of the rocket, their motto. The names of the rockets can be different: "Friendship", "Starship", "Space", "Brave", etc.)

1st student. The crew is ready to fly! Commander (name, surname of the student).

Leading... In flight, every astronaut must comply with space rules. I will name the beginning of the rule, and all of you together must continue it. So...

Disciple, don't forget

Everything. You are on your way to astronauts!

Leading. Our main rule is

Everything... Follow any order!

Leading. Do you want to become an astronaut -

Everything. Must know a lot, a lot!

Leading... Any space route

Everything... Open to those who love work!

Leading... Only friendly starship

Everything. Can take with you on the flight!

Leading. Boring, gloomy and angry

Everything... We will not take into orbit!

Leading... Well done boys! Which rocket will be the first to launch? This will be decided by a counting rhyme (conducted with the team captains).

ROCKET counting room

I flew in a rocket

On the distant

Was a planet.

Dined there

In the blue

And in the evening

I was in Moscow.

From the rocket

Toy friends

The very first

The student, on whom the last word "I" falls, together with the team takes the first place in the rocket. The rocket launch is accompanied by sound effects recorded on tape.

Leading... Attention! Attention! Everyone, get ready to launch! Fasten your seat belts!

Commander. Have your seat belts fastened!

Leading. Start engines!

Everything... Have the engines start!

Leading. Include contacts!

Everything... There are included contacts!

Leading... Five, four, three, two, one - start! (The sound of a rocket taking off is heard.)


A rocket rises

Outlines the sky with bright light.

We were in orbit.

Everything. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Let's fly!

The teams take the places allotted for them, they are offered contests and competitions.

Relay game "What will we take with us into space".

On the floor are two sets of drawings depicting the following objects: a book, a notebook, a fountain pen, a spacesuit, a cat, an apple, a tube of semolina porridge, a tube-cake, a photograph of a child, an alarm clock, and a sausage.

During the relay, each player must take one picture with the image of what the astronaut can actually take with him to the spaceship.

Competition "The door is open for everyone into space,

Well, check yourself! "

The proposed questions should be discussed with the children in advance.

1. When is Cosmonautics Day (name the day and month)?

2. Can Yuri Gagarin be called a pioneer, why?

3. Name Russian female cosmonauts.

4. Who was the first cosmonaut to go into outer space?

5. What professions have you been in space?

6. Why were several crews of the ships called international?

7. What is the name of the city where the astronauts live and work?

8. Where is take-off area from which the spaceships start?

Leading. Now we will check the health of our players during the first minutes of the flight.

Each team has 5 boys and 5 girls. Boys and girls work in pairs. At the signal from the presenter, the boy inflates the balloon, the girl helps to tie it. Then you need to quickly tie all the threads from the balls. One of the players on the team that completed the task faster raises a bunch of balls over his head.

Relay "Who is most likely to make the word" KOSMONAVT "?

The facilitator distributes to the players cards 20 X 30 cm in size with letters written on them. The cards are arranged randomly, shuffled and turned upside down. At the signal "Three, two, one - start!" the team players turn the cards upside down and quickly add the word "SPACE".

Relay "Weightlessness".

On one side of the hall, at the starting line, the guys are holding a baton with the inscription "Earth". On the opposite side of the hall, the guys have batons with the inscriptions "Mars", "Venus". Between the planets Earth, Mars, Venus, at an equal distance, there are three large hoops, inside which there is an inscription "weightlessness".

The presenter learns verses with the guys:

Fast rockets await us

For walks to the planets.

Whichever we want

We'll fly to this one.

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no place for latecomers!

Once! Two! Three!

After these words standing first the player runs forward, but, having met “weightlessness” on the way, he must ride around each circle-hoop on one leg. When one player reaches the planet Mars or Venus, the next player starts, etc.

The first team to line up near the planet Mars or Venus wins.

The presenter marks the time and announces the result at the end.

Cosmic Dictionary competition.

On both sides of the board are fixed blank slates Whatman paper. On top of each of them there is an inscription "The Cosmic Dictionary".

The presenter invites the team players to take turns to run to the board and write under one word related to flight. For example: satellite, spacesuit, cosmodrome, lunar rover, rocket, etc. The game time is 3-5 minutes. The team that spelled the most and more correct words wins.

Competition "Name the Cosmonauts".

Everyone participates in the competition. To the sound of music, a "magic" wand is passed from one to another in the hall. Whoever gets it into the hands must quickly give the name of the cosmonaut or the ship on which he flew. The team that will name more names and ships wins.

Leading... Guys, now guess the riddles.

1. Boldly floats in the sky,

Overtaking birds flying,

Man controls it.

What is? ... (Spaceship.)

2. There are no wings, but this bird

Will fly and land on the moon. (Lunokhod.)

So we became astronauts. What qualities can you name for an astronaut? What should be an astronaut? (Brave, honest, resourceful, inquisitive, educated, modest, quick-witted, kind, friendly.)

Leading... Guys! You all passed the tests well, proved in flight that you know a lot, can do a lot, and most importantly, acted together, helped each other. We are now returning to Earth. (The rocket is being launched.)

Leading... Attention! Everyone, get ready for the descent!

Children. Get ready for the descent!

Summarizing. Rewarding.

Performance of the common song "14 minutes before the start".

Additional material


(lyrics by P. Sinyavsky, music by Y. Chichkov)

1. As in the field of the cosmodrome

We run out through the yard.

We get down to business together:

From the swing near the house

We need to make a simulator,

You need to get used to weightlessness.


If we want to go to space,

So we will fly soon

The friendliest will be ours,

Our cheerful crew.

2. If we do not have a spacesuit,

To take flight, -

We can make it.

We have glass from an old headlight

Suitable for a spacesuit

And the cardboard box too.


3. Why are we not astronauts,

If each of us

Even dreaming about the orbital complex?

And we agree even tomorrow

Even today, even now

Take a rocket ride into space.



Say: "Gagarin!" - and suddenly in front of us

It rushes upward, drawn by a whirlwind,

Throwing a promethean flame into the sky,

Deafening steppe with ecstatic thunder.

Explicitly you will see how he, inspired,

The thread of gold is lowering in turns,

Flying ball and strings of the universe

Touching in a bold flight with your hands.

Strings of those invisible, smelling the plexus.

Rushing between them in immeasurable width.

Listen up! Singing flows into my heart -

He rushes, daring flight violating

The eternal rest of the stellar universe.

Listen to the keen ears of the stars

Hearts beating and sigh of a human.

I see: the calmness of the eye under the eyebrow,

In a clear smile, the glow of life.

Heard from the sky: “Health is in order.

Glory to the dear Soviet motherland! "

Our contemporary, he lived between us,

I expected something new from my homeland.

Loyal, always ready with friends

To new intelligence of the secrets of the universe.

He is now between us, alive,

And the memory of the people will not die about him,

His name will eternally abide in hearts

The call and symbol of a bold take-off!

A. Surkov


(lyrics by V. Orlov, music by I. Arseev)

Spaceports are thundering like distant thunderstorms,

The astronauts are looking at the blue ball,

And somewhere high stars are shining

That will be open by both me and you.

Nothing disturbs the vastness of the Fatherland,

The earth fell asleep, and the city fell silent ...

A Chief designer finished,

may be,

A drawing of your and mine starships.

They swim somewhere in their own ways,

Now they do not even know themselves,

That they will be called by their names,

And it is very possible - yours and mine.

Midnight stars came down to the headboard

They call for themselves, quietly ringing.

The Motherland believes us and looks with love,

And gives you and me a smile.


There are different dates. Some are remembered by only a few people, others are noted by all people. It is to this date that the day April 12, 1961 belongs. Since that festive morning, the habitation of space began. More and more powerful rockets rise to the stars. But the further the year of the first manned space flight leaves us, the louder and more solemn the name of the pioneer of the Universe sounds. Everyone loved Yuri Gagarin. He has an ordinary biography. The grandson of a worker at the Putilov factory, the son of a peasant, a craft school, a technical school, a flying club, a flight school - these are the milestones of his path. But Gagarin loved and knew how to work. And so he became a hero.

For centuries, people dreamed of flying to the stars ... In 1960, a series of space flights was carried out with automatic control, Whose "passengers" were animals.

Finally, on April 12, 1961, at 9 hours 7 minutes Moscow time, the Vostok spacecraft with a man on board was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Having rounded the Earth, the ship landed on the Volga land near Saratov. Yu. A. Gagarin became the first cosmonaut in the world.

The night before the flight, Yuri slept for 8 hours, woke up cheerful and calm. He was confident that everything would be fine. Gagarin boarded the ship. The rocket engines roared with a capacity of 20 million horsepower. The spaceship "Vostok" rushed upward. At an altitude of three hundred kilometers, Vostok entered orbit. He rushed around the Earth at a speed of 28 thousand kilometers per hour. The flight lasted 108 minutes. The ship made a full revolution around the Earth and smoothly descended in a given area. This is how the era of manned space travel began.

Galina Bardakova

In my organization, events are held not only on the basis of the institution itself, but also in schools with which we have established interaction.

I offer a blueprint for the game, which was developed by me in collaboration with a colleague specialist in social work S. A. Takmashova.

Target: generalization and improvement of students' knowledge about space and space bodies.

1. educational: broadening the general outlook of children; consolidation of knowledge about facts and terminology about space; formation of knowledge about planets and other cosmic bodies in a playful way;

2. educating: formation of teamwork skills, communication skills; fostering a respectful attitude towards each other and towards other people's opinions; developing skills to be able to listen and hear others;

3. developing: development of logical thinking, memory and speech, both oral and written; development of coordination; development of creativity and creative thinking.

Planned results:

Subject: know the date World day astronautics, space terminology; know what event is dedicated to the World Cosmonautics Day; know the name of the person who flew first into space; know what planets are in the solar system, what space bodies are; know how to study space.

Cognitive: be able to navigate in their knowledge system, be able to generalize and draw conclusions.

Regulatory: be able to clearly state your assumption; be able to pronounce the sequence of actions; be able to plan their activities; be able to control their actions and correlate them with the result.

Communicative: be able to listen and hear others, be able to formulate their thoughts in oral and written speech, be able to follow the rules of communication in a team; be able to negotiate with others.

Personal: develop the ability to think critically; develop the ability to give self-assessment of their activities; develop creative thinking.

Technical equipment: encrypted letter; cipher; cards "Tell me a word"; puzzles on the plot of the cartoon "Valley"; paper stars; star cards with riddles; a poster of the constellation Ursa Major and Ursa Minor; cards with tasks on the Unknown Planet; space debris (cubes, toys); ribbon; handkerchief; self-test card.

Course of the lesson

1. Motivation of activity

Guys, tell me, what month is it now? (April)

And what is the next holiday in our country? (children express their opinion)

What do you think our today's lesson will be devoted to? Name an approximate topic (Cosmonautics Day)

Today we will make a space trip to unknown planets. Are you ready to play? (Ready)

2. Updating knowledge

For centuries, man has been staring at the sky. He walked on land and was not afraid to swim far into the sea, because his landmarks were the stars. Man populated the sky with gods, but he himself wanted to get to it. And then legends about flying people appeared, fantastic novels about people flying. And in the XX century, the first airplanes appeared, rockets flew into space.

The morning came on April 12, 1961. Guys, tell me what happened that day? (The first manned flight into space)

How many years will it be this year from the date of the first manned flight into space?

So, this year the first manned flight into space is 55 years old. And we, like Yu. A. Gagarin, also want to be participants in the process of space exploration. So, recently we received an interesting letter from space. It's encrypted.

3. Activity planning phase

What do you think needs to be done to decipher it?

Thus, we will go on a journey into space across the planets to look for cipher keys (the cipher is based on the letters of the Russian alphabet).

However, all of us together with you will not fit on one ship. So what do we need to do? (Split into two teams)

Each team needs to come up with its own name and choose the captain of the ship.

4. Stage of practical activity

We have two teams. Each team, completing tasks correctly, will receive asterisks. The team with the most asterisks will receive part of the cipher.

So, before going into space, the captains of the ships must pass the appropriate tests at the training base. There will be two of them:

1. Test for coordination (walk blindfolded along the tape without losing balance). The captain who completes the task receives an asterisk.

2. A test of ingenuity (collecting space debris without leaving the chair on which the team captain sits). The captain who collected the most "garbage" gets an asterisk.

Well done! Now we see that you are ready, and we go into outer space.

Guys, what's the name of our galaxy? ("Milky Way")

We are flying along the Milky Way, and the first thing we meet is the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

Now the team captains will pull an asterisk from the file attached to the poster with the constellations "Ursa Major" and "Ursa Minor" and make them to their team. For each correct answer, the team receives an asterisk.

Let's summarize.

We leave the Milky Way and collide with the new planet S490.

You are waiting for the test "Speak a word":

To arm the eye

And be friends with the stars

See the milky way

We need a powerful ...

A telescope for hundreds of years

They study the life of the planets.

He will tell us about everything

Clever uncle ...

Astronomer - he is a stargazer,

Knows everything!

Only better than stars visible

The sky is full ...

A bird cannot reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon

But he can do it

Do it fast ...

The rocket has a driver

Weightlessness lover.

In English: "astronaut"

And in Russian …

An astronaut is sitting in a rocket

Cursing everything in the world -

In orbit as luck would have it

Appeared ...

UFO flies to a neighbor

From the constellation Andromeda,

It howls like a wolf out of boredom

Evil green ...

The humanoid is off course

Lost in three planets

If there is no star card,

Speed ​​won't help ...

Light flies the fastest

Kilometers are not counted.

The sun gives life to the planets,

Warmth for us, tails - ...

The comet flew around

I looked at everything in the sky.

He sees a hole in space -

It's black ...

There is darkness in black holes

Busy with something black.

I finished my flight there

Interplanetary ...

For each correct answer, the team receives an asterisk. Let's summarize.

Guys, we received a distress signal from the mysterious planet Robotinia. Where do you think this name comes from? (Robots live on it)

Right, but these robots are broken, and we need to help them. We will distribute puzzles to you that need to be assembled into one drawing and answer the question of which cartoon these robots are taken from. The team with the first single picture will receive an asterisk.

Well done! In the meantime, we are heading further, and arrive at an unknown planet, where no man's foot has stepped. Incomprehensible creatures live on it. We don’t know them and we don’t know their language either. On this unexplored planet, you have to go through the last test, namely: the team captains will choose from the offered cards ("You want to buy three birds with one stone" or "You want to play football") one with a task and, using only gestures, without saying a word, try to explain what they want to get to their team. For the correct answer, the team receives an asterisk.

Summing up the results.

5. Stage of independent work with self-test

So, we got all the parts of the cipher. Now is the time to return to Earth, the training base.

We found the code, what can we do now?

The solution to the cipher is your collective work.

One of the children reads the resulting message: “Take care of the planet - your home! Hurry to save nature! "

Summing up, awarding medals

6. Reflection

Did you enjoy today's lesson?

Was everything clear?

What was left unclear?

How active were you in the class?

Scenario of the competition program for Cosmonautics Day in grades 5-6-7

Goals: develop students' erudition, study new material, consolidate the passed; develop dexterity and ingenuity.

Preliminary preparation... For this event, the teacher can offer students the following poems to memorize.


The stars are clear, the stars are high!

What do you keep in yourself, what do you hide?

Stars that hide deep thoughts

By what force do you captivate the soul?

Frequent asterisks, tight asterisks!

What is beautiful in you, what is powerful in you?

What do you carry away, stars of heaven,

Great power of burning knowledge?

And why is it when you shine

Beckon to the sky, into the wide arms?

Look so tenderly, caress your heart,

Heavenly stars, distant stars!



After all, if the stars are lit -

So - someone wants them to be?

Means - someone calls these spit


And, straining

in blizzards of midday dust,

rushes to god,

afraid that he is late

kisses his sinewy hand,

so that there must be a star!

Swears -

will not bear this starless torment!

anxious walks

but outwardly calm.

Says to someone:

"Isn't there nothing to you now?"

Not scary?


After all, if the stars

light up -

means - someone needs it?

It means - it is necessary,

so that every evening

over the rooftops

at least one star lit up ?!

Event progress


Sons and daughters of the blue planet

Soar upward, disturbing the stars of peace.

The path to interstellar space has been established

For satellites, rockets, scientific stations.

The era of space is marching forward!

The rockets keep flying

Starting from Baikonur every year.

The people got used to such phenomena.

He keeps the first love in his soul,

Let thousands fly to the stars again

But the first was Gagarin, he was his own,

Dear, with a childish smile, mischievous.

When Astronautics Day is celebrated,

Everyone remembers their favorite.

But on this day, we will congratulate those

Who creates glory for the country, success:

Everyone who is watching the remote control from the Earth,

How astronauts perform a feat,

And those who send ships

Starting from Mother Earth, -

Everyone who is connected with space science in life.

The people owe their love to them.

The country is proud of astronautics:

She was and will be necessary for us!

Hello dear students! Today our quiz is dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. This day will forever remain in the history and hearts of millions of people. Thanks to the diligent efforts of our famous scientists, we now have access to seemingly unattainable and immense space!

And now we invite you, dear participants, to an impromptu airfield.

To start the quiz, you need to split into two teams.

There are cards on the teacher's table, the number of which corresponds to the number of children. On back side cards marked with numbers 1 and 2. Each participant comes up and draws a card, looks at his team number.

Each of the teams is offered a specific task. The team that gave the correct answer first earns one point. The team with the most points is considered the winner of the event. It also takes into account the resourcefulness, ingenuity and dexterity of the teams.

Quiz questions:

1. What is our solar system made of? (From the sun and all bodies that revolve around it under the influence of gravity.)

2. What is the universe? (Space and all bodies that fill it.)

3. What is a galaxy? (Giant clusters of stars scattered throughout the universe.)

4. What galaxy do we live in? (Milky Way Galaxy.)

5. What planets of the solar system do you know? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.)

6. Which planet is called the Morning Star? (Venus.)

7. What is the largest planet in the solar system? (Jupiter.)

8. Which planet is the smallest? (Pluto.)

9. At what time of the year is the Earth closer to the Sun? (In winter.)

10. Which planet is the brightest visible from Earth? (Venus).

11. Which planet has the highest mountains? (On Mars.)

12. Why is the planet Mars called the "red" planet? (Because of the color of her deserts.)

13. What is the place in the solar system where man's foot has gone? (Moon.)

14. What is astronomy? (Science of celestial bodies.)

15. What are meteorites? (Debris of comets that fell to Earth.)

16. What is an observatory? (A building equipped for astronomical observations.)

17. What is a telescope? (An astronomical device for observing celestial bodies.)

18. Who invented the first telescope? (Italian scientist Galileo Galilei.)

19. What is a comet? (A celestial body in the form of a hazy glowing spot and a tail-shaped strip of light.)

20. What scientist proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun? (Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus.)

21. Which of the scientists of our country is the founder of cosmonautics? (K.E. Tsiolkovsky.)

22. Name an outstanding designer of rocket and space systems, whose name is associated with the first victories of our country in space exploration. (Academician S.P. Korolev.)

23. Name the astronaut who made the first space flight. (K) .A. Gagarin.)

24. What event is the celebration of the Cosmonautics Day timed to? (On April 12, 1961, Yu.A. Gagarin made the first space flight.)

25. Name the first female astronaut in our country. (Valentina Nikolaevna Tereshkova.)

26. What is it called aircraft? (Rocket.)

Additional information:

Mercury- the planet closest to the Sun, located at a distance of 58 million km from the Sun. It makes a complete revolution around it in 88 days.

Venus- the second in distance from the Sun and the planet closest to the Earth. Venus is the hottest planet. The period of rotation around the Sun is 225 days. Moving in orbit, it comes closest to Earth.

Earth... Most of the Earth's surface is the World Ocean (71%), land - 29%. Daily rotation the globe takes place in 23 hours 56 minutes 41 seconds. The light from the Sun reaches us in 8 minutes.

Mars- the fourth planet in distance from the Sun, cold and waterless. The highest mountains are on Mars - about 27 km high. A day on Mars lasts 24 hours 39 minutes. A year on Mars lasts 689 days. During the day, the temperature reaches 0 degrees, and at night it drops to 100 degrees Celsius.

Jupiter- the fifth in distance from the Sun. The largest planet, it takes almost 12 years for one revolution around the Sun. The period of Jupiter's rotation around its axis is 9 hours 50 minutes; the temperature reaches 140 degrees.

Saturn- the sixth planet. It differs from all the others in that it has about 7 rings. They all revolve around the planet. The rings are composed of many individual particles that have the structure of meteorites and dust. Saturn makes a revolution in 10 hours 15 minutes. The temperature of this planet is 170 degrees.

Uranus is the first planet to be discovered with a telescope. This is the seventh planet from the Sun. In diameter, it is almost a quarter larger than the Earth. It has been orbiting the Sun for 84 years, the temperature is 215 degrees.

Neptune- makes a full turn in 164 years.

Pluto - last planet... It is 40 times farther from the Sun than the Earth. This is the smallest and coldest planet.

Clever girls! It turns out that you know so much about space, planets and stars that I do not doubt your knowledge about the origin of life on our planet.

Did you know that the age of our old woman-Earth, which is the home of all mankind, is very great. It is even difficult to imagine it: the Earth appeared in stellar space about five billion years ago! Try to imagine, feel this time. Five billion - this means taking five times a billion years! That's how far from our time is her birthday!

For the convenience of studying the stages of the formation of our planet, scientists have divided the history of its development and the evolution of life into separate eras, using for this some natural, characteristics... In turn, eras are divided into periods. The duration of an era and each period - their age - is defined in millions of years.

The era of the stellar existence of the Earth - then red-hot and lifeless - is removed from our time for billions of years. The atmosphere was saturated with hot gases and water vapor. The clouds of volcanic ash enveloped the planet in a continuous veil and did not let the sun's rays through. Water vapor gradually thickened as the Earth cooled, and finally hot torrential rains poured out, which continued for millennia ... Water - the basis for the emergence and existence of living matter - appeared on the planet in the first half of the Archean era. This was the time of the formation of the first ancient seas and oceans. And as you know, the ocean is the cradle of life. After all, the first living cells originated in the ocean. This is how life appeared on Earth. This event took place about two billion seven hundred million years ago. Moreover, the named figure is scientifically substantiated. It was determined by scientists based on the age of the fossilized remains of the first invertebrates, the first algae and the first bacteria that appeared on Earth.

During the next four eras: Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic - our planet acquired its modern shape. And today, in the age of technological progress, we have the opportunity to explore space, stellar bodies and other planets.

So, we are at the cosmodrome, where teams of astronauts are waiting for us, dreaming of being in space, but only the one that becomes the strongest will be able to fly. Therefore, to become an excellent astronaut, it is not enough to be healthy and have special knowledge. You also need to be hardy, dexterous, resourceful, and easily cope with the problems that arise during space flight.

Task 1. "Ring"

The two teams stand parallel to each other. There is a hoop in front of each team. The members of each team must climb through the hoop in turn and take their former place... The team that completes the task earlier wins.

Assignment 2. "Staggering Boom"

A boom (or a low long bench) with a length of several meters is installed at a height of 30-40 cm from the floor or ground. Two teams line up at the ends of the boom. At the signal, the first participants begin to move towards each other, pushing the opponent together. The fallen player is eliminated from the game. And the next pair comes into play. The team that manages to move to the opposite end wins.

Are you tired? Let's get some rest. Before you - crossword, which we will now solve together.

1. This planet has seven rings. (Saturn.)

2. The planet is red. (Mars.)

6. Name the planet, most of which is the world's oceans. (Earth.)

8. The planet discovered with a telescope. (Uranus.)

Task 3. "Cosmonaut's chair"

One representative from the team is selected. The participant sits in a chair and, without leaving it, tries to collect ten objects located around him (the distance to them should be at least half a meter).

Task 4. "Arrows of the Universe"

A plywood board with a starry sky is displayed in front of each team. Near each star is a number. The smaller the star, the higher its number. From a distance of 4-5 m, a team member must hit one of the stars with darts. Whoever gets the most points is the winner.

All the most difficult tasks are over, one thing remains, but no less important. Dexterity and dexterity you do not occupy, so you need to take care of what to take with you into space.

On the table are two sets of drawings depicting the following items: a book, a notebook, a fountain pen, an apple, a cat, a spacesuit, an alarm clock, a slipper, a camera, a tube of semolina, a spoon, a tube of cake, etc. Each participant must choose one of the the items he liked most and explain why.

So our competition is over. The floor is given to our esteemed jury, which will determine the winner today. Today you have shown deep knowledge of astronomy, proved that you can cope with any problem.

And the guys have prepared poems for you, which they will read now.

Students recite poetry. Summing up the results of the quiz.

And we just have to say goodbye and wish each other good luck, happiness, success and see you in the intergalactic space.

Already 56 years have passed since that significant day for the development of all mankind - April 12, 1961. Then it was the USSR that sent the first man into space, who soon returned safely to Earth. Since 1968, Cosmonautics Day, celebrated in our country since 1962, has received the status international holiday... In honor of the opening of the era of space flight, Astronautics Day at the school is held on April 12 or the day before. Rocket flying school holidays are held in both elementary and high school. Younger children are given quizzes and funny competitions. Very often, people who personally know the heroes-cosmonauts, rocket engineers, or even teachers of physics and astronomy are invited to visit the children. The latter read lectures on the planets and the structure of our galaxy to curious boys and girls, introduce them to the basic concepts of astronomy. We have prepared the most interesting ideas organizing events for the International Day of Human Space Flight.

Cosmonautics Day 2017 at school - Scenario of the event 12 April

The event held at the school on April 12 is chosen according to the age of the children. For example, for boys and girls elementary grades you can organize an exciting game "I will be an astronaut." Children in elementary grades already know that only the most courageous, dexterous, resourceful and educated people become astronauts. During the game, children can be asked questions about the names of the planets, about space, the Earth, the first rocket designers. The child who answers the question correctly receives a bright token or card. The game can include simple competitions for physical endurance - squats, jumps on one leg, balance. At the end of the game "I will be an astronaut," the teacher counts the number of tokens received by each student. The winners will receive sweets and homemade certificates. High school students can organize a holiday without the participation of a teacher. Each class always has a leader, a teenager with good organizational skills. He will be able to offer classmates best ideas holding extracurricular activities in honor of the Day of Cosmonautics - skits, fantastic performances about life on other planets, concerts-presentations.

Ideas for holding events for the Day of Cosmonautics at school - Performance "Other Worlds"

On the eve of April 12, the whole class can go to the planetarium. The very same holiday is better spent at school. Senior pupils and schoolchildren of the middle grades can prepare the most interesting play "Other Worlds" for kids. The play can consist of several scenes and performances of "aliens" who came to us on Earth and faced with rules unknown to them until now road traffic or etiquette. The performance can include funny dance numbers and songs in the "Martian" language. The talker bird from "The Mystery of the Third Planet" can come to visit the guys. This animal, as you know, is distinguished by "intelligence and ingenuity" can ask boys and girls questions related not only to life in space, but also on Earth.

Primary School Cosmonautics Day Celebration - Elementary Activities

Children 6-9 years old are the most grateful listeners and the most active spectators. That is why any event in honor of the Cosmonautics Day, organized and held with heart, will appeal to these curious boys and girls. Of course, the guys themselves are still too young to organize a concert or stage performances on their own, but high school students and parents can help them with this. For a visit with the smallest one, you can invite a school graduate who wants to tell children about space, shipbuilding, cosmonaut training and zero gravity conditions. When giving any lecture or lesson in elementary school, you do not need to make the presentation too long - the kids still do not know how to concentrate on one thing for a long time. In whatever form it takes school event April 12, for it you need to prepare in advance illustrations with images of spaceships, orbital stations. A class or hall for the Day of Cosmonautics should be decorated with portraits of astronauts, rocket shipbuilders, famous engineers.

Ideas for a festive event for the Day of Cosmonautics in primary school - Contests "I am the future cosmonaut"

In the lower grades, children simply love contests. If the guys know that there will be surprises for the winners, they try to win any of the proposed competitions with all their might. In the case of choosing mobile contests in honor of Cosmonautics Day, the venue of the event should be gym, the school hall or, in case of good weather, the area behind the school. Before the mobile event "I am a future cosmonaut" in elementary school, children are gathered in a class. A teacher or high school students briefly tell them about the first manned flight into space. After that, everyone goes to the competition venue. The list of competitions and the rules for their conduct are drawn up in advance. This may include endurance and speed competitions “Blow the balls faster”, ingenuity (“Cosmic Dictionary” with guessing words related to space), solving riddles related to the names of planets, the names of astronauts and other entertainments of interest to children of primary school age ... Based on the results of all competitions under the general title "I am the future cosmonaut", the teacher announces the winners and presents them with medals, certificates and sweets prepared in advance.

Cosmonautics Day at School - April 12 Quiz

"Cosmos" in translation from the Greek language, the word means "world", "order". Indeed, today, when already schoolchildren we begin to think about the structure of the world, our and other galaxies, an understanding comes: outer space will never be fully explored. Nevertheless, the beginning of the exploration of space has been laid. Cosmonautics Day as the date of the first manned flight around the Earth is celebrated all over the world. In schools on April 12 or the day before the solemn date, festive events are held, including quizzes.

Quiz ideas for Cosmonautics Day at school with answers to questions

Having made the decision to hold a quiz at the school on Cosmonautics Day, it is imperative to pay attention to the complexity of the questions. Everything should depend on the age of the guys participating in this competition. The very word "quiz" (from the Latin "Victoria") suggests that there are winners. They need to prepare certificates, medals, unusual prizes related to space. Before the event itself, the presenter or teacher briefly tells the story of space exploration, showing students photographs of rockets, satellites, astronauts, rocket scientists. In the informational part of the event, you can include facts, which will be devoted to some of the questions of the quiz. The most attentive students will be the winners. For high school students and children high school you can ask questions related to dates, surnames, exact names of ships and orbital stations. Children of elementary grades will be able to correctly tell about the first cosmonaut, animals that flew into space, give answers to questions about the Earth's satellite, the Moon. When organizing this school activity, you can use the questions and answers on this page.

Quiz questions
Question: What is space?
Answer: Cosmos (Greek κόσμος - "world") is the same as the Universe. Literally translated from Greek, space means - order.
Question: What science studies the stars, the Galaxy, the starry sky?
Answer: Astronomy
Question: Who was the first person to fly into space?
Answer: Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin
Question: What is the name of the apparatus designed for manned space flight?
Answer: space rocket (jet aircraft)
Question: Who was called "the father of Russian cosmonautics"?
Answer: Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky
Question: Who was at the origin of the creation of Soviet rocket and space technology? Who was the creator of the first manned spacecraft?
Answer: Sergey Pavlovich Korolev
Question: Who was the first to put forward the idea of ​​using rockets for space flights?
Answer: Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was one of the first to put forward the idea of ​​using rockets for space flights.
Question: In what year was the first artificial Earth satellite launched?
Answer: October 4, 1957
Question: Which country was the first to launch an artificial Earth satellite?
Answer: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Question: Who was the first of our little friends to visit space and what was his name?
Answer: dog Laika
Question: What year is the first Living being have been in space?
Answer: November 3, 1957 - the second artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik-2, was launched, which for the first time launched a living creature into space - the dog Laika.
Question: in what year did the Luna-1 station pass at a distance of 6,000 kilometers from the lunar surface and entered a heliocentric orbit, becoming the world's first artificial satellite of the Sun?
Answer: January 4, 1959
Question: In what year was the first ever orbital flight into space of living beings with a successful return to Earth?
Answer: On August 19, 1960, the dogs Belka and Strelka made this flight on the Sputnik-5 spacecraft.
Question: What was the name of the ship on which Yu. A. Gagarin made his flight?
Answer: "Vostok-1"
Question: When was the first flight into space in the history of mankind?
Answer: April 12, 1961
Question: Who and when made the first spacewalk?
Answer: March 18, 1965 - the first manned spacewalk in history. Cosmonaut Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, made a spacewalk from the Voskhod-2 spacecraft.
Question: Who was the first female astronaut?
Answer: On June 16, 1963, the world's first space flight of a woman astronaut was performed. It was Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova on the Vostok-6 spacecraft.
Question: When did the first human landing on the moon take place?
Answer: July 21, 1969 - the first manned landing on the moon; American astronaut Neil Alden Armstrong as part of the Apollo 11 lunar expedition. He delivered the first samples of lunar soil to Earth.
Question: Which of the women was the first to go into outer space?
Answer: The first woman to walk into outer space was Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya. The exit took place on July 25, 1984 from the Salyut-7 orbital space station.

Cosmonautics Day at school is always a bright and memorable event. Not only primary school children, but also high school students associate space with everything unusual, mysterious, unknown. By organizing events in the classroom on April 12, you can choose any form of the celebration - a concert, a performance with scenes, competitions, contests or a quiz.

Quiz for junior schoolchildren with answers "Flight into space".

Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, primary school teacher of MBOU "Zolotukhinsky secondary school" in the village of Zolotukhino, Kursk region
Description: the quiz is dedicated to the International Day of Cosmonautics and is intended for primary and secondary school children. Holiday material can be used for conversations, class hours and extracurricular activities.
Target: formation of knowledge in children about the formation of astronautics, about the first flights into space.
1.To teach children to see and hear, to look inquisitively at the world, to observe this world.
2. To generalize, consolidate and deepen the knowledge of students about space, obtained in the lessons of the surrounding world and in the geographic circle "Live to live".
3. To contribute to the formation of knowledge about nature, its laws.
4. To develop the emotional and sensory sphere of the personality of schoolchildren.
5. To contribute to the development of thinking, attention, observation, moral and patriotic education of schoolchildren.
Preliminary work:
1. Reading fiction about space and astronauts, research in the circle "To live to live", active participation in various competitions around the world, visiting the museum of cosmonautics and planetarium in Kursk.
Literature for reading:
I. Series "Astronomy for smart kids":
1. "Your Sun". Artist Z. N. Yarina. Moscow: Bely Gorod, 2005.5,000 copies.
2. "The moon is the granddaughter of the Sun." Artist Z. N. Yarina. Moscow: Bely Gorod, 2005.5,000 copies. 32 s.
3. "The Stars Are Sisters of the Sun". Artist Z. N. Yarina. Moscow: Bely Gorod, 2005.5,000 copies. 32 s.
4. "Everybody is dancing in the family of the Sun." Artist Z. N. Yarina. Moscow: Bely Gorod, 2005.5,000 copies. 32 s.
5. "Long-haired stars". Artist Z. N. Yarina. Moscow: Bely Gorod, 2007.5,000 copies. 32 s.
6. "Small Planets". Artist Z. N. Yarina. Moscow: Bely Gorod, 2007.5,000 copies. 32 s.
7. "The stones that fell from the sky." Artist Z.N. Yarina. Moscow: Bely Gorod, 2007.5,000 copies. 32 s.
8. "Star Pictures". Artist Z. N. Yarina. Moscow: Bely Gorod, 2007.5,000 copies. 32 s.
9. "Our star city is the Galaxy." Artist Z. N. Yarina. Moscow: Bely Gorod, 2007.5,000 copies. 32 s.
10. "Hey, aliens!" Artist Z. N. Yarina. Moscow: Bely Gorod, 2007.5,000 copies. 32 s.
II. Small encyclopedias for children
1. "Astronomy from A to Z". Artists S. Volkov and G. Volkova. Moscow: Argumenty i Fakty, 1999.19,980 copies.
2. "Entertaining physics" (co-authored with TA Nikiforova). Artists S. Volkov, G. Volkova. Moscow: Argumenty i Fakty, 2004.15,000 copies.
3. "Cosmonautics from A to Z". Artists S. Volkov, G. Volkova. Moscow: Argumenty i Fakty, 2000.14,500 copies.
4. "How the Universe was discovered." Artists S. Volkov, G. Volkova, Zh. Zubtsova. Moscow: Argumenty i Fakty, 2004.15,000 copies. 65 s.
5. "Russian Star Sons" (co-authored with SA Gerasyutin). Small encyclopedia of cosmonautics. M .: Helios, 2007.1500 copies. 226 s.
6. "Your Universe". A book for lovers of unusual travel. Artists E.A. Dyukova, V.V. Efanov, E.V. Lenchevskaya, O. V. Popovich, V.A. Prokudin. M .: Education, 2007.5,000 copies. 160 s.
7. "Traveling the Universe". My first book on astronomy and cosmonautics. Book to read. Artists N.A. Shevarev, A.B. Yudkin, N.A. Dymova, E.V. Semenov. M .: Education, 2007.10,000 copies.
The sky is now split
And we go to Eternity
There, where the starry Fiction
And Milky infinity
Where stars give us Tenderness,
Changing your spectrality.

And promises loyalty
Misty Unreality! /Pause/

After man invented the plane and conquered the sky, people wanted to climb higher. One of the first to think about space flights was the Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.
K.E. Tsiolkovsky is the pride of Russia, one of the fathers of cosmonautics, a great scientist.

In 1955, it was decided to build a launch pad for space rockets.
It was in Kazakhstan, far from large settlements.
The location of the cosmodrome is BAIKONUR.

All the most cherished dreams the founders of cosmonautics were brought to life by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev

October 4, 1957 became a significant date in the history of the country - the first artificial Earth satellite was launched. The space age has begun.

The first satellite of the Earth was a shiny ball from aluminum alloys and was small - 58 cm in diameter, weighing -83.6 kg.
On November 3, 1957, the second artificial satellite was launched, on May 15, 1958 - the third. The launch of satellites made it possible to begin the study of outer space.
Scientists were faced with the task of putting a living creature into orbit. The way into space for humans was paved by dogs. Animal testing began as early as 1949. The first "cosmonauts" were recruited in the doorways - a total of 32 dogs were caught.

Doctors believed that mongrels are not capricious, unpretentious, they are easy to train.
The weight of the dogs was supposed to be 6 kg, and the height should not be higher than 35 cm.
The first dog start took place on July 22, 1951.

Mongrels Dezik and Gypsy survived the flight successfully! Gypsy and Dezik climbed 110 km, then the cabin with them freely fell from a height of 7 km. At this mark, the parachute opened, and both "cosmonauts" landed safely. The second launch ended in failure: the parachute did not open and Dezik and his partner Lisa died. Over the entire period of experiments - until the spring of 1961, 29 rockets with animals were launched, while 10 dogs died. In addition to dogs, guinea pigs, monkeys, parrots, mice, rabbits flew into space - all of them honestly served a great dream.

This is a monument to Laika the dog, which flew into space on the second artificial satellite on November 3, 1957.
Since 1952, they began to practice flights of animals in spacesuits.
August 20, 1960 a spaceship was launched with dogs on board Belka and Strelka.
On April 12, 1961, a citizen of Russia Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin went into open space on the Vostok spacecraft.
He became a space pioneer for all mankind.

Everyone recognized him by his smile -
Such a smile was not the second!
The whole world applauded! Everyone was jubilant:
Gagarin circled our globe!
Since then, unknown distances have approached,
Ships are exploring space ...
And he started out - a Russian, nice guy,
Gagarin is the first cosmonaut on Earth!

Since 1968, the national Day of Cosmonautics has received official worldwide recognition after the establishment of the World Day of Aviation and Astronautics.


1.What is space? (Space is the Greek word for the ordering and interconnectedness of the universe. There are many planets, satellites, stars, systems, and galaxies in space.)
Teacher: What is space? Even in distant times, the ancient Greeks called the World (or the Universe) Cosmos, which literally means "order". "The modern concept of space includes the entire space of the Universe, including the Earth, near-earth and interplanetary space."
2. Who is an astronaut? (An astronaut is a person who tests and operates space technology in space flight).
Teacher: Of the many professions that exist on Earth, the profession of an astronaut is the most difficult, dangerous and responsible. Being an astronaut is a real feat, therefore all cosmonauts who have been in space have the title of Hero of the USSR and Russia.

3. What is the name of the astronaut suit? (Spacesuit)

4.With what instrument did people study the starry sky in ancient times?

5. What is the name of an artificial structure where you can see the celestial sphere with stars, planets and satellites, as well as solar and lunar eclipses? (Planetarium).
6. What is the name of the closest star to us? (The sun).
7. How many planets are in our solar system? List.
(There are 8 of them: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune)

8. Which planet is closest to the Sun? (Mercury)
9. Name the giant planets.
(Jupiter. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)

10. Until 2006, this planet was considered the 9th planet in the solar system, but in August 2006 the Assembly of the International Astronomical Union excluded it from the class of planets and transferred to the class of dwarf planets. What is it called? (Pluto)
11. When did the first successful manned space flight take place? (April 12, 1961)
12. Who became the first astronaut on Earth? (Yuri Gagarin - the first cosmonaut of the Earth)

13. What famous phrase did Yu.A. Gagarin uttered before the flight? ("Go!")
14. How many minutes did Yuri Gagarin's flight last? (108 minutes)
15. Name the first female astronauts. (Valentina Tereshkova and Svetlana Savitskaya)

16. Name the state of an astronaut that he experiences during the spacecraft's orbit. (Weightlessness).

17.What does the phrase "spacewalk" mean?
(The cosmonaut leaves his spacecraft to work in outer space).

18. Which of the cosmonauts was the first to go into outer space? (A. Leonov)


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